SOSIE 2nd Generation Profile Report Sample UK

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SOSIE™ 2nd Generation

Profile Report

Name: Gérard Heloise

Organisation: Pearson Sample Corporation

Date: 21-01-2019
This report is confidential and intended for the consultant.


Gérard Heloise Page 1 of 10

About SOSIE 2nd Generation

SOSIE is a personality assessment that measures personality traits together with personal and interpersonal values.

The combined measurement of personality and values makes it possible to understand an individual's potential, not only
their strengths, but also the values and priorities that motivate them to act.

How to read and interpret this report

The SOSIE profile for Gérard is based on responses given during the assessment, which this individual completed in
00:00:00 minutes.

The score obtained is transformed into percentiles using the International Manager norm sample.

The percentile score indicates the percentage of individuals in the norm sample who scored the same or lower than
Gérard (for example, a score at the 34th percentile means that 34% of the International Manager sample have scores that
are lower or the same as Gérard. A score of 66% would be higher).

The results are then grouped into three categories for interpretation: low (<= 30th percentile), medium (31st to 70th
percentile), and high (>= 71st percentile). IM
The information in this report allows the formulation of hypotheses with reference to the individual’s general behaviour, to
be confirmed or not confirmed during a feedback interview.

This report is intended exclusively for professionals who are trained to interpret SOSIE profiles. It is to be given neither to
the test-taker, nor to the individual’s manager.

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Personality Traits
Scales Raw Scores Percentiles
Dominance 12

Responsibility 15

Stress Resistance 12

Sociability 17

Cautiousness 20

Original Thinking 16

Personal Relations 11

Vigour 17

Interpersonal Values
Scales Raw Scores Percentiles




Independence 18
Benevolence 13

Power 13

Personal Values
Scales Raw Scores Percentiles

Materialism 14

Achievement 13

Variety 15

Conviction 9

Orderliness 10

Goal Orientation 14

Norm Group: International Manager

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Personality Traits

These individuals are likely to These individuals may be self-
listen rather than talk and they 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 assured in relationships with
may be guided by other others and adopt an active
people’s views and 9 role in a group, taking control
suggestions, without needing of agendas. They are
their own views to be confident in influencing others.
accepted. They may prefer to
let others take the lead.
Candidate Percentile: 9


These individuals may be These individuals are
flexible in reacting to tasks 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 persistent and determined in
they are interested in, though completing tasks even when
they can have difficulty 4 faced with obstacles or if the
sticking to a fixed schedule work is not central to their
and meeting the expectations interests; they may be
of others. They are less likely thorough and can usually be
to persevere with a task when relied upon once asked to do
faced with obstacles. something.
Candidate Percentile: 4

Stress Resistance
These individuals tend to be
IM These individuals tend to be
nervous and to have 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 worry-free, handle change
difficulties in dealing with well, and act in a calm
frustration; they may have 3 manner, even when the
trouble controlling their environment might create a
emotions and coping with more emotional reaction in
change, though this should most people.
not affect their work in more
predictable environments.
They may well be sensitive to
the social and emotional
aspects of their environment.
Candidate Percentile: 3

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Personality Traits

These individuals are These individuals like to be
comfortable working alone or 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 around other people and work
with little social contact for with others. They find it easy
extended periods of time; they 50 to make new acquaintances,
tend to favour working alone and get along with others
and though they may find it socially.
difficult to work continuously in
groups, they may be
comfortable interacting with a
select few.
Candidate Percentile: 50


These individuals tend to act These individuals consider
on the spur of the moment; 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 matters carefully before
they can be impulsive, thrill- deciding or acting and tend to
seeking, and enjoy taking 57 avoid taking chances. They
chances. They may be able to are inclined to avoid risk, but
make decisions quickly, but may miss opportunities that
may sometimes fail to fully would result from prompt
consider the implications of decision making or taking a
their actions. IM chance.
Candidate Percentile: 57

Original Thinking
These individuals feel at ease These individuals tend to be
when working on practical, 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 at ease working on complex
down-to-earth problems and problems; they are
staying within areas where 7 intellectually curious, and
they are knowledgeable. They enjoy thought-provoking
may be reluctant to tackle discussions about theoretical
problems requiring original and imaginative issues. They
thought or acquiring new may be less inclined towards
knowledge. dealing with practical matters.
Candidate Percentile: 7

