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JHS Department 4.


( S.Y. 2023-2024 )

1 inarticulate / ɪnɑːʳtɪkjʊlət/ adj unable to speak coherently

2 panacea /pænəsiːə/ n a remedy for all disease or ills; cure-all

3 handfast / ˈhændˌfɑːst/ n an agreement, esp

of marriage, confirmed by a handshake,
a firm grip

4 banal / bəˈnɑːl/ adj. trite, hackneyed, unnoriginal

5 dolorous / ˈdɒlərəs/ adj sorrowful, melancholy
6 atheist / eɪθiɪst/ adj one who does not believe in God
7 chivalrous /ʃɪvəlrəs/ adj attentive and courteous to women
8 cogent /koʊdʒənt/ adj Brilliantly compelling, persuasive
9 urbane / (ɜːʳbeɪn/ adj characterized by elegance or
1 dilettante / dɪlətɑːnt/ adj one who interests himself in a subject
0 superficially
1 convivial /kənvɪviəl/ adj friendly; agreeable
1 loquacious / ləkweɪʃəs/ adj talkative
1 lecher /letʃəʳ/ adj a lewd and sexually aggressive person
1 magnanimous /mægnænɪməs/ adj noble and forgiving
1 horripilation /hɒˌrɪpɪˈleɪʃən/ goosebumps, a bristling of the hair on
5 the skin from cold, fear, etc.; goose flesh
1 pessimist / pesɪmɪst/ adj one who takes a gloomy or cynical view
1 hemophobia / himəˈfoubiə/ n an abnormal fear of blood
1 versatile / vɜːʳsətaɪl/ adj capable in many field
1 emphatic /ɪmfætɪk/ adj forceful and positive; definite; direct
2 cadaverous /kədævərəs. adj. uttered with or marked by emphasis;
0 tending to express oneself in forceful
speech or to take decisive action

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