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Experimental Study on Light Weight Concrete using

Plastic Waste as a Partial Replacement of Fine

R. S. Mozumder (  u1501110@student.cuet.ac.bd )
Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology
M. M. Abedin
Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology
M. T. Islam
Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology

Research Article

Keywords: Plastic wastes, Recycling, Non-biodegradable, Light weight, Shear capacity, Compressive
strength, Tensile strength, Fine aggregate, Sieve analysis

Posted Date: February 9th, 2023

DOI: https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-2552757/v1

License:   This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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Additional Declarations: No competing interests reported.

Springer Nature 2021 LATEX template

Experimental Study on Light Weight

Concrete using Plastic Waste as a Partial
Replacement of Fine Aggregate
R. S. Mozumder1*† , M. M. Abedin1† and M. T. Islam1†
1* Department of Civil Engineering, Chittagong University of
Engineering and Technology, Raozan, 4349, Chittagong,

*Corresponding author(s). E-mail(s):

Contributing authors: minhajul.abedin.ccs13@gmail.com;
† These authors contributed equally to this work.

Waste from plastic materials is outstripped due to the growth of indus-
trialization and urbanization. Plastic materials are non-biodegradable;
decomposition is not possible all the time. Recycled plastic materi-
als by using concrete, will be a great deal for plastic management for
a certain period. Aims to measure the optimum percentage of plas-
tic in concrete without a reduction in concrete strength. The goal of
this experimental investigation is to clarify the shear cracking behav-
ior of reinforced concrete beams with the combination of fine aggregates
such as Recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate (RPET) and Polypropy-
lene (PP) in the weight fraction of fine aggregate. Using the provision
of Mix Design ACI 211.1-91, the M28 concrete grade was created.
The mechanical characteristics and shear performance were exam-
ined for concrete made utilizing various hybrid combinations. Plastic
materials were collected and passed through a No-4 sieve (4.76mm).
Reinforced concrete beams(750mm*150mm*150mm) and cylinder spec-
imens of concrete (100mm diameter and 200mm height) were made
by the mixture of plastic materials as a percentage of total fine
aggregate in the mix (0%, 2%, 4%, 6%, 8%, 10%). The beams

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2 Experimental Study on Light Weight Concrete using Plastic Waste as ...

were conducted for the shear capacity test and the cylinder speci-
mens for the compressive test and tensile splitting test. The beams
are reinforced with two 12 mm steel bars in the tension zone of the
beam with a proper clear cover. The experimental findings demon-
strate which partial replacement of fine aggregate produced the best
outcomes and also analyze shear behavior and fracture development.

Keywords: Plastic wastes; Recycling; Non-biodegradable; Light weight;

Shear capacity; Compressive strength; Tensile strength; Fine aggregate; Sieve

1 Introduction
The application of recycling for using waste in industries has become a salu-
tary activity for researchers because it reduces the number of waste on dump
sites and less use of natural resources. E-waste is increasing and it needs effec-
tive recycling programs. According to January 2019 report from the World
Economic Forum, E-waste is the fastest-growing waste surge in the world with
an estimated waste drift of 48.5 million tons in 2018 [1]. According to the Uni-
versity of Columbia’s Earth Institute blog, that number is on track to reach 60
million tons by 2021. The main constitute of E-waste is plastic, now the amount
of plastic waste is increasing at a rate of 1.8 million metric tons per year [2].
Plastic waste contains hundreds of substances that are not bio-degradable that
are harmful to ecological balance. The world’s plastic waste is a huge problem
but it is also a golden opportunity. According to the EPA, the recycling rate of
PET bottles and jars was 29.1 percent in 2018 (910,000 tons) [3]. Bangladesh
has generated 10,504 metric tons of plastic waste by cell phone sets within the
last 21 years. Every year almost 2,96,302 TV sets become scraped and gen-
erated 0.17 million metric tons of e-waste [4]. The generation growth rate of
plastic waste is about 20% per year according to a study by BUET [5]. For
drinks or other liquid food packaging, PET bottles are commonly used. Plas-
tic bottles of glass have been taken away because it is the cheapest, lightest
and simplest way to store and handle drinks. Yet this vast amount of plas-
tic waste is not dissipated, it is a problem for sustainable development. It
would affect the climate. Plastic pollution has now become a dangerous obsta-
cle to the modern way of life in the environment. It has a serious effect on the
drainage system and pollutes the ecosystem as a whole. One such example of
reduction is to optimize plastic materials and enhance vehicle design to reduce
the environmental effects [6]. While more academics are becoming interested
in reuse and recycling, a rising number of studies have reported the possibil-
ity to recycle and reuse destroyed concrete or plastic debris as an ecologically
benign building material [7–9]. As polymer aggregation is substantially lighter
than natural aggregates, the use of plastic waste materials in concrete work
can be considerably more beneficial than natural aggregates that are lower in
their density. The use of plastic waste can be more acceptable for reducing
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Experimental Study on Light Weight Concrete using Plastic Waste as ... 3

