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Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor


Installation and Configuration Guide

This document describes how to install and configure Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor.

October 2017
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Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide

Preface............................................................................................... 11
Intended audience................................................................................................. 12
Product version...................................................................................................... 12
Release notes........................................................................................................ 12
Related documents.................................................................................................12
Document conventions........................................................................................... 13
Conventions for storage capacity values...................................................................14
Accessing product documentation........................................................................... 14
Getting help...........................................................................................................15
Comments............................................................................................................. 15

1 Overview.............................................................................................17
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor overview................................................................. 18
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system configuration................................................18
Installation methods...............................................................................................20
Installation workflow for a two-host configuration.....................................................21
Installation workflow for a three-host configuration.................................................. 22
Default installation directory....................................................................................23

2 System requirements........................................................................... 25
System requirements for using the virtual appliance................................................. 26
Requirements for Infrastructure Analytics Advisor and Data Center Analytics servers
....................................................................................................................... 26
Requirements for Analytics probe server and Configuration Manager REST API..... 26
System requirements for using the installer..............................................................27
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server requirements (Linux)................................ 27
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server requirements (Windows)...........................28
Data Center Analytics server requirements......................................................... 28
Analytics probe server requirements...................................................................30
Configuration Manager REST API requirements................................................... 31
Port requirements.................................................................................................. 32
Supported browsers............................................................................................... 34

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Management target requirements............................................................................34

3 Installation with virtual appliances........................................................ 39

Installing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor and Data Center Analytics servers (VMware
vSphere Client)...................................................................................................... 40
Installing Analytics probe server (VMware vSphere Client).........................................41
Initial setup of the guest OS or VMs........................................................................ 43

4 Installation on a Linux host...................................................................47

Verifying the yum/rpm dependency packages...........................................................48
Increasing the maximum number of open files......................................................... 50
Installing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor and Data Center Analytics servers (Linux OS)
............................................................................................................................ 52
Installing Analytics probe server (Linux OS)............................................................. 58
Linux OS settings changed by the installer............................................................... 62

5 Installation of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server on a Windows host

.......................................................................................................... 65
Installing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server (Windows OS).................................66

6 Initial setup after installation................................................................ 67

Initial setup of Data Center Analytics server............................................................. 68
Initial setup of Analytics probe server...................................................................... 69
Initial setup of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server............................................... 71
Logging on to Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.......................................... 71
Changing the system account password............................................................. 72
Setting up a connection with Data Center Analytics server................................... 73
Configuring the mail server................................................................................73
Enabling output of the audit log for the common component............................... 74
Configuring the initial settings for linking with Automation Director............................ 75
Installing Automation Director........................................................................... 75
Changing common component settings.............................................................. 75
Checking user account settings..........................................................................77
Creating a definition file linked to Automation Director........................................ 78
Format of definition files linked to Automation Director........................................79
Configuring initial settings for limiting the I/O activity of Hitachi storage resources......82
Configuration overview for I/O controls using Automation Director....................... 82
Installing the Configuration Manager REST API..............................................84
Registering storage systems in the Configuration Manager REST API.............. 84
Setting up Automation Director to run the I/O control service.........................86
Checking the connection with Automation Director........................................ 90
Configuring I/O control settings with user-defined scripts.................................... 90
Prerequisites for setting I/O controls (using a script)......................................91
Creating the script files................................................................................ 91
Editing built-in command templates.............................................................. 95
Creating an I/O control task.........................................................................96
Running the script files................................................................................ 97
Checking the status of the script execution................................................... 97

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Initial setup for enabling Granular Data Collection.................................................... 98
Configuring SSH to use Granular Data Collection................................................. 99
Creating keys on the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server........................... 99
Configuring the public key authentication.................................................... 100
Verifying SSH connections.......................................................................... 101
Registering storage systems to be monitored by Granular Data Collection........... 102
Changing the megha and meghadata passwords.................................................... 104
Adding a secondary Data Center Analytics server ...................................................105
Configuring the downloader on the Data Center Analytics server........................ 106

7 Adding probes to the Analytics probe server........................................ 109

Setting up the Hitachi Enterprise Storage probe (when using RAID Agent)............... 110
Verify the connection between host and monitoring targets (when using RAID
Agent)........................................................................................................... 110
Making the command device accessible (when using RAID Agent)......................112
Creating an instance environment (when using RAID Agent)..............................114
Adding Hitachi Enterprise Storage probe...........................................................116
Deleting an instance environment (when using RAID Agent).............................. 119
Setting up the Hitachi Enterprise Storage probe (when using Tuning Manager - Agent
for RAID).............................................................................................................120
Requirements for adding the Hitachi Enterprise Storage probe (when using Tuning
Manager - Agent for RAID).............................................................................. 120
Changing data to be collected by Tuning Manager - Agent for RAID....................121
Settings for communication from Analytics probe server to Tuning Manager - Agent
for RAID.........................................................................................................122
Notes on using Tuning Manager - Agent for RAID..............................................123
Adding Hitachi Enterprise Storage probe...........................................................123
Values used for estimating disk space when using Tuning Manager - Agent for RAID
..................................................................................................................... 126
Adding Hitachi Adaptable Modular Storage (AMS) probe..........................................128
Adding Hitachi NAS probe..................................................................................... 128
Adding VMware probe...........................................................................................129
Adding Brocade Network Advisor probe..................................................................130
Adding Cisco DCNM probe.....................................................................................130
Adding Cisco SAN Switch probe............................................................................. 131
Encrypting the CSV file....................................................................................132
Adding Linux probe.............................................................................................. 133
Initial setup after adding a probe...........................................................................134

8 Installing Data Center Analytics server Windows-based probe............... 137

Data collection methods........................................................................................138
Installing the Windows-based probe...................................................................... 141
Configuring Data Center Analytics Windows-based probe........................................ 142
Configuring the data collection method.............................................................142
Configuring the FTP or HTTPS server................................................................143
Starting the Windows-based probe service........................................................144
Initial setup after adding a probe...........................................................................144

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
9 Upgrade your Infrastructure Analytics Advisor environment...................147
Upgrade workflow for a two-host configuration.......................................................148
Upgrade workflow for a three-host configuration ................................................... 149
Verifying the yum/rpm dependency packages......................................................... 151
Upgrading the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor and the Data Center Analytics servers on
a Linux host.........................................................................................................154
Upgrading the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server on a Windows host.................158
Upgrading the Analytics probe server.....................................................................159
Upgrading the Data Center Analytics server Windows-based probe.......................... 162
Upgrading the Configuration Manager REST API..................................................... 162
Postupgrade guidelines......................................................................................... 163
Reconfiguring the connection with Automation Director after an upgrade................. 164

10 User management on an external authentication server........................169

About linking to an external authentication server ..................................................170
About linking to an external authorization server.................................................... 170
Operating workflow for user authentication on an external authentication server...... 170
Operating workflow for user authentication on an LDAP directory server............. 171
Operating workflow for user authentication on a RADIUS server.........................172
Operation workflow for user authentication on a Kerberos server ...................... 174
Account conditions for Infrastructure Analytics Advisor............................................176
About the data structures of user entries............................................................... 176
About the BaseDN...........................................................................................177
About the hierarchical structure model............................................................. 177
About the flat model....................................................................................... 178
Configurations when multiple external authentication servers are linked................... 179
Registering an external authentication server and an external authorization server....181
Setup items in the file for LDAP authentication....................... 183
Examples of setting the file for LDAP authentication................190
Setup items in the file for RADIUS authentication................... 192
Examples of setting the file for RADIUS authentication............199
Setup items in the file for Kerberos authentication.................. 201
Examples of setting the file for Kerberos authentication.......... 207
About a LDAP search user account........................................................................ 209
Conditions for LDAP search user account.......................................................... 209
Registering an LDAP search user account......................................................... 211
Deleting an LDAP search user account..............................................................213
Checking the LDAP directory server that registered LDAP search user account.....214
Registering a shared secret................................................................................... 214
Deleting a shared secret..................................................................................215
Checking the RADIUS server that registered a shared secret on the Infrastructure
Analytics Advisor server...................................................................................216
Checking connections to an external authentication server and an external authorization
Notes on commands for setting up a link to an external authentication server.......... 219
Encryption types for Kerberos authentication.......................................................... 220

11 Configuring secure communications.................................................... 221

About security settings......................................................................................... 222

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Workflow for configuring secure communications....................................................223
Configuring an SSL server (Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server).......................... 228
Creating a private key and a certificate signing request for Infrastructure Analytics
Advisor server.................................................................................................228
Applying for a server certificate for Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server from the
certificate authority......................................................................................... 229
Enabling SSL communication for the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server........ 229
Checking the expiration date of the certificate for Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
server............................................................................................................ 233
Changing the SSL port number between the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server
and a web browser (Linux).............................................................................. 234
Changing the SSL port number between the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server
and a web browser (Windows).........................................................................237
Deleting a certificate from the truststore for Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server
..................................................................................................................... 238
Configuring SSL servers (Data Center Analytics server and Analytics probe server)....239
Applying self-signed certificates to the Data Center Analytics server................... 239
Exporting a self-signed certificate for the Data Center Analytics server................242
Importing a certificate to the truststore file for the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
server (Data Center Analytics server)............................................................... 242
Applying server certificates to the Data Center Analytics server and the Analytics
probe server...................................................................................................244
Checking the expiration dates of certificates for Data Center Analytics server and
Analytics probe server..................................................................................... 247
Configuring an SSL server (Automation Director).................................................... 247
Importing a certificate to the truststore for the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
server (Automation Director)........................................................................... 248
Configuring an SSL server (LDAP directory server).................................................. 249
Importing a certificate to the truststore for the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
server (LDAP directory server)......................................................................... 249
Conditions for an LDAP directory server certificate.............................................251

12 Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings.....................253

Starting and stopping the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor services...........................254
Starting the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services............................... 254
Stopping the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services..............................255
Starting the Data Center Analytics server or Analytics probe server services........ 256
Stopping the Data Center Analytics server or Analytics probe server services.......256
Starting the RAID Agent services..................................................................... 257
Stopping the RAID Agent services.................................................................... 258
Changing the system information of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.............. 259
Changing the installation directory of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server....... 260
Changing the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server host name......................... 260
Changing the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server IP address......................... 262
Changing the port number used between Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server and
the web browser (Linux)................................................................................. 263
Changing the port number used between Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server and
the web browser (Windows)............................................................................ 265
Changing the port number used between Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server and
common component....................................................................................... 267

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Changing the port number between Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server and the
SMTP server................................................................................................... 268
Changing the time settings of the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server............ 268
Change the format of syslog output................................................................. 269
Moving an Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server installation to another host......269
Changing the primary server information.......................................................... 270
Changing the system information of Analytics probe server..................................... 272
Changing the Analytics probe server host name when the Hitachi Enterprise Storage
probe is added................................................................................................272
Changing the Analytics probe server host name................................................ 275
Changing the Analytics probe server IP address when the Hitachi Enterprise Storage
probe is added................................................................................................277
Changing the Analytics probe server IP address................................................ 279
Changing the port number used by the RAID Agent.......................................... 281
Changing the port number of the RAID Agent REST Web Service....................... 283
Restricting access to servers that access RAID Agent.........................................284
Changing data collection intervals for RAID Agent............................................. 286
Managing the Data Center Analytics server and the Analytics probe server............... 287
Viewing Data Center Analytics probe status...................................................... 287
Starting and stopping probes........................................................................... 287
Editing probes................................................................................................ 288
Deleting probes.............................................................................................. 288
Retrieving diagnostic data from a probe............................................................288
Viewing and updating the Data Center Analytics license.....................................289
Updating the downloader on the Data Center Analytics server............................289
Data Center Analytics audit logs.......................................................................291
Increasing the maximum number of open files..................................................292
Rebooting or shutting down a Data Center Analytics server machine.................. 293
Performing a backup of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor.......................................... 294
Stopping services before a backup or restore.................................................... 295
Backing up Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server settings information...............296
Backing up the settings information and database of Data Center Analytics server
..................................................................................................................... 297
Backing up the settings information of Analytics probe server............................ 297
Backing up the RAID Agent system.................................................................. 298
RAID Agent definition information files to back up.............................................299
Starting Infrastructure Analytics Advisor services after a backup or restore......... 301
Performing a restore of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor.......................................... 302
Stopping services before a backup or restore.................................................... 303
Restoring Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server settings information................. 305
Restoring the settings information and database of Data Center Analytics server. 307
Restoring Analytics probe server settings information........................................ 308
Restoring the RAID Agent system.................................................................... 308
Updating configuration information files that depend on the environment in which
the RAID Agent is installed.............................................................................. 310
Starting Infrastructure Analytics Advisor services after a backup or restore......... 311
Enabling system account locking........................................................................... 312

13 Removing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor components.........................315

Removing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor and Data Center Analytics servers from a
Linux host............................................................................................................316

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Removing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server from a Windows host....................316
Removing Analytics probe server........................................................................... 317

14 Troubleshooting................................................................................. 319
Connection to the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server web client unsuccessful..... 320
Logging on to Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server unsuccessful...........................320
Starting Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server does not work................................. 321
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server cannot connect to Data Center Analytics server
Analytics probe server cannot connect to Data Center Analytics server via HTTPS..... 322

A Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands.................................... 325

List of Commands.................................................................................................327
Command usage guidelines...................................................................................328
Usable characters for command arguments............................................................ 329
backupsystem...................................................................................................... 329
encryptpassword.................................................................................................. 332
hcmds64fwcancel................................................................................................. 337
hcmds64getlogs................................................................................................... 338
hcmds64intg........................................................................................................ 343
hcmds64ldapuser................................................................................................. 345
hcmds64prmset................................................................................................... 348
hcmds64radiussecret............................................................................................ 351
hcmds64srv......................................................................................................... 353
hcmds64ssltool.................................................................................................... 357
restoresystem...................................................................................................... 370

B Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services.................................... 375

C User-specified properties file ( 377

Index................................................................................................ 383

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
This manual provides information for Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor.

□ Intended audience

□ Product version

□ Release notes

□ Related documents

□ Document conventions

□ Conventions for storage capacity values

□ Accessing product documentation

□ Getting help

□ Comments

Preface 11
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Intended audience
This document is intended for system administrators and service

The concepts, procedures, and information described in this document

require the following skills:
• Knowledge of VMware vSphere operations, and the understanding related
to setting up these products
• Basic knowledge of Linux
• Familiarity with RAID storage systems and their basic functions

Product version
This document revision applies to Infrastructure Analytics Advisor 3.2 or later.

Release notes
Read the release notes before installing and using this product. They may
contain requirements or restrictions that are not fully described in this
document or updates or corrections to this document. Release notes are
available on Hitachi Vantara Support Connect: https://

Related documents
The following documents are referenced or contain more information about
the features described in this manual.
• Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor User Guide, MK-96HIAA001
• Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor REST API Reference Guide,
• Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Data Analytics and Performance
Monitoring Overview, MK-96HIAA004
• Hitachi Data Center Analytics REST API Reference Guide, MK-96HDCA006
• Hitachi Data Center Analytics Query Language User Guide, MK-96HDCA005
• Hitachi Command Suite Automation Director Installation and Configuration
Guide, MK-92HC204
• Hitachi Command Suite Automation Director User Guide, MK-92HC205
• Hitachi Command Suite Configuration Manager REST API Reference Guide,
• Hitachi Command Suite Tuning Manager Agent Administration Guide,
• Hitachi Command Suite Tuning Manager Installation Guide, MK-96HC141
• Hitachi Command Suite System Requirements, MK-92HC209

12 Preface
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Document conventions
This document uses the following typographic conventions:

Convention Description

Bold • Indicates text in a window, including window titles, menus, menu options,
buttons, fields, and labels. Example:
Click OK.
• Indicates emphasized words in list items.
Italic • Indicates a document title or emphasized words in text.
• Indicates a variable, which is a placeholder for actual text provided by the
user or for output by the system. Example:

pairdisplay -g group

(For exceptions to this convention for variables, see the entry for angle
Monospace Indicates text that is displayed on screen or entered by the user. Example:
pairdisplay -g oradb

< > angle brackets Indicates variables in the following scenarios:

• Variables are not clearly separated from the surrounding text or from
other variables. Example:


• Variables in headings.
[ ] square brackets Indicates optional values. Example: [ a | b ] indicates that you can choose a,
b, or nothing.
{ } braces Indicates required or expected values. Example: { a | b } indicates that you
must choose either a or b.
| vertical bar Indicates that you have a choice between two or more options or arguments.

[ a | b ] indicates that you can choose a, b, or nothing.

{ a | b } indicates that you must choose either a or b.

This document uses the following icons to draw attention to information:

Icon Label Description

Note Calls attention to important or additional information.

Tip Provides helpful information, guidelines, or suggestions for performing

tasks more effectively.

Caution Warns the user of adverse conditions and/or consequences (for

example, disruptive operations, data loss, or a system crash).

Preface 13
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Icon Label Description

WARNING Warns the user of a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could
result in death or serious injury.

Conventions for storage capacity values

Physical storage capacity values (for example, disk drive capacity) are
calculated based on the following values:

Physical capacity unit Value

1 kilobyte (KB) 1,000 (10 3) bytes

1 megabyte (MB) 1,000 KB or 1,0002 bytes
1 gigabyte (GB) 1,000 MB or 1,0003 bytes
1 terabyte (TB) 1,000 GB or 1,0004 bytes
1 petabyte (PB) 1,000 TB or 1,0005 bytes
1 exabyte (EB) 1,000 PB or 1,0006 bytes

Logical capacity values (for example, logical device capacity, cache memory
capacity) are calculated based on the following values:

Logical capacity unit Value

1 block 512 bytes

1 cylinder Mainframe: 870 KB

• OPEN-V: 960 KB
• Others: 720 KB
1 KB 1,024 (210) bytes
1 MB 1,024 KB or 1,0242 bytes
1 GB 1,024 MB or 1,0243 bytes
1 TB 1,024 GB or 1,0244 bytes
1 PB 1,024 TB or 1,0245 bytes
1 EB 1,024 PB or 1,0246 bytes

Accessing product documentation

Product user documentation is available on Hitachi Vantara Support Connect: Check this site for the
most current documentation, including important updates that may have
been made after the release of the product.

14 Preface
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Getting help
Hitachi Vantara Support Connect is the destination for technical support of
products and solutions sold by Hitachi Vantara. To contact technical support,
log on to Hitachi Vantara Support Connect for contact information: https://

Hitachi Vantara Community is a global online community for Hitachi Vantara

customers, partners, independent software vendors, employees, and
prospects. It is the destination to get answers, discover insights, and make
connections. Join the conversation today! Go to, register, and complete your profile.

Please send us your comments on this document to Include the document title and number,
including the revision level (for example, -07), and refer to specific sections
and paragraphs whenever possible. All comments become the property of
Hitachi Vantara Corporation.

Thank you!

Preface 15
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
16 Preface
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Install Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor and its components using any
of the following options: OVA, installer. Perform initial setup after the
installation is successful.

□ Infrastructure Analytics Advisor overview

□ Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system configuration

□ Installation methods

□ Installation workflow for a two-host configuration

□ Installation workflow for a three-host configuration

□ Default installation directory

Overview 17
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor overview
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor provides a comprehensive application
service-level and storage performance management solution that enables you
to quickly identify and isolate performance problems, determine the root
cause, and provide solutions. It enables proactive monitoring from the
application level through network and storage resources for end-to-end
visibility of your monitored environment. It also increases performance of
existing storage resources and storage availability by identifying problems
before they can affect applications.

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor collects and correlates data from these

• Storage systems
• Fibre channel switches
• Hypervisors
• Hosts

Installation components
To use Infrastructure Analytics Advisor, you install and configure the following
• Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server: The primary component that
communicates with the Data Center Analytics server. It correlates the
configuration and performance data obtained by Data Center Analytics
server to generate reports and enable data analytics for performance
monitoring and problem resolution in your monitored infrastructure
• Data Center Analytics server: This server processes performance and
configuration data received from probes that connect to monitoring targets
and provide the data to be used for reporting and analysis on the
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.
• Analytics probe server: This server enables you to manage the probes
connected to the monitoring target.

Related topics
• Installation workflow for a two-host configuration on page 21
• Installation workflow for a three-host configuration on page 22

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system configuration

The various installation and configuration methods and components are
explained and illustrated.

The following figure shows an example of a two-host configuration where

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server and Data Center Analytics server are

18 Overview
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
installed on the same host, and Analytics probe server is installed on a
different host.

The following figure shows an example of a three-host configuration where

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server, Data Center Analytics server, and
Analytics probe server are all installed on different hosts.

Note the following when configuring the system:

• Make sure that Data Center Analytics server and Analytics probe server
are installed on different hosts.
• When you install Analytics probe server, RAID Agent is also installed. If
you have Hitachi Tuning Manager - Agent for RAID installed in your
environment, you can configure Tuning Manager - Agent for RAID with
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor, instead of using RAID Agent.
• The Data Center Analytics server must be connected to one Infrastructure
Analytics Advisor server only.
• Install Automation Director if you use the following functionality:

Overview 19
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
○ If you run the Automation Director service from the resource selected
on the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
○ If you use the Storage I/O controls feature of Infrastructure Analytics
Advisor to limit the I/O activity of volumes of the storage system by
linking with Automation Director

We recommend installing Automation Director on the same host as the

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server. If Automation Director and the
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server are installed on separate hosts, you
need to change the common component settings.

• If you want to limit the I/O activity of volumes of the storage system by
using the Storage I/O controls feature of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor,
install the Hitachi Configuration Manager REST API on a host of your
• If you are already using Automation Director or the Configuration Manager
REST API, you can configure the product or products that you are currently
using with Infrastructure Analytics Advisor.
• The Analytics probe server cannot be installed on a host where the
following products are installed:
○ Tuning Manager
○ Agent components for Tuning Manager

• The components of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor cannot be operated in

a cluster environment.

Installation methods
You can install components of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor either by
deploying a virtual appliance or by using an installer. For a new installation,
we recommend deploying a virtual appliance. You can deploy a virtual
appliance only when you perform a new installation.

The following table shows the installation methods that can be used for each
component of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor:

Component OS of the target host Installation method

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server Linux • virtual appliances1

• installer
Windows • installer
Data Center Analytics server Linux • virtual appliances1
• installer
Analytics probe server Linux • virtual appliances2
• installer
1. You can create an environment in which both the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server and
the Data Center Analytics server are installed.

20 Overview
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Component OS of the target host Installation method

2. Configuration Manager REST API is also installed in a deployed environment.

Installation workflow for a two-host configuration

The workflow from installation to setup differs depending on the installation
method you use. If you want to create a two-host configuration where
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server and Data Center Analytics server are
installed on the same host, and Analytics probe server is installed on a
different host, we recommend deploying virtual appliances.

The following figure shows the workflow for creating an Infrastructure

Analytics Advisor system in a two-host configuration.

Related topics
• Initial setup of the guest OS or VMs on page 43
• Verifying the yum/rpm dependency packages on page 48
• Initial setup of Data Center Analytics server on page 68

Overview 21
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
• Initial setup of Analytics probe server on page 69
• Initial setup of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server on page 71
• Configuring initial settings for limiting the I/O activity of Hitachi storage
resources on page 82
• Adding probes to the Analytics probe server on page 109
• User management on an external authentication server on page 169
• Configuring secure communications on page 221

Installation workflow for a three-host configuration

The workflow from installation to setup depends on the OS of the
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server host. If you want to create a three-
host configuration where Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server, Data Center
Analytics server, and Analytics probe server are all installed on different
hosts, run the installer to create the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system.

The following figure shows the workflow for creating an Infrastructure

Analytics Advisor system in a three-host configuration.

22 Overview
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Related topics
• Verifying the yum/rpm dependency packages on page 48
• Initial setup of Data Center Analytics server on page 68
• Initial setup of Analytics probe server on page 69
• Initial setup of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server on page 71
• Configuring initial settings for limiting the I/O activity of Hitachi storage
resources on page 82
• Adding probes to the Analytics probe server on page 109
• User management on an external authentication server on page 169
• Configuring secure communications on page 221

Default installation directory

The default installation directory for each component is as shown in the
following table.

Component name Default installation directory

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server In Windows

C:\Program Files\HITACHI

In Linux


Data Center Analytics server /data

Analytics probe server /home

Configuration Manager REST API /opt/HiCommand/ConfManager

Overview 23
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
24 Overview
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
System requirements
The system requirements for Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server, Data
Center Analytics server, Analytics probe server, and Configuration Manager
REST API are explained.

□ System requirements for using the virtual appliance

□ System requirements for using the installer

□ Port requirements

□ Supported browsers

□ Management target requirements

System requirements 25
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
System requirements for using the virtual appliance

Requirements for Infrastructure Analytics Advisor and Data Center

Analytics servers
Before you install the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server and Data Center
Analytics server using the virtual appliance, review the guest operating
system settings and virtual machine resource settings requirements.

Guest operating system settings

Item Settings

OS Oracle Linux 7.3 (Architecture x86_64)

Resource settings for the virtual machine

Item Settings

Processor Quad-Core processor (number of virtual sockets: 4,

number of cores per virtual socket: 1)

Memory 16 GB

Disk space 700 GB (Configure as two separate disks.)

• sda: 100 GB
• LVM (DCAvg-DCAlv00): 600 GB
(for Data Center Analytics server installation)

Requirements for Analytics probe server and Configuration Manager

Before you install the Analytics probe server and Configuration Manager REST
API using the virtual appliance, review the guest operating system settings
and virtual machine resource settings requirements.

Guest operating system settings

Item Settings

OS Oracle Linux 7.3 (Architecture x86_64)

26 System requirements
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Resource settings for the virtual machine

Item Settings

Processor Quad-Core processor (number of virtual sockets: 4,

number of cores per virtual socket: 1)

Memory 10 GB

Disk space 110 GB

System requirements for using the installer

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server requirements (Linux)

The requirements for Linux operating systems, kernel parameters, and
hardware are shown in the following.

Supported operating systems

• Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5-6.9, 7.0-7.3 (x64)
• Oracle Linux 6.7-6.9, 7.0-7.3 (Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel) (x64)

Yum/rpm dependencies
• tcsh
• net-tools

Kernel parameters
In Linux, before installing the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server, you
must set the following kernel parameter values:

File Parameter Value to be set

/etc/sysctl.conf Fourth parameter (SEMMNI) of The larger of 1024 and the

kernel.sem following value: 24 + current-
/etc/security/limits.conf nofile The larger of 8514 and the
following value: 4418 +

Hardware requirements

Prerequisites Minimum Recommended

Processor Dual-Core processor Quad-Core processor

Memory 8 GB 16 GB minimum
Disk space 50 GB 100 GB minimum

System requirements 27
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server requirements (Windows)
The requirements for Windows operating systems and hardware are shown in
the following.

Supported operating systems

OS name Edition SP Architecture

Windows Server 2008 • Standard SP1 x64

R21 • Enterprise
• Datacenter
Windows Server 20122 • Standard No SP x64
• Datacenter
Windows Server 2012 • Standard No SP x64
R22 • Datacenter
1. Server core is not supported.
2. Server core and Minimal Server Interface are not supported.

Hardware requirements

Prerequisites Minimum Recommended

Processor Dual-Core processor Quad-Core processor

Memory 8 GB 16 GB minimum
Disk space 50 GB 100 GB minimum

Data Center Analytics server requirements

Before you install Data Center Analytics server, review the requirements for
the OS, the kernel parameters, and the hardware.

Supported operating systems

• Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5-6.9, 7.0-7.3 (x64)
• Oracle Linux 6.7-6.9, 7.0-7.3 (Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel) (x64)

Yum/rpm dependencies
• JDK 1.8 update 91 or later
Regarding JDK, paths for the following commands must be set. For
OpenJDK, the JDK needs to be equivalent to java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel.
• java
• keytool
• jstack
• expect
• parted
• openssl-devel

28 System requirements
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
• nss-3.21.0 or higher
• gcc
• unzip
• perl
• perl-CPAN
• perl-XML-Simple
The rpm dependencies only exist in the following OS:
• Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 or later.
• Oracle Linux 7.0 or later.
• expat-devel
• sysstat
• zip
• bc
• net-tools
• sudo
• crontabs

Kernel parameters
In a Linux environment, before installing the Data Center Analytics server,
you need to set the following kernel parameter values:

File1 Parameter Value to be set

/etc/sysctl.conf fs.file-max 65535 or greater

/etc/security/limits.conf nofile 65535 or greater
1. The file paths in the "File" column are examples. The same parameters can also be set for
other definition files that are not listed here. For other definition files, specify the same values
that are provided in the table.

Hardware requirements

Prerequisites Minimum Recommended (Best practice1)

Processor Dual-Core processor Quad-Core processor

Memory 8 GB 16 GB
Disk space2 150 GB 600 GB
1. The memory requirement and the disk capacity vary depending on the amount or
configuration of the managed resources. For example, if there are many volumes in the
managed storage systems, the volumes occupy much disk space in the database. If you
decrease the interval at which you obtain performance information from the managed
resources, the volumes occupy more disk space in the database.
2. Prepare a disk other than the one on the OS on which Data Center Analytics server is
installed. You must specify the disk for installing the product when you run the installation
command You must prepare a physical disk for installing the Data
Center Analytics server on physical machines.

System requirements 29
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Analytics probe server requirements
Before you install the Analytics probe server, review the OS, hardware, and
desktop requirements.

Supported operating systems

• Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5-6.9, 7.0-7.3 (x64)
• Oracle Linux 6.7-6.9, 7.0-7.3 (Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel) (x64)

Yum/rpm dependencies
• perl
• perl-CPAN
• perl-Digest-MD5
The rpm dependencies only apply to the following OS:
• Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 or later.
• Oracle Linux 7.0 or later.
• perl-XML-Simple
The rpm dependencies only apply to the following OS:
• Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 or later.
• Oracle Linux 7.0 or later.
• gcc
• JDK 1.8 update 91 or later
Regarding JDK, paths for the following commands must be set. (For
OpenJDK, the JDK needs to be equivalent to java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel.)
• java
• keytool
• jstack
• expect
• openssl-devel
• unzip
• glibc.i686
• glibc.x86_64
• libstdc++.i686
• libstdc++.x86_64
• net-tools
• tcsh
• libyaml
• libgcc.x86_64
• nss-softokn-freebl.x86_64
• iproute.x86_64
• ncurses
• openssh-clients
• nss-3.21.0 or higher

30 System requirements
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
• expat-devel
• xinetd
• sysstat
• zip
• bc
• sudo
• crontabs
• make

Kernel parameters
In a Linux environment, before installing the Data Center Analytics server,
you need to set the following kernel parameter values:

File1 Parameter Value to be set

/etc/sysctl.conf fs.file-max 65535 or greater

/etc/security/limits.conf nofile 65535 or greater
1. The file paths in the "File" column are examples. The same parameters can also be set for
other definition files that are not listed here. For other definition files, specify the same values
that are provided in the table.

Hardware requirements

Prerequisites Minimum Recommended (Best practice*)

Processor Dual-Core processor Quad-Core processor

Memory 8 GB 16 GB minimum
Disk space 100 GB 150 GB minimum
*: The memory requirement and the disk capacity vary depending on the amount or configuration
of the managed resources. For example, if there are many volumes in the managed storage, the
volumes occupy much disk space in the database. If you decrease the interval at which to obtain
performance information from the managed resources, the volumes occupy more disk space in the

Configuration Manager REST API requirements

Before you install the Configuration Manager REST API, review the OS and
hardware requirements.

Supported operating systems

• Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5-6.8, 7.0-7.3 (x64)
• Oracle Linux 6.7-6.8, 7.0-7.3 (Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel) (x64)

Yum/rpm dependencies
For Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5, the following rpm package is required:
• upstart-0.6.5-13.el6_5.3.x86_64 or later

System requirements 31
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
For Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 or later, the following rpm dependencies are
• glibc-2.17-55.el7.i686.rpm or later
• net-tools-2.0-0.17.20131004git.el7.x86_64.rpm or later
• openslp-server-2.0.0-5.el7.x86_64.rpm or later
• perl-5.16.3-283.el7.x86_64.rpm or later
• tcsh-6.18.01-7.el7.x86_64.rpm or later

Hardware requirements

Prerequisites Minimum Recommended

Processor Dual-Core processor Quad-Core processor

Memory 2 GB 4 GB minimum
Disk space 0.8 GB -

Port requirements
Before you install the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server, Data Center
Analytics server or Analytics probe server, review the desktop, port, and
firewall requirements.

Table 1 Desktop requirements (Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server)

Source IP address* Target IP address Default port Protocol

User Desktop IP address of the 22015 TCP

Infrastructure Analytics
Advisor server

*: For virtual appliances, Any is open.

Table 2 Desktop requirements (Data Center Analytics server)

Source IP address Target IP address Default port Protocol

User Desktop, IP IP address of the Data 84431 TCP

address of the Center Analytics server
Infrastructure Analytics
Advisor server
Analytics probe server IP address of the Data 221, 2 TCP
Center Analytics server
74431 TCP
90921, 3 TCP
214 FTP
9904 FTPS
User Desktop IP address of the Data 80801 TCP
Center Analytics server
Any IP address of the Data - ICMP5
Center Analytics server

32 System requirements
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Source IP address Target IP address Default port Protocol

1. For virtual appliances, Any is open.
2. This port is required if SFTP is used as the data transfer protocol. Close this port if it is not
3. This port is required for Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server version 3.1.0 or later.
4. This port is not open for virtual appliances.
5. This protocol is open for virtual appliances only. Close this protocol if it is not required.

Table 3 Desktop requirements (Analytics probe server)

Source IP address1 Target IP address Default port Protocol

User Desktop IP address of the 8443 TCP

Analytics probe server 222 TCP
8080 TCP
Any IP address of the Data - ICMP3
Center Analytics server
1. For virtual appliances, Any is open.
2. This port is required to connect to the Analytics probe server through the SSH client. Close
this port if it is not required.
3. This protocol is open for virtual appliances only. Close this protocol if it is not required.

Table 4 Probe port and firewall requirements

Collection Source IP Target IP

Probe name Default port Protocol
method address address

Storage systems

Hitachi AMS SNM2API Analytics probe AMS Controller 2000 TCP

Hitachi RAID Agent Analytics probe RAID Agent 24221 HTTP
Enterprise server Server
Storage or
Manager - Tuning
Agent for RAID Manager -
Agent for RAID
Hitachi Device Analytics probe Hitachi Device 2001 HTTP
Manager API server Manager
2443 HTTPS
Hitachi NAS RUSC/CLI Analytics probe HNAS SMU 22 SSH


VMware VMware Analytics probe VMware 443 TCP

vCenter API server vCenter

System requirements 33
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Collection Source IP Target IP
Probe name Default port Protocol
method address address

VMware ESXi
Windows- WMI Windows- Windows Host/ 135 TCP
based (Hyper- based probe Hyper-V
Perfmon 135 and 445
SCOM SCOM server 5723, 5724,
and 51905
SCCM SCCM server 1433

FC Switches

Brocade FC BNA (REST Analytics probe BNA server 80 HTTP

Switch (BNA) API) server
Cisco DCNM DCNM (Web Analytics probe DCNM Server 80 HTTP
Services) server
Cisco SAN Cisco Switch Analytics probe Cisco FC 22 SSH
Switch CLI server Switch


Linux ssh Analytics probe Linux host 22 SSH


xinetd Linux host Analytics 1111* TCP

probe server
*: For virtual appliances, Any is open.

Supported browsers
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor supports the following browsers.

Table 5 Supported browsers

Web browser/other Version

Firefox ESR 45
ESR 52
Internet Explorer 11
Chrome for Work Latest version of stable channel
Flash Player 21.0 or later (to use custom reports with the Data Center
Analytics server)

Management target requirements

The following storage system series, hypervisors, hosts, and FC switches are
supported for management targets.

34 System requirements
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Table 6 Storage systems

Microcode/ Analytics probe

Storage system series Storage system
HNAS model name

VSP Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform 70-06-33 or Hitachi

later Enterprise
Storage probe1,2
VSP G series VSP Gx00 Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform 83-02-01 or
models3 G200 (VSP G200) later

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform

G400 (VSP G400)

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform

G600 (VSP G600)

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform

G800 (VSP G800)

VSP G10003 Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform 80-03-31 or

G1000 later

VSP G15003 Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform 80-05 or later


VSP F series VSP Fx00 Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform 83-02-01 or

models3 F400 (VSP F400) later

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform

F600 (VSP F600)

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform

F800 (VSP F800)

VSP F15003 Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform 80-05 or later


HUS VM Hitachi Unified Storage VM 73-03-40 or


HUS100 4 Hitachi Unified Storage 110 09-10 or later Hitachi Adaptor

(HUS110) Modular Storage
(AMS) probe
Hitachi Unified Storage 130

Hitachi Unified Storage 150


Hitachi NAS4 HNAS • 3090 HNAS probe5

• 4060
• VSP G600
1. When using Hitachi Enterprise Storage probe, make sure that the RAID Manager LIB is
installed in the same server as the Hitachi Enterprise Storage probe.
2. The storage systems from which the Hitachi Enterprise Storage probe can collect data are as
listed in the above table irrespective of whether the Hitachi Enterprise Storage probe is used
via RAID Agent or Tuning Manager - Agent for RAID.

System requirements 35
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Microcode/ Analytics probe
Storage system series Storage system
HNAS model name

3. The use of Server Priority Manager to limit I/O activity is supported. However, for VSP Gx00
models and VSP Fx00 models with microcode 83-03-0x or earlier, if you specify or refer to
Server Priority Manager information via Storage I/O controls feature in Infrastructure
Analytics Advisor, an error might occur.
4. Granular Data Collection cannot be used on this storage system series.
5. The data collected by the HNAS probe can be viewed only in the Data Center Analytics server.

• To manage additional information about Hitachi storage systems (such as
information about storage capacity and hosts), use the Device Manager
8.4.1 or later.
• For I/O control settings using Server Priority Manager, use Automation
Director 8.5.0 or 8.5.2.

Table 7 Hypervisors

Product name Version Analytics probe name

VMware vCenter server 5.0 or later VMware probe

VMware ESXi 5.0 or later

Hyper-V Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V 2.0 Windows-based probe

R2 Hyper-V

Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V 3.0


Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V 3.1

R2 Hyper-V

Table 8 Hosts

OS name Version/Edition Analytics probe name

Windows Windows Server 2008 • Standard Windows-based probe

• Enterprise
• Datacenter

Windows Server 2008 • Standard

R2 • Enterprise
• Datacenter

Windows Server 2012 • Standard

• Datacenter

Windows Server 2012 • Standard

R2 • Datacenter

36 System requirements
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
OS name Version/Edition Analytics probe name

Linux Red Hat Enterprise • 6.5 Linux probe*

Linux • 7.1

SUSE Linux Enterprise • 11

Server • 12

Oracle Linux 7.0

CentOS 6.6

*: The data collected by the Linux probe can be viewed only in the Data Center Analytics server.

Table 9 FC switches

Switch name Software Version Analytics probe name

Brocade Brocade Network 12.3.1 Brocade FC Switch

Advisor Professional (BNA) probe

Brocade Network 12.3

Advisor Enterprise

Brocade Network • 12.3.3

Advisor • 12.4.1
• 12.4.2
• 12.4.4
• 14.0.1
• 14.2.1
• 14.3.0

Cisco Cisco Data Center • 6.3 Cisco DCNM probe

Network Manager • 7.1

Cisco SAN Switch (CLI) - Cisco SAN Switch


System requirements 37
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
38 System requirements
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Installation with virtual appliances
Install Infrastructure Analytics Advisor using an OVA by preparing your
environment, installing all components, and performing initial setup.

□ Installing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor and Data Center Analytics

servers (VMware vSphere Client)

□ Installing Analytics probe server (VMware vSphere Client)

□ Initial setup of the guest OS or VMs

Installation with virtual appliances 39

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Installing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor and Data Center
Analytics servers (VMware vSphere Client)
Deploy the OVA file for Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server and Data
Center Analytics server using the installation media.

Before you begin

Before you start deploying virtual appliances for Infrastructure Analytics
Advisor server and Data Center Analytics server, review the following
• Review the requirements for Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server and
Data Center Analytics server. Make sure that you meet the hardware and
software requirements.
• Make sure that the ports you specify are available for communication. The
default ports are 8443 (Data Center Analytics server) and 22015
(Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server).
• The times and time zones of the following servers must all be
○ Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server
○ Data Center Analytics server
○ Analytics probe server
• When you use DHCP to assign an IP address to a host, configure the
Domain Name System (DNS) server so that the IP address can be resolved
from the host name.
Note that if you use a static IP address, the setting to resolve the IP
address from the host name will be added to the hosts file automatically.


1. From a VMware vSphere client, log on to the VMware ESXi server.

2. Deploy the OVA file for Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server and Data
Center Analytics server from the installation media for virtual appliances.

From the VMware vSphere client, select File > Deploy OVF Template,
and then follow the on-screen instructions.

Tip: Select Thick Provision Lazy Zeroed in the window for

selecting the disk provisioning method.

3. Change the settings so that the virtual machine does not connect to the
network when started.
When deployment is complete, the following network settings will be set
by default for the virtual machine. This operation is not required if you
are sure that the IP addresses will not conflict.
• IP address:

40 Installation with virtual appliances

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
• Net mask:
• Default gateway:

a. Right-click the virtual machine that you want to edit, and then select
Edit Settings.
b. In the Hardware tab, select Network adapter 1, and then clear the
Connect at power on check box.
4. Start the virtual machine.

When you logon for the first time, use the following user ID and
• User ID: root
• Password: manager

After you logon, you can change the root password.

5. Confirm that the network setting is correct.

Next steps

Run the setup tool on the guest OS, and then specify the initial settings for
the guest OS.

Related topics
• Requirements for Infrastructure Analytics Advisor and Data Center
Analytics servers on page 26
• Initial setup of the guest OS or VMs on page 43

Installing Analytics probe server (VMware vSphere Client)

Deploy the OVA file for an Analytics probe server using the installation media.

Before you begin

Before you start deploying virtual appliances for Analytics probe server,
review the following prerequisites.
• Review the Analytics probe server requirements. Make sure that you meet
the hardware and software requirements.
• Make sure that the ports you specify are available for communication. The
default port is 8443. The default port for SSH is 22.
• The times and time zones of the following servers must all be
○ Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server
○ Data Center Analytics server
○ Analytics probe server
• Review the following requirements when you run RAID Agent in a virtual
○ Before setting up the RAID Agent, you must specify C for the LANG
environment variable on the Analytics probe server host.

Installation with virtual appliances 41

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
At startup, RAID Agent is subject to the system LANG environment
variable. If the LC_ALL environment variable differs from the LANG
environment variable, either unset LC_ALL or change its value to match
the LANG value. Use the following example as a reference when setting
the LANG value for RAID Agent. The last line is an example of coding
that unsets the LC_ALL value.

Example settings:

## Set Environment-variables
unset LC_ALL

○ If you want to monitor VSP, VSP F series, VSP G series, or HUS VM, you
must configure the settings to enable accesses from a guest OS to
command devices. For details, see the documentation for your virtual
Use VMware vSphere Client file to add a device to the guest OS. By
doing so, if you designate a command device as the device to be added,
the command device can be accessed from the guest OS.
When configuring settings to add a device, make sure that the following
requirements are met:
– Device type: Hard disk
– Disk selection: Raw device mapping
– Compatibility mode: Physical
– Virtual disks (including VMware VVols) are not used for the command
○ When you use a virtualization system to replicate an OS environment in
which the RAID Agent is running, do not apply the replicated
environment to any other host. Startup of the RAID Agent might fail in
the replicated environment.


1. From a VMware vSphere client, log on to the VMware ESXi server.

2. Deploy the OVA file for Analytics probe server from the installation media
for virtual appliances.

From the VMware vSphere client, select File > Deploy OVF Template,
and then follow the on-screen instructions.

42 Installation with virtual appliances

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Tip: Select Thick Provision Lazy Zeroed in the window for
selecting the disk provisioning method.

3. Change the settings so that the virtual machine does not connect to the
network when started.
When deployment is complete, the following network settings will be set
by default for the virtual machine. This operation is not required if you
are sure that the IP addresses will not conflict.
• IP address:
• Net mask:
• Default gateway:

a. Right-click the virtual machine that you want to edit, and then select
Edit Settings.
b. In the Hardware tab, select Network adapter 1, and then clear the
Connect at power on check box.
4. Start the virtual machine.

When you logon for the first time, use the following user ID and

User ID: root

Password: manager

After you logon, you can change the root password.

5. Confirm that the network setting is correct.

Next steps

Run the setup tool on the guest OS, and then specify the initial settings for
the guest OS.

Related topics
• Requirements for Analytics probe server and Configuration Manager REST
API on page 26
• Initial setup of the guest OS or VMs on page 43

Initial setup of the guest OS or VMs

After deploying the virtual appliance, run the setup tool (hvaconfig) to
specify the initial settings for the guest OS.


1. From the VMware vSphere Client, log on to the guest OS.

2. Run the hvaconfig command that is stored in /opt/HIAA/vmtool.

Installation with virtual appliances 43

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Note: You can run the setup tool only once. To change the settings
after running the setup tool, use the operating system commands.

3. In the setup tool, you can specify the following settings.

• Network settings:
○ Host name: The Analytics probe server does not support FQDNs.
Omit the domain name when specifying the host name.
○ IP address: The setup tool specifies an IPv4 address.
○ Default gateway
○ Network mask
○ DNS server (2 servers maximum)
• Time settings:
○ Time zone
– Specify the time zone in the area/location format. If you do
not know the specifiable values, use the following command in
advance to check the time zone values that can be set:

timedatectl list-timezones
– The times and time zones of the following servers must be
– Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server
– Data Center Analytics server
– Analytics probe server
○ NTP server
• Security setting:
○ Server certificate
4. Check the contents of the list that displays your specified settings, and
then apply the settings.

After the settings are applied, the guest OS restarts automatically.

5. If the virtual machine is not connected to the network when deployed,
perform the following steps to enable the network adapter:
a. Log on to the guest OS.
b. Stop the virtual machine by running the shutdown command.
c. Right-click the virtual machine that you want to stop, and then select
Edit Settings
d. In the Hardware tab, select Network adapter 1, and then select the
Connect at power on check box.
e. Run the Power On the virtual machine.

Next steps

Perform the initial setup of the Data Center Analytics server and Analytics
probe server.

44 Installation with virtual appliances

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Related topics
• Initial setup of Data Center Analytics server on page 68
• Initial setup of Analytics probe server on page 69

Installation with virtual appliances 45

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
46 Installation with virtual appliances
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Installation on a Linux host
Install Infrastructure Analytics Advisor on Linux by preparing your
environment, installing all components, and performing initial setup.

□ Verifying the yum/rpm dependency packages

□ Increasing the maximum number of open files

□ Installing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor and Data Center Analytics

servers (Linux OS)

□ Installing Analytics probe server (Linux OS)

□ Linux OS settings changed by the installer

Installation on a Linux host 47

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Verifying the yum/rpm dependency packages
Before installing or upgrading the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server,
Data Center Analytics server, or Analytics probe server, check whether all of
the yum/rpm dependency packages required for each component are
installed. If some packages are missing, you need to install them as an
additional step. You can obtain the yum/rpm dependency packages from the
Linux OS media or the distribution website, such as for Red Hat Enterprise

Prerequisite packages
The following table lists the packages required to run each component.

Component name Yum/rpm dependencies Notes

Infrastructure Analytics • tcsh -

Advisor server • net-tools

Data Center Analytics server • JDK 1.8 update 91 or later • Regarding JDK, paths for the
• expect following commands must be
• parted set. Note that, for OpenJDK, the
• openssl-devel JDK needs to be equivalent to
• nss-3.21.0 or higher java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel.
• gcc ○ java
• unzip ○ keytool
• perl ○ jstack
• perl-CPAN • The package nss-3.21.0 may
not be included in the Linux OS
• perl-XML-Simple
media of certain versions.
• expat-devel
Obtain this package from the
• sysstat
Linux OS media for version 6.8
• zip or later, or from the distribution
• bc website.
• net-tools • Regarding the package perl-
• sudo XML-Simple, dependencies exist
• crontabs only in the following OSs:
○ Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0
or later
○ Oracle Linux 7.0 or later

Analytics probe server • perl • Regarding the packages perl-

• perl-CPAN Digest-MD5 and perl-XML-
• perl-Digest-MD5 Simple, dependencies exist only
• perl-XML-Simple in the following OSs:
• gcc ○ Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0
• JDK 1.8 update 91 or later or later
• expect ○ Oracle Linux 7.0 or later
• openssl-devel • Regarding JDK, paths for the
following commands must be
• unzip
set. Note that, for OpenJDK, the
• glibc.i686
JDK needs to be equivalent to
• glibc.x86_64
• libstdc++.i686
○ java
• libstdc++.x86_64
○ keytool

48 Installation on a Linux host

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Component name Yum/rpm dependencies Notes

• net-tools ○ jstack
• tcsh • If the environment you are
• libyaml using already has the libstdc++
• libgcc.x86_64 package installed, x86_64 (the
• nss-softokn-freebl.x86_64 64-bit library) and i686 (the 32-
• iproute.x86_64 bit compatibility library)
packages might be different
• ncurses
versions. Therefore, installation
• openssh-clients
of libstdc++.i686 might fail with
• nss-3.21.0 or higher
an error message such as the
• expat-devel following:
• xinetd
• sysstat Protected multilib
• zip versions: libstdc++-
xx.xx.xx-xx.xx.el6.i686 !=
• bc libstdc++-yy.yy.yy-
• sudo yy.yy.el6.x86_64
• crontabs
• make If this happens, update x86_64
(the 64-bit library), and then
retry the installation of libstdc+

yum update libstdc++.x86_64

• The package nss-3.21.0 may

not be included in the Linux OS
media of certain versions.
Obtain this package from the
Linux OS media for version 6.8
or later, or from the distribution

The following procedure explains how to install or update the packages.

Change the information that you need to specify in the procedure according
to the environment you are using.

Installing or updating the packages by using the Linux OS media

1. Mount the Linux OS media and obtain the yum/rpm dependency

mkdir /media/OSImage
mount /dev/cdrom /media/OSImage
2. Configure the yum repository:

touch /etc/yum.repos.d/OSImage.repo
echo [dvd]>>/etc/yum.repos.d/OSImage.repo
echo name=dvd>>/etc/yum.repos.d/OSImage.repo
echo baseurl=file:///media/OSImage/>>/etc/yum.repos.d/
echo gpgcheck=0>>/etc/yum.repos.d/OSImage.repo
echo enabled=1>>/etc/yum.repos.d/OSImage.repo

Installation on a Linux host 49

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
3. Run the yum command to install or update the packages:

yum install package-to-be-installed


yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel sysstat zip

4. Unmount the Linux OS media:

umount /media/OSImage/
rm /etc/yum.repos.d/OSImage.repo

Installing or updating the packages via the distribution website

1. Specify the repository to which the yum command is to connect.
For Red Hat Enterprise Linux, register the system by using Red Hat
Subscription Management. For details, see
For Oracle Linux, the initial settings are set by default (the file repo is
already located in the directory /etc/yum.repos.d). For details, see
2. If you are using a proxy, specify the proxy for the yum command.
a. Add the following information to the /etc/yum.conf file:

b. Clear the cache for the yum command.

yum clean all

3. Run the yum command to install or update the packages.

yum install package-to-be-installed


yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel sysstat zip

Increasing the maximum number of open files

Before installing the Data Center Analytics server or probes on a Linux host,
the system-wide and user-level limits on the number of open files must be
set to 65535 or greater.


1. Log on as follows:

50 Installation on a Linux host

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
a. If you are installing the Data Center Analytics for the first time, log on
to the Linux machine as root.
b. If you are performing this task post-installation or while upgrading the
Data Center Analytics, log on to the Data Center Analytics through an
SSH client (like putty) using the following credentials:
• Data Center Analytics server user credentials are:
○ User: root
○ Default password: manager (for OVA)
• Analytics probe server user credentials are:
○ User: root
○ Default password: manager (for OVA)
2. Run the following command to check the system-wide kernel limit:

sysctl -a | grep fs.file-max

If the value is 65535 or greater, skip to step 3. Otherwise, do the

a. Navigate to the /etc directory and create the sysctl.d directory if it
does not exist:

mkdir sysctl.d
b. Navigate to the /etc/sysctl.d directory and create the sysctl.conf
file if it does not exist.
c. Ensure that the fs.file-max property is present in the sysctl.conf
file and the value is set to 65535 or greater.
d. Run the following command to apply the revised configuration:

sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.d/sysctl.conf

3. Run the following command to check the user-level limit:

ulimit –a | grep -i open

If the value is less than 65535, then do the following:

a. Navigate to the /etc/security/limits.d directory and create the
90-nproc.conf file if it does not exist.
b. Ensure that the following two properties are present in the 90-
nproc.conf file and set their values as follows:

* soft nofile 65535

* hard nofile 65535

4. If you have performed the above steps post-installation or while

upgrading Data Center Analytics, do the following:

Installation on a Linux host 51

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
a. Stop the crond and all other services:

service crond stop

sh /usr/local/megha/bin/
b. Start the megha and crond services with the following commands:

/usr/local/megha/bin/ start

service crond start

Installing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor and Data Center

Analytics servers (Linux OS)
To install the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server and Data Center
Analytics server on a Linux host, run the installer and follow the prompts. You
can install the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server and the Data Center
Analytics server at a time by using the installer (
Alternatively, you can install only one of these two components

Before you begin

Before you begin installation of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server on a
Linux host, review the following prerequisites.
• Review the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server requirements. Make
sure that you meet the hardware and software requirements.
• The IP address must be resolved from the host name of the Infrastructure
Analytics Advisor server.
Check the hosts file or the domain name system (DNS) server
configuration of the host on which the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
server is installed.
• You must have root permission to perform the installation.
• Make sure that the console and clock properties are set to the same time
• The time and time zones set for all of the following servers must be
○ Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server
○ Data Center Analytics server
○ Analytics probe server
• During installation, when prompted to specify the installation directory for
the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server, observe the following rules:
○ Specify a directory name of less than 94 bytes.
○ The following characters can be used:
A-Z a-z 0-9 / underscore (_) (space character not allowed)
○ A path separator (/) cannot be specified at the end of a path.

