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Best Wishes
Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 3
What is Ideology?.......................................................................................................................... 3
How Ideology Emerges? ............................................................................................................... 3
Significance of Ideology ................................................................................................................ 4
Basis of Pakistan’s Ideology ......................................................................................................... 4
Aims and Objectives of the Establishment of Pakistan ............................................................. 5
Enforcement of God’s Sovereignty.......................................................................................... 5
Establishment of Islamic Democracy ...................................................................................... 5
Revival of Muslim Image and Identity ................................................................................... 5
Protection of Muslim Culture and Civilization ...................................................................... 6
Emancipation from the prejudicial Hindu Majority ............................................................. 6
Two Nation Theory ................................................................................................................... 6
The Ideology of Pakistan finely describes the religious and political foundations of the Pakistani
nation. It is an Islamic Ideology that defines the identity, ideology, and destiny of the Muslim
Ummah. The Ideology of Pakistan is deeply rooted in Islam, which lays down the code of life for
Muslims. The Ideology of Pakistan guarantees equality, justice, and human dignity for all citizens
regardless of their caste, creed, or religion. It envisages a just society where everyone will have
equal rights and opportunities. The Ideology of Pakistan is a complete code of life which covers
all aspects of human activity. It is not just a political ideology but a way of life. It is based on the
principles of Tauheed (monotheism), Ihsan (righteousness), Adl (Justice), Qisas (Vengeance), and
Aman (peace).

Moreover, the ideology of Pakistan took shape through an evolutionary process. Historical
experience e provided the base; Sir Syed Ahmad Khan through his educational reforms and Allama
Iqbal gave it a philosophical explanation; Quaid-i-Azam translated it into a political reality; and
the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan, by passing Objectives Resolution in March 1949, gave it
legal sanction. It was due to the realization of the Muslims of South Asia that they are different
from the Hindus that they demanded separate electorates. However, when they realized that their
future in a “Democratic India” dominated by Hindu majority was not safe, they changed their
demand to a separate state.

What is Ideology?
The word “ideology” is composed of two Greek words “ideo” and “logos”. It literally means “the
science or study of ideas”. The ideology of any nation reflects the ideals and aspirations of its
people, and religion and cultural shape, their thinking which binds them together.

An ideology in the positive sense is a system of beliefs, values, ideals, convictions, institutions,
goals and a body of knowledge which a people considers true, binding and practicable.

How Ideology Emerges?

1. Ideologies tend to arise in the times of crises and social stress. A society having no
ideology, when faced with a crisis, may find it difficult to decide by reacting to its ethical
and practical aspects as to whether to confront it with courage or retreat (step back) from
it. At such a moment, while ideology has its binding functions, it also provides a simple
and sure answer, leaving no chances for subsequent regrets. This is inherent it the fight for
2. An ideology emerges when people feel strongly that they are being mistreated under an
existing order when their status is threatened by fundamental changes occurring in society
and when the prevailing ideology no longer satisfies them.

Significance of Ideology
Ideology is important in following aspects;

 Ideology is a motivating force for a nation, which is striving hard to bring stability and
homogeneity to its nationhood
 It provides the cement-binding (strong/concrete) base to the scattered (divided) groups in
a society and brings them closer to each other on a common platform
 Ideologies impel (drive) their adherents (believers) to follow a joint line of action for the
accomplishment of their goal

Basis of Pakistan’s Ideology

The ideology of Pakistan stemmed from the instinct of the Muslim community of South Asia to
maintain their individuality in the Hindu society. The Muslims believed that Islam and Hinduism
are not only two religions, but are two social orders that produced two distinct cultures. There is
no compatibility between the two. A deep study of the history of this land proves that the
differences between Hindus and Muslims are not confined to the struggle for political supremacy
but are also manifested in the clash of two social orders. Despite living together for more than one
thousand years, they continue to develop different cultures and traditions. Their eating habits,
music, architecture and script, all are poles apart.