plastic waste and ensuring that plastic waste is safely disposed of. The inser-
tion of macrosynthetic fibers greatly increased the shear strength and ductility
of the RC beams and altered the cracking and failure behavior, according to
the research findings [10]. Scientists are now conducting research and devel-
opment to minimize building costs by using natural aggregates and to render
lightweight buildings with plastic recycled materials. The paper aims to study
the use of plastic waste in concrete work by replacing fine aggregates with
percentages for which concrete strength achievements at the target level are
associated with the reduction of construction costs. The outcome would con-
tinue to be an environmentally friendly, lightweight building with less impact
on the environment.

2 Materials and Methods

The aim of the experimental program is to compare the properties, usability as
a lightweight material, and shear behavior of concrete made with and without
plastic, used as fine aggregate. For preparing the testing specimen, an ACI
mix design has been conducted for concrete with the strength of M28, and
six partial replacements were used (0%, 2%, 4%, 6%, 8%, 10% of weight)
with plastic wastes instead of sand. Beam specimens:(750mm*150mm*150mm)
and Cylinder specimens:(100mm diameter and height of 200mm), specimens
were prepared following BS 1881-116:1983 standard procedure. To ensure a
shear failure, all tested beams were reinforced with only bottom longitudinal
reinforcement and no web reinforcement was provided [11]. The total number
of cylindrical specimens and reinforced beams cast is respectively 36 nos. and
18 nos. The specimen has been tested for 28 day curing period.

2.1 Experimental Setup for Beam

Fig. 1 The design reinforced beam configuration with a constant shear span-to-depth ratio
is 2 Using AutoCAD
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All of the beams were solid without transverse reinforcement and had the same
shear span to depth ratio. The shear span-to-depth ratio is the ratio of the
shear span (a) to the effective cross-sectional depth (d) of a beam. Previous
work has shown that the effect of concrete strength on shear strength is also
dependent on the a/d ratio of the beam [12]. The beams were designed to fail
under shear. However, the a/d does not necessarily affect the failure patterns of
beams [13, 14]. Two Point loading configurations have been used for structural
beam tests. Fig. 1 shows the detail of the beam and the test setup of the
experimental work. The constant shear span-to-depth ratio is 2 (a/d=2).

2.2 Material Properties

Table 1 Properties of PCC Cement

Property Value

Blaine’s Specific Surface (cm2 /gm) 3600

Specific Gravity 3.15
Normal Consistency (%) 26.5
Soundness By Le Chatelier’s Test (mm) 0.48
Initial Setting Time (min) 58
Final Setting Time (min) 118

Table 2 Properties of Aggregate

Properties Fine Coarse Plastic Mate-

Aggregate Aggregate rial

Fineness Modulus 2.68 4.58 6.84

Specific Gravity 2.4 2.83 1.26
Unit Weight (Kg/m2 ) 1578 1600 586
Absorption Capacity (%) 0.38 0.65 <0.2
Moisture Content (%) 5.12 2.14 -
Maximum Aggregate Size(mm) - 20 -
Aggregate Shape - Angular Angular
Melting Point (◦ C) - - 82-85
Aggregate Colour - - Different

2.2.1 Plastic Collection

At first, various types of plastic are collected from different sources like an old
TV, electronic board, old computer monitor, fruit carats, etc. Plastic waste
samples of larger sizes were collected, then the process of grinding started for
the smaller size of plastic as per requirement, though plastic was decided to
be used as a partial replacement for fine aggregate. Then the trimmed plastic
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waste samples were washed to clean them and for the purpose of checking that
the plastic was submerged in water. After that, by vibratory machine, sieving
of plastic samples, and performed further work. As their residues are some big
particles of plastic after the grinding process, they are sieved through a No.4

2.2.2 Plastic Grains Sieve Analysis

The results in Fig. 2 confirmed that 99.4% of the polypropylene grains passed
through the 4.75 mm sieve size, 30.8% passed through the 2.36 mm diameter
sieve size, whilst 1.8% surpassed through the 150-micrometer sieve size.

