Scientific American Space & Physics Vol 3 5 October-November 2020

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The Most Confused of the Scientific Branches

Quantum researchers seem to have more theories than they know what to do with. Of the handful of options, take,
for example, the many-worlds view, which posits that when a quantum observation is made, reality splits into parallel
universes, each representing all potential outcomes. Or there is the relatively new QBism camp, members of which
argue that quantum mechanics is subjective to the individuals making predictions about how they will measure an
experiment. On top of these conflicting theories, any new experimental data invariably support one possible explana-
tion and contradict another. What to make of this confounding research situation? Where some see an impasse,
others see opportunity. At the very end of this issue’s cover story, Michele Reilly, co-founder of a quantum computing
company based in New York City, tells our reporter that such confusion opens the door for novel experiments, of both
the theoretical variety and the physical (see “This Twist on Schrödinger’s Cat Paradox Has Major Implications for
Quantum Theory”). If that’s not a pure emblem of the scientific method, then I don’t know what is.
Elsewhere in this issue, Anil Ananthaswamy examines the latest estimates of alien life in the universe—estimates


that ride on 18th-century statistics (see “How Many Aliens Are in the Milky Way? Astronomers Turn to Statistics for
Answers”). And Alexandra Witze gives a dazzling overview of NASA’s latest rover project: Perseverance (see “NASA
Has Launched the Most Ambitious Mars Rover Ever Built: Here’s What Happens Next”). If any field needed the On the Cover
gumption to keep going for the long haul, it’s space and physics. Enjoy! An experimental twist on the
Schrödinger’s cat paradox
Andrea Gawrylewski could overturn cherished
Senior Editor, Collections assumptions in metaphysics

WHAT’S October–November 2020
Volume 3 • No. 5

28. Unidentified Aerial
Phenomena, Better
Known as UFOs,
Deserve Scientific
UAP are a scientifically

interesting problem.
Interdisciplinary teams
of scientists should
study them
31. Could We Force
the Universe to Crash?


If we’re all living in a
simulation, as some have
NEWS 8. Time’s Arrow Flies 13. Mystery over suggested, it would be
4. Quantum Tunneling through 500 Years Universe’s Expansion a good, albeit risky, way
Is Not Instantaneous, of Classical Music, Deepens with to find out for sure
Physicists Show Physicists Say Fresh Data 33. A Movie of the
A new experiment A statistical study A long-awaited map Evolving Universe
of more than 8,000 of the big bang’s FEATURES Is Potentially Scary
tracks the transit time
of particles burrowing compositions shows afterglow fails to 16. This Twist on Schrödinger’s Cat Paradox The Vera C. Rubin
through barriers, how the flow of time settle a debate over Has Major Implications for Quantum Theory Observatory will reveal
revealing previously distinguishes music how fast the universe A laboratory demonstration of the classic “Wigner’s all sorts of short-term
unknown details of from noise is expanding friend” thought experiment could overturn cherished changes in the cosmos—
a deeply counterintuitive 11. Higgs Boson Gives 14. This Photo assumptions about reality and some could have
phenomenon Next-Generation of the Sun 21. How Many Aliens Are in the Milky Way? dire consequences
Particle Its Heft Is the Closest Astronomers Turn to Statistics for Answers for humanity
6. Scientists Unveil Experiments at the Ever Taken The tenets of Thomas Bayes, an 18th-century
First Ever Pictures Large Hadron Collider Close-up reveals statistician and minister, underpin the latest
of Multiple Planets suggest that muons and a surface dancing estimates of the prevalence of extraterrestrial life
around a Sunlike Star other “second-generation
with “campfires” 25. NASA Has Launched the Most
The two giant worlds, particles” obtain their Ambitious Mars Rover Ever Built:
each much larger than mass from interacting Here’s What Happens Next
Jupiter, constitute only with the Higgs, further Perseverance will stow away rocks for eventual
the third multiplanet strengthening the delivery to Earth and will listen for Martian sounds
system ever imaged Standard Model for the first time


Quantum Tunneling Although it would not get you past a sured, for the first time, just how beautiful experiment,” says Igor Litvi-
brick wall and onto Platform 9 ¾ to long these atoms spend in transit nyuk of Griffith University in Austra-
Is Not Instantaneous, catch the Hogwarts Express, quan- through a barrier. Their findings lia, who works on quantum tunneling
Physicists Show tum tunneling—in which a particle appeared in Nature on July 23. but was not part of this demonstra-


A new experiment tracks “tunnels” through a seemingly insur- The researchers have showed tion. “Just to do it is a heroic effort.”
the transit time of particles mountable barrier—remains a con- that quantum tunneling is not instan- To appreciate just how bizarre
burrowing through barriers, founding, intuition-defying pheno­ taneous—at least, in one way of quantum tunneling is, consider a ball
revealing previously unknown menon. Now Toronto-based ex­­- thinking about the phenomenon— rolling on flat ground that encoun-
details of a deeply counter­­- perimental physicists using rubidium despite recent headlines that have ters a small, rounded hillock. What
intuitive phenomenon atoms to study this effect have mea- suggested otherwise. “This is a happens next depends on the speed


of the ball. Either it will reach the top through, and its amplitude does not “This is a beautiful experiment.
and roll down the other side, or it will go to zero on the barrier’s far side.
climb partway uphill and slide back Thus, there remains a finite probabil-
Just to do it is a heroic effort.”
down because it does not have ity, however small, of detecting the —Igor Litvinyuk
enough energy to get over the top. particle beyond the barrier.
This situation, however, does not Physicists have known about
hold for particles in the quantum quantum tunneling since the late functions (the most likely place to ond). Even light, which travels at
world. Even when a particle does not 1920s. Today the phenomenon is at find the particles) that was traveling about 300,000 kilometers per sec-
possess enough energy to go over the heart of devices such as tunnel- at superluminal speed. The leading ond, can only travel over three
the top of the hillock, sometimes it ing diodes, scanning tunneling edges of the wave functions of both ten-billionths of a meter, or about
will still get to the opposite end. “It’s microscopes and superconducting the unimpeded photon and the tun- the size of a single atom, in one atto-
as though the particle dug a tunnel qubits for quantum computing. neling photon reach their detectors at second. “[The time delay] could be
under the hill and appeared on the Ever since its discovery, experi- the same time, however—so there is zero, or it would be some zeptosec-
other side,” says study co-author mentalists have strived for a clearer no violation of Einstein’s theories of onds [10–21 second],” Litvinyuk says.
Aephraim Steinberg of the Univer- understanding of exactly what hap- relativity. “The peak of the wave func- Some media reports controver-
sity of Toronto. pens during tunneling. In 1993, for tion is allowed to be faster than light sially claimed that the Griffith Uni-
Such weirdness is best under- example, Steinberg, Paul Kwiat and without information or energy travel- versity experiment had shown tun-
stood by thinking of the particle in Raymond Chiao, all then at the ing faster than light,” Steinberg says. neling to be instantaneous. The
terms of its wave function, a mathe- University of California, Berkeley, Last year Litvinyuk and his col- confusion has a lot to do with theo-
matical representation of its quan- detected photons tunneling through leagues published results showing retical definitions of tunneling time.
tum state. The wave function evolves an optical barrier (a special piece of that when electrons in hydrogen The type of delay the team mea-
and spreads. And its amplitude at glass that reflected 99 percent of atoms are confined by an external sured was certainly almost zero, but
any point in time and space lets you the incident photons; 1 percent of electric field that acts like a barrier, that result was not the same as say-
calculate the probability of finding them tunneled through). The tunnel- they occasionally tunnel through it. ing the electron spends no time in
the particle then and there—should ing photons arrived earlier, on aver- As the external field oscillates in the barrier. Litvinyuk and his col-
you make a measurement. By defini- age, than photons that traveled the intensity, so does the number of tun- leagues had not examined that
tion, this probability can be nonzero exact same distance but were unim- neling electrons, as predicted by aspect of quantum tunneling.
in many places at once. peded by a barrier. The tunneling theory. The team established that Steinberg’s new experiment claims
If the particle confronts an energy photons seemed to be traveling the time delay between when the to do just that. His team has mea-
barrier, this encounter modifies the faster than the speed of light. barrier reaches its minimum and sured how long, on average, rubidium
spread of the wave function, which Careful analysis revealed that it when the maximum number of elec- atoms spend inside a barrier before
starts to exponentially decay inside was, mathematically speaking, the trons tunnel through was, at most, they tunnel through it. The time
the barrier. Even so, some of it leaks peak of the tunneling photons’ wave 1.8 attoseconds (1.8 × 10–18 sec- is on the order of a millisecond—


nowhere close to instantaneous. lapses. This collapse disrupts the works, a slower particle would be
Steinberg and his colleagues tunneling process. expected to remain in the barrier for Scientists Unveil
started by cooling rubidium atoms So Steinberg’s team resorted to a a longer stretch of time.
down to about one nanokelvin technique known as weak measure- Irfan Siddiqi, a quantum physicist
First Ever Pictures
before coaxing them with lasers to ment: An ensemble of identically at the University of California, Berke- of Multiple
move slowly in a single direction. prepared rubidium atoms ap­­­ ley, is impressed by the technical Planets around
Then they blocked this path with
another laser, creating an optical
proaches the barrier. Inside the bar-
rier, the atoms encounter, and barely
sophistication of the experiment.
“What we are witnessing now is quite
a Sunlike Star
The two giant worlds, each
barrier that was about 1.3 microns interact with, a weak magnetic field. amazing, in that we have the tools to
much larger than Jupiter,
thick. The trick was to measure how This weak interaction does not per- test all of these philosophical mus-
constitute only the third
much time a particle spent in the turb the tunneling. But it causes ings [of] the last century,” he says. multiplanet system ever imaged
barrier as it tunneled through. each atom’s clock hand to move by Satya Sainadh Undurti, a co-au-
To do so, the team built a version an unpredictable amount, which can thor of Litvinyuk’s 2019 study, who
of a so-called Larmor clock using be measured once that atom exits is now at Technion–Israel Institute For the first time ever, scientists
a complicated assemblage of lasers the barrier. Take the average of the of Technology, agrees. “The Larmor have managed to capture images
and magnetic fields to manipulate clock-hand positions of the ensem- clock is certainly the right way to go of multiple planets twirling about
atomic state transitions. In principle, ble, and you get a number that can about asking tunneling time ques- another sunlike star. Yet despite
here is what happens: Imagine a be interpreted as representative of tions,” he says. “The experimental its stellar host’s resemblance to our
particle whose spin points in a cer- the correct value for a single atom— setup in this paper is a clever and own, the snapshots of this planetary
tain direction—think of it as a clock even though one can never do that clean way to implement it.” system reveal it to be no place
hand. The particle encounters a bar- kind of measurement for an individ- Steinberg admits that his team’s like home.
rier, and inside it is a magnetic field ual atom. Based on such weak mea- interpretation will be questioned by Named TYC 8998-760-1 and
that causes the clock hand to rotate. surements, the researchers found some quantum physicists, particu- located about 300 light-years from
The longer the particle stays within that the atoms in their experiment larly those who think weak measure- Earth in the constellation Musca, the
the barrier, the more it interacts with were spending about 0.61 millisec- ments are themselves suspect. Nev- star is similar in mass to the sun. Its
the magnetic field, and the more the ond inside the barrier. ertheless, he thinks the experiment two known planets, however, are dis-
hand rotates. The amount of rotation They also verified another strange says something unequivocal about tinctly alien—orbiting their star at
is a measure of the time spent in prediction of quantum mechanics: the tunneling times. “If you use the right about 160 and 320 times the Earth-
the barrier. lower the energy, or slower the move- definitions, it’s not really instanta- sun distance, respectively (spans
Unfortunately, if the particle in­­- ment, of a tunneling particle, the less neous. It may be remarkably fast,” that are about four and eight times
teracts with a magnetic field strong time it spends in the barrier. This he says. “I think that’s still an import- greater than Pluto’s separation from
enough to correctly encode the result is counterintuitive because in ant distinction.”  our sun). Both worlds are supersized
elapsed time, its quantum state col- our everyday notion of how the world —Anil Ananthaswamy compared with anything in our solar


