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Annexure -I

Micro-Project Proposal

Title of Micro-Project : Easy and Simple Ways to Stop Global Warming

1.0 Aims / Benefits of the Micro-Project :

Stopping global warming has numerous benefits for our planet and future generations.
By taking action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, we can mitigate the impacts of climate
change. This includes protecting vulnerable ecosystems, preserving biodiversity, and
ensuring the availability of clean air and water. It also helps to prevent more frequent and
severe natural disasters, such as hurricanes and wildfires. Additionally, addressing global
warming promotes sustainable development, creating new job opportunities in clean energy
sectors and improving public health by reducing air pollution. It's crucial that we all come
together to combat global warming and create a sustainable future for ourselves and future
generations. Let's make a positive impact on our planet.

2.0 Course Outcomes Addressed :

a) Develop Public awareness about environment

b) Conserve Ecosystem and Biodiversity
c) Apply techniques to reduce Environmental Pollution
d) Manage social issues and Environmental Ethics as lifelong learning

3.0 Proposed Methodology :

1) Selection of one topic by the discussion in the group members

2) Prepared action plan to carry out different task of micro project
3) Collection of information from internet related to topic.
4) Prepare a micro project proposal

4.0 Action Plan :

Planned Planned Name of Responsible

Sr. Start date Finish date Team Members
No Details of activity
Discussion and Finalization of Falguni Bidve &
1 the Project Topic 09-08-23 13-08-23 Abhishek Bhavsar

Collection of Information and Atharva Bhat & Disha

2 Data 18-08-23 22-08-23 Bhavsar

Preparation of Micro Project

3 Proposal 23-08-23 25-08-23 Atharva Bhat

5.0 Resources Required :

1 Referance Books :
a) Environmental Studies by Rajgopalan
b) Environmental Science by Y. K. Singh
2 Internet : Google, Wikipedia

6.0 Names of Team Members with Roll Nos. :

Sr. Roll No
Name of Student
No (Sem-V)

1 Bhat Atharva Yogesh 05

2 Bhavsar Abhishek Shital 06

3 Bhavsar Disha Tushar 07

4 Bidve Falguni Sanjay 08

( Prof. S. S. Shah )
Lecturer in Industrial Electronics
Annexure – II

Micro-Project Report

Title of Micro-Project : Easy and Simple Ways to Stop Global Warming

1.0 Abstract and Introduction :

Global warming, a consequence of human activities that have released a substantial
amount of greenhouse gases into the Earth's atmosphere, is rapidly reshaping our planet's
climate and ecosystems. The implications of this phenomenon are profound and potentially
catastrophic, affecting every corner of the globe. To confront this monumental challenge, a
comprehensive and multifaceted approach is essential. This introduction will explore a wide
range of strategies and solutions, from immediate, practical steps to ambitious, long-term
initiatives, all aimed at mitigating the effects of global warming and ultimately halting its
progression. These strategies encompass the realms of energy production and consumption,
land use, international collaboration, individual choices, and technological innovation.
Collectively, they form the foundation of humanity's response to this urgent and complex

At the heart of the global warming crisis lies the burning of fossil fuels, such as coal,
oil, and natural gas, for energy production. This has led to a dramatic increase in the
concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which
trap heat and contribute to the greenhouse effect. To combat this, transitioning to renewable
energy sources is a paramount strategy. Solar, wind, hydroelectric, and geothermal power
offer a clean and sustainable alternative to fossil fuels. By harnessing these energy sources,
we can significantly reduce carbon emissions and mitigate the effects of global warming.

Energy efficiency also plays a crucial role in addressing global warming. Improving
energy efficiency in various sectors, including industry, transportation, and households, can
significantly decrease energy consumption and, consequently, greenhouse gas emissions.
From energy-efficient appliances to better insulation and the adoption of electric vehicles,
there are numerous practical steps individuals and businesses can take to reduce their carbon

Another vital strategy is reforestation and afforestation. Trees and forests act as natural
carbon sinks, absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Reforestation involves
replanting trees in areas that have been deforested, while afforestation entails planting trees in
areas that were not previously forested. These initiatives help sequester carbon and reduce
atmospheric CO2 levels, contributing to the fight against global warming.

In the realm of agriculture, sustainable practices are pivotal. The agricultural sector is
a significant contributor to global warming due to emissions of methane and nitrous oxide,
particularly from livestock and fertilizers. Implementing sustainable agricultural practices,
such as reduced meat consumption, precision farming, and improved livestock management,
can reduce emissions and enhance the sector's overall sustainability.