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Personality Traits

Personal Relations
These individuals tend to be These individuals may readily
questioning and may not 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 place their trust and faith in
readily place trust or others and be understanding
confidence in others. They 5 and open to other peoples’
may be critical of issues and feedback. They
shortcomings in others, but tend to be tolerant, patient,
find it difficult to take criticism and accepting. Because of
themselves. These individuals this, they may accept things at
are likely to be alert to face value and be
potential deception and are insufficiently critical or
comfortable with challenging challenging.
Candidate Percentile: 5

These individuals prefer a These individuals are dynamic
slower pace and are likely to 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 and energetic; they like to
appear less urgent and work at a fast pace, and will
energetic. They may be at 14 rarely display tiredness.
ease in more relaxed
environments without tight
deadlines. IM Candidate Percentile: 14

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Interpersonal Values

These individuals do not These individuals will probably
necessarily value help, 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 be motivated by receiving
motivation, or encouragement kindness, consideration,
from others. 22 encouragement, and
understanding towards them
from others.
Candidate Percentile: 22

These individuals do not These individuals tend to

necessarily value conforming 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 value social rules, standards,
to social rules, standards, and and conventions. They are
conventions. 58 likely to be motivated by
situations requiring them to
conform to what is socially
accepted and "proper".
Candidate Percentile: 58

These individuals may place
little value on the praise,
admiration, and esteem of
other people and will continue
to work if these are not
0 10 20
IM 30 40 50

60 70 80 90 100
These individuals are likely to
place importance on the
praise and admiration of
others. They may value being
noticed and having esteem
offered. These individuals and status offered to them by
tend to regard their own status others.
as unimportant.
Candidate Percentile: 58

These individuals might These individuals consider
accept team rules and 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 personal independence
constraints imposed by others important; they might look for
on the way they work or act, 85 ways to do what they want in
and tend to give personal their own way, making their

independence a low priority. own choices. They may want

They may value guidance and to be free from following rules
advice from others. and the direction of others.
Candidate Percentile: 85

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Interpersonal Values

These individuals tend to give These individuals value
a low priority to other people’s 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 generous behaviour, offering
needs and issues and place help and sharing things with
little value on helping others 48 others.
or on charitable acts.

Candidate Percentile: 48


These individuals tend to be These individuals value
less concerned about leading 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 positions and opportunities in
people and having power over which they can influence,
them; they may have little 49 manage, and lead others; they
motivation to manage other might seek situations in which
people or to exercise authority it is possible to establish or
over them. confirm their own power and
Candidate Percentile: 49

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Personal Values

These individuals can often These individuals are likely to
work without tangible or 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 place a high value on material
immediate outcomes and may possessions and may prefer
place a low value on 86 doing things that are practical,
possessions, economic immediately useful, and
advantage, and other practical economically advantageous.
Candidate Percentile: 86


These individuals may be These individuals are likely to
motivated in tasks or work by 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 value accomplishment. They
factors other than challenge, enjoy challenging work,
importance, or high standards. 34 particularly of the type that
allows personal initiative and
in which individual effort can
pay off.
Candidate Percentile: 34

Variety IM
These individuals may be less These individuals are likely to
likely to value new or different 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 value the opportunity for new
experiences or situations. experiences and to be
73 confronted with new, different,
and even risky situations.
They are likely to be
motivated by work that is not
going to become routine and
Candidate Percentile: 73

These individuals tend to put These individuals may value
a low priority on tasks and 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 situations, opportunities, and
situations that demand tasks which enable them to

important decision making 33 make important decisions and

and the need to defend their defend their opinions and
own views. convictions.
Candidate Percentile: 33

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Personal Values

These individuals may place a These individuals may value
lower priority on organisation 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 an organised and systematic
and planning, and might work environment, and prefer
consider systematic and 38 to work in a methodical and
structured work environments structured way.
as less motivating.
Candidate Percentile: 38

Goal Orientation
These individuals have little These individuals are likely to

preference for working on 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 be motivated by tasks that
tasks with strictly defined have specific and clearly
goals and explicit objectives. 49 defined goals and objectives.

Candidate Percentile: 49

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