system. The outermost planet is ity in the study of worlds beyond our
some six times heavier than Jupiter, planetary neighborhood. The vast
and the inner one tips the scales at majority of exoplanets in astrono-
14 times Jupiter’s mass. Each of the mers’ catalogues are known solely
worlds appears as a small dot around through more indirect means: they
the star in images produced by the betray their presence and most
Spectro-Polarimetric High-contrast basic properties—mass, size and
Exoplanet Research instrument, or orbit—by periodically tugging on, or
SPHERE, which operates on the silhouetting against, their host stars,
European Southern Observatory’s as seen from Earth. Directly imaging
Very Large Telescope in northern exoplanets is important, says study
Chile. The findings are detailed in lead Alexander Bohn, an astrophysi-
a study published on July 20 in cist at Leiden University in the Neth-
Astrophysical Journal Letters. erlands, because by “receiving light
“The really fascinating thing about from planets, we can better charac-
this work is that [it] continues to add terize the atmospheres—and ele-
to the vast diversity of what systems mental abundances of the atmo-
and planets are out there, orbiting all spheres—and the composition.” That
sorts of stars,” says Rebecca Oppen- information, in turn, allows research-
heimer, an astrophysicist at the Amer- ers to make more educated guesses
ican Museum of Natural History in about what an alien world’s environ-
New York City, who was not involved mental conditions could be—and
with the study. “There is no single whether or not it might, like Earth,
‘architecture’ for a planetary system.” harbor life.
The new study marks only the third No one is contemplating life on
time that scientists have managed to either of the two newly imaged
take pictures of—or “directly image”— worlds, however. In addition to
multiple worlds orbiting a single star. being bloated gas giants in frigid
But those previously observed sys- orbits with no meaningful surfaces
tems were around stars either much

heavier or lighter than the sun, mak-
Image of the sunlike star TYC 8998-760-1
ing them less comparable to our solar (upper left), accompanied by two giant exo­
system. Direct imaging remains a rar- planets (lower right).


on which organisms could dwell, tious planet-imaging space tele- the “lighthouse” so that nearby plan-
they and their star are far younger scopes in coming decades. etary “fireflies” can be seen. Time’s Arrow Flies
than our sun and the planets around Even so, “we’re an incredibly long Besides more nuanced details of
it. “The system itself is 17 million way from taking pictures of Earth- any given world, such images can
through 500 Years
years [old],” Bohn says. “And our sized planets,” says Bruce Macin- reveal other wonders—and raise of Classical Music,
solar system is 4.5 billion years tosh, an astrophysicist at Stanford important new mysteries—that go to Physicists Say
[old].” Even if they did possess habit- University and principal investigator the heart of theorists’ still nascent A statistical study of more than
able conditions, each world’s rela- on the Gemini Planet Imager— understanding of precisely how 8,000 compositions shows how
tively newborn status would not offer another instrument that, along with planetary systems emerge and the flow of time distinguishes
much time for biology to arise from SPHERE, represents the state of the evolve. In the newly imaged system, music from noise
the vagaries of chemistry. And art in exoplanetary picture taking. “both planets formed around the
although their planets’ size and “With current technology, we can same star and are the same age, but
youth make them poor candidates see a planet that is about one million one is twice as massive as the What, exactly, makes music to the
for life as we know it, these proper- times fainter than the star. That’s other,” says Macintosh, who was not ears? Time will tell, according to a
ties are precisely why astronomers amazing. But even Jupiter—the big- involved in the study. “Comparing new study of five centuries’ worth
can presently see them at all, gest world in our solar system—is a their properties will help us see how of compositions.
because of the powerful infrared billion times fainter than the sun.” the masses of planets affect their Using techniques derived from
glow they emit as leftover energy Whether a target planet next to a evolution.” Further, he adds, subse- statistical mechanics—typically
from their formation. Smaller, older, bright star is a giant gaseous orb or quent images of the system could used to study large groups of parti-
more clement worlds that are closer a more Earth-like rock, Bohn says, reveal more about the planets’ cles—a team of physicists has math-
in to their stars remain out of current observing it is like viewing “a firefly orbits—and even the presence of as ematically measured the “time irre-
planet imagers’ reach. But they right next to a lighthouse, which is yet unseen worlds. “Are they aligned versibility” of more than 8,000
could eventually be revealed by maybe a meter away. You want to the same way planetary orbits in our pieces of Western classical music.
more powerful instrumentation on see this tiny firefly, and you are 500 solar system are aligned? Are they Published in Physical Review
gargantuan telescopes. Already kilometers away. This is basically the circular?” Macintosh asks. Learning Research in July, the study quanti-
three extremely large telescopes challenge we’re dealing with.” To the answers to such questions could fies what many listeners intuit: noise
(ELTs)—ground-based observatories gather the extremely faint light of a show whether these planets formed can sound the same played forward
with mirrors on the order of 30 world, compared with that of its star, in the same way as the worlds or backward in time, but composed
meters across—are approaching SPHERE and most other planet- around our sun or via some other music sounds dramatically different
their final stages of development. imaging instruments use a device process—and thereby provide in those two time directions.
And astronomers are vigorously lob- called a coronagraph, which blocks another hint as to whether planets Time irreversibility—the existence
bying for NASA or other space out almost all of the star’s light— and systems such as our own are of an “arrow of time”—is a concept
agencies to launch even more ambi- effectively dimming the glare from common or rare.  —Karen Kwon drawn from fundamental physics,


first formulated in 1927 by British

astronomer Arthur Eddington. But it
is meaningful in many contexts, says
Lucas Lacasa, a physicist at Queen
Mary University of London and a
co-author of the study. One can see
it in action over breakfast: think of
the implausibility of unscrambling an
egg and returning it to a pristinely
pieced-back-together shell. But until
now, Lacasa says, time irreversibility
“hasn’t been measured at all in
music.” Lacasa became interested in
analyzing music through conversa-
tions with co-authors Gustavo
Martínez-Mekler of the National
Autonomous University of Mexico
and Alfredo González-Espinoza of
the University of Pennsylvania, both
of whom are physicists and musi-
cians. By finding patterns across
large bodies of composed music,
they were hoping to find hints as to
what makes a successful composer.
Compared with systems made of
millions of particles, a typical musical
composition consisting of thousands tumbling grains of sand. For this tion into specific types of diagrams music theorist Iannis Xenakis used
of notes is relatively short. Counter- study, however, Lacasa and his or graphs, the researchers were able matrices and differential equations
intuitively, that brevity makes statisti- co-authors exploited and enhanced to marshal the power of graph the- to buttress arguments about the
cally studying most music much novel methods particularly success- ory to calculate time irreversibility. nature of music and musical compo-

harder, akin to determining the pre- ful at extracting patterns from small This is far from the first statistical sition. Boldly, he posed that “much
cise trajectory of a massive landslide samples. By translating sequences study of music. In his 1963 book like a god, a composer may ... invert
based solely on the motions of a few of sounds from any given composi- Formalized Music, composer and Eddington’s ‘arrow of time.’ ” But con-


firmation of this contention proved through the progression of notes. music is sort of an optimization pro- tions of atoms, but it may have lim-
elusive. The new paper, however, val- Time irreversibility is related to a cess,” says Jesse Berezovsky, a ited use for music, which is, for many,
idates the claim: most compositions measure of disorder that, in physics, physicist at Case Western Reserve more than just a collection of sounds.
the researchers studied were found is called entropy. The composition University, who was not involved with “Quantitative tools are essential” to
to follow an arrow of time. having the most entropy would be a the study. He has also used statisti- statistical studies of music, Margulis
Systems that are time-reversible, strictly random shuffle of sounds. It cal mechanics methods to study says, but combining them with “sen-
under statistical analysis, seem the would also look the same—fully dis- music, finding that its rules emerge sitive cultural insight is more likely to
same when the arrow of time is ordered—in all time directions, thus at the middle ground between disso- produce useful results.”
flipped. The unstructured static hiss displaying no arrow of time. Con- nance and complexity. In a time-irre- Martínez-Mekler is excited about
of white noise is one example. A dif- versely, the most time-irreversible versible music piece, the sense of how much more there is to learn. For
ferent kind of noise prevalent in bio- composition would be the one that directionality in time may help the one, the statistical tools he and his
logical systems, dubbed “pink noise,” is the least random, possessing the listener generate expectations. The co-authors developed could be ap­
is also time-reversible. And by cer- least amount of entropy and the most compelling compositions, then, plied to a wealth of more contempo-
tain statistical measures, it is almost most structure. In this sense, mea- would be those that balance be­­ rary and global compositions. Echo-
indistinguishable from music. Specif- suring time irreversibility might tween breaking those expectations ing Margulis, he would like to con­-
ically, when analyzing how much reflect how singular a particular and fulfilling them—a sentiment with sider harmony and rhythm, in addition
power each frequency component composer’s style is—the difference, which anyone anticipating a catchy to melody, in future analyses.
within a musical piece tends to have, say, between the gaudy violinist Nic- tune’s “hook” would agree. “Music is a very complicated phe-
scientists find the same distribution colò Paganini and the melancholy At the same time, interpreting sta- nomenon that emerged from many
as in pink noise. Consequently, lutenist John Dowland. tistical results can be incredibly com- different interactions or construc-
music has been accepted to be a González-Espinoza, Martínez- plicated. Elizabeth Hellmuth Margulis, tions in society,” González-Espinoza
type of pink noise. Mekler and Lacasa wondered director of the Music Cognition Lab says, acknowledging the complexi-
The new study challenges this whether the time-irreversibility score at Princeton University, cautions that ties inherent to its study. But he
association, demonstrating that their analysis assigned to each com- only melodies were considered in the trusts that structures we find pleas-
despite such basic similarities poser could accurately reflect the study. She also raises the issue of ing in music reflect something about
music has more structure than pink aesthetic properties of that compos- cultural factors: listeners from differ- the way we hear our own thoughts
noise and that this structure is er’s music. Past studies of music as ent cultures perceive music differ- play inside our head. This research
meaningful. “Irreversibility gives pink noise spurred similar questions. ently. As Berezovsky explains, phy­ has only just started to demonstrate
you an idea of change in time; it To be enjoyable, it seems, music sicists often make simplifying as­­- that, through composition, great
approaches the idea of a narrative,” must strike a balance of predictabil- sumptions to capture the essence of musicians translate some of the pat-
Martínez-Mekler says. Music being ity and surprise—a property pink otherwise intractably complicated terning of our minds into the orderli-
time-irreversible, then, might reflect noise is considered to possess. “The systems. This works well for studying ness of music. ­
a composer’s effort to tell a story ordered way in which we create the statistical mechanics of collec-  —Karmela Padavic-Callaghan