52 Installation on a Linux host

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Before you begin installation of Data Center Analytics server on a Linux host,
review the following prerequisites.
• Review the Data Center Analytics server requirements. Make sure that
your site meets the hardware and software requirements.
• Prepare an external drive or LVM logical volume for installing the Data
Center Analytics server. For details about disk space requirements, see the
Data Center Analytics server requirements.
Note that you cannot specify a device that is a component of the RAID or
multipath system as the installation destination.
• Make sure that the ports you specify are available for communication. The
default port is 8443.
• You must have root permission to perform the installation.
• Make sure that the console and clock properties are set to the same time
• The time and time zones set for all of the following servers must be
○ Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server
○ Data Center Analytics server
○ Analytics probe server
• Do not change the time zone after installing Data Center Analytics server.
• Specify a directory name of less than 94 bytes for the installation
destination directory.
• Check the kernel and system limits on the number of open files and
processes. Refer to Increasing the maximum number of open files on
page 50 for more information.


1. Stop the security monitoring software, antivirus software, and process

monitoring software.
2. Mount the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor installation media and copy
the directories and files in the ANALYTICS directory on the installation
media to a directory on the Linux host:

mkdir /media/HIAAImage
mount /dev/cdrom /media/HIAAImage
cp –r /media/HIAAImage/ANALYTICS /root/ANALYTICS

3. Run the following command as the root user:

cd /root/ANALYTICS
sh ./ NEW

A message is displayed, confirming that you want to install the Data

Center Analytics server and Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.
4. Enter y, and then specify the components that you want to install.

In the following execution example, both Data Center Analytics server

and Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server are installed.

Installation on a Linux host 53

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Tip: The prompt displays the default value to be used when a user
does not enter a value. To use the default value, press the Enter
key only.

Do you want to install the Data Center Analytics server?

(y/n) [n]: y

Do you want to install the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor

server? (y/n) [n]: y

Installation Product
(1) Data Center Analytics server
(2) Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server
Do you want to install the server listed above? (y/n) [n]: y

5. You are prompted for a drive and directory to install the Data Center
Analytics server.
The following describes how to specify a device as the installation
• To specify a physical device: The device file name (Example: sdb)
• To specify a logical device that uses the device-mapper
functionality (devices in a configuration such as LVM,
multipath, or RAID): The device name of terminal (whose TYPE is
lvm or mpath or raid) as displayed in tree in <System device
information> (Example: DCAvg-DCAlv00)

[INFO] Analytics installer started.

Installation of the Data Center Analytics server
[INFO] Installation of the Data Center Analytics server

[Partition parameter]
<System device information>
fd0 2:0 1 4K 0 disk
sda 8:0 0 20G 0 disk
├─sda1 8:1 0 500M 0 part /boot
└─sda2 8:2 0 19.5G 0 part
├─vg_testol67-lv_root (dm-0) 252:0 0 17.6G 0 lvm /
└─vg_testol67-lv_swap (dm-1) 252:1 0 2G 0 lvm
sdb 8:16 0 300G 0 disk
└─sdb1 8:17 0 300G 0 part
└─DCAvg-DCAlv00 (dm-2) 252:2 0 150G 0 lvm
sr0 11:0 1 3.7G 0 rom

54 Installation on a Linux host

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Specify the device name in which to store application data.

Specify the directory in which to store application data.

File permissions for all files in the top-level directory
and below will be changed to 'megha:megha'. [/data]:

6. When prompted, enter y to configure the firewall settings. Specify the IP

addresses of the Analytics probe servers. You can also accept the default
value and configure the IP addresses later:

[Firewall parameter ]
Do you want to configure the firewall to accept connections
from Analytics probe servers? (y/n) [y]:

Specify the IP addresses of the Analytics probe servers,

so that these IP addresses will be added in the
configuration of iptables,
and the connection from these servers can be accepted.(port
You can also use and change it later.

7. Specify the information to be used for secure communication of the Data

Center Analytics server.
To apply the default settings, press the Enter key in each prompt

[Keytool parameter ]
[INFO] This setting is for SSL configuration.
What is the name of your organizational unit? [Unknown]:
Your organizational unit
What is the name of your organization? [Unknown]: Your
What is the name of your City or Locality? [Unknown]: Your
city or locality
What is the name of your State or Province? [Unknown]: Your
state or province
What is the two-letter country code for this unit?
[Unknown]: Two-letter country code for your unit

8. Verify the settings that you specified:

Installation directory : /data
Device name : /dev/sdb
Mount point : /data
Port number : 8443
Firewall accept rule to be added :
Protocol Source IP Destination IP Destination PORT
-------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
TCP 8443
Required CPAN libraries : Module::Build YAML

Installation on a Linux host 55

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
XML::Simple Log::Log4perl
Distinguished Name for keytool : CN=Your Host Name,
OU=Your organizational unit, O=Your organization, L=Your
city or locality, ST=Your state or province, C=Two-letter
country code for your unit

9. When you are prompted with the following caution message, enter y to
continue with the installation:

Do you want to continue the installation? (y/n) [n]:

Install the Data Center Analytics server.

Output example:



* This installation will delete all the partitions on the

disk. (/dev/sdb)

* This installation will change iptables settings. (Listing


* Installation of the required CPAN libraries may take more

than 4 minutes.


Do you want to continue the installation? (y/n) [n]: y

[INFO] Installing CPAN library [ 1/4] Module::Build

[INFO] Installing CPAN library [ 2/4] YAML
[INFO] Installing CPAN library [ 3/4] XML::Simple
[INFO] Installing CPAN library [ 4/4] Log::Log4perl
[INFO] Stopping crond service.
[INFO] Crond is stopped.
[INFO] Deploying files...
[INFO] File deployment is complete.
[INFO] Applying environmental settings...
[INFO] Starting crond service.
[INFO] Crond is running.
[INFO] Starting the Data Center Analytics server service...
[INFO] The Data Center Analytics server service started.
[INFO] Environment settings have been applied.
[INFO] Installation of the Data Center Analytics server
finished successfully.

56 Installation on a Linux host

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
10. You are prompted for a directory in which to install Infrastructure
Analytics Advisor server.

Installation of the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server
[INFO] Installation of the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
server started.
Specify the directory to store application data. [/opt/

11. When prompted, enter y to configure the firewall settings.

[Firewall parameter ]
Do you want to configure the firewall to accept connections
to the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server? (y/n) [y]: y

The Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server sets 22015 port

as the default port.
This port can be changed after installation.
If you change the port number, you must change the firewall

12. Install the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.

Output example:

Installation directory : /opt/hitachi
Port number : 22015
Firewall accept rule to be added :
Protocol Source IP Destination IP Destination PORT
-------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
TCP 22015

Do you want to continue the installation? (y/n) [n]: y

[INFO] Deploying files...

[INFO] File deployment is complete.
[INFO] Installation of the common component started.
[INFO] Installation of the common component finished
[INFO] Restarting the common component service.
[INFO] The common component service restarted successfully.
[INFO] Environment settings have been applied.
[INFO] Installation of the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
server finished successfully.
[INFO] Deploying common files...
[INFO] Common file deployment is complete.
[INFO] Analytics installer finished.

Installation on a Linux host 57

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Next steps

Perform the initial setup of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server and Data
Center Analytics server.

Related topics
• Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server requirements (Linux) on page 27
• Data Center Analytics server requirements on page 28
• Initial setup of Data Center Analytics server on page 68
• Initial setup of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server on page 71

Installing Analytics probe server (Linux OS)

To install the Analytics probe server on a Linux host, run the installer and
follow the prompts.

Before you begin

Before you begin installation of Analytics probe server on a Linux host,
review the following prerequisites.
• Review the Analytics probe server requirements. Make sure that you meet
the hardware and software requirements.
• Make sure that you install the Data Center Analytics server before you
install the Analytics probe server. The Data Center Analytics server's IP
address is required for setting up the Analytics probe server.
• Make sure that the ports you specify are available for communication. The
default port is 8443. The default port for SSH is 22.
• You must have root permission to perform the installation.
• The times and time zones of the following servers must all be
○ Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server
○ Data Center Analytics server
○ Analytics probe server
• Do not change the time zone after installing the Analytics probe server.
• Check the kernel and system limits on the number of open files and
processes. Refer to Increasing the maximum number of open files on
page 50 for more information.
• When you install the Analytics probe server, the RAID Agent is installed
automatically. Review the RAID Agent requirements before you begin
○ The installation directory is fixed (/opt/jp1pc) and cannot be changed.
Make sure that the directory is empty. Do not include any symbolic links
in the installation path.
○ When you install the RAID Agent, a temporary work directory
jp1pc_AGT is created in the /opt or /opt/jp1pc directory. (This
directory is automatically deleted after the installation is successful.)

58 Installation on a Linux host

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
If an error occurs during installation, verify the directory exists and
delete it manually.
○ The IP address must be able to be resolved from the host name of the
host on which RAID Agent is installed. Check the hosts file or the
domain name system (DNS) server configuration of the host on which
RAID Agent is installed.
○ The RAID Agent cannot run on hosts that use DHCP to assign IP
addresses. Therefore, you must specify a fixed IP address for Analytics
probe server.
○ The Analytics probe server can be used in a DNS environment but does
not support FQDN. Therefore, you must exclude the domain name when
you specify the host name.
○ Before setting up the RAID Agent, you must specify C for the LANG
environment variable on the Analytics probe server host.
At startup, RAID Agent is subject to the system LANG environment
variable. If the LC_ALL environment variable differs from the LANG
environment variable, either unset LC_ALL or change its value to match
the LANG value. Use the following example as a reference when setting
the LANG value for RAID Agent. The last line is an example of coding
that unsets the LC_ALL value.

Example settings:

## Set Environment-variables
unset LC_ALL


1. Stop the security monitoring software, antivirus software, and process

monitoring software.
2. Mount the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor installation media and copy
the directories and files in the DCAPROBE directory on the installation
media to a directory on the Linux host:

mkdir /media/HIAAImage
mount /dev/cdrom /media/HIAAImage
cp -r /media/HIAAImage/DCAPROBE /root/DCAPROBE

3. Run the following commands:

cd /root/DCAPROBE/
sh ./ NEW

Installation on a Linux host 59

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
4. Specify a directory to install the Analytics probe server:

Tip: The prompt displays the default value to be used when a user
does not enter a value. To use the default value, press the Enter
key only.

Specify the path of the directory in which to store

application data. [/home]:

5. Specify Y to configure the firewall settings:

Do you want to configure the firewall to accept connections

from Analytics probe servers? (y/n) [y]:

6. Specify the information to be used for secure communication of Analytics

probe server.
To apply the default settings, press the Enter key in each prompt

[Keytool parameter ]
[INFO] This setting is for SSL configuration.
What is the name of your organizational unit? [Unknown]:
Your organizational unit
What is the name of your organization? [Unknown]: Your
What is the name of your City or Locality? [Unknown]: Your
city or locality
What is the name of your State or Province? [Unknown]: Your
state or province
What is the two-letter country code for this unit?
[Unknown]: Two-letter country code for your unit

7. Verify the settings that you specified:

The number of CPAN libraries to be installed varies depending on the


Data directory (for the RAID Agent) : /home/
Data directory (for the Analytics probe server) : /home
Port number (for the Analytics probe server) : 8443,24221
Firewall accept rule to be added :
Protocol Source IP Destination IP Destination PORT
-------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
TCP 24221
TCP 8443
Required CPAN libraries :
Module::Build YAML IO::Pty Date::Calc Net::OpenSSH DateTime

60 Installation on a Linux host

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
DateTime::Format::Strptime Date::Gregorian Log::Log4perl
Log::Dispatch::FileRotate Sys::RunAlone HTTP::Request
LWP::UserAgent LWP::Protocol::https Time::HiRes XML::Simple
Distinguished Name for keytool : CN=Your
Host Name, OU=Your organizational unit, O=Your organization,
L=Your city or locality, ST=Your state or province, C=Two-
letter country code for your unit

8. When you are prompted with the following caution message, enter y to
continue with the installation.

Do you want to continue the installation? (y/n) [n]:

Install the Analytics probe server.

Note: If the installation of the CPAN library Net::OpenSSH by the

Analytics probe server installer displays the following message:

root@localhost's password:

Make sure that the installation process resumes approximately 10

seconds after the message is displayed.

Output example:



* This installation will change iptables settings. (Listing


* Installation of the required CPAN libraries may take more

than 16 minutes.


Do you want to continue the installation? (y/n) [n]: y

[INFO] Installing CPAN library [ 1/16] Module::Build

[INFO] Installing CPAN library [ 2/16] YAML
[INFO] Installing CPAN library [ 3/16] IO::Pty
[INFO] Installing CPAN library [ 4/16] Date::Calc
[INFO] Installing CPAN library [ 5/16] Net::OpenSSH
[INFO] Installing CPAN library [ 6/16] DateTime
[INFO] Installing CPAN library [ 7/16]
[INFO] Installing CPAN library [ 8/16] Date::Gregorian
[INFO] Installing CPAN library [ 9/16] Log::Log4perl
[INFO] Installing CPAN library [10/16]

Installation on a Linux host 61

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
[INFO] Installing CPAN library [11/16] Sys::RunAlone
[INFO] Installing CPAN library [12/16] HTTP::Request
[INFO] Installing CPAN library [13/16] LWP::UserAgent
[INFO] Installing CPAN library [14/16] LWP::Protocol::https
[INFO] Installing CPAN library [15/16] Time::HiRes
[INFO] Installing CPAN library [16/16] XML::Simple
[INFO] Deploying common files...
[INFO] Common file deployment is complete.
[INFO] Installation of the RAID Agent started.
[INFO] Applying environmental settings...
[INFO] Stopping the RAID Agent service...
[INFO] The RAID Agent service stopped.
[INFO] Environment settings have been applied.
[INFO] Installation of the RAID Agent finished successfully.
[INFO] Installation of the Analytics probe server started.
[INFO] Stopping crond service.
[INFO] Crond is stopped.
[INFO] Deploying files...
[INFO] File deployment is complete.
[INFO] Applying environmental settings...
[INFO] Environment settings have been applied.
[INFO] Starting crond service.
[INFO] Crond is running.
[INFO] Starting the Analytics probe server service...
[INFO] The Analytics probe server service started.
[INFO] Installation of the Analytics probe server finished
[INFO] Installation of the Analytics probe servers finished

Next steps

Perform the initial setup of the Analytics probe server.

Related topics
• Analytics probe server requirements on page 30
• Initial setup of Analytics probe server on page 69

Linux OS settings changed by the installer

When you run the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor installer, the OS settings
are changed by the installer's internal processing as follows.

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server

When the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server is installed by using the
installer, no OS settings are changed by the installer's internal processing.

Data Center Analytics server

When the Data Center Analytics server is installed by using the installer, the
following OS settings are changed by the installer's internal processing.

62 Installation on a Linux host

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Change Details

Addition of users The following users are added:

• megha
• meghadata

You can change the default passwords of the

megha and meghadata user accounts. Refer to
Changing the megha and meghadata passwords
on page 104 for more information.

Addition of groups The following group is added: megha.

Changes to the cron settings A setting that periodically starts the service and
monitors resource usage for the Data Center
Analytics server is added.

Changes to the ssh settings The file /etc/ssh/sshd_config is edited, and

settings are specified to allow the user
meghadata to access the Data Center Analytics
server by using password authentication.

Kernel parameter settings The following kernel parameters are set:

• Maximum number of file descriptors
If the maximum number of file descriptors
specified in the system (OS) is less than
65535, 65535 is specified in the following
definition files:
• Settings for the entire OS
For Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 or later,
or for Oracle Linux 7.0 or later:
For any other Linux OS:
• Settings for each process
• Maximum number of processes for the user
If the maximum number of processes
specified in the system (OS) for the user
megha is less than 2048, 2048 is specified in
the following definition file:
• /etc/security/limits.d/90-

Note that the values for the maximum number

of file descriptors and the maximum number of
processes for the user megha can be specified in
multiple definition files. If these maximum
values are specified in any high-priority file other
than the ones listed here, you need to change
those settings manually.

Automatic startup settings for the Data Center A setting that automatically starts the service
Analytics server service when the OS is started is added to /etc/

Installation on a Linux host 63

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Analytics probe server
When the Analytics probe server is installed by using the installer, the
following OS settings are changed by the installer's internal processing.

Change Details

Addition of users The following users are added:

• megha

You can change the default passwords of the

megha user account. Refer to Changing the
megha and meghadata passwords on page 104
for more information.

Addition of groups The following group is added: megha.

Changes to the cron settings A setting that periodically starts the service and
monitors resource usage for the Data Center
Analytics server is added.

Kernel parameter settings The following kernel parameters are set:

• Maximum number of file descriptors
If the maximum number of file descriptors
specified in the system (OS) is less than
65535, 65535 is set in the following definition
• Settings for the entire OS
For Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 or later,
or for Oracle Linux 7.0 or later:
For any other Linux OS:
• Settings for each process
• Maximum number of processes for the user
If the maximum number of processes
specified in the system (OS) for the user
megha is less than 2048, 2048 is set to the
following definition file:
• /etc/security/limits.d/90-

Note that the values for the maximum number

of file descriptors and the maximum number of
processes for the user megha can be specified in
multiple definition files. If these maximum
values are specified in any high-priority file other
than the ones listed here, you need to change
those settings manually.

Automatic startup settings for the Analytics A setting that automatically starts the service
probe server service when the OS is started is added to /etc/

64 Installation on a Linux host

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Installation of Infrastructure Analytics
Advisor server on a Windows host
Use this installation method to install Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server
on a Windows host.

□ Installing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server (Windows OS)

Installation of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server on a Windows host 65

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Installing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server (Windows
Start the wizard to install Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.

Before you begin

Before you begin installation of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server on a
Windows host, review the following prerequisites.
• Review the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server requirements. Make
sure that you meet the hardware and software requirements.
• The times and time zones of the following servers must all be
○ Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server
○ Data Center Analytics server
○ Analytics probe server


1. Log on to the host where the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server is to

be installed as a user with the Administrator permission, and then stop
the security monitoring software, antivirus software, and process
monitoring software.
2. Run ANALYTICS.msi on the installation media to start installer.
An installation wizard appears.
3. Go through the on-screen prompts and specify the required information
to complete the installation.

Note: You can specify only a fixed disk for the installation folder of
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server. You cannot install
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server on removable media,
network drives, and UNC paths.

Next steps

Perform the initial setup of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.

Related topics
• Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server requirements (Windows) on
page 28
• Initial setup of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server on page 71

66 Installation of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server on a Windows host

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Initial setup after installation
After installing the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor components, continue
with the setup of Data Center Analytics, the Analytics probe server,
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server, the environment for Storage I/O
controls feature, and Granular Data Collection.

□ Initial setup of Data Center Analytics server

□ Initial setup of Analytics probe server

□ Initial setup of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server

□ Configuring the initial settings for linking with Automation Director

□ Configuring initial settings for limiting the I/O activity of Hitachi storage

□ Initial setup for enabling Granular Data Collection

□ Changing the megha and meghadata passwords

□ Adding a secondary Data Center Analytics server

Initial setup after installation 67

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Initial setup of Data Center Analytics server
Open the URL of the Data Center Analytics server and follow the prompts.

Before you begin

• Check the IP address of the Data Center Analytics server.
• Obtain the Data Center Analytics license from your Hitachi Vantara


1. Enter the Data Center Analytics server URL in your browser:

The default port for https access is 8443.
2. Read and accept the license agreement, and then click Next.
3. In the Upload License window, click Choose File to browse to the
license file and click Open.
4. Click Submit to register the license.
5. In the Set Details For Existing admin User window, enter the
password, select the locale, and then click Submit (The user name for
the built-in administrator account is admin) .

Note: The current version of Data Center Analytics supports only

the English locale.

6. In the Data Center Analytics server login window, enter the

administrator user credentials and click Login.
7. In the Select Time zone window, select the appropriate time zone and
click Next.
The Data Center Analytics server home page is displayed.

Note: Reports display data using the time zone of the Data Center
Analytics server (not that of the storage systems). For example, if
your server is located in the IST time zone, reports will use IST
time regardless of where individual storage systems are located.

8. (Optional) Create an Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server account that

belongs to the Administrator group on the Data Center Analytics server.

For information about how to add accounts, see the Hitachi Data Center
Analytics User Guide. If you use the built-in administrator account to
access the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server, this step is

68 Initial setup after installation

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Note: Several accounts are created automatically in Data Center
Analytics server when you configure Infrastructure Analytics
Advisor server for connecting with the Data Center Analytics
server. Do not change or delete the information of the following
user accounts:
• HIAA_Server_Admin


• HIAA_REST_Normal

• HIAA_GUI_Report

Related topics
• Setting up a connection with Data Center Analytics server on page 73
• Changing the megha and meghadata passwords on page 104

Initial setup of Analytics probe server

Open the URL of the Analytics probe server and follow the prompts.

Before you begin

• Check the IP address of the Data Center Analytics server.
• Check the IP address of the Analytics probe server.
• Obtain the Data Center Analytics license from your Hitachi Vantara


1. Open your browser and enter the Analytics probe server URL.
2. When you first launch the Analytics probe server UI, you see the license
agreement details. Read and then click Next.
3. In the Upload License window, click Choose File to browse to a license
file and click Open.
4. Click Submit to add the license.
5. In the Create Administrator Account window, provide the following
and then click Submit:
• User name and password
• First name, last name, and email address of the user
• Locale: Only the U.S. English locale is currently supported
• Group: Select Admin to create an administrator account
6. In the Analytics probe login window, enter the administrator user
credentials and click Login.

Initial setup after installation 69

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
7. The Basic Information window displays the Customer Name (which
cannot be changed). Provide the following contact information and click
• Administrator Contact Name and email
• Technical Contact Name and email
8. In the Select Time zone window, set the same time zone for the
Analytics probe server as that of the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
server, and then click Next.
9. In the Primary HDCA Server Information window, specify the
following details:
• Protocol: FTP, FTPS, SFTP, or HTTPS.
• Host: Data Center Analytics server or FTP server IP address.
If you are using FTP server as a primary server, then make sure that
you configure downloader on the Data Center Analytics server to
download the data from this intermediate FTP server.
• Port: Based on the selected protocol.
• User: User name for the host. For a Data Center Analytics server the
user name is: meghadata
• Password: Password for the host. For a Data Center Analytics server
the default password is: meghadata123

Note: To enhance security for the FTP account, you can change
the meghadata user's default password. Refer to Changing the
megha and meghadata passwords on page 104 for more

• Advanced Settings:
○ Proxy: Select to configure a proxy server.
○ Real-time Server: By default the Real time server field uses the
value that you entered in the Host field.
If you are using FTP server, then make sure you type in the Data
Center Analytics server IP address that is processing the data of the
primary server.

Note: The port number 9092 must be open on the Data Center
Analytics server. The Analytics probe server must be able to
connect to the Data Center Analytics server using the port number
9092 to send the real time data.

10. Click Next.

In addition to sending probe data to a single (local) Data Center

Analytics server, you can configure a secondary, cloud-based Data Center
Analytics server. The purpose is to host a copy of the probe data where it

70 Initial setup after installation

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
can be accessed outside of your internal network. You can add this
secondary server from the Analytics probe server UI.

Note: The secondary Data Center Analytics server does not

support real-time collection; the data may be received at different
times from the Analytics probe server.

11. In the Data Collection duration window, verify the license expiry date
in your license, and then click Next.
12. From the list of probes, select the probe type and configure it to collect
data from the monitoring target. (You must add at least one probe to
complete the installation)
To add additional probes, go to the Analytics probe server web UI home
page and click Add Probe. The following are available:
• Hitachi Adaptable Modular Storage (AMS) probe

• Hitachi Enterprise Storage probe

• Hitachi NAS probe

• VMware probe

• Brocade Network Advisor probe

• Cisco DCNM probe

• Cisco SAN Switch probe

• Linux probe

Related topics
• Changing the megha and meghadata passwords on page 104
• Adding a secondary Data Center Analytics server on page 105
• Configuring the downloader on the Data Center Analytics server on
page 106

Initial setup of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server

Set up the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server, change the system
account password, connect to the Data Center Analytics server, and then
configure the mail server.

Logging on to Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server

Register the license for Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server, and then use
the built-in account to log on to Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.

Initial setup after installation 71

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Before you begin
• Confirm that initial setup of the Data Center Analytics server and the
Analytics probe server is complete.
• Check the IP address or host name of the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
• Check the IP address of the Data Center Analytics server.
• Obtain the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server license from your Hitachi
Vantara representative.


1. Add the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server product URL to the list of
exceptions in your browser's popup blocker.
2. Enter the URL for the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server in your web
3. In the logon window, click Licenses.
a. Use either of the following methods:
• Enter the license key
• Specify the license file
b. Click Save.
The license is added in the list.
4. To log on to the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server, use these
• User ID: system
• Password: manager

The logon is complete, and the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server
Dashboard displays.
Related topics
• Configuring secure communications on page 221

Changing the system account password

Change the default password for the system account. The system account is
a built-in account that has the user management permission, and
permissions for all Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server operations.


1. In the Administration tab, select User Management > Users and

2. From the displayed dialog box, display Users, and then select System.

72 Initial setup after installation

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
3. Click Change Password.

Setting up a connection with Data Center Analytics server

Set up a connection so that the data collected by the Data Center Analytics
server can be analyzed by the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.


1. In the Administration tab, select System Settings > Data Center

Analytics Server.
2. Click Edit Settings, and specify the Data Center Analytics server

Note: Specify the built-in administrator account. If you want to

use a different account, specify the account created during the
initial setup of the Data Center Analytics server. If you change the
password of the specified user on the Data Center Analytics
server, also change the same password in Password of the Edit
Settings dialog box.

3. Click Check Connection to confirm that the server is connected

If you cannot access the Data Center Analytics server, verify the
• The certificate is correctly specified on the Infrastructure Analytics
Advisor server.
• The certificate is not expired.
4. Click OK.

The Data Center Analytics server is connected.
Related topics
• Initial setup of Data Center Analytics server on page 68

Configuring the mail server

Configure the mail server and the email address of the sender to notify the
administrator of problems that occur in target resources and information
related to Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server operations.

Before you begin

Make sure you have the Admin permission of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor.

Initial setup after installation 73

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide

1. In the Administration tab, select Notification Settings > Email

2. Click Edit Settings to specify information about the mail server.
3. To verify mail server is configured correctly, click Send Test Mail.
4. Confirm that the test email arrives, and then click Save Settings.

Enabling output of the audit log for the common component

To enable the output of the audit log for the common component, edit the
auditlog.conf file and then restart the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor


1. Open the auditlog.conf file, which is located in one of the following

• In Windows
• In Linux
2. Edit the auditlog.conf file.

Set values for the Log.Facility, Log.Event.Category, and Log.Level

properties as follows:

# Specify an integer for Facility. (specifiable range: 1-23)

Log.Facility 1

# Specify the event category.

# You can specify any of the following:
# StartStop, Failure, LinkStatus, ExternalService,
# Authentication, AccessControl, ContentAccess,
# ConfigurationAccess, Maintenance, or AnomalyEvent.
Log.Event.Category StartStop, Failure, LinkStatus,
ExternalService, Authentication, AccessControl,
ContentAccess, ConfigurationAccess, Maintenance, AnomalyEvent

# Specify an integer for Severity. (specifiable range: 0-7)

Log.Level 6

3. Restart the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services.

The audit log for the common component will be output to the Windows
Event Log or to the Linux syslog file.

74 Initial setup after installation

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Related topics
• Starting the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 254
• Stopping the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 255

Configuring the initial settings for linking with Automation

If you link Automation Director with Infrastructure Analytics Advisor, you can
perform the Automation Director service from the resource selected on the
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor.

To link with Automation Director, you need to configure the following initial
• Install Automation Director (if Automation Director is not installed).

• Change the common component settings (if Automation Director and the
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server are installed on separate hosts).

• Check the user account settings.

• Create Automation Director service-integration definition files.

Installing Automation Director

If Automation Director is not installed, install it. If you are already using
Automation Director, you can link it with Infrastructure Analytics Advisor.

We recommend installing Automation Director on the same host as the

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server. If Automation Director and the
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server are installed on separate hosts, you
need to change the common component settings.

For details about how to install Automation Director, see the Hitachi
Command Suite Automation Director Installation and Configuration Guide.

Changing common component settings

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor uses the single sign-on functionality of the
common component to launch Automation Director. If Automation Director
and the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server are installed on different
hosts, you need to change the settings of the common component so that the
user accounts used by both products are managed on either of the hosts.

The host that manages the user accounts is called the primary server. The
host on which the user accounts are managed by the primary server is called
the secondary server.

Initial setup after installation 75

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Before you begin
• Before changing the common component settings, consider whether the
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server host, or the Automation Director
host should be used as the primary server.

• To change the settings of the common component, perform the operation

on the secondary server.


1. Log on to the host to be used as the secondary server as a user with

Administrator permission (for Windows) or root permission (for Linux).
2. Run the hcmds64prmset command to change the settings of the common
To set the host on which the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server is
installed as the secondary server, execute the following command:
• In Windows

destination-folder\Base64\bin\hcmds64prmset /host host-
name-or-IP-address {/port port-number-(non-SSL-
communication) | /sslport port-number-(SSL-communication)}
• In Linux

destination-directory/Base64/bin/hcmds64prmset -host host-
name-or-IP-address {-port port-number-(non-SSL-
communication) | -sslport port-number-(SSL-communication)}

To set the host on which Automation Director is installed as the

secondary server, execute the following command:
• In Windows

\Base64\bin\hcmds64prmset /host host-name-or-IP-address {/
port port-number-(non-SSL-communication) | /sslport port-
• In Linux

Base64/bin/hcmds64prmset -host host-name-or-IP-address {-
port port-number-(non-SSL-communication) | -sslport port-

3. Run the hcmds64srv command to restart the services.

a. Run the hcmds64srv command with the stop option to stop the
b. Run the hcmds64srv command with the start option to start the

76 Initial setup after installation

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide

Information about the user accounts of the secondary server will be managed
by the primary server.

Related topics
• Starting the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 254
• Stopping the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 255
• hcmds64prmset on page 348

Checking user account settings

Check the settings of the user account used for linking with Automation
Director. Check the settings in both Infrastructure Analytics Advisor and
Automation Director.

Checking Infrastructure Analytics Advisor settings
The user account used for the linkage must have the Admin or Modify
permission of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor.

The following shows an example of checking the settings in

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor:
1. In the Administration tab, select User Management > Users and

2. In the Users and Permissions window, select Users, and then select
the user account used for linking with Automation Director.

3. In the Granted Permission field, make sure that the IAA Admin or
Modify permission is set.
If the permission is not set, click Change Permission to set it.

Checking Automation Director settings

The user account used for the linkage must satisfy the following
• It must be assigned to a user group.

• The above user group is assigned to the service group of the service
to be executed during the linkage.

The following shows an example of checking the settings from

Automation Director:
1. In the Administration tab, select Resources and Permissions > User

Initial setup after installation 77

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
2. Select a user group, and confirm that the user account to be used
for the linkage is assigned.

3. Select Resources and Permissions > Service Groups.

4. Select a service group, and then select the Permissions tab.

5. Confirm that the user group that you checked in step 2 is assigned.

Creating a definition file linked to Automation Director

If you create a definition file linked to Automation Director, you can set
resource information selected in Infrastructure Analytics Advisor as
parameters in the Execute Action dialog or window of Automation Director
opened from Infrastructure Analytics Advisor.


1. Create a definition file linked to Automation Director corresponding to the

service to be executed in Automation Director.
In the definition file, you can define the property key to be used for the
Automation Director service. If you specify information (variables) about
the resource owned by Infrastructure Analytics Advisor, you can apply
the information about the specified resource in the service execution
window of Automation Director launched from Infrastructure Analytics
2. Store the created definition file linked to Automation Director in the
following location:
• In Windows
• In Linux
3. Perform one of the following operations to apply the content of the
definition file linked to Automation Director to Infrastructure Analytics
• Restart Infrastructure Analytics Advisor.
• Execute the reloadtemplate command.

Related topics
• Format of definition files linked to Automation Director on page 79
• Starting the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 254
• Stopping the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 255
• reloadtemplate on page 367

78 Initial setup after installation

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Format of definition files linked to Automation Director
If you create a definition file linked to Automation Director, you can use the
Execute Action window to perform the Automation Director service related
to the resource selected in Infrastructure Analytics Advisor.

• You can specify any file name and file extension.
• Save the file in UTF-8 format.
• The maximum number of files that can be set in Infrastructure
Analytics Advisor (including the number of email template definition
files and command definition files) is 1,000. Files load in alphabetical
order by file name, and any files after the 1,000th file are not loaded.

• In Windows
• In Linux

Update frequency
When Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server is started or the
reloadtemplate command is run.
Content to specify
Specify each key name and value on a single line. The following rules
apply when you specify settings in a definition file linked to Automation
• A line starting with # is treated as a comment line.
• Blank lines are ignored.
• The entered values are case-sensitive.
• If you specify an invalid value, the default value is used.
• If you specify the same key more than once in the same file, the last
specification is valid.
• To display \, specify \\.
• To display %, specify %%.
• If you specify the filter condition
SE.template.filter.xxxxxxx.string more than once, settings
display when all of the conditions are met.

Setting descriptions

Initial setup after installation 79

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Specifiable Default
Key name Setting description or
values value

SE.automation.temp Specify the service The same This setting Required

late.serviceGroupN group name used in service group has no
ame.string Automation Director. name as that of default
Automation value,
Director because
of this
setting is
SE.automation.temp Specify the service The same This setting Required
late.serviceName.s name used in service name as has no
tring Automation Director. that of default
Automation value,
Director because
of this
setting is
SE.template.filter Specify conditions for Values of no Null Optional
.resourceName.stri the names of the more than 255 character
ng resources that are bytes that do not If this key
starting points and include control is omitted,
that display in the characters the default
action list during value is
resource selection.1 used.

SE.template.filter Specify conditions for Values of no Null Optional

.resourceType.stri the types of resource more than 32 character
ng that are starting bytes that do not If this key
points and that include control is omitted,
display in the action characters the default
list during resource value is
selection.1 used.

SE.template.filter Specify conditions for Values of no Null Optional

.vmHostname.string the virtual machine more than 64 character
names that display in bytes that do not If this key
the action list during include control is omitted,
resource selection.1 characters the default
value is
SE.template.filter Specify conditions for Values of no Null Optional
.ipaddress.string the IP addresses that more than 255 character
display in the action bytes that do not If this key
list during resource include control is omitted,
selection.1 characters the default
value is
SE.template.filter Specify conditions for Values of no Null Optional
.upperResourceName the names of higher- more than 512 character
.string level resources of a bytes that do not If this key
starting point that include control is omitted,
display in the action characters the default

80 Initial setup after installation

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Specifiable Default
Key name Setting description or
values value

list during resource value is

selection.1 used.
SE.template.filter Specify conditions for Values of no Null Optional
.upperResourceType the types of higher- more than 32 character
.string level resources of a bytes that do not If this key
starting point that include control is omitted,
display in the action characters the default
list during resource value is
selection.1 used.

SE.template.filter Specify whether to true or false false Optional

.MultipleResources execute for multiple
.boolean resources. If this key
is omitted,
the default
value is
SE.automation.temp Specify the property Values of no Null Optional
late.service.param key2 used for the more than 1,024 character
eter.Automation Automation Director bytes that do not If this key
Director-service- service. include control is omitted,
property-key characters the default
value is
1. Settings display only when the Execute Action window is called from a resource that
matches the specified conditions.
2. You cannot specify a property key whose data type is password or composite. To check
the property key, you can use the flow window of the service template.

By using variables, you can set information about a selected resource as

the value of a setting.

The following table lists the variables you can use.

Variable name Variable name Remarks

%ANALYTICS_RESOURCENAME% Name of the selected N/A

%ANALYTICS_UPPERRESOURCEN Name of the higher-level N/A
AME% resource of the selected

%ANALYTICS_VIRTUALMACHINE Name of the virtual host Displays only when the

NAME% resource is a virtual machine.


%ANALYTICS_UPPERRESOURCET Type of the higher-level N/A

YPE% resource

If no value is set for the selected resource, a null character displays.

Initial setup after installation 81

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
To display information about virtual hosts and IP addresses, VMware
Tools must be installed on virtual hosts.
Definition example to display the service for stopping virtual
machines defined in Automation Director, in the Execute Action
window of the virtual machine selected
SE.automation.template.serviceGroupName.string=Services for
SE.automation.template.serviceName.string=Stop Virtual

Related topics
• Creating a definition file linked to Automation Director on page 78

Configuring initial settings for limiting the I/O activity of

Hitachi storage resources
The I/O control configuration function of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
enables storage administrators to prioritize I/O activity. You can set the upper
limit of IOPS processed by volumes during critical workload periods and
optimize the performance of resources in a shared infrastructure.
The I/O control feature requires the Server Priority Manager function
provided by Hitachi storage systems. To configure Server Priority Manager,
you must either set up an environment in advance by using the Configuration
Manager REST API and Automation Director or use the script file created in
advance instead of Automation Director.

Configuration overview for I/O controls using Automation Director

The following figure shows the workflow for configuring I/O controls for the
target storage resource by linking with the Configuration Manager REST API
and Automation Director.

82 Initial setup after installation

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
I/O Control Configuration Workflow

Before you begin

• Automation Director must be installed.
• The target storage systems must have the Server Priority Manager
function enabled.
• You must have the operational service processor account with storage
administrator permissions for the target storage systems.

The procedures for installing Automation Director and for changing the
common component settings are the same as those described in the
explanation about configuring the initial settings for linking with Automation

For details about operations of the Configuration Manager and Automation

Director, see the following manuals:
• Hitachi Command Suite Automation Director User Guide
• Hitachi Command Suite Automation Director Installation and Configuration
• Hitachi Command Suite Configuration Manager REST API Reference Guide
• Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor User Guide

For details about how to enable the functionalities of Server Priority Manager,
see the manuals of the storage systems that you are using.

Initial setup after installation 83

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Note: For storage systems that use the functionalities of Server Priority
Manager from Storage Navigator, Server Priority Manager cannot be operated
from the Configuration Manager REST API.To use the I/O control
configuration function of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor, delete all of the
settings for Server Priority Manager from Storage Navigator, and then
perform operations.

Related topics
• Installing Automation Director on page 75
• Changing common component settings on page 75

Installing the Configuration Manager REST API

The Configuration Manager REST API can be installed from the installation
media for Infrastructure Analytics Advisor. If the Analytics probe server is
installed by deploying virtual appliances, the Configuration Manager API is
automatically installed at the same time. In such a case, you do not need to
perform the installation task.


1. Check the path of the installation destination for the Configuration

Manager REST API. This information must be specified during installation.
The Configuration Manager REST API will be installed in the ConfManager
directory under the specified installation destination path.
Default installation destination: /opt/HiCommand
If you change the installation destination from the default location, it
must meet conditions such as for the path length and type of characters.
For details, see the Hitachi Command Suite Configuration Manager REST
API Reference Guide.
2. Copy the directories and the files in the CONFMANAGER directory on the
installation media to the directory on the Linux host.
3. Use the sh command to run the installer (
For example:

sh ./

4. Follow the on-screen prompts, to finish the installation.

Registering storage systems in the Configuration Manager REST API

Before initiating the services for I/O control tasks between Infrastructure
Analytics Advisor and Automation Director, you must register the target
storage systems in the Configuration Manager REST API.

84 Initial setup after installation

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide

1. Register the storage system information in the Configuration Manager

REST API so that it can be used to configure the storage system. Run the
following request:

POST protocol://host-name:port-number/

Example of the body of a request:

"svpIp": "",
"serialNumber": 492017,
"model": "VSP G400",
"isSecure": true

Attribute Type Description

svpIp string (Required) IP address of the service processor

that manages the storage system to be
serialNumber int (Required) Serial number of the storage
system to be registered
model string (Required) Model number of the storage
system to be registered. Specify one of the
following values:
• VSP G200
• VSP G400
• VSP G600
• VSP G800
• VSP G1000
• VSP G1500
• VSP F400
• VSP F600
• VSP F800
• VSP F1500
isSecure boolean (Required) Settings for SSL communication
between the Configuration Manager REST API
and the storage system
• true: Enables SSL communication.
• false: Disables SSL communication.
rmiPort int (Optional) Port number to be used for RMI
communications by the service processor that
manages the storage system to be registered

If this attribute is omitted, 1099 will be set.

Another way to register the storage system information is to run a script.

Script files are provided with the Analytics probe server:
1. Specify Configuration Manager REST API information in the following

Initial setup after installation 85

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
2. Specify the storage system information as the arguments, and then
run the script.

./ register svpIp serialNumber model

userID password [isSecure]

For userID, specify an account that belongs to the Administrator

user group (for VSP F series or VSP G series), or the account of a
maintenance user (for VSP or HUS VM).
3. From the script execution result that is displayed, note the value of
storageDeviceID. You need this value in the next task.
Alternatively, you can check the execution result by running the
following script:

./ list

Note: If a VSP G1000 storage system is registered in the

Configuration Manager REST API, and SSL is enabled between
the Configuration Manager REST API and the storage system,
the storage system cannot be registered on another instance
of the Configuration Manager REST API. For details about SSL
communication settings, see the Hitachi Command Suite
Configuration Manager REST API Reference Guide.

Setting up Automation Director to run the I/O control service

Download the service templates for setting I/O controls from the
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor GUI, and then register the target storage
system and set services on the Automation Director GUI.


1. In Infrastructure Analytics Advisor, download the service templates.

a. On the Administration tab, select System Settings > Automation
Director Server.
b. Click the link to download the service template.
The name of the service template is
2. Register the storage system in Automation Director.
a. On the Administration tab, select Connection Settings > Web
Service Connections.
b. Click Add, and then specify the following information about the
storage systems with Server Priority Manager:
• Category: Specify "ConfigurationManager"
• Name: Device number of the storage system
• IPAddress/HostName: IP address or host name of the host on which
the Configuration Manager REST API is installed

86 Initial setup after installation

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
• Protocol: http or https (protocol used by the Configuration Manager
• Port: Port number used by the Configuration Manager REST API
• User ID and password: User account with permission to access the
logical devices and ports that you want to operate (user ID that was
specified when the storage system was registered to the Configuration
Manager REST API)
• Assigned Infrastructure Groups: Infrastructure group to which the
target storage system is registered
If you are not using the infrastructure group functionality, specify
"IG_Default Service Group".

• If any name other than "ConfigurationManager" is specified for
the category, you must edit the file
• If any name other than "ConfigurationManager" is specified, an
error message is displayed when you connect with the
Configuration Manager REST API by clicking the Test button.
Despite this error message, the I/O control settings functionality
operates normally when the correct value is registered to each
• When registering storage system information in Automation
Director, specify a name different from that of other
applications, such as RAID Agent. If you use the same name,
I/O control tasks will fail.

3. Create an Automation Director user group to be used in Infrastructure

Analytics Advisor.
a. On the Administration tab, select Resources and Permissions >
User Groups.
b. Click Create, and then specify a name for the user group.

Note: The best practice is to use the user group name

"AnalyticsGroup" otherwise one needs to change the configuration

4. Import the service templates in Automation Director.

a. Decompress the file to a location of
your choice.
b. On the Service Templates tab, click Import.
c. Click Browse, and then specify one of the following zip files:
• If you are using Automation Director version 8.5.1 or a later

Initial setup after installation 87

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
• If you are using Automation Director version 8.5.0 or a later

These zip files contain two service templates:

• - This template disables an I/O control task.
• - This template enables or modifies an I/O control
d. Click OK.

Tip: If you do not see the I/O control settings service templates,
sort service template files by using Registered, and the latest
imported templates will appear with the New tag.

Note: If you import the file,

"OUTDATED" might be displayed in the imported service template,
indicating that the version has expired. If "OUTDATED" is
displayed, do not update the service template. If you update the
file, the service template will become unusable.

5. Create a service group.

a. On the Administration tab, select Resources and Permissions >
Service Groups.
b. Click Create, and then specify a name for the service group.

Note: The best practice is to use the service group name

"Analytics Service Group" otherwise one needs to change the
configuration file.

6. Use the service templates to create the services for Server Priority
a. On the Administration tab, select Resources and Permissions >
Service Groups.
b. Select the service group you created.
c. On the Services tab, click Create.
d. Select the service templates, and then click Create Service.
e. Verify or specify the following information using the best practice
names to create the service:
• Name of the service for updating Server Priority Manager settings:
Modify IO Control Settings for Volume
• Name of the service for deleting Server Priority Manager settings:
Delete IO Control Settings for Volume
• Status: Release

88 Initial setup after installation

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Note: Do not modify the I/O control settings. These fields are
autopopulated by the information entered on the Infrastructure
Analytics Advisor user interface when you submit an I/O control

f. Click Save and Close to close the window.

7. Assign the user group to the service group.
a. On the Permissions tab, click Assign.
b. Select the user group, and then click Add.
c. Select the Submit role, and then click OK.
8. Assign the user account that runs the I/O control configuration function
to the user group created in step 3.
a. On the Permissions tab, select a user group that has the Submit
b. Click Assign, and then select the user account that runs the I/O
control configuration function.

Note: For the user account, the Admin or Modify permission of

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor needs to be set.

c. Click Add, and then click OK.

9. Assign an infrastructure group to the service group.
a. On the Resources tab, click Assign.
b. From Available Infrastructure Groups, select an infrastructure
group, and then click Add.
If you are not using the infrastructure group functionality, specify
"IG_Default Service Group".
c. Confirm that the selected infrastructure group has been moved to
Assigned Infrastructure Groups, and then click OK.
10. Edit the file.
This step is not required if you use the recommended name for the
service group name, category name, or service name. If you use a name
other than the recommended name, specify, in the file, the name set in Automation Director.
The location of the file is as follows:
• For Windows
• For Linux
Specify the following keys and values:
• automation.parameter.serviceGroupName: Service group name
specified in Automation Director

Initial setup after installation 89

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
• automation.parameter.productName: Category name specified in
Automation Director
• automation.parameter.serviceName.ioControl.modify: Service
name set in Automation Director as the name of the service for
updating Server Priority Manager settings
• automation.parameter.serviceName.ioControl.delete: Service
name set in Automation Director as the name of the service for
deleting Server Priority Manager settings
11. If you have edited the file, restart the
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services.

The environment setup for controlling storage resources is now complete.

Next steps
Check a connection between Infrastructure Analytics Advisor and Automation
Related topics
• Starting the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 254
• Stopping the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 255

Checking the connection with Automation Director

Log on to Infrastructure Analytics Advisor to check the connection with
Automation Director.


1. Log on to Infrastructure Analytics Advisor as a user who executes the I/O

control configuration function.
2. In the Administration tab, select System Settings > Automation
Director Server.
3. Click Launch Automation Director to verify the connection with
Automation Director.

Configuring I/O control settings with user-defined scripts

This example describes how to use Infrastructure Analytics Advisor and
Configuration Manager REST API to configure the I/O control settings for the
target storage resources with user-defined scripts.


1. Create the script files. One for create or modify operation and another for
delete operation.
2. Specify the script file name in the built-in template file.

90 Initial setup after installation

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
3. Submit an I/O control task from the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
Operations tab or from the Analyze Bottleneck > Analyze Shared
Resources window.
4. Script execution is initiated by Infrastructure Analytics Advisor after you
submit the I/O control task.
5. Check the status of the script execution on the Infrastructure Analytics
Advisor Events tab.

Related topics
• Prerequisites for setting I/O controls (using a script) on page 91
• Creating the script files on page 91
• Editing built-in command templates on page 95
• Creating an I/O control task on page 96
• Running the script files on page 97
• Checking the status of the script execution on page 97

Prerequisites for setting I/O controls (using a script)

The prerequisites for setting I/O controls by using the script file to execute
the Configuration Manager REST API are as follows:
• You must have the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor User Interface login
credentials with StorageOps permissions to configure the I/O control
• Make sure the Configuration Manager REST API is installed on a host. For
installation instructions, see the Configuration Manager REST API
Reference Guide.
• Make sure the target storage systems are registered on the Configuration
Manager REST API.
• Make sure the Server Priority Manager function is enabled for the target
storage systems.
• You must have the operational service processor account with storage
administrator permissions for the target storage systems.

Related topics
• Configuring I/O control settings with user-defined scripts on page 90

Creating the script files

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server can run user-defined script files for
creating, updating and deleting storage I/O control settings.


1. Create the script files. You must create one script file for create or
update operation and another for delete operation. You can specify any
file name.
2. Save the script file anywhere on the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor

Initial setup after installation 91

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Example: create or update request
You can set the upper limit of I/O activity for the volumes in a shared
infrastructure. You can also update the existing I/O settings. While creating
the scripts, you must determine the logical workflow for the successful
completion of a task, a sequence of tasks for creating or updating I/O
control settings for the target storage resources.

The script depends on the following parameters:

• The *.json file, which includes the I/O control parameters that you input
from the UI. The *.json file is autocreated by the system after you
submit the I/O control task using the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor UI.
• Storage device ID
• Host WWN
• The user-environment configuration details includes the following:
• SVP-account-user-name
• SVP-account-password
• Configuration-Manager-REST-API-host-name
• Configuration-Manager-REST-API-protocol
• Configuration-Manager-REST-API-access-port

For example, when you run the script, it reads the *.json file to obtain the
storage device ID based on which it determines the user-environment
configuration details.

The sequence of tasks for creating or updating the I/O control settings is as
1. Obtain the storage device ID and the user-environment configuration
2. Access the Configuration Manager REST API to obtain a list of storage
resources enabled for I/O control settings.
An example of the curl command that is used to communicate with the
storage system to check the current I/O control settings is as follows:

curl --user SVP-account-user-name:SVP-account-password -H

"Accept: application/json" -H "Contenttype:application/json"
GET “Configuration-Manager-REST-API-protocol://Configuration-
Manager-REST-API-host-name(or IP address):Configuration-

The request returns a list of volumes enabled for I/O control settings.
3. Determine whether the request is to create or update by comparing the
input I/O control settings and the existing settings.

92 Initial setup after installation

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
• For a creation request: Identify the volumes without I/O control
• For an update request: Identify the volumes for which I/O control
settings are already configured.
4. Access the Configuration Manager REST API to run the create request
for the volumes without I/O control settings.
An example of the curl command used to create the I/O control
settings for the target storage resources is as follows:

curl --user SVP-account-user-name:SVP-account-password -H
"Accept:application/json" -H "Contenttype:application/json" -
X POST -d $json "Configuration-Manager-REST-API-protocol://
Configuration-Manager-REST-API-host-name(or IP
5. Access the Configuration Manager REST API to run the update request
for the volumes already configured with I/O control settings.
An example of the curl command used to update the I/O control

curl --user SVP-account-user-name:SVP-account-password -H
"Accept:application/json" -H "Contenttype:application/json" -
X PUT -d $json "Configuration-Manager-REST-API-protocol://
Configuration-Manager-REST-API-host-name(or IP

Note: The sample curl commands require you to provide the

user credentials to access the resources in the protected zone.
Apply security measures to protect the sensitive information.

Example: delete request

You can delete the I/O control settings when the requirements change and
you no longer want to limit the I/O control activity. While creating the
scripts, you must determine the logical workflow for the successful
completion of a task. Follow a logical sequence of tasks to delete the I/O
control settings for the target storage resources.

The script depends on the following parameters:

Initial setup after installation 93

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
• The *.json file, which includes the I/O control parameters that you input
from the UI. The *.json file is autocreated by the system after you
submit the I/O control task using the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor UI.
○ Storage device ID
○ Host WWN
• The user-environment configuration details includes the following:
○ SVP-account-user-name
○ SVP-account-password
○ Configuration-Manager-REST-API-host-name
○ Configuration-Manager-REST-API-protocol
○ Configuration-Manager-REST-API-access-port

For example, when you run the script, it reads the *.json file to get the
storage device ID that determines the user-environment configuration

The logical order of tasks to be executed by the script for deleting the I/O
control settings is as follows:
1. Obtain the storage device ID and the user-environment configuration
2. Access the Configuration Manager REST API to obtain a list of storage
resources enabled for I/O control settings.
An example of the curl command that is used to communicate with the
storage system to check the current I/O control settings is as follows:

curl --user SVP-account-user-name:SVP-account-password -H

"Accept: application/json" -H "Contenttype:application/json"
GET “Configuration-Manager-REST-API-protocol://Configuration-
Manager-REST-API-host-name(or IP address):Configuration-

The request returns a list of volumes enabled for I/O control settings.
3. Determine whether the target volumes exist and whether they are
enabled for I/O control settings by initiating a comparison between the
input I/O control settings and the existing I/O control settings.
4. Access the Configuration Manager REST API to delete the I/O control
settings for the target volumes.
An example of the curl command used to delete the I/O control
settings is as follows:

curl --user SVP-account-user-name:SVP-account-password -H

"Accept:application/json" -H "Contenttype:application/json" -
X DELETE "Configuration-Manager-REST-API-protocol://
Configuration-Manager-REST-API-host-name(or IP

94 Initial setup after installation

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide

Note: The sample curl commands require you to provide the

SVP user credentials to access the storage resources. Apply
security measures to protect the sensitive information.

