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Organization ECC-SDCBOH

Program –RFSA H&N sector.

Subject Field visit/Suportive supervision report
Site of visited selected RFSA Woreda.
Duration from March 15- 26, 2024
Team composition;
Activity was conducted with H&N staff.
Objective of supportive supervision;
 To assess success, gap and challenge faced at field visit.
 To give technical support for experts &CG supervisors
 To conduct discussion on H&N planed activities and government health office including
way of forward.
 To share the field report to RFSA manager and senior HCS management committee.

Supportive supervision was focused on CCFLS, Adolescent nutrition club and CGM activities.

We have addressed selected RFSA woreda :

Meta, Fediss,.Babile, Gursum and Melka belo.

1- Gursum Woreda : March 15-16,2024

Man power one HNE &TWO CG supervisor's.

We have visited Woreda H&N team activities &Health posts and one school.

During our visits all workers on duty station (HNE &2 CG supervisors).

Strengthen of this woreda :

H&N team have weekly and monthly action plan.

All H& N data are well documented.

Gursum worreda demographic data prepared on wall chart (Population, Treatment kebele,
control &free Zon kebele, Health center, Health posts ,CU2,&5 year, PLW, CG information such
as CG promoters,Lead parents and total group,CHNP and CCFLS kebele) clearly seen on wall

The team was visited frequently the target kebele as woreda coordinator reported to us.

H&N expert have been good relationship and collaboration with Woreda Health office and
health facilities.

H&N team has good team sprites ,this is helps them to achievement the objective.

The team have good commitment accomplished HN activities according the FY 2024 DIP on

Promotion and expansion of home gardening at HH level in targeted community is one of RFSA-
HN activities in each RFSA woredas, Gursum Woreda is one of good model in terms of
promotion of home gardening at HH level.

Points need improvement.

More focused on PSNP beneficiaries.

Need attention for school adolescent nutrition clubs.

Share movement plan of weekly and monthly on time.

Improve monthly progress H&N report for HQ on time.

Job description of each workers will be documented and checked by themselves.

At the end we have discuses with Woreda RFSA coordinator &H&N team about H&N ongoing
activities &challenges.

Problem that raise during our discussion;

Transport shortage ( Motorcycle driving license).

Printers and stationary.

Data entry on Com-car- specially CGM the main challenge raised on discussion.

Delay of perdiem payment.

Turnover of promoters.
Health posts was one of our visiting sites .

This health post is Harashi HP ,there are two HEW, They have annual work plan such as children
targeted for vaccination , Nutrition activity number of children screened malnutrition ( MAM
,SAM,OTP,SC) monthly activity done.

Both HEW have been trained on CCFLS &CGM, So they support CCFLS and CGM on screening
and providing ENA message on cooking demonstration and identifying the proper target group
with prompters. They tolld us about CCFLS importance ,since CCFLS complimented in our
Kebele malnutrition case has been reduced, at this time we have no children refereed to HC in
SC case. Then our community has been benefited from RFSA/HN program. We have observed
good collaboration between HNE &HEW.

School adolescent nutrition club also one of planed to supervise the club activity, because we
have focused area among the three activities.

WE have visited Harashi elementary school, there is one trained teachers on adolescent
nutrition by RFSA-HN sector. He hase manual and action plan that well documented and
provide message for club member every week. Total club member are 40 among of these 20
are male other 20 are Female.

The school has prepared garden that stay for rainy season.

The club has been suported and monitored by HNE regularly.

2- Fedis Woreda. From 18 -19

One HNE and Two CG supervisors.

This woreda is 22 KM from Harar.

Fedis Woreda has been repeatedly affected by drought. So needs attention.

We have conducted visits at Woreda H&N activities and Government Health office including
health posts.


All are on duty station during we have arrived the office.

They have movement plan which is Weekly &monthly based,depend on DIP.

Fedis woreda demographic data on wall chart was well documented.

Key target group that useful to implement the H&N activities are clearly documented.
Treatment ,Control &free zone kebele identified.

FY 2024 RFSA DIP is available in office.

They know DIP of H&N with budget break down for Fedis woreda.

CG supervises have been assigned at CGM implemented kebele.

H&N team has good communication between each other.

RFSA -H&N sector has good collaboration with Woreda Health office.

HCS health and nutrition quarterly report has been shared to Woreda Health office.

Gap/ needs improvement:

CGM activity have didn’t implemented as we expected that is weak need attention

According the movement plan will be work with government staff.

Most activities will be accomplished on time.

Needs follow up and support from HCS/CRS health and nutrition team.

Field visit was included the government health post.

Idobas &Umer kulee have been visited with team.

Both Health post has been implemented the CCFLS and CG activities wich done by promoters
(CHNP &CG promoters) both has been engaged in implementation of CCFLS And CGM activities.

They have CCFLS registration in Health post, the document has been documented accordingly.

Two promoters have been trained on CCFLS and CGM, One HEW didn’t received training ,
because she is new assigned from Woreda Health needs on job training.

Both health posts have annual plan on vaccination,ANC&PSN including nutrition activity for
Children under 5years and PLW.

