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CREATIVE LITURGY SBAA 2011 Theme: One Time to Showcase Greatness, a Memoirs to Cherish Foreever, a Day and Night

to Remember Call to Worship: Good Morning Brothers and sisters, welcome to your day. We congratulate you, that you believe in the Power of Prayer and the Word of God to Unite you as one department. Let us give the organizers with the Leadership of the Advisers and of course the Dean a round of applause. (Pause). In everything you do, Put God First, so the Word from the Bible says. Let us cling to God the Source of all that we have , let us draw energy , direction and inspiration as we start our day of showcasing our talents in music, sports and other talents we have receive. Let us share them with one another and appreciate one anothers gifts. So we begin by disposing ourselves, filling our minds, spirits as we raise our whole being to the Lord as, sing and act, the following songs Animation: Every move (YFC) One Way Opening Song: Lord I Lift Your Name on High Opening Prayer: Our God and Loving Father, we give glory, praise and adore you. Thank you that today you have enabled us to be to be here. Thank you for the good health, peace, joy, excitement, we have in our hearts. We believe Lord God our Father you have placed all these in our hearts. Thank you. Lord we cling to you, to your Son, to send His most Holy Spirit to us, to lead us to you Father, as we ask for your blessing in our gathering. Give us the grace to appreciate one another, the spirit of cooperation, unity, camaraderie and sportsmanship, so that together we can give the best in us. Thank you for this occasion and Lord join us. Guide us all and as we display our talents in sports, may no one be hurt. May we all play, sing and act to give you praise and glory. All these we pray in Jesus name. Amen. Leader: We listen to Gods Word to guide us in this days activity Song: Alleluya Gospel: Deuteronomy 4:32-40 Ask now of the days of old, before your time, ever since God created man upon the earth; ask from one end of the sky to the other: Did anything so great ever happen before? Was it ever heard of? Did a people ever hear the voice of God speaking from the midst of fire, as you did, and live? Or did any of god venture to go and take a nation for himself from the midst of another nation, by testings, by signs and wonders, by war, with his strong hand and outstretched arm, and by great terrors, all of which the LORD , your God, did for you in Egypt before your very eyes? All this you were allowed to see that you might know the LORD is God and there is no other. Out of the heavens he let you hear his voice to discipline you; on earth he let you see his great fire, and you heard him speaking out of the fire. For love of your fathers he chose their descendants and personally led you out of Egypt by his great power, driving out of your way nations

greater and mightier than you, so as to bring you in and to make their land your heritage, as it is today. This is why you must now know, and fix in your heart, that the LORD is God in the heavens above and on earth below, and that there is no other . you must keep his statutes and commandments which I enjoin on you today, that you and your children after you may prosper and that you may have long life on the land which the Lord, your God, is giving you forever. This is the Word of the Lord Thank be to God Leader: We bow our heads and have our own reflection. (SILENCE) Leader: We request those assigned to offer now our prayers and Offerings. May the Lord bless us and Listen to our prayers Symbolic Prayer Intentions/ Prayer Intentions: O Lord Hear Our Prayer Candle: We offer you Lord these candles, the symbol of your truth that gives light and your wisdom that builds. We pray that you continue to brighten our paths as we go on loving and serving you. We also pray that we become light to our fellowmen & women. We pray Sports Equipments: We offer you Lord these sports equipments the symbol of our spirit of sportsmanship, camaraderie and friendship. May we learn to cultivate friendships out of these events we shall do this day. We pray Banners (department & year levels): We offer you Lord these banners, let these be signs of our commitment to the vision & mission of our beloved institution. May it help us to do our respective roles toward the realization of our goal to be one in leading the way towards excellence. We pray Trophy & Certificates: We offer you Lord these trophy & certificate of achievements, the symbol of excellence in every field of endeavor. May we be humble in every victory we get & feel proud in every little effort we share... We pray
Gifts : We offer you Lord this gifts symbols of our deep gratitude to you, teach us to be grateful to share what we have received, little it maybe for the growth of your kingdom. Mama Mary encourage us to value the earthly goods for all to enjoy and have abundance of life. We pray

Prayer Intentions for the dept. (each year level) Our Father / Hail Mary

Leader: We bow down our heads and ask the Lord to bless them and as we also ask him to bless each one of us. (Silent prayer of blessing). May we enjoy this day peacefully with love & service to one another Give Peace & good luck to be given to one another Final Song: Every Move

What to Prepare: Candles Flowers Sport Equipment Banners Trophy / Certificates Song: Lord I Offer My Life Closing Prayer / Our Father / Hail Mary Blessing Final Song: One Way / Yes Lord

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