Open CE009 Final+6 Flexural+Stress

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Topic Outline


Flexural Stress
Assessment Tasks


Chapter 6.4: The Flexure Formula

Hibbeler, R.C. (2014). Mechanics of Materials
(9th Edition). Pearson Education, Inc.
Flexural Stress

also known as bending stresses

the stresses caused by the bending moment

Hibbeler, R.C. (2014). Mechanics of Materials

(9th Edition). Pearson Education, Inc.
Flexural Stress

the relationship between these stresses

and the bending moment is called the flexure formula

Hibbeler, R.C. (2014). Mechanics of Materials

(9th Edition). Pearson Education, Inc.
Flexural Stress:
Flexure Formula

Hibbeler, R.C. (2014). Mechanics of Materials

(9th Edition). Pearson Education, Inc.
Flexural Stress:
Flexure Formula

y - distance from the neutral axis to the fibers

I - moment of inertia of the cross-section
M - a positive bending moment M causes negative stress
(compressive) above the neutral axis and positive stress
(tensile) below the neutral axis

Hibbeler, R.C. (2014). Mechanics of Materials

(9th Edition). Pearson Education, Inc.
Flexural Stress:
Flexure Formula
𝑴 𝒎𝒂𝒙 𝒄
𝝈𝒎𝒂𝒙 =

c - the distance from the neutral axis to the outermost

point of the cross section
I - moment of inertia of the cross-section
|M|max - the largest bending moment in the beam regardless
of sign

Hibbeler, R.C. (2014). Mechanics of Materials

(9th Edition). Pearson Education, Inc.
Flexural Stress:
Flexure Formula
𝑴 𝒎𝒂𝒙
𝝈𝒎𝒂𝒙 =

S - section modulus of the beam

|M|max - the largest bending moment in the beam regardless
of sign

Hibbeler, R.C. (2014). Mechanics of Materials

(9th Edition). Pearson Education, Inc.
Flexural Stress:
Flexure Formula

Hibbeler, R.C. (2014). Mechanics of Materials

(9th Edition). Pearson Education, Inc. Section moduli of simple cross-sectional shapes
Flexural Stress: Procedures for determining bending stress
Stress at a given point


Use the method of sections to determine the bending

moment M (with its correct sign) at the cross section
containing the given point

Hibbeler, R.C. (2014). Mechanics of Materials

(9th Edition). Pearson Education, Inc.
Flexural Stress: Procedures for determining bending stress
Stress at a given point


Determine the location of the neutral axis

Hibbeler, R.C. (2014). Mechanics of Materials

(9th Edition). Pearson Education, Inc.
Flexural Stress: Procedures for determining bending stress
Stress at a given point


Compute the moment of inertia I

of the cross-sectional area about the neutral axis

Hibbeler, R.C. (2014). Mechanics of Materials

(9th Edition). Pearson Education, Inc.
Flexural Stress: Procedures for determining bending stress
Stress at a given point


Determine the y-coordinate of the given point

y is positive if the point lies above the neutral axis

and y is negative if it lies below the neutral axis

Hibbeler, R.C. (2014). Mechanics of Materials

(9th Edition). Pearson Education, Inc.
Flexural Stress: Procedures for determining bending stress
Stress at a given point

Compute the bending stress from 𝝈 = −

If correct signs are used for M and y, the stress will also
have the correct sign (tension +, compression -)

Hibbeler, R.C. (2014). Mechanics of Materials

(9th Edition). Pearson Education, Inc.
Flexural Stress: Procedures for determining bending stress
Max. bending Stress: Symmetric Cross-section


Draw the bending moment diagram

Identify the bending moment Mmax that has

the largest magnitude (disregard the sign)

Hibbeler, R.C. (2014). Mechanics of Materials

(9th Edition). Pearson Education, Inc.
Flexural Stress: Procedures for determining bending stress
Max. bending Stress: Symmetric Cross-section