Fig. 2 Plastic grains sieve analysis

The coefficient of uniformity (Cu) and curvature (Cc) was once 2.42 and
1.41 respectively; this can be classified as a well-graded material, according to
ASTM D2487:06 and this confirmed that the material can be used as a partial
substitute for the first-class fine aggregate in concrete.

2.3 Workability and Design Strength Test

For the testing specimen, a mix design of 28 MPa concrete has been conducted.
For the design strength test, a cylindrical specimen of 6inch diameter and
12inch length, have been cast with different water cement ratio. For better
work, we have to conduct three trials of 0.38, 0.40, and 0.42 for obtaining the
desired w/c ratio. For the reality that the water-cement ratio influences the
strength of concrete, care used to be taken in the selection of suitable water-
cement ratios to be used in the trial mix, taking into account the nature of
aggregate.Table:3 shows the test samples were first prepared, and a water-
cement ratio of 0.38 was chosen because all other water ratios do not provide
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6 Experimental Study on Light Weight Concrete using Plastic Waste as ...

the proper mix required due to negative workability; this can be attributed
to the nature of the plastic grains, which are ripples in the water molecule.
The fluffy nature of the grains allowed more void within the concrete mix,
and more water is required to fill this void hence a higher water-cement ratio
[15]. Since Sieve no.4 to 16 retains 92.2 percent of plastic grains. As a result,
the plastic grains are much coarser and lack the fluffiness that attracts water.
However, fine grain which is fluffy and dry attracted some water molecules and
makes the grains to become wet. The fluffy nature of the grains created more
voids within the concrete mix which requires more water to fill voids. Here,
the plastic grains are much coarser that’s why the water-cement ratio is less.

Table 3 Investigation of Water Cement ratio

W/C Specimen Age Specimen Load Calibarted Crushing Average

ratio Num- (days) Surface Reading Max- Strength Crushing
ber Area (KN) imum (MPa) Strength
Load (N) (MPa)

1 117 445714 37.83

0.38 2 28 17671.5 106 404218 34.31 36.15
3 113 427930 36.32
1 90 339010 28.78
0.40 2 28 17671.5 98 368650 31.29 29.28
3 87 327154 27.77
1 84 472947 26.76
0.42 2 28 17671.5 92 517407 29.28 27.13
3 80 448032 25.35
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2.4 Flow Chart of Experimental Program

Fig. 3 Experimental Program

2.5 Mix Design

For ACI Mix Design has been conducted for M28 strength of concrete. The
process of material collection and conducting the test according to ACI Mix
Design provision. Target strength = (28+8) = 36 MPa, according to (ACI
211.1.91), Cement: Portland Composite Cement, Max size of coarse aggre-
gate = 20 mm, Slump value: 2–3-inch, Concrete type: non-air-entrained (2%),
Source of water: Supply tap water which is reasonably free from impurities,
W/C Ratio: 0.38. The ratio of Cement: Fine Aggregate: Coarse Aggregate =
1: 1.31: 1.93

2.6 Description of Specimen

This experimental program includes six specimens. The Control concrete
specimen was once named as Sp1 and concrete specimens with a range of pro-
portions of waste plastic were named as Sp2, Sp3, Sp4, Sp5, and Sp6. The
table:4 indicates the various percentage of waste plastic that exchange fine
aggregates in the concrete according to the mix design fine aggregate ratio.
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Table 4 Specimens Description

Identification of Specimens % Plastic Replacement by Weight

Sp1 0
Sp2 2
Sp3 4
Sp4 6
Sp5 8
Sp6 10

3 Results
3.1 Compressive Strength Test
Concrete’s compressive strength determines whether or not the concrete posi-
tioned in a structure can bear the weight of what’s on the pinnacle of it, or if it
will collapse. Compressive strength is the most important property of concrete
that is used to assess the quality of concrete [16]. Universal Testing Machine
(UTM) was used to determine the crushing load of the cylinder sample. The
U.T.M machine applied axial load to the cylinder specimen at a constant rate
until a minimum load was reached that corresponded to the ultimate compres-
sive load and was registered as the cylinder’s failure load. The compressive
strength of Sp2, Sp3, and Sp4 specimens are discovered to be nominally extra
than the controlled specimen, Sp1 indicating that the addition of waste plas-
tic contributed strength to the concrete cylinder. In figure: 4 shows the failure
mode and figure: 5 observed that the compressive strength is increased up
to Sp3, then the strength got reduced in Sp4 but it is greater than the con-
trolled specimen. The compressive strength of Sp5 and Sp6 specimens are much
less than the controlled specimen indicating that including more plastic limit
strength due to the lack of bond between elements of concrete. The compres-
sive strength of the Sp3 specimen is found to be highest than normal and other
specimens indicating that when 4% of fine aggregates are replaced by way of
waste plastic, it has enough bond between the components of concrete.