Higgs Boson Gives

Particle Its Heft
Experiments at the Large Hadron
Collider suggest that muons
and other “second-generation
particles” obtain their mass from
interacting with the Higgs, further
strengthening the Standard Model

In the periodic table, no element is

more important than another one.
But in the Standard Model—a theory
that explains the smallest constitu-
ents of the universe and the forces
that govern them, minus gravity—the
Higgs boson is arguably central.
Like other elementary bosons—such
as photons, the particles of light—
the Higgs is a “force carrier.” Instead
of carrying the electromagnetic,
strong or weak force, it carries mass Visualization of a collision event in the ATLAS
to all the elementary particles via But experimentally proving that all CMS, two experiments at the Large detector containing two muons (red) with a mass
compatible with that of the Higgs boson and two
the so-called Higgs field, which per- the elementary particles that have Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN forward jets (yellow cones).
vades the universe. mass get it through the Higgs field near Geneva, have shown that the
Particles that interact, or “couple,” has remained difficult. Now particle Higgs boson can decay into two


strongly with the Higgs field are physicists have, for the first time, muons—which demonstrates that Model, which has proved stubbornly
massive. Those that couple with it found direct evidence that this field muons couple with the Higgs field, accurate, predicts that the Higgs
weakly are lighter. Photons do not is the mechanism that gives mass to where they get their mass. field gives mass to all elementary
interact with the Higgs at all. And as muons, the heavier cousins of elec- Particle physicists are not sur- particles. But to actually confirm that
a result, they have no mass. trons. Analyses from ATLAS and prised by the outcome. The Standard idea, scientists need experimental


evidence for each type of particle, HOW TO FIND A HIGGS “This was the first time there’s
says Stefania Gori, a theoretical To create a Higgs boson from scratch,
physicist at the University of Califor- physicists smash particles together
ever been an interaction between the Higgs
nia, Santa Cruz, who was not in­­ like a subatomic car crash test. The and the second generation.”
volved with the research. LHC provides the necessary oomph: —Marc Sher
“Obviously, the Standard Model is it accelerates protons to nearly the
a great theory,” she says. “But see- speed of light, giving each of them
ing [the Higgs interact] in nature has an energy of 6,500 giga-electron than light particles. So, for instance, got its mass elsewhere were per-
a very different weight than just volts, or GeV (at rest, protons have its decay will create a spray of 4-GeV fectly justified. One proposal by
assuming it because of our theory.” an energy of roughly 1 GeV). These bottom quarks 10 times more often another physicist, which du Pree
When a new particle was discov- accelerated protons circulate than a shower of 1-GeV charm cheekily referred to as the “TRISTAN-
ered by ATLAS and CMS in 2012, through the LHC’s 26.7-kilome- quarks. A Higgs boson decaying to dard Model,” used three different
it was initially dubbed “Higgs-like” ter-long tunnel until they collide. two muons (which weigh in at 0.1057 varieties of the Higgs boson to give
because no one knew just how Such encounters create a spray GeV apiece) is relatively rare—it hap- mass to each generation of particles.
many properties it would share with of particle debris—and, in rare cases, pens only once in 5,000 times. When Convention dictates that the 12
the Higgs boson that had been pos- the elusive Higgs boson. such a decay does occur, ATLAS and fermions (particles of matter) in the
tulated by a cohort of physicists in It is not possible to actually observe CMS see two muons with a com- Standard Model are divided into three
the early 1960s. “I don’t think b­e- the Higgs boson, which lasts for bined energy of 125 GeV flying off in generations. The particles in one
cause in 1964 they wrote down about a sextillionth of a second. But opposite directions. generation have counterparts in
something that immediately from scientists can see what particles it If combined, the measurement another that exhibit identical proper-
one measurement all the other decays into. Initial evidence for the would be statistically significant to ties and behavior—so far as we can
things follow,” says Tristan du Pree, Higgs came from it decaying into more than three sigma, which means tell—except for their mass. Under this
an experimental physicist at ATLAS. its fellow bosons. there is less than a one-in-700 universality, taus are more massive
“That’s why I think [a Higgs decaying Particle decays are a matter of ran- chance the result is a random fluke, versions of muons, which are merely
into two muons] was still a very im­ dom chance described by so-called assuming the Higgs does not decay more massive versions of electrons.
portant test that could have gone branching ratios. Each of the many to muons. Such evidence is strong And because what we call “mass” is
and been something else.” possible decay processes is a “branch” but short of the five-sigma standard just a result of how much a particle
As the Higgs boson has passed with a certain probability, a bit like (a one-in-3.5-million chance) physi- interacts with the Higgs field, the dif-
more tests and grown ever more rolling a die to choose which road to cists prefer. ference between two generations
“Higgs-like,” the “like” qualifier has take at an intersection with many Previously, evidence that the Higgs might only be how much each parti-
quietly been dropped. But the effort forks. In general, the Higgs—which ever decayed into two muons was so cle couples with the Higgs boson.
to understand the particle’s proper- possesses an energy of 125 GeV— weak that theorists’ efforts to come But until now there was no evidence
ties has only grown. decays most easily into heavy rather up with models in which the muon that the Higgs coupled with fermions


outside of the third generation.

“This was the first time there’s Mystery over
ever been an interaction between
the Higgs and the second genera-
tion,” says Marc Sher, a theoretical Expansion
physicist at the College of William & Deepens with
Mary, who was not involved with the
research. “It’s really a special test
Fresh Data
A long-awaited map of the
of universality because if there was
big bang’s afterglow fails to settle
something different with the genera-
a debate over how fast the universe
tions, this might be the first place is expanding
you would see it.”
Unfortunately for physicists look-
ing to depart from the predictions A new map of the early universe has
of the Standard Model, the muon reinforced a long-running conun-
seems to get its mass from the drum in astronomy over how fast the
same place as the tau. But in many cosmos is expanding. The data—­
ways, the hunt for novel Higgs phys- collected using a telescope in
ics is only beginning. Chile’s Atacama Desert—back up
In June the 2020 report from the previous estimates of the universe’s
European Strategy Group, a consor- age, geometry and evolution. But the Atacama Cosmology Telescope
tium of particle physicists who peri- findings clash with measurements
odically convene to determine re­ of how fast galaxies are flying apart posted on July 15 in two preprints lished theory they call the Standard
search priorities for Europe, stated from one another and predict that on the arXiv repository. Model—to calculate some of the key
that its highest-priority goals are the universe should be expanding at CMB radiation comes from all features of the universe’s structure
investigating the properties of the a significantly slower pace than is directions of space, but it is not per- and evolution, including its age and
Higgs. “The Higgs boson is a unique currently observed. fectly uniform: its variations across the density of matter.
particle that raises profound ques- The Atacama Cosmology Tele- the sky reveal that regions of the Cosmologists also use the varia-
tions about the fundamental laws scope (ACT) mapped the cosmic early universe differed slightly in tions to predict the rate at which the


of nature,” the report states. “It also microwave background (CMB), the temperature, by less than 0.03 kel- universe is currently expanding, a
provides a powerful experimental radiation “afterglow” of the big bang. vin. Over the past two decades cos- measure known as the Hubble con-
tool to study these questions.” The findings, based on data col- mologists have used those minute stant after the U.S. astronomer
 —Daniel Garisto lected from 2013 to 2016, were variations—together with an estab- Edwin Hubble.


The European Space Agency’s scope’s design and location, just the quality of the new data and their
Planck telescope mapped the entire inside the tropics, enable it to map analysis,” he adds. This Photo of the
CMB sky from 2009 to 2013 with more of the CMB sky than other “It’s always good to have indepen-
unprecedented precision, and its ground-based or balloon-borne tele- dent checks, and I think this really
Sun Is the Closest
observations are considered the gold scopes, which have typically been provides it,” says Wendy Freedman, Ever Taken
standard of CMB cosmology. The limited to smaller regions. an astronomer at the University of Close-up reveals a surface dancing
ACT data now vindicate Planck’s Mapping the sky on a large scale is Chicago and a standard-candle pio- with “campfires”
findings and produce a very similar crucial for calculating the key param- neer. Adam Riess, an astronomer at
value for the Hubble constant. eters of cosmic expansion, Calabrese Johns Hopkins University, who has
But neither result matches direct says. Another strength of the ACT led much of the cutting-edge work This image—the closest ever taken of
measurements of the Hubble con- was that an upgrade in 2013 allowed on standard candles, says that the the sun—shows the corona teeming
stant—a discrepancy that has it to make precise measurements of ACT data’s agreement with Planck with thousands of miniature solar
become known as the Hubble-con- the polarization of the CMB radiation, is “reassuring” and “a testament to flares, which scientists have dubbed
stant tension. Astronomers who use says principal investigator Suzanne the quality of the experimenters’ work “campfires.” The pictures are the first
the brightness of particular types of Staggs of Princeton University. Polar- and carefulness.” released from the Solar Orbiter satel-
stars and supernova explosions, col- ization data reveal how galaxies in But the tension on the Hubble lite mission, led by the European
lectively called standard candles, to the foreground affect how the CMB constant remains. Techniques devel- Space Agency.
calculate the expansion rate find travels and help to make the cosmo- oped by several teams, including “When the first images came in, my
that galaxies rush away from one logical measurements more precise. one led by Freedman, could help to first thought was this is not possible;
another roughly 10 percent faster “For the first time we have two resolve it. Steinhardt thinks that the it can’t be that good,” David Bergh-
than the CMB maps predict. data sets measured independently measurements will eventually con- mans, principal investigator for the
Many researchers had hoped that and with enough precision to make verge as experimentalists perfect orbiter’s Extreme Ultraviolet Imager
as techniques became more accu- a comparison,” Calabrese says. Hav- their methods. instrument, said in a press briefing on
rate, the gap would shrink. Instead ing also been a member of the But Riess says that perhaps it is July 16. “It was much better than we
narrowing error bars for each type of Planck team, she says it was a relief cosmology’s Standard Model that is dared to hope for.”
study have only made the inconsis- to find that the two experiments’ wrong instead. “My gut feeling is “The sun might look quiet at the
tency more significant. Hubble-constant predictions agreed that there’s something interesting first glance, but when we look in
The ACT is the first ground-based to within 0.3 percent. going on.” detail, we can see those miniature
CMB experiment that could have This agreement between ACT and —Davide Castelvecchi flares everywhere we look,” said
challenged Planck’s results, says Planck on the Hubble constant is “a Berghmans, a solar physicist at the
Erminia Calabrese, a cosmologist at truly major milestone,” says Paul This article is reproduced with per- Royal Observatory of Belgium, in
Cardiff University in Wales, who led Steinhardt, a theoretical physicist at mission and was first published in a statement.
the analysis of the data. The tele- Princeton. “I am very impressed by Nature on July 15, 2020. The fires are millions or billions of


