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Put on – wear Makeup for – to compensate

Put up with - Tollerate Set back – delay

Put across - communicate Set in _ take hold

Put out – extinguish Set out – begin a journey

Put up - to buy Call at – visit a place

Put down – pen down Call for – demand

Put forward – To suggest Come across – meet by chance

Call on – visit a person Come down – be reduced in price

Call off – cancel Give away – distribute

Call out – shouted Go for – attack

Make out – understand Go of - explore

Come up – come out Go with - match

Go on -- continue Look after – take care of

Give up – abundant Look into - investigate

Blow up – explode Put by - save

Bring up – raise a child Put down - stop

Break out – pottipurappeduka Put in – offer / do ,say

Lookout for – search Put off – delay / postpond

Go through – examine Put on – wear

Give away – distribute Put up - build

Give in – surrender Set in – to begin

Come across – meet by chance Take after – resemble

Come over – overcome Turn down – reject/ refuse to accept

Come up – come out Turn in – arrive/ appear

Make up – to invent Tut out - extinguish

Make for – to move Turn up – arrive / attend

Make out – understand Wipe of - eradicate

Make into – to convert Make it _ to succeed

Make of – to hurry away Look out for - search

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