Compute the moment of inertia I

of the cross-sectional area about the neutral axis

Hibbeler, R.C. (2014). Mechanics of Materials

(9th Edition). Pearson Education, Inc.
Flexural Stress: Procedures for determining bending stress
Max. bending Stress: Symmetric Cross-section


Calculate maximum bending stress

𝑴 𝒄 𝑴
from 𝝈𝒎𝒂𝒙 = 𝒎𝒂𝒙 or 𝝈𝒎𝒂𝒙 = 𝒎𝒂𝒙

where c is the distance from the neutral axis

to the top or bottom of the cross section

Hibbeler, R.C. (2014). Mechanics of Materials

(9th Edition). Pearson Education, Inc.
Procedures for determining maximum tensile and compressive
bending stress: Unsymmetrical Cross-section


Draw the bending moment diagram

Identify the largest positive

and negative bending moments

Hibbeler, R.C. (2014). Mechanics of Materials

(9th Edition). Pearson Education, Inc.
Procedures for determining maximum tensile and compressive
bending stress: Unsymmetrical Cross-section


Determine the location of the neutral axis and record

the distances ctop and cbot from the neutral axis
to the top and bottom of the cross section

Hibbeler, R.C. (2014). Mechanics of Materials

(9th Edition). Pearson Education, Inc.
Procedures for determining maximum tensile and compressive
bending stress: Unsymmetrical Cross-section


Compute the moment of inertia I

of the cross-sectional area about the neutral axis

Hibbeler, R.C. (2014). Mechanics of Materials

(9th Edition). Pearson Education, Inc.
Procedures for determining maximum tensile and compressive
bending stress: Unsymmetrical Cross-section

Calculate the bending stresses at the top and bottom

of the cross-section where the largest positive bending
moment occurs from 𝝈 = −

At the top of the cross-section (y = Ctop) we obtain:

𝝈𝒕𝒐𝒑 = −
Hibbeler, R.C. (2014). Mechanics of Materials
(9th Edition). Pearson Education, Inc.
Procedures for determining maximum tensile and compressive
bending stress: Unsymmetrical Cross-section

Calculate the bending stresses at the top and bottom

of the cross-section where the largest positive bending
moment occurs from 𝝈 = −

At the bottom of the cross-section (y = Cbottom) we obtain:

𝝈𝒕𝒐𝒑 = −

Hibbeler, R.C. (2014). Mechanics of Materials

(9th Edition). Pearson Education, Inc.
Flexural Stress:
The simply supported beam in the figure has a rectangular cross section
120mm wide and 200mm high.

(1) Compute the maximum bending stress in the beam

(2) Sketch the bending stress distribution over the cross section on which
the maximum bending stress occurs
(3) Compute the bending stress at a point on section B that is 25mm below
the top of the beam
Flexural Stress:
Solving for the reactions:
Flexural Stress:
Solving for the reactions:
Flexural Stress:
Solving for the shear and moment:
Flexural Stress:
Solving for the shear and moment:

Positive shear of 14kN (upward) is

due to the reaction at A (RA)

The area in the load diagram from points

A to B is (6kN/m)(0.8m) = 4.8kN
Therefore the value of shear in point D is
(14kN – 4.8kN) = 9.2kN

The area in the load diagram from points

A to D is (6kN/m)(2m) = 12kN
Therefore the value of shear in point D is
(14kN – 12kN) = 2kN
Flexural Stress:
Solving for the shear and moment:
Negative shear of -13kN (downward) is
due to the applied load at D of 15kN;
where 2kN – 15kN = -13kN

Shear diagram closes to zero since the

-19kN shear at point E is counteracted
by the upward reaction at E (RE)of 19kN

The area in the load diagram from points

D to E is (6kN/m)(1m) = 6kN
Therefore the value of shear in point E is
(-13kN – 6kN) = -19kN
Flexural Stress:
Solving for the shear and moment:
The value of the moment in point D is
defined by the area in shear diagram from
points A to D taken as:
Atrapezoid = ½ (a+b)h
= ½ (14kN + 2kN)(2m) = 16kNm