times smaller than solar flares that

can be seen from Earth, which are
energetic eruptions thought to be
caused by interactions within the
sun’s magnetic fields. The mission
team has yet to figure out whether
the two phenomena are driven by the
same process, but they speculate the
combined effect of the many camp-
fires could contribute to the searing
heat of the sun’s outer atmosphere,
known as the corona. Why the corona
is hundreds of times hotter than its
surface is a longstanding mystery.
The images, taken by the ultravio-
let imager on May 30 and released

on July 16, were captured 77 million
kilometers from the sun’s surface
(Earth is about 150 million kilome-
ters from the sun). A daring NASA
mission called the Parker Solar
Probe has flown even closer and will
get within just 6.2 million kilometers
during its mission—inside the corona
itself—but the environment is so
harsh that it does not carry a camera
facing the sun. Meanwhile from ultraviolet and x-ray wavelengths. ally switch its orbit to study the sun’s Daniel Müller, the mission’s project
Earth, the Daniel K. Inoye Solar Tele- Scientists are excited about the polar regions for the first time. “We’ve scientist, at the briefing.
scope in Hawaii has taken higher- potential of the Solar Orbiter, an inter- never been closer to the sun with a —Elizabeth Gibney
resolution images of the sun than national collaboration that launched in camera, and this is just the beginning 
the orbiter, but these do not fully February and carries 10 instruments of a long epic journey with Solar This article is reproduced with per-
capture the star’s light because to image the sun and study its envi- Orbiter, which will take us even closer mission and was first published in
Earth’s atmosphere filters out some ronment. The spacecraft will eventu- to the sun in two years’ time,” said Nature on July 16, 2020.

 15
This Twist on Schrödinger’s Cat
Paradox Has Major Implications
for Quantum Theory
A laboratory demonstration of the classic
“Wigner’s friend” thought experiment could
overturn cherished assumptions about reality
By Zeeya Merali

Zeeya Merali is a freelance writer based in
London and author of A  Big Bang in a Little Room.

What does Wigner sharpened the paradox by imagining a

(human) friend of his shut in a lab, measuring a quan-
tainty. But quantum theory appears to be inherently
probabilistic. The textbook version—sometimes called

it feel like
tum system. He argued it was absurd to say his friend the Copenhagen interpretation—says that until a sys-
exists in a superposition of having seen and not seen a tem’s properties are measured, they can encompass myr-
decay unless and until Wigner opens the lab door. “The iad values. This superposition collapses into a single

to be both
‘Wigner’s friend’ thought experiment shows that things state only when the system is observed, and physicists
can become very weird if the observer is also observed,” can never precisely predict what that state will be. Wig­
says Nora Tischler, a quantum physicist at Griffith Uni- ner held the then popular view that consciousness some-

alive and
versity in Brisbane, Australia. how triggers a superposition to collapse. Thus, his hypo-
Now Tischler and her colleagues have carried out a thetical friend would discern a definite outcome when
version of the Wigner’s friend test. By combining the she or he made a measurement—and Wigner would nev-

classic thought experiment with another quantum er see her or him in superposition.
head-scratcher called entanglement—a phenomenon This view has since fallen out of favor. “People in the
that links particles across vast distances—they have also foundations of quantum mechanics rapidly dismiss
derived a new theorem, which they claim puts the stron- Wigner’s view as spooky and ill defined because it makes
That question irked and inspired Hungarian-American gest constraints yet on the fundamental nature of reali- observers special,” says David Chalmers, a philosopher
physicist Eugene Wigner in the 1960s. He was frustrated ty. Their study, which appeared in Nature Physics on and cognitive scientist at New York University. Today
by the paradoxes arising from the vagaries of quantum August 17, has implications for the role that conscious- most physicists concur that inanimate objects can knock
mechanics—the theory governing the microscopic realm ness might play in quantum physics—and even whether quantum systems out of superposition through a process
that suggests, among many other counterintuitive things, quantum theory must be replaced. known as decoherence. Certainly researchers attempting
that until a quantum system is observed, it does not nec- The new work is an “important step forward in the to manipulate complex quantum superpositions in the
essarily have definite properties. Take his fellow physicist field of experimental metaphysics,” says quantum physi- lab can find their hard work destroyed by speedy air par-
Erwin Schrödinger’s famous thought experiment in cist Aephraim Steinberg of the University of Toronto, ticles colliding with their systems. So they carry out their
which a cat is trapped in a box with poison that will be who was not involved in the study. “It’s the beginning of tests at ultracold temperatures and try to isolate their
released if a radioactive atom decays. Radioactivity is a what I expect will be a huge program of research.” apparatuses from vibrations.
quantum process, so before the box is opened, the story Several competing quantum interpretations have
goes, the atom has both decayed and not decayed, leav- A MATTER OF TASTE sprung up over the decades that employ less mystical
ing the unfortunate cat in limbo—a so-called superposi- Until quantum physics came along in the 1920s, physi- mechanisms, such as decoherence, to explain how super-
tion between life and death. But does the cat experience cists expected their theories to be deterministic, generat- positions break down without invoking consciousness.
being in superposition? ing predictions for the outcome of experiments with cer- Other interpretations hold the even more radical posi-

tion that there is no collapse at all. Each has its own “If you try and manipulate a classical observer—a human, say—
weird and wonderful take on Wigner’s test. The most
and treat it as a quantum system, it would immediately collapse.”
exotic is the “many worlds” view, which says that when-
ever you make a quantum measurement, reality frac-
—Angelo Bassi
tures, creating parallel universes to accommodate every
possible outcome. Thus, Wigner’s friend would split into
two copies, and “with good enough supertechnology,” he
could indeed measure that person to be in superposition time-twisting view. But that “something” the friend expe- A WAY TO WATCH WIGNER’S FRIEND
from outside the lab, says quantum physicist and many- riences at the point of measurement can depend on Tischler and her colleagues believed that analyzing and
worlds fan Lev Vaidman of Tel Aviv University. Wigner’s choice of how to observe that person later. performing a Wigner’s friend experiment could shed
The alternative “Bohmian” theory (named for physicist The trouble is that each interpretation is equally light on the limits of quantum theory. They were inspired
David Bohm) says that at the fundamental level, quantum good—or bad—at predicting the outcome of quantum by a new wave of theoretical and experimental papers
systems do have definite properties; we just do not know tests, so choosing between them comes down to taste. that have investigated the role of the observer in quan-
enough about those systems to precisely predict their “No one knows what the solution is,” Steinberg says. “We tum theory by bringing entanglement into Wigner’s clas-
behavior. In that case, the friend has a single experience, don’t even know if the list of potential solutions we have sic setup. Say you take two particles of light, or photons,
but Wigner may still measure that individual to be in is exhaustive.” that are polarized so that they can vibrate horizontally or
superposition because of his own ignorance. In contrast, Other models, called collapse theories, do make test- vertically. The photons can also be placed in a superposi-
a relative newcomer on the block called the QBism inter- able predictions. These models tack on a mechanism tion of vibrating both horizontally and vertically at the
pretation embraces the probabilistic element of quantum that forces a quantum system to collapse when it gets same time, just as Schrödinger’s paradoxical cat can be
theory wholeheartedly. (QBism, pronounced “cubism,” is too big—explaining why cats, people and other macro- both alive and dead before it is observed.
actually short for quantum Bayesianism, a reference to scopic objects cannot be in superposition. Experiments Such pairs of photons can be prepared together—
18th-century mathematician Thomas Bayes’s work on are underway to hunt for signatures of such collapses, entangled—so that their polarizations are always found
probability.) QBists argue that a person can use quantum but as yet they have not found anything. Quantum phys- to be in the opposite direction when observed. That may
mechanics only to calculate how to calibrate his or her icists are also placing ever larger objects into superposi- not seem strange—unless you remember that these prop-
beliefs about what he or she will measure in an experi- tion: last year a team in Vienna reported doing so with erties are not fixed until they are measured. Even if one
ment. “Measurement outcomes must be regarded as per- a 2,000-atom molecule. Most quantum interpretations photon is given to a physicist called Alice in Australia
sonal to the agent who makes the measurement,” says say there is no reason why these efforts to supersize while the other is transported to her colleague Bob in a
Ruediger Schack of Royal Holloway, University of Lon- superpositions should not continue upward forever, pre- lab in Vienna, entanglement ensures that as soon as Alice
don, who is one of QBism’s founders. According to QBism’s suming researchers can devise the right experiments in observes her photon and, for instance, finds its polariza-
tenets, quantum theory cannot tell you anything about pristine lab conditions so that decoherence can be avoid- tion to be horizontal, the polarization of Bob’s photon
the underlying state of reality, nor can Wigner use it to ed. Collapse theories, however, posit that a limit will one instantly syncs to vibrating vertically. Because the two
speculate on his friend’s experiences. day be reached, regardless of how carefully experiments photons appear to communicate faster than the speed of
Another intriguing interpretation, called retrocausali- are prepared. “If you try and manipulate a classical light—something prohibited by his theories of relativi-
ty, allows events in the future to influence the past. “In a observer—a human, say—and treat it as a quantum sys- ty—this phenomenon deeply troubled Albert Einstein,
retrocausal account, Wigner’s friend absolutely does tem, it would immediately collapse,” says Angelo Bassi, who dubbed it “spooky action at a distance.”
experience something,” says Ken Wharton, a physicist at a quantum physicist and proponent of collapse theories These concerns remained theoretical until the 1960s,
San Jose State University, who is an advocate for this at the University of Trieste in Italy. when physicist John Bell devised a way to test if reality is