International cooperation is a linchpin in the global effort to combat global warming.

The Paris Agreement, signed by numerous nations, exemplifies this commitment to collective
action. This agreement sets emissions reduction targets and promotes the exchange of
knowledge, technology, and resources. Collaboration on a global scale is essential for
addressing a challenge that knows no boundaries and affects every nation.

On an individual level, consumer choices are pivotal. Reducing meat consumption,

minimizing single-use plastics, and opting for energy-efficient products are examples of how
individuals can contribute to mitigating global warming. These seemingly small choices can
collectively make a significant impact in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and fostering a
more sustainable way of life.

Technological innovation is an essential pillar of our response to global warming.

Investment in research and development is crucial for the creation of new technologies, such
as advanced energy storage, carbon-neutral fuels, and carbon-negative solutions. These
innovations can accelerate the transition to a sustainable and low-carbon future, furthering our
efforts to address global warming comprehensively.

In conclusion, global warming is a complex and multifaceted challenge that

necessitates a multifaceted response. By transitioning to cleaner energy sources, enhancing
energy efficiency, reforesting and afforesting, promoting sustainable agriculture, fostering
international collaboration, making conscious consumer choices, and driving technological
innovation, we can work toward a world that is less vulnerable to the impacts of global
warming. These strategies collectively represent our best hope for addressing this urgent
global issue and securing a sustainable future for generations to come.

2.0 Main Body / Content :

While the movie Interstellar doesn’t exactly state the world is ruined by global
warming, it is eye-opening to see that the planet and atmosphere we call home could one day
turn against us. Global warming has increased in vast increments in the last decade.

In fact, in the past 50 years, the earth’s global temperature has increased by 3%.
Pollution caused by the release of carbon dioxide into the air creates a blanket over the

atmosphere. Global warming can cause a whole chain of events to rupture ecosystems,
weather patterns, and a variety of other factors. We all play a part in our future.

1. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Reducing your need to buy new products results in a smaller amount of waste. Even if
you need to buy, consider buying eco-friendly products. It is the most effective of the three
R’s. It simply says cut back from where are you now.

Reuse bottles, plastic containers, and other items bought at the grocery store. Reusing
water bottles, yogurt cups, bread ties, and other items is being conscious about what is
already out there. It will lessen having to purchase other items that would fulfill the same
function. Try to use disposable products into some other form. Just don’t throw them away.

You can recycle almost anything for e.g., paper, bottles, aluminum foils, cans,
newspapers. Recycling of these unwanted things is a great earth saving tip. By recycling, you
can help in reducing landfills.

2. Reduce Waste
Landfills are the major contributor of methane and other greenhouse gases. When the
waste is burnt, it releases toxic gases in the atmosphere, which results in global warming.
Reusing and recycling old items can significantly reduce your carbon footprint as it takes far
less energy to recycle old items than to produce items from scratch.

3. Upcycle your Furniture

Upcycle tables, furniture, and other outdated items to keep landfills clean. Consider
using recycled materials like pallets or repurposing your old furniture instead of buying new

4. Recycle your Clothes

The average American throws away about 80 pounds of clothing a year. Fast fashion
is not only wasteful, but its environmental cost is devastating. A handful of retailers offer
recycling programs, while companies like Patagonia will actually purchase, refurbish, and
resell your gently worn garments.

5. Bring your own Shopping Bags

Plastic bags are destructive to the environment. They take hundreds of years to break
down, contaminate soil and waterways, and cause widespread marine animal deaths. Cities
and states around the country have enacted plastic-bag bans or charges on single-use bags to
combat the problem. Switch to reusable bags and use them consistently to contribute.

6. Replace Regular Incandescent Light Bulb

Replace regular incandescent light bulb with compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs.
They consume 70% less energy than ordinary bulbs and have a longer lifetime.

7. Buy Energy-Efficient Appliances
Always buy products that are energy efficient as they can help you save a good
amount of money on your energy bill. Energy Star certified products are more efficient that
can help you to save energy, save money and reduce your carbon footprint.

8. Turn Off the Lights

Duh! If you’re not using a room, there’s no need for the light to be on.

9. Turn off Electronic Devices

Turn off electronic devices when you are moving out for a couple of days or more.
Unnecessary usage of electronic appliances will not only save fuel, i.e., coal by which we get
electricity but also increase the useful life of your gadgets.