Moment diagram closes to zero since the

area in shear diagram from points A to B as
added to the value of moment at D is taken as:
Atrapezoid = ½ (a+b)h
= ½ [-13kN + (-19kN)](1m) = -16kNm

ME = MD + Area of shear from D to E

ME = 16kNm + (-16kNm) = 0

The value of the moment in point B is

defined by the area in shear diagram from
points A to B taken as:
Atrapezoid = ½ (a+b)h
= ½ (14kN + 9.2kN)(0.8m) = 9.28kNm
Flexural Stress:
Solving for the shear and moment:

Based on the moment diagram, the maximum moment

is Mmax = 16kNm occurring at point D
Flexural Stress:
Solving for the shear and moment:

Based on the moment diagram, the maximum moment

is Mmax = 16kNm occurring at point D

Since the cross-section is symmetrical, the neutral axis is found

half of its height
Flexural Stress:
Solving for the shear and moment:

Based on the moment diagram, the maximum moment

is Mmax = 16kNm occurring at point D

Since the cross-section is symmetrical, the neutral axis is found

half of its height

Solving for the moment of inertia:

Flexural Stress:
Solving for the shear and moment:

Based on the moment diagram, the maximum moment

is Mmax = 16kNm occurring at point D

Since the cross-section is symmetrical, the neutral axis is found

half of its height

Solving for the moment of inertia:

𝒃𝒉𝟑 0.12𝑚 0.2𝑚 3

𝑰= =
𝟏𝟐 12
Flexural Stress:
Solving for the shear and moment:

Based on the moment diagram, the maximum moment

is Mmax = 16kNm occurring at point D

Since the cross-section is symmetrical, the neutral axis is found

half of its height

Solving for the moment of inertia:

𝒃𝒉𝟑 0.12𝑚 0.2𝑚 3

𝑰= = = 𝟖𝟎. 𝟎 𝒙 𝟏𝟎−𝟔 𝒎𝟒
𝟏𝟐 12
Flexural Stress:
Solving for the shear and moment:

Based on the moment diagram, the maximum moment

is Mmax = 16kNm occurring at point D

Since the cross-section is symmetrical, the neutral axis is found

half of its height

Solving for the moment of inertia:

𝒃𝒉𝟑 0.12𝑚 0.2𝑚 3

𝑰= = = 𝟖𝟎. 𝟎 𝒙 𝟏𝟎−𝟔 𝒎𝟒
𝟏𝟐 12
The distance between the neutral axis and the top (or bottom) of
the cross section is taken as: c = 100mm = 0.1m
Flexural Stress:
Solving for the shear and moment:

Based on the moment diagram, the maximum moment

is Mmax = 16kNm occurring at point D

Since the cross-section is symmetrical, the neutral axis is found

half of its height

Solving for the moment of inertia:

𝒃𝒉𝟑 0.12𝑚 0.2𝑚 3

𝑰= = = 𝟖𝟎. 𝟎 𝒙 𝟏𝟎−𝟔 𝒎𝟒
𝟏𝟐 12
The distance between the neutral axis and the top (or bottom) of
the cross section is taken as: c = 100mm = 0.1m
Solving for the maximum bending stress
Flexural Stress:
Solving for the shear and moment:

Based on the moment diagram, the maximum moment

is Mmax = 16kNm occurring at point D

Since the cross-section is symmetrical, the neutral axis is found

half of its height

Solving for the moment of inertia:

𝒃𝒉𝟑 0.12𝑚 0.2𝑚 3

𝑰= = = 𝟖𝟎. 𝟎 𝒙 𝟏𝟎−𝟔 𝒎𝟒
𝟏𝟐 12
The distance between the neutral axis and the top (or bottom) of
the cross section is taken as: c = 100mm = 0.1m
Solving for the maximum bending stress
Flexural Stress:
The stress distribution on the cross section at D is shown in the
Flexural Stress:
The stress distribution on the cross section at D is shown in the