truly spooky—or if there could be a more mundane expla- Testing local friendliness requires a cunning setup ment between the photons by sending one of the pair on
nation behind the correlations between entangled part- involving two “superobservers,” Alice and Bob (who play a detour before it entered its interferometer, gently per-
ners. Bell imagined a commonsense theory that was the role of Wigner), watching their friends Charlie and turbing the perfect harmony between the partners. When
local—that is, one in which influences could not travel Debbie. Alice and Bob each have their own interferome- the researchers ran the experiment with this slightly low-
between particles instantly. It was also deterministic ter—an apparatus used to manipulate beams of photons. er level of entanglement, they found a point where the
rather than inherently probabilistic, so experimental Before being measured, the photons’ polarizations are in correlations still violated Bell’s bound but not local
results could, in principle, be predicted with certainty a superposition of being both horizontal and vertical. friendliness. This result proved that the two sets of
only if physicists understood more about the system’s Pairs of entangled photons are prepared such that if the bounds are not equivalent and that the new local-friend-
hidden properties. And it was realistic, which, to a quan- polarization of one is measured to be horizontal, the liness constraints are stronger, Tischler says. “If you vio-
tum theorist, means that systems would have these defi- polarization of its partner should immediately flip to be late them, you learn more about reality,” she adds. Name-
nite properties even if nobody looked at them. Then Bell vertical. One photon from each entangled pair is sent ly, if your theory says that “friends” can be treated as
calculated the maximum level of correlations between a into Alice’s interferometer, and its partner is sent to quantum systems, then you must give up locality, accept
series of entangled particles that such a local, determin- Bob’s. Charlie and Debbie are not actually human friends that measurements do not have a single result that ob­
istic and realistic theory could support. If that threshold in this test. Rather they are beam displacers at the front servers must agree on or allow superdeterminism. Each
was violated in an experiment, then one of the assump- of each interferometer. When Alice’s photon hits the dis- of these options has profound—and, to some physicists,
tions behind the theory must be false. placer, its polarization is effectively measured, and it distinctly distasteful—implications.
Such “Bell tests” have since been carried out, with a swerves either left or right, depending on the direction
series of watertight versions performed in 2015, and they of the polarization it snaps into. This action plays the role RECONSIDERING REALITY
have confirmed reality’s spookiness. “Quantum founda- of Alice’s friend Charlie “measuring” the polarization. “The paper is an important philosophical study,” says
tions is a field that was really started experimentally by (Debbie similarly resides in Bob’s interferometer.) Michele Reilly, co-founder of Turing, a quantum-comput-
Bell’s [theorem]—now more than 50 years old. And we’ve Alice then has to make a choice: She can measure the ing company based in New York City, who was not
spent a lot of time reimplementing those experiments photon’s new deviated path immediately, which would be involved in the work. She notes that physicists studying
and discussing what they mean,” Steinberg says. “It’s very the equivalent of opening the lab door and asking Char- quantum foundations have often struggled to come up
rare that people are able to come up with a new test that lie what he saw. Or she can allow the photon to continue with a feasible test to back up their big ideas. “I am
moves beyond Bell.” on its journey, passing through a second beam displacer thrilled to see an experiment behind philosophical stud-
The Brisbane team’s aim was to derive and test a new that recombines the left and right paths—the equivalent ies,” Reilly says. Steinberg calls the experiment “extreme-
theorem that would do just that, providing even stricter of keeping the lab door closed. Alice can then directly ly elegant” and praises the team for tackling the mystery
constraints—“local friendliness” bounds—on the nature measure her photon’s polarization as it exits the interfer- of the observer’s role in measurement head-on.
of reality. Like Bell’s theory, the researchers’ imaginary ometer. Throughout the experiment, Alice and Bob inde- Although it is no surprise that quantum mechanics
one is local. They also explicitly ban “superdetermin- pendently choose which measurement choices to make forces us to give up a commonsense assumption—physi-
ism”—that is, they insist that experimenters are free to and then compare notes to calculate the correlations cists knew that from Bell—“the advance here is that we
choose what to measure without being influenced by seen across a series of entangled pairs. are narrowing in on which of those assumptions it is,”
events in the future or the distant past. (Bell implicitly Tischler and her colleagues carried out 90,000 runs of says Wharton, who was also not part of the study. Still, he
assumed that experimenters can make free choices, too.) the experiment. As expected, the correlations violated notes, proponents of most quantum interpretations will
Finally, the team prescribes that when an observer makes Bell’s original bounds—and, crucially, they also violated not lose any sleep. Fans of retrocausality, such as himself,
a measurement, the outcome is a real, single event in the the new local-friendliness threshold. The team could also have already made peace with superdeterminism: in
world—it is not relative to anyone or anything. modify the setup to tune down the degree of entangle- their view, it is not shocking that future measurements

affect past results. Meanwhile QBists and many-worlds “It’s becoming conceivable ner’s friend and used it to derive a new paradox. Their set-
adherents long ago threw out the requirement that quan- that larger- and larger-scale up differs from that of the Brisbane team but also involves
tum mechanics prescribe a single outcome that every four observers whose measurements can become entan-
observer must agree on.
computational devices gled. Renner and Frauchiger calculated that if the observ-
And both Bohmian mechanics and spontaneous col- could, in fact, ers apply quantum laws to one another, they can end up
lapse models already happily ditched locality in response be measured in a inferring different results in the same experiment.
to Bell. Furthermore, collapse models say that a real mac- quantum way.” “The new paper is another confirmation that we have
roscopic friend cannot be manipulated as a quantum sys- a problem with current quantum theory,” says Renner,
—Aephraim Steinberg
tem in the first place. who was not involved in the work. He argues that none
Vaidman, who was also not involved in the new work, is of today’s quantum interpretations can worm their way
less enthused by it, however, and criticizes the identifica- out of the so-called Frauchiger-Renner paradox without
tion of Wigner’s friend with a photon. The methods used proponents admitting they do not care whether quan-
in the paper “are ridiculous; the friend has to be macro- into superposition. In turn, that conclusion would sug- tum theory gives consistent results. QBists offer the most
scopic,” he says. Philosopher of physics Tim Maudlin of gest that Wigner was right that consciousness causes col- palatable means of escape because from the outset they
New York University, who was not part of the study, agrees. lapse. “I don’t think I will live to see an experiment like say that quantum theory cannot be used to infer what
“Nobody thinks a photon is an observer, unless you are a this,” Wiseman says. “But that would be revolutionary.” other observers will measure, Renner says. “It still wor-
panpsychic,” he says. Because no physicist questions Reilly, however, warns that physicists hoping that ries me, though: If everything is just personal to me, how
whether a photon can be put into superposition, Maudlin future AGI will help them home in on the fundamental can I say anything relevant to you?” he adds. Renner is
feels the experiment lacks bite. “It rules something out— description of reality are putting the cart before the horse. now working on a new theory that provides a set of math-
just something that nobody ever proposed,” he says. “It’s not inconceivable to me that quantum computers ematical rules that would allow one observer to work out
Tischler accepts the criticism. “We don’t want to over- will be the paradigm shift to get to us into AGI,” she says. what another should see in a quantum experiment.
claim what we have done,” she says. The key for future “Ultimately we need a theory of everything to build an Still, those who strongly believe their favorite interpre-
experiments will be scaling up the size of the “friend,” AGI on a quantum computer, period, full stop.” tation is right see little value in Tischler’s study. “If you
adds team member Howard Wiseman, a physicist at Grif- That requirement may rule out more grandiose plans. think quantum mechanics is unhealthy and it needs
fith University. The most dramatic result, he says, would But the team also suggests more modest intermediate replacing, then this is useful because it tells you new con-
involve using an artificial intelligence, embodied on a tests involving machine-learning systems as friends, straints,” Vaidman says. “But I don’t agree that this is the
quantum computer, as the friend. Some philosophers which appeals to Steinberg. That approach is “interest- case—many worlds explains everything.”
have mused that such a machine could have humanlike ing and provocative,” he says. “It’s becoming conceivable For now physicists will have to continue to agree to dis-
experiences, a position known as the strong AI hypothe- that larger- and larger-scale computational devices could, agree about which interpretation is best or if an entirely
sis, Wiseman notes, although nobody yet knows whether in fact, be measured in a quantum way.” new theory is needed. “That’s where we left off in the ear-
that idea will turn out to be true. But if the hypothesis Renato Renner, a quantum physicist at the Swiss Feder- ly 20th century—we’re genuinely confused about this,”
holds, this quantum-based artificial general intelligence al Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich), makes an Reilly says. “But these studies are exactly the right thing
(AGI) would be microscopic. So from the point of view of even stronger claim: regardless of whether future experi- to do to think through it.”
spontaneous-collapse models, it would not trigger col- ments can be carried out, he says, the new theorem tells us Disclaimer: The author frequently writes for the
lapse because of its size. If such a test were run and the that quantum mechanics needs to be replaced. In 2018 Foundational Questions Institute, which sponsors
local-friendliness bound were not violated, that result Renner and his colleague Daniela Frauchiger, then at ETH research in physics and cosmology and partially funded
would imply that an AGI’s consciousness cannot be put Zurich, published a thought experiment based on Wig­ the Brisbane team’s study.

 20
How Many Aliens
Are in the Milky Way?
Astronomers Turn to
Statistics for Answers
The tenets of Thomas Bayes,
an 18th-century statistician and minister,
underpin the latest estimates
of the prevalence of extraterrestrial life
By Anil Ananthaswamy


Anil Ananthaswamy is author of T  he Edge of Physics, The Man Who
Wasn't There a nd, most recently, T
 hrough Two Doors at Once: The Elegant
Experiment That Captures the Enigma of Our Quantum Reality.

