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Instituto Nacional de San Marcos

Planificación didáctica de la especialización Inglés

Centro Educativo: Instituto Nacional de San Marcos Código: 11478

Docente: ____________________________________
Grado: _____________________________ semana del 6 al 16 Mes febrero 2024.
Contenido: Classroom language
Performance Indicators: 1.1 Follow and use basic classroom instructions properly.
1.2 Associate short and simple classroom instructions such as stop, close the door, sit down, among others, with pictures.
Class Time activate Practice Practice Reinforcement Produce
Hello, my name is... Write on the Request the Presentation Will create a conversation
Pre  Welcome board the student to toss the Alphabet similar to the example.
15 minutes students and following ball/ stuffed Spell by
introduce question and animal to another Example of a
 Yourself answer. Model it classmate. presentation dialog.
briefly. with your Encourage them
Hello, everyone! My information. After to follow the
45 name is that, ask the conversation with
Minutes . I’m an English question to 2 or support of the
Teacher. 3students. sentence written
Alphabet A: What is your on the board.
Spell by. name? The activity will
B: Hello, my name continue until
is. everyone
Have students has introduced
stand up and him/herself.
make a circle. • Praise students
• Select a student for their work and
randomly by have them take a
tossing a ball or seat.
stuffed animal to
him/her. Ask him/
her the question

Classroom Language
During • Before class begins,
15 minutes write the following
expressions on the
◦ Raise your hand.
◦ Open your book to
page number 6.
◦ Keep your distance.
◦ Stand up.
◦ Sit down.
◦ Come to the front.
◦ Can you lend me a
◦ Can I go to the
◦ Can you repeat that,
◦ Close the door,
◦ Excuse me.
◦ Yes.
◦ No.
◦ Thank you!
◦ Please.
◦ No, thank you.
◦ Sorry.
◦ Stop
Before class, write
Post classroom language
15 minutes expressions on some
strips of paper.
Place these strips of
paper in a bag, box, or


Instituto Nacional de San Marcos

Planificación didáctica de la especialización Inglés

Centro Educativo: Instituto Nacional de San Marcos Código: 11478

Docente: ____________________________________
Grado: _____________________________ semana del __________ al __________Mes _________ 2024
Contenido: ____________________________________________________________________________
Performance Indicators: _________________________________________________________________

Class Time activate Practice Practice Reinforcement Produce

15 minutes

45 15 minutes

15 minutes


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