The basis of the Muslim nationhood was neither territorial nor racial or linguistic or ethnic rather
they were a nation because they belonged to the same faith, Islam. They demanded that the areas
where they were in majority should be constituted into a sovereign state, wherein they could order
their lives in accordance with the teachings of Holy Quran and Sunnah of Holy Prophet (PBUH).

The famous slogan was as under:


It became the corner of the freedom movement and the basis of Pakistan.

Meaning and definitions of Pakistan Ideology:

 Ideology of Pakistan is actually implementation of Islamic teachings

 To maintain and arouse the national dignity and struggles for unity among Muslim
Ummah and Islamic rule is in fact Ideology of Pakistan
 Two-Nation Theory on the basis of Islamic Philosophy in political and cultural
background of Sub-continent is called ideology of Pakistan

Aims and Objectives of the Establishment of Pakistan

Explained below are the ideological factors for the creation of Pakistan
Enforcement of God’s Sovereignty
A struggle for Pakistan through its ideology for freedom against the Britishers and radical Hindus
was enforcement of ALLAH’s sovereignty in the independent state. Enforcing the divine rights
basically meant to believe in the oneness of GOD and his message through Quran. Muslims in the
subcontinent were facing hatred and extremism from other communities, therefore, the very basic
freedom movement came into being as an ideological factor for the creation of Pakistan or a state
for Muslim nation. However, prevailing only the oneness of ALLAH included the governmental
aspects to be Islam oriented.

Establishment of Islamic Democracy

Establishment of Islamic democracy as another ideological factor discusses the equality among
everyone in everything. Islamic democracy enforces equality irrespective of class, creed, religion
and other social statuses of the individual according to Islam. This became the ideological factor
for freedom because Muslims in the subcontinent were facing vast amount of social, political and
economic discrimination from Hindus and Britishers. Resultantly, the leaders felt that beside free
state there should be ideal system of Islamic democracy and principles of Islam.

Revival of Muslim Image and Identity

In the United India the Muslims were dominated by the Hindus in every field. The Muslims were
not in a positon to compete with Hindus because of their backwardness in education and politics.
The Hindus had adopted a prejudicial (harmful) attitude towards Muslims that created major
obstacles for Muslim in particular. Therefore, the Muslim Philosophers and leaders believed that
in these conditions Muslims would lose their prestige and possibly they would be facing perpetual
jeopardy (unending danger) of their image and identity. Certainly, the demand for the creation of
Pakistan was aimed at protecting the Muslims from Hindu domination and subjugation

Protection of Muslim Culture and Civilization

It is widely believed and certain that Muslims are different nation because of their norms, values,
rituals and believes. Certain variation distinct them from other communities in the subcontinent,
though, they lived together for centuries in the region. To protect Muslims prestige, culture and
civilization against the antagonist Hindus became evident factor the creation of Pakistan in order
to overcome the prevailing danger. These dangers could be proved by Hindu-Muslim controversy
and Shuddi and Sanghtan movement are the bold examples of Hindus hatred towards Muslims.

Emancipation from the prejudicial Hindu Majority

After the advent of British, both British and Hindus adopted the cruel policy of mass-elimination
against the Muslims in order to erase them as a nation and subsequently merge them in the Hindu
nationalism. This policy created a great difficulty for the Muslims in their social life. However,
Hindus were very disparate for the social, political and religious execution of the Muslims. After
observing certain policies and approaches affirmed that Muslims and Hindus are two different
nations and cannot live together as a nation.

Two Nation Theory

Basically the entire freedom movement for the creation of Pakistan revolves around the Sir Syed’s
two nation theory. The theory explains the different nature of two nations in terms of norms, ideas,
believes and religious practices. Initially, Sir as a devoted Muslim and love for humanity made
him to believe that Muslims and Hindus can live together under United India as one nation.
However, after observing certain elements from Indian congress and Hindus, he affirmed that
Muslims and Hindus are two different nations in terms of culture, civilization, norms faith and


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