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23:24 02/04/2024 Bài tập giữa kỳ số 1

Foundation of Public Speaking (Hùng biện Tiếng Anh cơ bản)/ Bài tập giữa kỳ số 1 Thoát

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Tổng thời gian làm bài: 0 giờ 13 phút 59 giây

Thời gian bắt đầu: 23:10:26 - 02/04/2024

Thời gian kết thúc: 23:24:25 - 02/04/2024

Phản hồi: Chúc mừng bạn. Bạn đã hoàn thành bài khá tốt. Hãy cố gắng hơn nhé.

Làm lại bài tập

Câu 1:
Which of the following situations is LEAST LIKELY to be plagiarism?

A. Eulogists borrowing someone else's speech for funeral services

B. Graduates memorising an online speech for their commencement speeches

C. Teachers mentioning someone else's work with citation in educational workshops.

D. Celebrities using someone else's speech for public appearances

Giải thích kết quả :

Đúng. Đáp án đúng là: Teachers mentioning someone else's work with citation in educational workshops.
Vì: The work is cited, so the original author is recognised. The other situations are more likely to be plagiarism if the original authors
does not allow people to use their work.
Tham khảo: Unit 1, 1.2.3. A note on plagiarism. 1/7
23:24 02/04/2024 Bài tập giữa kỳ số 1

Câu 2:
Read the following part of a story about an online public speech, which element does this part describe?
“Maria logged into the virtual platform and began to speak through her laptop.”

A. Situation

B. Feedback

C. Channel

D. Message

Giải thích kết quả :

Đúng. Đáp án đúng là: Channel
Vì: The part describes the Channel of the speech, which is via the microphone of the laptop. This channel is different from the
microphone that a face-to-face speaker may use because there could be echo or background noise in online meeting.
Tham khảo: Unit 1, 1.1.3. Elements of speech communication.

Câu 3:
Read the following part of a story about an online public speech, which element does this part describe?
“It was 9:00 a.m., and the annual charity fundraiser for the local animal shelter was about to begin. Due to the Covid-19
pandemic, the event was held virtually, and donors from all over the world had logged into the online meeting.”

A. Situation and Listener

B. Speaker and Message

C. Message and Situation

D. Listener and Speaker

Giải thích kết quả :

Đúng. Đáp án đúng là: Situation and Listener
Vì: The part describes the time (9a.m), the place (virtual meeting) and the listeners (donors from all over the world).
Tham khảo: Unit 1, 1.1.3. Elements of speech communication.

Câu 4:
Which of the following situations is LEAST LIKELY to be plagiarism?

A. Students using the same speech for two different class assignments

B. Guest speakers borrowing speeches for charity events or fundraising galas.

C. Social media influencers using someone else's speech for online video content or live streams.

D. Best man or maid of honor quoting famous sayings for wedding toasts.

Giải thích kết quả :

Đúng. Đáp án đúng là: Best man or maid of honor quoting famous sayings for wedding toasts. 2/7
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Vì: Quoting a famous saying that many people know the original speakers are usually not considered plagiarism because the original
speakers are recognised. The other situations are more likely to be plagiarism if the original authors does not allow people to use
their work.
Tham khảo: Unit 1, 1.2.3. A note on plagiarism.

Câu 5:
Which of the following are NOT elements of speech communication?

A. Channel

B. Conversation

C. Speaker

D. Message

Giải thích kết quả :

Sai. Đáp án đúng là: Conversation
Vì: The other three are elements that affect a speech. Conversation is a different type of communication.
Tham khảo: Unit 1, 1.1.3. Elements of speech communication.

Câu 6:
Why is the specific purpose statement below ineffective?
“To explain the benefits of music therapy for people with psychological or cognitive disabilities”

A. It contains more than one idea.

B. It does not include the audience.

C. It is too specific.

D. It is too vague.

Giải thích kết quả :

Đúng. Đáp án đúng là: It does not include the audience.
Vì: This statement does not include the audience. If we wanted to explain the topic to medical students, that would be different from
what we do if our audiences are social workers or musicians.
Tham khảo: Unit 2, 2.1.2. Choosing a purpose.

Câu 7:
“To inform” is the…. of a speech. 3/7
23:24 02/04/2024 Bài tập giữa kỳ số 1

A. Central idea

B. General purpose

C. Topic

D. Specific purpose

Giải thích kết quả :

Đúng. Đáp án đúng là: general purpose
Vì: There are 2 main general purposes of a speech which are “to inform” and “to persuade”
Tham khảo: Unit 2, 2.1.2. Choosing a purpose.

