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Prompt: 7. What are the implications of having, or not having, knowledge?

The TOK prompt that will be explored in this exhibition is: "What are the implications of having, or
not having, knowledge?" Knowledge is a powerful tool that has the ability to shape our
understanding and interactions in the world. The purpose of this exhibition is to inquire into the
implications of possessing or lacking knowledge and how these factors can entirely change our
interpretations of the world around us.

Object 1: Is this a stereotypical Peruvian?

The implications of having or not having knowledge are crucial in terms of language, power,
interpretation, perspective, and culture. It empowers individuals to express ideas and expand their
linguistic landscape. However, this power is not merely linguistic; it extends to the ability to shape,
influence, and interpret the messages conveyed through language.

When it comes to the word 'cholo,' the relationship and interactions between power, interpretation,
perspective, and culture become evident. Mostly in Latin American culture, 'cholo' carries a complex
history; the term has been historically used as a tool of power, employed by those in a higher social
standing, with the intention to marginalize and oppress those unprivileged. Interpretation of the
label ‘cholo’ is highly dependent on one’s perspective and cultural background; for those in South
America, the word evokes historical injustices. Meanwhile, on the West Coast of the United States, it

takes on a different meaning, related to style and gang affiliation, demonstrating a linguistic barrier
and continuing misunderstanding.

Similarly, culture plays a significant role in the interpretation of language itself, as the label ‘cholo’ is
not just a linguistic expression; it’s a cultural tool that is capable of representing centuries worth of
historical power struggles and the experiences of Latin American communities. Without such
knowledge, one may use the word casually, blatantly ignoring its true implications.

The interaction between language and knowledge is evident in the multifaceted interpretations of
words like 'cholo.' To truly understand its implications, one must comprehend the cultural and
societal context in which it is used.

Object 2: It was love at first sight, at last sight, at ever and ever sight - Vladimir Nabokov, Lolita

My second object was a quote from Vladimir Nabokov’s novel “Lolita,” which provides an example of
how knowledge can significantly alter our interpretation of words and narratives. The quote from
"Lolita" demonstrates the idea that literature's true depth and meaning can only be revealed through
the reader’s own knowledge and interpretation. To those without the context of the novel, these
words may simply convey a romantic sentiment. Yet, for those with knowledge regarding the novel's
content, this expression takes on a much darker and complex meaning.

The novel is characterized for delving into themes such as obsession, perversity, and art. The
protagonist is a middle-aged man who falls in love with a little girl, who then becomes his
step-daughter. Nabokov narrates the perverse mind of the man and to what extents he would go to
simply keep her in his hands (including killing her own mother). In general, the reading is extremely
dark; nonetheless, to those with no prior knowledge, the quote represents a romantic relationship.

In this context, Nabokov's words exemplify how knowledge not only enhances understanding but
also changes our interpretation of language. The implications of possessing knowledge regarding the
novel create a completely different reading experience.

Nonetheless, without this knowledge, this quote is often interpreted as quite romantic, even
hopeful, and used (as in this object) as a symbolic representation of a person's sentiments on their
wedding day. Clearly, the implications of not having knowledge in this context can only be

appreciated by those who lack a clear understanding of the novel and hence cannot truly
comprehend how abhorrent and perverse those words are.

Object 3: Pedro Castillo

In my first two objects, we can clearly see that a lack of knowledge results in ignorance. Yet, the
ignorance of the knower in both situations is unknown to them, and for that reason, it does not
affect them. Nevertheless, in the third object, we will see how the knowers will personally
experience its cumulative effects. The third object is Pedro Castillo himself, the former Peruvian
president who gained the support of the Peruvian people by sympathizing with them, emphasizing
his humble origins and his former profession as a teacher.

For most Peruvians who lacked deeper knowledge regarding his true intentions and political
strategies, he appeared as a savior, promoting a brighter path for Peru. His lack of a political
background made him seem like another Peruvian challenging corrupt politicians.

However, in 2022, he performed a coup to dismantle the congress, resulting in his impeachment.
Those who had initially supported him changed their minds when his corrupt actions were brought
to light. While the lack of knowledge about his actions allowed him to manipulate public sentiment
and maintain his government, his sudden action to dismantle congress revealed his true intentions
and ambitions.

This shift in perspective, from a humble teacher who represented hope in a country where politicians
had constantly lied to the people to a politician manipulating the system, highlights how knowledge
or the lack of it shaped the public interpretation of him. The consequences of not having such
knowledge were felt on a national level, as Peruvians realized they had been deceived. While it must
also be taken into account that once we gain knowledge, there is no way to unlearn it. This is
evidenced by the fact that since his actions were made public, he has lost any possible prospect in
the government, showcasing how important knowledge is and how it can cause such long-lasting

Object three, which is centered on former Peruvian President Pedro Castillo, demonstrates how
public perception was initially shaped by a lack of knowledge regarding his political intentions.
Castillo, portrayed as a savior, performed a coup in 2022, revealing his true intentions. This shift
highlights the impact knowledge had on public perception, with the irreversible consequences felt on
a national level as Peruvians realized they had been deceived. Castillo's political downfall
underscores the enduring effects of knowledge once acquired.

Object three, which is centered on former Peruvian President Pedro Castillo, demonstrates how
public perception was initially shaped by a lack of knowledge regarding his political intentions.
Castillo, portrayed as a savior, performed a coup in 2022, revealing his true intentions. This shift
highlights the impact knowledge had on public perception, with the irreversible consequences felt on
a national level as Peruvians realized they had been deceived. Castillo's political downfall
underscores the enduring effects of knowledge once acquired.

“cholo, chola | Diccionario de americanismos | ASALE.” Asociación de Academias de la Lengua
Española, Accessed 30 October 2023.
Kendi, Ibram X. “How to Be an Anti-Racist.” - YouTube, 9 March 2019,
nwealth-Club-of-California. Accessed 30 October 2023.
Pighi Bel, Pierina. “Por qué a muchos peruanos les cuesta reconocerse como cholos.” BBC, 18 January
2017, Accessed 30 October
Object 1:
Puma, David Cesar. “ 🙏 (CLIP) Que D i 0 s Te Lo Pague - Cholo Juanito y Richard Douglas / Perú.”
YouTube, 28 July 2020,
Accessed 30 October 2023.
Object 2:
“I was given this as a wedding favor last weekend. Context matters, folks. : r/pics.” Reddit,
_last_weekend/. Accessed 30 October 2023.
Object 3:
Salud con Lupa. “Perú, entre la esperanza y la incertidumbre por la asunción de Pedro Castillo.” Salud
con lupa, 29 July 2021,
on-de-pedro-castillo/. Accessed 30 October 2023.

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