Reading Activity Enap 9 and 16 Beginners 2

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Name_______________________________ Date ____________ENAP _________

1. Choose one word (A, B or C) for each space and complete the text on the answer sheet.

1) A. Isn’t B. is C. aren’t
2) A. hardly ever B. usually C. rarely
3) A. finish B. end C. ends
4) A. always B. sometimes C. regularly
5) A. attempting B. rehearsing C. practicing
6) A. taking B. holding C. having
7) A. push up B. form up C. get up
8) A. sports B. practice C. deport
9) A. classroom B. barracks C. building
10) A. breakfast B. break C. lunch

Being a Cadet at the Almirante Padilla Navy Academy 1) ________an easy task. Our day 2)
_________ starts at 0430R and 3) ________ at 2200R. We’re 4) ________ doing something –
preparing ourselves mentally and physically for all the challenges one could face in the military life.
Right now, we’re marching at the track because we’re 5) ________ for the promotion ceremony
that is 6) _________ place next week. This isn’t something we often do, so let me tell you what a
typical daily routine is like.
Most of the times, we 7) ________ at 0430R. After a quick shower and brushing our teeth, we get
ready to do 8) ________. We go back to 9) _________ to get ready for classes, not before stopping
by the mess to have 10) _________. We go to classes from 0700 to 1200R.


1. Write the letter (A-E) of the word that is most similar in meaning to a word on the left
(6-10). Use each word once only. Write your answers (A-E) on your answer paper.

1. Reveille a. signal call to go to bed

2. Doctor b. apartment
3. Taps c. physician
4. Meal d. wake up call
5. Flat e. restaurant
6. Mess f. food


What is Matilde´s room number?
a. 427
b. 472
c. 274
d. 247

Brad decided to…
a. Rides his bike
b. Go for a walk
c. Eat something
d. Do his homework

What is the most important part of the visit?
a. Making a good impression
b. The welcome dinner on Tuesday
c. Sightseeing around the city
d. The factory visit on Wednesday

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