Online Test Requ.97

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Deadline:-7 days from starting date + 3 extra days for documentation+1 extra day for admin section. Starting date:-23 oct 10 submission date 11 nov to 15 nov Team size :-2 maximum

Note:-company logo must be placed on each and every page,with copyright information ,should be placed in footer About us:- developed by:-ur name(ur pic) , and guidance :- ur faculty name(ur pic)

1. Login page(user name and roll no)(only three attempt)(using jdbc and database) 2. Welcome or rules page if i agree 3. go to section page else go to login page back 4. section page having the following options:-, c c++,java(radio button or hyper link as per ur choice)

5. after selection any option go to quesion page (total no of question must be dynamic means admin can change no of question according to requirment)

6. one question on one page(back button is optional)(buttons:- Next,preview,quit) For examples:Question1:- who is the father of java???? 1.ram 2.shyam 3.mohan 4. James gosling 5 skip 7. after the completion of one section , controls will move to section page 8. now select one option from remaining two option, section attempted will become invisible. 9. repeat this process for all section 10. at last result page in the following format:Section C Cpp Java Total question 25 25 25 Question attempted Right ans Wrong ans Marks

Total marks:Result :- pass/fail

11. Data base Question table format:Columns:1. Qno 2. Question 3. Option 1 4. Option 2 5. Option 3 6. Option 4 7. Correct ans.

Hint: - without using session management calculation of marks is not possible.

Note: - user name,roll no and timer must be displayed on all the pages and in database store, final result for a particular rollno . ----- Marks sheet printing facility must be there-----------------------

To make more effective ur project u can add one more module in ur project ie:-online test generator (admin section:-insert, delete, update, change question and no of questions )

Report format:1. Front page(rat logo must be there) 2. Index 3. Company profile 4. Ack. 5. How ur project is beneficial for society (means features of ur project). 6. Abstract or syn. Of ur project containing: - summary of ur project along with hardware and software requirement (tech. used, tools used ,database used etc. etc.) 7. Concepts of software engg. (please refer book pressman for s.e.) a. What is sdlc b. All modals c. Testing 8. Little bit about technologies used 9. Screen shots of ur project and database 10. 11. Future enhancement in ur project Trouble shooting

12.Bibliography Part two:- admin section(online test generator)

1. Update ,delete,add new section 2. Update,delete add new questions 3. Create username and password for students.

Steps:1. Login page 2. Second page a. Edit section b. Edit question c. Edit useraccount d. View results 3.

Reward:- Best project(designing,deadline,functioning) (500/- cash)

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