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1. When do we use the 2nd conditional?

a. For things that are impossible in the

present (being taller, thinner, richer, etc.)

b. For giving advice (sharing your advice as

another person, for example)

c. Discussing future events very unlikely to

happen, practically dreams

2. How do we form the second conditional?

a. If + past simple, would + infinitive

b. Would + infinitive if + past simple

3. Do we have to use the subjunctive when using

the verb “to be”?

a. In spoke English no!

b. In written English, like essays, and on

tests, yes!

4. Here are some questions in the 2nd conditional.

In your own words, describe what is being asked

and how it relates to the 2 uses of the 2nd


i. If you could relive your childhood, would you

do it?

1. It’s asking what actions you would do

if given the possibility to repeat part

of your childhood. This is something

that’s impossible, but I’m giving a

hypothetical answer. I wouldn’t! I’m

happy in the present :D

ii. Would you travel back in time if you had a

time machine?

1. Again, not possible at all, but a fun

hypothetical question you might ask

someone to learn more about them.

Me? I don’t think I would travel back

in time, it seems too complicated!

iii. If you won the lottery, what would be the first

thing you do?

1. Very unlikely to happen, I don’t think

will happen! But, if I won the lottery, I

would help my family members with

any debts they have!

iv. Would you rather buy a new car or take a

very expensive trip if you had the money?

1. Again, something super unlikely to

happen. But for myself, if I had to

choose between the two of these, I

would prefer an amazing trip

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