Related topics
• Configuring I/O control settings with user-defined scripts on page 90

Editing built-in command templates

The built-in command template files contain details about the script files for
configuring I/O control settings. You must edit the built-in command
templates to specify the script file path.


1. Edit the built-in command templates to specify the script file path.
The templates are stored in the following location:
• Windows:

• Linux:


2. For creating or updating the I/O control settings, edit the

BuiltinTemplateIoControlModify.txt file.
An example of the BuiltinTemplateIoControlModify.txt is as follows: = Script to modify I/O control

SE.cmd.template.timeOut.num = 18000000
SE.cmd.template.cmdName.string = File-path-of-the-scriptfile

3. For deleting the I/O control settings, edit the

BuiltinTemplateIoControlDelete.txt file.
An example of the BuiltinTemplateIoControlDelete.txt is as follows: = Script to delete I/O control

SE.cmd.template.timeOut.num = 18000000
SE.cmd.template.cmdName.string = File-path-of-the-scriptfile

Initial setup after installation 95

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
The prerequisites for the keys included in the built-in command definition
file are as follows:
• SE.cmd.template.timeOut.num is the timeout period that specifies
the system response after the command is executed. The default
value is 18,000,000 milliseconds. You can specify a value ranging
from 1 millisecond to 2,147,483,647 milliseconds.
• SE.cmd.template.cmdName.string specifies the command name.
Specify the absolute path to the command. You can specify a value
from 0 to 255 bytes that do not include control characters. To specify
\, type \\.
4. Perform one of the following operations to apply the content of the built-
in command templates to Infrastructure Analytics Advisor:
• Restart Infrastructure Analytics Advisor.
• Execute the reloadtemplate command.

Related topics
• Configuring I/O control settings with user-defined scripts on page 90
• Starting the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 254
• Stopping the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 255
• reloadtemplate on page 367

Creating an I/O control task

You must submit an I/O control task using the Infrastructure Analytics
Advisor UI.

Before you begin

• Make sure you have specified the name of script files that you want to run
in the built-in command template files.
• You must be logged into the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor UI with
StorageOps permissions.


1. To launch the Set IO Control window, perform any of the following:

• From the Operations tab, search for the related volumes. Select the
volumes, and then click Set IO Control.
• From the Analyze Bottleneck window, click the Analyze Shared
Resources tab. In the Analyze Shared Resources window, select
the target volumes, and click Set IO Control.
2. In the Set IO Control window, configure the I/O control settings:
a. In Upper Limit Setting, select ON for creating or updating I/O
control settings. Select OFF for deleting the I/O control settings.
b. In Collective Settings, select the metric and enter the limit in Upper
Limit for each volume.
c. Enter a task name and description, and then click Next.

96 Initial setup after installation

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
A default task name based on the date and time is automatically
3. Review the information, and then click Submit.

Related topics
• Configuring I/O control settings with user-defined scripts on page 90

Running the script files

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor lets you configure the I/O control settings by
executing the user-defined scripts.


1. After you submit the I/O control task, the system automatically creates a
*.json file with the input I/O control parameters.
Sample file format of the *.json file:


2. The system then inputs the following parameters to the script files:
• Infrastructure Analytics Advisor user name
You can use this information to track the users running the script files.
• File path of the *.json file
3. The scripts read the *.json file and interface with the Configuration
Manager REST API to configure the I/O control settings.

Related topics
• Configuring I/O control settings with user-defined scripts on page 90

Checking the status of the script execution

You can verify whether the scripts were successfully executed. The script
execution task is logged in as an information event on the Events tab.


1. From the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor home page, click the Events
2. Click All Events or System Events tab to track the status of the script

Initial setup after installation 97

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
The name of the script file is displayed as the command action name.

Note: You can only track the status of the script execution on the
Events tab. The status and execution results of the I/O control
task based on the user definition script cannot be viewed under

Related topics
• Configuring I/O control settings with user-defined scripts on page 90

Initial setup for enabling Granular Data Collection

If you enable Granular Data Collection from Infrastructure Analytics Advisor,
the RAID Agent commands are run remotely, and performance data (in units
of seconds) for the monitored storage systems is output in CSV format. You
can use this data for further analysis.

To enable Granular Data Collection:

• Configure SSH on both the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server and the
RAID Agent host.
• Register the storage systems to be monitored by using Granular Data
Collection on the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.

You must also specify the initial settings when using Tuning Manager - Agent
for RAID to collect data from the monitored storage systems.

Prerequisites for using Granular Data Collection

If you want to use Granular Data Collection, the following conditions must be
• The Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server is running a Linux OS.
• RAID Agent or Tuning Manager - Agent for RAID is running on a Linux OS
that is supported by the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.
• For each storage system to be monitored, the storage system is one of the
following models:
○ VSP F series
○ VSP G series

Related topics
• Configuring SSH to use Granular Data Collection on page 99
• Registering storage systems to be monitored by Granular Data Collection
on page 102

98 Initial setup after installation

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Configuring SSH to use Granular Data Collection
You must enable SSH to use Granular Data Collection to remotely execute
commands on the RAID Agent host from the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor

You must also configure the SSH settings if you want to use Tuning Manager -
Agent for RAID to collect data from the monitored storage systems.

To enable SSH, specify the following settings:

1. Create keys on the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.
2. Register the public key for the RAID Agent host and configure
authentication using public key cryptography.
3. Verify the connection.

Creating keys on the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server

Create the public and private keys used for SSH on the Infrastructure
Analytics Advisor server. You can use both the RSA and DSA cryptography
key types.

Before you begin

You must have the root permission of the OS.


1. Run the ssh-keygen command as follows:

• For RSA keys:

ssh-keygen -t rsa
• For DSA keys:

ssh-keygen -t dsa

2. Specify the full pathname of the file where the private key will be stored.

The default location is ~/.ssh/id_rsa.

3. Press Enter twice.

When you are prompted to enter the password for the private key, press
Enter. When you are prompted again, press Enter again.

An example of running the ssh-keygen -t rsa command follows:

[root@HOST]$ ssh-keygen -t rsa

Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/ssh-user/.ssh/
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /home/ssh-user/.ssh/
Your public key has been saved in /home/ssh-user/.ssh/

Initial setup after installation 99

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
The key fingerprint is:
ax:xx:xx:xx:xx:bx:xx:xc:xx:xx:xx:xd:xd:xa:ed:xx root@HOST

4. Run the chmod command to specify 600 as the attribute of the private
key file.

[root@HOST]$ chmod 600 id_rsa

Be sure to protect private keys.

The private key and public key for authentication are created.

Next steps
Configure the public key authentication.

Configuring the public key authentication

Configure the public key authentication using public key cryptography.

Before you begin

You must have the root permission.


1. Navigate to the .ssh directory. Specify 700 as the attribute of the


Note: If there is no .ssh directory, create one.

2. Run the scp command to copy the public key file to the RAID Agent host.

The public key is copied to the .ssh directory.

3. Run the cat command to add the content of the public key file to the
authentication key file.
4. Delete the copied public key file.
5. Run the chmod command to specify 600 as the attribute of the
authentication key file.
An example of running the scp command, the cat command, and the
chmod command follows. In this example, the host name of the
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server where keys are created is
"HIAAHost", and the host name of the RAID Agent host is "AgentHost".

[root@AgentHost ]$ cd .ssh

[root@AgentHost .ssh]$ scp root@HIAAHost:/home/ssh-

user/.ssh/ ./
root@HIAAHost's password: Enter a password here. 100% 233

100 Initial setup after installation

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
0.2KB/s 00:00
[root@AgentHost .ssh]$ cat >> authorized_keys
[root@AgentHost .ssh]$ rm
[root@AgentHost .ssh]$ chmod 600 authorized_keys

6. Set the authentication key file as the value of AuthorizedKeysFile

in /etc/ssh/sshd_config.

Note: By default, ~/.ssh/authorized_keys or .ssh/

authorized_keys is set as the value of AuthorizedKeysFile. If
you have changed the path of the authentication key file, revise
the value of AuthorizedKeysFile.

7. Specify yes for the value of PubkeyAuthentication in /etc/ssh/

8. Specify yes for the value of PermitRootLogin in /etc/ssh/sshd_config.
9. Restart the sshd.

Note: For details about the items to specify in sshd_config and

how to specify settings, see the documentation for the SSH server
that you plan to use.

The public key is registered to the RAID Agent host, and the authentication is

Next steps
Verify the SSH connection.

Verifying SSH connections

Verify whether an SSH connection can be established between the
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server and the RAID Agent host.

Before you begin

You must have the root permission of the OS to perform this operation.


1. Use the created private key to run the ssh command for the RAID Agent
host from the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.
If a connection is successfully established without any prompt for an
identity, SSH configuration is complete. If an error occurs or you are
prompted to enter a password and a passphrase, check whether the
settings are configured as described.

Initial setup after installation 101

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Registering storage systems to be monitored by Granular Data
Use a definition file to register the storage systems when performance
information (in seconds) is collected by using the Granular Data Collection
feature in Infrastructure Analytics Advisor. As with RAID Agent, you also
must use a definition file to register target storage systems if you use Tuning
Manager - Agent for RAID to collect information from the monitored storage

Definition file

Storage location

Definition items
Specify the following items by using commas to separate them.

Setting item Description Required/Optional

Model name of the storage Model name of the storage Required

system system
Serial number of the storage Serial number of the storage Required
system system
IP address of the RAID Agent IP address of the RAID Agent Required
host host
Port number of the RAID Agent Port number of the RAID Agent Optional
host host

If you fail to provide this

information, 24221 is used as
the default port number.
Instance name for collecting The name of instance that you Optional
performance information (in want collect performance
seconds) information (in seconds)

If you fail to provide this

information, RAID Agent
searches for the target instance
by comparing the model name
and serial number specified in
the definition file to the
information that RAID Agent
Use of a proxy server Whether to use a proxy server Optional
for communication between the
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor

102 Initial setup after installation

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Setting item Description Required/Optional

server and the RAID Agent


If a proxy server is available,

specify one of the following
• noproxy: Specify this if the
server and the host
communicate directly with
each other without using a
proxy server.
• proxy: Specify this if you
use a proxy server.

If a proxy server is not

available, omit this item.
URL of the proxy server The URL of the proxy server. Optional

If you use a proxy server, you

must specify a value for this
Authentication information for Authentication information for Optional
the proxy server the proxy server.

If you use a proxy server that

requires user authentication,
specify the authentication
information in the following


Definition example
In the definition file example below, the following three storage systems are
registered to be monitored once per second.
• VSP F1500
• VSP G1000

Table 10 Examples of the storage systems to be monitored

Storage system VSP F1500 VSP G1000 HUS VM

Model name of the VSP F1500 VSP G1000 HUS VM

storage system
Serial number of the 123456 7890 10000
storage system
IP address of the RAID
Agent host
Port number of the Not set 24221 Not set
RAID Agent host

Initial setup after installation 103

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Storage system VSP F1500 VSP G1000 HUS VM

Instance name for Not set INSTANCE1 INSTANCE2

collecting performance
information (in
Use of a proxy server Not set Not set Not set
URL of the proxy Not set Not set Not set
Authentication Not set Not set Not set
information for the
proxy server

Definition file example

VSP F1500,123456,
VSP G1000,7890,,24221,INSTANCE1

Changing the megha and meghadata passwords

You should change the megha and meghadata user passwords to enhance
the security. The megha user exists on both the Data Center Analytics server
and the Analytics probe server. The Analytics probe server does not have a
meghadata account.


1. Log on to the server through an SSH client (like putty) using the
following credentials:
• Data Center Analytics server user credentials are:
○ User: root
○ Default password: manager (for OVA)
• Analytics probe server user credentials are:
○ User: root
○ Default password: manager (for OVA)
2. Stop the crond service using the command:

service crond stop

3. Stop the megha service using the command:

/usr/local/megha/bin/ stop

104 Initial setup after installation

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
4. Verify the stopped status of the megha service:

/usr/local/megha/bin/ status

5. Run the change password script:

/usr/local/megha/bin/ --user

6. Choose the account you want to change.

7. Type the user password and confirm it.
8. Start the megha service using the command:

/usr/local/megha/bin/ start

9. Start the crond service using the command:

service crond start

Next steps

If you have changed the meghadata user password on the Data Center
Analytics server and if the Analytics probe server is uploading the data
directly to the Data Center Analytics server, the meghadata user password
must be updated on the Analytics probe server UI as well. It enables the
Analytics probe server to send the data to the Data Center Analytics server.
To change the password, log on to the Analytics probe server and then go to
the Home > Reconfigure > HDCA Server tab to update the meghadata
user password.

Adding a secondary Data Center Analytics server

In addition to sending Analytics probe server data to a single (local) Data
Center Analytics server, you can configure a secondary, cloud-based Data
Center Analytics server. The purpose is to host a copy of the probe data
where it can be accessed outside of your internal network.

Note: The secondary Data Center Analytics server does not support real-time
data; the data might be received at different times from the Analytics probe

The secondary Data Center Analytics server hosts an independent, non-

synchronous copy of the probe data and does not constitute a failover
configuration. Furthermore, the secondary Data Center Analytics server does
not include primary Data Center Analytics server configuration data,
• Alert definitions
• Custom reports
• Custom trees
• User logins and profiles

Initial setup after installation 105

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
You can use the Data Center Analytics server backup and restore feature to
save or copy these settings.


1. On the Analytics probe server home page, click Reconfigure.

2. Go to HDCA Server tab and click Add HDCA Server.
3. In the Secondary HDCA Server Details window, specify the following
• Protocol: FTP, FTPS, SFTP, or HTTPS.
• Host: Data Center Analytics server or FTP server IP address.
If you are using FTP server as a secondary server, then make sure
that you configure downloader on the Data Center Analytics server to
download the data from this intermediate FTP server.
• Port: Based on the selected protocol.
• User: User name for the host. For a Data Center Analytics server the
user name is: meghadata
• Password: Password for the host. For a Data Center Analytics server
the default password is: meghadata123

Note: To enhance security for the FTP account, you can change
the meghadata user's default password. Refer to Changing the
megha and meghadata passwords on page 104 for more

• Advanced Settings:
○ Proxy: Select to configure a proxy server.
4. Click Save.

Related topics
• Initial setup of Analytics probe server on page 69
• Configuring the downloader on the Data Center Analytics server on
page 106
• Backing up the settings information and database of Data Center Analytics
server on page 297
• Restoring the settings information and database of Data Center Analytics
server on page 307

Configuring the downloader on the Data Center Analytics server

When the Analytics probe server sends the data to an intermediate FTP
server instead of a Data Center Analytics server, then the Data Center
Analytics server needs to know details of the FTP server to download the

106 Initial setup after installation

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide

1. Log on to the Data Center Analytics server through an SSH client (like
putty) using the following credentials:
• User: root
• Default password: manager (for OVA)
2. Stop the crond service using the command:

service crond stop

3. Stop the megha service using the command:

/usr/local/megha/bin/ stop

4. Verify the stopped status of the megha service:

/usr/local/megha/bin/ status

5. Run the create or update FTP configuration script:

• If you want to download the data of all the Analytics probe server
appliances, run the following command:

sh /usr/local/megha/bin/
--create --ftpServer FTP-server-host-name-or-IP-address --
ftpMethod FTP-method-(FTP/FTPS/SFTP) --ftpPort FTP-port --
ftpUsername FTP-username --ftpPassword

For example:

sh /usr/local/megha/bin/
--create --ftpServer --ftpMethod SFTP --
ftpPort 22 --ftpUsername abc --ftpPassword

• If you want to download the data of the specific Analytics probe server
appliances, run the following command:

sh /usr/local/megha/bin/
--create --ftpServer FTP-server-host-name-or-IP-address --
ftpMethod FTP-method-(FTP/FTPS/SFTP) --ftpPort FTP-port --
ftpUsername FTP-server-username --ftpPassword --
applianceidOption ApplianceIds --applianceidList Appliance-

For example:

sh /usr/local/megha/bin/
--create --ftpServer --ftpMethod SFTP --
ftpPort 22 --ftpUsername abc --ftpPassword --
applianceidOption ApplianceIds --applianceidList

6. Type the FTP user password and confirm it.

Initial setup after installation 107

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
7. Start the megha service using the command:

/usr/local/megha/bin/ start

8. Start the crond service using the command:

service crond start

Related topics
• Adding a secondary Data Center Analytics server on page 105

108 Initial setup after installation

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Adding probes to the Analytics probe
Start collecting information about your system resources by adding probes to
the Analytics probe server.

You can set up the Hitachi Enterprise Storage probe by either using the RAID
Agent bundled with Infrastructure Analytics Advisor or by using Tuning
Manager - Agent for RAID. Choose the appropriate setup procedure for your

□ Setting up the Hitachi Enterprise Storage probe (when using RAID Agent)

□ Setting up the Hitachi Enterprise Storage probe (when using Tuning

Manager - Agent for RAID)

□ Adding Hitachi Adaptable Modular Storage (AMS) probe

□ Adding Hitachi NAS probe

□ Adding VMware probe

□ Adding Brocade Network Advisor probe

□ Adding Cisco DCNM probe

□ Adding Cisco SAN Switch probe

□ Adding Linux probe

□ Initial setup after adding a probe

Adding probes to the Analytics probe server 109

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Setting up the Hitachi Enterprise Storage probe (when using
RAID Agent)
The Hitachi Enterprise Storage probe collects data from the monitored Hitachi
Enterprise storage systems using RAID Agent, which is bundled with
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor. Perform this procedure to use RAID Agent.

Verify the connection between host and monitoring targets (when

using RAID Agent)
To monitor VSP, VSP F series, VSP G series, or HUS VM by using RAID Agent,
use the following workflow to add the Hitachi Enterprise Storage probe.

Operation workflow for adding Hitachi Enterprise Storage probe (when using
RAID Agent)
The following figure contains the workflow for adding Hitachi Enterprise
Storage probes when you are using RAID Agent:

Configuring Analytics probe server

• Confirm that RAID Agent and the Analytics probe server are installed on
the same host. RAID Agent is installed when the Analytics probe server is
• If you used the installer to install Analytics probe server, confirm that
RAID Manager Library is installed on the RAID Agent host. In an

110 Adding probes to the Analytics probe server

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
environment that was created by deploying the OVA file for Analytics probe
server, the RAID Manager Library is already installed.

Configuring monitoring targets (storage systems)

• On the storage system, verify that a Storage Navigator user account was
created. One user account is required for each RAID Agent environment.
Confirm that the following roles are assigned to the user account:
○ User account role needed for Performance Monitor settings:
Storage administrator (performance management)
○ User account roles needed to set up an instance environment:
Assign any of the following roles to the user account:
– Storage administrator (viewing)
– Storage administrator (initial setup)
– Storage administrator (system resource management)
– Storage administrator (provisioning)
– Storage administrator (performance management)
– Storage administrator (local backup management)
– Storage administrator (remote backup management)

For details about how to create user accounts in Storage Navigator, see
the online help for your storage system.
• Confirm that the following settings are set for the instance of Performance
Monitor for the storage system.

Setting Description

Monitor switch Enable the monitoring switch setting

Monitoring-target CUs Set the logical devices (on a CU basis) from which you want to collect
performance data. This setting is not required if you use HUS VM.
Monitoring-target WWNs Set the performance data collection-target WWNs.
Sampling interval Set the interval to short range.

• Verify that one of the logical units is assigned to a command device. For
details about how to specify command devices, see the documents for the
storage system you are using.
Note the following when selecting the command device to be assigned:
○ If a virtual ID is set on a command device, that command device cannot
be monitored by RAID Agent.
○ Command devices must be defined as RAW devices. RAW devices must
comply with the following rules:
– Command devices for the ZFS file system cannot be used.
– Do not create file systems in the logical devices specified as the
command devices.
– Do not mount file systems to the logical devices specified as the
command devices.
○ If any of the following conditions is met, RAID Agent cannot obtain
performance data:

Adding probes to the Analytics probe server 111

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
– A remote command device is used.
– A virtual command device is used.
– VMware Fault Tolerance (VMware vSphere(R) Fault Tolerance) is used.

Connecting the RAID Agent host and the storage system

Verify that the RAID Agent host and the storage system are connected by
LAN, and are connected with both of the following methods:
• Fibre Channel, Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE), or iSCSI
• TCP/IP connection

Some functions cannot be run while performance data is being collected over
a TCP/IP connection. Before using a function for which the problem occurs,
run the htmsrv stop command (/opt/jp1pc/htnm/bin/htmsrv stop -all)
to temporarily stop the RAID Agent instance.
The following are examples of functions that cannot be run while
performance data is being collected over a TCP/IP connection:
• Data migration in Device Manager
• Displaying the following Storage Navigator:
○ Server Priority Manager window
○ Volume Migration window
○ Usage Monitor window of True Copy (for HUS VM and Virtual Storage
○ Usage Monitor window of Universal Replicator (for HUS VM and Virtual
Storage Platform)
• Using the export tools described in the Performance Monitor manuals

Related topics
• Creating an instance environment (when using RAID Agent) on page 114

Making the command device accessible (when using RAID Agent)

RAID Agent obtains performance and configuration data from a storage
system through the command device assigned to the storage system. For this
reason, you need to configure the settings so that the command device of the
monitored storage system can be assessed from the host on which RAID
Agent is installed.


1. Set an LU path to a logical device designated as the command device.

Set the LU path to the host in which RAID Agent is installed on the
logical device designated as the command device. If the installation
destination of RAID Agent is a guest OS of VMware ESXi, set the LU path
to the host OS.

Access to the command device of RAID Agent might temporarily occupy

resources, such as the processor, of the storage system on the LU path.

112 Adding probes to the Analytics probe server

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Therefore, when setting an LU path, make sure that the processor to be
used is not being used by business applications that generate steady I/O
2. Ensure that the command device can be accessed from a guest OS.

This procedure is necessary if RAID Agent is installed on a guest OS of

VMware ESXi. For details, see the manual of VMware ESXi.

Use VMware vSphere Client to add a device to the guest OS. By doing so,
if you designate a command device as the device to be added, the
command device can be accessed from the guest OS.

When configuring settings to add a device, make sure that the following
requirements are met:
• Device type: Hard disk
• Disk selection: Raw device mapping
• Compatibility mode: Physical
Virtual disks (including VMware VVols) cannot be used for the
command device.
3. Make sure that the command device can be accessed from the host on
which RAID Agent is installed.
Run the jpctdlistraid command on the host on which RAID Agent is
installed, and confirm that the information you set on the command
device is output.


Tip: In a Linux host environment, rescanning a disk device might

change a device file name of the form /dev/sd. To prevent this,
use the WWID based form of the device file name (/dev/disk/by-
id/scsi-hexadecimal-WWID). To specify the WWID based file
1. Use the jpctdlistraid command to display the /dev/sd form
of the device file name:

2. Use the ls command to search for the symbolic links managed
in the /dev/disk/by-id directory for the WWID device file
name mapped to the corresponding /dev/sd file name.
For example:

ls -la /dev/disk/by-id/* | grep sdc

3. Use the output as the Command Device File Name.

Adding probes to the Analytics probe server 113

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Creating an instance environment (when using RAID Agent)
Hitachi Enterprise Storage probe collects data by using a TCP/IP connection,
and using the command device of VSP, VSP F series, VSP G series, or HUS
VM. To collect data, you must create an instance environment of RAID Agent
on the Analytics probe server host.


1. On the Analytics probe server, run the jpcinssetup command with the
service key and instance name specified. Instance names must be no
longer than 32 bytes and only half-width alphanumeric characters (A-Z,
a-z, 0-9) are allowed.

For example, to create an instance environment for the instance named

35053 for RAID Agent, run the following command:

/opt/jp1pc/tools/jpcinssetup agtd -inst 35053

2. Set up the instance information for the storage system you will monitor.

To use the default value (or no value), just press Enter.

The following table lists the instance information to specify.

Item Description

Storage Model Always specify 2.

Method for collecting Always specify 3.

Command Device File Name Specify the device file name of the command device
to be output by using the /opt/jp1pc/tools/
jpctdlistraid command. RAID Agent uses this
command device to collect information about the
storage system.

The /dev/sd* form of the device file name might be

changed by rescanning the disk device. The best
practice is to use the WWID based form of the device
file name. See the Making the command device
accessible (when using RAID Agent) for details about
assigning a WWID based device file name.
Mainframe Volume Monitoring* Specify Y to monitor a logical device for which the
emulation type used for a mainframe is set.
• For HUS VM, mainframe emulation is not
supported. Mainframe volumes are excluded from
monitoring when an HUS VM is monitored.

• If no value is entered, the default value Y is set.

• If you enter a value other than Y, y, N, or n, the

system prompts you to enter a value again.

114 Adding probes to the Analytics probe server

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Item Description

Unassigned Open Volume Monitoring* Specify Y to monitor a logical device or an parity

group for which an open system emulation type has
been set and that has not been mapped to a port.
• If no value is entered, the default value Y is set.

• If you enter a value other than Y, y, N, or n, the

system prompts you to enter a value again.

Storage IP Address or Host Name Specify the IP address or host name of the storage
system to which the command device specified for
Command Device File Name belongs.
Storage User ID Specify the user ID of the user account that was
created to monitor the target storage system.
Storage Password Specify the password of the user account that was
created to monitor the target storage system.
Java VM Heap Memory Specify the amount of memory available in Java VM.
Specify the largest value that does not exceed the
physical memory of the RAID Agent host. The default
is 1.
• 1 = 0.5 GB
• 2 = 1.0 GB
• 3 = 2.0 GB
• 4 = 4.0 GB
• 5 = 8.0 GB

Details of storage model Specify the storage type.

• 11 = Virtual Storage Platform
• 12 = VSP G1000, G1500, VSP F1500
• 21 = HUS VM
• 22 = VSP Gx00 models or VSP Fx00 models

SVP Port No Specify the port number if Detailed Storage Model is

set to 22 (VSP Gx00 models or VSP Fx00 models).
You can specify a value from 0 to 65535. The default
value is 1099.

This value is the same as the initial value for the

RMIIFRegist port number of the storage system. To
change the port number of the storage system, see
the part of the storage system manual that explains
how to change or initialize the port number to be
used with the SVP.
Serial No Specify the serial number of the storage system if
Detailed Storage Model is set to 22 (VSP Gx00
models or VSP Fx00 models). You can specify a value
from 10000 to 999999.

SVP HTTPS Port No If 22 (VSP Gx00 models or VSP Fx00 models) is

specified for Details of storage model, specify the
port number that is used for connection via the
HTTPS protocol, from a host on which RAID Agent is
installed, to the SVP. You can specify a value from 0
to 65535. The default value is 443.

This value is the same as the initial value for the

MAPPWebServerHttps port number of the storage

Adding probes to the Analytics probe server 115

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Item Description

system. To change the port number of the storage

system, see the part of the storage system manual
that explains how to change or initialize the port
number to be used with the SVP.
*: Depending on the microcode version of the storage system, you might not be able to use
the Mainframe Volume Monitoring or Unassigned Open Volume Monitoring function although
you have enabled the setting (even if enabled).

3. When configuring multiple instances, repeat steps 1 and 2 for each

4. Make sure that RAID Manager LIB is installed.
5. Before you start operation in an instance environment, run the
jpctdchkinst command to verify the instance settings.
The command references the set instance information. (This command
checks whether the settings allow information to be collected from the
storage system monitored by RAID Agent.)

/opt/jp1pc/tools/jpctdchkinst –inst instance-name

6. Run the following command to start the RAID Agent instance services.

/opt/jp1pc/htnm/bin/htmsrv start -all

Next steps

Add the Hitachi Enterprise Storage probe from the Analytics probe server
home page.

Related topics
• Making the command device accessible (when using RAID Agent) on
page 112
• Adding Hitachi Enterprise Storage probe on page 116
• Starting the RAID Agent services on page 257

Adding Hitachi Enterprise Storage probe

The Hitachi Enterprise Storage probe collects data from VSP G1000, VSP
G1500, VSP F1500, VSP Gx00 models, VSP Fx00 models, Virtual Storage
Platform, and HUS VM storage systems. This procedure presumes you are
using the RAID Agent bundled with Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.
The procedure is the same for using Tuning Manager - Agent for RAID.

Note: When you add the Hitachi Enterprise Storage probe, the following
message might be displayed:

Some required opcodes are turned off by default on RAID Agent.

Ensure that these are enabled to collect the related metrics.
Before proceeding further, refer to product user documentation.

116 Adding probes to the Analytics probe server

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Ignore this message as this setting is automatically enabled on RAID Agent in
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor.


1. On the Analytics probe server home page, click Add Probe.

2. In the Add Probe window, from the Probes list, select Hitachi
Enterprise Storage.
3. In the Provide RAID Agent Details section, provide the following
details, and then click Next:
• Probe Name: The probe name must contain a minimum of four
alphanumeric characters. Example: HESP53076. The probe name must
be unique in the Data Center Analytics deployment. The probe name
cannot include any special characters other than hyphen and
• Connection Type: Choose HTTP.

Note: HTTPS is not supported.

• RAID Agent IP Address: IP address of the machine on which the

RAID Agent is installed.
• RAID Agent Host name: Host name of the machine on which the
RAID Agent is installed. The host name must match the host name
(case-sensitive). Specify the host name that is returned when you run
the uname -n command on the RAID Agent server. Do not use
• RAID Agent Port: Port number used by the RAID Agent on the RAID
Agent host. The default port number is:
• Storage System Serial number: The serial number of the storage
system that is configured on the RAID Agent.
• Storage System Instance: Storage instance name (alias) that is
used to add the storage system to the RAID Agent.
• Enable real time data collection: Select the check box to collect
real-time data that can be used for alerts, reports, and the REST API.

Note: Enabling the real-time data collection increases the load

on the Data Center Analytics server CPU and memory. To
disable the real-time data collection, clear the Enable real
time data collection check box.

4. In the Configure RAID Agent Collection Interval window, set PLC

(Poll Configuration) to 60, and then click Next.

Adding probes to the Analytics probe server 117

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
• The data collection interval for each record must match the data
collection interval set in RAID Agent or in Tuning Manager -
Agent for RAID.
• If you are using RAID Agent, use the raid_agent_config
command to verify the setting for the data collection interval,
and specify a value that is the same as the displayed data
collection interval.
• For the data collection interval of records that are not displayed
by using the raid_agent_config command, use the default
setting (without change).
• If you are using Tuning Manager - Agent for RAID, verify the
data collection interval setting of Tuning Manager - Agent for
RAID, and match that interval.

5. In the Provide Hitachi Device Manager details window, select the

appropriate option for collecting configuration metrics from Hitachi
Device Manager.
• Select No to skip this step. If you select No, then the Provide
Hitachi Device Manager details section is unavailable. Click Next,
and a message appears, stating that the Hitachi Enterprise Storage
probe is successfully added.
• Select Yes to enable the Provide Hitachi Device Manager details.

If the Provide Hitachi Device Manager details option is enabled, type

the following details, and then click Next:
• Connection Type: Choose HTTP or HTTPS.

• IP Address: IP address of the Hitachi Device Manager (HDvM) server.

• Port: Port number of the Hitachi Device Manager server. The default
port numbers are:

• Username/Password: User name and password of the Hitachi

Device Manager. The user must be added in the ViewGroup user group
of Hitachi Device Manager.

6. In the Validation window, Click Next, and then click OK.

7. In the Status window, in Action, click Start to start collecting data.

118 Adding probes to the Analytics probe server

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
8. If you try to set up the Hitachi Enterprise Storage probe immediately
after setting up an instance in the RAID Agent, the setup task might fail
with the following alert:

Validating RAID Agent details

Validating RAID Agent details failed.
Error:Storage details are not available through PD record

Verify the values you specified. If they are correct, wait a few minutes
and try again. You might have to wait approximately one hour before you
can add the Hitachi Enterprise Storage probe.

Note: If you change the storage system configuration after you

add a Hitachi Enterprise Storage probe, the prior information is
displayed until the latest status is applied.

Related topics
• Initial setup after adding a probe on page 134
• Changing data collection intervals for RAID Agent on page 286

Deleting an instance environment (when using RAID Agent)

To delete multiple instance environments, repeat the following procedure for
each instance environment.


1. Find the instance name of RAID Agent using this command:

/opt/jp1pc/tools/jpcinslist agtd

For example, if the instance name is 35053, the command displays

2. Run the following command to stop any active RAID Agent services in
the instance environment.

/opt/jp1pc/htnm/bin/htmsrv stop -all

3. Delete the instance environment using this command:

/opt/jp1pc/tools/jpcinsunsetup agtd -inst instance-name

The following example shows how to delete the instance environment


/opt/jp1pc/tools/jpcinsunsetup agtd -inst 35053

Adding probes to the Analytics probe server 119

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide

If the command is successful, the directories created during instance

environment setup are deleted. If a service with the specified instance name
is active, a message appears asking whether the service is to be stopped. If
this message appears, stop the service of the applicable instance.

Related topics
• Stopping the RAID Agent services on page 258

Setting up the Hitachi Enterprise Storage probe (when using

Tuning Manager - Agent for RAID)
The Hitachi Enterprise Storage probe collects data from the monitored Hitachi
Enterprise storage systems using Tuning Manager - Agent for RAID. Perform
this procedure to use Tuning Manager - Agent for RAID.

Requirements for adding the Hitachi Enterprise Storage probe (when

using Tuning Manager - Agent for RAID)
To monitor VSP, VSP F series, VSP G series, or HUS VM by using Tuning
Manager - Agent for RAID, you must perform the following operations before
adding the Hitachi Enterprise Storage probe.

Example system configuration for Infrastructure Analytics Advisor (when

using Tuning Manager - Agent for RAID)

Operation workflow for adding Hitachi Enterprise Storage probe (when using
Tuning Manager - Agent for RAID)
The following figure contains the workflow for adding Hitachi Enterprise
Storage probes when you use Tuning Manager - Agent for RAID.

120 Adding probes to the Analytics probe server

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
To use Tuning Manager - Agent for RAID, make sure that all of the following
conditions are met:
• Version of Tuning Manager - Agent for RAID: Version 8.5.1 or later.
• Performance database for Tuning Manager - Agent for RAID: Hybrid Store.
If you are using a Store database, switch to Hybrid Store.
• Value specified for Method for collecting (the connection method to be
used when collecting performance data) in the Tuning Manager - Agent for
RAID instance information: Verify that 3 (Collect from both command
devices and TCP/IP) is selected. If 3 is not selected, update the instance
• Disk capacity of Tuning Manager - Agent for RAID: There is sufficient space
for the additional records that will be collected for Infrastructure Analytics
Advisor analysis.

Related topics
• Values used for estimating disk space when using Tuning Manager - Agent
for RAID on page 126

Changing data to be collected by Tuning Manager - Agent for RAID

To enable Tuning Manager - Agent for RAID to collect the following additional
records for use in Infrastructure Analytics Advisor, you must modify the
existing data collection settings (Log property settings) in Tuning Manager -
Agent for RAID.


Adding probes to the Analytics probe server 121

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide


1. Log on to the Tuning Manager software as a user with administrator

2. Start Performance Reporter.
3. In the main window of Performance Reporter, in the Navigation frame,
select the Services tab.
This tab is displayed only for users with administrator permissions.
4. In the main window of Performance Reporter, in the Navigation frame,
select System > Machines > folder-representing-Tuning-Manager-
Agent-for-RAID-installation-host > Agent Collector Service.
5. In the main window of Performance Reporter, in the method pane, select
Properties, and then Detail Records.
A list of records is displayed.
6. Select the record for which you need to change the settings, and then
change the Log property value to Yes.

Note: To use Tuning Manager - Agent for RAID after upgrading it

from a version earlier than 8.5.2 to version 8.5.2 or a later
version, change the Collection Interval value for the PD_RGD
record to 3600.

Settings for communication from Analytics probe server to Tuning

Manager - Agent for RAID
To use the data collected by Tuning Manager - Agent for RAID in
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor, you must specify the necessary settings for
communication with Analytics probe server.


1. On the host on which Tuning Manager - Agent for RAID is installed,

register the port that is to be used for communication with Analytics
probe server as a firewall exception.
The default port number is 24221.

122 Adding probes to the Analytics probe server

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
2. To limit the servers that can access the performance data of Tuning
Manager - Agent for RAID, add Analytics probe server to the
htnm_httpsd.conf file managed by Tuning Manager - Agent for RAID.
a. Stop the Tuning Manager Agent REST API component services.
b. To the last line of the htnm_httpsd.conf file, register information
about the management server that can connect to the agents on
which use of the API is enabled.
c. Start the Tuning Manager Agent REST API component services.

Note: To use the API functions that access RAID Agent, you also
need to register information about Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
server in the htnm_httpsd.conf file.

Related topics
• Restricting access to servers that access RAID Agent on page 284

Notes on using Tuning Manager - Agent for RAID

Read the following if you want to use Tuning Manager - Agent for RAID with
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor.
• Collecting additional records for Infrastructure Analytics Advisor might
affect the performance of Tuning Manager - Agent for RAID. Check
whether the message KAVE00213-W, which indicates that the PI record
type could not be generated, is output to the common message log at a
specific time every hour.
• When you change the host name or port number used for Tuning Manager
- Agent for RAID, update the settings information for the Hitachi Enterprise
Storage probe by using Analytics probe server.

Adding Hitachi Enterprise Storage probe

The Hitachi Enterprise Storage probe collects data from VSP G1000, VSP
G1500, VSP F1500, VSP Gx00 models, VSP Fx00 models, Virtual Storage
Platform, and HUS VM storage systems. This procedure presumes you are
using the RAID Agent bundled with Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.
The procedure is the same for using Tuning Manager - Agent for RAID.

Note: When you add the Hitachi Enterprise Storage probe, the following
message might be displayed:

Some required opcodes are turned off by default on RAID Agent.

Ensure that these are enabled to collect the related metrics.
Before proceeding further, refer to product user documentation.

Ignore this message as this setting is automatically enabled on RAID Agent in

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor.

Adding probes to the Analytics probe server 123

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide

1. On the Analytics probe server home page, click Add Probe.

2. In the Add Probe window, from the Probes list, select Hitachi
Enterprise Storage.
3. In the Provide RAID Agent Details section, provide the following
details, and then click Next:
• Probe Name: The probe name must contain a minimum of four
alphanumeric characters. Example: HESP53076. The probe name must
be unique in the Data Center Analytics deployment. The probe name
cannot include any special characters other than hyphen and
• Connection Type: Choose HTTP.

Note: HTTPS is not supported.

• RAID Agent IP Address: IP address of the machine on which the

RAID Agent is installed.
• RAID Agent Host name: Host name of the machine on which the
RAID Agent is installed. The host name must match the host name
(case-sensitive). Specify the host name that is returned when you run
the uname -n command on the RAID Agent server. Do not use
• RAID Agent Port: Port number used by the RAID Agent on the RAID
Agent host. The default port number is:
• Storage System Serial number: The serial number of the storage
system that is configured on the RAID Agent.
• Storage System Instance: Storage instance name (alias) that is
used to add the storage system to the RAID Agent.
• Enable real time data collection: Select the check box to collect
real-time data that can be used for alerts, reports, and the REST API.

Note: Enabling the real-time data collection increases the load

on the Data Center Analytics server CPU and memory. To
disable the real-time data collection, clear the Enable real
time data collection check box.

4. In the Configure RAID Agent Collection Interval window, set PLC

(Poll Configuration) to 60, and then click Next.


124 Adding probes to the Analytics probe server

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
• The data collection interval for each record must match the data
collection interval set in RAID Agent or in Tuning Manager -
Agent for RAID.
• If you are using RAID Agent, use the raid_agent_config
command to verify the setting for the data collection interval,
and specify a value that is the same as the displayed data
collection interval.
• For the data collection interval of records that are not displayed
by using the raid_agent_config command, use the default
setting (without change).
• If you are using Tuning Manager - Agent for RAID, verify the
data collection interval setting of Tuning Manager - Agent for
RAID, and match that interval.

5. In the Provide Hitachi Device Manager details window, select the

appropriate option for collecting configuration metrics from Hitachi
Device Manager.
• Select No to skip this step. If you select No, then the Provide
Hitachi Device Manager details section is unavailable. Click Next,
and a message appears, stating that the Hitachi Enterprise Storage
probe is successfully added.
• Select Yes to enable the Provide Hitachi Device Manager details.

If the Provide Hitachi Device Manager details option is enabled, type

the following details, and then click Next:
• Connection Type: Choose HTTP or HTTPS.

• IP Address: IP address of the Hitachi Device Manager (HDvM) server.

• Port: Port number of the Hitachi Device Manager server. The default
port numbers are:

• Username/Password: User name and password of the Hitachi

Device Manager. The user must be added in the ViewGroup user group
of Hitachi Device Manager.

6. In the Validation window, Click Next, and then click OK.

7. In the Status window, in Action, click Start to start collecting data.
8. If you try to set up the Hitachi Enterprise Storage probe immediately
after setting up an instance in the RAID Agent, the setup task might fail
with the following alert:

Validating RAID Agent details

Validating RAID Agent details failed.
Error:Storage details are not available through PD record

Adding probes to the Analytics probe server 125

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Verify the values you specified. If they are correct, wait a few minutes
and try again. You might have to wait approximately one hour before you
can add the Hitachi Enterprise Storage probe.

Note: If you change the storage system configuration after you

add a Hitachi Enterprise Storage probe, the prior information is
displayed until the latest status is applied.

Related topics
• Initial setup after adding a probe on page 134
• Changing data collection intervals for RAID Agent on page 286

Values used for estimating disk space when using Tuning Manager -
Agent for RAID
The following information is necessary for calculating the disk space required
to use Tuning Manager - Agent for RAID with Infrastructure Analytics Advisor.

Calculate the disk space required by Tuning Manager - Agent for RAID and
verify that there is adequate disk space available. The calculation is
performed based on information about records already collected by Tuning
Manager - Agent for RAID, and information about records that will be
additionally collected for Infrastructure Analytics Advisor by Tuning Manager -
Agent for RAID.

The record information described here relates to records to be additionally

collected by Tuning Manager - Agent for RAID. For details about other
records, see Hitachi Command Suite System Requirements.

Method for estimating number of instances

Record ID Method for estimating number of instances

PD_HGC Number of host groups that exist in the storage system

PD_HHGC Total number of hosts that belong to the host groups that exist in
the storage system

PD_LDCC Number of copied logical devices

PD_LDD Number of logical devices

PD_LHGC Total number of LUNs that belong to the host groups that exist in
the storage system

PD_LWPC Sum of the number of settings related to LDEVs and the WWNs of
host bus adapters*, and the number of settings related to LDEVs
and iSCSI names*

PD_MPBC Number of MP blades

126 Adding probes to the Analytics probe server

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Record ID Method for estimating number of instances

PD_PWPC Total number of settings related to ports and the WWNs of host bus

PD_RGD Number of parity groups

*: To specify this setting, use Server Priority Manager, which is provided by Hitachi storage

Size of each record

Fixed part 1 Variable part 1 Fixed part 2 Variable part 2

Record ID
(bytes) (bytes) (bytes) (bytes)

PD_HGC 80 563 -- --

PD_HHGC 68 580 -- --

PD_LDCC 72 281 -- --

PD_LDD 76 265 -- --

PD_LHGC 68 272 -- --

PD_LWPC 64 617 -- --

PD_MPBC 52 113 -- --

PD_RGD 80 295 -- --

PD_PWPC 80 361 -- --

Retention period for the records (default value)

Record ID Retention period (unit: hours)

PD_HGC 168



PD_LDD 168




PD_RGD 168


Adding probes to the Analytics probe server 127

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Adding Hitachi Adaptable Modular Storage (AMS) probe
The AMS probe collects data from AMS storage systems and HUS storage


1. On the Analytics probe server home page, click Add Probe.

2. In the Add Probe window, from the Probes list, select Hitachi AMS.
3. In the Add Hitachi AMS Probe section, type the following details, and
then click Next:
• Hitachi AMS Probe Name: Name of the HUS100 storage system for
which the probe is added. (This must not be the same as the storage
name that is defined in your environment.) After you add the probe, it
is identified with this name in the Analytics probe server.

• Controller 0 IP address and Controller 1 IP address: IP

addresses of Controller 0 and Controller 1.

• User name and Password: User name and password of the user with
read-only permissions.

Note: If user authentication for the HUS100 storage system is

disabled, then you must type a dummy user name and
password because these two fields are mandatory for adding
the AMS probe.

4. In the Validation window, click Next, and then click OK.

5. In the Status window, in Action, click Start to start collecting data.

Related topics
• Initial setup after adding a probe on page 134

Adding Hitachi NAS probe

Add a Hitachi NAS probe to collect data from the Hitachi NAS platform.

Before you begin

Make sure that the external NAS System Management Unit (SMU) users have
SMU CLI access and internal SMU users have Administrator User Group

128 Adding probes to the Analytics probe server

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide

1. On the Analytics probe server home page, click Add Probe.

2. In the Add Probe window, from the Probes list, select Hitachi NAS.
3. In the Add Hitachi NAS Probe section, type the following details, and
then click Next:
• SMU IP: The IP address of the Hitachi NAS System Management Unit
• User name and Password: User credentials of the SMU user.
4. In the Validation window, click Next.
5. Based on the IP address that you entered in the SMU IP field, the
Choose Server window for external SMU or Provide Controller
Details window for internal SMU appears :
• External SMU: In the Choose Server window, select the servers,
and then click Next. (The Choose Server window lists all servers
associated with the SMU.)
• Internal SMU: In the Provide Controller Details window, type the
username and the password of the controller that you want to add.
6. In the Validation window, click Next, and then click OK.
7. In the Status window, in Action, click Start to start collecting data.

Related topics
• Initial setup after adding a probe on page 134

Adding VMware probe

VMware probe collects data from the VMware vCenter Server and standalone
VMware ESXi server.


1. From the Analytics probe server home page, click Add Probe.
2. In the Add Probe window, from the Probes drop-down list, select the
3. In the Add VMware Probe section, type the following details, and then
click Next:
• vCenter Server: Host name or IP address of the VMware vCenter
Server Appliance or VMware ESXi host IP address.

• User name: Any user with access to VMware vCenter Server (read-
only privileges are sufficient.) Ensure that the user has access to all
the ESXi hosts (within the VMware vCenter Server) that you want to

• Password: Password associated with the user name.

4. In the Validation window, click Next, and then click OK.

Adding probes to the Analytics probe server 129

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
5. In the Status window, in Action, click Start to start collecting data.

Related topics
• Initial setup after adding a probe on page 134

Adding Brocade Network Advisor probe

Brocade Network Advisor probe collects data from Brocade Network Advisor,
which manages the entire Brocade IP address and SAN portfolio for unified
network visibility and control.

Before you begin

• Make sure you can access Brocade Network Advisor using the port 80.

• The user must have Area of Responsibility as All Fabrics and at least one
role SAN Discovery setup or Performance with read-only permissions.

• Brocade Network Advisor Professional plus or Brocade Network Advisor

Enterprise must be installed.


1. From the Analytics probe server home page, click Add Probe.
2. In the Add Probe window, from the Probes drop-down list, select
Brocade FC Switch (BNA).
3. In the Add Brocade FC Switch (BNA) Probe window, type the
following details, and then click Next..
• Network Advisor IP Address: IP address of Brocade Network

• Username and Password: User name and password of the Brocade

Network Advisor.

4. In the Validation window, click Next, and then click OK.

5. In the Status window, in Action, click Start to start collecting data.

Related topics
• Initial setup after adding a probe on page 134

Adding Cisco DCNM probe

Add a probe to collect data from the Cisco Data Center Network Manager.


1. From the Analytics probe server home page, click Add Probe.

130 Adding probes to the Analytics probe server

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
2. In the Add Probe window, from the Probes drop-down list, select Cisco
FC Switch (DCNM).
3. In the Add Cisco FC Switch (DCNM) Probe window, type the following
details and click Next:
• Cisco FC Switch (DCNM) IP Address: IP address of DCNM.

• DCNM Web service Port: Type the port number to access web
service on the DCNM server.

Note: In some environments, the port number is optional: For

example, 80 is the port number: http://dcnmip:80/

• Protocol : Select HTTP or HTTPS.

Default ports are:
80 - HTTP
443 - HTTPS

• Username and password of DCNM. The user must have access to

the DCNM web client.

4. In the Validation window, click Next, and then click OK.

5. In the Status window, under Action, click Start to start collecting data.

Related topics
• Initial setup after adding a probe on page 134

Adding Cisco SAN Switch probe

Add a probe to collect data from Cisco SAN switches.

Note: If the Cisco SAN switches are managed by Cisco DCNM, then use
either the Cisco DCNM probe or Cisco SAN Switch probe to collect the data.
Do not use both the Cisco DCNM and Cisco SAN Switch probes to collect data
for the same switch.


1. On the Analytics probe server home page, click Add Probe.

2. In the Add Probe window, from the Probes menu, select Cisco FC
Switch (CLI).
3. In the Add Cisco FC Switch (CLI) window, in Add Switch Details,
type the following details:
• Select Add Device, type the following details, and then click Add
○ Data Center: Name of the data center with the Cisco SAN switch.

Adding probes to the Analytics probe server 131

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Note: The switch is displayed under this data center in the
Data Center Analytics server tree. You can enter any name.

○ Start IP Address and End IP Address: Range of the IP address,

from which to start collecting data. This scans all the switch IP
addresses in that range, and the switch IP address is added in the

Note: If you have entered the IP address range for switches,

the username and password must be same for all the

○ User Name: User name with the network-operator role (at

○ Password: Password of the user name.
○ SSH Port: The port number. (default: 22)
• Select Upload CSV, to upload the switch details in the CSV file, and
then click Import CSV.
The CSV file must be in a specific format. You can download the
sample file by clicking Download Sample CSV File.
• Select Upload Encrypted CSV to upload details in the encrypted CSV
file, and then click Import CSV.
The Encrypted CSV file must be in a specific format. You can download
the sample file by clicking Download Sample CSV File link.
The list of Cisco SAN switch IP address appears.
4. If you want to add more Cisco SAN switch IP addresses, click Add More.
5. Click Next.
This scans all the switch IP addresses from the specified range, and the
valid switch IP address is added in the system.
6. In the Switch Validation window, click Next, and then OK.
The switch IP passed the validation and is added as a probe.
7. In the Status window, in Action, click Start to start collecting data.

Related topics
• Encrypting the CSV file on page 132
• Initial setup after adding a probe on page 134

Encrypting the CSV file

Before uploading the CSV file you must encrypt it using the public key.
1. Contact customer support for the public key.
2. Log on to the Analytics probe server through an SSH client (like putty)
using the following credentials:
• User: root

132 Adding probes to the Analytics probe server

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
• Default password: manager (for OVA)
3. Create the temporary folder in the /data folder and save the public key.
4. Generate the random key using the following command:

openssl rand -base64 32 > randomkey.bin

5. Encrypt the random key by using the public key, using the following

openssl rsautl -encrypt -inkey public-key.pem -pubin -in

randomkey.bin -out randomkey.bin.enc
6. Encrypt the CSV file by using the random key (not encrypted):

openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -salt -in ResourceDef1.xml -out

ResourceDef1.enc -pass file:./randomkey.bin
7. Download the encrypted random file and encrypted CSV file to your local
8. Provide the encrypted random file and CSV file when adding the Cisco
SAN Switch probe.

Adding Linux probe

The Linux probe collects performance and configuration data from individual
machines running the Linux operating system.

Before you begin

• The following packages must be installed on the virtual machine or host to
be monitored:
○ sysstat
○ perl
• The following perl modules must be executable:

IO::Select, IO::Handle, File::Path, File::Path qw(mkpath),

Getopt::Std, Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday), LWP::UserAgent,
• The openssh-clients must be installed on the target machine or host.
• Create an installation directory with read, write, and execute permissions
on all target machines for the data collection scripts. (Installation directory
names are restricted to alphanumeric, hypen, and underscore characters
• A user with read, write and execute permission must be available on each
target machine. (Ensure this user also has crontab access.)
• The xinetd service must be running on the Analytics probe server.


1. On the Analytics probe server home page, click Add Probe.

Adding probes to the Analytics probe server 133

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
2. In the Add Probe window, from the Probes list, select Linux.
3. In the Add Host Details section, type the following details, and then
click Next:
• Host IP Address: The IP address of the Linux host.
• USERNAME: A user on the target Linux machine.
• PASSWORD: User password
• INSTALLATION DIRECTORY: Location for the data collection scripts
4. To add multiple targets, click Add More.

The Host Validation section appears. The system validates the host IP
5. Click Next.
The Script Deployment section appears. The data collection scripts are
deployed on the target host.
6. Click Next, and then click OK.
7. In the Status window, in Action, click Start to start collecting data.
When adding multiple targets, the Status window shows multiple
probes. You must start each probe individually.

Related topics
• Initial setup after adding a probe on page 134

Initial setup after adding a probe

After adding a probe, check if the Data Center Analytics server is collecting


1. Open a web browser, and then enter the following URL in the address bar
to log on to Data Center Analytics server:
2. In the Data Center Analytics server logon window, enter the user name
and password used to set up Data Center Analytics server.
3. Click the Server Status icon.
4. Verify that the added probe appears in Last Configuration Import
Time and Last Performance Import Time of Data Import Status,
and that data is collected.

Note: After a probe is added, it might take some time before the
probe appears in the Data Center Analytics server GUI.

5. Open a web browser, and then enter the following URL in the address bar
to log on to Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server:

134 Adding probes to the Analytics probe server

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
6. Enter the following information to log on:
• User ID: system

• Password: manager (default)

7. In the Administration tab, select Resource Management.

8. Verify that the resources monitored by the probe appear and are ready
to be analyzed by Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.

