Education Is The Key To Unlock The Golden Door of Freedom

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"Education is the key to unlock the golden door of

freedom." - George Washington Carver

Today, I stand before you to shed light on a grave concern that demands our
immediate attention - child labor. With utmost respect to the people of India
and their rich cultural heritage, I aim to discuss this pressing issue from a liberal
perspective, recognizing the importance of progress, equal opportunities, and
the well-being of our future generation.

While it's true that economic realities often force families to send their children
to work, we cannot turn a blind eye to the violation of their rights and the
impact on their lives. As liberals, we embrace the principles of individual
freedom and human rights, acknowledging every child's entitlement to a safe
and nurturing environment.

Education serves as the cornerstone for a prosperous and inclusive society. By

providing quality education to all children, we equip them with the tools to
break free from the vicious cycle of poverty and create a better future. It is
crucial that entities, including the government, civil society, and the private
sector, work hand in hand to ensure access to education for every child,
irrespective of their socioeconomic background.

Furthermore, as we address child labor, we must consider the underlying socio-

economic factors that perpetuate the cycle. Poverty, lack of employment
opportunities, and societal inequality demand our attention. By focusing on
improving living standards, creating employment opportunities for adults, and
fostering equal economic growth, we can effectively combat child labor.

Hrishi Mishra

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