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01 Hackathons are collaborative events where participants, including young people,
come together to develop innovative solutions to specific challenges. You can
organize hackathons to tap into the creativity and problem-solving skills of
young participants, fostering open innovation. These events encourage the
sharing of ideas, collaboration, and rapid prototyping to address pressing

Co-creation Workshops
02 Youth organisations can conduct co-creation workshops that bring together
young people, community members, experts, and stakeholders to collectively
generate and refine ideas. These workshops create an inclusive space for open
dialogue, brainstorming, and problem-solving. By actively involving various
stakeholders, you can benefit from diverse perspectives, insights, and expertise,
leading to more effective and impactful innovations.

03 Challenges are invitations for anyone to present a solution for an identified
problem. The best idea(s) may earn a prize. You can create a campaign for a
challenge and give a few weeks time for young people to propose solutions.
Create a simple form for participants to submit their ideas. Use social media or
combine it with co-creation sessions held in schools, gardens and/or online.

Youth Advisory Boards

04 Establishing youth advisory boards within Youth Work organisations can provide
a platform for young people to actively participate in decision-making and
contribute innovative ideas. These boards offer a space for young voices to be
heard, ensuring their perspectives are integrated into the organization's
innovation strategies and initiatives.

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