n the 12th episode of Cosmos, which aired on December 14, 1980, number of factors, each of which quantifies some aspect
of our knowledge about our galaxy, planets, life and
the program’s co-creator and host Carl Sagan introduced television
intelligence. These factors include ƒp , the fraction of
viewers to astronomer Frank Drake’s eponymous equation. Using it, stars with extrasolar planets; ne , the number of habit-
he calculated the potential number of advanced civilizations in the able planets in an extrasolar system; ƒl , the fraction of
Milky Way that could contact us using the extraterrestrial equiva- habitable planets on which life emerges; and so on.
lent of our modern radio-communications technology. Sagan’s esti- “At the time Drake wrote [the equation] down—or
even 25 years ago—almost any of those factors could
mate ranged from “a pitiful few” to millions. “If civilizations do not have been the ones that make life very rare,” says Edwin
always destroy themselves shortly after discovering radio astronomy, then the Turner, an astrophysicist at Princeton University. Now
sky may be softly humming with messages from the stars,” Sagan intoned in we know that worlds around stars are the norm and that
his inimitable way. those similar to Earth in the most basic terms of size,
mass and insolation are common as well. In short, there
Sagan was pessimistic about civilizations being able to In recent years, however, some skeptical astronomers appears to be no shortage of galactic real estate that life
survive their own technological “adolescence”—the tran- have tried to put more empirical heft behind such pro- could occupy. Yet “one of the biggest uncertainties in the
sitional period when a culture’s development of, say, nouncements using a sophisticated form of analysis whole chain of factors is the probability that life would
nuclear power, bioengineering or a myriad of other pow- called Bayesian statistics. They have focused on two ever get started—that you would make that leap from
erful capabilities could easily lead to self-annihilation. great unknowns: the odds of life arising on Earth-like chemistry to life, even given suitable conditions,” Turn-
In essentially all other ways, he was an optimist about planets from abiotic conditions—a process called abio- er says.
the prospects for pangalactic life and intelligence. But genesis—and, from there, the odds of intelligence emerg- Ignoring this uncertainty can lead astronomers to make
the scientific basis for his beliefs was shaky at best. ing. Even with such estimates in hand, astronomers dis- rather bold claims. For example, in June, Tom Westby and
Sagan and others suspected the emergence of life on agree about what they mean for life elsewhere in the cos- Christopher Conselice, both at the University of Notting-
clement worlds must be a cosmic inevitability because mos. That lack of consensus is because even the best ham in England, made headlines when they calculated
geologic evidence suggested it arose shockingly quickly Bayesian analysis can do only so much when hard evi- that there should be at least 36 intelligent civilizations in
on Earth: in excess of four billion years ago, practically dence for extraterrestrial life and intelligence is thin on our galaxy capable of communicating with us. The esti-
as soon as our planet had sufficiently cooled from its the ground. mate was based on an assumption that intelligent life
fiery formation. And if, just as on our world, life on oth- The Drake equation, which the astronomer intro- emerges on other habitable Earth-like planets about 4.5
er planets emerged quickly and evolved to become ever duced in 1961, calculates the number of civilizations in billion to 5.5 billion years after their formation.
more complex over time, perhaps intelligence and tech- our galaxy that can transmit—or receive—interstellar “That’s just a very specific and strong assumption,” says
nology, too, could be common throughout the universe. messages via radio waves. It relies on multiplying a astronomer David Kipping of Columbia University. “I don’t

see any evidence that that’s a safe bet to be making.” “We still struggle to Earth, abiogenesis could nonetheless be an extremely
Answering questions about the likelihood of abiogene- rare process.
define what we mean by
sis and the emergence of intelligence is difficult because Turner and Spiegel’s effort was the “first really serious
scientists have just a single piece of information: life on
a living system.” Bayesian attack on this problem,” Kipping says. “I think
Earth. “We don't even really have one full data point,” Kip- —Caleb Scharf what was appealing is that they broke this default, naive
ping says. “We don’t know when life emerged, for instance, interpretation of the early emergence of life.”
on Earth. Even that is subject to uncertainty.” Even so, Kipping thought the researchers’ work was not
Yet another problem with making assumptions based bution that quantifies any uncertainty. It may show, for without its weaknesses, and he has now sought to correct
on what we locally observe is so-called selection bias. instance, that abiogenesis becomes more or less likely it with a more elaborate Bayesian analysis of his own. For
Imagine buying lottery tickets and hitting the jackpot on with time rather than having a uniform probability dis- instance, Kipping questions the assumption that intelli-
your 100th attempt. Reasonably, you might then assign tribution suggested by the prior. gence emerged at some fixed time after abiogenesis. This
a 1 percent probability to winning the lottery. This incor- In 2012 Turner and his colleague David Spiegel, then at prior, he says, could be another instance of selection
rect conclusion is, of course, a selection bias that arises the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, N.J., were bias—a notion influenced by the evolutionary pathway by
if you poll only the winners and none of the failures (that the first to rigorously apply Bayesian analysis to abiogen- which our own intelligence emerged. “In the spirit of
is, the tens of millions of people who purchased tickets esis. In their approach, life on an Earth-like planet encoding all of your ignorance, why not just admit that
but never won the lottery). When it comes to calculating around a sunlike star does not emerge until some mini- you don’t know that number either?” Kipping says. “If
the odds of abiogenesis, “we don’t have access to the fail- mum number of years, tmin, after that world’s formation. you’re trying to infer how long it takes life to emerge, then
ures,” Kipping says. “So this is why we’re in a very chal- If life does not arise before some maximum time, tmax, why not just also do intelligence at the same time?”
lenging position when it comes to this problem.” then as its star ages (and eventually dies), conditions on That suggestion is exactly what Kipping attempted,
Enter Bayesian analysis. The technique uses Bayes’s the planet become too hostile for abiogenesis to ever estimating both the probability of abiogenesis and the
theorem, named after Thomas Bayes, an 18th-century occur. Between tmin and tmax, Turner and Spiegel’s intent emergence of intelligence. For a prior, he chose some-
English statistician and minister. To calculate the odds was to calculate the probability of abiogenesis. thing called the Jeffreys prior, which was designed by
of some event, such as abiogenesis, occurring, astrono- The researchers worked with a few different prior dis- another English statistician and astronomer, Harold Jef-
mers first come up with a likely probability distribution tributions for this probability. They also assumed that freys. It is said to be maximally uninformative. Because
of it—a best guess, if you will. For example, one can intelligence took some fixed amount of time to appear the Jeffreys prior does not bake in massive assumptions,
assume that abiogenesis is as likely between 100 million after abiogenesis. it places more weight on the evidence. Turner and Spie-
to 200 million years after Earth formed as it is between Given such assumptions, the geophysical and paleonto- gel had also tried to find an uninformative prior. “If you
200 million to 300 million years after that time or in any logical evidence of life’s genesis on Earth and what evolu- want to know what the data are telling you and not what
other 100-million-year chunk of our planet’s history. tionary theory says about the emergence of intelligent you thought about them previously, then you want an
Such assumptions are called Bayesian priors, and they life, Turner and Spiegel were able to calculate different uninformative prior,” Turner says. In their 2012 analysis,
are made explicit. Then the statisticians collect data or posterior probability distributions for abiogenesis. the researchers employed three priors, one of which was
evidence. Finally, they combine the prior and the evi- Although the evidence that life appeared early on Earth the least informative, but they fell short of using Jeffreys
dence to calculate what is called a posterior probability. may indeed suggest that abiogenesis is fairly easy, the prior, despite being aware of it.
In the case of abiogenesis, that probability would be the posteriors did not place any lower bound on the probabil- In Kipping’s calculation, that prior focused attention
odds of the emergence of life on an Earth-like planet, ity. The calculation “doesn’t rule out very low probabili- on what he calls the “four corners” of the parameter
given our prior assumptions and evidence. The posteri- ties, which is really sort of common sense with statistics space: life is common, and intelligence is common; life
or is not a single number but rather a probability distri- of one,” Turner says. Despite life’s rapid emergence on is common, and intelligence is rare; life is rare, and intel-

ligence is common; and life is rare, and intelligence is about claimed answers, given that any such analysis is
rare. All four corners were equally likely before the beholden to geologic, geophysical, paleontological,
Bayesian analysis began. archaeological and biological evidence for life on Earth—
Turner agrees that using the Jeffreys prior is a signifi- none of which is unequivocal about the time lines for
cant advance. “It’s the best way that we have, really, to abiogenesis and the appearance of intelligence.
just ask what the data are trying to tell you,” he says. “We still struggle to define what we mean by a living
Combining the Jeffreys prior with the sparse evidence system,” says Caleb Scharf, an astronomer and astrobi-
of the emergence and intelligence of life on Earth, Kip- ologist at Columbia. “It is a slippery beast in terms of sci-
ping obtained a posterior probability distribution, which entific definition. That’s problematic for making a state-
allowed him to calculate new odds for the four corners. ment [about] when abiogenesis happens—or even state-
He found, for instance, that the “life is common, and ments about the evolution of intelligence.”
intelligence is rare” scenario is nine times more likely If we did have rigorous definitions, problems would
than both life and intelligence being rare. And even if persist. “We don’t know whether or not life started up,
intelligence is not rare, the life-is-common scenario has stopped, restarted. We also don’t know whether life can
a minimum odds ratio of 9 to 1. Those odds are not the only be constructed one way or not,” Scharf says. When
kind that one would bet the house on, Kipping says: did Earth become hospitable to life? And when it did,
“You could easily lose the bet.” were the first molecules of this “life” amino acids, RNAs
Still, that calculation is “a positive sign that life should or lipid membranes? And after life first came about, was
be out there,” he says. “It is, at least, a suggestive hint it snuffed out by some cataclysmic event early in Earth’s
that life is not a difficult process.” history only to restart in a potentially different manner?
Not all Bayesian statisticians would agree. Turner, for “There’s an awful lot of uncertainty,” Scharf says.
one, interprets the results differently. Yes, Kipping’s All this sketchy evidence makes even Bayesian analy-
analysis suggests that life’s apparent early arrival on sis difficult. But as a technique, it remains the best-suit-
Earth favors a model in which abiogenesis is common, ed method for handling more evidence—say, the discov-
with a specific odds ratio of 9:1. But this calculation does ery of signs of life existing on Mars in the past or with-
not mean that model is nine times more likely to be true in one of Jupiter’s ice-covered, ocean-bearing moons at
than the one that says abiogenesis is rare, Turner says, the present.
adding that Kipping’s interpretation is “a little bit over- “The moment we have another data point to play
ly optimistic.” with, assuming that happens, [the Bayesian models] are
According to Turner, who applauds Kipping’s work, the ways to best utilize that extra datum. Suddenly the
even the most sophisticated Bayesian analysis will still uncertainties shrink dramatically,” Scharf says. “We
leave room for the rarity of both life and intelligence in don’t necessarily have to survey every star in our galaxy
the universe. “What we know about life on Earth doesn’t to figure out how likely it is for any given place to har-
rule out those possibilities,” he says. bor life. One or two more data points, and suddenly we
And it is not just Bayesian statisticians who may have know about, essentially, the universe in terms of its pro-
a beef with Kipping’s interpretation. Anyone interested pensity for producing life or possibly intelligence. And
in questions about the origin of life would be skeptical that’s rather powerful.”