10. Go Solar
Many people have caught the energy-efficient bandwagon of solar energy. Having
solar panels installed is something readily possible and available. Incentives and discounts
given by government agencies and energy companies make solar energy something to look

11. Use Less Hot Water

Buy energy saving geysers and dishwasher for your home. Avoid washing clothes in
hot water. Just wash them in cold or warm water. Avoid taking frequent showers and use less
hot water. It will help in saving the energy required to produce that energy.

12. Install a Programmable Thermostat

A programmable thermostat doesn’t cost much, and its cost can be recovered from the
amount that you save by reducing energy. The easiest and most cost-effective advice is
simply adjusting your thermostat up 1 degree down in the winter and up by 1 degree in the
summer. Lower your thermostat 2 degrees in the winter. Instead of making your home a
burning furnace, try putting on extra layers.

13. Use Clean Fuel

Electric, smart cars, cars that run on vegetable oil, etc…are great examples of using
renewable energy. Supporting companies that provide these products will help the rest of the
mainstream manufacturing companies convert over.

14. Look for Renewable Fuel Options

If you can’t afford an electric car, buy the cleanest gasoline as possible. When car
shopping, look at the benefits of options that provide renewable fuel. Although it may be a
pretty penny now, you’re on the ground level of forwarding thinking.

15. Save Energy

When you consume less, less carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere. Setting
your thermostat using your smartphone or changing the type of light bulb you use is a great

16. Wrap your water heater in an Insulation

By keeping the energy in the water heater condensed, less energy is emitted into the
air. This not only helps the earth but your pocketbook as well.

17. Check Your Gas Cap

A loose, cracked, or damaged gas cap allowing gas to escape from your tank as vapor
wreaks havoc on the environment. It also wastes fuel and your hard-earned gas money. Turn
the gas cap until it clicks a few times.

18. Insulate
Making our homes more efficient can substantially cut the energy needed to heat and
cool. Adding insulation, weather stripping, and caulking around your home can reduce
energy bills by more than 25%.

19. Replace Filters on Air Conditioner and Furnace

If you still haven’t, then you are wasting energy but breathing in dirty air. Cleaning a
dirty air filter can save several pounds of carbon dioxide a year.

20. Go Green
Using energy star appliances will not only save money but also the amount of energy
wasted in your home. Have a look at various ways to go green.

21. Download Earth Saving Apps

Apps like Kil-Ur-Watts and Wiser EMS not only help calculate your energy costs but
provide tools and ways to save energy and money.

22. Plant a Tree

Planting trees can help much in reducing global warming than any other method. They
not only give oxygen but also take in carbon dioxide during the process of photosynthesis,
which is the primary source of global warming.
23. Use Clothesline to Dry Your Clothes
Think of your grandmother when you do this. Most clothes shouldn’t be put in the
dryer anyway.

24. Plant your own Vegetable Garden

It doesn’t get more local than getting fresh vegetables from your backyard.

25. Start Composting

Transforming food scraps and lawn clippings into fresh, nutrient-rich soil gives home
gardens a boost. Roughly 20 to 30% of what we normally throw out can be composted. And

the process offers huge benefits like saving money on shipping organic waste to landfills and
generates energy from methane.

26. Conserve Water

This is a tired tip, but ever so important. If we added up the water wasted by the
millions of Americans brushing their teeth, we could provide water to more than 23 nations
with unclean drinking water. Remember, it takes energy to draw and filter water from
Taking a quick 5-minute shower will greatly conserve energy. The type of shower
head used will also aid in combating global warming. Take showers instead of baths.
Showers use less water than baths by 25%, over the course of a year, that’s hundreds of
gallons saved.

27. Eat Less Hamburger

Besides carbon dioxide, methane introduced into the air contributes to global
warming. With meat consumed by the seconds, the number of cows breathing out methane is
a huge contributor, thanks to our carnivorous diet and the billion-dollar meat industry.

28. Reduce Food Waste

Whether it’s left on your plate or rotting in your fridge, wasted food is a big problem.
In the U.S., the wastage accounts for 38 million tons a year, according to the EPA. However,
small changes to your routine can make a big difference. Save food, and apply smarter ways
about storage and preservation.

29. Don’t Drink Bottled Water

Landfills already contain more than 2 million tons of plastic bottles. It takes 1.5
million barrels of oil to manufacture water bottles every year, and those bottles take more
than 1,000 years to biodegrade. Have one reusable water bottle to make a big difference.

30. Take Lunch in a Tupperware

Each time you throw away that brown paper sack, more brown paper sacks are being
produced in a factory as we speak.

