Wildlife Trade

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Wildlife trade

Poli Popova
What is wildlife trade?
 big business with wild animals, plants and products, made of them

What does it mean?

 taking and selling living or dead animals, plants and products around the

 skins
 leather goods,
 souvenirs,
 traditional medicine,
 food
 other many forms
Golden Triangle of wildlife trade
 Thailand
 Myanmar
 Laos

Other wildlife trade

 South - East Asia
 Southern Africa
 Mexico
 Indonesia
What are animal products often used for?
• these wildlife animals are often wanted as
• from skins of tigers, crocodiles or giraffes
are usually made:
• carpets/rugs
• shoes/bags
• rhino horns are used in Asian medicine
• unfortunately absolutely with no purpouse
How has been situation changing in last years?

• The increase of wildlife trade between years 1975-2015

Negative effects of wildlife trade

spread diseases from exotic animals

weakening global ekosystem

main ecological problems functions
reducing biological dioversity

extinction of endangered species

Some highly trafficked
How can particularly you or the society
improve the situation?

 Always check out about the thing you buy (if it is something unusual) and
what it is made of
 Don´t buy any animal products or souvenirs
 Support the organisations which are fighting to save animals from trafficking
 Notice everything illegal and report about it to confident web pages
 https://www.worldwildlife.org/threats/illegal-wildlife-trade
 https://www.wwf-congobasin.org/stop_illegal_wildlife_trade.cfm
 https://www.fws.gov/international/travel-and-trade/illegal-wildlife-trade.html
 https://www.unodc.org/e4j/en/wildlife-crime/module-1/key-
 https://www.wwf.sg/our_work/stop_illegal_wildlife_trade/what_is_wildlife_tra
 https://www.nrdc.org/stories/wildlife-trade-101
 https://theconversation.com/what-is-the-wildlife-trade-and-what-are-the-

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