Câu 8:
“To explain the benefits of music therapy for people with psychological or cognitive disabilities” is the…. of a speech.

A. Central idea

B. General purpose

C. Specific purpose

D. Topic

Giải thích kết quả :

Đúng. Đáp án đúng là: specific purpose
Vì: Specific purpose is a clear and concise statement that describes the intended outcome or objective of the speech, which guides
the speaker in developing the content and structure of the presentation.
Tham khảo: Unit 2, 2.1.2. Choosing a purpose.

Câu 9:
You are going to deliver a speech about “Environment”. Which one could be a good topic you can choose for your speech?

A. Scientific journals

B. Dormitory regulations

C. Alternative resources

D. The basics of backpacking

Giải thích kết quả :

Đúng. Đáp án đúng là: Alternative resources
Vì: This is the only subtopic that related to the topic “environment”.
Tham khảo: Unit 2, 2.1.1. Choosing a topic.

Câu 10:
Which kind of subject is NOT what you should choose for your speech? 4/7
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A. Subjects your audience cares about

B. Subjects you know

C. Subjects you randomly pick from a dictionary

D. Subjects you love

Giải thích kết quả :

Đúng. Đáp án đúng là: Subjects you randomly pick from a dictionary.
Vì: Most people speak best about the subject with which they are most familiar, or the topic of their interest. Sometimes, the
speakers may want to choose the subject that their audience cares about.
Tham khảo: Unit 2, 2.1.1. Choosing a topic.

Câu 11:
In the CRAAP test to identify a good source of information, what does letter “R” stands for?

A. Result

B. Reality

C. Reason

D. Relevance

Giải thích kết quả :

Đúng. Đáp án đúng là: Relevance
Vì: When we choose a piece of information, we need to make sure that it is relevant to to our topic, and to our knowledge and to our
intended audience.
Tham khảo: Unit 3, 3.1.2. Finding available materials.

Câu 12:
What do we have to ask when we judge the Currency of a piece of information?

A. When was it published?

B. Did anyone sponsor this publication?

C. Who is the intended audience?

D. Where is the information coming from?

Giải thích kết quả :

Đúng. Đáp án đúng là: When was it published?
Vì: Currency is about whether the information is new and updated or not, so the question we should ask is “When was it published?”
Tham khảo: Unit 3, 3.1.2. Finding available materials.

Câu 13: 5/7
23:24 02/04/2024 Bài tập giữa kỳ số 1
Imagine that you have to speak about the topic: “How we can reduce stress in life”. You search the key words “ways to
reduce stress” and see this article.
What kind of problem does this article most likely to have?

A. Relevance

B. Currency

C. Accuracy

D. Purpose

Giải thích kết quả :

Đúng. Đáp án đúng là: Purpose
Vì: This article most likely to have problems with Purpose. It is written in a website that sells a product that helps people to relax, so it
is likely to support the ways that the product provides. The information in this website can be biased, so it is not suitable for an
objective speech.
Tham khảo: Unit 3, 3.1.2. Finding available materials.

Câu 14:
Which of the following sources is MOST LIKELY to provide you with the most updated information around the world?

A. Library books

B. Your own experience

C. Online newspapers

D. Interviews with other people

Giải thích kết quả :

Đúng. Đáp án đúng là: Online newspapers
Vì: Online newspapers update news around the world everyday. Library books usually contain knowledge of the past, and our own
knowledge and interviews are greatly restricted.
Tham khảo: Unit 3, 3.1.2. Finding available materials.

Câu 15:
Which of the following is the suitable supporting “Explanation” for the point: “Maintaining a good relationship with co-
workers is crucial for workplace success”

A. It allows individuals to prioritize their own achievements.

B. It can reduce the need for collaboration during high time.

C. It helps to increase job satisfaction and work motivation.

D. It leads to increased competition among employees.

Giải thích kết quả :

Đúng. Đáp án đúng là: It helps to increase job satisfaction and work motivation. 6/7
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Vì: The point and the explanation must match with each other: “Maintaining a good relationship with co-workers is crucial for
workplace success. It helps to increase job satisfaction and work motivation”. The other options show an opposing opinion to the
Tham khảo: Unit 3, 3.2.1. Explanation. 7/7

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