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505. Narrated Ibn Umar : Alläh's j U1 (o"o)
Messenger made compulsory - as
the Zaktul-Fitr - upon a slave, a
freeman, a male and a female, the JJI é els j i
young and the old among the Muslims
(on breaking the fast of Ramadn] a sä . JS SS NIS
(about 212 kilograms) of dried dates, c si si in
or a s of barley. He ordered that this
should be distributed before the people
went out to the (Eidul-Fitr) prayer.
[Agreed upon].
Ibn 'Adi and Ad-Däraqutni reportedi jiÜ; ;
[from Ibn Umar] through a weak chain
2 Any wealth excavated from erth is Rikz ¡s, (a bidden treasure)
provided the same
belongs to an era of non-Muslims. It is a must to pay one-fifth of its contents to the slamic
treasury. It does not involve the condition that the deposit be made after the lapse of one
year period.
1< He is nicknamed Abç 'Abdur-Rahmn and was among the first
delegation to visit the
at AI-Madinah from the tribe of Muzaina in 5 H. He held Muzaina's tlag during
the conquest of Makkah. He lived at he outskirts of AI-Madinah then moved to Basra. He
died in 60 H. at the age of 80 years.
Qabaliya is the name of a place located on the seacoast at a distance of about five-days
urney by camel riding from Al-Madinah.
Bulugh Al-Mararm 201
of narrators: "Relieve them (the poor)
of the need to go around (begging)
during this day (of 'Eidul-Fitr.) [by
distributing the Zaktul-Fitr on time]."

506. Narrated Abü Sa'id A-Khudri : ' s siJI e i j (o1)

At the time of Alh's Messenger we
used to give out (as the Zakatul-Fitr) a ai :Jí ji
sa' of grain, " or of dried dates, or of elo s i i s ;f,
barley, or of raisins. [Agreed upon]. In
another narration: "a Sä of sun baked
yogurt." Abü Sa'id said, "As for me, I i Jú .if ls ;h : , ;
am still distributing it (a Sa» in Sadaqa) uÍ
as I used to distribute it (a Sa) in the Jif út ct :a
lifetime of Alläh's Mcssenger %." Abo :35 % ly s S
Dud has: "I will never give out (as
Sadaqa) anything excepta S."
507. Narrated Ibn 'Abbs : : Alläh's Já ü (ov)
Messenger prescribed Zaktul-Fitr
as a purification of the fasting person
from senseless and obscene talk, and as
food for the poor. Whocver fulfills it 6 aJ ý u`
before the (Eid) prayer, it will be an y
acceptable Zakt, and whoever fulflls i hs I ii lisi J
it after the prayer, 2] it will be counted
as a Sadaqa (voluntary alms). [Abo
Dud and Ibn Mäjah reported it, and
Al-Hkim gradedit Sabib (authentic) ].
Chanter 2

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