The bending stress varies linearly with distance from the neutral
Flexural Stress:
The stress distribution on the cross section at D is shown in the

The bending stress varies linearly with distance from the neutral

Because Mmax is positive, the top half of the cross section is in

compression and the bottom half is in tension
Flexural Stress:
The stress distribution on the cross section at D is shown in the

The bending stress varies linearly with distance from the neutral

Because Mmax is positive, the top half of the cross section is in

compression and the bottom half is in tension

Due to symmetry of the cross section about the neutral axis,

the maximum tensile and compressive stresses are equal in
Flexural Stress:
To compute the bending stress at a point on section B 25mm
below the top of the beam, we need to use the bending moment
at section B shown in the moment diagram taken as 9.28 kNm.
Flexural Stress:
To compute the bending stress at a point on section B 25mm
below the top of the beam, we need to use the bending moment
at section B shown in the moment diagram taken as 9.28 kNm.

The y-coordinate of the point that lies 25mm below the top of the
beam is y = 100mm – 25mm = 75mm or 0.075m.
Flexural Stress:
To compute the bending stress at a point on section B 25mm
below the top of the beam, we need to use the bending moment
at section B shown in the moment diagram taken as 9.28 kNm.

The y-coordinate of the point that lies 25mm below the top of the
beam is y = 100mm – 25mm = 75mm or 0.075m.

Solving for the bending stress at this location:

Flexural Stress:
The wide-flange section W14 x 30 is used as a cantilever beam, as shown
in the figure. Find the maximum bending stress in the beam given that its
section modulus is taken as S = 42.0in3
Flexural Stress:
Solving for the shear and moment:
Flexural Stress:
The shear force and bending moment diagrams
for the beam are shown in the figure
Flexural Stress:
The shear force and bending moment diagrams
for the beam are shown in the figure

Largest bending moment is Mmax = 15000lbft,

acting just to the left of section B
Flexural Stress:
The shear force and bending moment diagrams
for the beam are shown in the figure

Largest bending moment is Mmax = 15000lbft,

acting just to the left of section B

Solving for the maximum bending stress in the

Flexural Stress:
The shear force and bending moment diagrams
for the beam are shown in the figure

Largest bending moment is Mmax = 15000lbft,

acting just to the left of section B

Solving for the maximum bending stress in the

Flexural Stress:
The cantilever beam in the figure is composed of two segments with
rectangular cross sections. The width of each section is 2in. but the depths
are different, as shown in the figure. Determine the maximum bending
stress in the beam.
Flexural Stress:
The cantilever beam in the figure is composed of two segments with
rectangular cross sections. The width of each section is 2in. but the depths
are different, as shown in the figure. Determine the maximum bending
stress in the beam.
Flexural Stress:
Solving for its shear and moment
Flexural Stress:
Solving for its shear and moment

Since the downward load of 2000lb is consistent

throughout the length of the beam, it will only be
zeroed by the reaction at the support at D (RD)

The moment at D is taken as

(2000lb)(8ft) = -16000lbft

The moment at B is taken as

(2000lb)(4ft) = -8000lbft
Flexural Stress:
The shear force and bending moment diagrams are shown in the
Flexural Stress:
The shear force and bending moment diagrams are shown in the

Because the cross section of the beam is not constant, the maximum
stress occurs either at the section just to the left of B (MB = -8000lbft)
or at the section at D (MD = -16 000 lbft)
Flexural Stress:
The shear force and bending moment diagrams are shown in the

Because the cross section of the beam is not constant, the maximum
stress occurs either at the section just to the left of B (MB = -8000lbft)
or at the section at D (MD = -16 000 lbft)

Solving for the section modulus:

Flexural Stress:
The shear force and bending moment diagrams are shown in the

Because the cross section of the beam is not constant, the maximum
stress occurs either at the section just to the left of B (MB = -8000lbft)
or at the section at D (MD = -16 000 lbft)

Solving for the section modulus:

Flexural Stress:
The shear force and bending moment diagrams are shown in the

Because the cross section of the beam is not constant, the maximum
stress occurs either at the section just to the left of B (MB = -8000lbft)
or at the section at D (MD = -16 000 lbft)

Solving for the section modulus:

Flexural Stress:
The shear force and bending moment diagrams are shown in the

Because the cross section of the beam is not constant, the maximum
stress occurs either at the section just to the left of B (MB = -8000lbft)
or at the section at D (MD = -16 000 lbft)

Solving for the section modulus:

Solving for the maximum bending stress in the beam:

Flexural Stress:
The shear force and bending moment diagrams are shown in the

Because the cross section of the beam is not constant, the maximum
stress occurs either at the section just to the left of B (MB = -8000lbft)
or at the section at D (MD = -16 000 lbft)

Solving for the section modulus:

Solving for the maximum bending stress in the beam:

Flexural Stress:
The shear force and bending moment diagrams are shown in the

Because the cross section of the beam is not constant, the maximum
stress occurs either at the section just to the left of B (MB = -8000lbft)
or at the section at D (MD = -16 000 lbft)

Solving for the section modulus:

Comparing the computed
values for the maximum
bending stress, we find that
the maximum bending
stress in the beam is:

Solving for the maximum bending stress in the beam:

Flexural Stress:
The shear force and bending moment diagrams are shown in the

Because the cross section of the beam is not constant, the maximum
stress occurs either at the section just to the left of B (MB = -8000lbft)
or at the section at D (MD = -16 000 lbft)

Solving for the section modulus:

Comparing the computed
values for the maximum
bending stress, we find that
the maximum bending
stress in the beam is:

Solving for the maximum bending stress in the beam:

This is an example where the maximum bending stress occurs on a cross-section where the bending moment is not maximum
Flexural Stress:
The simply supported beam in the figure has the T-shaped cross section
shown. Determine the values and locations of the maximum tensile and
compressive bending stresses
Flexural Stress:
The simply supported beam in the figure has the T-shaped cross section
shown. Determine the values and locations of the maximum tensile and
compressive bending stresses
Flexural Stress:
The simply supported beam in the figure has the T-shaped cross section
shown. Determine the values and locations of the maximum tensile and
compressive bending stresses
Flexural Stress:
Flexural Stress:
solving for the
reactions at the
Flexural Stress:
solving for the
reactions at the
Flexural Stress:
we need to find the largest positive and
negative bending moments by solving for
the shear and moment values
Flexural Stress:
we need to find the largest positive and
negative bending moments by solving for
the shear and moment values
Flexural Stress:
we need to find the largest positive and
negative bending moments by solving for
the shear and moment values
Flexural Stress:
we need to find the largest positive and
negative bending moments by solving for
the shear and moment values
the largest positive & negative moments are 3200lb-ft & -4000lb-ft
the largest positive & negative moments are 3200lb-ft & -4000lb-ft
Flexural Stress:
locating the neutral axis of the cross-section
the largest positive & negative moments are 3200lb-ft & -4000lb-ft
Flexural Stress:
locating the neutral axis of the cross-section
the largest positive & negative moments are 3200lb-ft & -4000lb-ft
Flexural Stress:
locating the neutral axis of the cross-section
the largest positive & negative moments are 3200lb-ft & -4000lb-ft
Flexural Stress:
locating the neutral axis of the cross-section
the largest positive & negative moments are 3200lb-ft & -4000lb-ft
Flexural Stress:
locating the neutral axis of the cross-section

computing for the moment of inertia of the cross-section about the neutral axis
the largest positive & negative moments are 3200lb-ft & -4000lb-ft
Flexural Stress:
locating the neutral axis of the cross-section

computing for the moment of inertia of the cross-section about the neutral axis
the largest positive & negative moments are 3200lb-ft & -4000lb-ft
Flexural Stress:
locating the neutral axis of the cross-section