31. Eat Naturally

Not only do the health benefits speak wonders for those who eat naturally, but it cuts
down the energy costs used by factories who produce processed food.

32. Remove your Lawn

That “little” patch of green in front of your home looks beautiful, but lawns require
extra water, gas-powered equipment, and fertilizer that pollutes waterways. Less grass equals
less gas.

33. Use a Kitchen Cloth Instead of Paper Towels

Paper towels produce nothing but wasted energy—think of factory pollution, as well
as tree consumption.

34. Reuse Towels

Hang towels to dry, instead of popping them back in the wash after a few uses.

35. Avoid Products With Lot of Packaging

Just don’t buy products with a lot of packaging. When you buy such products, you
will end up throwing the waste material in the garbage, which then will help in filling landfill
sites and pollute the environment. Also, discourage others from buying such products.

36. Tune Your Car Regularly

Regular maintenance will help your car function properly and emit less carbon

37. Check Your Tires

Make sure your tires are properly inflated when you drive. If not, then your vehicle
might consume more fuel, which in turn release more CO2 in the atmosphere. Keep your
engine properly tuned and drive less aggressively. Aggressive driving and frequent applying
of brakes hampers the engine and can even lower the mileage of your car.

38. Stop Idling Your Car

It might be freezing outside, but unless your car is buried in snow, start your car as
usual. It may take longer to warm up, but the world isn’t just about you.

39. Drive Less or Carpool

By driving less, you are not only saving fuel but also helping in reducing global
warming. Also, look out for other possibilities, e.g., carpooling. If you have colleagues who
live in the same area, then you can combine trips.
If you need to go to a local market, then either walk or go by cycle. Both of them are a
great form of exercise. The biggest pollution emitting fumes are caused by oil and gasoline.
Therefore, cutting down consumption is a huge step to reducing energy wastes.

40. Take Public Transit
Public transportation helps reduce gridlock and carbon emissions. Many city dwellers
incorrectly assume that buses and trains take longer. So give transit a try. These days public
transport is made much comfortable and speedy. It may just exceed your expectations.

41. Buy Carbon Offsets when you Fly

Limit your flights, or give up flying altogether, would be best. Even downsizing from
business class to economy cuts down your carbon usage, if you can manage without the

42. Ride Your Bike

Not only is bike riding healthy, but it also reduces the amount of CO2 released into
the air. Walking is another easy way to reduce global warming.

43. Work From Home at least a day a Week

Studies show that 45 percent of the U.S. workforce has a job that suits for full-time or
part-time telecommuting. Working a few days each month from home means one less
commuter on the road contributing to greenhouse gases.

44. Get Home Energy Audit Done
Call a home energy audit company and get an audit done for the home that will help
you to identify areas that consume a lot of energy and are not energy efficient at all.

45. Become Part of the Global Warming Community

Connecting with others will help you become more conscious of the impact we all
have. The Climate Change National Forum and Global Humanitarian Forum are great
avenues to know the latest facts, statistics, and efforts in making a difference.

46. Celebrate Arbor Day and Earth day

Although most of us hear about these days in passing, see what the buzz is all about.
Plant a tree, pick up trash, or join a forum.

47. Become Aware of Your Contribution

With technology within your fingertips, finding information about protecting the
environment is everywhere. To help emit less CO2, the first step is being aware of how much
you can contribute.

48. Spread the Awareness

Always try your best to educate people about global warming and its causes and after-
effects. Tell them how they can contribute their part by saving energy that will be good for
the environment. Gather opportunities and establish programs that will help you to share
information with friends, relatives, and neighbors.

3.0 Course Outcomes Achieved :

a) Develop Public awareness about environment

b) Conserve Ecosystem and Biodiversity
c) Apply techniques to reduce Environmental Pollution
d) Manage social issues and Environmental Ethics as lifelong learning

4.0 Literature Review and References :

1 Referance Books :
a) Environmental Studies by Rajgopalan
b) Environmental Science by Y. K. Singh
2 Internet : Google, Wikipedia

5.0 Skill Developed / Learning outcomes :

1) Collect relevant data from different sources
2) Analyse the collected data and to generate useful information from it.

3) Present generated information in form of appropriate theory.
4) Work independently for the responsibility undertaken.
5) Participate effectively in group work.
6) Prepare the technical reports.
7) Prepare presentations.
8) Present findings/features of the projects in seminars.
9) Confidently, answer the questions asked about the micro project


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