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Names : Fajunio, Alliah Myqkiala G.

Section Code: E61

Laurente, Marriel A.

-Edgar Allan Poe

The main problem in the fable is the clash between noise and silence. The man
wants peace and quiet, but the Demon creates chaos and noise all around him. This
conflict gets worse when the Demon tries to force silence, which ends up being just as
unsettling for the man. So, it's a story about the struggle between noise and peace.
In "Silence - A Fable," the main struggle is inside the protagonist's head as he
battles his own feelings of fear and loneliness in a spooky place. He tries to make sense
of the strange things happening around him, like the mysterious characters on the rock
and the creepy figure he sees. Even though a Demon is there, the real fight is the one
going on inside the protagonist's mind, where he's trying to find peace and
understanding amidst all the darkness and confusion.

The story sets the stage by introducing the cursed spot in Libya near the river
Zaire, establishing the desolate and eerie atmosphere. As the protagonist explores the
region, encountering strange occurrences like the blood rain and restless water-lilies,
tension builds. The discovery of the rock with the inscription "DESOLATION" and the
sighting of the deity-like figure on the rock heightens the mystery. The protagonist's
decision to unleash a tempest to disrupt the tranquility of the cursed region marks the
climax of the story, as chaos ensues. After attempting to disturb the natural order, the
protagonist curses the elements, leading to an unexpected transformation and the
emergence of silence. The story concludes with the protagonist witnessing the
transformation of the rock's inscription to "SILENCE," followed by the unsettling
laughter of the Demon, suggesting a sinister conclusion to the narrative.


The author employs indirect characterization to immerse the readers in the
characters' experiences and actions, creating a sense of atmosphere and depth within the
In "Silence - A Fable," there are several characters described, each with distinct
The primary character who tells the fable. The Demon is mysterious, ominous, and
manipulative. He demonstrates roundness in his complexity and depth, as his actions
and intentions are multifaceted and not easily understood. He's dynamic, as he
manipulates the environment and events within the story to achieve his ends. He could
be considered somewhat static, as his malevolent nature remains consistent throughout
the narrative.

2. Man on the Rock: (ROUND CHARATER)

A central figure in the fable, the man is depicted as a solitary, contemplative
figure. He exhibits roundness in his emotional depth and internal conflict, as seen in his
expressions of sorrow, weariness, and longing for solitude. His actions, like trembling in
solitude and fleeing in terror, demonstrate his dynamic nature. Overall, he's a round and
dynamic character, as his emotions and reactions evolve throughout the story.

3. Hippopotami: (STOCK CHARACTER)

These creatures respond to the Demon's call and roar beneath the moon. They
symbolize the primal forces of nature and exhibit stock traits as representations of their
species. They serve as elements within the environment rather than fully developed


The lynx dwells in the tomb and is associated with the Demon. It exhibits flatness
as it serves primarily as a symbolic presence rather than a fully developed character. It
reflects the supernatural and mysterious aspects of the setting.


The story is about feeling alone and empty, showing a lonely place and how the
main character wants to be by themselves in the spooky surroundings.
Symbol meanings: SILENCE
When the words on the rock change to "SILENCE," it means that all the chaos and noise
in the cursed place have stopped. It's like everything suddenly becomes quiet and still.
This silence represents the end of the trouble and the strange changes happening in the
cursed area. It's eerie because everything goes from being wild and noisy to completely
calm and quiet, which can feel unsettling or strange.


The situational irony lies in the protagonist's attempt to bring chaos to the cursed
region, only to unintentionally usher in a profound silence, highlighting the
unpredictability of the supernatural elements at play.

Suspense: MYSTERY
The story keeps you curious and excited because of its mysterious setting, strange
events, and the main character's unexpected actions. You're always wondering what will
happen next.


At the end of the story, there's a surprising twist when the inscription on a rock
changes, and the Demon laughs in a creepy way. It leaves you feeling a bit scared and
wondering what it all means.

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