Note: After a probe is added, it might take some time before the
registered resources appear in the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
server GUI.

Adding probes to the Analytics probe server 135

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
136 Adding probes to the Analytics probe server
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Installing Data Center Analytics server
Windows-based probe
Data Center Analytics server Windows-based probe is desktop-based
software that collects performance and configuration data from the Windows-
based host and Hyper-V machines. You can install this probe using Data
Center Analytics Windows-based probe installer.

□ Data collection methods

□ Installing the Windows-based probe

□ Configuring Data Center Analytics Windows-based probe

□ Initial setup after adding a probe

Installing Data Center Analytics server Windows-based probe 137

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Data collection methods
You can use one of the following methods to collect data using the Windows-
based probe:

Note: Infrastructure Analytics Advisor only supports Method 3 (data

collection using Perfmon API and WMI query).

Method 1: Data collection from System Center Operation Manager (SCOM)

and System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM).
• Performance data is collected from SCOM
• Configuration data is collected from SCCM


• Target Windows-based machines must be configured in the SCOM server.

• A user with Advanced Operator or Administrator role with the permission

to log on remotely to the SCOM server.

• Remote registry service must be running on the machine that is configured

in the SCOM server.

• Access to the SCOM console, to import Management Pack in the SCOM

server, and this pack configures the performance rules.

• Add following DLLs in Data Center Analytics server Windows-based probe

installer folder: \bin
The above DLLs are under the following folder on Windows-based
System Center Operations Manager 2007\SDK Binaries

• Target Windows-based machines must be configured in the SCCM server.

• Hardware Inventory Client Agent of SCCM, must be running on the target

machines. This agent collects required configuration data and stores it in
the SCCM database.

• A user from the db_datareader group in the SQL Server who can access
the SCCM database.

Method 2: Data collection from the System Center Operation Manager

(SCOM) and WMI query

138 Installing Data Center Analytics server Windows-based probe

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
• Performance data is collected from the SCOM.

• Configuration data is collected from the individual machine using WMI



• Target Windows-based machines must be configured in the SCOM server.

• A user with Advanced Operator or Administrator role with the permission

to log on remotely to the SCOM server.

• Remote registry service must be running on the machine that is configured

in SCOM server.

• Access to the SCOM console, to import Management Pack in the SCOM

server, and this pack configures the performance rules.

• Add following DLLs in Data Center Analytics server Windows-based probe

installer folder: \bin
The above DLLs are under the following folder on Windows-based
System Center Operations Manager 2007\SDK Binaries

WMI Query
• You must be a user who has been assigned the Domain Administrator role
and who has permission to access WMI namespaces (ROOT\WMI, ROOT,
and ROOT\CIMV2) on the target host.

The Execute Methods and Remote Enable permissions are required for
the namespaces.
• Firewall exceptions must be added for the WMI on the target machine. To
add the exceptions run the following commands on the target machine:
○ netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="remote
administration" new enable=yes

○ netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="File and Printer

Sharing" new enable=yes

• For workgroup computers: Change the settings for the Remote User
Account Control (UAC) LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy registry entry.
For more information, see

Method 3: Data collection using Perfmon API and WMI query

Installing Data Center Analytics server Windows-based probe 139

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
• Performance and configuration data is collected from individual machines
using the Perfmon API and WMI query.

• The probe machine and the target machines must be part of either
workgroup or domain.

• Firewall exceptions must be added for the WMI and Perfmon on the target
machine. To add the firewall exceptions, run the following commands on
the target machine:
○ netsh firewall set service RemoteAdmin
○ netsh firewall set service type=fileandprint mode=enable
profile=all scope=all

• To connect to Windows-based machines remotely, the following must exist:

○ The remote registry service must be running on the target machine.

○ On the target machine the Local Service must have read permissions for
the following registry key:

• Users who are to use this method must be added to Log on as a service
of the Local Group Policy Editor. To add these users, perform the
following procedure:
Execute the Local Group Policy Editor (gpedit.msc), select Computer
Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies >
User Rights Assignment, and then add the users who are to use this
method to the Log on as a service policy.

• Distributed COM must be enabled in Component Services. To enable

distributed COM, perform the following procedure:
Execute Component Services (dcomcnfg.exe), and then select
Component Services > Computers. When My Computer is displayed, right-
click My Computer, and then select Properties. After that, select the
Default Properties tab, and then select Enable Distributed COM on this

• For domain computers: A user with the Domain Administrator role or

local administrator group of the target machine.

• For workgroup computer: The following settings are required if you are
not using the built-in administrator for connections:
○ You must be a user who has been assigned the Domain Administrator
role and who has permission to access WMI namespaces (ROOT\WMI,
ROOT, and ROOT\CIMV2) on the target host.

140 Installing Data Center Analytics server Windows-based probe

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Execute Methods and Remote Enable permissions are required for
the namespaces.

○ Change the settings for the Remote User Account Control (UAC)
LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy registry entry. For more information,

○ Computer Browser service must be running on the target machine.

Installing the Windows-based probe

Install a probe with the Data Center Analytics Windows-based probe installer.

Before you begin

The authentication information (user name and password) on the Data

Center Analytics server Windows-based probe server and the monitoring
target server must match.


1. Run the Data Center Analytics Windows-based probe installer.

2. To continue installation, click Next.
3. In the Log on Information window, type the Domain Administrator’s or
Local user’s user name and password for the Windows-based machine in
the format specified in the window, and click Next.

Note: The user must have the Logon as a Service permission.

4. In the Choose Destination Location window, browse to select the

installation folder, and click Next.
5. In the Ready to Install the Program window, click Install to complete
the installation.
6. Click Finish.

Note: If you deselect the Launch HDCA Windows Probe check

box, double-click the HDCA Windows Probe icon on the desktop.
If you do not see the icon on the desktop, then open a command
prompt and enter the following to refresh the icon in the database:
ie4uinit.exe –ClearIconCache

7. In the License tab, browse to the license file and click Submit to
register the license.

Installing Data Center Analytics server Windows-based probe 141

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Configuring Data Center Analytics Windows-based probe
After installing the Windows-based probe, you must configure a collection
method, set up an FTP or HTTPS server, and start the service for that probe.

Configuring the data collection method

You must register the probe and select the data collection method for that


1. On the Windows-based probe console, click the Collection tab, and

configure the collection method settings based on your requirements:

Method 1: Data collection from SCOM and SCCM

a. In the Performance section, select Use SCOM and type the following
• SCOM Server: SCOM server IP address

• User Name (Advanced Operator): SCOM server user name

• Password: SCOM server password

b. In the Configuration section, select Use SCCM and type the

following details:
• SCCM Database Server: SCCM Server IP address or the name

• Database Name: SCCM database name

• SQL Server User Name: SCCM database user name

• SQL Server Password: SCCM database password

Note: If you select the Trusted Connection check-box, then the

SQL Server User Name and SQL Server Password fields are

Method 2: Data collection from SCOM and WMI

1. In the Performance section, select Use SCOM and type the
following details:
• SCOM Server: SCOM server IP address

• User Name (Advanced Operator): SCOM server user name

• Password: SCOM server password

142 Installing Data Center Analytics server Windows-based probe

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
2. In the Configuration section, select Use WMI and type the
following details:
• User Name (Administrator): Domain administrator user name

• Password: Domain administrator user name password

Method 3: Data collection through WMI and PerfMon

1. In the Performance section, select Use Perfmon.
This enables the Use WMI option automatically.

2. Type the following details for Use Perfmon and Use WMI options:
a. User name (Administrator):
• In Workgroup environment: Machine Name\User
Computer Name: Machine name on which the Windows-based
probe is installed.
User: A user with an Administrator role.

• In the Active Directory environment: Domain Name\User

Domain Name: Name of the domain.
User: A user with the Domain Administration role.

b. Password

3. In the Performance section, select Collect Process Data.

2. On the Collection tab, in the right most side section:

• Click Discover Hosts to discover the hosts available in the current
domain. You can then select the target host that you want to monitor

• Click Add Hosts and type host names manually. The Add Hosts
window appears, enter a comma-separated list of Windows-based
machines (host names or IP addresses).

3. Click Validate & Save to establish the connection, and click OK.

Related topics
• Starting the Windows-based probe service on page 144

Configuring the FTP or HTTPS server

You must configure the FTP server for the Windows-based probe to send


1. On the Windows-based probe console, click the Upload Settings tab.

2. On the Upload Settings tab, select the protocol FTP or HTTPS.

Installing Data Center Analytics server Windows-based probe 143

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
3. Type the following details:
• FTP Server: Type the Data Center Analytics server server IP address
where you want to upload the data.

• Port: Port number. The default port for FTP is 21.

• User: meghadata

• Password: The default password is meghadata123

Note: To enhance security for the FTP account, you can change
the meghadata user's default password. Refer to Changing the
megha and meghadata passwords on page 104 for more

4. To use a proxy server, select the Use Proxy check box and type the
following details:
• Proxy Server: Name or IP address of the proxy server.

• Proxy Type: Proxy type of the proxy server HTTP or SOCKS5.

• Port: Proxy FTP port.

• Login and Password: User name and Password of the proxy server.

5. Click Validate & Save.

6. Start the Windows-based probe service.

Related topics
• Starting the Windows-based probe service on page 144

Starting the Windows-based probe service

Start the probe service from the Status tab in the probe console.


1. On the Windows-based probe console, click the Status tab.

The Status tab list the details of the upload information and service
2. Verify the upload and service information, and click Start.

Initial setup after adding a probe

After adding a probe, check if the Data Center Analytics server is collecting

144 Installing Data Center Analytics server Windows-based probe

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide

1. Open a web browser, and then enter the following URL in the address bar
to log on to Data Center Analytics server:
2. In the Data Center Analytics server logon window, enter the user name
and password used to set up Data Center Analytics server.
3. Click the Server Status icon.
4. Verify that the added probe appears in Last Configuration Import
Time and Last Performance Import Time of Data Import Status,
and that data is collected.

Note: After a probe is added, it might take some time before the
probe appears in the Data Center Analytics server GUI.

5. Open a web browser, and then enter the following URL in the address bar
to log on to Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server:
6. Enter the following information to log on:
• User ID: system

• Password: manager (default)

7. In the Administration tab, select Resource Management.

8. Verify that the resources monitored by the probe appear and are ready
to be analyzed by Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.

Note: After a probe is added, it might take some time before the
registered resources appear in the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
server GUI.

Installing Data Center Analytics server Windows-based probe 145

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
146 Installing Data Center Analytics server Windows-based probe
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Upgrade your Infrastructure Analytics
Advisor environment
You can upgrade Infrastructure Analytics Advisor and its components.

□ Upgrade workflow for a two-host configuration

□ Upgrade workflow for a three-host configuration

□ Verifying the yum/rpm dependency packages

□ Upgrading the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor and the Data Center

Analytics servers on a Linux host

□ Upgrading the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server on a Windows host

□ Upgrading the Analytics probe server

□ Upgrading the Data Center Analytics server Windows-based probe

□ Upgrading the Configuration Manager REST API

□ Postupgrade guidelines

□ Reconfiguring the connection with Automation Director after an upgrade

Upgrade your Infrastructure Analytics Advisor environment 147

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Upgrade workflow for a two-host configuration
For a two-host configuration where Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server
and Data Center Analytics server are installed on the same host and Analytics
probe server is installed on a different host, run the installer to upgrade the
following components:
• Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server
• Data Center Analytics server
• Analytics probe server (including the RAID Agent on the same host)
• Windows-based probe

Note: If you are using Tuning Manager - Agent for RAID, check whether
relationship with the upgraded version of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor is
supported for the current version of Tuning Manager - Agent for RAID. If
relationship is not supported, upgrade Tuning Manager - Agent for RAID. For
the upgrade procedure, see the Hitachi Command Suite Tuning Manager
Installation Guide.

This upgrade cannot be performed by deploying the OVA file for virtual
appliances. Perform the upgrade by using the installer even if a new
installation was performed by deploying the OVA file for virtual appliances.

The following figure shows the sequence for upgrading an Infrastructure

Analytics Advisor system that uses a two-host configuration.

148 Upgrade your Infrastructure Analytics Advisor environment

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Related topics
• Verifying the yum/rpm dependency packages on page 48
• Upgrading the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor and the Data Center
Analytics servers on a Linux host on page 154
• Upgrading the Analytics probe server on page 159
• Upgrading the Data Center Analytics server Windows-based probe on
page 162
• Upgrading the Configuration Manager REST API on page 162
• Postupgrade guidelines on page 163
• Stopping the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 255
• Stopping the Data Center Analytics server or Analytics probe server
services on page 256
• Stopping the RAID Agent services on page 258
• Performing a backup of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor on page 294

Upgrade workflow for a three-host configuration

For a three-host configuration where Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server,
Data Center Analytics server, and Analytics probe server are all installed on
different hosts, run the installer to upgrade the following components:

Upgrade your Infrastructure Analytics Advisor environment 149

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
• Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server
• Data Center Analytics server
• Analytics probe server (including the RAID Agent on the same host)
• Windows-based probe

Note: If you are using Tuning Manager - Agent for RAID, check whether
relationship with the upgraded version of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor is
supported for the current version of Tuning Manager - Agent for RAID. If
relationship is not supported, upgrade Tuning Manager - Agent for RAID. For
the upgrade procedure, see the Hitachi Command Suite Tuning Manager
Installation Guide.

The following figure shows the sequence for upgrading an Infrastructure

Analytics Advisor system that uses a three-host configuration.

150 Upgrade your Infrastructure Analytics Advisor environment

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Related topics
• Verifying the yum/rpm dependency packages on page 48
• Upgrading the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor and the Data Center
Analytics servers on a Linux host on page 154
• Upgrading the Analytics probe server on page 159
• Upgrading the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server on a Windows host
on page 158
• Upgrading the Data Center Analytics server Windows-based probe on
page 162
• Upgrading the Configuration Manager REST API on page 162
• Postupgrade guidelines on page 163
• Stopping the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 255
• Stopping the Data Center Analytics server or Analytics probe server
services on page 256
• Stopping the RAID Agent services on page 258
• Performing a backup of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor on page 294

Verifying the yum/rpm dependency packages

Before installing or upgrading the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server,
Data Center Analytics server, or Analytics probe server, check whether all of
the yum/rpm dependency packages required for each component are
installed. If some packages are missing, you need to install them as an
additional step. You can obtain the yum/rpm dependency packages from the
Linux OS media or the distribution website, such as for Red Hat Enterprise

Prerequisite packages
The following table lists the packages required to run each component.

Component name Yum/rpm dependencies Notes

Infrastructure Analytics • tcsh -

Advisor server • net-tools

Data Center Analytics server • JDK 1.8 update 91 or later • Regarding JDK, paths for the
• expect following commands must be
• parted set. Note that, for OpenJDK, the
• openssl-devel JDK needs to be equivalent to
• nss-3.21.0 or higher java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel.
• gcc ○ java
• unzip ○ keytool
• perl ○ jstack
• perl-CPAN • The package nss-3.21.0 may
not be included in the Linux OS
• perl-XML-Simple
media of certain versions.
• expat-devel
Obtain this package from the
• sysstat
Linux OS media for version 6.8
• zip

Upgrade your Infrastructure Analytics Advisor environment 151

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Component name Yum/rpm dependencies Notes

• bc or later, or from the distribution

• net-tools website.
• sudo • Regarding the package perl-
• crontabs XML-Simple, dependencies exist
only in the following OSs:
○ Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0
or later
○ Oracle Linux 7.0 or later
Analytics probe server • perl • Regarding the packages perl-
• perl-CPAN Digest-MD5 and perl-XML-
• perl-Digest-MD5 Simple, dependencies exist only
• perl-XML-Simple in the following OSs:
• gcc ○ Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0
• JDK 1.8 update 91 or later or later
• expect ○ Oracle Linux 7.0 or later
• openssl-devel • Regarding JDK, paths for the
following commands must be
• unzip
set. Note that, for OpenJDK, the
• glibc.i686
JDK needs to be equivalent to
• glibc.x86_64
• libstdc++.i686
○ java
• libstdc++.x86_64
○ keytool
• net-tools
○ jstack
• tcsh
• If the environment you are
• libyaml using already has the libstdc++
• libgcc.x86_64 package installed, x86_64 (the
• nss-softokn-freebl.x86_64 64-bit library) and i686 (the 32-
• iproute.x86_64 bit compatibility library)
• ncurses packages might be different
• openssh-clients versions. Therefore, installation
• nss-3.21.0 or higher of libstdc++.i686 might fail with
• expat-devel an error message such as the
• xinetd following:
• sysstat
Protected multilib
• zip versions: libstdc++-
• bc xx.xx.xx-xx.xx.el6.i686 !=
• sudo libstdc++-yy.yy.yy-
• crontabs
• make
If this happens, update x86_64
(the 64-bit library), and then
retry the installation of libstdc+

yum update libstdc++.x86_64

• The package nss-3.21.0 may

not be included in the Linux OS
media of certain versions.
Obtain this package from the
Linux OS media for version 6.8
or later, or from the distribution

152 Upgrade your Infrastructure Analytics Advisor environment

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
The following procedure explains how to install or update the packages.
Change the information that you need to specify in the procedure according
to the environment you are using.

Installing or updating the packages by using the Linux OS media

1. Mount the Linux OS media and obtain the yum/rpm dependency

mkdir /media/OSImage
mount /dev/cdrom /media/OSImage
2. Configure the yum repository:

touch /etc/yum.repos.d/OSImage.repo
echo [dvd]>>/etc/yum.repos.d/OSImage.repo
echo name=dvd>>/etc/yum.repos.d/OSImage.repo
echo baseurl=file:///media/OSImage/>>/etc/yum.repos.d/
echo gpgcheck=0>>/etc/yum.repos.d/OSImage.repo
echo enabled=1>>/etc/yum.repos.d/OSImage.repo
3. Run the yum command to install or update the packages:

yum install package-to-be-installed


yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel sysstat zip

4. Unmount the Linux OS media:

umount /media/OSImage/
rm /etc/yum.repos.d/OSImage.repo

Installing or updating the packages via the distribution website

1. Specify the repository to which the yum command is to connect.
For Red Hat Enterprise Linux, register the system by using Red Hat
Subscription Management. For details, see
For Oracle Linux, the initial settings are set by default (the file repo is
already located in the directory /etc/yum.repos.d). For details, see
2. If you are using a proxy, specify the proxy for the yum command.
a. Add the following information to the /etc/yum.conf file:

b. Clear the cache for the yum command.

yum clean all

Upgrade your Infrastructure Analytics Advisor environment 153

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
3. Run the yum command to install or update the packages.

yum install package-to-be-installed


yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel sysstat zip

Upgrading the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor and the Data

Center Analytics servers on a Linux host
You can upgrade the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server and the Data
Center Analytics server at a time by using the installer
( If you are upgrading only one of these
components, also refer to this section. The upgrade procedure varies
depending on whether the version of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor to be
upgraded is 2.0.0 or 2.1.0.

Before you begin

Upgrade each component in the order described in the upgrade workflow.

Caution: Before upgrading, you must save the user-imported certificate onto
the host where Data Center Analytics server is installed. This certificate
prevents the certificate warning message when accessing the Data Center
Analytics server GUI.

Saving the user-imported certificate

1. Log on to the host on which Data Center Analytics server is installed
using an SSH client.
2. Stop the crond service:

service crond stop

3. Stop the megha service:

/usr/local/megha/bin/ stop
4. Confirm the stopped status of megha service:

/usr/local/megha/bin/ status
5. Back up the keystore files to /tmp using the following commands:

cp /usr/local/megha/jetty/etc/keystore /tmp
cp /usr/local/megha/jetty/etc/jetty-ssl.xml /tmp
cp /usr/local/megha/jetty/etc/keystore.pkf /tmp
6. Start the megha service:

/usr/local/megha/bin/ start

154 Upgrade your Infrastructure Analytics Advisor environment

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
7. Start the crond service:

service crond start

Upgrading from Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system 2.1.0 or a later

1. Log on to the host where the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server and
the Data Center Analytics server are installed.
2. Stop the security monitoring software, antivirus software, and process
monitoring software.
3. Mount the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor installation media and copy
the directories and files in the ANALYTICS directory from the installation
media to a directory on the Linux host:

mkdir /media/HIAAImage
mount /dev/cdrom /media/HIAAImage
cp -r /media/HIAAImage/ANALYTICS /root/ANALYTICS
4. Run the following command as a root user:

cd /root/ANALYTICS
sh ./ VUP

Output example:

Do you want to install the Data Center Analytics server?

(y/n) [n]: y

Do you want to install the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor

server? (y/n) [n]: y

Installation Product
(1) Data Center Analytics server
(2) Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server
Do you want to install the server listed above? (y/n) [n]: y

Installation of the Data Center Analytics server
[INFO] Installation of the Data Center Analytics server
[INFO] Installing CPAN library [ 1/ 4] Module::Build
[INFO] Installing CPAN library [ 2/ 4] YAML
[INFO] Installing CPAN library [ 3/ 4] XML::Simple
[INFO] Installing CPAN library [ 4/ 4] Log::Log4perl
[INFO] Stopping crond service.
[INFO] Crond is stopped.
[INFO] Stopping the Data Center Analytics server service...
[INFO] The Data Center Analytics server service stopped.
[INFO] Deploying files...
[INFO] File deployment is complete.

Upgrade your Infrastructure Analytics Advisor environment 155

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
[INFO] Applying environmental settings...
[INFO] Starting crond service.
[INFO] Crond is running.
[INFO] Starting the Data Center Analytics server service...
[INFO] The Data Center Analytics server service started.
[INFO] Environment settings have been applied.
[INFO] Installation of the Data Center Analytics server
finished successfully.

Installation of the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server
[INFO] Installation of the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
server started.
The common component is already installed.
To install the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server, the
common component service must be stopped.
Do you want to stop the common component service? (y/n) [n]:

Do you want to continue the installation? (y/n) [n]: y

[INFO] Deploying files...

[INFO] File deployment is complete.
[INFO] Installation of the common component started.
[INFO] Installation of the common component finished
[INFO] Restarting the common component service.
[INFO] The common component service restarted successfully.
[INFO] Environment settings have been applied.
[INFO] Installation of the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
server finished successfully.

Upgrading from Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system version 2.0.0

To upgrade Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system from version 2.0.0, you
must execute the rpm file before executing
1. Log on to the host where the Data Center Analytics server is installed.
2. Stop the security monitoring software, antivirus software, and process
monitoring software.
3. Mount the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor installation media and copy
the directories and files from the installation media to a directory on the
Linux host:

mkdir /media/HIAAImage
mount /dev/cdrom /media/HIAAImage
cp -r /media/HIAAImage/PATCH/DCA/v6.1 /root/ANALYTICS

156 Upgrade your Infrastructure Analytics Advisor environment

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
4. Execute the following command as the root user:

cd /root/ANALYTICS/v6.1
rpm -U hdca-server-6.1-xxxxxxxx.x86_64.rpm
5. Execute the following script:

sh /usr/local/megha_installer/
6. Copy the directories and files in the ANALYTICS directory from the
installation media to a directory on the Linux host:

cp -r /media/HIAAImage/ANALYTICS /root/ANALYTICS
7. Run the following command as a root user:

cd /root/ANALYTICS
sh ./ VUP

Output example:

Do you want to install the Data Center Analytics server?

(y/n) [n]: y

Do you want to install the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor

server? (y/n) [n]: y

Installation Product
(1) Data Center Analytics server
(2) Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server
Do you want to install the server listed above? (y/n) [n]: y

Installation of the Data Center Analytics server
[INFO] Installation of the Data Center Analytics server
[INFO] Installing CPAN library [ 1/ 4] Module::Build
[INFO] Installing CPAN library [ 2/ 4] YAML
[INFO] Installing CPAN library [ 3/ 4] XML::Simple
[INFO] Installing CPAN library [ 4/ 4] Log::Log4perl
[INFO] Stopping crond service.
[INFO] Crond is stopped.
[INFO] Stopping the Data Center Analytics server service...
[INFO] The Data Center Analytics server service stopped.
[INFO] Deploying files...
[INFO] File deployment is complete.
[INFO] Applying environmental settings...
[INFO] Starting crond service.
[INFO] Crond is running.
[INFO] Starting the Data Center Analytics server service...
[INFO] The Data Center Analytics server service started.
[INFO] Environment settings have been applied.
[INFO] Installation of the Data Center Analytics server

Upgrade your Infrastructure Analytics Advisor environment 157

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
finished successfully.

Installation of the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server
[INFO] Installation of the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
server started.
The common component is already installed.
To install the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server, the
common component service must be stopped.
Do you want to stop the common component service? (y/n) [n]:

Do you want to continue the installation? (y/n) [n]: y

[INFO] Deploying files...

[INFO] File deployment is complete.
[INFO] Installation of the common component started.
[INFO] Installation of the common component finished
[INFO] Restarting the common component service.
[INFO] The common component service restarted successfully.
[INFO] Environment settings have been applied.
[INFO] Installation of the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
server finished successfully.

Note: If you upgrade Data Center Analytics server in an environment where

Oracle Linux 7.0 is used, warning messages are displayed for all files. Ignore
these messages.

Related topics
• Upgrade workflow for a two-host configuration on page 148
• Upgrade workflow for a three-host configuration on page 149
• Starting the Data Center Analytics server or Analytics probe server
services on page 256
• Stopping the Data Center Analytics server or Analytics probe server
services on page 256

Upgrading the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server on a

Windows host
Upgrade the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server on a Windows host using
the installation media.

Before you begin

Upgrade each component in the order described in the upgrade workflow.

158 Upgrade your Infrastructure Analytics Advisor environment

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide

1. Log on to the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server as a user with

administrator permissions.
2. Stop the security monitoring software, antivirus software, and process
monitoring software.
3. Run ANALYTICS.msi on the installation media to start Infrastructure
Analytics Advisor server the installer. Follow the on-screen prompts and
specify the required information.
You can specify, as an option, whether to back up the data before
performing the upgrade (best practice).

This option is yes by default.

Related topics
• Upgrade workflow for a two-host configuration on page 148
• Upgrade workflow for a three-host configuration on page 149

Upgrading the Analytics probe server

If you upgrade the Analytics probe server, the RAID Agent on the same host
is also automatically upgraded. You must save the user imported certificate
before you upgrade the Analytics probe server.

Before you begin

Upgrade each component in the order described in the upgrade workflow.

Note: Before upgrading, you must save the user-imported certificate onto
the host where Analytics probe server is installed. This certificate prevents
the certificate warning message while accessing the server and probe GUI.

Saving the user-imported certificate

1. Log on to the host on which Analytics probe server is installed using an
SSH client.
2. Stop the crond service:

service crond stop

3. Stop the megha service:

/usr/local/megha/bin/ stop
4. Confirm the stopped status of megha service:

/usr/local/megha/bin/ status

Upgrade your Infrastructure Analytics Advisor environment 159

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
5. Back up the keystore files to /tmp using the following commands:

cp /usr/local/megha/jetty/etc/keystore /tmp
cp /usr/local/megha/jetty/etc/jetty-ssl.xml /tmp
cp /usr/local/megha/jetty/etc/keystore.pkf /tmp
6. Start the megha service:

/usr/local/megha/bin/ start
7. Start the crond service:

service crond start

Upgrading from Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system 2.1.0 or a later

1. Log on to the host where the Analytics probe server is installed.
2. Stop the security monitoring software, antivirus software, and process
monitoring software.
3. Mount the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor installation media and copy
the directories and files in the DCAPROBE directory from the installation
media to a directory on the Linux host:

mkdir /media/HIAAImage
mount /dev/cdrom /media/HIAAImage
cp -r /media/HIAAImage/DCAPROBE /root/DCAPROBE
4. Run the following command as a root user:

cd /root/DCAPROBE
sh ./ VUP

Output example:

[INFO] Installation of the Analytics probe servers started.

[INFO] Installation of the RAID Agent started.
[INFO] Installation of the Analytics probe server started.
[INFO] Stopping crond service.
[INFO] Crond is stopped.
[INFO] Stopping the Analytics probe server service...
[INFO] The Analytics probe server service stopped.
[INFO] Deploying files...
[INFO] File deployment is complete.
[INFO] Applying environmental settings...
[INFO] Environment settings have been applied.
[INFO] Starting crond service.
[INFO] Crond is running.
[INFO] Starting the Analytics probe server service...
[INFO] The Analytics probe server service started.
[INFO] Installation of the Analytics probe server finished
[INFO] The RAID Agent update has started.
[INFO] Applying environmental settings...
[INFO] Stopping the RAID Agent service...
[INFO] The RAID Agent service stopped.

160 Upgrade your Infrastructure Analytics Advisor environment

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
[INFO] Environment settings have been applied.
[INFO] Starting the RAID Agent service...
[INFO] The RAID Agent service started.
[INFO] The RAID Agent update finished successfully.
[INFO] Installation of the Analytics probe servers finished

Upgrading from Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system version 2.0.0

To upgrade Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system from version 2.0.0, you
must execute the rpm file before executing
1. Log on to the host on which the Analytics probe server is installed.
2. Stop the security monitoring software, antivirus software, and process
monitoring software.
3. Mount the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor installation media and copy
the directories and files from the installation media to a directory on the
Linux host:

mkdir /media/HIAAImage
mount /dev/cdrom /media/HIAAImage
cp -r /media/HIAAImage/PATCH/DCAPROBE/v6.1 /root/ANALYTICS
4. Execute the following command as the root user:

cd /root/ANALYTICS/v6.1
rpm -U hdca-probe-6.1-xxxxxxxx.x86_64.rpm
5. Execute the following script:

sh /usr/local/megha_installer/
6. Copy the directories and files in the DCAPROBE directory from the
installation media to a directory on the Linux host:

cp -r /media/HIAAImage/DCAPROBE /root/DCAPROBE
7. Run the following command as a root user:

cd /root/DCAPROBE
sh ./ VUP

Output example:

[INFO] Installation of the Analytics probe servers started.

[INFO] Installation of the RAID Agent started.
[INFO] Installation of the Analytics probe server started.
[INFO] Stopping crond service.
[INFO] Crond is stopped.
[INFO] Stopping the Analytics probe server service...
[INFO] The Analytics probe server service stopped.
[INFO] Deploying files...
[INFO] File deployment is complete.
[INFO] Applying environmental settings...
[INFO] Environment settings have been applied.
[INFO] Starting crond service.

Upgrade your Infrastructure Analytics Advisor environment 161

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
[INFO] Crond is running.
[INFO] Starting the Analytics probe server service...
[INFO] The Analytics probe server service started.
[INFO] Installation of the Analytics probe server finished
[INFO] The RAID Agent update has started.
[INFO] Applying environmental settings...
[INFO] Stopping the RAID Agent service...
[INFO] The RAID Agent service stopped.
[INFO] Environment settings have been applied.
[INFO] Starting the RAID Agent service...
[INFO] The RAID Agent service started.
[INFO] The RAID Agent update finished successfully.
[INFO] Installation of the Analytics probe servers finished

Note: If you upgrade the Analytics probe server in an environment where

Oracle Linux 7.0 is used, warning messages are displayed for all files. Ignore
these messages.

Related topics
• Upgrade workflow for a two-host configuration on page 148
• Upgrade workflow for a three-host configuration on page 149
• Starting the Data Center Analytics server or Analytics probe server
services on page 256
• Stopping the Data Center Analytics server or Analytics probe server
services on page 256

Upgrading the Data Center Analytics server Windows-based

Upgrade the Windows-based probe using the DCA_Windows_Probe.exe
command on the installation media.


1. Log on to the host where Windows-based probe is to be installed as a

user with administrator permissions.
2. Stop the security monitoring software, antivirus software, and process
monitoring software.
3. Run DCA_Windows_Probe.exe on the installation media, and follow the
prompts to specify required information to finish installation.

Upgrading the Configuration Manager REST API

You can upgrade the Configuration Manager REST API using the upgrade
installer from the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor installation media.

162 Upgrade your Infrastructure Analytics Advisor environment

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide

1. Check the path of the database backup destination.

Specify this information if you want to obtain a backup during an
upgrade installation.
2. Copy the directories and files in the CONFMANAGER directory on the
installation media to a directory on the Linux host.
3. Use the sh command to run the installer.

sh ./

4. Follow the on-screen prompts and specify the required information to

finish installation.

Related topics
• Configuration Manager REST API requirements on page 31

Postupgrade guidelines
After a successful upgrade, certain custom settings can be reset or items
displayed incorrectly in the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor web user

Check the following:

• If any tables do not display any content or displays data incorrectly, select
File > Clear Settings, and then click OK to clear the settings saved in the
This procedure will also clear the following information:
○ Table configuration information (column settings, column widths,
column sorting status, filtering status)
○ History of search keywords

• If you upgrade the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system from version

2.1.0 or earlier, the dashboard settings return to their default values.

• If you upgrade the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system from version

3.1.0-01 or earlier, the connection settings with Automation Director are
disabled. If you are using the I/O control configuration function using
Automation Director, perform the procedure for reconfiguring the
connection settings with Automation Director after the upgrade is

Related topics
• Reconfiguring the connection with Automation Director after an upgrade on
page 164

Upgrade your Infrastructure Analytics Advisor environment 163

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Reconfiguring the connection with Automation Director
after an upgrade
If you upgrade the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system from version
3.1.0-01 or earlier, and want to continue to use the I/O control settings
functionality that uses Automation Director, you need to reconfigure the
connection with Automation Director.

Before you begin

• This procedure is necessary if all of the following conditions are met:
○ The I/O control configuration function that uses Automation Director
was used before the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system was
○ The Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system was upgraded from version
3.1.0-01 or earlier.


1. If Automation Director and the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server are

installed on separate hosts, change the common component settings.
For details about the procedure, see the section describing how to
change the common component settings.
2. In Infrastructure Analytics Advisor, download the service templates.
a. On the Administration tab, select System Settings > Automation
Director Server.
b. Click the link to download the service template.
The name of the service template is
3. Register the storage system in Automation Director.
a. On the Administration tab, select Connection Settings > Web
Service Connections.
b. Click Add, and then specify the following information about the
storage systems with Server Priority Manager:
• Category: Specify "ConfigurationManager".
• Name: Device number of the storage system
• IPAddress/HostName: IP address or host name of the host on which
the Configuration Manager REST API is installed
• Protocol: http or https (protocol used by the Configuration Manager
• Port: Port number used by the Configuration Manager REST API
• User ID and password: User account with permission to access the
logical devices and ports that you want to operate (user ID that was
specified when the storage system was registered to the Configuration
Manager REST API)

164 Upgrade your Infrastructure Analytics Advisor environment

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
• Assigned Infrastructure Groups: Infrastructure group to which the
target storage system is registered
If you are not using the infrastructure group functionality, specify
"IG_Default Service Group".

• If a name other than "ConfigurationManager" was specified for
the category before the upgrade, we recommend that you
continue to use the same name.
If any name other than "ConfigurationManager" is specified for
the category, you need to edit the file

• If any name other than "ConfigurationManager" is specified, an

error message is displayed when you connect with the
Configuration Manager REST API by clicking the Test button.
Despite this error message, the I/O control settings functionality
operates normally when the correct value is registered to each

4. Import the service templates in Automation Director.

a. Unzip the file to a location of your
b. On the Service Templates tab, click Import.
c. Click Browse, and then specify one of the following zip files:
• If you are using Automation Director version 8.5.1 or a later
• If you are using Automation Director version 8.5.0 or a later

These zip files contain two service templates:

• - This template disables an I/O control task.
• - This template enables or modifies an I/O control
d. Click OK.

Tip: If you do not see the I/O control settings service templates,
sort service template files by using Registered, and the latest
imported templates will appear with the New tag.

Upgrade your Infrastructure Analytics Advisor environment 165

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Note: If you import the file,
"OUTDATED" might be displayed in the imported service template,
indicating that the version has expired. If "OUTDATED" is
displayed, do not update the service template. If you update the
file, the service template will become unusable.

5. Use the service templates to create the services for Server Priority
a. On the Administration tab, select Resources and Permissions >
Service Groups.
b. Select the service group that was used for the I/O control settings
c. On the Services tab, click Create.
d. Select the service templates, and then click Create Service.
e. Verify or specify the following information using the best practice
names to create the service:
• Name of the service for updating Server Priority Manager settings:
Modify IO Control Settings for Volume
• Name of the service for deleting Server Priority Manager settings:
Delete IO Control Settings for Volume
• Status: Release

Note: Do not modify the I/O control settings. These fields are
autopopulated by the information entered on the Infrastructure
Analytics Advisor user interface when you submit an I/O control

f. Click Save and Close to close the window.

6. Assign an infrastructure group to the service group to which you
registered the services.
a. On the Resources tab, click Assign.
b. From Available Infrastructure Groups, select an infrastructure
group, and then click Add.
If you are not using the infrastructure group functionality, specify
"IG_Default Service Group".
c. Confirm that the selected infrastructure group has been moved to
Assigned Infrastructure Groups, and then click OK.
7. Edit the file.
This step is not required if you use the recommended name for the
service group name, category name, or service name. If you use a name
other than the recommended name, specify, in the file, the name set in Automation Director.
The location of the file is as follows:
• For Windows

166 Upgrade your Infrastructure Analytics Advisor environment

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
• For Linux
Specify the following keys and values:
• automation.parameter.serviceGroupName: Service group name
specified in Automation Director
• automation.parameter.productName: Category name specified in
Automation Director
• automation.parameter.serviceName.ioControl.modify: Service
name set in Automation Director as the name of the service for
updating Server Priority Manager settings
• automation.parameter.serviceName.ioControl.delete: Service
name set in Automation Director as the name of the service for
deleting Server Priority Manager settings
8. If you have edited the file, restart the
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services.

The setup procedure for controlling storage resources is now complete.

Next steps
Check a connection between Infrastructure Analytics Advisor and Automation
Related topics
• Changing common component settings on page 75
• Checking the connection with Automation Director on page 90
• Starting the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 254
• Stopping the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 255

Upgrade your Infrastructure Analytics Advisor environment 167

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
168 Upgrade your Infrastructure Analytics Advisor environment
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
User management on an external
authentication server
You can set user authentication on the external authentication server.

□ About linking to an external authentication server

□ About linking to an external authorization server

□ Operating workflow for user authentication on an external authentication


□ Account conditions for Infrastructure Analytics Advisor

□ About the data structures of user entries

□ Configurations when multiple external authentication servers are linked

□ Registering an external authentication server and an external

authorization server

□ About a LDAP search user account

□ Registering a shared secret

□ Checking connections to an external authentication server and an

external authorization server

□ Notes on commands for setting up a link to an external authentication


□ Encryption types for Kerberos authentication

User management on an external authentication server 169

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
About linking to an external authentication server
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor allows you to log in to the Infrastructure
Analytics Advisor GUI, execute CLI commands, or use the Configuration
Manager REST API with user accounts registered on an external
authentication server.

When an external authentication server is linked to, you do not need to

perform login password management and account control for Infrastructure
Analytics Advisor.

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server can be linked to the following external

authentication servers:
• LDAP directory server
• RADIUS server
• Kerberos server

The Data Center Analytics can be linked to Active Directory. For instructions
on configuring Active Directory settings for the Data Center Analytics server
or Analytics probe server, see "Managing user accounts" in the Data Center
Analytics server online help. (Active Directory can be set up for logins on the
Data Center Analytics or Analytics probe servers.)

About linking to an external authorization server

In addition to an external authentication server, if you also use an external
authorization server to perform user authentication, access permissions for
the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor can be controlled on the external
authorization server.

When an external authorization server is also linked to, you do not need to
manage accounts and set permissions for individual users because
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor manage users by using the authorization
groups on the external authorization server.

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor can be linked to an LDAP directory server

(Active Directory).

Operating workflow for user authentication on an external

authentication server
To use the GUI or CLI of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor by using the user
accounts managed by an external authentication server, you need to set up
an environment for the external authentication server, Infrastructure
Analytics Advisor server, and web clients.

170 User management on an external authentication server

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Operating workflow for user authentication on an LDAP directory
To authenticate users on an LDAP directory server, you need to register the
external authentication server and the accounts to be authenticated on the
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor.

Figure 1 Operating workflow for user authentication on an LDAP directory


User management on an external authentication server 171

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
• When Infrastructure Analytics Advisor is in operation, to switch to the
system configuration linked to an external authorization server, delete any
user ID that has the same name as the ID registered in Common
Component, or change the user name. Similarly, if a user ID includes a
domain name (example:, either delete any instances
of the same user ID, or change the user ID. If the same user name is
registered, when the user logs in to the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor,
the user is authenticated in Common Component (internal authentication).
• Users who belong to nested groups of a registered authorization group can
now also use Infrastructure Analytics Advisor via the roles (permissions)
set for the authorization group.
• To use StartTLS to communicate between the LDAP directory server and
the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server, you need to set up an
environment specifically for this purpose to ensure secure

Related topics
• Account conditions for Infrastructure Analytics Advisor on page 176
• About the data structures of user entries on page 176
• Registering an external authentication server and an external authorization
server on page 181
• About a LDAP search user account on page 209
• Checking connections to an external authentication server and an external
authorization server on page 216
• About security settings on page 222

Operating workflow for user authentication on a RADIUS server

To authenticate users on a RADIUS server, you need to register the external
authentication server and the accounts to be authenticated on the
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor.

172 User management on an external authentication server

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Figure 2 Operating workflow for user authentication on a RADIUS server

• When Infrastructure Analytics Advisor is in operation, to switch to the
system configuration linked to an external authorization server, delete any
the user ID that has the same name as the ID registered in Common
Component, or change the user name. If the same user name is
registered, when the user logs in to an Infrastructure Analytics Advisor

User management on an external authentication server 173

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
product, the user is authenticated in Common Component (internal
• Users who belong to nested groups of a registered authorization group can
now also use Infrastructure Analytics Advisor via the roles (permissions)
set for the authorization group.
• To use StartTLS to communicate between the LDAP directory server and
the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server, you need to set up an
environment specifically for this purpose to ensure secure

Related topics
• Account conditions for Infrastructure Analytics Advisor on page 176
• About the data structures of user entries on page 176
• Registering an external authentication server and an external authorization
server on page 181
• About a LDAP search user account on page 209
• Registering a shared secret on page 214
• Checking connections to an external authentication server and an external
authorization server on page 216
• About security settings on page 222

Operation workflow for user authentication on a Kerberos server

To authenticate users on a Kerberos server, you need to register the external
authentication server and the accounts to be authenticated on the
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor.

174 User management on an external authentication server

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Figure 3 Operation workflow for user authentication on a Kerberos server

• When Infrastructure Analytics Advisor is in operation, to switch to the
system configuration linked to an external authorization server, delete any
user ID that has the same name with the ID registered in Common
Component, or change the user name. Similarly, if a user ID includes a
realm name (example: user1@EXAMPLE.COM), either delete any instances
of the same user ID, or change the user ID. If the same user name is

User management on an external authentication server 175

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
registered, when the user logs in to a Infrastructure Analytics Advisor, the
user is authenticated in Common Component (internal authentication).
• Users who belong to nested groups of a registered authorization group can
now also use Infrastructure Analytics Advisor via the roles (permissions)
set for the authorization group.
• To use StartTLS to communicate between the LDAP directory server and
the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server, you need to set up an
environment specifically for this purpose to ensure secure

Related topics
• Account conditions for Infrastructure Analytics Advisor on page 176
• About the data structures of user entries on page 176
• Registering an external authentication server and an external authorization
server on page 181
• About a LDAP search user account on page 209
• Checking connections to an external authentication server and an external
authorization server on page 216
• About security settings on page 222

Account conditions for Infrastructure Analytics Advisor

User accounts (user IDs and passwords) for Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
must consist of characters that can be used in both the external
authentication server and Infrastructure Analytics Advisor.

Set user accounts so that they satisfy the following conditions:

• They are within 256 bytes.
• They use no characters other than the following:
A to Z
a to z
0 to 9
! # $ % & ' ( ) * + - . = @ \ ^ _ |

In Infrastructure Analytics Advisor, user IDs are not case-sensitive. The

combination of character types for passwords must follow the settings in the
external authentication server.

About the data structures of user entries

There are two data structures of user entries for an LDAP directory server:
the hierarchical structure model and the flat model.

When performing user authentication on an LDAP directory server, check

which data structure is being used, because information about the LDAP
directory server registered on the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server and

176 User management on an external authentication server

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
the operations you need to perform on the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
server depend on the data structure.

In addition, when performing user authentication or authorization on an LDAP

directory server, also check BaseDN, which is the start point for searching for

About the BaseDN

BaseDN is the start point for searching for users during authentication or

Only user entries in the hierarchies below BaseDN are subject to

authentication or authorization. In Infrastructure Analytics Advisor, user
entries must contain all of the users to be authenticated or authorized.
BaseDN is required when registering information about the LDAP directory
server on the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.

About the hierarchical structure model

A data structure in which the hierarchies below BaseDN branch off and in
which user entries are registered in another hierarchy.

If the hierarchical structure model is used, the entries in the hierarchy below
BaseDN are searched for an entry that has the same login ID and user
attribute value. The following figure shows an example of the hierarchical
structure model.

Figure 4 Example of the hierarchical structure model

The user entries enclosed by the dotted line can be authenticated. In this
example, BaseDN is cn=group,dc=example,dc=com, because the target user
entries extend across two departments (cn=sales and cn=development).

User management on an external authentication server 177

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
About the flat model
A data structure in which there are no branches in the hierarchy below
BaseDN and in which user entries are registered in the hierarchy located just
below BaseDN.

If the flat model is used, the entries in the hierarchy below BaseDN are
searched for an entry that has the DN that consists of a combination of the
login ID and BaseDN. If such a value is found, the user is authenticated. The
following figure shows an example of the flat model.

Figure 5 Example of the flat model

The user entities enclosed by the dotted line can be authenticated. In this
example, BaseDN is ou=people,dc=example,dc=com, because all of the user
entries are located just below ou=people.

Note, however, that even if the flat model is being used, if either of the
following conditions is satisfied, specify the settings by following the
explanation for the hierarchical structure model:
• If a user attribute value other than the RDN attribute value is used as the
user ID of an Infrastructure Analytics Advisor:
If a user attribute value other than the RDN attribute value (for example,
the Windows logon ID) of a user entry is used as the user ID of an
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor, you must use the authentication method
for the hierarchical structure model.
• If the RDN attribute value of a user entry includes an invalid character that
cannot be used in a user ID for an Infrastructure Analytics Advisor:
When using the authentication method for the flat model, the RDN
attribute value of a user entry functions as the user ID for Infrastructure
Analytics Advisor. Therefore, if the RDN attribute value of a user entry
includes an invalid character that cannot be used in a user ID of an
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor, you cannot use the authentication method
for the flat model.

178 User management on an external authentication server

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Example of a valid RDN:
Example of an invalid RDN:
uid=John:123S (A colon is used.)
cn=John Smith (A space is used between John and Smith.)

Configurations when multiple external authentication

servers are linked
When multiple external authentication servers are linked, user authentication
is performed in a redundant configuration or a multi-domain configuration.

A redundant configuration is used when each external authentication server

manages the same user information. If a failure occurs on one external
authentication server, user authentication can be performed by using another
external authentication server.

A multi-domain configuration is used to manage different user information for

each external authentication server. If a user logs in with a user ID that
includes a domain name, the user will be authenticated by an external
authentication server in the domain whose name is included in the user ID.
When a Kerberos server is used as an external authentication server, you can
create a configuration similar to a multi-domain configuration by managing
different user information for each realm.

The following table shows external authentication servers for which

redundant configurations and multi-domain configurations are supported.

Table 11 Support status for redundant configurations and multi-domain


External authentication server Redundant configuration Multi-domain configuration

LDAP directory server Y1 Y1

RADIUS server Y N
Kerberos server Y Y2

Y: Supported

N: Not supported

1. You can use either a redundant configuration or a multi-domain configuration. If the global
catalog for Active Directory is set, you can use both a redundant configuration and a multi-
domain configuration.
2. By managing different user information for each realm, you can create a configuration that is
similar to a multi-domain configuration.

User management on an external authentication server 179

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
When an LDAP directory server is used for user authentication in a multi-
domain configuration, the user authentication process varies depending on
whether you log in by entering a user ID that includes a domain name.

If you log in with a user ID that includes a domain name, as in the following
figure, user authentication will be performed by using the LDAP directory
server of the specified domain.

Figure 6 User authentication in a multi-domain configuration (when using

a user ID that includes a domain name)
If you log in with a user ID that does not include a domain name, user
authentication will be performed sequentially on all LDAP directory servers
that are linked until the user is authorized, as shown in the figure below. If a
large number of LDAP directory servers are linked, user authentication will
take a long time. For this reason, we recommend that you log in with a user
ID that includes a domain name.

180 User management on an external authentication server

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Figure 7 User authentication in a multi-domain configuration (when using
a user ID that does not include a domain name)

Registering an external authentication server and an

external authorization server
In the file, set the type of the external authentication
server to be used, the server identification name, and the machine
information about the external authentication server and external
authorization server.

Before you begin

• Log in as a user with Administrator permissions (for Windows) or as a root
user (for Linux).

• Copy the template of the file.

In Windows:
In Linux:

• Check the data structure of user entries (for LDAP authentication).

User management on an external authentication server 181

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
• Set up the environment for the DNS server on the OS of the LDAP
directory server.*

• Register information about the LDAP directory server to the SRV record of
the DNS server.*

• Check the following information:

○ Common information:
- Type of the external authentication server

○ For LDAP authentication:

- Machine information about the external authentication server and the
external authorization server (Host name or IP address, Port number)
- BaseDN
- Domain name for external authentication servers managed by the
LDAP directory server (when linking to an external authorization server)
- Domain name for multi-domain configurations managed by the LDAP
directory server (for a multi-domain configuration)

○ For RADIUS authentication:

- Machine information about the external authentication server and the
external authorization server (Host name or IP address, Port number)
- Authentication protocol
- Host name or IP address of the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server
- Domain name managed by the LDAP directory server (when linking to
an external authorization server)
- BaseDN (when linking to an external authorization server)

○ For Kerberos authentication:

- Machine information about the external authentication server and the
external authorization server (Host name or IP address, Port number)
- Realm name
- Domain name managed by the LDAP directory server (when linking to
an external authorization server)
- BaseDN (when linking to an external authorization server)

*: This operation is required to look up the information about the LDAP

directory server by using the DNS server.


1. Specify required items in the file being copied.

2. Save the file in the following location:

In Windows:

182 User management on an external authentication server

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
In Linux:
3. If the setting value of the auth.ocsp.enable or
auth.ocsp.responderURL property is changed, the Infrastructure
Analytics Advisor services must be restarted.

If the setting value of any other property or attribute is changed, the

change takes effect immediately.

Related topics
• About the data structures of user entries on page 176
• Configurations when multiple external authentication servers are linked on
page 179
• Starting the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 254
• Stopping the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 255

Setup items in the file for LDAP authentication

In the file, set the type of the external authentication
server to be used, the server identification name, and the machine
information about the external authentication server.
• Common properties
Table 12 Setup items in the file for LDAP authentication
(common items) on page 184
• Properties for an external authentication server and an external
authorization server
Setup items in the file vary depending on whether
information about the LDAP directory server being connected to is directly
specified or looked up by using the DNS server.
○ When directly specifying information about the LDAP directory server:
Table 13 Setup items in the file for LDAP
authentication (when directly specifying information about the external
authentication server) on page 185
Table 14 Setup items in the file for LDAP
authentication (when an external authentication server and StartTLS are
used for communication) on page 187
○ When using the DNS server to look up information about the LDAP
directory server:
Table 15 Setup items in the file for LDAP
authentication (when using the DNS server to look up information about
the external authentication server) on page 188

User management on an external authentication server 183

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
• Make sure to distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters for
property settings.

• To use StartTLS for communication between the Infrastructure Analytics

Advisor server and the LDAP directory server, you need to directly specify
information about the LDAP directory server to connect to in the file.
• If you use the DNS server to look up the LDAP directory server to connect
to, it might take longer for users to log in.
• If the LDAP directory server to which you want to connect is in a multi-
domain configuration, you will not be able to look up the LDAP directory
server by using the DNS server.

Table 12 Setup items in the file for LDAP authentication

(common items)

Property Details

auth.server.type Specify an external authentication server type. Specify ldap.

Default value: internal (used when not linking to an external

authentication server) Specify the server identification names of LDAP directory servers. You
can specify any name for this property in order to identify which LDAP
directory servers the settings such as the port number and the protocol
for connecting to the LDAP directory server (see Table 13 Setup items
in the file for LDAP authentication (when directly
specifying information about the external authentication server) on
page 185 or Table 15 Setup items in the file for
LDAP authentication (when using the DNS server to look up information
about the external authentication server) on page 188) are applied to.
ServerName has been set as the initial value. You must specify at least
one name. To specify multiple server identification names, delimit the
server identification names by using commas (,). Do not register the
same server identification name more than once.

Specifiable values: No more than 64 bytes of the following characters:

A to Z

a to z

0 to 9

! # ( ) + - . = @ [ ] ^ _ { } ~

Default value: none

auth.ldap.multi_domai When specifying multiple server identification names for LDAP directory
n servers, specify, for each server, the configuration to be used.

Specify true to use a multi-domain configuration.

Specify false to use a redundant configuration.

Default value: false

184 User management on an external authentication server

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Property Details

auth.ldap.default_dom Specify settings for the Active Directory global catalog. Specify the
ain domain name of the default server configuration to be used for
authentication when no domain name is specified in the login ID. If you
specify multiple servers in, a multi-domain
configuration will be used, and a redundant configuration will not be

Default value: none Specify whether to also link to an external authorization server.

Specify true to link to an external authorization server.

Specify false to not to link to an external authorization server.

