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ECE2216 Microcontroller and Microprocessor Systems Tutorial - 2A

CHAPTER 2 T1, 2022/2023

Find out the number of address & data lines to be used for 8051 micro-controller if:
- It executes program from the internal memory.
- It executes program from the external memory.

Q2. (a)
List all the 8051 dual-purpose signals.

Q2. (b)
With the help of an electrical schematic, explain why an external resistor is required if a pin from
port 0 is used to drive an input.

- Find out the address of the register R5 in bank2.
- Find out the bit addresses of the MSB & the LSB of byte address 25H in the RAM of
- Which portion of the RAM does the address 4CH belong to?

Specify the S.F.R. & its bit affected by the following operations:
- Adding two 8-bit numbers 80H & 80H.
- Selecting a different register bank of the RAM.

The memory organization of 8051 internal RAM is shown in the diagram below.


General purpose RAM

(80 bytes)

Bit Addressable
(16 bytes)

Registers Banks
(32 bytes) 00H

i. Identify the address range that can be accessed when the CPU copy a byte of data to any
registers (R0 – R7).
ii. Specify the way to select different register banks in 8051 memory.
iii. What is the purpose of having Bit Addressable RAM in the memory?

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ECE2216 Microcontroller and Microprocessor Systems Tutorial - 2A
CHAPTER 2 T1, 2022/2023
An 8051 micro controller works with an external ROM. Specify the control signal names and their
logic values for enabling external ROM access. Also specify the register (& its initial value after a
reset operation) that will identify the first instruction to be fetched.

An 8051 micro controller is to be used in a system requiring 1Kbytes of external RAM & 6 I/O
lines. Propose a configuration showing the 8051 signal lines to be used in the system. Write down
the range of addresses of the RAM in hexadecimal.

Memory blocks are available as follows:
- 16Kbytes (ROM).
- 8Kbytes (RAM).
An 8051 micro controller based system is to be designed requiring 32Kbytes of ROM followed by
32Kbytes of RAM addresses. Identify the number of RAM & ROM memory blocks needed for the
system. Write down the starting & ending addresses for each block.

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