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JAPAN- Audiences are looking for this self learing mastery in musicians. This is the reason why music has
become highly ritualized.

Percussion Instruments (Membranophone)

1. Odaiko – (big drum). The Physical energy and sheer excitement of an Odaiko performance is a
integral part of many Japanese matsuri (festival).
2. Tsuzumi – (hourglass shape) There are two varieties, the (smaller) Kotsuzumi is held on the right
shoulder and the player alters the tone by squeezing the laces. The (bigger) otsuzumi is placed
on the left thigh.
3. Tsuridaiko – a large hanging barrel drum
4. Taiko – is a Japanese drum that comes in various sizes and is used to play a variety of musical


1. Koto – is a 13-string zither, about two meters long and made of Paulownia wood. It is
plucked using picks on the thumb and first two fingers of the right hand, while the left hand
can be used to modify pitch and tone.
2. Shamisen – is a plucked stringed instrument. Its construction follows a model similar to that
of a guitar or a banjo, employing a neck and strings stretched across a resonating body.
3. Biwa – is a Japanese short necked fretted lute, often used in narrative storytelling. The biwa
is the chosen instrument of benten, the goddess of music, eloquence, poetry and education
in japanese Shinto.


1. Shakuhachi – the most famous flute made from bamboo. It has 4 or 5 finger holes on the
front face and a thumbhole on the rear face.
2. Nokan – a parallel, bamboo flute is the only melodic instrument used in NOH. The melody of
the flute has no specific pitch relationship with the melody of the chanting
3. Hitchiriki – is a double reed Japanese flute used as one of two main melodic instruments in
Japanese gagaku music, the other being the ryuteki.
4. Sho – is a Japanese free reed musical instrument that was introduced from china during the
Nara period.
5. Shinobue – also called takebue, in the context of Japanese traditional arts.
6. Ryuteki – literally dragon flute is a Japanese transverse fue made of bamboo. It is used iin


1. Yueqin – moon shaped lute with shorter neck and four strings, played with a spectrum, used
for accompanying local operas.
2. Pipa – Four – stringd lute with 30 frets and a pear – shaped body.
3. Erhu – Two – stringed fiddle and one of the most popular Chinese instrument. It is used as a
solo instruments.
4. Yunlo – literally, cloud gongs or cloud of gongs, the yunlo is a set of ten small tuned gongs
mounted in a wooden frame.
5. Sheng – a Chinese mouth organ) looks like a set of panpipes with 12 to 36 bamboo pipes.
Each pipe is of different length with a brass reed at the bottom and a hole that must be
blocked in order for the note to sound.
6. Dizi – is the traditional Chinese flute. It can have a membrane over an extra hole to give the
characteristic rattle effect.
7. Zheng – An ancient Chinese instrument that has an arched surface and an elongated
trapezoid with 13 to 21 strings stretched over individual bridges.
8. Pengling – These are two small bells made of high tin bronze, without internal clappers and
hemispheric or bottomless gourd like in shape.


Korea’s folk music tradition, with its generous use of bright rhythms and melodies, offers a more
energetic and capricious contrast to the nations collection of classical music works.

1. Chong – ak – means literally righ music – Chong ak also refers to ensemble music for men of
high social status outside of the court.
2. Sog – ak or minsogak – is a category of Korean music traditionally associated with the lower
classes or for the general public and are vibrant and energetic.
3. Pansori - is a kind of music presented to audiences by skilled vocal singers and drummers.


1. Kayagum – is a traditional Korean zither – like string instrument with 12 strings, although
more recently variants have been constructed with 21 or more numbers of strings.
2. Haegum – two string vertical fiddle- it has a rodlike neck, a hollow wooden soundbox two
silk strings and is held vertically on the knee of the performer and played with a bow.


1. Piri – it is made of bamboo. Its large reed and cylindrical bore gives it a sound mellower than
that of many other types of oboe.


1. Changgo – is the most widely used drum used in the tradional music of korea.It is available in
most kinds and consist of an hour glass – shaped body with two heads made from animal
2. Sakura – is a traditional Japanese folk song depicting spring, the season of cherry blossoms.
3. Mo Li Hua – is a tradional Chinese song with a beautifully gentle and lyrical melody. The
lyrics is about the Jasmine flower, also turn it into a love song.
4. Arirang – is a koren folk song sometimes considered the unofficial national anthem of Korea.
It is used a symbol of Korea and Korean culture.

In East Asia, the objects or items that are usually put into Paintings are called Subjects, Themes
or Motifs. These maybe about animals, people, landscapes and anything about the

Painting subject or Themes


1. Flowers and birds 2. Landscapes 3. PALACES AND TEMPLES

4. Human Figures 5. Animals 6. Bamboos and stones

2. Japan
1. Scenes from everyday life 2. Narratives scenes crowded with figures and detail


1. landscapes paintings 2. Minhwa 3. Four Gracious plants (plum blossoms, orchids

or wild orchids

Painting is closely related to calligraphy among the Chinese people

Caligraphy- is the art of beautiful handwriting. Traditionally painting involves essentially the same
techniques as calligraphy and is done with a brush dipped in black or colored ink, oils are not used.

There are three main types of roofs in traditional Chinese architecture that influenced other Asian
1. Straight inclined – more economical for common Chinese architecture
2. Multi inclined- roofs with two or more sections of incline.
3. Sweeping – has curves that rise at the corners of the roof. These are usually reserved for the temples
and palaces although it may also be found in the homes of the wealthy.
4. Woodblock prainting is a technique fro printing text, images or patterns used widely throughout East

5. Japanese Ukiyo – e – The best known and most popular style of Japanese art is Ukiyo - e,
which is Japanese for picture of the floating world and it is related to the
6. Peking opera face painting is done with different colors in accordance with the performing
characters personality and historical assessment.


TEAM SPORTS- Any kind of sports that a group of individuals on the same team, work together to attain
their ultimate goal.

Basketball- invented in December 1891 by the Canadian clergyman, educator and Physician James
Naismith. By 1050’s basketball had become a major college sport, thus paving the way for a growthof
interest in Professional basketball. The first pro league, the national basketball league was formed in
1898 to protect players from exploitation and to promote a less rough game.

The Basic rules ofBasketball are:

1. Robounding
2. Shooting
3. Passing
4. dribbling


Who invented the volleyball- William Morgani

Basic rules for volleyball

1. Serving
2. Kicking
3. Blocking
4. Digging


Dating – is a stage of romantic relationships in which two individuals engage in an activity together, most
often with the intention of evaluation of each other.

Dating and courtship- It will not allow you to get to know the person you are in a relationship
with, while having a good time.

pregnant mother undergo Post Natal Care - It helps evaluate the health status of the mother
and the baby.

Immunization - is the method in making a person become protected, immune or resistant to an

infectious disease

Family planning important- It helps individuals and couples anticipate their desired number of

Responsibilities of parents to their children are

1. To teach the children to act according to moral principle

2. Instilling values and life lessons to the children

3. To teach social interactions.

The important of immunization for children

1. It prevents disease, childhood death and disability.

2. It increases healthcare costs for children's health.

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