 24
Rover Ever
Perseverance will stow
away rocks for eventual
delivery to Earth and will


NASA’s Perseverance rover listen for Martian sounds
sits aboard an Atlas V
rocket before launching for the first time
from Cape Canaveral Air
Force Station in Florida. By Alexandra Witze

Alexandra Witze works for Nature m

he biggest, most complex rover ever sent to Mars is now on around 90 days remotely checking all its systems to make
its way. NASA’s Perseverance rover launched successfully sure they are in working order. The rover probably will
not begin rolling in earnest until May, when it will strike
on July 30, the third of three Mars missions to launch in out on its six wheels to explore Jezero Crater, which lies
the space of just 10 days. The rover will be the first mission about 3,750 kilometers from Curiosity’s landing site.
ever to attempt to collect rock samples for return to Earth; Jezero means “lake” in several Slavic languages. More
it will also search for signs of ancient alien life, launch the than 3.8 billion years ago a river flowed into the 45-kilo-
meter-wide crater, and lake waters filled it. Images sug-
first helicopter on the Red Planet and use microphones to
gest that along the crater’s rim, carbonate minerals set-
capture Mars’s sounds for the first time. tled out and hardened into rock. That is exciting because
on Earth ancient carbonate rocks hold some of the oldest
The rover blasted into the skies above Cape Canaveral, might one day fly back to Earth—in what would be the known evidence of life, including fossilized bacterial
Fla., aboard an Atlas V rocket at 7:50 A.M. local time. The first sample return from Mars. mats known as stromatolites.
launch follows the United Arab Emirates’ Mars Hope “Perseverance is going to do so much for us,” says If Martian life ever existed, Jezero’s carbonates are a
orbiter, which took off on July 20, and China’s Tianwen-1 Kennda Lynch, an astrobiologist at the Lunar and Plan- good place to look for it. “We’ve not explored an environ-
rover, which launched three days after that. All three cap- etary Institute in Houston, Tex. ment like this before,” says Tanja Bosak, a geobiologist at
italized on a favorable alignment between the orbits of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who is working
Earth and Mars for a fuel-efficient journey. NEXT-GENERATION EXPLORER on the mission. Evidence of life could come in the form of
Now Perseverance will cruise through space for nearly The machine is a beefed-up version of the Curiosity rov- actual fossils or in chemical or geologic signatures of
seven months, aiming to land in Mars’s Jezero Crater on er, which gripped the world when it landed on Mars eight organisms that once lived in the rocks.
February 18, 2021. If it reaches the surface safely, the years ago in a nail-biting seven-minute maneuver. After
$2.7-billion, plutonium-powered, 1,025-kilogram rover a journey of roughly 500 million kilometers, Persever- TOOLS OF THE TRADE
will spend at least one Mars year—nearly two Earth ance will hit the Martian atmosphere traveling at around The rover is loaded with instruments that make it a true
years—exploring a landscape where an ancient river 19,500 kilometers per hour. It will deploy a parachute field geologist—and truly international. They include a
flowed into a lake that might have hosted Martian life. and then a “sky crane” system—similar to that used by pair of zoomable cameras that can spot a fly from the
As well as searching the riverbed and lakeshore for Curiosity—that will fire retrorockets to slow it down as it other side of a sports field; a Spanish-built weather sta-
signs of fossilized life, Perseverance will test whether approaches the planet’s surface. Unlike Curiosity, the tion; a Norwegian-built radar to scan layers of soil and
astronauts could produce oxygen from the Red Planet’s spacecraft has an autopiloting system to detect obstacles rock underneath the planet’s surface; and an advanced
atmosphere. But most important, it will fill tubes with such as big rocks and to guide it to a safe location. version of a laser instrument carried on Curiosity, which
Martian rock and soil that a yet-to-be-built spacecraft Once Perseverance touches down, engineers will spend will probe rocks to study their chemical makeup. “Who

“Returning samples will be the first time
we will have done a round trip to Mars.
That’s important because it’s a metaphor
for human spaceflight.
Most astronauts who go to Mars
are going to want to come back.”
—John Grunsfeld

doesn’t love a camera with a laser that zaps rocks?” says THERE AND BACK AGAIN
John Grunsfeld, a former NASA astronaut who led the “Returning samples will be the first time we will have
development of Perseverance when he ran the agency’s done a round trip to Mars,” Grunsfeld says. “That’s
science office from 2012 to 2016. important because it’s a metaphor for human spaceflight.
Perseverance is also pioneering because it carries two Most astronauts who go to Mars are going to want to
microphones, which will not only reveal the winds and come back.”
other sounds of Mars for the first time but also be able to As a step toward that long-term exploration, the rover
listen for engineering problems in the motors or wheels, will use one of its instruments to attempt to produce oxy-
Grunsfeld says. And it has a 1.8-kilogram helicopter gen from Mars’s carbon dioxide atmosphere. Future
named Ingenuity, which it can deploy to scout ahead for human astronauts might be able to do the same to make
places where the rover could roll. If the mission is suc- oxygen to breathe or to produce rocket fuel to get home.
cessful, Ingenuity will be the first craft to make a con- The C­ ­OVID-19 pandemic has not made Perseverance’s
trolled flight on another planet. past few months on Earth easy. In March, when the pan-
But the workhorse of Perseverance is its robotic arm, demic hit the U.S., the spacecraft was in Florida being
which can stretch to scrutinize rocks up close and then prepared for launch—but most of its engineers were in
drill out samples to be stored in tubes in the rover’s California, at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. When staff
belly. The mission will stash these samples until a future needed to travel to Florida to help with final arrange-
spacecraft can retrieve them and bring them back to ments, NASA used some of its agency aircraft to transport
Earth. Perseverance carries 43 tubes, “and we will use them so they would not have to risk exposure to the coro-
them all in the pursuit of something like 30 or 35 really navirus by flying commercially.
good samples,” says Ken Farley, a geologist at the
California Institute of Technology and the mission’s This article is reproduced with permission and was
project scientist. NASA and the European Space Agency first published in Nature on July 30, 2020.
plan to bring those rocks back to Earth by 2031 so that
scientists can study them in sophisticated laborato-
ries—although only a small part of the funding has yet
been committed.

 27
OPINION Ravi Kopparapu is a planetary scientist at nasa Goddard Space Flight Center who studies planetary habitability, climate
modeling and chemistry in the context of exoplanet atmosphere characterization. He has authored nearly 50 peer-reviewed
publications in scientific journals and book chapters. He can be reached on Twitter @ravi_kopparapu
Jacob Haqq-Misra is an astrobiologist who studies planetary habitability, the search for extraterrestrial life and the human settlement
of Mars. He is a research scientist at the Blue Marble Space Institute of Science and has authored more than 50 peer-reviewed
publications. You can find him on Twitter @haqqmisra or on his Web site.


Aerial Phenomena,
Better Known as
UFOs, Deserve
UAP are a scientifically interesting problem. Inter­
disciplinary teams of scientists should study them

FOs have been back in the news because
of videos, initially leaked and later con-
firmed by the U.S. Navy and officially re-
leased by the Pentagon, that purportedly show
“unidentified aerial phenomena” (UAP) in our
skies. Speculations about their nature have run
the gamut from mundane objects such as birds People gather in Dexter, Mich., to watch for UFOs in 1966.
or balloons to visitors from outer space.
It is difficult, if not impossible, to say what these A judgment on the nature of these objects entific investigation is needed.
actually are, however, without context. What hap- (and these seem to be “objects,” as confirmed by The proposal to scientifically study UAP is not

pened before and after these video snippets? the navy) needs a coherent explanation that new. The problem of understanding such unex-
Were there any simultaneous observations from should accommodate and connect all the facts of plained UAP cases drew interest from scientists
other instruments or sightings by pilots? the events. And this is where interdis­ciplinary sci- during the 1960s, which resulted in the U.S. Air


Force funding a group at the University of Colorado, we must simply let scientific curiosity be the any credibility to the explanation of the phenome-
headed by physicist Edward Condon, to study UAP spearhead of understanding such phenomena. na. A rigorous scientific analysis is sorely needed,
from 1966 to 1968. The resulting Condon Report We should be cautious of outright dismissal by by multiple independent study groups, just as we
concluded that further study of UAP was unlikely to assuming that all UAP must be explainable. do to evaluate other scientific discoveries. We, as
be scientifically interesting—a conclusion that drew Why should astronomers, meteorologists or plan- scientists, cannot hastily dismiss any phenomenon
mixed reactions from scientists and the public. etary scientists care about these events? Shouldn’t without in-depth examination and then conclude
Concerns over the inadequacy of the methods we just let image analysts or radar observation ex- the event itself is unscientific.
used for the Condon Report culminated in a con- perts handle the problem? All good questions, and Such an approach would certainly not pass the
gressional hearing in 1968, as well as a debate rightly so. Why should we care? Because we are “smell test” in our day-to-day science duties, so
sponsored by the American Association for the scientists. Curiosity is the reason we became sci- these kinds of arguments similarly should not suf-
Advancement of Science (AAAS) in 1969, with entists. In the current interdisciplinary collaborative fice to explain UAP. We must insist on strict ag-
participation by scholars such as Carl Sagan, environment, if someone (especially a fellow scien- nosticism. We suggest an approach that is purely
J. Allen Hynek, James McDonald, Robert Hall and tist) approaches us with an unsolved problem be- rational: UAP represent observations that are puz-
Robert Baker. Hynek was an astronomy professor yond our area of expertise, we usually do our best zling and waiting to be explained—just like any
at the Ohio State University and led the Project to actually contact other experts within our profes- other science discovery.
Blue Book investigation. McDonald, who was a sional network to try to get some outside perspec- The transient nature of UAP events, and hence
well-known meteorologist and a member of the tive. The best-case outcome is that we work on a the unpredictability of when and where the next
National Academy of Sciences and the AAAS, paper or a proposal with our colleague from anoth- event will happen, is likely one of the main reasons
performed a thorough investigation of UAP. Sagan, er discipline; the worst case is that we learn some- that UAP have not been taken seriously in science
a professor of astronomy at Cornell University, was thing new from a colleague in another discipline. circles. But how can one identify a pattern without
one of the organizers of the AAAS debate. He dis- Either way, curiosity helps us to learn more and systematically collecting the data in the first place?
missed the extraterrestrial hypothesis as unlikely become scientists with broader perspectives. In astronomy, the observations (location and tim-
but still considered the UAP subject worthy of sci- So what should be the approach? If a scientific ing) of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), supernovae and
entific inquiry. explanation is desired, one needs an interdisciplin- gravitational waves are similarly unpredictable. We
Recent UAP sightings, however, have so far failed ary approach to address the combined observation- now recognize them, however, as natural phenom-
to generate similar interest among the scientific al characteristics of UAP rather than isolating one ena arising from stellar evolution.
community. Part of the reason could be the appar- aspect of the event. Furthermore, UAP are not How did we develop detailed and complex
ent taboo around UAP, which connects them to the U.S.-specific events. They are a worldwide occur- mathematical models that could explain these
paranormal or pseudoscience while ignoring the rence. Several other countries studied them. So natural phenomena? By a concerted effort from
history behind them. Sagan even wrote in the after- shouldn’t we as scientists choose to investigate scientists around the world who meticulously col-
word of the 1969 debate proceedings about the and curb the speculation around them? lected data from each occurrence of the event
“strong opposition” by other scientists who were A systematic investigation is essential to bring and systematically observed them. We still cannot
“convinced that AAAS sponsorship would somehow the phenomena into mainstream science. The col- predict when and where such astronomical events
lend credence to ‘unscientific’ ideas.” As scientists, lection of hard data is paramount to establishing will occur in the sky.