computing for the moment of inertia of the cross-section about the neutral axis
the largest positive & negative moments are 3200lb-ft & -4000lb-ft
Flexural Stress:
the largest positive & negative moments are 3200lb-ft & -4000lb-ft
Flexural Stress:
solving for the maximum bending stresses at x = 4ft
the largest positive & negative moments are 3200lb-ft & -4000lb-ft
Flexural Stress:
solving for the maximum bending stresses at x = 4ft
the largest positive & negative moments are 3200lb-ft & -4000lb-ft
Flexural Stress:
solving for the maximum bending stresses at x = 4ft
the largest positive & negative moments are 3200lb-ft & -4000lb-ft
Flexural Stress:
solving for the maximum bending stresses at x = 4ft
the largest positive & negative moments are 3200lb-ft & -4000lb-ft
Flexural Stress:
solving for the maximum bending stresses at x = 4ft

solving for the maximum bending stresses at x = 10ft

the largest positive & negative moments are 3200lb-ft & -4000lb-ft
Flexural Stress:
solving for the maximum bending stresses at x = 4ft

solving for the maximum bending stresses at x = 10ft

the largest positive & negative moments are 3200lb-ft & -4000lb-ft
Flexural Stress:
solving for the maximum bending stresses at x = 4ft

solving for the maximum bending stresses at x = 10ft

the largest positive & negative moments are 3200lb-ft & -4000lb-ft
Flexural Stress:
solving for the maximum bending stresses at x = 4ft

solving for the maximum bending stresses at x = 10ft

the largest positive & negative moments are 3200lb-ft & -4000lb-ft
Flexural Stress:
solving for the maximum bending stresses at x = 4ft

solving for the maximum bending stresses at x = 10ft

based on the results, the maximum tensile and

compressive stresses in the beam are:
the largest positive & negative moments are 3200lb-ft & -4000lb-ft
Flexural Stress:
solving for the maximum bending stresses at x = 4ft

solving for the maximum bending stresses at x = 10ft

based on the results, the maximum tensile and

compressive stresses in the beam are:
the largest positive & negative moments are 3200lb-ft & -4000lb-ft
Flexural Stress:
solving for the maximum bending stresses at x = 4ft

solving for the maximum bending stresses at x = 10ft

based on the results, the maximum tensile and

compressive stresses in the beam are:
Shear Stress in Beams:
Sample Problem
Shear Stress in Beams:
Sample Problem
The box beam in the figure supports the concentrated loads 2P and P.
Compute the maximum allowable value of P if the working stresses in
bending and shear are σw = 1000psi and τw = 100psi, respectively.
solving for its shear force diagram
and bending moment diagram
solving for its shear force diagram
and bending moment diagram
solving for its shear force diagram
and bending moment diagram
solving for its shear force diagram
and bending moment diagram

the largest shear force is Vmax = 1.5P lb and

the largest bending moment Mmax = 5P lb-ft
solving for its shear force diagram
and bending moment diagram

the largest shear force is Vmax = 1.5P lb and

the largest bending moment Mmax = 5P lb-ft

solving of the moment of inertia of the cross-section

solving for its shear force diagram
and bending moment diagram

the largest shear force is Vmax = 1.5P lb and

the largest bending moment Mmax = 5P lb-ft

solving of the moment of inertia of the cross-section

solving for its shear force diagram
and bending moment diagram

the largest shear force is Vmax = 1.5P lb and

the largest bending moment Mmax = 5P lb-ft

solving of the moment of inertia of the cross-section

solving for its shear force diagram
and bending moment diagram

the largest shear force is Vmax = 1.5P lb and

the largest bending moment Mmax = 5P lb-ft

solving of the moment of inertia of the cross-section

solving for its shear force diagram
and bending moment diagram

the largest shear force is Vmax = 1.5P lb and

the largest bending moment Mmax = 5P lb-ft

solving of the moment of inertia of the cross-section

in order to solve for the maximum shear stress, we need to compute for
the first moment of inertia of the figure shown
solving for its shear force diagram
and bending moment diagram