Fig. 4 Failure Mode of Cylinder

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Fig. 5 Average Compressive Strength Test Result

3.2 Split Tensile Test

One of the vital characteristics that substantially affect the extent and dimen-
sion of cracking of structures is the tensile strength of concrete. Moreover, due
to its fragile nature, concrete is highly susceptible to tensile forces. Therefore,
direct stress is not supposed to resist. As a result, cracks form in concrete when
tensile forces exceed their tensile strength. Due to minor misalignment and
stress concentrations in the gripping devices, direct tension tests are unreliable
for predicting the tensile strength of concrete. An indirect tensile test manner
was carried out following ASTM C 496/C 496M. In this test, a concrete cylin-
der used to be placed with its axis horizontal in a compression testing machine.
Therefore, it is crucial to decide the tensile power of concrete to determine the
load at which the concrete participants may additionally crack. The load (P)
used to be utilized uniformly alongside two opposite lines on the floor of the
cylinder through two plywood pads. The tensile strength was then calculated
by using the equation as under.

(T ) = (1)
2π ∗ L ∗ D

Here, T = most splitting tensile power (MPa), L = length of the cylinder

(mm), and D = diameter of the cylinder (mm). The average tensile strength of
three cylinders was reported in each case during the test and the percentage in
changes of tensile strength is reported. Fig:7 shows the Sp2 specimens record
the increased tensile strength. In the experimental results, the control speci-
mens Sp1 and Sp4 are of the same tensile strength. The specimens Sp5 and
Sp6 have significantly lower tensile strength than the specimen of the control
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Fig. 6 Split Tensile Strength Test

Fig. 7 Specimens Average Split Tensile Strength Result

3.3 Ultimate Failure Load of beam

The loading was increased depending on the experimental configuration of 5
KN per minute. The first crack loading of each sample has been documented.
When the beam failed, the ultimate failure loading was then registered. The
beams were conceived for shear failure. For structural beam testing, two
loading point configurations were used.
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Fig. 8 Experimental Setup of Beam in Lab

Fig. 9 Average Failure Load of Beam Specimens

3.4 Ultimate Shear Load and Stress

The shear stress should be the ultimate shear stress in every segment that is
obtained by the final load conditions. The RC shear beam failure starts from
the first shear failure. The creation of shear cracks, mainly the diagonal shear
cracks in concrete, characterize this phase typically. After this point, the beam
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can withstand a further load, compensating for the change. Within this time,
there is increasing crack width, scale, number, and propagation throughout
the segment. The RC beam section achieves its full force when applying a few
additional loads where it resists the maximum load. After that, it starts to
move largely at lower loads as the stiffness of the beam decreases. The crack
widths are wide, spread over the whole section, i.e., by crushing or cracking
the concrete fails. The beam maintains the full load at this point and the shear
stress is the ultimate strength of the portion of the beam [17].

Fig. 10 Corresponding Specimens Average Shear Load

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Fig. 11 Corresponding Specimens Average Normalized Ultimate Shear Stress

The design of the RCC beam for shear failure has finished the span of
630mm while no shear reinforcements, a 60mm overhang was provided on
either aspect of the beam to accommodate for sufficient anchorage length.
The main reinforcement provided was 12 mm bars of two nos. at the bottom
[18]. This ends up in the initiation of diagonal cracks that more propagate
through the beam web. In alternative words, the diagonal cracking strength
of concrete members depends on the tensile strength of the concrete. This
successively is expounded to its compressive strength. Shear failures in concrete
structures are very hazardous. These failures can rarely be predicted and often
happen explosively. Studies have shown that shear force is resisted by the
combined action of three factors specifically, the uncracked concrete in the
compression region, the combination interlocking, and the shear acting across
the longitudinal steel bars. From the value of the ultimate failure load, easily
calculated the ultimate shear load for each specimen. It was shown in the
above figure: 9 and 10 that Sp2 and Sp3 have large shear capacity w.r.t Sp1
shear capacity. Similarly, figure: 11 shows Sp2 and Sp3 have large normalized
ultimate shear stress capacity with respect to all specimens.

