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Social media is the most effective tool used in marketing in this present day.

It provides a wide

reach from a small space with small resources to reach that other end of the world (Kozinets et

al., 2010; Barefoot and Szabo, 2010).

The question these days is not "why use social media?" It's "why not?". Analyzing this using

statistics. There are over 7 billions people in the world (United Nations Statistics) and Satistica

(2021), says Facebook has over 2.8 billion active monthly users and Youtube over 2.2 billion

active monthly users, that's about 30% of the world population.


Some advantages by Ernest, et al. (2011);

1. Reaching a wide audience

Social media can get you to an end that is literally impossible to get to with just a mouse click.


In the early years of movie production, movie premier was tough. Social media has improved

that aspect, millions of people watch movies on it's release date through Netflix, HBO etc.

2. Connect with your end users

There's a user at the end of every internet everywhere around the world and social media get

there with ease.

An important aspect of marketing is customer service, social media has made it easy to have a

live video conversation with end users of any product.

3. Social media networks are free

Aside the promotion payment required to boost engagement on social media, it's free to

register for everyone.


Registration on the most used social networking sites are all free and takes a very short process

to get through.

Barefoot. D. & Szabo. J. (2010) “Friends with benefits: A Social Media-Marketing Handbook” San

Francisco: No Starch Press.

Ernst.J, David M. and Cooperstein, Dernoga M. Foster. (2011). Study “Social Media as a tool of marketing

and creating brand awareness” 2011 (

Kozinets, R. V., Andrea, C. and Sarah, J. S. (2010) “Networked Narratives: Understanding Word-of-Mouth

Marketing in Online Communities,” Journal of Marketing, 74 71–89.

Statistica. (2021). Global social network ranked by numbers of user. Available on


United Nations Statistics. (2021). Current World Population. Available on

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