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David Beins

Steve Erichsen Thursday 2-4pm
Hi, my name is David, I’m currently studying a Bachelor of Commerce majoring in
marketing management and I’m in my 3rd and final year. In this presentation I will be
reflecting on the results of the emotional intelligence test with respect my philosophy on
ethics in marketing and CSR, to discuss the impact these aspects have on managerial
behaviours and where it can lead me in the future.
Before I start, I’ll tell you a little bit about myself, I’m currently working part-time in sales
and in that industry, I have really learned to capitalize from the units I have taken at
Macquarie to help me fulfil my role. I also love my sport playing football pretty much all my
life, playing at higher levels for school and club as well as also being a keen golfer. I’m a
member at KGC and love playing there whenever I can currently sitting at a 12 handicap. My
favourite subject at uni so far has been digital marketing as it allowed us to participate and
interact in a real-time digital environment. The unit also helped in building skills in creative
and collaborative groups which was interesting to do as businesses are increasingly becoming
more digitally inclined and to be able to work in these environments is particularly important
to careers in the future.
So, in the emotional intelligence test, the results given by the Global Leadership Foundation
are as follows, an 8 in self-awareness, a 6 in-self management, 9 in social awareness and a 4
in relationship management. Now each of these factors have different interpretations in
regard to the scores but it is safe to say that all 4 of the values are absolutely crucial to the
success of any team so it is imperative for individuals that these values are nurtured whilst
continuously growing.
Now with self-awareness, a score of 8 out of 10 would be beneficial to a managerial position
as it can lead to enhanced decision making, improved communication and more of an
understanding of how I am acting to create a healthy and sustainable working environment.
With the ability to check in on myself I would have the insight and emotional regulation to
lead teams successfully and ethically, whilst navigating workplace challenges. However, with
a lower rating in self-management this suggests that while I may possess some ability to
regulate my emotions and behaviours, there is much more room for improvement. Even
working in my current role and observing other managers, it is clear to see that in order to
effectively manage employees they first must manage themselves. This is because manager
that can’t seem to get their own affairs in order and are mentally not composed cannot be as
effective in their role. A 9/10 in social awareness however is extremely beneficial to being a
manager as a high level of proficiency in understanding and responding to the emotions,
needs and concerns of other co-workers is a crucial skill to maintain professional standards in
workplaces. Not only for my own workplace but also in areas such as networking, mentorship
and customer relations, understanding social cues and non-verbal communication such as
body language are extremely important in becoming a successful manager. Now in the area of
relationship management, a lower score indicates challenges in navigating interpersonal
relationships. Team cohesion and motivation must be at a satisfactory level if I was to
succeed in this role so I would work on my communications skills, conflict resolution,
building more empathy and most importantly, seeking feedback from my team. If I can
continue to improve on myself and my abilities, I believe it will improve on my ethical
standards as well as my job performance as a manager. This emotional intelligence test has
helped me understand that ethics are one of the most important aspects of management and
are key in marketing and CSR to help guarantee that employees are treated fairly and equally.
Now based on my analysis, in my future career an area that does interest me quite a bit is the
role of a sales manager. The industry it’s in could be anything but something based around
sales is something I enjoy in my current role, and I am open to the new responsibilities and
obligations it would demand. The role itself links well to my results in the emotional
intelligence test as my high levels in social and self-awareness allow me to be better equipped
to understand customer needs, build strong relationships, manage team dynamics to navigate
the challenges of the sales environment effectively. Ethics are very important in the role
itself, requiring a strong sense of trust between team members but also is essential to building
a strong reputation for clients and company. These values allow me to not only understand
myself but also the people surrounding me, which in the role are crucial to presenting myself
in a confident and professional manner. However, if I do not address my other weakness in
relationship and self-management, it can weaken my overall image and effectiveness as a
manager. So, I must strive to continue to work on these attributes to be able to set a good
example for my team carrying myself with discipline and value. Thankyou.

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