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Ethical Statement

Dear sir or Madam

I would like to invite you to take part in my research study by completing this questionnaire. It is

entirely up to you whether you participate but your responses would be valued. You have been

identified as a potential respondent based on your knowledge of the issue under the study. This

research is purely academic on human trafficking in Namibia, hence the information you

provide will be kept confidential and anonymous. Your name will not appear in any thesis or

report resulting from this study. However, with your permission, anonymous quotations may be


You are requested to complete all questions by all possible means, your participation is highly


Research objectives

 To determine the current prevalence of human trafficking in Namibia

 To investigate the causes of human trafficking
 To investigate the implication of trafficking to human and national security
 To assess the adequacy preparedness of Namibia in dealing with human trafficking
 To provide possible recommendation to combat human trafficking in Namibia
Section A: Biographical Characteristics of the Respondents

1. Could you please indicate your gender: Male Female

2. What is your highest educational qualification? (tick the correct)

Primary School Secondary School Certificate Diploma
Degree Master Degree PhD/ Doctorate degree

3. Please select your age category: (tick the appropriate age range)
20-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 Above 60

4. For how long have you been in the police force/ immigration officer?
Less than 5 years

Section B: Prevalence of Human Trafficking in Namibia

5. What is the prevalence of human trafficking in Namibia during the past 5 years?

Year Number of HT Cases






6. What is the composition of the victims of the recorded cases?


Section C: Causes of Human Trafficking

7. What are the causes of human trafficking?


Section D: Implications of trafficking on human and National Security

8. What are the human security implications of human trafficking?


9. What are the national security implications of human trafficking?


Section E: Preparedness of Namibia and solutions to curb trafficking

10. Is Namibia adequate prepared in dealing with human trafficking in Namibia? Support
your answer.


11. What strategies are employed by NAMPOL / Immigration to address the problem of
human trafficking?


12. Which other strategies could be used to combat human trafficking in Namibia?


Thank you for your participation in this study!

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