Default value: false

Table 13 Setup items in the file for LDAP authentication

(when directly specifying information about the external authentication

Attributes Details

protocol1 Specify the protocol for connecting to the LDAP directory server. This
attribute is required.

When communicating in plain text format, specify ldap. When using

StartTLS communication, specify tls.

Before specifying tls, make sure that one of the following encryption
methods can be used on the LDAP directory server.


Specifiable values: ldap or tls

Default value: none

host2 Specify the host name or IP address of the LDAP directory server. If you
specify the host name, make sure beforehand that the host name can be
resolved to an IP address. If you specify the IP address, you can use
either an IPv4 or IPv6 address. When specifying an IPv6 address, enclose
it in square brackets ([]). To use a redundant configuration when the
global catalog is enabled (auth.ldap.default_domain is specified),
specify multiple host names or IP addresses, delimited by commas. This
attribute is required.

Default value: none

port Specify the port number of the LDAP directory server. Make sure
beforehand that the port you specify is set as the listen port number on
the LDAP directory server. To use a redundant configuration when the
global catalog is enabled (auth.ldap.default_domain is specified),
specify multiple port numbers, delimited by commas. Make sure that the

User management on an external authentication server 185

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Attributes Details

number of ports is the same as the number of host names or IP addresses

specified in host.

Specifiable values: 1 to 65535

Default value: 389 (when the global catalog is disabled), 3268 (when the
global catalog is enabled)
timeout Specify the amount of time to wait before timing out when connecting to
the LDAP directory server. If you specify 0, the system waits until a
communication error occurs without timing out.

Specifiable values: 0 to 120 (seconds)

Default value: 15
attr Specify the attribute (Attribute Type) to use as the user ID during
• For the hierarchical structure model
Specify the name of the attribute containing the unique value to be
used for identifying the user. The value stored in this attribute will be
used as the user ID for Infrastructure Analytics Advisor.3
For example, if you are using Active Directory and you want to use the
Windows logon ID for the user ID of an Infrastructure Analytics
Advisor, specify the attribute name sAMAccountName in which the
Windows logon ID has been defined.
• For the flat model
Specify the RDN attribute name of the user entry.
For example, if the user's DN is
uid=John,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com, specify the uid that is the
attribute name of the uid=John.

sAMAccountName has been set as the initial value. This attribute is


Default value: none

basedn Specify the BaseDN, which is the DN of the entry that will be used as the
start point when searching for LDAP user information on the LDAP
directory server. The user entries that are located in the hierarchy below
this DN will be checked during authentication. If characters that need to
be escaped are included in the specified BaseDN, escape all of those
characters correctly because the specified value will be passed to the LDAP
directory server without change.
• For the hierarchical structure model
Specify the DN of the hierarchy that includes all of the user entries to
be searched.
• For the flat model
Specify the DN of the hierarchy just above the user entries to be

This attribute is required. Specify the DN by following the rules defined in

RFC4514. For example, if any of the following characters are included in a
DN, you need to use a backslash (\) to escape each character.

Spaces # + ; , < = > \

Default value: none

retry.interval Specify the retry interval (in seconds) for when an attempt to connect to
the LDAP directory server fails.

186 User management on an external authentication server

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Attributes Details

Specifiable values: 1 to 60 (seconds)

Default value: 1
retry.times Specify the number of retries to attempt when an attempt to connect to
the LDAP directory server fails. If you specify 0, no retries are attempted.

Specifiable values: 0 to 50

Default value: 20 Specify the name of a domain for external authentication servers managed
by the LDAP directory server. This item is required when an external
authorization server is also linked to.

Default value: none

domain Specify the name of a domain for multi-domain configurations managed by
the LDAP directory server, or the domain name for the global catalog.

If you log in by using a user ID that includes the domain name specified in
this attribute, the LDAP directory server that belongs to the specified
domain will be used as the authentication server.

When specifying a domain name for the server identification name of each
LDAP directory server, do not specify the same domain name more than
once. This value is not case sensitive.

If the global catalog is enabled, be sure to specify the domain name that is
specified in auth.ldap.default_domain as the default server
configuration to be used for authentication.

This item is required when a multi-domain configuration is used.

Default value: none

dns_lookup Specify false.

Default value: false


To specify the attributes, use the following syntax:
1. When communicating by using StartTLS as the protocol for connecting to the LDAP directory
server, you need to specify the security settings of Common Component.
2. When using StartTLS as the protocol for connecting to the LDAP directory server, in the host
attribute specify the same host name as the value of CN in the LDAP directory server
certificate. You cannot use an IP address.
3. The specified attribute must not include characters that cannot be used in a user ID of the
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor.

Table 14 Setup items in the file for LDAP authentication

(when an external authentication server and StartTLS are used for

Property Details

auth.ocsp.enable Specify whether or not to verify the validity of an LDAP directory

server's electronic signature certificate by using an OCSP responder

User management on an external authentication server 187

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Property Details

when the LDAP directory server and StartTLS are used for

If you want to verify the validity of certificates, specify true. To not

verify the validity of certificates, specify false.

Default value: false

auth.ocsp.responderURL Specify the URL of an OCSP responder if you want to use an OCSP
responder that is not the one written in the AIA field of the electronic
signature certificate to verify the validity of the electronic signature
certificate. If this value is omitted, the OCSP responder written in the
AIA field is used.

Default value: None

Table 15 Setup items in the file for LDAP authentication

(when using the DNS server to look up information about the external
authentication server)

Attributes Details

protocol Specify the protocol for connecting to the LDAP directory server. This
attribute is required.

Specifiable values: ldap

Default value: none

port Specify the port number of the LDAP directory server. Make sure
beforehand that the port you specify is set as the listen port number on
the LDAP directory server.

Specifiable values: 1 to 65535

Default value: 389

timeout Specify the amount of time to wait before timing out when connecting to
the LDAP directory server. If you specify 0, the system waits until a
communication error occurs without timing out.

Specifiable values: 0 to 120 (seconds)

Default value: 15
attr Specify the attribute (Attribute Type) to use as the user ID during
• For the hierarchical structure model
Specify the name of the attribute containing the unique value to be
used for identifying the user. The value stored in this attribute will be
used as the user ID for Infrastructure Analytics Advisor.*
For example, if you are using Active Directory and you want to use the
Windows logon ID for the user ID of an Infrastructure Analytics
Advisor, specify the attribute name sAMAccountName in which the
Windows logon ID has been defined.
• For the flat model
Specify the RDN attribute name of the user entry.
For example, if the user's DN is
uid=John,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com, specify the uid that is the
attribute name of the uid=John.

188 User management on an external authentication server

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Attributes Details

sAMAccountName has been set as the initial value. This attribute is


Default value: none

basedn Specify the BaseDN, which is the DN of the entry that will be used as the
start point when searching for LDAP user information on the LDAP
directory server. The user entries that are located in the hierarchy below
this DN will be checked during authentication. If characters that need to
be escaped are included in the specified BaseDN, escape all of those
characters correctly because the specified value will be passed to the LDAP
directory server without change.
• For the hierarchical structure model
Specify the DN of the hierarchy that includes all of the user entries to
be searched.
• For the flat model
Specify the DN of the hierarchy just above the user entries to be

This attribute is required. Specify the DN by following the rules defined in

RFC4514. For example, if any of the following characters are included in a
DN, you need to use a backslash (\) to escape each character.

Spaces # + ; , < = > \

Default value: none

retry.interval Specify the retry interval (in seconds) for when an attempt to connect to
the LDAP directory server fails.

Specifiable values: 1 to 60 (seconds)

Default value: 1
retry.times Specify the number of retries to attempt when an attempt to connect to
the LDAP directory server fails. If you specify 0, no retries are attempted.

Specifiable values: 0 to 50

Default value: 20 Specify the name of a domain for external authentication servers managed
by the LDAP directory server.

Default value: none

dns_lookup Specify true.

However, if the following attribute values are already set, the LDAP
directory server will be connected to by using the user-specified values
instead of by using the DNS server to look up the information.

Default value: false


To specify the attributes, use the following syntax:

User management on an external authentication server 189

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Attributes Details

*: The specified attribute must not include invalid characters that cannot be used in a user ID of
the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor.

Examples of setting the file for LDAP

Examples of how to set the file when using an LDAP
directory server to perform authentication are provided below.
• When directly specifying information about an LDAP directory server (when
linking to only an external authentication server):


• When using the DNS server to look up an LDAP directory server (when
linking to only an external authentication server):


• When directly specifying information about the LDAP directory server

(when also linking to an authorization server):


190 User management on an external authentication server

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide

• When using the DNS server to look up the LDAP directory server (when
also linking to an authorization server):


• When using a redundant configuration:


• When using a multi-domain configuration:


User management on an external authentication server 191

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide

• When the global catalog is enabled:


Setup items in the file for RADIUS authentication

In the file, set the type of the external authentication
server to be used, the server identification name, and the machine
information about the external authentication server.
• Common properties
Table 16 Setup items in the file for RADIUS
authentication (common items) on page 193
• Properties for an external authentication server
Specify these property values for each RADIUS server.
Table 17 Setup items in the file for RADIUS
authentication (settings for the external authentication server) on
page 194
• Properties for an external authorization server

192 User management on an external authentication server

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
These properties need to be set when an external authorization server is
also linked to. Specify information about the LDAP directory server for
each domain.
Setup items in the file vary depending on whether
information about the LDAP directory server being connected to is directly
specified or looked up by using the DNS server.
○ When directly specifying information about the LDAP directory server
Table 18 Setup items in the file for RADIUS
authentication (common settings for the external authorization server)
on page 196
Table 19 Setup items in the file for RADIUS
authentication (when directly specifying information about the external
authorization server) on page 196
Table 20 Setup items in the file for RADIUS
authentication (when an external authorization server and StartTLS are
used for communication) on page 198
○ When using the DNS server to look up the information about the LDAP
directory server
Table 18 Setup items in the file for RADIUS
authentication (common settings for the external authorization server)
on page 196
Table 21 Setup items in the file for RADIUS
authentication (when using the DNS server to look up information about
the external authorization server) on page 198

• Make sure to distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters for
property settings.

• To use StartTLS for communication between the Infrastructure Analytics

Advisor server and the LDAP directory server, you need to directly specify
information about the LDAP directory server to connect to in the file.
• If you use the DNS server to look up the LDAP directory server to connect
to, it might take longer for users to log in.

Table 16 Setup items in the file for RADIUS

authentication (common items)

Property names Details

auth.server.type Specify an external authentication server type. Specify radius.

Default value: internal (used when not linking to an external

authentication server) Specify the server identification names of RADIUS servers. You can
specify any name for this property in order to identify which RADIUS
servers the settings such as the port number and the protocol for

User management on an external authentication server 193

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Property names Details

connecting to the RADIUS server (see Table 17 Setup items in the file for RADIUS authentication (settings for the
external authentication server) on page 194) are applied to.
ServerName has been set as the initial value. You must specify at least
one name. When configuring a redundant configuration, separate the
server identification name of each server with a comma (,). Do not
register the same server identification name more than once.

Specifiable values: No more than 64 bytes of the following characters:

A to Z

a to z

0 to 9


Default value: none Specify whether to also link to an external authorization server.

Specify true to link to an external authorization server.

Specify false to not to link to an external authorization server.

Default value: false

Table 17 Setup items in the file for RADIUS

authentication (settings for the external authentication server)

Attributes Details

protocol Specify the protocol for RADIUS server authentication. This

attribute is required.

Specifiable values: PAP or CHAP

Default value: none

host1 Specify the host name or IP address of the RADIUS server. If
you specify the host name, make sure beforehand that the
host name can be resolved to an IP address. If you specify
the IP address, you can use either an IPv4 or IPv6 address.
When specifying an IPv6 address, enclose it in square
brackets ([]). This attribute is required.

Default value: none

port Specify the port number for RADIUS server authentication.
Make sure beforehand that the port you specify is set as the
listen port number on the RADIUS server.

Specifiable values: 1 to 65535

Default value: 1812

timeout Specify the amount of time to wait before timing out when
connecting to the RADIUS server.

Specifiable values: 1 to 65535 (seconds)

194 User management on an external authentication server

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Attributes Details

Default value: 1
retry.times Specify the number of retries to attempt when an attempt to
connect to the RADIUS server fails. If you specify 0, no retries
are attempted.

Specifiable values: 0 to 50

Default value: 3
attr.NAS-Identifier2 Specify the host name of the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
server. The RADIUS server uses this attribute value to identify
the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server. The host name of
the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server has been set as
the initial value.

Specifiable values: Specify no more than 253 bytes of the

following characters:

A to Z

a to z

0 to 9

! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^

_ ` { | } ~

Default value: none

attr.NAS-IP-Address2 Specify the IPv4 address of the Infrastructure Analytics
Advisor server. The RADIUS server uses this attribute value to
identify the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.

If the format of the address is invalid, this property is


Default value: none

attr.NAS-IPv6-Address2 Specify the IPv6 address of the Infrastructure Analytics
Advisor server. The RADIUS server uses this attribute value to
identify the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server. Enclose
the IPv6 address in square brackets ([]).

If the format of the address is invalid, this property is


Default value: none


To specify the attributes, use the following syntax:
1. When linking to an external authorization server that is running on the same computer and
using StartTLS as the protocol for connecting to the LDAP directory server, in the host
attribute specify the same host name as the value of CN in the LDAP directory server
certificate. You cannot use an IP address.
2. You must specify exactly one of the following: attr.NAS-Identifier, attr.NAS-IP-Address,
or attr.NAS-IPv6-Address.

User management on an external authentication server 195

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Table 18 Setup items in the file for RADIUS
authentication (common settings for the external authorization server)

Attributes Details Specify the name of a domain managed by the LDAP directory server.
This item is required when an external authorization server is also
linked to.

Default value: none

dns_lookup Specify whether to use the DNS server to look up the information
about the LDAP directory server.

If you want to directly specify information about the LDAP directory

server in the file, specify false.

If you want to use the DNS server to look up the information, specify

However, if the following attribute values are already set, the LDAP
directory server will be connected to by using the user-specified
values instead of by using the DNS server to look up the information.

Default value: false


To specify the attributes, use the following syntax:

Table 19 Setup items in the file for RADIUS

authentication (when directly specifying information about the external
authorization server)

Attributes Details

protocol1 Specify the protocol for connecting to the LDAP directory server.

When communicating in plain text format, specify ldap. When using

StartTLS communication, specify tls.

Before specifying tls, make sure that one of the following encryption
methods can be used on the LDAP directory server.


Specifiable values: ldap or tls

Default value: ldap

host2 If the external authentication server and the external authorization server
are running on different computers, specify the host name or IP address of
the LDAP directory server. If you specify the host name, make sure

196 User management on an external authentication server

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Attributes Details

beforehand that the host name can be resolved to an IP address. If you

specify the IP address, you can use either an IPv4 or IPv6 address. When
specifying an IPv6 address, enclose it in square brackets ([]).

If you omit this attribute, the external authentication server and the
external authorization server are assumed to be running on the same

Default value: none

port Specify the port number of the LDAP directory server. Make sure
beforehand that the port you specify is set as the listen port number on
the LDAP directory server.

Specifiable values: 1 to 65535

Default value: 389

basedn Specify the BaseDN, which is the DN of the entry that will be used as the
start point when searching for LDAP user information on the LDAP
directory server. The user entries that are located in the hierarchy below
this DN will be checked during authorization.

Specify the DN of the hierarchy that includes all of the user entries to be

Specify the DN by following the rules defined in RFC4514. For example, if

any of the following characters are included in a DN, you need to use a
backslash (\) to escape each character.

Spaces # + ; , < = > \

If characters that need to be escaped are included in the specified

BaseDN, escape all of those characters correctly because the specified
value will be passed to the LDAP directory server without change.

If you omit this attribute, the value specified in the

defaultNamingContext property of Active Directory is assumed as the

Default value: none

timeout Specify the amount of time to wait before timing out when connecting to
the LDAP directory server. If you specify 0, the system waits until a
communication error occurs without timing out.

Specifiable values: 0 to 120 (seconds)

Default value: 15
retry.interval Specify the retry interval (in seconds) for when an attempt to connect to
the LDAP directory server fails.

Specifiable values: 1 to 60 (seconds)

Default value: 1
retry.times Specify the number of retries to attempt when an attempt to connect to
the LDAP directory server fails. If you specify 0, no retries are attempted.

Specifiable values: 0 to 50

Default value: 20

User management on an external authentication server 197

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Attributes Details


To specify the attributes, use the following syntax:

For domain-name, specify the value specified for
1. When communicating by using StartTLS as the protocol for connecting to the LDAP directory
server, you need to specify the security settings of Common Component.
2. When the external authentication server and the external authorization server are running on
different computers and when using StartTLS as the protocol for connecting to the LDAP
directory server, in the host attribute specify the same host name as the value of CN in the
LDAP directory server certificate. You cannot use an IP address.

Table 20 Setup items in the file for RADIUS

authentication (when an external authorization server and StartTLS are
used for communication)

Property Details

auth.ocsp.enable Specify whether or not to verify the validity of an LDAP directory

server's electronic signature certificate by using an OCSP responder
when the LDAP directory server and StartTLS are used for

If you want to verify the validity of certificates, specify true. To not

verify the validity of certificates, specify false.

Default value: false

auth.ocsp.responderURL Specify the URL of an OCSP responder if you want to use an OCSP
responder that is not the one written in the AIA field of the electronic
signature certificate to verify the validity of the electronic signature
certificate. If this value is omitted, the OCSP responder written in the
AIA field is used.

Default value: None

Table 21 Setup items in the file for RADIUS

authentication (when using the DNS server to look up information about
the external authorization server)

Attributes Details

protocol Specify the protocol for connecting to the LDAP directory server.

Specifiable values: ldap

Default value: ldap

port Specify the port number of the LDAP directory server. Make sure
beforehand that the port you specify is set as the listen port number on
the LDAP directory server.

Specifiable values: 1 to 65535

198 User management on an external authentication server

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Attributes Details

Default value: 389

basedn Specify the BaseDN, which is the DN of the entry that will be used as the
start point when searching for LDAP user information on the LDAP
directory server. The user entries that are located in the hierarchy below
this DN will be checked during authorization.

Specify the DN of the hierarchy that includes all of the user entries to be

Specify the DN by following the rules defined in RFC4514. For example, if

any of the following characters are included in a DN, you need to use a
backslash (\) to escape each character.

Spaces # + ; , < = > \

If characters that need to be escaped are included in the specified

BaseDN, escape all of those characters correctly because the specified
value will be passed to the LDAP directory server without change.

If you omit this attribute, the value specified in the

defaultNamingContext property of Active Directory is assumed as the

Default value: none

timeout Specify the amount of time to wait before timing out when connecting to
the LDAP directory server. If you specify 0, the system waits until a
communication error occurs without timing out.

Specifiable values: 0 to 120 (seconds)

Default value: 15
retry.interval Specify the retry interval (in seconds) for when an attempt to connect to
the LDAP directory server fails.

Specifiable values: 1 to 60 (seconds)

Default value: 1
retry.times Specify the number of retries to attempt when an attempt to connect to
the LDAP directory server fails. If you specify 0, no retries are attempted.

Specifiable values: 0 to 50

Default value: 20

To specify the attributes, use the following syntax:

For domain-name, specify the value specified for

Examples of setting the file for RADIUS

Examples of how to set the file when using a RADIUS
server to perform authentication are provided below.

User management on an external authentication server 199

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
• When linking to only an external authentication server:


• When directly specifying information about an external authorization



• When using the DNS server to look up an external authorization server:


200 User management on an external authentication server

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
• When using a redundant configuration:


Setup items in the file for Kerberos authentication

In the file, specify the type of the external
authentication server, the server identification name, and the information
about the external authentication server.
• Common properties
Table 22 Setup items in the file for Kerberos
authentication (common items) on page 202
• Properties for an external authentication server
Specify these property values for each Kerberos server.
Setup items in the file vary depending on whether
information about the Kerberos server being connected to is directly
specified or looked up by using the DNS server.
○ When directly specifying information about the Kerberos server:
Table 23 Setup items in the file for Kerberos
authentication (when directly specifying information about the external
authentication server) on page 202
○ When using the DNS server to look up information about the Kerberos
Table 24 Setup items in the file for Kerberos
authentication (when using the DNS server to look up information about
the external authentication server) on page 204
• Properties for an external authorization server
These properties need to be set if you directly specify information about
the Kerberos server and an external authorization server is also linked.
Specify the properties for each realm.
Table 25 Setup items in the file for Kerberos
authentication (settings for the external authorization server) on
page 205

User management on an external authentication server 201

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Table 26 Setup items in the file for Kerberos
authentication (when an external authorization server and StartTLS are
used for communication) on page 207

• Make sure to distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters for
property settings.

• To use StartTLS for communication between the Infrastructure Analytics

Advisor server and the LDAP directory server, you need to directly specify
information about the LDAP directory server to connect to in the file.
• If you use the DNS server to look up the LDAP directory server to connect
to, it might take longer for users to log in.

Table 22 Setup items in the file for Kerberos

authentication (common items)

Property names Details

auth.server.type Specify an external authentication server type. Specify kerberos.

Default value: internal (used when not linking to an external

authentication server) Specify whether to also link to an external authorization server.

Specify true to link to an external authorization server.

Specify false to not to link to an external authorization server.

Default value: false

Table 23 Setup items in the file for Kerberos

authentication (when directly specifying information about the external
authentication server)

Attributes Details

default_realm Specify the default realm name. If you specify a user

ID but not a realm name in the login window of the
GUI, the user is authenticated as a user who belongs
to the realm specified for this attribute. This attribute
is required.

Default value: none

dns_lookup_kdc Specify false.

Default value: false

default_tkt_enctypes Specify the encryption type used for Kerberos
authentication. This property is enabled only if the
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server OS is Windows.

You can use the following encryption types:

• aes128-cts

202 User management on an external authentication server

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Attributes Details

• rc4-hmac
• des3-cbc-sha1
• des-cbc-md5
• des-cbc-crc

If you want to specify multiple encryption types, use a

comma to separate the encryption types.

Among the specified encryption types, an encryption

type that is supported by both the Infrastructure
Analytics Advisor server OS and a Kerberos server will
be used.

Default value: None (DES-CBC-MD5 is used for

clockskew Specify the acceptable range of difference between
the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server time and
Kerberos server time. If the difference exceeds this
value, an authentication error occurs.

Specifiable values: 0 to 300 (seconds)

Default value: 300

timeout Specify the amount of time to wait before timing out
when connecting to the Kerberos server. If you specify
0, the system waits until a communication error
occurs without timing out.

Specifiable values: 0 to 120 (seconds)

Default value: 3
realm_name Specify the realm identification names. You can
specify any name for this attribute in order to identify
which realms the property attribute settings are
applied to. You must specify at least one name. When
specifying multiple realm identification names,
separate the names with commas (,). Do not register
the same realm identification name more than once.

Default value: none

value-specified-for-realm_name.realm Specify the name of the realm set in the Kerberos
server. This attribute is required.

Default value: none

value-specified-for-realm_name.kdc* Specify the information about the Kerberos server in
the following format:


This attribute is required.


If you specify the host name, make sure

beforehand that the name can be resolved to
an IP address. If you specify the IP address,
use an IPv4 address. In an IPv6 environment,
you must specify the host name. Note that you

User management on an external authentication server 203

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Attributes Details

cannot specify the loopback address

(localhost or


Make sure beforehand that the port you specify

is set as the listen port number on the Kerberos
server. If you do not specify a port number or
the specified port number cannot be used in a
Kerberos server, 88 is assumed.

When configuring the Kerberos server in redundant

configuration, separate the servers with commas (,)
as follows:




To specify the attributes, use the following syntax:


*: When using StartTLS as the protocol for connecting to the external authorization server, specify
the same host name as the value of CN in the external authorization server certificate. You cannot
use an IP address.

Table 24 Setup items in the file for Kerberos

authentication (when using the DNS server to look up information about
the external authentication server)

Attributes Details

default_realm Specify the default realm name. If you specify a user ID but not
a realm name in the login window of the GUI, the user is
authenticated as a user who belongs to the realm specified for
this attribute. This attribute is required.

Default value: none

dns_lookup_kdc Specify true. This attribute is required.

However, if all the following attributes values are already set, the
Kerberos server will not be looked up by using the DNS server.
• realm_name
• value-specified-for-realm_name.realm
• value-specified-for-realm_name.kdc
default_tkt_enctypes Specify the encryption type used for Kerberos authentication.
This property is enabled only if the Infrastructure Analytics
Advisor server OS is Windows.

You can use the following encryption types:

• aes128-cts
• rc4-hmac
• des3-cbc-sha1

204 User management on an external authentication server

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Attributes Details

• des-cbc-md5
• des-cbc-crc

If you want to specify multiple encryption types, use a comma to

separate the encryption types.

Among the specified encryption types, an encryption type that is

supported by both the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server OS
and a Kerberos server will be used.

Default value: None (DES-CBC-MD5 is used for authentication.)

clockskew Specify the acceptable range of difference between the
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server time and Kerberos server
time. If the difference exceeds this value, an authentication error

Specifiable values: 0 to 300 (seconds)

Default value: 300

timeout Specify the amount of time to wait before timing out when
connecting to the Kerberos server. If you specify 0, the system
waits until a communication error occurs without timing out.

Specifiable values: 0 to 120 (seconds)

Default value: 3

To specify the attributes, use the following syntax:


Table 25 Setup items in the file for Kerberos

authentication (settings for the external authorization server)

Attributes Details

protocol* Specify the protocol for connecting to the LDAP directory server.

When communicating in plain text format, specify ldap. When using

StartTLS communication, specify tls. StartTLS communication can be
used only when directly specifying information about the Kerberos server.

Before specifying tls, make sure that one of the following encryption
methods can be used on the LDAP directory server.


Specifiable values: ldap or tls

Default value: ldap

User management on an external authentication server 205

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Attributes Details

port Specify the port number of the LDAP directory server. Make sure
beforehand that the port you specify is set as the listen port number on
the LDAP directory server.

Specifiable values: 1 to 65535

Default value: 389

basedn Specify the BaseDN, which is the DN of the entry that will be used as the
start point when searching for LDAP user information on the LDAP
directory server. The user entries that are located in the hierarchy below
this DN will be checked during authorization.

Specify the DN of the hierarchy that includes all of the user entries to be

Specify the DN by following the rules defined in RFC4514. For example, if

any of the following characters are included in a DN, you need to use a
backslash (\) to escape each character.

Spaces # + ; , < = > \

If characters that need to be escaped are included in the specified

BaseDN, escape all of those characters correctly because the specified
value will be passed to the LDAP directory server without change.

If you omit this attribute, the value specified in the

defaultNamingContext property of Active Directory is assumed as the

Default value: none

timeout Specify the amount of time to wait before timing out when connecting to
the LDAP directory server. If you specify 0, the system waits until a
communication error occurs without timing out.

Specifiable values: 0 to 120 (seconds)

Default value: 15
retry.interval Specify the retry interval (in seconds) for when an attempt to connect to
the LDAP directory server fails.

Specifiable values: 1 to 60 (seconds)

Default value: 1
retry.times Specify the number of retries to attempt when an attempt to connect to
the LDAP directory server fails. If you specify 0, no retries are attempted.

Specifiable values: 0 to 50

Default value: 20

To specify the attributes, use the following syntax:

For realm-name, specify the value specified for auth.kerberos.realm_name-property-


206 User management on an external authentication server

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Attributes Details

*: When communicating by using StartTLS as the protocol for connecting to the LDAP directory
server, you need to specify the security settings of Common Component.

Table 26 Setup items in the file for Kerberos

authentication (when an external authorization server and StartTLS are
used for communication)

Property Details

auth.ocsp.enable Specify whether or not to verify the validity of an LDAP directory

server's electronic signature certificate by using an OCSP responder
when the LDAP directory server and StartTLS are used for

If you want to verify the validity of certificates, specify true. To not

verify the validity of certificates, specify false.

Default value: false

auth.ocsp.responderURL Specify the URL of an OCSP responder if you want to use an OCSP
responder that is not the one written in the AIA field of the electronic
signature certificate to verify the validity of the electronic signature
certificate. If this value is omitted, the OCSP responder written in the
AIA field is used.

Default value: None

Examples of setting the file for Kerberos

Examples of how to set the file when using a Kerberos
server to perform authentication are provided below.
• When directly specifying information about a Kerberos server (when not
linking to an external authorization server):


• When using the DNS server to look up a Kerberos server (when not linking
to an external authorization server):


User management on an external authentication server 207

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide

• When directly specifying information about a Kerberos server (when also

linking to an external authorization server):


• When using the DNS server to look up a Kerberos server (when also
linking to an external authorization server):


• When using a redundant configuration:


• When specifying multiple realm identifiers:


208 User management on an external authentication server

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide

About a LDAP search user account

An LDAP search user account is used when an account needs to be
authenticated or authorized, or when searching for information within an
LDAP directory server.

In the following cases, you need to register an LDAP search user account on
the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.
• When an LDAP directory server is used as an external authentication
server and the data structure is the hierarchical structure model
• When an LDAP directory server is used as an external authorization

In cases other than above, this step is not necessary, because LDAP user
information is not searched during authentication and authorization. If a user
account used to search for LDAP user information has been already
registered, delete it.


When registering an authorization group in Infrastructure Analytics

Advisor by using the GUI, if you want to check whether the distinguished
name of the authorization group is registered on the external
authorization server by using a user ID such as the System account
registered in Infrastructure Analytics Advisor, you need to register a
user account used to search for LDAP user information on the
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.

Conditions for LDAP search user account

Conditions for the LDAP search user account vary depending on the
authentication method.

Prepare a user account that satisfies the following conditions on the LDAP
directory server.
For LDAP authentication:
• The user account can bind to the DN specified for in the file

User management on an external authentication server 209

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
• The user account can search the attributes for all entries below the
DN specified for
value.basedn in the file
• The user account can reference the DN specified for in the file
• The user account can reference the authorization groups that are
under the DN specified for
value.basedn in the file (when an external
authorization server is also linked to)
• The user account can search the attributes of the authorization
groups that are under the DN specified for in the file and search the attributes of nested groups of
the authorization groups (when an external authorization server is
also linked to)

For RADIUS authentication:

• The user account can bind to the DN specified for in the file
• The user account can search the attributes for all entries below the
DN specified for in the file
• The user account can reference the DN specified for in the file
• The user account can reference the authorization groups that are
under the DN specified for in the file.
• The user account can search the attributes of the authorization
groups that are under the DN specified for
name.basedn in the file and search the attributes
of nested groups of the authorization groups

For Kerberos authentication:

• The user account can bind to the DN specified for
name.basedn in the file
• The user account can search the attributes for all entries below the
DN specified for in the file
• The user account can reference the DN specified for in the file
• The user account can reference the authorization groups that are
under the DN specified for in the file

210 User management on an external authentication server

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
• The user account can search the attributes of the authorization
groups that are under the DN specified for
name.basedn in the file and search the attributes
of nested groups of the authorization groups

Registering an LDAP search user account

Use the hcmds64ldapuser command to register the an LDAP search user
account on the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.

Before you begin

• Register an LDAP search user on the LDAP directory server.

• Check the following information:

○ DN and password of the LDAP search user

○ Server identification name or the domain name for external

authentication servers of the LDAP directory server (for LDAP
Specify the server identification name that was specified for the property in the file, or specify
the domain name specified for auth.ldap.value-specified-for- property in the

○ Domain name of the RADIUS server (for RADIUS authentication)

Specify the domain name specified for in the file.

○ Realm name of the Kerberos server (for Kerberos authentication)

If you directly specify information about a Kerberos server in the file, specify the value specified for
auth.kerberos.default_realm or
If you specify the settings in the file to use the
DNS server to look up information about a Kerberos server, specify the
realm name registered in the DNS server.


1. Execute the hcmds64ldapuser command.

User management on an external authentication server 211

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
In Windows:

folder\Base64\bin\hcmds64ldapuser /set /dn DN-of-user-
account-used-to-search-for-LDAP-user-info [/pass
info] /name name

In Linux:

directory/Base64/bin/hcmds64ldapuser -set -dn DN-of-user-
account-used-to-search-for-LDAP-user-info [-pass
info] -name name

• DN-of-user-account-used-to-search-for-LDAP-user-info
Specify a DN by following the rules defined in RFC4514. For example,
if the following characters are included in a DN, you need to use a
backslash (\) to escape each character.
Spaces, hash marks (#), plus signs (+), semicolons (;), commas (,),
left angle brackets (<), equal signs (=), right angle brackets (>), and
backslashes (\)

• password-of-user-account-used-to-search-for-LDAP-user-info
This is case-sensitive and must exactly match the password registered
in the LDAP directory server. If you execute the command without
specifying the pass option, you will be prompted to enter a password.

• In the LDAP directory server, you can use double quotation
marks (") for the DN and password. In the Infrastructure
Analytics Advisor server, however, you need to register a user
account whose DN and password do not include double
quotation marks.

• If you are using Active Directory, you can use the dsquery
command provided by Active Directory to check the DN of a
user. The following example shows how to use the dsquery
command to check the DN of the user administrator, and also
shows the execution results:
dsquery user -name administrator

• If the DN includes commas such as

cn=administrator,cn=admin,dc=example,com, specify as

212 User management on an external authentication server

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
In Windows:

hcmds64ldapuser /set /dn

"cn=administrator,cn=admin,dc=example\,com" /pass
administrator_pass /name ServerName

In Linux:

hcmds64ldapuser -set -dn

"cn=administrator,cn=admin,dc=example\\,com" -pass
administrator_pass -name ServerName

Related topics
• Notes on commands for setting up a link to an external authentication
server on page 219
• hcmds64ldapuser on page 345

Deleting an LDAP search user account

Use the hcmds64ldapuser command to delete the LDAP search user account
from the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.

Before you begin

Check the following information:

• Server identification name or the domain name for external authentication
servers of the LDAP directory server (for LDAP authentication)

• Domain name of the RADIUS server (for RADIUS authentication)

• Realm name of the Kerberos server (for Kerberos authentication)


1. Execute the hcmds64ldapuser command.

In Windows:

folder\Base64\bin\hcmds64ldapuser /delete /name name

In Linux:

directory/Base64/bin/hcmds64ldapuser -delete -name name

User management on an external authentication server 213

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Related topics
• Notes on commands for setting up a link to an external authentication
server on page 219
• hcmds64ldapuser on page 345

Checking the LDAP directory server that registered LDAP search user
Use the hcmds64ldapuser command to check which LDAP directory server
has registered the LDAP search user account on the Infrastructure Analytics
Advisor server.


1. Execute the hcmds64ldapuser command.

In Windows:

folder\Base64\bin\hcmds64ldapuser /list

In Linux:

directory/Base64/bin/hcmds64ldapuser -list

Related topics
• hcmds64ldapuser on page 345

Registering a shared secret

Use the hcmds64radiussecret command to register the RADIUS shared
secret on the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.

Before you begin

Check the following information:

• Shared secret

• RADIUS server indication name

RADIUS-server-indication-name must match a server indication name
specified for the property in the


1. Execute the hcmds64radiussecret command.

214 User management on an external authentication server

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
In Windows:

folder\Base64\bin\hcmds64radiussecret [/set shared-
secret] /name RADIUS-server-indication-name

In Linux:

directory/Base64/bin/hcmds64radiussecret [-set shared-
secret] -name RADIUS-server-indication-name

• If you execute the command without specifying the set option, you
will be prompted to enter a shared secret.

Related topics
• Notes on commands for setting up a link to an external authentication
server on page 219
• hcmds64radiussecret on page 351

Deleting a shared secret

Use the hcmds64radiussecret command to delete the shared secret.

Before you begin

Check the following information:

• RADIUS server indication name.


1. Execute the hcmds64radiussecret command.

In Windows:

folder\Base64\bin\hcmds64radiussecret /delete /name

In Linux:

directory/Base64/bin/hcmds64radiussecret -delete -name

Related topics
• Notes on commands for setting up a link to an external authentication
server on page 219
• hcmds64radiussecret on page 351

User management on an external authentication server 215

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Checking the RADIUS server that registered a shared secret on the
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server
Use the hcmds64radiussecret command to check which RADIUS server has
registered the shared secret on the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.


1. Execute the hcmds64radiussecret command.

In Windows:

folder\Base64\bin\hcmds64radiussecret /list

In Linux:

directory/Base64/bin/hcmds64radiussecret -list


The server identification name of the RADIUS server is displayed.

Related topics
• Notes on commands for setting up a link to an external authentication
server on page 219
• hcmds64radiussecret on page 351

Checking connections to an external authentication server

and an external authorization server
Use the hcmds64checkauth command to check whether the Infrastructure
Analytics Advisor server is correctly connected to the external authentication
server and the external authorization server.If Automation Director is linked
and Automation Director and the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server run
on different host environments, run the command on the server that is set as
the primary server.

Before you begin

• Register an external authentication server and an external authorization
• Check the following information:
○ For LDAP authentication
Check the user accounts registered on the LDAP directory server. For
user IDs, specify the value saved in the attribute specified by

216 User management on an external authentication server

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide in the file.

○ For RADIUS authentication

Check the user accounts registered on the RADIUS server.

○ For Kerberos authentication

When linking only to an external authentication server:
Check the user accounts that are registered in Infrastructure Analytics
Advisor and whose authentication method is Kerberos authentication.
When also linking to an external authorization server:
Check the user accounts not registered in Infrastructure Analytics
In addition, if you specify a user who belongs to a realm other than the
realm specified for default_realm in the file, also
check the realm that the user belongs to. If more than one realm name
is specified in the file, check all specified realm

Note that you cannot specify a user account whose user-ID or password
begins with a forward slash (/) in Windows, or hyphen (-) in Linux.


1. Execute the hcmds64checkauth command.

In Windows:

folder\Base64\bin\hcmds64checkauth [/user user-ID /pass
password] [/summary]

In Linux:

directory/Base64/bin/hcmds64checkauth [-user user-ID -
pass password] [-summary]

• If you execute the command without specifying the user option or the
pass option, you will be prompted to enter a user ID and password.

• If you execute the command with the summary option specified, the
confirmation message is displayed in summary format.

Note: When using the Kerberos authentication method, if more

than one realm name is specified in the file,

User management on an external authentication server 217

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
check the connection for each realm name. In addition, specify
user IDs according to the following:
• To specify a user belonging to a realm other than the realm set
for default_realm in the file:

• To specify a user who belongs to the realm set for

default_realm in the file:
You can omit the realm name.

• When using the LDAP authentication method, if the

hcmds64checkauth command is executed, all connected
external authentication servers are checked and the check
results for each external authentication server are displayed.
For external authentication servers for which the user account
specified for the hcmds64checkauth command is not registered,
an error message indicating that the user account is not
registered is displayed in phase 3 of the check result, and
confirmation at phase 3 might fail.
When this occurs, check the connection of each external
authentication server by using a user account that is registered
to that server.


Settings in the file and connections to the external

authentication server and external authorization server are checked, and
check results are displayed in each of four phases. The following message is
displayed if the checking in each phase finishes normally.

KAPM15004-I The result of the configuration check of Phase phase-

number was normal.

Phase 1
The command verifies that common properties have been correctly
specified in the file.
Phase 2
The command verifies that the properties for the external authentication
server and properties for the external authorization server have been
correctly specified in the file.
Phase 3
The command verifies that the external authentication server can be
connected to.

218 User management on an external authentication server

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Phase 4
If an external authorization server is also linked to, the command
verifies that the external authorization server can be connected to and
authorization groups can be searched.

Related topics
• Registering an external authentication server and an external authorization
server on page 181
• Notes on commands for setting up a link to an external authentication
server on page 219
• hcmds64checkauth on page 334

Notes on commands for setting up a link to an external

authentication server
If command line control characters are included in the arguments of
commands that will be executed when specifying the settings to link to an
external authentication server, escape the characters correctly according to
the specifications of the command line.

Also, you need to pay attention to backslashes (\) included in the arguments
because they are treated specially in the command line.

The following explains how to escape when executing the hcmds64ldapuser

command, hcmds64radiussecret command, or hcmds64checkauth
In Windows:
If the following characters are included in an argument, enclose the
argument in double quotation marks (") or use a caret (^) to escape
each character:

Spaces, ampersands (&), vertical bars (|), carets (^), left angle brackets
(<), right angle brackets (>), left parentheses ( ( ), right parentheses

A backslash might be treated as an escape character depending on the

character that follows it. Therefore, if a backslash and any of the above
characters are included in an argument, use a caret to escape each
character rather than enclose the argument in double quotation marks.

Also, if there is a backslash at the end of an argument, escape it by

using another backslash.
In Linux:

User management on an external authentication server 219

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
If the following characters are included in an argument, enclose the
argument in double quotation marks or use a backslash to escape each

Spaces, hash marks (#), ampersands (&), single quotation marks ('),
left parentheses ( ( ), right parentheses ( ) ), tildes (~), backslashes
(\), grave accent marks (`), left angle brackets (<), right angle brackets
(>), semicolons (;), and vertical bars (|)

Note that a backslash in an argument is treated as an escape character

even if the argument is enclosed in double quotation marks. If a
backslash is included in an argument, escape it by using another

For example, if a shared secret to be registered by the hcmds64radiussecret

command is secret01\, escape it as follows:

In Windows:
hcmds64radiussecret /set secret01\\ /name ServerName

In Linux:
Use either of the following formats:

hcmds64radiussecret -set secret01\\ -name ServerName

hcmds64radiussecret -set "secret01\\" -name ServerName

Related topics
• hcmds64checkauth on page 334
• hcmds64ldapuser on page 345
• hcmds64radiussecret on page 351

Encryption types for Kerberos authentication

Configure the Kerberos server so that the encryption types supported by
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor can be used.

In Infrastructure Analytics Advisor, the encryption types listed below can be

used for Kerberos authentication.

220 User management on an external authentication server

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Configuring secure communications
You can configure secure communications.

□ About security settings

□ Workflow for configuring secure communications

□ Configuring an SSL server (Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server)

□ Configuring SSL servers (Data Center Analytics server and Analytics

probe server)

□ Configuring an SSL server (Automation Director)

□ Configuring an SSL server (LDAP directory server)

Configuring secure communications 221

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
About security settings
In Infrastructure Analytics Advisor, you can use SSL and SSH to ensure
secure network communications. In SSL and SSH communications,
communication routes are encrypted to prevent information leakage and
detect any data manipulation during transfer. You can further enhance
security using authentication.

The following shows the security communication routes for Infrastructure

Analytics Advisor.

The following shows the security communication routes that can be used in
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor and the supported protocols for each route
that is used. Note that the number in the table corresponds with the number
in the figure.

Route SSL server (program) SSL client Protocol

1 Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Web client HTTP

2 Data Center Analytics server Web client HTTPS*
3 Analytics probe server Web client HTTPS*
4 Data Center Analytics server Infrastructure Analytics Advisor HTTPS*
5 Data Center Analytics server Analytics probe server FTP

222 Configuring secure communications

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Route SSL server (program) SSL client Protocol



6 Data Center Analytics server Windows host FTP

7 Automation Director Infrastructure Analytics Advisor HTTP
8 Configuration Manager REST Automation Director HTTP
9 LDAP directory server Infrastructure Analytics Advisor HTTP
*: SSL communication is set by default.

If you use a certificate issued by a trusted certificate authority, use the

information in this module to enhance security.

Note: To use Infrastructure Analytics Advisor with security settings enabled,

the server certificate must be valid. If the server certificate has expired, you
will not be able to connect to Infrastructure Analytics Advisor using a secure

For security settings for communication route 8, see the Hitachi Command
Suite Configuration Manager REST API Reference Guide.

Workflow for configuring secure communications

The following figure describes the workflow for configuring secure
communication in the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor environment.

Configuring secure communications 223

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Configuration workflow for secure communication between the Infrastructure
Analytics Advisor server and the web client

Configuration workflow for secure communication between the Data Center

Analytics server and the web client

224 Configuring secure communications

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Configuration workflow for secure communication between the Analytics
probe server and the web client

Configuring secure communications 225

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Configuration workflow for secure communication between the Data Center
Analytics server and the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server

226 Configuring secure communications

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Configuration workflow for secure communication between the Automation
Director and Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server

Configuration workflow for secure communication between the LDAP

directory server and Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server

Configuring secure communications 227

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Related topics
• Logging on to Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server on page 71
• Creating a private key and a certificate signing request for Infrastructure
Analytics Advisor server on page 228
• Applying for a server certificate for Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server
from the certificate authority on page 229
• Enabling SSL communication for the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
server on page 229
• Applying self-signed certificates to the Data Center Analytics server on
page 239
• Exporting a self-signed certificate for the Data Center Analytics server on
page 242
• Importing a certificate to the truststore file for the Infrastructure Analytics
Advisor server (Data Center Analytics server) on page 242
• Applying server certificates to the Data Center Analytics server and the
Analytics probe server on page 244
• Importing a certificate to the truststore for the Infrastructure Analytics
Advisor server (Automation Director) on page 248
• Importing a certificate to the truststore for the Infrastructure Analytics
Advisor server (LDAP directory server) on page 249

Configuring an SSL server (Infrastructure Analytics Advisor

Configure the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server as an SSL server by
creating a private key and a certificate signing request, applying for a server
certificate, and configuring secure communication.

Creating a private key and a certificate signing request for

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server
Use the hcmds64ssltool command to create a private key and a certificate
signing request (CSR) for Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.

Before you begin

• You must have the Administrator permission (for Windows) or the root
permission (for Linux) of the OS to do this operation.
• Check with the certificate authority regarding the requirements for the
certificate signing request.
• Make sure that the signature algorithm of the server certificate is
supported by the version of the web browser.
• When re-creating a private key, certificate signing request, or self-signed
certificate, send the output to a new location. (If a file of the same name
exists in the output location, the file cannot be re-created.)

228 Configuring secure communications

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide

1. Run the hcmds64ssltool command to create private keys, certificate

signing requests, and self-signed certificates that support RSA
cryptography and elliptic curve cryptography (ECC).

The certificate signing request is created in PEM format.

Note: Use a self-signed certificate only to test encrypted


Related topics
• hcmds64ssltool on page 357

Applying for a server certificate for Infrastructure Analytics Advisor

server from the certificate authority
In general, applications for server certificates are submitted online. Create a
certificate signing request (CSR) for Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server,
and send it to the certificate authority to obtain a digital signature.

Before you begin

Create a certificate signing request for Infrastructure Analytics Advisor


You must have a server certificate that was issued in X.509 PEM format by
the certificate authority. For details on how to apply, see the website of the
certificate authority you use. In addition, make sure the certificate authority
supports the signature algorithm.


1. Send the created certificate signing request to the certificate authority.

2. Save the response from the certificate authority.

Note: Use the hcmds64checkcerts command to verify the

expiration date of the certificate.

Related topics
• Checking the expiration date of the certificate for Infrastructure Analytics
Advisor server on page 233

Enabling SSL communication for the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor

To enable SSL communication, edit the user_httpsd.conf file.

Configuring secure communications 229

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Before you begin
• Create a private key for the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.
• Prepare the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server certificate file from the
certificate authority.
We recommend that you copy the file to the following location:
○ In Windows
○ In Linux
• Verify the host name specified for Common Name in the certificate signing


1. Stop the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services.

2. Edit the user_httpsd.conf file.
• In Windows
• In Linux

Example of the user_httpsd.conf file (default)

230 Configuring secure communications

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Settings required for enabling SSL communication:

Configuring secure communications 231

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
• Remove the hash mark (#) as shown in the following example:

When using RSA cryptography only, you do not need to remove the
hash mark (#) for the SSLECCCertificateKeyFile and the
SSLECCCertificateFile settings.
• For the ServerName directive in the first line and the ServerName
directive inside the <VirtualHost> tags, enter the host name that you
specified for Common Name in the certificate signing request. (Host
names are case sensitive.)
• Specify an absolute path to the key and certificate files:
For RSA cryptography only:
○ SSLCertificateFile
○ SSLCertificateKeyFile

For elliptic curve cryptography:

○ SSLECCCertificateFile
○ SSLECCCertificateKeyFile

Note: You do not need to specify these settings if you use

only RSA cryptography.

232 Configuring secure communications

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
• If the server certificate for Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server
originated from an intermediate certificate authority, remove the hash
mark (#) from the beginning of the line of the SSLCACertificateFile
directive, and then specify the absolute path of all server certificates
issued by the intermediate certificate authorities. You can include
multiple certificates in a single file by using a text editor to chain those

Best practices are as follows:

• Do not edit the httpsd.conf , hsso_httpsd.conf, or
user_hsso_httpsd.conf files.
• Do not specify the same directive twice.
• Do not enter a line break in the middle of a directive.
• When specifying paths in the directives listed below, do not specify
symbolic links or junction points.
• When specifying certificates and private key files in the directives
listed below, specify PEM-format files.
• Even if you enable SSL communication, do not remove or comment
out the line Listen 22015.
To interrupt non-SSL communication from a source outside of the
network to the management server, add a hash mark (#) to the
beginning of the line Listen 22015 to comment it out, then remove
the hash mark from the beginning of the line #Listen
3. Start the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services.

Related topics
• Creating a private key and a certificate signing request for Infrastructure
Analytics Advisor server on page 228
• Starting the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 254
• Stopping the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 255

Checking the expiration date of the certificate for Infrastructure

Analytics Advisor server
Use the hcmds64checkcerts command to check the expiration date of the
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server certificate and the certificate issued by
a certificate authority.

Before you begin

• The paths to the following certificates must be specified in the
user_httpsd.conf file:
○ Server certificate for Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server

Configuring secure communications 233

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
When the certificate for both the RSA cryptography and the elliptic
curve cryptography is used, the path of both certificates must be
○ All certificates issued by intermediate certificate authorities
• You must have the Administrator permission (for Windows) or the root
permission (for Linux) of the OS to do this operation.


1. Run the following command:

• In Windows

destination-folder\Base64\bin\hcmds64checkcerts { [/days
number-of-days] [/log] | /all }
• In Linux

destination-directory/Base64/bin/hcmds64checkcerts { [-
days number-of-days] [-log] | -all }

The options are:

• days
Specify the period (in days). The range of days is 30 to 3,652 (10
years). This options displays expired certificates and those due to
expire during the specified period. (When you omit this option, the
command displays certificates due to expire in 30 days.)
• log
Specify this option if you want to regularly check the expiration dates
of certificates as an operating system task. When certificates are
displayed, a warning message is output to the event log or to syslog.
• all
Specify the expiration date to display for all certificates listed in the
user_httpsd.conf file.

Changing the SSL port number between the Infrastructure Analytics

Advisor server and a web browser (Linux)
To change the port number for SSL Communication, change the port numbers
specified in the definition files, then register the firewall exceptions.

Before you begin

You must have the root permission of the OS to do this operation.


1. Run the hcmds64srv command with the stop option to stop

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services.

234 Configuring secure communications

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
2. Change the port numbers in the following definition files:
• Infrastructure-Analytics-Advisor-server-installation-
Change the following three lines. The default port number is 22016.

Listen 22016
Listen [::]:22016
<VirtualHost *:22016>

• Infrastructure-Analytics-Advisor-server-installation-
Change the following line:

command.https.port = 22016

3. Register the firewall exceptions.

• In Linux (version 6)
Run the iptable command to register Linux firewall exceptions.
1. Open the firewall settings file (/etc/sysconfig/iptables), for
example by using a text editor.
2. Insert the following line before the line "--reject-with icmp-host-

-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p

tcp --dport port-number -j ACCEPT

• Make sure that you enter the entire text in one line.
• For port-number, enter the number of the port to be
• You must specify this setting for each port number.

3. Overwrite the firewall settings file to save the settings.

4. Restart the service.
Execute the following command on the console:

/etc/rc.d/init.d/iptables restart
• In Linux (version 7)
Use the firewall-cmd command to specify the port number used by
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server for the port that has the zone
1. Specify the service name to be enabled for the port that has the
zone applied.

Configuring secure communications 235

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
The following shows an example of specifying the service name in
the default zone, and enabling the settings even after the OS is

firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=service-name

Note: For service-name, specify https.

2. For the port that has the zone applied, specify a combination of
the port number to be used in Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
server (as the permitted port number for communication) and the
protocol for that port number.
The following shows an example of specifying a combination of
the port number and protocol in the default zone, and enabling
the settings even after the OS is restarted:

firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=port-number/protocol

• For port-number, specify the port number to be used in
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.
• For protocol, specify tcp or udp.

4. Run the hcmds64srv command with the start option to start the
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services.
5. If Automation Director is linked with the primary server and the
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server is set as the primary server,
perform the following procedure on the host where Automation Director
is installed to apply the changed port number.
a. Execute the hcmds64prmset command to change the common
component settings.
b. Restart Automation Director.

Related topics
• Starting the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 254
• Stopping the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 255
• hcmds64fwcancel on page 337
• hcmds64prmset on page 348
• hcmds64srv on page 353

236 Configuring secure communications

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Changing the SSL port number between the Infrastructure Analytics
Advisor server and a web browser (Windows)
To change the port number for SSL Communication, change the port numbers
specified in the definition files, then register the firewall exceptions.

Before you begin

You must have the Administrator permission of the OS to do this operation.


1. Run the hcmds64srv command with the stop option to stop

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services.
2. Change the port numbers in the following definition files:
• Infrastructure-Analytics-Advisor-server-installation-
Change the following three lines. The default port number is 22016.

Listen 22016
Listen [::]:22016
<VirtualHost *:22016>

• Infrastructure-Analytics-Advisor-server-installation-
Change the following line:

command.https.port = 22016

3. Change the shortcut to the program as follows:

Note: The default URL is: http://localhost:22015/Analytics/

• For Windows Server 2008 R2

1. From the Start menu, select All Programs > Hitachi
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor > Infrastructure Analytics
Advisor > HIAA Login to display properties.

