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USF Elementary Education Management Routine Plan (Rev.

Fall 2020)
Name: Ella Genet

Grade Level: Kindergarten Date of Routine: 03/28/2024

Plan Content
What FEAPs and/or Standards The main FEAPs I plan to demonstrate for my observation are FEAPs 2a, 2b, 2c, and 2f.
relate to this lesson? Which FEAPs 2a: I plan to demonstrate this FEAP by starting on time, and leaving myself enough time to incorporate my
are you planning to demonstrate read-aloud and connected activity.
during the enactment of this routine 2b: I plan to demonstrate this FEAP by using non-verbal and verbal interventions to correct students'
and explain how you plan to behavior. Planned ignoring is another strategy I plan to use as this is an interactive read-aloud.
demonstrate them. 2c: I plan to demonstrate this FEAP by telling students my expectations before the read aloud and making
sure all students understand what my expectations are. These include listening, actively participating,
raising hands to talk ect…
2f: I plan to demonstrate this FEAP by allowing different students to share their thoughts. The theme of
this book is problem solving in which I will ask reflective higher order thinking questions. I will support all
students by keeping an open mind and making students feel comfortable to share their thoughts.

Objectives-Management Routine My expected outcome for this routine is for students to understand the story and be actively engaged
What is your expected outcome for during the interactive read-aloud, and following all expectations throughout the read aloud.
this routine?
Assessment-How will you know if I will know my students have met my objectives when they listen to me read, thoughtfully answer
students have met your objectives? questions, raise their hands, and actively participate in the read-aloud.
What will you see? What will you
What background knowledge is Rules/expectations:
necessary for a student to - Sitting on their bottoms crisscrossed at all times (unless it’s time for turn and talk).
successfully complete this task? - Facing forward.
You might include these - Listening attentively.
questions during your CT - Not talking while I am talking.
interview about the routine. - Raising their hand to answer questions or share their thoughts.
◻ What classroom - Keeping their hands to themselves.
rules/expectations are aligned Procedures:
with this task? - Each student has a carpet spot color aligned with their table so they will sit at their designated spot
- Listening to the story and actively thinking about the text.
- “Carpet check” making sure students are sitting correctly.
USF Elementary Education Management Routine Plan (Rev. Fall 2020)
Name: Ella Genet

Grade Level: Kindergarten Date of Routine: 03/28/2024

◻ What procedures are in place to - Being respectful to whoever is talking.

help students in meeting the Expectation reminders:
rules/expectations? - Conversation level is 0.
◻ What rules/expectations or - Listening to others during turn and talk.
procedures might you go over - Being respectful and thoughtful when other students are speaking.
with students before engaging - Raising their hands to speak instead of calling out.
in this task? - All hands must be kept to themselves and no disruptions.
- Sitting on their bottoms at all times.

Task Implementation
Step-by-Step Plan: This is the Time Who is
longest section of your responsible
lesson/action plan (What exactly (Teacher or
do you plan to do and say? Be Students)?
thorough. You might refer to field
notes you have collected while 10:00 Teacher *students are already on their carpet spots because this is reading time* “Today’s
observing your CT enacting this reading time is going to be a little different. I will be reading a story to you guys
routine to help you plan for your and we are going to talk about the story. During this read-aloud let's remember to
enactment of the routine. sit on our bottoms, and catch those bubbles. While I read the story, you should
start thinking about the characters in the story and the setting.” *Introduces book
Be sure to address all of the Woodpecker Wants a Waffle* “Has anyone ever eaten a waffle?” “What is your
following: favorite kind of waffles?” and “What kind of toppings do you like to put on your
◻ How will you review and/or waffles?”
model the classroom
rules/expectations? 10:03 Students Students will raise their hands and answer the questions.
◻ What will you as the teacher do
and say during the routine? 10:05 Teacher “Wonderful answers! *starts to read the story*
◻ What teacher talk will you use?
What will the students do and 10:07 Teacher “Who is the main character in this story?”
say? What will it look like and
sound like if students are 10:07 Students Students will raise their hands and say “Benny” or “Woodpecker”
meeting your expectations?
10:08 Teacher *Continues reading story*
USF Elementary Education Management Routine Plan (Rev. Fall 2020)
Name: Ella Genet

Grade Level: Kindergarten Date of Routine: 03/28/2024

◻ How will you respond to 10:08 Teacher “Which two senses did Benny use to discover the waffles?”
students who do not meet your
expectations? 10:09 Students Students will raise their hands and respond “sight and smell”

10:09 Teacher *continues reading story* small commentary “I wonder what is going to happen
10:11 Teacher
“What would you do to try and get to the waffles? Turn and talk to your partners”
10:13 Students
two students will respond with the answers they and their partners discussed.
10:15 Teacher
*Continues reading* small commentary “wow Benny really wants that waffle, I
10:17 Teacher wonder what he’s going to do next?”

10:17 Student “What does the word impatient mean?”

10:18 Teacher Students will raise their hand and tell me the definition.

“I know you guys learned this word in media center with Mrs. Menedez and I
want to see if anyone can remember… What do we call sound effects written in
10:19 Student text? it's a big word”

10:20 Teacher Students will raise their hand and try to guess the word.

10:21 Teacher *Finishes the story*

10:22 Teacher “Now we are going to do a little activity connected to the story we just read. I
created this anchor chart and when I call your table color, you will go back to
your seats, I will come around and pass out a sticky note. Your job is to draw a
picture of what you would do if you were Benny and trying to get the waffle.”

10:23 Teacher *Calls table colors*

USF Elementary Education Management Routine Plan (Rev. Fall 2020)
Name: Ella Genet

Grade Level: Kindergarten Date of Routine: 03/28/2024

10:25 Students *begin working*

10:25- Teacher *Walking around to make sure all students are on task or if they need help with
10:30 the activity*

10:31 Teacher *Class class*

10:31 Students “Yes yes”

10:32 Teacher “When I call your table color, you will come up and place your sticky note on the
anchor chart”

10:33- Teacher & *Students place sticky notes on chart*

10:35 students

10:36 Teacher “Can I have a few students share their ideas or what they drew on their sticky

10:36 Students *Students raise hands and share*

10:38 Teacher “Awesome! I hope you all enjoyed this activity and learned a solution to Benny’s
*If students are not meeting my expectations, I will kindly remind them of
the expectations I explained before we started the read-aloud. I will remind
them that they should be on their bottoms, facing forward, with a bubble in
their mouth. If students are calling out or not raising their hand I will use
planned ignoring or intervene by reminding them to raise their hand. I will
also call out positive behavior I see from other students.*

If students are meeting my expectations, they will be quiet, on their

bottoms, facing forward, keeping their hands to themselves and raising
their hands to speak.
USF Elementary Education Management Routine Plan (Rev. Fall 2020)
Name: Ella Genet

Grade Level: Kindergarten Date of Routine: 03/28/2024

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