But we understand to an extent the nature of

GRBs, supernovae and gravitational waves. Why?
Because we have not dismissed the phenomena
or the people who observed them. We studied
them. Astronomers have tools, so they can share
the data they collect even if some question their
claim. Similarly, we need tools to observe UAP; ra-
dar, thermal and visual observations will be im-
mensely helpful. We must repeat here that this is
a global phenomenon. Perhaps some, or even
most, UAP events are simply classified military air-
craft or strange weather formations or other mis-
identified but mundane phenomena. Yet there are
still a number of truly puzzling cases that might be
worth investigating.
Of course, not all scientists need to make UAP
investigation a part of their research portfolio. For
those who do, discarding the taboo surrounding
these phenomena would help in developing inter-
disciplinary teams of motivated individuals who
can begin genuine scientific inquiry.
A template to perform a thorough scientific in-
vestigation can be found in McDonald’s paper
“Science in Default.” Although he entertains the
conclusion that these events could be extraterres-
trial (which we do not subscribe to), McDonald’s
methodology itself is a great example of objective
scientific analysis. And this is exactly what we as
scientists can do to study these events.
As Sagan concluded at the 1969 debate, “sci-
entists are particularly bound to have open minds;
this is the lifeblood of science.” We do not know
what UAP are, and this is precisely the reason that
we as scientists should study them.

 30
OPINION Caleb A. Scharf is director of astrobiology at Columbia University. He is author
and co-author of more than 100 scientific research articles in astronomy and astro­
physics. His work has been featured in publications such as N ew Scientist, Scientific
American, Science News, Cosmos Magazine, Physics Today a nd National Geographic.
For many years he wrote the Life, Unbounded blog for Scientific American.


Could We
Force the Universe
to Crash?
If we’re all living in a simulation, as some
have suggested, it would be a good, albeit risky,
way to find out for sure

hese are the days of fever dreams, whether
induced by an actual virus or by the slow-­
motion stresses of a world dealing with
a pandemic. One kind of dream in particular that
I know I have had has to do with discovering that
this was all, well, a dream. Except when I really do
wake up, I remember that there are ideas about
the nature of reality that go beyond even this.
The trickiest variant of these concepts is the sim-
ulation hypothesis, which is that we far more
likely exist within a virtual reality than in a physi-
cal reality.
The proposition that the world is a sham is not
new; it has been cropping up for thousands of
years across different cultures, from China to

ancient Greece, advocated by thinkers such as
Descartes with his mind-body dualism. But this
more recent version, based on computation—or at


least artificial reconstruction—bubbled up around The question is: How do you bring down
2003 with the publication of a paper entitled
“Are You Living in a Computer Simulation?” by
a simulation of reality from inside it?
philosopher Nick Bostrom. In essence Bostrom
makes the argument that if any extremely
advanced civilizations developed the capacity to ingful small distances or time intervals—the ating their version of a simulated reality, which is
run “ancestor simulations” (to learn about their Planck scale and Planck time—that has to do in turn doing the same, and so on all the way
own pasts), the simulated ancestral entities would with the limits of our current understanding of down the rabbit hole. If all of this worked, the uni-
likely far outnumber actual sentient entities in physics rather than the kind of resolution limits verse as we know it might crash, revealing itself
the universe. With a little probabilistic hand wav- on your pixelated screen. Nevertheless, recent as a mirage just as we winked out of existence.
ing, it is then possible to argue that we are most research suggests that the true limit of meaning- You could argue that any species capable of
likely simulated. ful intervals of time might be orders of magnitude simulating a reality (likely similar to its own) would
All of which is good fun if you have had a few larger than the traditional Planck time (which is surely anticipate this eventuality and build in
beers or spent a few too many hours cowering 10–43 second). Perhaps future physics experi- some safeguards to prevent it from happening.
under your bedclothes. But whether you love or ments could reveal an unexpected chunkiness to For instance, we might discover that it is
hate this hypothesis, the simple fact is that before time and space. strangely and inexplicably impossible to actually
judging it, we should really apply the criteria we But the neatest test of the hypothesis would make simulated universes of our own, no matter
use for assessing any hypothesis, and the first be to crash the system that runs our simulation. how powerful our computational systems are—
step in that process is to ask whether it can be Naturally that sounds a bit ill-advised, but if we whether generalized quantum computers or oth-
assessed in any reasonable way. are all virtual entities anyway, does it really mat- erwise. That in itself could be a sign that we
Intriguingly, the simulation hypothesis might be ter? Presumably a quick reboot and restore might already exist inside a simulation. Of course, the
testable, under certain assumptions. For example, bring us back online as if nothing had happened, original programmers might have anticipated that
we might suppose that a simulation has its limita- but possibly we would be able to tell, or at the scenario, too, and found some way to trick us,
tions. The most obvious one, extrapolating from very least have a few microseconds of triumph, perhaps just streaming us information from other
the current state of digital computation, is simply just before it all shuts down. simulation runs rather than letting us run our own.
that a simulation will have to make approxima- The question is: How do you bring down a sim- But interventions like this risk undermining the
tions to save on information storage and calcula- ulation of reality from inside it? The most obvious reason for a species running such simulations in
tion overheads. In other words, it would have lim- strategy would be to try to cause the equivalent the first place, which would be to learn something
its on accuracy and precision. of a stack overflow—asking for more space in the deep about its own nature. Perhaps letting it all
One way that those limits could manifest them- active memory of a program than is available—by crash is simply the price to pay for the integrity of
selves is in the discretization of the world, per- creating an infinitely, or at least excessively, the results. Or perhaps they are simply running
haps showing up in spatial and temporal resolu- recursive process. And the way to do that would the simulation containing us to find out whether
tion barriers. Although we do think that there are be to build our own simulated realities, designed they themselves are within a fake reality.
some absolute limits to what constitutes mean- so that within those virtual worlds are entities cre- Sweet dreams.

 32
OPINION Avi Loeb is former chair (2011–2020) of the astronomy department at Harvard University, founding director of Harvard’s
Black Hole Initiative, and director of the Institute for Theory and Computation at the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard &
Smithsonian. He also chairs the Board on Physics and Astronomy of the National Academies and the advisory board for the
Breakthrough Starshot project and is a member of the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology. Loeb is author
of E xtraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth, forthcoming from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt in January 2021.


A Movie of the
Evolving Universe
Is Potentially Scary
The Vera C. Rubin Observatory
will reveal all kinds of short-term changes
in the cosmos—and some could have dire
consequences for humanity

fter the COVID-19 rules about social
distancing went into effect, I developed
a morning routine of jogging through the
woods near my home. During the first months,
I focused on the green branches stretching
upward toward the sky, but then I started to
notice the debris of tree trunks lying on the
ground. There are many such remnants being notice the former chairs scattered around me, by a false sense of permanence. Astronomers col-


eaten by termites, rotting and ultimately dispers- just like those tree trunks in the woods. lected still images of the universe, creating the
ing into the underlying soil. A glimpse at the for- Entering a new stage of life can be humbling. impression that nothing really changes under the
est reveals a sequence of evolutionary phases in We acquire a false sense of permanence from sun—or above it, either. But just like the revelation
the history of trees that have lived or died at dif- reviewing the frozen past, as if it were a statue from my stroll through the woods, these snapshots
ferent times. that will never erode. But this view is shortsighted showed stars and galaxies of different ages at var-
The phenomenon happens in other contexts. because each moment can also be seen as a new ious evolutionary phases in their history. Computer
For example, I recently completed a nine-year beginning, shaped by forces beyond our control simulations helped us patch together the full story
term as chair of the astronomy department at and swirling on a grander scale. by solving the equations of motion for matter,
Harvard University. And only now have I begun to Old-fashioned astronomy was also permeated starting from the initial conditions imprinted on the


cosmic microwave background at early cosmic Within the Milky Way, transient events close
times. By generating snapshots of an artificial cos-
mos similar to those captured by telescopes, these
to Earth could lead to catastrophe.
simulations unraveled our cosmic roots. The scien-
tific insight that emerged is that the likely origins
of our existence were quantum fluctuations in the 1,000 deep multicolor images per patch of the Of greatest relevance for our long-term survival
early universe. Perhaps we should add “Quantum southern sky over a decade and recording the is identifying large objects on a collision course
Mechanics Day” to our annual celebrations of most extensive video of the universe ever taken, with Earth, similar to the Chicxulub asteroid that
Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. with its plethora of transients in full glory. killed the dinosaurs 66 million years ago. In 2005
There are some missing pages in the photo Some of the LSST flares are expected to be Congress passed a bill requiring NASA to find and
album made up of our observations, however: the the counterparts of gravitational-wave sources track at least 90 percent of all near-Earth objects
period known as the cosmic dawn, for example, detected by LIGO/Virgo or LISA. Their discovery larger than 140 meters (enough to cause regional
when the first stars and galaxies turned on. will usher in multimessenger astronomy based on devastation) by 2020. Only a third of these
These missing pages will be filled in the coming both gravitational and electromagnetic waves objects have been identified in the sky so far. In a
decade by the next generation of telescopes, emitted by the same sources, providing new recent paper with my undergraduate student Amir
such as the James Webb Space Telescope insights about the central engines that power Siraj, we explained some puzzling properties of
(JWST), the ground-based “extremely large” tele- these transients. The related “standard sirens” the Chicxulub asteroid as a tidal breakup of a
scopes and the Hydrogen Epoch of Reionization could serve as new rulers for measuring precise long-period comet that passed close to the sun. If
Array (HERA). distances in cosmology. future sky surveys alert us to another fragment
To reveal a more literal gap in the sky, the Event Within the Milky Way, transient events close to whose apparent size grows rapidly against the sky,
Horizon Telescope recently captured a still image Earth could lead to catastrophe. A supernova explo- we had better have a contingency plan to deflect
of the silhouette of the black hole in the giant gal- sion, for example, could cause a mass extinction its trajectory—or else immediately call our realtor.
axy M87. The next goal is to obtain a sequence on an unprecedented scale. If a meteor similar to Keeping up with the challenge of precision
of images or a video showing the time variability the one that hit the unpopulated regions near cosmology for the next few decades can demon-
of the accretion flow around the black hole. Chelyabinsk in 2013 or Tunguska in 1908 hit strate that the Hubble constant, which describes
The tradition of still images makes sense when New York City, it could cause a far larger death the expansion rate of the universe, is not really
dealing with systems like galaxies, which evolve toll and more economic damage than COVID-19. a constant, in accordance with the expected San-
on a timescale of billions of years. But the uni- Or consider the impact of a blob of hot gas from dage-Loeb test. In the long run, the only thing that
verse also exhibits transient fireworks that flare the sun, a so-called coronal mass ejection of the stays constant is change. The accelerated expan-
up and dim during a human lifetime. Observing type that missed Earth in 2012. Such an event sion of the universe under the influence of so-
them is the motivation behind the Legacy Survey could shut off communication systems, disable sat- called dark energy will be the ultimate manifesta-
of Space and Time (LSST) on the Vera C. Rubin ellites and damage power grids. Altogether, astro- tion of extragalactic social distancing in the post-
Observatory, which will have its first light soon. nomical alerts about such celestial threats could COVID-19 era, preventing any future contact
LSST will be a filming project documenting nearly be crucial for securing the longevity of our species. between us and civilizations outside our galaxy.

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