2. Change the port number of the URL in Target.

• For Windows Server 2012

1. From the desktop, display the Start window.

2. Right-click the Start window to display All apps.

Configuring secure communications 237

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
3. Display the properties of HIAA Login in the Hitachi
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor folder.

4. In the Web Document tab, change the port number of the URL
specified in URL.

4. Run the hcmds64fwcancel command to register Windows-based firewall

5. Run the hcmds64srv command with the start option to start the
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services.
6. If Automation Director is linked with the primary server and the
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server is set as the primary server,
perform the following procedure on the host where Automation Director
is installed to apply the changed port number.
a. Execute the hcmds64prmset command to change the common
component settings.
b. Restart Automation Director.

Related topics
• Starting the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 254
• Stopping the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 255
• hcmds64fwcancel on page 337
• hcmds64prmset on page 348
• hcmds64srv on page 353

Deleting a certificate from the truststore for Infrastructure Analytics

Advisor server
You can delete a certificate for Data Center Analytics server, which was
imported to Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.

Before you begin

You must have Administrator permissions (for Windows) or root permissions

(for Linux) of the OS to do this operation.


1. Run the following command to delete the certificate for Data Center
Analytics server, which was imported to Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
• In Windows

\Base64\bin\hcmds64keytool –delete –alias alias-name –
keystore truststore-file-name –storepass truststore-

238 Configuring secure communications

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
• In Linux

directory/Base64/uCPSB/jdk/bin/keytool –delete –alias
alias-name –keystore truststore-file-name –storepass

• For the alias-name, specify a name to identify which host
server has the certificate.
• The truststore file is stored in the following location:
○ In Windows
○ In Linux
• The password to access the default truststore is changeit.

Configuring SSL servers (Data Center Analytics server and

Analytics probe server)
Setting up the Data Center Analytics server and the Analytics probe server as
SSL servers is described.

Applying self-signed certificates to the Data Center Analytics server

Self-signed certificates are automatically created when the Data Center
Analytics server is installed. Use the keytool command to re-create self-
signed certificates.

Perform this procedure in the following cases:

• When you change the host name or the host IP address of the Data Center
Analytics server, and the certificate is associated with the current host
• When the expiration date of the self-signed certificate has expired

Do not perform this procedure in the following cases:

• If you want to use the server certificates that were automatically created
when the Data Center Analytics server was installed
• If you want to use server certificates that have been signed by a certificate
In the previous case, see the description of server certificates that have
been signed by a certificate authority.

Configuring secure communications 239

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide

1. Perform the following steps to stop the Data Center Analytics server
a. Run the following command:

crontab -e
b. At the beginning of each line in the ordinary execution schedule that
was output for the Data Center Analytics server, add a hash mark (#)
to comment out each line:

# */5 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.5min; test -f $F &&

bash $F
# 13 0 * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.1hr; test -f $F &&
bash $F
# 11 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.24hr; test -f $F &&
bash $F
# */5 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/bin/; test -f
$F && (bash $F >> /usr/local/megha/logs/sys/`date +\%Y\%m\
c. Run the following command to stop the services:

/usr/local/megha/bin/ stop
/usr/local/httpProxy/bin/ stop
d. Use the following command to verify that the services have stopped:

/usr/local/megha/bin/ status
/usr/local/httpProxy/bin/ status

Output example:

[root@localhost ~]# /usr/local/megha/bin/

Megha server is not running
[root@localhost ~]# /usr/local/httpProxy/bin/megha- status
Http Proxy server is not running

2. Run the following command to back up the default keystore:

mv /usr/local/megha/jetty/etc/keystore /usr/local/megha/

3. Run the following command to create self-signed certificates in a new


keytool -keystore /usr/local/megha/jetty/etc/keystore -alias

alias-name -genkey -keyalg RSA

• The default password is megha.jeos.

240 Configuring secure communications

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
• For the alias-name, specify a name to identify which host
server has the self-signed certificate.

4. Perform the following steps to start the Data Center Analytics server
a. Run the following command:

crontab -e
b. Delete the hash marks (#) from the beginning of each line in the
ordinary execution schedule that generates output for the Data Center
Analytics server:

*/5 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.5min; test -f $F &&

bash $F
13 0 * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.1hr; test -f $F && bash
11 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.24hr; test -f $F &&
bash $F
*/5 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/bin/; test -f $F
&& (bash $F >> /usr/local/megha/logs/sys/`date +\%Y\%m\
c. Run the following command:

/usr/local/megha/bin/ start

5. Run the following command to verify that the Data Center Analytics
server services are running:

/usr/local/megha/bin/ status
/usr/local/httpProxy/bin/ status

Output example:

[root@localhost jetty]# /usr/local/megha/bin/

Megha server is running
[root@localhost ~]# /usr/local/httpProxy/bin/
Http Proxy server is running

Related topics
• Importing a certificate to the truststore file for the Infrastructure Analytics
Advisor server (Data Center Analytics server) on page 242
• Applying server certificates to the Data Center Analytics server and the
Analytics probe server on page 244
• Starting the Data Center Analytics server or Analytics probe server
services on page 256
• Stopping the Data Center Analytics server or Analytics probe server
services on page 256

Configuring secure communications 241

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Exporting a self-signed certificate for the Data Center Analytics
Use the keytool command to export self-signed certificates.


1. Run the following command to export the certificate for the Data Center
Analytics server:

keytool –export –keystore /usr/local/megha/jetty/etc/

keystore –alias alias-name –file certificate-file-name

• For the alias-name, specify a name to identify which host server
has the self-signed certificate. If you want to export the default
self-signed certificate, specify jetty.
• For certificate-file-name, specify the absolute path to the export
destination of the self-signed certificate.

Importing a certificate to the truststore file for the Infrastructure

Analytics Advisor server (Data Center Analytics server)
To enable verification of the server certificate, import the certificate and edit
the file.

Before you begin

You must have administrator permissions (for Windows) or root permissions

(for Linux) to perform this operation.


1. Run the following command to import the certificates for the Data Center
Analytics server to the truststore file:
• In Windows

destination-folder\Base64\bin\hcmds64keytool –import –
alias alias-name –file certificate-file-name –keystore
truststore-file-name –storepass truststore-password
• In Linux

destination-directory/Base64/uCPSB/jdk/bin/keytool –import
–alias alias-name –file certificate-file-name –keystore
truststore-file-name –storepass truststore-password

242 Configuring secure communications

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
• For the alias-name, specify a name to identify which host
server has the certificate.
• For the certificate-file-name, specify the absolute path.
• The truststore file is stored in the following location:
○ In Windows
○ In Linux
• The password to access the default truststore is changeit.

2. To enable the verification of server certificates, change the following

properties in the file:
• Storage location:
○ In Windows
○ In Linux
• Key: cert.verify.enabled
• Value: true
3. Start Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services.

Note: When the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server is linked

with the Automation Director, you also need to set up SSL
communication on the Automation Director. For details about how
to configure the settings, see the description about SSL server
configuration for the Automation Director.

Related topics
• Applying self-signed certificates to the Data Center Analytics server on
page 239
• Applying server certificates to the Data Center Analytics server and the
Analytics probe server on page 244
• Importing a certificate to the truststore for the Infrastructure Analytics
Advisor server (Automation Director) on page 248
• Starting the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 254
• User-specified properties file ( on page 377

Configuring secure communications 243

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Applying server certificates to the Data Center Analytics server and
the Analytics probe server
To apply server certificates to the Data Center Analytics server and the
Analytics probe server, first create a keystore file.

Before you begin

• Copy the server certificate and the private key to the Data Center
Analytics server and the Analytics probe server.

• You can use any certificate in CRT format that has been signed by a
certificate authority.


1. Follow these steps by using a keystore where the user certificates in

PKCS12 format are stored:
a. Copy the server certificate created by the user to the Data Center
Analytics server.
b. Log on as a root user to the Data Center Analytics server by using an
SSH client.

Note: A root user cannot log on from the VMware vCenter VM


c. Go to the directory of the server certificate the Data Center Analytics

d. If the file for the server certificate request is not the same as the file
containing the private key, combine those files into one file in PKCS12

The following example shows how to combine multiple files into one
jetty.pkcs12 file, assuming that jetty.crt is a server certificate
that has been signed by a certificate authority and that jetty.key is
the private key.

openssl pkcs12 -inkey jetty.key -in jetty.crt -export -out


Note: When the file is output, password confirmation is

required. Do not specify an empty password. Make sure you
write down the password because you need it when applying
the server certificate to the Analytics probe server.

e. If the created server certificate is an intermediate certificate in a chain

of certificates, create a file in PKCS12 format:

244 Configuring secure communications

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
The following example shows how to specify a command for combining
chained certificates into cert-chain.txt. Specify server certificates in
order, starting from servers to the root CA.

cat jetty.crt intermediate.crt [intermediate2.crt]...

rootCA.crt > cert-chain.txt
openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey jetty.key -in cert-chain.txt
-out jetty.pkcs12

Note: When the file is output, password confirmation is

required. Do not specify an empty password. Make sure you
write down the password, because you need it when you apply
the server certificate to the Analytics probe server.

f. Use the following command to import a file in PKCS12 format and

create a keystore file:

keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore jetty.pkcs12 -

srcstoretype PKCS12 -destkeystore keystore

Note: A keystore file is created in the current directory. Make

sure you remember the location of the created keystore file.

2. Perform the following steps to stop the crond service of the Data Center
Analytics server:
a. Run the following command:

crontab -e
b. At the beginning of each line in the ordinary execution schedule that
was output for the Data Center Analytics server, add a hash mark (#)
to comment out each line:

# */5 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.5min; test -f $F &&

bash $F
# 13 0 * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.1hr; test -f $F &&
bash $F
# 11 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.24hr; test -f $F &&
bash $F
# */5 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/bin/; test -f
$F && (bash $F >> /usr/local/megha/logs/sys/`date +\%Y\%m\

3. Use the following command to stop the Data Center Analytics server

/usr/local/megha/bin/ stop

Configuring secure communications 245

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
4. Use the following command to verify that the Data Center Analytics
server services have stopped:

/usr/local/megha/bin/ status

Output example:

Megha server is not running

5. Use the following command to copy the keystore file:

cp location-of-the-keystore-file/keystore /usr/local/megha/

6. Apply the keystore file to the Data Center Analytics server.

Enter the password that you specified in step 1 for PASSWORD (three
locations) in /usr/local/megha/jetty/etc/jetty-ssl.xml.

<Set name="KeyStorePath"><Property name="jetty.base"

default="." />/<Property name="jetty.keystore" default="etc/
keystore"/></Set> <Set name="KeyStorePassword"> PASSWORD </
Set> <Set name="KeyManagerPassword"> PASSWORD </Set> <Set
name="TrustStorePath"><Property name="jetty.base"
default="." />/<Property name="jetty.truststore"
default="etc/keystore"/></Set> <Set
name="TrustStorePassword"> PASSWORD </Set>

7. Start the Data Center Analytics server services:

/usr/local/megha/bin/ start

8. Use the following command to verify that the service status of the Data
Center Analytics server is running:

/usr/local/megha/bin/ status

Output example:

Megha server is running

9. Do the following steps to start the crond service of the Data Center
Analytics server:
a. Run the following command:

crontab -e
b. Delete the hash marks (#) as follows from the beginning of each line
in the ordinary execution schedule that was output for the Data Center
Analytics server:

*/5 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.5min; test -f $F &&

bash $F
13 0 * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.1hr; test -f $F && bash

246 Configuring secure communications

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
11 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.24hr; test -f $F &&
bash $F
*/5 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/bin/; test -f $F
&& (bash $F >> /usr/local/megha/logs/sys/`date +\%Y\%m\

10. Repeat steps 1 through 9 on the Analytics probe server.

Related topics
• Checking the expiration dates of certificates for Data Center Analytics
server and Analytics probe server on page 247
• Starting the Data Center Analytics server or Analytics probe server
services on page 256
• Stopping the Data Center Analytics server or Analytics probe server
services on page 256

Checking the expiration dates of certificates for Data Center

Analytics server and Analytics probe server
Check the expiration dates of the server certificates and Certificate Authority
certificates for Data Center Analytics server and Analytics probe server.

Before you begin

You must have the root permission of the operating system.


1. Run the following command on the Data Center Analytics server or the
Analytics probe server:
• PEM format:

openssl x509 -in server-certificate-file -noout -dates

• DER format:

openssl x509 -inform der -in server-certificate-file -

noout -dates

Configuring an SSL server (Automation Director)

To use Infrastructure Analytics Advisor to specify settings for SSL
communication with the Automation Director, the settings for enabling SSL
communication must first be completed on the Automation Director. For
details, see the section describing how to set up SSL in the Hitachi Command
Suite Automation Director Installation and Configuration Guide.

Configuring secure communications 247

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Importing a certificate to the truststore for the Infrastructure
Analytics Advisor server (Automation Director)
To enable server certificates for the Automation Director to be verified on the
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server, import the certificates from the
Automation Director to the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.

Before you begin

You must have administrator permissions (for Windows) or root permissions

(for Linux) to perform this procedure.


1. Run the following command to import certificates for the Automation

Director to the truststore:
• In Windows

destination-folder\Base64\bin\hcmds64keytool –import –
alias alias-name –file certificate-file-name –keystore
truststore-file-name –storepass truststore-password
• In Linux

destination-directory/Base64/uCPSB/jdk/bin/keytool –import
–alias alias-name –file certificate-file-name –keystore
truststore-file-name –storepass truststore-password

• For the alias-name, specify the name of the host on which the
certificate you want to use is located.
• For the certificate-file-name, specify the absolute path to
the location where the certificate is stored.
• The truststore file is stored in the following location:
○ In Windows
○ In Linux
• The default password to access the truststore is changeit.

2. To enable the verification of server certificates, change the following

properties in the file.

248 Configuring secure communications

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
• Storage location:
○ In Windows
○ In Linux
• Key: cert.verify.enabled
• Value: true
3. Start the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services.

Related topics
• Starting the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 254
• User-specified properties file ( on page 377

Configuring an SSL server (LDAP directory server)

To set up SSL communication with the LDAP directory server in Infrastructure
Analytics Advisor, you need to configure the SSL server on the LDAP
directory server and then specify settings in the Infrastructure Analytics
Advisor server so that Infrastructure Analytics Advisor can link with the LDAP
directory server. For details about SSL configuration on the LDAP directory
server, see the manuals about the LDAP directory server.

Importing a certificate to the truststore for the Infrastructure

Analytics Advisor server (LDAP directory server)
To enable server certificates for the LDAP directory server to be verified on
the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server, import the certificates from the
LDAP directory server to the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.

Note: If the server certificate was issued by a well-known certificate

authority, the certificate of the certificate authority might already be imported
to the truststore (jssecacerts). In this case, you do not need to import the
certificate into the truststore.

Before you begin

• You must have administrator permissions (for Windows) or root
permissions (for Linux) to perform this procedure.

• Prepare an LDAP directory server certificate.

The certificates issued by all the authorities from the authority that issued
an LDAP directory server certificate to the root certificate authority must
form a certificate chain. The certificate must satisfy the product
requirements for Infrastructure Analytics Advisor.

Configuring secure communications 249

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide

1. Run the following command to import certificates for the LDAP directory
server to the truststore:
• In Windows

destination-folder\Base64\bin\hcmds64keytool –import –
alias alias-name –file certificate-file-name –keystore
truststore-file-name –storepass truststore-password
• In Linux

destination-directory/Base64/uCPSB/jdk/bin/keytool –import
–alias alias-name –file certificate-file-name –keystore
truststore-file-name –storepass truststore-password

• For the alias-name, specify the name of the host on which the
certificate you want to use is located.
• For the certificate-file-name, specify the absolute path to the
location where the certificate is stored.
• For the truststore-file-name, specify the absolute path to the
location where the truststore file is stored. If the specified file does not
exist, the file is automatically created.
We recommend that you import LDAP directory server certificates into
ldapcacerts. If you want to share a certificate with other programs,
you can import the certificate into jssecacerts.
The truststore file is stored in the following location:
○ ldapcacerts
In Windows
In Linux

○ jssecacerts
In Windows
In Linux

• Specify a password for the truststore-password.

250 Configuring secure communications

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Note: Note the following when you use the hcmds64keytool or
keytool command to specify a unique name in the truststore, the
truststore file name, and the password:
• Do not use the following symbols in the file name:
: , ; * ? " < > | -

• Specify the file name as a character string of no more than 255

• Do not include double quotation marks (") in the unique name
in the truststore or the password.

2. Restart the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services.

Related topics
• Starting the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 254
• Stopping the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 255

Conditions for an LDAP directory server certificate

To use StartTLS to communicate between the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
server and an LDAP directory server, check that the obtained LDAP directory
server certificate satisfies the following requirement:
• The CN (in the Subject line) of the LDAP directory server certificate
matches the value of the following specified attributes in the file.
○ When the server uses LDAP for the authentication method

○ When the server uses RADIUS for the authentication method and links
with an external authorization server
When an external authentication server and the authorization server are
running on the same computer:
When the external authentication server and authorization server are
running on different computers:

○ When the server uses Kerberos for the authentication method and links
with an external authorization server

Related topics
• Registering an external authentication server and an external authorization
server on page 181

Configuring secure communications 251

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
252 Configuring secure communications
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Changing Infrastructure Analytics
Advisor system settings
You can start and stop Infrastructure Analytics Advisor services, change, back
up, and restore system information, and enable system account locking.

□ Starting and stopping the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor services

□ Changing the system information of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor


□ Changing the system information of Analytics probe server

□ Managing the Data Center Analytics server and the Analytics probe server

□ Performing a backup of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor

□ Performing a restore of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor

□ Enabling system account locking

Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings 253

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Starting and stopping the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
Start and stop the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor services with the
hcmds64srv command.

Starting the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services

To start the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services, run the
hcmds64srv command.

Before you begin

You must have the Administrator permission (for Windows) or the root
permission (for Linux) of the OS to do this procedure.


1. Run the following command:

• For Windows:

destination-folder\Base64\bin\hcmds64srv /start
• For Linux:

destination-directory/Base64/bin/hcmds64srv -start

• For Windows-based OS, do not use Service Control Manager to
start the services.

• To stop or start only the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server

services when the common component services are running,
run the command with AnalyticsWebService specified for the
server option. To start the service during your daily operation,
omit this option to start all services.

• When you restart the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server

services, the status of monitored resources can be delayed for 5
minutes or longer. During this time, the status displays as

Related topics
• hcmds64srv on page 353

254 Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
• Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 375

Stopping the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services

To stop the services, run the hcmds64srv command.

Before you begin

You must have the Administrator permission (for Windows) or the root
permission (for Linux) of the OS to do this procedure.


1. Run the following command:

• For Windows:

destination-folder\Base64\bin\hcmds64srv /stop /server
• For Linux:

destination-directory/Base64/bin/hcmds64srv -stop -server

• For Windows-based OS, do not use Service Control Manager to
stop the service. Doing so might cause the process to fail

• To stop or start only the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server

services when the common component service is running, run
the command with AnalyticsWebService specified for the
server option. To stop the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
server services during your daily operation, omit this option to
stop all services.

• When you restart the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server

services, the status of monitored resources can be delayed for 5
minutes or longer. During this time, the status displays as

Related topics
• hcmds64srv on page 353
• Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 375

Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings 255

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Starting the Data Center Analytics server or Analytics probe server
Start the Data Center Analytics server or Analytics probe server services by
editing crontab and running the start command.

Before you begin

Log on to the Data Center Analytics server or Analytics probe server as the
root user.


1. Run the crontab -e command.

2. Delete the hash marks (#) from the beginning of each line in the regular
execution schedule for the Data Center Analytics server or Analytics
probe server as shown in this example.

*/5 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.5min; test -f $F && bash

13 0 * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.1hr; test -f $F && bash $F
11 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.24hr; test -f $F && bash
*/5 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/bin/; test -f $F &&
(bash $F >> /usr/local/megha/logs/sys/`date +\%Y\%m\%d`.log)

3. Run the following command to start the service:

/usr/local/megha/bin/ start

Stopping the Data Center Analytics server or Analytics probe server

Stop the Data Center Analytics server or Analytics probe server services by
editing crontab and running the stop command.

Before you begin

Log on to the Data Center Analytics server or Analytics probe server as the
root user.


1. Run the crontab -e command.

2. At the beginning of each line in the regular execution schedule for Data
Center Analytics server or Analytics probe server, add a hash mark (#) to
comment out a line as shown in this example.

# */5 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.5min; test -f $F &&

bash $F
# 13 0 * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.1hr; test -f $F && bash

256 Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
# 11 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.24hr; test -f $F &&
bash $F
# */5 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/bin/; test –f $F
&& (bash $F >> /usr/local/megha/logs/sys/`date +\%Y\%m\

3. Run the following command to stop the service:

• For Data Center Analytics server:

• For Analytics probe server:

/usr/local/megha/bin/ stop

Note: If crontab has not been edited, the Data Center Analytics
server or Analytics probe server services might start automatically.
If the Data Center Analytics server or Analytics probe server
services starts, stop it by following this procedure.

Starting the RAID Agent services

Start the RAID Agent services when creating or deleting an instance
environment for RAID Agent.

Note: This procedure is applicable for RAID Agent installed with

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor. If you are using Tuning Manager - Agent for
RAID, see Hitachi Command Suite Tuning Manager Agent Administration

Before you begin

Log on as the root user to the host where RAID Agent is installed, or use the
su command to assume root user privileges.

To start services manually:
1. Run the following command:

/opt/jp1pc/htnm/bin/htmsrv start -all

To start services automatically:

1. Run the following command:

cd /opt/jp1pc
2. Set the service automatic start script file for the RAID Agent.

Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings 257

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
• Name of the .model file of the service automatic start script:
• Name of the service automatic start script file: jpc_start
3. Copy the .model file to the service automatic start script file to add
execution permission.

cp -p jpc_start.model jpc_start
chmod 555 jpc_start
4. Register the RAID Agent services in the OS (in Red Hat Enterprise
Linux 7 and Oracle Linux 7 only).
a. Edit the service automatic start script (/etc/rc.d/init.d/
Original file content:

## Copyright (C) 2004, Hitachi, Ltd.
## Licensed Material of Hitachi, Ltd.

Revised file content:

## Copyright (C) 2004, Hitachi, Ltd.
## Licensed Material of Hitachi, Ltd.
# Provides: jp1_pc
# Required-Start: $local_fs $remote_fs $syslog $network
# Required-Stop: $local_fs $remote_fs $syslog $network
# Default-Start: 3 5
# Default-Stop: 0 6
# Description: Start RAID Agent services.

b. Execute the following command:

chkconfig jp1_pc on

Stopping the RAID Agent services

Do the following steps to stop the RAID Agent services.

Note: This procedure is applicable for RAID Agent installed with

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor. If you are using Tuning Manager - Agent for
RAID, see Hitachi Command Suite Tuning Manager Agent Administration

258 Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Before you begin
• Log on as the root user to the host where RAID Agent is installed, or use
the su command to assume root user privileges.
• When you enable the automatic service stop feature in Red Hat Enterprise
Linux 7, or Oracle Linux 7, you must also enable the automatic start

To stop services manually:
1. Run the following command:

/opt/jp1pc/htnm/bin/htmsrv stop -all

To stop services automatically:

1. Run the following command:

cd /opt/jp1pc
2. Set the service automatic stop script file for the RAID Agent.
• Name of the .model file of the service automatic stop script:
• Name of the service automatic stop script file: jpc_stop

Copy the .model file of the service automatic stop script to the
service automatic stop script file to add execution permission. Run
the command as follows:

cp -p jpc_stop.model jpc_stop
chmod 555 jpc_stop
3. To apply the settings, execute the following command to start the
RAID Agent services (in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 and Oracle Linux
7 only):

systemctl start jp1_pc

If you do not execute this command, automatic stop processing will

fail for the first service that is run after the settings were specified.

Changing the system information of Infrastructure Analytics

Advisor server
You can change the installation directory, host name, IP address, time
settings, output format, and the port number used between Infrastructure
Analytics Advisor and common component, SNMP, and web browser.

Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings 259

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Changing the installation directory of Infrastructure Analytics
Advisor server
Changing the installation directory requires backing up existing data,
uninstalling and reinstalling Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server, and
restoring data.


1. Run the backupsystem command to back up the Infrastructure Analytics

Advisor system.
2. Uninstall Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.
3. Reinstall Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.
4. Run the restoresystem command to restore the Infrastructure Analytics
Advisor system.

Related topics
• Installing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor and Data Center Analytics
servers (Linux OS) on page 52
• Installing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server (Windows OS) on page 66
• Backing up Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server settings information on
page 296
• Restoring Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server settings information on
page 305
• Removing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor and Data Center Analytics
servers from a Linux host on page 316
• Removing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server from a Windows host on
page 316
• backupsystem on page 329
• restoresystem on page 370

Changing the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server host name

Use the hcmds64srv command to change the host name of the Infrastructure
Analytics Advisor server.

Before you begin

You must have the Administrator permission (for Windows) or the root
permission (for Linux) of the OS to do this operation.


1. Run the hcmds64srv command with the stop option to stop the
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services.
2. Change the host name on the OS of the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor

260 Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
3. Change the host name specified in ServerName in the user_httpsd.conf
• In Windows
• In Linux
4. Restart the OS.
5. If you use Linux, verify that the IP address can be resolved from the host
name of the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.
6. If a RADIUS server is used to perform user authentication and the host
name before the change is set for the attr.NAS-Identifier property in
the file, change the host name to the new host
The file is stored in the following location:

In Windows:
In Linux:
7. Run the hcmds64srv command with the start option to start the
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services.
8. If Automation Director is linked with the primary server and the
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server is set as the primary server,
perform the following procedure on the host where Automation Director
is installed to apply the changed host name.
a. Execute the hcmds64prmset command to change the common
component settings.
b. Restart Automation Director.

Related topics
• Setup items in the file for RADIUS authentication on
page 192
• Starting the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 254
• Stopping the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 255
• hcmds64prmset on page 348
• hcmds64srv on page 353

Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings 261

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Changing the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server IP address
Stop Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services by using the
hcmds64srv command to change the IP address of the Infrastructure
Analytics Advisor server.

Before you begin

You must have the Administrator permission (for Windows) or the root
permission (for Linux) of the OS to do this operation.


1. Run the hcmds64srv command with the stop option to stop

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services.
2. Change the IP address on the OS of the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
3. Restart the OS.
4. If you use Linux, verify that the IP address can be resolved from the host
name of the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.
5. If a RADIUS server is used to perform user authentication and the IP
address before the change is set for the attr.NAS-IP-Address property
in the file, change the IP address to the new IP
The file is stored in the following location:

In Windows:
In Linux:
6. Run the hcmds64srv command with the start option to start the
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services.
7. If Automation Director is linked with the primary server and the
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server is set as the primary server,
perform the following procedure on the host where Automation Director
is installed to apply the changed IP address.
a. Execute the hcmds64prmset command to change the common
component settings.
b. Restart Automation Director.

Related topics
• Setup items in the file for RADIUS authentication on
page 192
• Starting the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 254
• Stopping the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 255

262 Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
• hcmds64prmset on page 348
• hcmds64srv on page 353

Changing the port number used between Infrastructure Analytics

Advisor server and the web browser (Linux)
To change the port number used between Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
server and the web browser, change the port numbers specified in the
definition files, then register the firewall exceptions. Note that, if SSL
communication is used between the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server
and the web browser, refer to the procedure for changing port numbers for
SSL communication.

Before you begin

You must have the root permission of the OS to do this operation.


1. Run the hcmds64srv command with the stop option to stop

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services.
2. Change the port numbers in the following definition files:
• Infrastructure-Analytics-Advisor-server-installation-
Change the following three lines. The default port number is 22015.

Listen 22015
Listen [::]:22015

• Infrastructure-Analytics-Advisor-server-installation-
Change the following line:

command.http.port = 22015

3. Register the firewall exceptions.

• In Linux (version 6)
Run the iptable command to register Linux firewall exceptions.
1. Open the firewall settings file (/etc/sysconfig/iptables), for
example by using a text editor.
2. Insert the following line before the line "--reject-with icmp-host-

-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p

tcp --dport port-number -j ACCEPT

Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings 263

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
• Make sure that you enter the entire text in one line.
• For port-number, enter the number of the port to be
• You must specify this setting for each port number.

3. Overwrite the firewall settings file to save the settings.

4. Restart the service.
Execute the following command on the console:

/etc/rc.d/init.d/iptables restart
• In Linux (version 7)
Use the firewall-cmd command to specify the port number used by
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server for the port that has the zone
1. Specify the service name to be enabled for the port that has the
zone applied.
The following shows an example of specifying the service name in
the default zone, and enabling the settings even after the OS is

firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=service-name

Note: For service-name, specify http.

2. For the port that has the zone applied, specify a combination of
the port number to be used in Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
server (as the permitted port number for communication) and the
protocol for that port number.
The following shows an example of specifying a combination of
the port number and protocol in the default zone, and enabling
the settings even after the OS is restarted:

firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=port-number/protocol

• For port-number, specify the port number to be used in
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.
• For protocol, specify tcp or udp.

4. Run the hcmds64srv command with the start option to start the
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services.

264 Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
5. If Automation Director is linked with the primary server and the
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server is set as the primary server,
perform the following procedure on the host where Automation Director
is installed to apply the changed port number.
a. Execute the hcmds64prmset command to change the common
component settings.
b. Restart Automation Director.

Related topics
• Changing the SSL port number between the Infrastructure Analytics
Advisor server and a web browser (Linux) on page 234
• Starting the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 254
• Stopping the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 255
• hcmds64fwcancel on page 337
• hcmds64prmset on page 348
• hcmds64srv on page 353

Changing the port number used between Infrastructure Analytics

Advisor server and the web browser (Windows)
To change the port number used between Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
server and the web browser, change the port numbers specified in the
definition files, then register the firewall exceptions. Note that, if SSL
communication is used between the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server
and the web browser, refer to the procedure for changing port numbers for
SSL communication.

Before you begin

You must have the Administrator permission of the OS to do this operation.


1. Run the hcmds64srv command with the stop option to stop

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services.
2. Change the port numbers in the following definition files:
• Infrastructure-Analytics-Advisor-server-installation-
Change the following three lines. The default port number is 22015.

Listen 22015
Listen [::]:22015

• Infrastructure-Analytics-Advisor-server-installation-

Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings 265

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Change the following line:

command.http.port = 22015

3. Change the shortcut to the program as follows:

Note: The default URL is: http://localhost:22015/Analytics/

• For Windows Server 2008 R2

1. From the Start menu, select All Programs > Hitachi
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor > Infrastructure Analytics
Advisor > HIAA Login to display properties.

2. Change the port number of the URL in Target.

• For Windows Server 2012

1. From the desktop, display the Start window.

2. Right-click the Start window to display All apps.

3. Display the properties of HIAA Login in the Hitachi

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor folder.

4. In the Web Document tab, change the port number of the URL
specified in URL.

4. Run the hcmds64fwcancel command to register Windows-based firewall

5. Run the hcmds64srv command with the start option to start the
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services.
6. If Automation Director is linked with the primary server and the
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server is set as the primary server,
perform the following procedure on the host where Automation Director
is installed to apply the changed port number.
a. Execute the hcmds64prmset command to change the common
component settings.
b. Restart Automation Director.

Related topics
• Changing the SSL port number between the Infrastructure Analytics
Advisor server and a web browser (Windows) on page 237
• Starting the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 254
• Stopping the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 255
• hcmds64fwcancel on page 337
• hcmds64prmset on page 348
• hcmds64srv on page 353

266 Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Changing the port number used between Infrastructure Analytics
Advisor server and common component
To change the port number used between the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
server and common component, edit the file.

Before you begin

You must have the Administrator permission (for Windows) or the root
permission (for Linux) of the OS to do this operation.


1. Run the hcmds64srv command with the stop option to stop the
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services.
2. Edit the following definition files:
• In Windows
○ Infrastructure-Analtyics-Advisor-server-installation-
Change the port number in the following line:


○ Infrastructure-Analtyics-Advisor-server-installation-
Change the port number in the following lines:


• In Linux
○ Infrastructure-Analytics-Advisor-server-installation-
Change the port number in the following line:


○ Infrastructure-Analytics-Advisor-server-installation-

Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings 267

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Change the port number in the following lines:


3. Run the hcmds64srv command with the start option to start the
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services.

Related topics
• Starting the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 254
• Stopping the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 255
• hcmds64srv on page 353

Changing the port number between Infrastructure Analytics Advisor

server and the SMTP server
You can change the port number used between Infrastructure Analytics
Advisor server and the SMTP server in the Email Server Settings window.

Before you begin

Make sure you have the Admin permission of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor


1. In the Administration tab, select Notification Settings > Email

2. Click Edit Settings and enter the new port number in Port Number,
and then click Save Settings.

Changing the time settings of the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor

Stop the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services using the
hcmds64srv command, and then change the time settings of the
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.

Before you begin

You must have the Administrator permission (for Windows) or the root
permission (for Linux) of the OS to do this operation.


1. Run the hcmds64srv command with the stop option to stop

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services.
2. Change the time setting of the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.

268 Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
If you change the server time to a time that is earlier than the current
server time, wait until the new server time exceeds the previous server
time (the server time before you changed the settings).
3. Run the hcmds64srv command with the start option to start the
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services.

Related topics
• Starting the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 254
• Stopping the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 255
• hcmds64srv on page 353

Change the format of syslog output

When using Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server, you can output records of
user operations to syslog.

Syslogs are saved in the following format:

<syslog-header-part> <message-part>

The format of the syslog-header-part differs depending on the OS

environment settings. If necessary, change the settings.

For example, if you use rsyslog and specify the following in /etc/
rsyslog.conf, messages are output in a format corresponding to RFC5424:

$ActionFileDefaultTemplate RSYSLOG_SyslogProtocol23Format

Moving an Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server installation to

another host
To move Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server to a host that has a different
host name or IP address than that of the source host, first change the host
name and IP address of the destination host to match those of the source
host. After doing a restore operation, change the host name and IP address
of the destination host back to their original values.

Before you begin

• Stop the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on the source
• Verify that the following items are the same on the source server and the
destination server:
○ System locale
○ Environment for Hitachi Command Suite products (configuration and
version number)
• Verify that Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server is not installed on the
destination server.

Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings 269

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Note: Infrastructure Analytics Advisor does not support data migration for
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor between Windows and Linux hosts.


1. Back up Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server on the source server.

2. Change the host name and IP address of the destination host to match
those of the source host.
3. Install Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server on the destination server.

The migration-destination directory of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor

server must be the same on both the destination host and the source
4. Restore Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server on the destination server.
5. Change the host name and IP address of the destination host back to
their original values by following the procedure for changing host names
and IP addresses.
6. Verify that the destination server is running and then start operation.


Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server is migrated to the destination host.

Related topics
• Installing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor and Data Center Analytics
servers (Linux OS) on page 52
• Installing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server (Windows OS) on page 66
• Stopping the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 255
• Changing the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server host name on
page 260
• Changing the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server IP address on
page 262
• Backing up Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server settings information on
page 296
• Restoring Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server settings information on
page 305

Changing the primary server information

When Automation Director is linked, the host on which Automation Director is
installed is set as the primary server, and the host on which the
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server is installed is set as the secondary
server, if the host name, IP address, or port number of the primary server is
changed, you need to change the information on the primary server that is
configured on the secondary server.

270 Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Before you begin

You must have the Administrator permission (for Windows) or the root
permission (for Linux) of the OS to do this operation.


1. Run the hcmds64prmset command to change the settings of the common

• When changing the host name or IP address:
In Windows

destination-folder\Base64\bin\hcmds64prmset /host host-

In Linux

destination-directory/Base64/bin/hcmds64prmset -host host-

• When changing the port number:

In Windows

destination-folder\Base64\bin\hcmds64prmset {/port port-
number-(non-SSL-communication) | /sslport port-number-(SSL-

In Linux

destination-directory/Base64/bin/hcmds64prmset {-port port-
number-(non-SSL-communication) | -sslport port-number-(SSL-

Specify either the port option or the sslport option according to the
SSL communication setting of Automation Director.

2. Run the hcmds64srv command to restart the Infrastructure Analytics

Advisor server.
a. Run the hcmds64srv command with the stop option to stop the
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services.
b. Run the hcmds64srv command with the start option to start the
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services.

Related topics
• Starting the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 254
• Stopping the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 255
• hcmds64prmset on page 348

Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings 271

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Changing the system information of Analytics probe server
You can change system information such as the host name of the Analytics
probe server, the IP address of the Analytics probe server, the port number
used by the RAID Agent, and the port number used by the RAID Agent REST
Web Service.

Changing the Analytics probe server host name when the Hitachi
Enterprise Storage probe is added
Change the host name of the host where the Analytics probe server is
installed. Because RAID Agent is also installed on the host where the
Analytics probe server is installed, change the host name by performing the
following procedure if the Hitachi Enterprise Storage probe is added.

Note: This procedure is applicable for RAID Agent installed with

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor. If you are using Tuning Manager - Agent for
RAID, see Hitachi Command Suite Tuning Manager Installation Guide and
Hitachi Command Suite Tuning Manager Agent Administration Guide.

If you are using Tuning Manager - Agent for RAID, be sure to re-specify the
settings of the Hitachi Enterprise Storage probe and other settings, similar to
when using the RAID Agent installed with Infrastructure Analytics Advisor.


1. Perform the following steps to stop the Analytics probe server services:
a. Run the following command:

crontab -e
b. At the beginning of each line in the ordinary execution schedule that
was output for the Analytics probe server, add a hash mark (#) to
comment out each line:

# */5 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.5min; test -f $F &&

bash $F
# 13 0 * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.1hr; test -f $F &&
bash $F
# 11 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.24hr; test -f $F &&
bash $F
# */5 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/bin/; test -f
$F && (bash $F >> /usr/local/megha/logs/sys/`date +\%Y\%m\
c. Run the following command to stop the services:

/usr/local/megha/bin/ stop

272 Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
2. Run the following command to stop the RAID Agent services.

/opt/jp1pc/htnm/bin/htmsrv stop -all

3. Change the monitoring host name of the RAID Agent. The monitoring
host name refers to the unique host name that is used to identify internal
RAID Agent services.

Execute the jpcconf host hostname command to change the

monitoring host name.

The following example of the command changes the physical host name
to host02:

/opt/jp1pc/tools/jpcconf host hostname -newhost host02 -d /

root/backup -dbconvert convert

Do not execute any other commands during the execution of the jpcconf
host hostname command.

Tip: If execution of the command fails, the RAID Agent

configuration file is stored in the directory specified for the -d
option of the jpcconf host hostname command. If execution of
the command fails, collect all of the stored configuration files, and
then contact the system administrator or Hitachi Vantara Support

4. Edit the htnm_httpsd.conf file to specify the new host name of the
Analytics probe server for the ServerName directive on the first line.
Make sure that you will specify the same name (case sensitive) for the
physical host.

The htnm_httpsd.conf file is stored in the following location:


5. If the servers that can access RAID Agent are limited (the access source
restriction function is configured), change the host name of the Analytics
probe server defined in the htnm_httpsd.conf file to the new host
6. Change the physical host name of the host on which Analytics probe
server is installed.
7. The IP address must be able to be resolved from the host name of the
host on which Analytics probe server is installed. After changing the
physical host name, check the hosts file or the domain name system
(DNS) server configuration of the host on which Analytics probe server is
8. Run the following command to start the RAID Agent services.

Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings 273

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Note: If the service automatic startup script is configured, when
you restart the OS after changing the host name, the services will
start automatically.

/opt/jp1pc/htnm/bin/htmsrv start -all

9. Perform the following steps to start the Analytics probe server services:
a. Run the following command:

crontab -e
b. Delete the hash marks (#) from the beginning of each line in the
ordinary execution schedule that generates output for the Analytics
probe server:

*/5 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.5min; test -f $F &&

bash $F
13 0 * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.1hr; test -f $F && bash
11 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.24hr; test -f $F &&
bash $F
*/5 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/bin/; test -f $F
&& (bash $F >> /usr/local/megha/logs/sys/`date +\%Y\%m\
c. Run the following command:

Note: If the service automatic startup script is configured,

when you restart the OS after changing the host name, the
services will start automatically.

/usr/local/megha/bin/ start

10. Change the settings of Hitachi Enterprise Storage probe as follows:

a. On the Analytics probe server home page, stop the target probe and
click Edit.
b. In the Edit Hitachi Enterprise Storage Probe section, enter the
host name of the machine on which the RAID Agent is installed in the
RAID Agent Hostname field. Then, click Next.
c. In the Validating Hitachi Enterprise Storage Probe details
window, click Next, and then click OK
d. In the Status window, in ACTION, click Start to start collecting data.
11. To use the API functions that access RAID Agent, manually refresh the
Agent list from the API client.
For details about how to manually refresh the Agent list, see the Hitachi
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor REST API Reference Guide.
12. Log on to Data Center Analytics server, and then verify that data is
a. Log on to Data Center Analytics server.

274 Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
b. Click the Server Status icon.
c. Verify that the probe appears in Last Configuration Import Time
and Last Performance Import Time of Data Import Status, and
that data is collected.

Note: It might take some time before the probe appears in the
Data Center Analytics server GUI.

13. Log on to Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server, and then verify that the
resources are ready to be analyzed.
a. Log on to Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.
b. In the Administration tab, select Resource Management.
c. Verify that the resources collected by the probe appear and are ready
to be analyzed by Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.

Note: It might take some time before the resources collected

by the probe appear in the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
server GUI.

Changing the Analytics probe server host name

Change the host name by performing the following procedure if the Hitachi
Enterprise Storage probe is not added.


1. Perform the following steps to stop the Analytics probe server services:
a. Run the following command:

crontab -e
b. At the beginning of each line in the ordinary execution schedule that
was output for the Analytics probe server, add a hash mark (#) to
comment out each line:

# */5 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.5min; test -f $F &&

bash $F
# 13 0 * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.1hr; test -f $F &&
bash $F
# 11 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.24hr; test -f $F &&
bash $F
# */5 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/bin/; test -f
$F && (bash $F >> /usr/local/megha/logs/sys/`date +\%Y\%m\
c. Run the following command to stop the services:

/usr/local/megha/bin/ stop

Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings 275

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
2. Change the physical host name of the host on which Analytics probe
server is installed.
3. (Optional) Edit the htnm_httpsd.conf file to specify the new host name
of the Analytics probe server for the ServerName directive on the first
In preparation for adding the Hitachi Enterprise Storage probe in the
future, we recommend performing this step. Make sure that you specify
the same host name (case sensitive).

The htnm_httpsd.conf file is stored in the following location:


4. Perform the following steps to start the Analytics probe server services:
a. Run the following command:

crontab -e
b. Delete the hash marks (#) from the beginning of each line in the
ordinary execution schedule that generates output for the Analytics
probe server:

*/5 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.5min; test -f $F &&

bash $F
13 0 * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.1hr; test -f $F && bash
11 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.24hr; test -f $F &&
bash $F
*/5 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/bin/; test -f $F
&& (bash $F >> /usr/local/megha/logs/sys/`date +\%Y\%m\
c. Run the following command:

Note: If the service automatic startup script is configured,

when you restart the OS after changing the host name, the
services will start automatically.

/usr/local/megha/bin/ start

5. Log on to Data Center Analytics server, and then verify that data is
a. Log on to Data Center Analytics server.
b. Click the Server Status icon.
c. Verify that the probe appears in Last Configuration Import Time
and Last Performance Import Time of Data Import Status, and
that data is collected.

Note: It might take some time before the probe appears in the
Data Center Analytics server GUI.

276 Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
6. Log on to Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server, and then verify that the
resources are ready to be analyzed.
a. Log on to Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.
b. In the Administration tab, select Resource Management.
c. Verify that the resources collected by the probe appear and are ready
to be analyzed by Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.

Note: It might take some time before the resources collected

by the probe appear in the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
server GUI.

Changing the Analytics probe server IP address when the Hitachi

Enterprise Storage probe is added
Change the IP address of the host where the Analytics probe server is
installed. Because RAID Agent is also installed on the host where the
Analytics probe server is installed, change the IP address by performing the
following procedure if the Hitachi Enterprise Storage probe is added.

Note: This procedure is applicable for RAID Agent installed with

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor. If you are using Tuning Manager - Agent for
RAID, see Hitachi Command Suite Tuning Manager Agent Administration

If you are using Tuning Manager - Agent for RAID, be sure to re-specify the
settings of the Hitachi Enterprise Storage probe and other settings, similar to
when using the RAID Agent installed with Infrastructure Analytics Advisor.


1. Perform the following steps to stop the Analytics probe server services:
a. Run the following command:

crontab -e
b. At the beginning of each line in the ordinary execution schedule that
was output for the Analytics probe server, add a hash mark (#) to
comment out each line:

# */5 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.5min; test -f $F &&

bash $F
# 13 0 * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.1hr; test -f $F &&
bash $F
# 11 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.24hr; test -f $F &&
bash $F
# */5 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/bin/; test -f
$F && (bash $F >> /usr/local/megha/logs/sys/`date +\%Y\%m\

Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings 277

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
c. Run the following command to stop the services:

/usr/local/megha/bin/ stop

2. Run the following command to stop the RAID Agent services.

/opt/jp1pc/htnm/bin/htmsrv stop -all

3. Change the IP address of the host on which Analytics probe server is

4. Verify that the IP address can be resolved from the host name of the
host on which Analytics probe server is installed.
5. When Granular Data Collection is enabled, change the IP address of the
RAID Agent host defined in the storage_agent_map.txt file to the new
IP address.
6. If the servers that can access RAID Agent are limited (the access source
restriction function is configured), change the IP address of the Analytics
probe server defined in the htnm_httpsd.conf file to the new IP address.
7. Run the following command to start the RAID Agent services.

/opt/jp1pc/htnm/bin/htmsrv start -all

8. Perform the following steps to start the Analytics probe server services:
a. Run the following command:

crontab -e
b. Delete the hash marks (#) from the beginning of each line in the
ordinary execution schedule that generates output for the Analytics
probe server:

*/5 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.5min; test -f $F &&

bash $F
13 0 * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.1hr; test -f $F && bash
11 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.24hr; test -f $F &&
bash $F
*/5 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/bin/; test -f $F
&& (bash $F >> /usr/local/megha/logs/sys/`date +\%Y\%m\
c. Run the following command:

/usr/local/megha/bin/ start

9. Change the settings of Hitachi Enterprise Storage probe as follows:

a. On the Analytics probe server home page, stop the target probe and
click Edit.
b. In the Edit Hitachi Enterprise Storage Probe section, enter the IP
address of the machine on which the RAID Agent is installed in the
RAID Agent IP address field. Then, click Next.
c. In the Validating Hitachi Enterprise Storage Probe details
window, click Next, and then click OK
d. In the Status window, in ACTION, click Start to start collecting data.

278 Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
10. Log on to Data Center Analytics server, and then verify that data is
a. Log on to Data Center Analytics server.
b. Click the Server Status icon.
c. Verify that the probe appears in Last Configuration Import Time
and Last Performance Import Time of Data Import Status, and
that data is collected.

Note: It might take some time before the probe appears in the
Data Center Analytics server GUI.

11. Log on to Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server, and then verify that the
resources are ready to be analyzed.
a. Log on to Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.
b. In the Administration tab, select Resource Management.
c. Verify that the resources collected by the probe appear and are ready
to be analyzed by Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.

Note: It might take some time before the resources collected

by the probe appear in the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
server GUI.

Changing the Analytics probe server IP address

Change the IP address by performing the following procedure if the Hitachi
Enterprise Storage probe is not added.


1. Perform the following steps to stop the Analytics probe server services:
a. Run the following command:

crontab -e
b. At the beginning of each line in the ordinary execution schedule that
was output for the Analytics probe server, add a hash mark (#) to
comment out each line:

# */5 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.5min; test -f $F &&

bash $F
# 13 0 * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.1hr; test -f $F &&
bash $F
# 11 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.24hr; test -f $F &&
bash $F
# */5 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/bin/; test -f
$F && (bash $F >> /usr/local/megha/logs/sys/`date +\%Y\%m\

Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings 279

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
c. Run the following command to stop the services:

/usr/local/megha/bin/ stop

2. Change the IP address of the host on which Analytics probe server is

3. Perform the following steps to start the Analytics probe server services:
a. Run the following command:

crontab -e
b. Delete the hash marks (#) from the beginning of each line in the
ordinary execution schedule that generates output for the Analytics
probe server:

*/5 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.5min; test -f $F &&

bash $F
13 0 * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.1hr; test -f $F && bash
11 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.24hr; test -f $F &&
bash $F
*/5 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/bin/; test -f $F
&& (bash $F >> /usr/local/megha/logs/sys/`date +\%Y\%m\
c. Run the following command:

/usr/local/megha/bin/ start

4. Log on to Data Center Analytics server, and then verify that data is
a. Log on to Data Center Analytics server.
b. Click the Server Status icon.
c. Verify that the probe appears in Last Configuration Import Time
and Last Performance Import Time of Data Import Status, and
that data is collected.

Note: It might take some time before the probe appears in the
Data Center Analytics server GUI.

5. Log on to Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server, and then verify that the
resources are ready to be analyzed.
a. Log on to Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.
b. In the Administration tab, select Resource Management.
c. Verify that the resources collected by the probe appear and are ready
to be analyzed by Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.

Note: It might take some time before the resources collected

by the probe appear in the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
server GUI.

280 Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Changing the port number used by the RAID Agent
To change the port number for each service used by the RAID Agent, use the
jpcnsconfig port command.

Note: This procedure is applicable for RAID Agent installed with

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor. If you are using Tuning Manager - Agent for
RAID, see Hitachi Command Suite Tuning Manager Installation Guide.


1. Run the following command to stop the RAID Agent services.

/opt/jp1pc/htnm/bin/htmsrv stop -all

2. Run the jpcnsconfig port command:

/opt/jp1pc/tools/jpcnsconfig port define all

3. Configure a port number for each service. If the jpcnsconfig port

command is run, the system displays the currently configured port
For example, the system displays the following if the port number 22285
is currently configured for the Name Server service:

Component[Name Server]
Port[22285] :

Tasks in this procedure might vary depending on how you set the port
number. The following table shows port number settings and related
tasks. Unless the port numbers conflict in the system, use the port
numbers which display when you run the jpcnsconfig port command.

Setting Task

When using the number displayed as a fixed Press Enter.

port number as is

When changing the displayed port number Specify a port number from 1024 to 65535.
You cannot specify the port number currently
in use.

When not setting a fixed port number Specify 0. Even if 0 is specified for the
following services, the default value is set:

• Name Server service

• Status Server service

4. Run the jpcnsconfig port command again to make sure that the port
number is configured correctly.

Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings 281

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
For example, to display port numbers for all services, run the command
as follows:

/opt/jp1pc/tools/jpcnsconfig port list all

If <error> is displayed in either the Services column or the Port column,

it means that an invalid port number is configured. Reset the port
number. If an error still results, the following causes are possible:
• The port number is not registered in the services file.
• The same port number is registered more than once in the services

• If the jpcnsconfig port command is canceled with the Ctrl +C
key, the port number is not set correctly. Run the jpcnsconfig
port command again and reset the port numbers.
• You do not need to change the port number for the Name
Server service, because it will not be used.
• If you use the jpcnsconfig port command to display the
Status Server port number or to set the Status Server port
number to 22350, the following message is displayed:
○ For the jpcnsconfig port command with the list option

KAVE05919-E The port number is not registered

correctly in the services file.
○ For the jpcnsconfig port command with the define option

KAVE05918-W The specified port number is in use by


In such cases, the following text is included in /etc/services:

CodeMeter 22350/tcp

This entry is the default, regardless of whether the CodeMeter is

actually installed. Check whether the CodeMeter is being used.
If it is not being used, comment out the text. If the CodeMeter
is being used or the port number is registered for a different
product, make sure that there are no conflicting port numbers
on the server.

Related topics
• Stopping the RAID Agent services on page 258

282 Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Changing the port number of the RAID Agent REST Web Service
When a port number of the RAID Agent REST Web Service is changed, the
settings of Hitachi Enterprise Storage probe also change.

Note: This procedure is applicable for RAID Agent installed with

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor. If you are using Tuning Manager - Agent for
RAID, see Hitachi Command Suite Tuning Manager Agent Administration


1. Run the following command to stop the RAID Agent services.

/opt/jp1pc/htnm/bin/htmsrv stop -all

2. Use the table that follows to change the port number.

Note that to change the port number, open the relevant file shown in the
following table by using a text editor.

Default port number Procedure for changing the port number

24221 Change the port number specified in the

Listen directive in the following file:
(Access port for RAID Agent REST Web /opt/jp1pc/htnm/Rest/config/
Service) htnm_httpsd.conf
24223 Change the values for the following
properties. You must specify the same value
(AJP port for RAID Agent REST Application for both properties.
Service) • The worker.worker1.port property in
the /opt/jp1pc/htnm/HBasePSB/CC/web/
redirector/ file
• The webserver.connector.ajp13.port
property in the /opt/jp1pc/htnm/

24224 Change the value of the following property:

(Port number of RMI registry used by RAID The ejbserver.rmi.naming.port property in

Agent REST Application Service) the /opt/jp1pc/htnm/HBasePSB/CC/server/
usrconf/ejb/AgentRESTService/ file

24225 Change the value for the following property:

The ejbserver.rmi.remote.listener.port
(Port number server management commands property in the /opt/jp1pc/htnm/
used to communicate with RAID Agent REST HBasePSB/CC/server/usrconf/ejb/
Application Service) AgentRESTService/
24226 Change the value for the following property:
The ejbserver.http.port property in
(Port number of the RAID Agent REST the /opt/jp1pc/htnm/HBasePSB/CC/server/
Application Service simple Web server)

Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings 283

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Default port number Procedure for changing the port number
usrconf/ejb/AgentRESTService/ file

3. Run the following command to start the RAID Agent services.

/opt/jp1pc/htnm/bin/htmsrv start -all

4. When a port number of RAID Agent REST Web Service is changed, you
must change the settings of Hitachi Enterprise Storage probe as follows:
a. On the Analytics probe server home page, click Stop to stop the
target probe, and then click Edit.
b. In the Edit Hitachi Enterprise Storage Probe section, enter the
access port number of RAID Agent REST Web Service in the RAID
Agent Port field. Then, click Next.
c. In the Validating Hitachi Enterprise Storage Probe details
window, click Next, and then click OK
d. In the Status window, in ACTION, click Start to start collecting data.