3.5 Crack Formation of Beams:

All specimens failed in the classical shear failure mode due to a major diagonal
shear crack, crushing of the concrete fibers under the load, and the local bond
failure of bottom reinforcement near the supports [19].Figure: 11 shows the
bending cracks that occurred in the continuous bending moment zone in the
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early loading point. All the beams containing plastic grains displayed a Bend-
ing moment crack pattern, the crack originated from the middle of the beam,
extending it to the point load. At later load stages, shear cracks emerged first
during the shear process and spread gradually to the support of the beam and
to the load. The cracks spread to the compression field under rising loads and
shear failure occurs. Concrete was trapped inside the compression zone and

Fig. 12 Crack Formation of Beams

3.6 Crack length of beams

The shear crack angle of the beam normally decreases with an increasing ratio
of span to depth. The bending effect is more than shear for long-term beams.
Table 5 shows the effect of the plastic percentage also influences the spread of

Table 5 Crack length of beams

Identification of Specimens Avg. Crack Length (cm)

Sp1 18
Sp2 18
Sp3 19
Sp4 25.75
Sp5 22.5
Sp6 20

the shear crack. Ultimate loads on a beam produce a wider shear crack angle
and also rely on the beam information and beam width transfer.

4 Conclusions
This experimental study can draw several conclusions:
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1. The compressive strength of Sp2, Sp3, and Sp4 specimens is discovered

to be nominally extra than the control specimen indicating that the addi-
tion of waste plastic contributed strength to the concrete cylinder. But
there is a large decrease in compressive strength in Sp5 and Sp6 specimens.
Thus, results clearly represent that plastic as a substitute of 2%,4%,6% by
fine aggregate weight can use because this provides sufficient compressive
strength. However, the compressive strength falls rapidly to further increase
the percentage of plastics;
2. Sp2 and Sp3 record the higher tensile strength. The specimens Sp1 and Sp4
in the test result possess the same tensile strength. Sp5, and Sp6 samples
have much less tensile strength than the controlled sample. So, Sp2 and Sp3
provide sufficient tensile strength;
3. Maximum ultimate shear capacity shows Sp3 specimen (55 kN). Sp2 spec-
imen also shows the 50 KN shear capacity. The shear capacity of Sp4, Sp5,
and Sp6 gradually decrease w.r.t Sp3 specimen. The ultimate normalized
shear stress also rapidly increases for Sp2 and Sp3 specimens. While the
maximum strength achieved by the Sp3 specimen by 0.532 N/mm2 .
4. All the specimen’s crack pattern is mostly the same as diagonal cracking.
The results show that diagonal cracks are noted as the main reason for
diagonal tension failure for specimens.
5. Using waste plastic material as a partial replacement for fine aggregate.
The concept of using lightweight concrete and sustainable development is
very useful for our world. If we use plastic waste as construction material,
some portion of this huge volume of plastic waste would be significantly

5 Statements and Declarations

5.1 Ethics approval
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interest or
personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported
in this paper.

5.2 conflicts of interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

5.3 Consent to Participate

All individual participants in the research provided their informed consent.

5.4 Consent for publication

The Authors hereby consent to the publication of the Work in the “Silicon”
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16 Experimental Study on Light Weight Concrete using Plastic Waste as ...

5.5 Availability of data and materials

Not applicable.

5.6 Competing interests

The authors declare no competing interests.

5.7 funding
This research received no external funding.

5.8 Authors’ contributions

The authors confirm their contribution to the paper as follows: study con-
ception and design: R. S. Mozumder, M. T. Alam; data collection: R. S.
Mozumder, M. M. Abedin; analysis and interpretation of results: R. S.
Mozumder, M. M. Abedin, M. T. Alam; draft manuscript preparation: R. S.
Mozumder. All authors reviewed the results and approved the final version of
the manuscript.

5.9 Acknowledgment
The authors are also thankful to professor Dr. Md. Moinul Islam, faculty of
the Department of Civil Engineering, Chittagong University of Engineering
and Technology, for directly helping to conduct the Universal Testing Machine
(UTM; Model TUN-2000) for the shear capacity test. Finally, the authors
gratefully acknowledge the support provided by the related faculties and staff
of the civil engineering department at Chittagong University of Engineering
and Technology.

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