The have screened children for malnutrition (MAM,SAM,OTP&SC).

They have conduct Pregnant women conference by inviting the trained midwifery through
HEW have trained on CGM by RFSA health &nutrition team ,then have engaged in CGM activitie
and support the promoters in their kebele.

Gap/ needs improvement:

CGM needs attention by all staff.

Use standard check list

Impalement all activities depend on plan /DIP

Give priority for each activity.

Give attention for key activities such as CCFLS,CGM & adolescent nutrition.

Prepared plan with government staff

Request or technical support from HCS/CRS team on time.


Motorcycle driving license for CG supervisor.

Delay payment of per diem.


Meta Woreda 19-20

Merta woreda is the big push woreda and all kebele are free zone kebele.

This woreda has only two kebel CGM. Man power one HJNE and two CG supervisors.
Meta woreda has clear demographic data which is explain the top necessary data which is
useful to implemented the H&N in intervention area such as total population ,children under
two year ,PLW, total kebele. ,health center, health post ,CG &LP, CCFLS kebele and schools.

Meta woreda has movement plan of week and monthly and shared to HQ and woreda health
This woreda has H&N DIP with budget break down for each activity as other woreda.
Meta woreda H&N all recorded and report has been well documented and shared to HQ and
woreda health office as we have seen their is RFSA health and nutrition file in woreda office
which is shared quarterly based.
Job / kebele divisions in the team for HNE and CG supervisors. CG supervisors and HNE have
been visited the targeted kebele according the movement plan through focusing on top H&N
activity CFLS,CGM and school adolescent nutrition club as they responded to us.

The team has been con duct weekly base meeting and discussed on H&N activity but not
regular. H&N team has team spirit and good integration between sectors and collaboration
with Government experts spicily with health office. That is close working together with woreda
nutrition focal person and gets support.

Point needs improvement ;

Give attention for CCFLS ,CGM and adolescent nutrition.

Routine follow up and give feedback for stack holders..
CFFLS attendance and recording documentation all ways by CHNP and HEW.
Improve quarterly and monthly update report to HQ .
Give on job training for new volunteers on time to ensure the ongoing of CCFLS activity in
targeted kebele.

All ways checkup the availability of manuals, attendance sheet, registration books on place
during follow up and support. Needs great attention for remain H&N activities to
accomplished before June 30, 2024 according the DIP break down for FY 2024 for H&N

Problem raised during our discussion :

Delay of per diem payment.


Motorcycle driving license.


Data entry problems Com-car.

Babile Woreda from 21-22/ 2024

Babile woreda is the nearest one to Hara HCS office.

Babile woreda has health demographic health data, but not have seen on wall chart filled in
MEAL data . This woreda has one HNE and two CG supervkisors.
Babile has movement plan which is wee9kly and monthly based and shared to HQ and others
(coordinator). This woreda has good integration awith RFSA sectors and collaboration with
woreda health office. Babile woreda mostly visited by USAID,CRS and BHA so has good
performance in all RFSA sectores.
All CG supervisors has own assigned kebele which are focusing on CCFLS ,CGM and school
adolescent nutrition club . the team has been worked together according the weekly and
monthly movement plan and DIP. Treatment kebele, control and free zone keble have seen on
wall chart. Babile woreda has been on good track to accomplish the annual plan /DIP but
needs speed up to accomplished before June 30, 2024. This woreda is improve the
relationship between HQ through responding the email and sharing the up date report and
movement plan

Points need attention:

Scale up to other kebele on CCFLS.

All major data on wall chart.

Speed up the ongoing activity.

Problem raised by the H&N team:

Fuel for Motor



Delay of Per diem payment.

Data entry on Com-car.

Melka belo Woreda . 25-26/ 2024

This woreda has new assigned HNE currently only in woreda.

This woreda has demographic data on wall chart such as total population ,children under two
year ,PLW, CCFLS group CGM ,adolescent nutrition clubs ,health center, health post total kebele
treatment ,control and free zone kebele have been prepared on wall chart clearly.

Melka belo has H&N DIP with budget break down on for each health and nutrition activities as
other RFSA woreda .
We have conduct detail discussion with HNE on implementation of DIP according the break
down for all activities which are remain for next three months depend on targeting and speed
up the implantation of H&N on time through supporting by HCS/CRS staff.

Other point give attention was recruit CG supervisors for Melka belo woreda urgently as soon
as possible. Deepened on DIP of FY 2024 HCS was announced to recruit CG supervisor we have
conduct selection and examine the appropriate candidate of CG supervisor for Melka b elo.
Then HCS has been complete the screening and examination and only remain the nessacsary HR

Point needs improvement:

Routine support and follow up of the CCFLS and CGM.

Speed up of H& implementation of all activities before June 30, 2024 on time.

Share the update H&N report to HJQ and Woreda health office on time according the schedule.

Problem raised on discussion:

CG supervisor recruitment urgently.



Data entry on Com –car (CGM…).

Reported by

Gulilat Asefa

H&N coordinator

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