Related topics
• Starting the RAID Agent services on page 257
• Stopping the RAID Agent services on page 258

Restricting access to servers that access RAID Agent

To enhance security, you can enable only the trusted servers to access RAID
Agent. Edit the htnm_httpsd.conf file to include only the names of the
servers that can access RAID Agent data.

When the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server analyzes data, the Analytics
probe server accesses performance data in RAID Agent. In addition, when
you use API functions that access RAID Agent, the Infrastructure Analytics
Advisor server accesses performance data in RAID Agent.

Note: This procedure presumes you are using the RAID Agent bundled with
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor. The procedure is the same for using Tuning
Manager - Agent for RAID.


1. Run the following command to stop the RAID Agent services.

/opt/jp1pc/htnm/bin/htmsrv stop -all

2. Open the htnm_httpsd.conf file.

The htnm_httpsd.conf file is located in the following directory.

3. Register information about the servers that are allowed to connect to the
RAID Agent in the last line of the htnm_httpsd.conf file. Information
about a server refers to the host name or IP address of each host on

284 Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
which Analytics probe server or Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server is
The following shows the format for registering hosts in the
htnm_httpsd.conf file.

<Location /TuningAgent>
order allow,deny
allow from host [ host...]

Make sure that hosts are written in one of the following formats:

• The domain name (example:

• Part of the domain name (example: hitachi)
• The complete IP address (example:
• Part of the IP address (example: 10.1 which, in this case, means
• Network/Netmask format (example:
• Network/n (CIDR notation: n is the number of bits representing the
network address) (example:

• Multiple lines can be used to specify hosts for allow from.
• If you want to specify two or more hosts in a command line for
allow from, delimit the hosts with a space.
• If you attempt to connect from a host on which RAID Agent is
installed, you must also specify the local loop-back address
( or localhost).
• Make sure that you specify order according to the specified
format. If extra spaces or tabs are inserted, the operation will

Example of host registration:

<Location /TuningAgent>
order allow,deny
allow from
allow from

4. Run the following command to start the RAID Agent services.

/opt/jp1pc/htnm/bin/htmsrv start -all

Related topics
• Starting the RAID Agent services on page 257
• Stopping the RAID Agent services on page 258

Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings 285

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Changing data collection intervals for RAID Agent
Use the raid_agent_config command to change data collection intervals for
RAID Agent. To change the intervals for collecting data from the Hitachi
Enterprise storage systems, specify the same value as the data collection
intervals for both the RAID Agent and the Hitachi Enterprise Storage probe.

Note: This procedure is applicable for RAID Agent installed with

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor. If you are using Tuning Manager - Agent for
RAID, see the Hitachi Command Suite Tuning Manager Agent Administration


1. Execute the following command to check the current settings of data

collection intervals:

/opt/hitachi/Analytics/bin/raid_agent_config interval

Output example:

[root@localhost ~]# /opt/hitachi/Analytics/bin/

raid_agent_config interval
#Record : Mode : Parameter : Value
#--------- : ---- : ---------------------- : ----------
PD : R : Collection Interval : 3600
PD_PLC : RW : Collection Interval : 3600
PI_LDE : R : Sync Collection With : PI_LDS

You can change the data collection intervals for the records displayed
with RW in the Mode column.

The current settings (unit: seconds) of data collection intervals are

shown in the Value column.
2. Execute the following command to change data collection intervals:

/opt/hitachi/Analytics/bin/raid_agent_config interval -r
record-ID -i deta-collection-interval (seconds)

You can specify only one record ID for the -r option.

If the command completes normally, RAID Agent services stop.

Note: Values that can be specified for the -i option vary

depending on the record.

For details, see the descriptions of the raid_agent_config


286 Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
3. Execute the following command to start RAID Agent services:

/opt/hitachi/Analytics/bin/raid_agent_config service -start

Related topics
• raid_agent_config on page 364

Managing the Data Center Analytics server and the Analytics

probe server
You can manage individual probes as well as the servers.

Viewing Data Center Analytics probe status

The Status window displays information about all configured probes and
includes controls to manage them.

Log on to the Analytics probe server to display the Status window.

Column Description

PROBE TYPE Type of probe

NAME Target from where data is being collected

STATUS Status of the Probe are displayed in any one of the following
four colors:
Stopped (Grey): Probe is stopped.

Running (Green): Probe is collecting data from targets.

Error (Red): Probe has abruptly stopped collecting data.

Processing delay (Yellow): Probe is running behind schedule.

Stopping/Monitoring Stopped (Black): Probe has stopped

monitoring targets or probe is stopping .

ACTION Displays if the Probe is stopped or started. You can do

following tasks using links in this column. Stop link - Stops the
probe Start link - Starts the probe to collect data Edit link -
Edits the probe Delete link: Deletes the probe



Starting and stopping probes

You can start or stop data collection from the target systems.


1. Log on to the Analytics probe server.

2. In the Status window, you can search for one or more probes by using
the Search Criteria (type, name, status).

Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings 287

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
3. In the Action column, click Start or Stop.
You can select multiple probes, and then click Start or Stop. If you want
to start or stop all configured probes across all the pages, click the check
box in the table header row, click Select All, and then click Start or

Editing probes
You can edit the probe details, such as the IP address or password of the
target system.

Note: Settings may vary according to probe type.


1. Log on to the Analytics probe server.

2. In the Status window, you can search for one or more probes by using
the Search Criteria (type, name, status).
3. In the Action column, stop the probe if the probe is running, and then
click Edit.
4. In the Edit Probe Details window, type the probe details.
5. Click Next, and then click OK.

Deleting probes
You can delete a probe when you want to stop monitoring the target system
or when the target system is removed from the environment.


1. Log on to the Analytics probe server.

2. In the Status window, you can search for one or more probes by using
the Search Criteria (type, name, status).
3. In the Action column, stop the probe if it is already running and then
click Delete.
You can select the multiple probes and then click Delete. If you want to
delete all configured probes across all the pages, click the check box in
the table header row, click Select All, and then click Delete.
4. The confirmation message appears. Click OK.

Retrieving diagnostic data from a probe

Diagnostic data comprises the essential logs that are required to find the root
cause of any problem on the Analytics probe server. If you cannot resolve the
problem, then you can send the generated data file with the error messages
to customer support for analysis.

288 Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide

1. In the browser, enter the Analytics probe server URL:

2. Log on to Analytics probe server. Using the user name and password set
at the time of deployment.
3. On the Home page, in the application menu area, click the Manage link.
4. In the Manage window, click the Download Diagnostic Data link.
5. In the Download Diagnostic Data window, click Download to
download the file.

Viewing and updating the Data Center Analytics license

You can view or update the license information.


1. Access Data Center Analytics from the Tools menu.

2. In the application bar, click the Manage icon ( ).
3. In the Manage window, in the Status section, click the License
Information link.
The License Information window appears. In case of license expiration
or new additional license, you can also upload the license in the License
Information window.

Updating the downloader on the Data Center Analytics server

When an intermediate FTP server connection details are changed, make sure
that you update those connection details on the Data Center Analytics server
as well. After you update the connection details, the Data Center Analytics
server can download the data from an intermediate FTP server.


1. Log on to the Data Center Analytics server through an SSH client (like
putty) using the following credentials:
• User: root
• Default password: manager (for OVA)
2. Stop the crond service using the command:

service crond stop

3. Stop the megha service using the command:

/usr/local/megha/bin/ stop

4. Verify the stopped status of the megha service:

/usr/local/megha/bin/ status

5. Run the create or update FTP configuration script to update the FTP
server details:

Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings 289

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
• If you are downloading the data of all the Analytics probe server
appliances, run the following command:

sh /usr/local/megha/bin/
--update --ftpServer FTP-server --ftpMethod FTP-method-
(FTP/FTPS/SFTP) --ftpPort FTP-port --ftpUsername FTP-
username --ftpPassword

For example:

sh /usr/local/megha/bin/
--update --ftpServer --ftpMethod SFTP --
ftpPort 22 --ftpUsername abc --ftpPassword

• The --ftpServer and --ftpUsername parameters are
mandatory. You cannot update the value of these two
• You can update the FTP server password, port, FTP method.
You can update all or one of these details. For example, if you
want to update only the FTP method, enter only the --
ftpMethod parameter and its value.
• If you want to change the password, enter only the --
ftpPassword parameter. Do not enter any value for it. You
can define the password in the next step.

• If you are downloading the data of the specific Analytics probe server
appliances, run the following command:

sh /usr/local/megha/bin/
--update --ftpServer FTP-server --ftpMethod FTP-method-
(FTP/FTPS/SFTP) --ftpPort FTP-port --ftpUsername FTP-
username --ftpPassword --applianceidOption ApplianceIds --
applianceidList Appliance-ID-list-separated-by-comma

For example:

sh /usr/local/megha/bin/
--update --ftpServer --ftpMethod SFTP --
ftpPort 22 --ftpUsername abc --ftpPassword --
applianceidOption ApplianceIds --applianceidList

• The --ftpServer and --ftpUsername parameters are
mandatory. You cannot update these values.

290 Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
• You can add new appliance IDs or you can remove the
existing appliance IDs.
• You can update the FTP server password, port, and FTP
method. You can update all or one of these details. For
example, if you want to update only the FTP method, enter
only the --ftpMethod parameter and its value.
• If you want to change the password, enter only the --
ftpPassword parameter. Do not enter any value for it. You
can define the password in the next step.

6. If you have provided the ftpPassword parameter. enter the FTP user
password and confirm it.
7. Start the megha service using the command:

/usr/local/megha/bin/ start

8. Start the crond service using the command:

service crond start

Data Center Analytics audit logs

The Data Center Analytics captures various types of logs in the /usr/local/
megha/logs directory. These logs are important for troubleshooting issues
related to user logins, alerts, email notifications, and so on. You can provide
these log details to support team for advanced troubleshooting.

Data Center Analytics

Log file name Description
Analytics server probe server

alertApi- Alerts configured on the Data Center ✓

AuditTrail.log Analytics server.

app.log Email groups ✓ ✓

appApi-AuditTrail.log Registration or deregistration of Data ✓

Center Analytics add-on applications.

appinit.log Application component initialization, ✓ ✓

including verification and status of

dbApi-AuditTrail.log Database API calls, such as resource ✓

and attribute definition APIs, data set
and data subset APIs, and so on.

transaction.log Contains the logs of the following ✓ ✓


• Operating system upgrade

• Data export using Custom Reports

• Time zone settings

Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings 291

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Data Center Analytics
Log file name Description
Analytics server probe server

• Manage menu settings

Note: On the Analytics probe server,

the time zone details are not logged.

upgrade.log Data Center Analytics upgrade actions ✓ ✓

including time, status, and results.

user.log User login, user creation or deletion, ✓ ✓

user validation, and so on.

Increasing the maximum number of open files

Before installing the Data Center Analytics server or probes on a Linux host,
the system-wide and user-level limits on the number of open files must be
set to 65535 or greater.


1. Log on as follows:
a. If you are installing the Data Center Analytics for the first time, log on
to the Linux machine as root.
b. If you are performing this task post-installation or while upgrading the
Data Center Analytics, log on to the Data Center Analytics through an
SSH client (like putty) using the following credentials:
• Data Center Analytics server user credentials are:
○ User: root
○ Default password: manager (for OVA)
• Analytics probe server user credentials are:
○ User: root
○ Default password: manager (for OVA)
2. Run the following command to check the system-wide kernel limit:

sysctl -a | grep fs.file-max

If the value is 65535 or greater, skip to step 3. Otherwise, do the

a. Navigate to the /etc directory and create the sysctl.d directory if it
does not exist:

mkdir sysctl.d
b. Navigate to the /etc/sysctl.d directory and create the sysctl.conf
file if it does not exist.
c. Ensure that the fs.file-max property is present in the sysctl.conf
file and the value is set to 65535 or greater.

292 Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
d. Run the following command to apply the revised configuration:

sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.d/sysctl.conf

3. Run the following command to check the user-level limit:

ulimit –a | grep -i open

If the value is less than 65535, then do the following:

a. Navigate to the /etc/security/limits.d directory and create the
90-nproc.conf file if it does not exist.
b. Ensure that the following two properties are present in the 90-
nproc.conf file and set their values as follows:

* soft nofile 65535

* hard nofile 65535

4. If you have performed the above steps post-installation or while

upgrading Data Center Analytics, do the following:
a. Stop the crond and all other services:

service crond stop

sh /usr/local/megha/bin/
b. Start the megha and crond services with the following commands:

/usr/local/megha/bin/ start

service crond start

Rebooting or shutting down a Data Center Analytics server machine

Before you restart or shut down the Data Center Analytics server or the
Analytics probe server machine, ensure that you stop all the services.


1. Log on to the Data Center Analytics through an SSH client (like putty)
using the following credentials:
• Data Center Analytics server user credentials are:
○ User: root
○ Default password: manager (for OVA)
• Analytics probe server user credentials are:
○ User: root
○ Default password: manager (for OVA)
2. Stop all the services:

sh /usr/local/megha/bin/

Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings 293

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Performing a backup of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
To back up the entire Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system, you must
perform operations for each component.

The following information is subject to backup:

• Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server settings
• Data Center Analytics server settings and database
• Analytics probe server settings
• The entire RAID Agent system

The general backup procedure is as follows:

1. Stop the following services in this order:
• Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server
• Data Center Analytics server
• Analytics probe server
• RAID Agent

2. Back up the following data:

• Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server settings
• Data Center Analytics server settings and database
• Analytics probe server settings
• The entire RAID Agent system

3. Start the following services in this order:

• RAID Agent
• Analytics probe server
• Data Center Analytics server
• Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server

Related topics
• Stopping services before a backup or restore on page 295
• Backing up Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server settings information on
page 296
• Backing up the settings information and database of Data Center Analytics
server on page 297
• Backing up the settings information of Analytics probe server on page 297
• Backing up the RAID Agent system on page 298
• RAID Agent definition information files to back up on page 299
• Starting Infrastructure Analytics Advisor services after a backup or restore
on page 301

294 Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Stopping services before a backup or restore
Stop all Infrastructure Analytics Advisor services before you perform back up
or restore tasks.

Before you begin

• You must have the Administrator permission (for Windows) or the root
permission (for Linux) of the OS to do this operation.


1. From the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server, run the hcmds64srv

command with the stop option to stop Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
server services.
2. From the Data Center Analytics server, stop the Data Center Analytics
server services.
a. Run the following command:

crontab -e
b. At the beginning of each line in the regular execution schedule for
Data Center Analytics server, add a hash mark (#) to comment out a
line as shown in this example.

# */5 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.5min; test -f $F &&

bash $F
# 13 0 * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.1hr; test -f $F &&
bash $F
# 11 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.24hr; test -f $F &&
bash $F
# */5 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/bin/; test -f
$F && (bash $F >> /usr/local/megha/logs/sys/`date +\%Y\%m\
c. Run the following command to stop the service.


3. From the Analytics probe server, stop the Analytics probe server
a. Run the following command:

crontab -e
b. At the beginning of each line in the regular execution schedule for
Analytics probe server, add a hash mark (#) to comment out a line as
shown in this example.

# */5 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.5min; test -f $F &&

bash $F
# 13 0 * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.1hr; test -f $F &&
bash $F
# 11 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.24hr; test -f $F &&

Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings 295

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
bash $F
# */5 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/bin/; test -f
$F && (bash $F >> /usr/local/megha/logs/sys/`date +\%Y\%m\
c. Run the following command to stop the service.

sh /usr/local/megha/bin/ stop

4. From the Analytics probe server, run the following command to stop the
RAID Agent services.

/opt/jp1pc/htnm/bin/htmsrv stop -all

All of the services used by Infrastructure Analytics Advisor have been
Related topics
• Stopping the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 255
• Stopping the Data Center Analytics server or Analytics probe server
services on page 256
• Stopping the RAID Agent services on page 258
• hcmds64srv on page 353

Backing up Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server settings

To back up the settings information of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server,
run the backupsystem command.

Before you begin

• You must have the Administrator permission (for Windows) or the root
permission (for Linux).
• Stop all services that are used by the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor


1. Run the backupsystem command to back up the Infrastructure Analytics

Advisor server settings information.

The settings information of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server is output
to the specified directory.
Related topics
• Stopping services before a backup or restore on page 295
• backupsystem on page 329

296 Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Backing up the settings information and database of Data Center
Analytics server
To back up the settings information and database of Data Center Analytics
server, copy the directory containing the settings and database to an external
storage device or a new host.

Before you begin

• Stop all services that are used by the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
• Make sure that the location where the backup files are to be stored has
sufficient space.
You can estimate the amount of space required by adding the sizes of the
directories to be backed up.
○ Data-Center-Analytics-server-installation-directory/megha/
○ Data-Center-Analytics-server-installation-directory/megha/db
○ Data-Center-Analytics-server-installation-directory/megha/


1. Copy the following directories from the Data Center Analytics server to
the backup destination:
• Data-Center-Analytics-server-installation-directory/megha/
• Data-Center-Analytics-server-installation-directory/
• Data-Center-Analytics-server-installation-directory/megha/


The settings information and database of Data Center Analytics server have
been backed up.

Related topics
• Stopping services before a backup or restore on page 295

Backing up the settings information of Analytics probe server

To back up the settings information of Analytics probe server, copy the folder
containing the settings to an external storage device or a new host.

Before you begin

• Stop all services that are used by the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor

Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings 297

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
• Make sure that the location where the backup files are to be stored has
sufficient space.
You can estimate the amount of space required by adding the sizes of the
following directories that are to be backed up:
○ Analytics-probe-server-installation-directory/megha/conf
○ Analytics-probe-server-installation-directory/megha/db
○ Analytics-probe-server-installation-directory/megha/misc


1. Back up the following directories on the Analytics probe server.

• All files and directories in Analytics-probe-server-installation-
• All files and directories in Analytics-probe-server-installation-
• All files and directories in Analytics-probe-server-installation-


The settings information of Analytics probe server has been backed up.

Related topics
• Stopping services before a backup or restore on page 295

Backing up the RAID Agent system

To back up the entire RAID Agent system, use the htmhsbackup command to
back up the performance data, the configuration information files, and some
of the definition information files. Then, copy the remainder of the definition
information files.

Note: This procedure is applicable for RAID Agent installed with

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor. If you are using Tuning Manager - Agent for
RAID, see Hitachi Command Suite Tuning Manager Installation Guide.

Before you begin

• All services that are used by the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system
must be stopped.
• Make sure that the directory to which backed-up data is to be output has
sufficient free space.
The size of the following directory can be used as an indication of the
estimated amount of required free space.

298 Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Data to be backed up

Data to be backed up Backup method

Performance data Use the htmhsbackup command.

Configuration information files

Definition information files • Definition information files whose type is "Agent"

Use the htmhsbackup command.
• Definition information files whose type is "Common" or
Copy these files manually.


1. Run the following command to back up the performance data, the

configuration information files, and the definition information files whose
type is "Agent".

/opt/jp1pc/htnm/bin/htmhsbackup -dir output-directory

2. To back up the definition information files whose type is "Common" or

"Template", manually copy these files to a directory.


The entire RAID Agent system has been backed up.

Related topics
• Stopping services before a backup or restore on page 295
• RAID Agent definition information files to back up on page 299

RAID Agent definition information files to back up

The following table lists the RAID Agent definition information files that are to
backed up.

Note: This information applies when using RAID Agent bundled with
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor. If you are using Tuning Manager - Agent for
RAID, see the Hitachi Command Suite Tuning Manager Agent Administration

Type Definition information file name Description

Common (to be /opt/jp1pc/jpchosts Settings file containing RAID Agent host

backed up information
/opt/jp1pc/*.ini Settings file of the RAID Agent
/opt/jp1pc/bin/action/*.ini Settings file of the RAID Agent
/opt/jp1pc/bin/statsvr/*.ini Settings file of the RAID Agent

Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings 299

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Type Definition information file name Description

Template (to be /opt/jp1pc/agtd/agent/ Internal file

backed up jpcagt.ini.instmpl
Agent (to be /opt/jp1pc/agtd/*.ini Internal file
backed up by
/opt/jp1pc/agtd/agent/*.ini Settings file of the RAID Agent
using the
htmhsbackup /opt/jp1pc/agtd/agent/ Settings file of the RAID Agent
command) instance-name/*.ini*
/opt/jp1pc/agtd/agent/ Internal file
/opt/jp1pc/agtd/store/*.ini Settings file of the RAID Agent
/opt/jp1pc/agtd/store/ Settings file of the RAID Agent
/opt/jp1pc/agtd/agent/ Internal file
/opt/jp1pc/htnm/agent/config/ Settings file of the RAID Agent
/opt/jp1pc/htnm/agent/config/ Settings file for the RAID Agent REST API
apidataglobalconfig.ini component
/opt/jp1pc/htnm/agent/config/ Settings file for the RAID Agent REST API
dbdataglobalconfig.ini component
/opt/jp1pc/htnm/agent/system/ Internal control file
/opt/jp1pc/htnm/agent/system/ Internal control file
/opt/jp1pc/htnm/agent/system/ Internal control file
/opt/jp1pc/htnm/agent/system/ Internal control file
/opt/jp1pc/htnm/HBasePSB/CC/ Option definition file for Java applications
/opt/jp1pc/htnm/HBasePSB/CC/ User properties file for Java applications
/opt/jp1pc/htnm/ Definition file for Redirector actions of
HBasePSB/CC/web/redirector/ HTTP server
/opt/jp1pc/htnm/ Worker definition file
/opt/jp1pc/htnm/Rest/config/ Definition file for the HTTP server (to be
htnm_httpsd.conf edited by the user)
/opt/jp1pc/htnm/Rest/config/ User settings properties file for the RAID Agent REST API component

300 Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Type Definition information file name Description

/opt/jp1pc/htnm/Rest/system/ System settings file (the settings in the file

sysconf/ are not disclosed).

*: The number of instance-name directories is the same as the number of instances.

Starting Infrastructure Analytics Advisor services after a backup or

After backing up or restoring the entire Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
system, start all of the services used by Infrastructure Analytics Advisor.

Note: This procedure is applicable for RAID Agent installed with

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor. If you are using Tuning Manager - Agent for
RAID, see Hitachi Command Suite Tuning Manager Agent Administration

Before you begin

• You must have the Administrator permission (for Windows) or the root
permission (for Linux) of the OS to do this procedure.
• You must have the root permission for the Data Center Analytics server
and the Analytics probe server to do this procedure.


1. From the Analytics probe server, run the following command to start the
RAID Agent services.

/opt/jp1pc/htnm/bin/htmsrv start -all

2. If the system has been restored, check htmRestDbEngineMessage#.log

(# refers to the log file number) of the RAID Agent to make sure that the
KATR13248-E message is not logged.

If the KATR13248-E message is logged, restoration of RAID Agent might

have failed. Check whether the prerequisites for restoration are met. If
there is a problem, restore the entire RAID Agent system again.
3. From the Analytics probe server, do the following steps to start the
Analytics probe server services.
a. Run the following command:

crontab -e
b. From the beginning of each line in the ordinary execution schedule
that was output for Analytics probe server, delete the hash mark (#)
as follows:

*/5 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.5min; test -f $F &&

bash $F
13 0 * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.1hr; test -f $F && bash

Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings 301

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
11 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.24hr; test -f $F &&
bash $F
*/5 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/bin/; test -f $F
&& (bash $F >> /usr/local/megha/logs/sys/`date +\%Y\%m\
c. Run the following command to start the service.

sh /usr/local/megha/bin/ start

4. Do the same step as the Analytics probe server on the Data Center
Analytics server to start the Data Center Analytics server services.
5. From the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server, run the hcmds64srv
command with the start option to start Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
server services.

All of the services used by Infrastructure Analytics Advisor are running.
Related topics
• Starting the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 254
• Starting the Data Center Analytics server or Analytics probe server
services on page 256
• Starting the RAID Agent services on page 257
• Restoring the RAID Agent system on page 308
• hcmds64srv on page 353

Performing a restore of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor

You can restore the following information in the Infrastructure Analytics
Advisor environment:
• Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server settings
• Data Center Analytics server settings and database
• Analytics probe server settings
• The entire RAID Agent system

The general restore procedure is as follows:

1. Stop the following services in this order:
• Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server
• Data Center Analytics server
• Analytics probe server
• RAID Agent

2. Restore the following data:

• Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server settings
• Data Center Analytics server settings and database
• Analytics probe server settings

302 Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
• The entire RAID Agent system

3. Start the following services in this order:

• RAID Agent
• Analytics probe server
• Data Center Analytics server
• Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server

Related topics
• Stopping services before a backup or restore on page 295
• Starting Infrastructure Analytics Advisor services after a backup or restore
on page 301
• Restoring Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server settings information on
page 305
• Restoring the settings information and database of Data Center Analytics
server on page 307
• Restoring Analytics probe server settings information on page 308
• Restoring the RAID Agent system on page 308
• Updating configuration information files that depend on the environment in
which the RAID Agent is installed on page 310

Stopping services before a backup or restore

Stop all Infrastructure Analytics Advisor services before you perform back up
or restore tasks.

Before you begin

• You must have the Administrator permission (for Windows) or the root
permission (for Linux) of the OS to do this operation.


1. From the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server, run the hcmds64srv

command with the stop option to stop Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
server services.
2. From the Data Center Analytics server, stop the Data Center Analytics
server services.
a. Run the following command:

crontab -e
b. At the beginning of each line in the regular execution schedule for
Data Center Analytics server, add a hash mark (#) to comment out a
line as shown in this example.

# */5 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.5min; test -f $F &&

bash $F

Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings 303

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
# 13 0 * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.1hr; test -f $F &&
bash $F
# 11 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.24hr; test -f $F &&
bash $F
# */5 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/bin/; test -f
$F && (bash $F >> /usr/local/megha/logs/sys/`date +\%Y\%m\
c. Run the following command to stop the service.


3. From the Analytics probe server, stop the Analytics probe server
a. Run the following command:

crontab -e
b. At the beginning of each line in the regular execution schedule for
Analytics probe server, add a hash mark (#) to comment out a line as
shown in this example.

# */5 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.5min; test -f $F &&

bash $F
# 13 0 * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.1hr; test -f $F &&
bash $F
# 11 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.24hr; test -f $F &&
bash $F
# */5 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/bin/; test -f
$F && (bash $F >> /usr/local/megha/logs/sys/`date +\%Y\%m\
c. Run the following command to stop the service.

sh /usr/local/megha/bin/ stop

4. From the Analytics probe server, run the following command to stop the
RAID Agent services.

/opt/jp1pc/htnm/bin/htmsrv stop -all

All of the services used by Infrastructure Analytics Advisor have been
Related topics
• Stopping the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 255
• Stopping the Data Center Analytics server or Analytics probe server
services on page 256
• Stopping the RAID Agent services on page 258
• hcmds64srv on page 353

304 Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Restoring Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server settings
To restore the settings information of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server,
run the restoresystem command. After the restore, specify the settings
related to communication between Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server
and the web client on the new host.

Before you begin

• You must have the Administrator permission (for Windows) or the root
permission (for Linux) of the OS to do this operation.
• Before starting this operation, stop all services that are used by the
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system.
• Run the backupsystem command to create the backup.
• Make sure that the following items are the same between the backup-
source host and the restore-destination host:
○ Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server installation destination directory
If you are doing the restore as part of the procedure for changing the
installation directory of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server, the
installation directory of the backup-source host and restore-destination
host do not need to match.
○ Version number of the installed instance of Infrastructure Analytics
Advisor server
You can check the version number of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
server in the Version window.
○ Host name
If you are doing the restore as part of the procedure for changing the
host name of the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server or the
procedure for migrating the system to a host of a different host name,
the host names of the backup-source host and restore-destination host
do not need to match.
○ IP address
○ System locale


1. Run the restoresystem command to restore the settings information of

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.
2. Reset the definition files below based on the environment where the
information is to be restored. (The following definition files are backed up
but not restored. Therefore, you must reset them.)
• Security definition file (security.conf)
• File for setting port numbers and host names (user_httpsd.conf)

These files are backed up in the following directories:

• In Windows

Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings 305

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
○ backup-folder\HBase\base\conf\sec
○ backup-folder\HBase\base\httpsd.conf
• In Linux
○ backup-directory/HBase/base/conf/sec
○ backup-directory/HBase/base/httpsd.conf

The definition files are stored in the following locations in the

environments where the files are restored:
• In Windows
○ security.conf
○ user_httpsd.conf
• In Linux
○ security.conf
○ user_httpsd.conf
3. If HTTPS connections are to be used between Infrastructure Analytics
Advisor server and the web client on the new host, enable HTTPS
4. If you changed the port number for communication between
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server and the web client on the new
host, reset the port number.

The settings information of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server has been
restored to the specified host, and Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server can
now be used.
Related topics
• Enabling SSL communication for the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
server on page 229
• Changing the SSL port number between the Infrastructure Analytics
Advisor server and a web browser (Linux) on page 234
• Changing the SSL port number between the Infrastructure Analytics
Advisor server and a web browser (Windows) on page 237
• backupsystem on page 329
• restoresystem on page 370

306 Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Restoring the settings information and database of Data Center
Analytics server
To restore the settings information and database of Data Center Analytics
server, copy the backed-up data to the restore-destination host, and then
change the owner of the restored data.

Before you begin

• Stop all services that are used by the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
• Make sure that the restore has sufficient space.
You can estimate the amount of space by adding the sizes of the following
directories that were backed up:
○ Data-Center-Analytics-server-installation-directory/megha/
○ Data-Center-Analytics-server-installation-directory/megha/db
○ Data-Center-Analytics-server-installation-directory/megha/
• Make sure that the following items are the same between the backup-
source host and the restore-destination host:
○ Data Center Analytics server installation directory
○ Version number of the installed instance of Data Center Analytics server
○ Host name
○ IP address
○ System locale


1. Overwrite the new host with the following backed-up data:

• All files and directories in Data-Center-Analytics-server-
• All files and directories in Data-Center-Analytics-server-
• All files and directories in Data-Center-Analytics-server-
2. Run the following command on the restore-destination host to change
the owner of the data.
chown -R megha:megha Data-Center-Analytics-server-


The settings information and database of Data Center Analytics server have
been restored to the new host.

Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings 307

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Restoring Analytics probe server settings information
To restore the settings information of Analytics probe server, copy the
backed-up data to the restore-destination host, and then change the owner
of the restored data.

Before you begin

• Before starting this operation, stop all services that are used by the
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system.
• Make sure that the restore-destination has sufficient space.
The required amount of space can be estimated by adding the sizes of the
following directories that were backed up:
○ Analytics-probe-server-installation-directory/megha/conf
○ Analytics-probe-server-installation-directory/megha/db
○ Analytics-probe-server-installation-directory/megha/misc
• Make sure that the following items are the same between the backup-
source host and the restore-destination host:
○ Analytics probe server installation directory
○ Version number of the installed instance of Analytics probe server
○ Host name
○ IP address
○ System locale


1. Overwrite the new host with the following backed-up data:

• All files and directories in Analytics-probe-server-installation-
• All files and directories in Analytics-probe-server-installation-
• All files and directories in Analytics-probe-server-installation-
2. Run the following command on the restore-destination host to change
the owner of the data.

chown -R megha:megha /megha/


The settings information of Analytics probe server has been restored to the
new host.

Restoring the RAID Agent system

To restore the entire RAID Agent system, use the htmhsrestore command to
restore each type of data, and then manually restore the definition
information files. After that, edit some of the configuration information files.

308 Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Note: This procedure is applicable for RAID Agent installed with
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor. If you are using Tuning Manager - Agent for
RAID, see Hitachi Command Suite Tuning Manager Agent Administration

Before you begin

• The performance data and configuration information files must be backed
up by using the htmhsbackup command.
• All services of the RAID Agent must be stopped on the restore-destination
• The version number of the RAID Agent on the restore-destination host
must be the same as those of the RAID Agent used when the data was
backed up.
• The output directory for Hybrid Store must have sufficient space.
• The instance name of the backed-up data must match the instance name
on the restore-destination host.
• Setup of the instance on the restore-destination host must be complete.
• The OS of the restore destination must be the same as that of the backup

Data to be restored

Data to be restored Restore method

Performance data Restore by using the htmhsrestore command.

Configuration information files • Configuration information files that do not depend on

the installation environment
Restore by using the htmhsrestore command.
• Configuration information files that depend on the
installation environment
These files are not restored.

Definition information files • Definition information files whose type is "Agent"

Restore by using the htmhsrestore command.
• Definition information files whose type is "Common" or
Manually copy and paste these files.


1. Run the following command to make sure the RAID Agent services has

/opt/jp1pc/htnm/bin/htmsrv status -all

2. If the service is running, run the following command to stop the RAID
Agent services:

/opt/jp1pc/htnm/bin/htmsrv stop -all

Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings 309

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
3. Run the following command to restore the backed-up performance data
and configuration information files:

/opt/jp1pc/htnm/bin/htmhsrestore –dir storage-directory-of-


4. Run the jpctdchkinst command to check whether the restored instance

is monitoring the targets correctly.
5. If the restored instance is not properly monitoring the targets, run the
jpcinssetup command to change the settings, and then run the
jpctdchkinst command again to check the monitoring status.
6. Manually copy and paste the definition information files whose type is
"Common" or "Template" to the restore destination.
7. Update the configuration information files that depend on the installation

The entire RAID Agent system is restored.
Related topics
• RAID Agent definition information files to back up on page 299
• Updating configuration information files that depend on the environment in
which the RAID Agent is installed on page 310

Updating configuration information files that depend on the

environment in which the RAID Agent is installed
Of the RAID Agent configuration information files, the files containing
information that depends on the installation environment are not restored by
the htmhsrestore command. If necessary, update the configuration
information files in the restore destination.

The following table describes configuration information files that must be


Note: This information applies when using RAID Agent bundled with
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor. If you are using Tuning Manager - Agent for
RAID, see the Hitachi Command Suite Tuning Manager Agent Administration

Configuration information files that

must be updated

/opt/jp1pc/htnm/Rest/config/ If you changed the following items in the backup-source

htnm_httpsd.conf environment, you must also change them in the restore-
destination environment.
• Port number
• SSL communication settings

310 Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Configuration information files that
must be updated

/opt/jp1pc/htnm/HBasePSB/CC/web/ If you changed the port numbers described in

redirector/ and in the

/opt/jp1pc/htnm/HBasePSB/CC/ backup-source environment, also change them in the

server/usrconf/ejb/ restore-destination environment.

Starting Infrastructure Analytics Advisor services after a backup or

After backing up or restoring the entire Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
system, start all of the services used by Infrastructure Analytics Advisor.

Note: This procedure is applicable for RAID Agent installed with

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor. If you are using Tuning Manager - Agent for
RAID, see Hitachi Command Suite Tuning Manager Agent Administration

Before you begin

• You must have the Administrator permission (for Windows) or the root
permission (for Linux) of the OS to do this procedure.
• You must have the root permission for the Data Center Analytics server
and the Analytics probe server to do this procedure.


1. From the Analytics probe server, run the following command to start the
RAID Agent services.

/opt/jp1pc/htnm/bin/htmsrv start -all

2. If the system has been restored, check htmRestDbEngineMessage#.log

(# refers to the log file number) of the RAID Agent to make sure that the
KATR13248-E message is not logged.

If the KATR13248-E message is logged, restoration of RAID Agent might

have failed. Check whether the prerequisites for restoration are met. If
there is a problem, restore the entire RAID Agent system again.
3. From the Analytics probe server, do the following steps to start the
Analytics probe server services.
a. Run the following command:

crontab -e

Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings 311

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
b. From the beginning of each line in the ordinary execution schedule
that was output for Analytics probe server, delete the hash mark (#)
as follows:

*/5 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.5min; test -f $F &&

bash $F
13 0 * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.1hr; test -f $F && bash
11 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/cron.24hr; test -f $F &&
bash $F
*/5 * * * * F=/usr/local/megha/bin/; test -f $F
&& (bash $F >> /usr/local/megha/logs/sys/`date +\%Y\%m\
c. Run the following command to start the service.

sh /usr/local/megha/bin/ start

4. Do the same step as the Analytics probe server on the Data Center
Analytics server to start the Data Center Analytics server services.
5. From the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server, run the hcmds64srv
command with the start option to start Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
server services.

All of the services used by Infrastructure Analytics Advisor are running.
Related topics
• Starting the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 254
• Starting the Data Center Analytics server or Analytics probe server
services on page 256
• Starting the RAID Agent services on page 257
• Restoring the RAID Agent system on page 308
• hcmds64srv on page 353

Enabling system account locking

When Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server is initially installed, the locking
of the system account is disabled. For security purposes, you may want to
lock the system account.

Note: Locking or unlocking an account requires user management

permissions. You cannot unlock your own account on a web client, but you
can unlock your own account on the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.


1. Stop the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services.

2. Create a user.conf file in the following location:
• In Windows

312 Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
• In Linux
3. Add the property account.lock.system, and set the value to true to
enable system account locking, then save the file.
If you do not want to lock the system account, specify false.
4. Start the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services.

Related topics
• Starting the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 254
• Stopping the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 255

Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings 313

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
314 Changing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor system settings
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Removing Infrastructure Analytics
Advisor components
Removing an Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server from a Windows server,
removing both an Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server and Data Center
Analytics, and removing Analytics probe server is explained.

□ Removing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor and Data Center Analytics

servers from a Linux host

□ Removing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server from a Windows host

□ Removing Analytics probe server

Removing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor components 315

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Removing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor and Data Center
Analytics servers from a Linux host
You can remove Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server and Data Center
Analytics server. You can choose to remove Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
server, Data Center Analytics server, or both.


1. Log on to the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server or Data Center

Analytics server by using a user account with the root permission.
2. Stop the security monitoring software, antivirus software, and process
monitoring software.
3. Run the following commands:

cd /opt/hitachi/Analytics/installer
sh ./ SYS

4. Following the prompts, select the components you want to remove, and
then complete the uninstallation process.

Removing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server from a

Windows host
Remove the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server from a Windows host by
setting the Startup type to Automatic or Manual and then removing it using
the Windows control panel.


1. Log on to the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server by using a user

account with the Administrator permission.
2. Stop the security monitoring software, antivirus software, and process
monitoring software.
3. Stop the services of products that use Common Component. To identify
these services, see the appendix.
4. Set Startup type for the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services
to Automatic or Manual.
In Windows environment, if the Startup type is set to Disabled, the
removal process might fail because the services cannot be started.
5. To remove Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server, go to Control Panel
> Programs > Programs and Features and select Hitachi
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor, and then click Uninstall.

316 Removing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor components

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Next steps
The settings files remain in the installation folder. You must delete the
settings files manually as necessary.
Related topics
• Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 375

Removing Analytics probe server

Remove Analytics probe server using the command.


1. Log on to the Analytics probe server by using a user account with the
root permission.
2. Stop the security monitoring software, antivirus software, and process
monitoring software.
3. Run the following commands:

cd /opt/hitachi/Analytics/installer
sh ./ SYS

Removing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor components 317

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
318 Removing Infrastructure Analytics Advisor components
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
You can troubleshoot common problems such as unsuccessful connections to
the web client or between components.

□ Connection to the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server web client


□ Logging on to Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server unsuccessful

□ Starting Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server does not work

□ Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server cannot connect to Data Center

Analytics server

□ Analytics probe server cannot connect to Data Center Analytics server via

Troubleshooting 319
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Connection to the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server
web client unsuccessful
If you cannot connect to the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server web
client check the operation status of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server
and the port number setting.


1. Run the hcmds64srv command with the status option to check the
operation status of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.

If the services "HAnalytics Engine Web Service" and "HBase 64 Storage

Mgmt SSO Service" are running, and the service "HBase 64 Storage
Mgmt Web Service" is not running, a port number might be redundant.
2. Check the event log.

If the following log is output, review the configuration of port numbers

used by the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server:

Item Contents

Level Error
Source HitachiWebServer

Message The service named HBase 64 Storage Mgmt Web Service

reported the following error: >>> (OS 10048) Only one
usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/
port) is normally permitted. : make_sock: could not bind
to address [::]:[redundant-port-number]

3. From the web browser, confirm that communication with the

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server is normal.
4. Confirm that the web browser is supported by Infrastructure Analytics
Advisor server.

Related topics
• Supported browsers on page 34
• hcmds64srv on page 353
• Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 375

Logging on to Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server

When you cannot log on to Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server, check
your user information:

320 Troubleshooting
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide

1. Confirm that the user ID and password are correct.

2. Confirm that the user is registered in Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
3. Ask a user with User Management permissions to confirm the following:
• User has required permissions
• User account is not locked

Starting Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server does not

If Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server cannot start, check that the
resources of the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server are sufficient, and the
hardware and OS are supported by Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.


1. Confirm that resources such as memory and disk space are sufficient on
the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.
2. Confirm that Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server has been installed on
the OS and hardware supported by Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
3. Run the hcmds64srv command with the status option to check the
operation status of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.
4. If the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services are not running,
start the service.
5. See the log data and take appropriate actions from the error message.
6. If no error message is output to the log, or the problem is not solved,
run the hcmds64getlogs command to collect the log file, and contact the
administrator or Hitachi Vantara Support Contact.

Related topics
• Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server requirements (Linux) on page 27
• Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server requirements (Windows) on
page 28
• Starting the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 254
• hcmds64getlogs on page 338
• hcmds64srv on page 353
• Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services on page 375

Troubleshooting 321
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server cannot connect to
Data Center Analytics server
If Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server cannot be connected to Data Center
Analytics server, check the operating status of Data Center Analytics server
and the status of the connection between Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
server and Data Center Analytics server.


1. Run the following command on the Data Center Analytics server to verify
that the status of the service of the Data Center Analytics server is
/usr/local/megha/bin/ status

Output example:

Megha server is running

2. In the Administration tab of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server,

select System Settings > HDCA Server.
3. Click Edit Settings to check information about the Data Center Analytics
4. Click Check Connection to check whether Infrastructure Analytics
Advisor server can be properly connected to the Data Center Analytics
5. Click OK.

Related topics
• Setting up a connection with Data Center Analytics server on page 73

Analytics probe server cannot connect to Data Center

Analytics server via HTTPS
If Analytics probe server cannot connect to Data Center Analytics server
through an HTTPS connection, check the status of the HTTP proxy server on
the host on which Data Center Analytics server is installed.


1. Run the following command to check the operation status of the HTTP
proxy server:

/usr/local/httpProxy/bin/ status

322 Troubleshooting
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
2. If the HTTP proxy server is not running, run the following command to
start it:

/usr/local/httpProxy/bin/ start

Troubleshooting 323
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
324 Troubleshooting
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI
Use CLI commands to run operations and make configuration changes in
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor.

□ List of Commands

□ Command usage guidelines

□ Usable characters for command arguments

□ backupsystem

□ encryptpassword

□ hcmds64checkauth

□ hcmds64fwcancel

□ hcmds64getlogs

□ hcmds64intg

□ hcmds64ldapuser

□ hcmds64prmset

□ hcmds64radiussecret

□ hcmds64srv

□ hcmds64ssltool

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands 325

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
□ hcmds64unlockaccount

□ raid_agent_config

□ reloadtemplate

□ restoresystem

326 Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
List of Commands
The following table lists the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor commands.

The Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server commands

Command Description

backupsystem Backs up Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server setting information

in the folder you specify.
encryptpassword Creates a password file to be specified as an argument of commands
in Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.
hcmds64checkauth Checks the settings in the file and the
connection to the external authentication server when linking to an
external authentication server.
hcmds64fwcancel Registers an exception so that communication between the
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server and the web browser is not
blocked by the Windows-based firewall.
hcmds64getlogs Collects log files that are output during operation of Infrastructure
Analytics Advisor server, and then outputs the log files to an archive
hcmds64intg Deletes authentication data registered in the repository of the server
that manages user accounts. The command also displays the address
of the server in which the authentication data is registered.

If you fail to delete authentication data when uninstalling

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server, use this command to delete
the authentication data.
hcmds64ldapuser Registers, in the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server, a user
account used to search user information in external authentication
servers when linking to an external authentication server. This
command also deletes user accounts used to search user information
that are registered in the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.
hcmds64prmset Registers, changes, and cancels the registration of the host that
manages the user accounts used for linkage with Automation
Director if the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server and Automation
Director are installed on separate hosts.
hcmds64radiussecret Registers a shared secret for the RADIUS server in the Infrastructure
Analytics Advisor server, or deletes a shared secret registered in the
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.
hcmds64srv Starts or stops Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services and
databases. The command also displays the status of Infrastructure
Analytics Advisor server services.
hcmds64ssltool Creates private keys, CSRs, and self-signed certificates (including its
content files), which are required for SSL connection.
hcmds64unlockaccount Unlocks a user account. Use this command when you cannot log on
to Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server because all the user
accounts are locked.
reloadtemplate Reload the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server template files
during the startup of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands 327

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Command Description

restoresystem Restores the backup for Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server

settings or database information that you collected by running the
backupsystem command.

The Analytics probe server commands

Command Description

raid_agent_config Changes the data collection intervals for the RAID Agent that is
installed with Infrastructure Analytics Advisor.

Command usage guidelines

The following describes the notes that you need to consider when using
• To interrupt command running, press Ctrl+C at the same time. If you
interrupt command running, make sure that you read the message issued
at the interruption of the command to check for any problems. If
necessary, return the command. If you interrupt running command, the
return value might become undefined.

In Windows
• If the command is to be run in an environment where User Account
Control (UAC) of Windows-based system is valid requires the Administrator
permission, run the command from the administrator console of
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.
To display the administrator console:

For Windows Server 2008 R2

1. In the Start menu, select All Programs, Hitachi
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor, and then Analytics

For Windows Server 2012

1. From the desktop, display the Start window.
2. Right-click the Start window to display All apps.
3. In the Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor folder, select
Analytics Command.

• If you enable Quick Edit Mode in the command prompt, and then click the
mouse in the window, the window output is stopped until the quick edit
mode is canceled. Therefore, do not use the quick edit mode.

In Linux

328 Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
• When the maximum output size of the core file is 0, a core dump will not
be output. To output a core dump when a failure occurs, run the ulimit
command before running each command, and set the maximum output
size of the core file to unlimited.

Usable characters for command arguments

You can specify the following characters for command arguments:
• The specification method for command arguments must comply with the
specifications of the OS command prompt. Therefore, if an argument value
contains a space ( ) or special symbols, you must escape such characters
by enclosing each of the characters with double quotation marks (").
• You can use the following types of characters when specifying a path with
an argument of a command:
Alphanumeric characters, underscores (_), periods (.), hyphens (-), spaces
( ), left parentheses ( ( ), right parentheses ( ) ), hash marks (#), at
marks (@), colons (:), and backslash (\)
You can use a colon only as a drive delimiter. You can use a backslash (\)
only as a folder delimiter.
• When specifying a path in an argument, you cannot use a path in UNC
• When specifying a path in an argument, you cannot use a path that has a
folder name that begins or ends with a space. Also, you cannot specify a
folder name that consists of only spaces.
• When specifying a path in an argument, you cannot use a path that has a
folder name that begins or ends with a period (.). Also, you cannot specify
a folder name that consists of only periods.
• Unless otherwise stated, the path length is from 1 to 230 characters in the
absolute path.
• Unless otherwise stated, each command argument is case-sensitive.
• Do not specify reserved words for the OS as a file name or folder name.

Use this command to back up Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server setting
information in the directory you specified.

In Windows
/dir output-folder
/type {all | Analytics}

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands 329

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
In Linux
-dir output-directory
-type {all | Analytics}

dir output-directory

Specify the directory in which the backup file is stored with the absolute
or relative path.
type {all | Analytics}

Specify the type of information for backup.


Backs up Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server and common

component. Common component manages the user information.

Backs up only Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.


Automatically stops or starts services and databases of Infrastructure

Analytics Advisor server and products that use common component. If
you omit this option, these services and databases are not automatically
stopped or started.

Storage location
In Windows

In Linux

Administrator permission (for Windows) or a root user permission (for Linux).

330 Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
• Make sure that the directory in which the backup file is to be stored has
sufficient free space. Use the following formula to calculate the required
amount of free space:

In Windows

5 GB + Size of Infrastructure-Analytics-Advisor-server-

In Linux
5 GB + Size of Infrastructure-Analytics-Advisor-server-

If products that use common component are installed on the Infrastructure

Analytics Advisor server, add the capacity required to back up information
for those products.
• The following files for HTTPS connections are not backed up. If necessary,
back up these files manually.
○ SSL server certificate file
○ Private-key file

In addition, the files for HTTPS connections are defined in the httpsd.conf
file and the user_httpsd.conf file.
• If all of the following conditions are met, use the hcmds64srv command to
stop the service before running the backupsystem command.
○ The auto option is not specified.
○ all is specified for the type option.
• If products that use common component are installed on the Infrastructure
Analytics Advisor server, run the restoresystem command by specifying
type Analytics to restore only Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.
You can back up the data required for restoring only Infrastructure
Analytics Advisor server by specifying type Analytics for the
backupsystem command.

Return values

Return value Description

0 The command ran normally.

1 The argument is invalid.
2 Command running was interrupted.
3 The service status is invalid.
4 Another command is currently running.
7 The path is invalid.
9 The path does not exist.

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands 331

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Return value Description

10 The path cannot be accessed.

11 The directory is not empty.

14 You do not have permission to run this command.
100 The backup operation failed.
101 The start or stop of the service failed.
255 Command running was interrupted because of another error.

The following example shows the use of this command to back up information
of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server:

backupsystem /dir "C:\Users\Backup" /type Analytics /auto

Use this command to generate a password file to be specified as the
argument of a command in Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server. To
generate a password file, the user must be registered in Infrastructure
Analytics Advisor server.

In Windows
/user user-ID
/password password
/passwordfile password-file-path

In Linux
-user user-ID
-password password
-passwordfile password-file-path

user user-ID

Specify the user ID of the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server user

for whom you want to create a password file.

You can specify from 1 to 256 characters.

332 Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
You can use alphanumeric characters and the following characters:

Exclamation marks (!), hash marks, dollar signs ($), percent signs (%),
ampersands (&), single quotation marks ('), left parentheses, right
parentheses, asterisks (*), plus signs (+), hyphens, periods, equal signs
(=), at marks, backslashes, carets (^), underscores, and vertical bars

The user ID is not case sensitive.

password password

Specify the password of the user specified in the user option.

You can specify from 1 to 256 characters.

Usable character types are the same as for the user option.
passwordfile password-file-path

Use an absolute or relative path to specify a path of the password file to

be created.

Storage location
In Windows

In Linux

Administrator permission (for Windows) or a root user permission (for Linux).

Return values

Return value Description

0 The command ran normally.

1 The argument is invalid.
2 Command running was interrupted.
3 The service status is invalid.
4 An exclusion error occurred.
5 Communication failed.
6 Authentication failed. (The specified value is invalid.)
7 The path is invalid.

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands 333

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Return value Description

8 The output destination path exists.

9 The path does not exist.
10 The path cannot be accessed.
14 You do not have permission to run this command.
200 The password file could not be generated.
255 Command running was interrupted because of another error.

When linking to an external authentication server, use this command to check
the settings of the file and the connections to the
external authentication server.

If you execute this command, the command will perform checks in the
following four phases, and then the results will be displayed:
• Phase 1: The command checks whether the property used when linking to
the external authentication server is correctly set in the file.
• Phase 2: The command checks whether the properties for the external
authentication server and the external authorization server are correctly
set in the file.
• Phase 3: The command checks whether a connection to the external
authentication server can be established.
• Phase 4: If the settings are specified so that an external authorization
server is also linked, the command checks whether a connection to the
external authorization server can be established, and whether the
authorization group can be searched.

In Windows
[/user user-ID]
[/pass password]

In Linux
[-user user-ID]
[-pass password]

334 Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
user user-ID

Specify the user ID of the user account registered in the external

authentication server or the external authorization server for which the
connection is to be checked.

If you execute the command without specifying the user option, you will
be prompted to enter a user ID.
• For LDAP authentication
Specify the value saved in the attribute specified by in the file.

• For RADIUS authentication

Specify the user ID of the user account registered in the RADIUS

• For Kerberos authentication

When linking to the external authentication server only, specify the
user ID of the user account that is registered in the Infrastructure
Analytics Advisor server and for which the authentication method to
be performed is Kerberos.
When linking also to the external authorization server, specify the
user ID of the user account that is not registered in the Infrastructure
Analytics Advisor server.

pass password

Specify the password of the user ID specified in the user option.

If you execute the command without specifying the pass option, you will
be prompted to enter a password.


This option simplifies the confirmation message that appears when the
command is executed.

If this option is specified, the messages to be displayed are limited to

messages indicating whether each processing phase is successful or
failed, error messages, and messages indicating the results. However, if
an error message similar to the message indicating the results is to
appear, the former error message is omitted and only the latter resulting
message is displayed.

Storage location
In Windows

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands 335

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide

In Linux

Administrator permission (for Windows) or a root user permission (for Linux).

• You cannot specify a user account with a user-ID or password that begins
with a forward slash (/) when using Windows or begins with a hyphen (-)
when using Linux.
• If you are using Kerberos authentication and the realm name is specified
multiple times in the file, check the user account for
each realm. In addition, specify the user ID using the following format:
○ When specifying a user who does not belong to the realm specified for
auth.kerberos.default_realm in the file, specify
a value in the form of user-ID@realm-name.

○ When specifying a user who belongs to the realm specified as the

auth.kerberos.default_realm in the file, you can
specify a value for user-ID without specifying the realm name.

• When you are using LDAP authentication in a multi-domain configuration

and you run the hcmds64checkauth command, the authentication is
checked for all connected external authentication servers and the results
are displayed for each.
If an external authentication server does not have registered user
accounts that match the user accounts specified in the hcmds64checkauth
command, an error message with this information is generated and
displayed as a check result in phase 3. In this case, processing might end
because of failure during the phase 3 confirmation. In this case, use a user
account registered on the external authentication server to check the
connection of the external authentication server.

Return values

Return value Description

0 The command ran normally.

1 - 99 This code indicates the total number of syntax errors.

336 Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Return value Description

100 This is the return code when the number of syntax errors exceeds 100 lines.

101 - 199 A connection or authentication error occurred.

Unit's place: Number of connection errors

Ten's place: Number of authentication errors

The maximum number of each place is nine. If more than nine errors occur,
each place displays nine.
250 The command is executed on the secondary server.
252 The common item setting in the definition file is incorrect.
253 External authentication linkage is not set.
254 The argument is invalid.
255 The command ran abnormally.

The following example shows how to use the command to verify the
connection with the external authentication server:

hcmds64checkauth /user user01 /pass TTdate00 /summary

Related topics
• Notes on commands for setting up a link to an external authentication
server on page 219

Use this command to register an exception so that communication between
the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server and the web browser is not
blocked by the Windows-based firewall.


Storage location

Administrator permission.

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands 337

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Return values
This command has no return value. To determine whether the processing ran
normally, check whether HBase(Web) is correctly registered in the inbound
rules of the Windows-based firewall.

You can check the inbound rules for Windows Firewall in the Windows-based
system control panel.

Use this command to collect log files that are output during operation of
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server, and then output the log files to an
archive file.

In Windows
/dir output-folder-path
[/types Analytics]
[/arc archive-file-name]
[/logtypes {log | db | csv}]

In Linux
-dir output-directory-path
[-types Analytics]
[-arc archive-file-name]
[-logtypes {log | db | csv}]

dir output-directory-path

Specify the directory path for outputting the archive file. You can specify
only a directory of a local disk.

As the output directory path, specify an empty directory in absolute or

relative path format. If the directory path does not exist, the directory is
created automatically. The maximum allowable path length is 100
characters. The Write permission is set for the directory you specify in
this option.
types Analytics

Specify Analytics as the product name of the target of log file

collection. This is not case-sensitive. If you omit this option,
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server and all Hitachi Command Suite

338 Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
products that have been installed are subject to the command
processing. In this case, log collection might take while.
arc archive-file-name

Specify the name of the archive file to be created as the result of

common component's material collection tool. If you omit this option,
the archive file name is HiCommand_log_64. Archive files are output
under the directory in the dir option.

Characters that can be specified as the archive file name include

printable ASCII characters (0x20 to 0x7E), excluding the following
special characters: Backslashes (\), slashes (/), colons (:), commas (,),
semicolons (;), asterisks (*), question marks (?), double quotation
marks ("), left angle brackets (<), right angle brackets (>), vertical bars
(|), dollar signs ($), percent signs (%), ampersands (&), single
quotation marks ('), and grave accent marks (`) You do not need to
specify an extension.
logtypes {log | db | csv}

Specify the type of the log file for common component for which you
want to collect logs. The following table shows the correspondence
between the log file type and the log files that can be collected:

Log file type Archive file to be created

log • Archive-file-name-in-the-arc-option_64.jar
• Archive-file-name-in-the-arc-option_64.hdb.jar

db Archive-file-name-in-the-arc-option_64.db.jar

csv Archive-file-name-in-the-arc-option_64.csv.jar

If you omit this option, all log files of common component are collected.
Therefore, we recommend that you run the command by omitting the

To specify more than one type, use a space as a delimiter (for

example, /logtypes log db csv). If you use the types option and the
logtypes option at the same time, specify log as the value of the
logtypes option.

Output format
The following table lists the log files collected using the hcmds64getlogs

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands 339

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Table 27 In Windows

Archive file Output result

output-destination-folder-in- • All files in Infrastructure-Analytics-Advisor-

dir-option\archive-file-name-in- server-installation-destination-folder
arc-option_64.jar \Analytics\logs
• All files in Infrastructure-Analytics-Advisor-
• All files in Infrastructure-Analytics-Advisor-
• All files in Infrastructure-Analytics-Advisor-
• All files in Infrastructure-Analytics-Advisor-
• All files in Windows-folder*\Temp\
• List of the files in Infrastructure-Analytics-
• List of the registry keys in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
• hosts file
• services file
• Result of running the ipconfig command of the OS
• Result of running the netstat command of the OS with
the na option specified
• Result of running the msinfo32 command of the OS
with the report option specified
• Result of running the systeminfo command of the OS
• Result of running common component's material
collection tool (hcmdsgetlogs, hcmdsras)

output-destination-folder-in- Result of running common component's material collection

dir-option\archive-file-name-in- tool (hcmdsgetlogs)



*: By default, this is C:\WINDOWS.

340 Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Table 28 In Linux

Archive file Output result

output-destination-directory-in- • All files in Infrastructure-Analytics-Advisor-

dir-option/archive-file-name-in- server-installation-destination-directory/
arc-option_64.jar Analytics/logs
• All files in Infrastructure-Analytics-Advisor-
• All files in Infrastructure-Analytics-Advisor-
• All files in Infrastructure-Analytics-Advisor-
• All files in Infrastructure-Analytics-Advisor-
• All files in /tmp/HIAA/*
• List of the files in Infrastructure-Analytics-
• Result of running the netstat command of the OS with
the -nao option specified
• Result of running the uname command of the OS with
the -a option specified
• Result of running the free command of the OS
• Result of running the ps command of the OS with the -
elfa option specified
• /var/log/messages* files
• /etc/hosts file
• /etc/services file
• Result of running the env command of the OS
• Result of running the sysctl command of the OS with
the -a option specified
• Result of running the ulimit command of the OS with
the -a option specified
• Result of running the ipcs command of the OS with
the -a option specified
• Result of running the cat /proc/meminfo command of
the OS
• Result of running the df command of the OS with the -
k option specified
• Result of running the dmesg command of the OS
• Result of running the rpm command of the OS with the
-qa option specified
• /etc/inittab file
• /etc/redhat-release file
• /etc/nsswitch.conf file
• /etc/resolv.conf file
• Result of running the ip command of the OS with the -
a option specified
• /etc/.hitachi/Analytics/installInfo file
• /etc/sysconfig/iptables-config file

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands 341

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Archive file Output result

• Result of running the service iptables status

command of the OS
• Result of running common component's material
collection tool (hcmdsgetlogs, hcmdsras)

output-destination-directory-in- Result of running common component's material collection

dir-option/archive-file-name-in- tool (hcmdsgetlogs)



Storage location
In Windows

In Linux

Administrator permission (for Windows) or a root user permission (for Linux).

• Do not interrupt the running of this command.
• Do not run more than one instance of this command at the same time.
• If the directory in the dir option has insufficient free space, running of the
hcmds64getlogs command will not be completed. Secure a sufficient
amount of space in the directory in the dir option, and then rerun this
command. Use the following formula to calculate the amount of required
free space:

In Windows
Size of folders and files in Infrastructure-Analytics-Advisor-
server-installation-destination-folder\Analytics\data + size
of folders and files in Infrastructure-Analytics-Advisor-server-
installation-destination-folder\Analytics\logs + 10 GB

In Linux
Size of directories and files in Infrastructure-Analytics-Advisor-
server-installation-destination-directory/Analytics/data +

342 Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
size of directories and files in Infrastructure-Analytics-Advisor-
server-installation-destination-directory/Analytics/logs +
10 GB

If products that use common component are installed on the Infrastructure

Analytics Advisor server, add the capacity required for collecting logs for
these products in the calculation.
• If you use the same option more than once, only the first option is used.
• You can run this command even if the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
server is not running.

Return values

Return value Description

0 The command ran normally.

1 The argument is invalid.
2 The command ran abnormally.

The following example shows the use of this command to collect log files in
the folder:

hcmds64getlogs /dir "C:\Users\folder01" /types Analytics /arc


Use this command to delete authentication data registered in the repository
of the server that manages user accounts. The command also displays the
address of the server in which the authentication data is registered.

If you fail to delete authentication data when uninstalling Infrastructure

Analytics Advisor server, use this command to delete the authentication data.

In Windows
{/delete /type Analytics | /print | /primary}
/user user-ID
/pass password

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands 343

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
In Linux
{-delete /type Analytics | -print | -primary}
-user user-ID
-pass password


Deletes authentication data.

type Analytics

Specify Analytics as the product name of the server in which the

authentication data is registered.

Displays the name of the program in which the authentication data is


Displays the host name or the IP address of the server in which the
authentication data is registered.
user user-ID

Specify the user ID for connecting with the server in which the
authentication data is registered. The user ID you specify must have the
User Management permission.
pass password

Specifies the password of the account that has the User Management

Storage location
In Windows

In Linux

Administrator permission (for Windows) or a root user permission (for Linux).

344 Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Return values

Return value Description

0 The command ran normally.

1 The authentication data has already been deleted.
2 Authentication data is registered in the server on which you ran the command.
3 Authentication data is not registered in the server on which you ran the
4 Authentication data is not registered in the server on which you ran the
command. In addition, an authentication error occurred on the server in which
authentication data is registered.
253 An authentication error occurred on the server in which authentication data is
254 Communication with the server in which authentication data is registered
255 The command ran abnormally.

The following example shows the use of this command to delete
authentication data from the server that manages the user account:

hcmds64intg /delete /type Analytics /user user1 /pass pass1

When linking to an external authentication server, use this command to
register, in the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server, a user account used to
search user information in external authentication servers. Also use this
command to delete user accounts used to search user information that are
registered in the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.

If you register a user account by using this command, use the

hcmds64checkauth command to verify whether the user account can be
correctly authenticated.

In Windows
/dn DN-of-user-account-used-to-search-for-LDAP-user-
[/pass password-of-user-account-used-to-search-for-
| /delete}

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands 345

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
/name name
| /list}

In Linux
-dn DN-of-user-account-used-to-search-for-LDAP-user-
[-pass password-of-user-account-used-to-search-for-
| -delete}
-name name
| -list}


Registers user information

dn DN-of-user-account-used-to-search-for-LDAP-user-info

Specify the DN of the user used to search information.

Specify the DN in accordance with the rules defined in RFC 4514. For
example, if any of the following characters are included in the DN, you
need to use a backslash (\) to escape each character.
Spaces, hash marks (#), plus signs (+), commas (,), semicolons (;), left
angle brackets (<), equal signs (=), right angle brackets (>), and
backslashes (\)

pass password-of-user-account-used-to-search-for-LDAP-user-info

Specify the password for the user specified for the dn option.

The password is case-sensitive and must completely match the

password registered in the LDAP directory server. If you execute this
command without specifying the pass option, you will be prompted to
enter a password.


Deletes user information.

Specify this option to delete user information, including the server

indication name or the domain name specified for the name option.

name name

The items to be specified vary depending on the authentication method.

346 Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
• For LDAP authentication: Server identification name or the domain
name for external authentication servers of the LDAP directory server
Specify the server identification name that was specified for the property in the file, or specify
the domain name specified for auth.ldap.value-specified-for- property in the

• For RADIUS authentication: Domain name of the RADIUS server

Specify the domain name specified for in
the file.

• For Kerberos authentication: Realm name of the Kerberos server)

If you directly specify information about a Kerberos server in the file, specify the value specified for
auth.kerberos.default_realm or
If you specify the settings in the file to use the
DNS server to look up information about a Kerberos server, specify
the realm name registered in the DNS server.


Displays the LDAP directory servers for which the user accounts used to
search information have already been registered in the Infrastructure
Analytics Advisor server.

Storage location
In Windows

In Linux

Administrator permission (for Windows) or a root user permission (for Linux).

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands 347

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Return values

Return value Description

0 The command ran normally.

1 The argument is invalid.
2 The argument includes a character that cannot be specified.
3 The registered information cannot be found.
255 The command ran abnormally.

The following is an example of using the command to register user

hcmds64ldapuser /set /dn "CN=user01,CN=Users,DC=Example,DC=com" /

pass qweasd00 /name

Related topics
• Notes on commands for setting up a link to an external authentication
server on page 219

If the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server and Automation Director are
installed on separate hosts, register, change, and cancel the registration of
the host that manages the user accounts used for linkage with Automation

If you execute this command, the information about the user accounts in the
common component will be managed by the common component of the
primary server. The host whose user accounts are managed by the primary
server is called the secondary server.

To set the host where the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server is installed
as the secondary server and the host where Automation Director is installed
as the primary server, execute this command on the Infrastructure Analytics
Advisor server.

Conversely, to set the host where the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server
is installed as the primary server and the host where Automation Director is
installed as the secondary server, execute this command on Automation
Director. If you execute this command on Automation Director, read the
storage location of the command as that of Automation Director.

In Windows

348 Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
When registering the primary server or changing information
about the registered primary server
[/host host-name-or-IP-address]
[/port port-number-(non-SSL-communication)
| /sslport port-number-(SSL-communication)]

When cancelling the registered primary server

hcmds64prmset /setprimary

When displaying the registered information

hcmds64prmset /print

In Linux
When registering the primary server or changing information
about the registered primary server
[-host host-name-or-IP-address]
[-port port-number-(non-SSL-communication)
| -sslport port-number-(SSL-communication)]

When cancelling the registered primary server

hcmds64prmset -setprimary

When displaying the registered information

hcmds64prmset -print

host host-name-or-IP-address

Specify the host name or IP address of the primary server. If SSL

communication is enabled on the primary server, specify the same value
as that of Common Name (CN) in the server certificate.

If you change the host name of only the registered primary server, you
can omit the port or sslport option.
port port-number-(non-SSL-communication)

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands 349

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Specify the port number of HBase 64 Storage Mgmt Web Service of the
primary server. Specify this option if SSL communication is disabled on
the primary server. The default port number is 22015.

If you change the port number of only the registered primary server, you
can omit the host option.
sslport port-number-(SSL-communication)

Specify the port number of HBase 64 Storage Mgmt Web Service of the
primary server. Specify this option if SSL communication is enabled on
the primary server. The default port number is 22016.

If you change the port number of only the registered primary server, you
can omit the host option.

Checks the connection to the primary server.


Cancels the registered primary server. The host where the command
was executed will be changed from the secondary server to the primary

The following information is displayed:

• Role of the host where the command was executed (primary server or
secondary server)
• Host name (IP address) and port number of the primary server
This information is displayed only if the role of the host is the
secondary server.

Storage location
In Windows
In Linux

Administrator permission (for Windows) or a root user permission (for Linux).

350 Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
After executing this command, restart the product by executing the
hcmds64srv command on the host where you executed the command.

Return values

Return value Description

0 The command ran normally.

255 The command ran abnormally.

The following example shows how to use this command to register the
primary server:

hcmds64prmset /host host01 /port 22015

When linking to an external authentication server, use this command to
register a shared secret for the RADIUS server in the Infrastructure Analytics
Advisor server. Also use this command to delete shared secrets registered in
the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.

If you register a shared secret by using this command, execute the

hcmds64checkauth command to verify whether the shared secret can be
correctly authenticated.

In Windows
{{[/set shared-secret] | /delete}
/name RADIUS-server-indication-name
| /list}

In Linux
{{[-set shared-secret] | -delete}
-name RADIUS-server-indication-name
| -list}

set shared-secret

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands 351

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Registers a shared secret for the RADIUS server in the Infrastructure
Analytics Advisor server.

For a shared-secret, you can specify printable ASCII characters (0x21

to 0x7E) of 128 bytes or less.

If you execute the command without specifying the set option, you will
be prompted to enter a shared secret.

Deletes a shared secret registered in the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor

name RADIUS-server-indication-name

Specify a RADIUS server indication name.

RADIUS-server-indication-name must match a server indication name

specified for the property in the

Displays a list of server indication names of the RADIUS servers for
which shared secrets are registered.

Storage location
In Windows

In Linux

Administrator permission (for Windows) or a root user permission (for Linux).

Return values

Return value Description

0 The command ran normally.

1 The argument is invalid.
2 The argument includes a character that cannot be specified.
3 The registered information cannot be found.

352 Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Return value Description

255 The command ran abnormally.

The following is an example of using the command to register a shared

hcmds64radiussecret /set secret01 /name

Related topics
• Notes on commands for setting up a link to an external authentication
server on page 219

Use this command to start or stop Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server
services. The command also displays the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
server service status or changes the service start method.

In Windows
To start, stop, or display only the status of a specific service:
{/start | /stop | /check | /status}
[/server service-name]

To display the status of services of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor

server and products that use common component:

To change the start method of a service:

/starttype {auto | manual}
{/server service-name | /all}

In Linux
To start, stop, or display only the status of a specific service:
{-start | -stop | -check | -status}
[-server service-name]

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands 353

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
To display the status of services of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
server and products that use common component:

To change the start method of a service:

-starttype {auto | manual}
{-server service-name | /all}


Starts the service and database you specified in the server option.

Stops the service and database you specified in the server option.

Displays the status of the server and database you specified in the
server option.
server service-name

To start, stop, or display the status of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor

server product services only, specify AnalyticsWebService as the
service name. By running this command by specifying
AnalyticsWebService in the server option, you can start, stop, or
display the status of the following services:

Service display name and process Start Stop

HAnalytics Engine Web Service Y Y Y

HBase 64 Storage Mgmt Web Service Y N N
HBase 64 Storage Mgmt Web SSO Service Y N N
Database process* Y N N

Y: Processed

N: Not processed
*: An Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server internal process corresponding to the service
HiRDB/EmbeddedEdition _HD1

If you omit the server option, the next service is started, stopped, or
the status of the next service displays.

354 Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Service display name and process Start Stop

HAnalytics Engine Web Service Y Y Y

HBase 64 Storage Mgmt SSO Service Y Y Y
HBase 64 Storage Mgmt Web Service Y Y Y
HBase 64 Storage Mgmt Web SSO Service Y Y Y
Database process* Y Y Y
Service of products that use common Y Y Y

Y: Processed
*: An Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server internal process corresponding to the service
HiRDB/EmbeddedEdition _HD1


Displays the service and data statuses, and the status of the products
registered in common component. If you omit the server option, this
argument is used.
starttype {auto | manual}

Specify the start type of the service with the server option. Specify
auto for an automatic start. Specify manual for a manual start.

If you specify this option, the command runs for all services of
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server and other products that use
common component.

Storage location
In Windows

In Linux

Administrator permission (for Windows) or a root user permission (for Linux).

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands 355

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
• If you start or stop Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services as a
daily operation, omit the server option to start or stop all the services. To
start only Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services by specifying the
server option, specify AnalyticsWebService for the server option to
start common component service.
• If you run the command with the stop option and the termination
processing does not end within three minutes, an error occurs and a
message is displayed to indicate a time-out. In this case, wait a while, and
then rerun the command with the stop option.
• If you start or stop a service with the start or stop option, the command
might end while the service does not start or stop completely. To confirm
that the service has completely started or stopped, use either of the
following operations:
○ Confirm that either of the following messages has been output to a
disclosed log or the event log:

At startup
KNAQ10086-I Application is running.
When stopped
KNAQ10089-I Application is stopped.
○ Specify the statusall option to check the status of the service.

Return values
The following table shows the return values of the command with start
option or stop option:

Return value Description

0 The command ran normally.

With start option

The service was already started.

With stop option

The service was already stopped.

255 The command failed.

The following table shows the return values of the command with the check,
status, or statusall option:

Return value Description

0 The service has not started.

356 Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Return value Description

1 The service has started.

255 The command failed.

The following table shows the return values of the command with the
starttype option:

Return value Description

0 The command ran normally.

255 The command failed.

To start all services:

hcmds64srv /start

To stop all services:

hcmds64srv /stop

To check the status of all services:

hcmds64srv /status

To start the services of only Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server products:

hcmds64srv /start /server AnalyticsWebService

Use this command to create private keys, certificate signing requests (CSRs),
self-signed certificates, and content files for self-signed certificates that are
required for SSL connections. The created files are used for the following
• Submitting the CSR to a CA to obtain an SSL server certificate. You can
build an SSL-connected environment by combining the obtained SSL server
certificate and the private key.
• Building an SSL-connected environment by combining the self-signed
certificate with the private key. However, we recommend that you use the
environment for only test purposes because security is low.
• Checking the details of the registration of the self-signed certificate from
the content file of the self-signed certificate.

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands 357

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
In Windows
[/key private-key-file-name]
[/csr CSR-file-name]
[/cert self-signed-certificate-file-name]
[/certtext name-of-the-content-file-of-the-self-signed-
[/validity expiration-date-of-the-self-signed-
[/dname distinguished-name (DN)]
[/sigalg signature-algorithm-of-the-server-certificate-
[/keysize size-of-the-private-key-for-RSA-cryptography]
[/eccsigalg signature-algorithm-of-the-server-
[/ecckeysize size-of-the-private-key-for-elliptic-curve-

In Linux
[-key private-key-file-name]
[-csr CSR-file-name]
[-cert self-signed-certificate-file-name]
[-certtext name-of-the-content-file-of-the-self-signed-
[-validity expiration-date-of-the-self-signed-
[-dname distinguished-name (DN)]
[-sigalg signature-algorithm-of-the-server-certificate-
[-keysize size-of-the-private-key-for-RSA-cryptography]
[-eccsigalg signature-algorithm-of-the-server-
[-ecckeysize size-of-the-private-key-for-elliptic-curve-

key private-key-file-name

Specify the absolute path for storing the private key. The private key for
RSA cryptography will be output to a file of the specified file name. The
private key for elliptic curve cryptography will be output to another file
of the specified file name with the prefix ecc-.

If you omit this option, the httpsdkey.pem file and the ecc-
httpsdkey.pem file will be output under Infrastructure-Analytics-
\httpsd\conf\ssl\server\(for Windows) or Infrastructure-

358 Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Base64/uCPSB/httpsd/conf/ssl/server/(for Linux) .
csr CSR-file-name

Specify the absolute path for storing the CSR. The CSR for RSA
cryptography is output to a file of the specified file name. The CSR for
elliptic curve cryptography will be output to another file of the specified
file name with the prefix ecc-.

If you omit this option, the httpsd.csr file and the ecc-httpsd.csr file
is output under Infrastructure-Analytics-Advisor-server-
\server\(for Windows) or Infrastructure-Analytics-Advisor-
httpsd/conf/ssl/server/(for Linux).
cert self-signed-certificate-file-name

Specify the absolute path for storing the self-signed certificate. The self-
signed certificate for RSA cryptography will be output to a file of the
specified file name. The self-signed certificate for elliptic curve
cryptography is output to another file of the specified file name with the
prefix ecc-.

If you omit this option, the httpsd.pem file and the ecc-httpsd.pem file
is output under Infrastructure-Analytics-Advisor-server-
\server\(for Windows) or Infrastructure-Analytics-Advisor-
httpsd/conf/ssl/server/(for Linux).
certtext name-of-the-content-file-of-the-self-signed-certificate

Outputs the content of the self-signed certificate in text format. Specify

the absolute path for storing the content file. The content of the self-
signed certificate for RSA cryptography is output to a file of the specified
file name. The content of the self-signed certificate for elliptic curve
cryptography is output to another file of the specified file name with the
prefix ecc-.

If you omit this option, the httpsd.txt file and the ecc-httpsd.txt file
is output under Infrastructure-Analytics-Advisor-server-
\server\(for Windows) or Infrastructure-Analytics-Advisor-
httpsd/conf/ssl/server/(for Linux).
validity expiration-date-of-the-self-signed-certificate

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands 359

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Specify the expiration date of the self-signed certificate in terms of the
number of days. If you specify this option, the same value is specified
for RSA cryptography and elliptic curve cryptography. If you omit this
option, the certificate expires in 3,650 days.
dname distinguished-name (DN)

Specify the distinguished-name (DN) described in the SSL server

certificate, in the format "attribute-type=attribute-value". You can
specify some attribute type values using a comma (,) as a delimiter.

Characters specified for attribute types are not case sensitive. You
cannot use a double quotation mark (") or a backslash (/) in the
attribute type. For details about how to escape characters, follow the
instructions in RFC2253. To use the following symbols, add a backslash
(/) before each symbol as an escape character.
• Plus signs (+), commas (,), semicolons (;), left angle brackets (<),
equal signs (=), right angle brackets (>)
• Spaces at the beginning of character strings
• Spaces at the end of character strings
• Hash marks (#) at the beginning of character strings

If you omit this option, you must enter attribute values according to the
instructions in the window displayed when you run the command.

The following table lists the attribute types that you can specify for this

Definition Window response Attribute value

CN Common Name Server Name Distinguished-name* of the

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
server, such as host name, IP
address, or domain name
OU Organizational Organizational Unit Lower-level organization name,
Unit Name such as department or section
O Organization Organization Name Company or other
Name organization's name*
L Locality Name City or Locality City name or region name
ST State or Province State or Province State name or district name
C Country Name two-character country- Country code
*: Required in a response entry

360 Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
The following is an example of response input:

Enter Server Name [default=MyHostname]

Enter Organizational Unit:Device Manager Administration
Enter Organization Name [default=MyHostname]:HITACHI
Enter your City or Locality:Santa Clara
Enter your State or Province:California
Enter your two-character country-code:US
Is,OU=Device Manager
Administration,O=HITACHI,L=Santa Clara, ST=California,C=US
correct? (y/n) [default=n]:y

If the entry is incorrect, you can input again by typing n.

sigalg signature-algorithm-of-the-server-certificate-for-RSA-

Specify the signature algorithm of the server certificate for RSA

cryptography. You can specify SHA512withRSA, SHA256withRSA, or
SHA1withRSA. If you omit this option, the signature algorithm is
keysize size-of-the-private-key-for-RSA-cryptography

Specify the size (in bits) of the private key for RSA cryptography. You
can specify 2048, 3072, or 4096. If you omit this option, the size of the
private key for RSA cryptography is 2,048 bits.
eccsigalg signature-algorithm-of-the-server-certificate-for-

Specify the signature algorithm of the server certificate for elliptic curve
cryptography. You can specify SHA512withECDSA, SHA384withECDSA,
SHA256withECDSA, or SHA1withECDSA. If you omit this option, the
signature algorithm is SHA384withECDSA.
ecckeysize size-of-the-private-key-for-elliptic-curve-

Specify the size (in bits) of the private key for elliptic curve
cryptography. You can specify 256 or 384. If you omit this option, the
size of the private key for elliptic curve cryptography is 384 bits.

Storage location
In Windows

In Linux

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands 361

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Administrator permission (for Windows) or a root user permission (for Linux).

If the value of the attribute type CN of the SSL server certificate does not
match the host name, IP address, or domain name as the connection
destination of the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server from the web
browser, a message indicates a server mismatch.

Return values

Return value Description

0 The command ran normally.

1 The argument is invalid.
249 The file or folder already exists on the specified path.
250 Deletion of the key store failed.
251 Creation of the private key failed.
252 Creation of the self-signed certificate failed.
253 Creation of the CSR failed.
254 Creation of the content file of the self-signed certificate failed.
255 The command ran abnormally.

When the user accounts of all users who have the User Management
permission are locked, use this command to unlock those user accounts.

In Windows
/user user-ID
/pass password

In Linux
-user user-ID
-pass password

user user-ID

362 Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Specify the user ID of the user account to be unlocked. The user ID you
specify must have the User Management permission.
pass password

Specify the password of the user account to unlock.

Storage location
In Windows

In Linux

Administrator permission (for Windows) or a root user permission (for Linux).

• You can use the hcmds64unlockaccount command to unlock only user
accounts that have the User Management permission.
• If the user ID or password contains symbols, escape them as shown

In Windows:
If one or more backslashes (\) are contained at the end of the user
ID or password, add another backslash (\) as an escape character
before each of the backslashes.
If an ampersand (&), vertical bar (|), or carat (^) is contained,
enclose each of these symbols in double quotation marks ("), or add
a carat (^) as an escape character before each of the symbols.

In Linux:
Add a backslash (\) as an escape character before each of the

For example, if the password is ^a^b^c^ in Windows-based systems, use

either of the following:
○ hcmds64unlockaccount /user system /pass "^"a"^"b"^"c"^"
○ hcmds64unlockaccount /user system /pass ^^a^^b^^c^^

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands 363

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Return values

Return value Description

0 The command ran normally.

251 An authentication error (logon error) occurred.
252 An authentication error (no User Management permission) occurred.
253 Communication with the authentication server failed.
254 The command was run on the secondary server side.
255 The command ran abnormally.

The following example shows how to use this command to unlock a user

hcmds64unlockaccount /user test01 /pass TTdate00

Use this command to change data collection intervals for the RAID Agent
installed with Infrastructure Analytics Advisor. Execute this command on the
Analytics probe server. To change the intervals for collecting data from the
Hitachi Enterprise storage systems, specify the same value as the data
collection intervals for both the RAID Agent and the Hitachi Enterprise
Storage probe.

Note: For details about how to change data collection intervals for Tuning
Manager - Agent for RAID, see the Hitachi Command Suite Tuning Manager
Agent Administration Guide.

{interval [-r record-ID -i data-collection-interval] |
service {-start | -stop | -status}}

interval [-r record-ID -i data-collection-interval]

Specify the record for which you want to change data collection intervals
and the value of data collection intervals.

One execution of the command allows you to change the data collection
intervals for only one record.
-r record-ID

364 Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Specify the ID of the record for which you want to change data
collection intervals.

Note: To check the records for which data collection intervals can
be changed, use either of the following methods:
• Execute the raid_agent_config command without an argument.
The records that can be changed are displayed in the description
of the -r option of Usage.

• Execute the raid_agent_config command with interval

Out of the execution results, the records with RW displayed in the
Mode column can be changed.

-i data-collection-interval

Specify a value (unit: seconds) of data collection intervals for the


The specifiable values vary depending on the record.

The following table shows the requirements for the values to be

specified as data collection intervals for each record:

Requirement for the values to be

Record ID
specified as data collection intervals

PD_PLC, PD_PLTC, PD_VVC, PD_VVTC A value that is a multiple of 3,600 and a

divisor of 86,400 in the range from 3,600
to 86,400

PD_PLF, PD_PLR, PD_PLTR, PD_PLTS, A value that is a multiple of 60 and a

PD_VVF divisor of 3,600, or a value that is a
multiple of 3,600 and a divisor of 86,400

PD_UMS, PI, PI_CHS, PI_CLMS, PI_CLPS, A value that is a multiple of 60 and a

PI_LDA*, PI_LDS*, PI_PLS*, PI_PRCS, divisor of 3,600 in the range from 60 to
PI_PTS, PI_RGS* 3,600

PI_PLTI, PI_VVTI A value that is a multiple of 300 and a

divisor of 3,600 in the range from 300 to

*: Note that if the value of data collection intervals is set to a value smaller than the
default value, the KAVE00227-W message might be output continuously. In this case,
increase the value of the data collection intervals.

For details about the default setting of data collection intervals for
each record, see the Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor REST
API Reference Guide.

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands 365

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
If you omit the -r option and the -i option, a list of records that collect
information in RAID Agent is displayed. The following table shows the
items displayed in the list:

Item Description

Record The record ID in RAID Agent

Mode Indicates whether data collection intervals can be changed

• RW: Can be changed.
• R: Cannot be changed.

Parameter Details of data collection intervals set for the record

• Collection Interval: The value of the data collection intervals of
the record is displayed in the Value column.
• Sync Collection With: The value of the data collection intervals of
the record is synchronized with the record values displayed in the
Value column.

Value The value specified as data collection intervals. The following

information is displayed according to the value in the Parameter
• For Collection Interval Data collection intervals (unit: seconds)
• For Sync Collection With ID of the record with which the value of
data collection intervals is to be synchronized

service {-start | -stop | -status}

Use RAID Agent services. You can specify the following options:
Starts RAID Agent services
Stops RAID Agent services
Displays the execution statuses of RAID Agent services

Storage location
This command is stored in the following directory on the Analytics probe

A root user permission.

The data collection intervals of the records that have been changed by using
this command are applied to all instance environments.

366 Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Return values

Return value Description

0 The command ran normally.

1 Other config commands are running.

10 The specified arguments are invalid.



20 An unexpected error occurred.


22 The RAID Agent service is running.

100 Failed to access the file.

101 Failed to update the configuration parameter.

255 An unexpected error occurred.

To display a list of the records that collect information in RAID
raid_agent_config interval

To change the value of data collection intervals to 7,200 seconds (2

hours) for the PD_PLC record:
raid_agent_config interval -r PD_PLC -i 7200

To start RAID Agent services:

raid_agent_config service -start

Use this command to reload the template files of Infrastructure Analytics
Advisor server during the startup of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.

The following table describes the types of template files that the command
references, and the reference destination directories:

Type of template file Reference destination folder

Template file for linking with emails In Windows

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands 367

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Type of template file Reference destination folder


In Linux


Template file for linking with commands In Windows


In Linux


Template file for linking with Automation In Windows


In Linux


In Windows
/user user-ID
/passwordfile password-file

In Linux
-user user-ID
-passwordfile password-file

user user-ID

Specify the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server user ID to be used for

command execution.
passwordfile path-of-the-password-file

368 Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Specify the path to the password file of the user who is specified for the
user option. Use the encryptpassword command to create the
password file.

Storage location
In Windows

In Linux

Administrator permission (for Windows) or a root user permission (for Linux).

To run the command, the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server service must
be started. If the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server service is not
running, you do not have to run this command because the template files are
automatically read when the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server service

Return values

Return value Description

0 The command ran normally.

1 The argument is invalid.
2 Command execution was interrupted.
3 The service status is invalid.
5 Communication failed.
6 An authentication error occurred.
7 The specified path is invalid.
9 The specified path does not exist.
10 The specified path could not be accessed.
14 You do not have permission to run this command.
232 The reloading of the template files failed.
233 You do not have the necessary permissions to update the template file.
255 The command ran abnormally.

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands 369

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Use this command to restore the backup for Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
server settings or database information that you collected by running the
backupsystem command.

In Windows
/dir backup-folder
/type {all | Analytics}

In Linux
-dir backup-directory
-type {all | Analytics}

dir backup-directory

Specify the directory in which the backup file is stored with the absolute
or relative path.
type {all | Analytics}

Specify the system restore target.

• all
Restores information of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server and
common component. Common component instance manages the user
• Analytics
Restores information of only Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server.


Automatically stops or starts services and databases of Infrastructure

Analytics Advisor server and products that use common component. If
you omit this option, services and databases of Infrastructure Analytics
Advisor server and products that use common component are not
automatically stopped or started.

370 Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Storage location
In Windows

In Linux

Administrator permission (for Windows) or a root user permission (for Linux).

• When restoring the backup, the directory in which the backup file is stored
requires at least 2 GB of free space.
• When you run the restoresystem command, for backup, the
extension .original is appended to the file name of the file in
destination-folder\Analytics\conf (for Windows) or
destination-directory/Analytics/conf (for Linux). This file is
overwritten every time the restoresystem is run. If a file with an
extension of .original exists before the command is executed and you
want to save the file, change the file extension before executing the
• The following files are not restored by this command. If necessary,
manually re-set or relocate the files again.

Files that require resettings

• Security definition file (security.conf)
• Settings file for changing port numbers (user_httpsd.conf)

These files are backed up in the following directories:

In Windows
• backup-folder\HBase\base\conf\sec
• backup-folder\HBase\base\httpsd.conf

In Linux
• backup-directory/HBase/base/conf/sec
• backup-directory/HBase/base/httpsd.conf

The definition files are stored in the following locations in the

environments where the files are restored:

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands 371

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
In Windows
• security.conf
• user_httpsd.conf

In Linux
• security.conf
• user_httpsd.conf

Files for HTTPS connections that must be relocated

• SSL server certificate file
• Private-key file

In addition, the settings for HTTPS connections are defined in the

httpsd.conf file and the user_httpsd.conf file. Save each file to the
storage destination directory.
• If you do not specify the auto option, stop the service by running the
hcmds64srv command with the stop option. The service to be stopped
depends on the type option.

If you specified all in the type option:

You must stop not only the service of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
server, but also the services of the products that use common
If you specified Analytics in the type option:

You must stop the service of only Infrastructure Analytics Advisor

• Make sure that the following information is the same between the
environment where the backup was collected and the environment where
the information was restored:
○ Version of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server
○ Installation directory of Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server
• When products that use common component are installed on the
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server, if you do a system restore with all

372 Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
specified in the type option, the definition information for common
component is also restored. In this example, an inconsistency might occur
in the definition information between the products that use common
component and common component itself. Therefore, if products that use
common component are installed on the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
server of the restore destination, do a system restore by using one of the
following procedures:

To restore data for products that use common component, in

addition to Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server data
1. Run the system restore command for the product that uses
common component.
2. Specify type Analytics for the restoresystem command of
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server, and then run the

To restore only user information, in addition to Infrastructure

Analytics Advisor server data
1. Specify type Analytics for the restoresystem command of
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server, and then run the
2. Update the user management information.

To restore data of only Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server

1. Specify type Analytics for the restoresystem command of
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server, and then run the

Return values

Return value Description

0 The command ran normally.

1 The argument is invalid.
2 Command running was interrupted.
3 The service status is invalid.
4 Another command is currently running.
7 The path is invalid.
9 The path does not exist.
10 The path cannot be accessed.
14 You do not have permission to run this command.
110 Running of system restore failed.
111 The start or stop of the service failed.
113 The backup file is invalid.

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands 373

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Return value Description

255 Command running was interrupted because of another error.

The following example shows the use of this command to restore information
of only Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server:

restoresystem /dir "C:\Users\Backup" /type Analytics /auto

374 Infrastructure Analytics Advisor CLI commands

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server
After you install Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server on a Windows host,
the following services are registered.

Displayed service
Service name Startup type Component

HAnalytics Engine Web AnalyticsWebService Automatic Infrastructure Analytics

Service Advisor server
HBase 64 Storage HBase64StgMgmtSSOS Automatic Common component
Mgmt SSO Service ervice
HBase 64 Storage HBase64StgMgmtWebS Automatic Common component
Mgmt Web Service ervice
HBase 64 Storage HBase64StgMgmtWebS Manual Common component
Mgmt Web SSO Service SOService
HiRDB/ HiRDBEmbeddedEdition Automatic Common component
EmbeddedEdition _HD1 _HD1

Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services 375

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
376 Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server services
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
User-specified properties file
The definition file for configuring public logs and setting values for dynamic
thresholds is described and explained.


Storage location
For Windows

For Linux

Timing at which definitions are applied

When the HAnalytics Engine web service starts

Content to be specified
Specify each key name and its value on one line. When defining the user-
specified properties file, note the following points:
• Any line starting with # is treated as a comment line.
• Blank lines are ignored.
• ISO8859-1 (for Windows) or UTF-8 (for Linux) is used for character
• Specified values are case-sensitive.
• To include "\" in a specified character string, specify "\\".
In this situation, "\\" is counted as a single byte.
• If you specify an invalid value, the KNAQ02022-W message is output to
the integrated trace logs and public logs, and the default value is used.

User-specified properties file ( 377

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
• If you specify the same key more than once in the same file, the last
specification takes effect.


Specifiable Default
Category Key name Setting
values value

Public logs logger.sysloglevel Specify a threshold • 0 0

value for outputting an • 10
event log (in Windows)
or syslog (in Linux).
logger.message.server.M Maximum number of 1 to 16 7
axBackupIndex log backup files for the
logger.message.server.M Maximum size of log 4 to 2,097,151 10240
axFileSize files for the server.
(unit: KB)
logger.message.command. Maximum number of 1 to 16 7
MaxBackupIndex log backup files for
logger.message.command. Maximum size of log 4 to 2,097,151 1024
MaxFileSize files for commands.
(unit: KB)
Dynamic dynamicThreshold.calcul Time when the 00:00:00 to 00:00:00
threshold ateTime calculation of dynamic 23:59:59
values threshold values starts.
dynamicThreshold.startL Period (unit: days) for Single-byte 1, 3, 7,
atencyDay which to check the numerals and 14
number of performance commas (,)
values that are
required to start the
calculation of dynamic
threshold values.

To specify more than

one value, use commas
(,) to delimit the
dynamicThreshold.minimu Specify the minimum 1 to 150
mDataN number of performance 2,147,483,647
values that is required
to start the calculation
of dynamic threshold

The calculation of
dynamic threshold
values starts when the
number of performance
values in the period
specified for
rtLatencyDay exceeds
the minimum number
of performance values

378 User-specified properties file (

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Specifiable Default
Category Key name Setting
values value

specified for

Dynamic dynamicThreshold.margin Specify the margin for 0 to 1

threshold addition when the 2,147,483,647
values value of Margin is
(margin) Severe.
dynamicThreshold.margin Specify the margin for 0 to 100 1
.Severe.rate multiplication (unit: %)
when the value of
Margin is Severe.
dynamicThreshold.margin Specify the margin for 0 to 5 addition when the 2,147,483,647
value of Margin is
dynamicThreshold.margin Specify the margin for 0 to 100 5
.Normal.rate multiplication (unit: %)
when the value of
Margin is Normal.
dynamicThreshold.margin Specify the margin for 0 to 10 addition when the 2,147,483,647
value of Margin is
dynamicThreshold.margin Specify the margin for 0 to 100 10
.Rough.rate multiplication (unit: %)
when the value of
Margin is Rough.
Security cert.verify.enabled Specify whether to true or false false
enable the verification
of a server certificate.
Controlling Specify the name that A value from 1 Analytics
resources by oductName was set for Category in to 32
using Storage the Web Service characters,
I/O controls Connections window using only
feature of Automation Director. single-byte
(_), periods
(.), and
hyphens (-) Specify the service A value from 1 Analytics
rviceGroupName group name that was to 80 Service
set in Automation characters, Group
Director for using only
Infrastructure Analytics single-byte
Advisor. alphanumeric
characters and

User-specified properties file ( 379

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Specifiable Default
Category Key name Setting
values value Specify the service A value from 1 Modify IO

rviceName.ioControl.mod name that was set to 128 Control
ify when the service was characters Settings
created by using the for
service template Volume
"Modify IO Control
Settings for Volume" in
Automation Director. Specify the service A value from 1 Delete IO
rviceName.ioControl.del name that was set to 128 Control
ete when the service was characters Settings
created by using the for
service template Volume
"Delete IO Control
Settings for Volume" in
Automation Director.
iocontrol.history.maxco Specify the maximum 30 to 10,000 5000
unt number of log entries
to be retained for I/O
control tasks.
iocontrol.cmd.parameter Specify the maximum 1 to 5,000 100
File.maxCount number of files that are
used as the parameter
file for I/O controls by
using script files.
iocontrol.cmd.parameter Specify the minimum 1 to 14,400 5
File.minRetention.minut retention of files that
e are used as the
parameter file for I/O
controls by using script
Event event.maxcount Specify the maximum 1 to 1,000,000 1000000
number of events.
event.retentionperiod.h Specify the retention 1 to 2,880 2880
our period for events.

logger.sysloglevel = 0
logger.message.server.MaxBackupIndex = 7
logger.message.server.MaxFileSize = 10240
logger.message.command.MaxBackupIndex = 7
logger.message.command.MaxFileSize = 1024
dynamicThreshold.calculateTime = 00:00:00
dynamicThreshold.startLatencyDay = 1, 3, 7, 14
dynamicThreshold.minimumDataN = 150 = 1
dynamicThreshold.margin.Severe.rate = 1 = 5
dynamicThreshold.margin.Normal.rate = 5 = 10
dynamicThreshold.margin.Rough.rate = 10
cert.verify.enabled = false

380 User-specified properties file (

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
automation.parameter.productName = Analytics
automation.parameter.serviceGroupName = Analytics Service Group
automation.parameter.serviceName.ioControl.modify = Modify IO
Control Settings for Volume
automation.parameter.serviceName.ioControl.delete = Delete IO
Control Settings for Volume
iocontrol.history.maxcount = 5000
iocontrol.cmd.parameterFile.maxCount = 100
iocontrol.cmd.parameterFile.minRetention.minute = 5
event.maxcount = 1000000
event.retentionperiod.hour = 2880

User-specified properties file ( 381

Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
382 User-specified properties file (
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
A Automation Director
account importing certificate from 248
conditions 176 initial settings for linking with 75
unsuccessful attempt to connect to the
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor web client 320 B
when Infrastructure Analytics Advisor cannot backing up
start 321 Analytics probe server settings information
when Analytics probe server cannot connect to 297
Data Center Analytics server via HTTPS 322 Data Center Analytics server settings
when Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server information and database 297
cannot connect to Data Center Analytics server general procedure 294
322 Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server setting
when you cannot log on to Infrastructure information 296
Analytics Advisor server 320 RAID Agent 298
adding starting services 301, 311
AMS probe 128 stopping services 295, 303
Brocade Network Advisor probe 130 backupsystem command 329
Cisco DCNM probe 130 BaseDN 177
Cisco SAN switch probe 131
Hitachi Enterprise Storage probe 116, 123
HNAS probe 128
Linux probe 133 C
probes to Analytics probe Server 109 changing
VMware probe 129 host name 260
Analytics probe server settings information installation directory 260
backing up 297 IP address 262
restoring 308 port number (between Infrastructure Analytics
Analytics probe server Advisor and the RAID Agent) 281
installing 58 port number (between Infrastructure Analytics
installing (by using VMware vSphere Client) 41 Advisor server and a web browser, Linux) 263
removing 317 port number (between Infrastructure Analytics
starting services 256 Advisor server and a web browser, Windows)
stopping services 256 265
Upgrading the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor port number (between Infrastructure Analytics
environment 159 Advisor server and common component) 267
applying from certificate authority port number (between Infrastructure Analytics
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server Advisor server and the SMTP server) 268
certificate 229 port number (for SSL communication, Linux)
applying self-signed certificates 234
Data Center Analytics server 239 port number (for SSL communication,
applying server certificates Windows) 237
Data Center Analytics server and Analytics port number (RAID Agent REST Web Service)
probe server 244 283
authorization group 170

Index 383
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
primary server (Infrastructure Analytics D
Advisor server) 270 Data Center Analytics server
RAID Agent data collection intervals 286 choosing installation method 20
system account password 72 installing 52
time (Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server) installing (by using VMware vSphere Client) 40
268 removing 316
changing format starting services 256
syslog 269 stopping services 256
checking Upgrading the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
completion of initial setup 134, 144 environment 154
Data Center Analytics server 68 Data Center Analytics Windows-based probe
expiration date of server certificates for Data Upgrading the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
Center Analytics Server and Analytics probe environment 162
Server 247 Data Center Analytics server settings information
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server and database
certificate 233 backing up 297
checking connection with Automation Director 90 restoring 307
checking connections default installation destination directory 23
external authentication server 216 definition information files (RAID Agent) 299
external authorization server 216 deleting
choosing installation method an instance environment 119
Data Center Analytics server 20 certificate for Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server 20 238
list 327
notes 328
usable characters for arguments 329
completion of initial setup encryption types
checking 134, 144 Kerberos authentication 220
conditions encryptpassword command 332
account 176 file
LDAP search user account 209 Kerberos server 201 377 LDAP directory server 183
Configuration Manager REST API RADIUS server 192
Upgrading the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor exporting self-signed certificate
environment 162 for Data Center Analytics server 242
configuring external authentication server 170
collection method 142 checking connections 216
FTP server 143 registering 181
mail server 73 external authorization server 170
Windows-based probe 142 checking connections 216
connection registering 181
Analytics probe server 69
Analytics probe server 69 F
FTP information 69 flat model 178
creating format
Administrator account 68 Definition file linked to Automation Director 79
Analytics probe server administrator account
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server access
user account 68
general procedure
instance environment 114
backing up 294
private key and certificate signing request 228
restoring 302
creating keys
Granular Data Collection
SSH 99
registering storage systems to be monitored
guest OS
setting 43

384 Index
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
H installation directory
hcmds64checkauth command 334 changing 260
hcmds64fwcancel command 337 installing
hcmds64getlogs command 338 Analytics probe server 58
hcmds64intg command 343 Analytics probe server (by using VMware
hcmds64ldapuser command 345 vSphere Client) 41
hcmds64prmset command 348 Data Center Analytics server 52
hcmds64radiussecret command 351 Data Center Analytics server (by using VMware
hcmds64srv command 353 vSphere Client) 40
hcmds64ssltool command 357 Data Center Analytics Server Windows-based
hcmds64unlockaccount command 362 probe 137
hierarchical structure model 177 Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server (by
host name using VMware vSphere Client) 40
changing 260 Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server (Linux)
htmhsbackup command 298 52
htmhsrestore command 308 Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server
(Windows) 66
Windows-based probe 141
workflow (two-host) 21
I workflow (three-host) 22
I/O control configuration function instance environment
using script 90 creating 114
using Automation Director 82 IP address
importing certificate changing 262
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server 242
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server
choosing installation method 20
deleting certificate 238 K
importing certificate to 248, 249 Kerberos authentication
installing (by using VMware vSphere Client) 40 encryption types 220
installing (Linux) 52 Kerberos server
installing (Windows) 66 file 201
License registration 71
log on 71
removing (Linux) 316 L
removing (Windows) 316 LDAP directory server
starting services 254 condition for server certificate 251
stopping services 255 file 183
Upgrading the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor importing certificate from 249
environment (Linux) 154 LDAP search user
Upgrading the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor registering 211
environment (Windows) 158 LDAP search user account 209
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server certificate checking 214
233 conditions 209
applying from certificate authority 229 deleting 213
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server list
installation to another host command 327
moving 269 of services 375
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server setting locking
information system accounts 312
backing up 296 log in
restoring 305 Analytics probe server 69
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server SSL Data Center Analytics server 68
communication 229 log on
initial settings Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server 71
linking with Automation Director 75 logging on
SSH 99 changing password 72
Analytics probe server user information 69

Index 385
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
M redundant configuration 179
mail server registering public keys
configuring 73 SSH 100
moving registering storage systems to be monitored
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server Granular Data Collection 102
installation to another host 269 registration
multi-domain configuration 179 Analytics probe license 69
Data Center Analytics server license 68
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server license
N reloadtemplate command 367
notes removing
command 328 Analytics probe server 317
notes on operations Data Center Analytics server 316
Tuning Manager - Agent for RAID 123 Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server (Linux)
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server
O (Windows) 316
overview 18 restoresystem command 370
Analytics probe server settings information
Data Center Analytics server settings
pop up block
information and database 307
setting 71
general procedure 302
port number
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server setting
changing (between Infrastructure Analytics
information 305
Advisor server and a web browser, Windows)
RAID Agent 308
starting services 301, 311
changing (between Infrastructure Analytics
stopping services 295, 303
Advisor server and common component) 267
changing (between Infrastructure Analytics
Advisor and the RAID Agent) 281
changing (between Infrastructure Analytics S
Advisor server and a web browser, Linux) 263 secondary server 75
changing (between Infrastructure Analytics secure communication
Advisor server and the SMTP server) 268 workflow 223
changing (for SSL communication, Linux) 234 server certificate
changing (for SSL communication, Windows) conditions for LDAP directory 251
237 services 375
changing (RAID Agent REST Web Service) 283 setting
primary server 75 connection with the Data Center Analytics
changing 270 server 73
private key and certificate signing request Analytics probe server time zone 69
creating 228 Data Center Analytics server 68
Data Center Analytics server time zone 68
guest OS 43
pop up block 71
Restricting access to servers that connect
RADIUS server
RAID Agent 284 file 192
shared secret
RAID Agent
checking 216
backing up 298
deleting 215
restoring 308
registering 214
starting services 257
stopping services 258
creating keys 99
RAID Agent definition information files
initial settings 99
backup targets 299
registering public keys 100
RAID Agent data collection intervals
verifying connections 101
changing 286
raid_agent_config command 364

386 Index
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
SSL communication V
changing port number (Windows) 237 verifying
changing port number (Linux) 234 SSH connections 101
starting services yum/rpm dependency packages 48, 151
Analytics probe server 256
backing up 301, 311
Data Center Analytics server 256
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server 254
RAID Agent 257 workflow
restoring 301, 311 installing (two-host) 21
Windows-based probe service 144 installing (three-host) 22
stopping services secure communication 223
Analytics probe server 256 Upgrading the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
backing up 295, 303 environment (three-host) 149
Data Center Analytics server 256 Upgrading the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server 255 environment (two-host) 148
RAID Agent 258
restoring 295, 303
Storage I/O controls feature Y
workflow (two-host) 21 yum/rpm dependency packages 48, 151
workflow (three-host) 22
changing format 269
system accounts
locking 312
system configuration 18
system estimate
Tuning Manager - Agent for RAID 126

changing (Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
server) 268

unsuccessful attempt to connect to the
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor web client
actions 320
Upgrading the Infrastructure Analytics Advisor
Analytics probe server 159
Configuration Manager REST API 162
Data Center Analytics server 154
Data Center Analytics Windows-based probe
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server (Linux)
Infrastructure Analytics Advisor server
(Windows) 158
workflow (three-host) 149
workflow (two-host) 148
usable characters for arguments
command 329
user_httpsd.conf 229
user-specified properties file 377

Index 387
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
388 Index
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor Installation and Configuration Guide
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