the largest shear force is Vmax = 1.5P lb and

the largest bending moment Mmax = 5P lb-ft

solving of the moment of inertia of the cross-section

in order to solve for the maximum shear stress, we need to compute for
the first moment of inertia of the figure shown
solving for its shear force diagram
and bending moment diagram

the largest shear force is Vmax = 1.5P lb and

the largest bending moment Mmax = 5P lb-ft

solving of the moment of inertia of the cross-section

in order to solve for the maximum shear stress, we need to compute for
the first moment of inertia of the figure shown
solving for its shear force diagram
and bending moment diagram

the largest shear force is Vmax = 1.5P lb and

the largest bending moment Mmax = 5P lb-ft

solving of the moment of inertia of the cross-section

in order to solve for the maximum shear stress, we need to compute for
the first moment of inertia of the figure shown
solving for its shear force diagram
and bending moment diagram

the largest shear force is Vmax = 1.5P lb and

the largest bending moment Mmax = 5P lb-ft

solving of the moment of inertia of the cross-section

in order to solve for the maximum shear stress, we need to compute for
the first moment of inertia of the figure shown

solving for the largest P without exceeding the working shear stress
solving for its shear force diagram
and bending moment diagram

the largest shear force is Vmax = 1.5P lb and

the largest bending moment Mmax = 5P lb-ft

solving of the moment of inertia of the cross-section

in order to solve for the maximum shear stress, we need to compute for
the first moment of inertia of the figure shown

solving for the largest P without exceeding the working shear stress
solving for its shear force diagram
and bending moment diagram

the largest shear force is Vmax = 1.5P lb and

the largest bending moment Mmax = 5P lb-ft

solving of the moment of inertia of the cross-section

in order to solve for the maximum shear stress, we need to compute for
the first moment of inertia of the figure shown

solving for the largest P without exceeding the working shear stress
solving for its shear force diagram
and bending moment diagram

the largest shear force is Vmax = 1.5P lb and

the largest bending moment Mmax = 5P lb-ft

solving of the moment of inertia of the cross-section

in order to solve for the maximum shear stress, we need to compute for
the first moment of inertia of the figure shown

solving for the largest P without exceeding the working shear stress
solving for its shear force diagram
and bending moment diagram

the largest shear force is Vmax = 1.5P lb and

the largest bending moment Mmax = 5P lb-ft

solving of the moment of inertia of the cross-section

in order to solve for the maximum shear stress, we need to compute for
the first moment of inertia of the figure shown

solving for the largest P without exceeding the working shear stress

solving for the largest P using the flexure formula for bending stress
solving for its shear force diagram
and bending moment diagram

the largest shear force is Vmax = 1.5P lb and

the largest bending moment Mmax = 5P lb-ft

solving of the moment of inertia of the cross-section

in order to solve for the maximum shear stress, we need to compute for
the first moment of inertia of the figure shown

solving for the largest P without exceeding the working shear stress

solving for the largest P using the flexure formula for bending stress
solving for its shear force diagram
and bending moment diagram

the largest shear force is Vmax = 1.5P lb and

the largest bending moment Mmax = 5P lb-ft

solving of the moment of inertia of the cross-section

in order to solve for the maximum shear stress, we need to compute for
the first moment of inertia of the figure shown

solving for the largest P without exceeding the working shear stress

solving for the largest P using the flexure formula for bending stress
solving for its shear force diagram
and bending moment diagram

the largest shear force is Vmax = 1.5P lb and

the largest bending moment Mmax = 5P lb-ft

solving of the moment of inertia of the cross-section

in order to solve for the maximum shear stress, we need to compute for
the first moment of inertia of the figure shown

solving for the largest P without exceeding the working shear stress

solving for the largest P using the flexure formula for bending stress
solving for its shear force diagram
and bending moment diagram

the largest shear force is Vmax = 1.5P lb and

the largest bending moment Mmax = 5P lb-ft

solving of the moment of inertia of the cross-section

in order to solve for the maximum shear stress, we need to compute for
the first moment of inertia of the figure shown

solving for the largest P without exceeding the working shear stress

solving for the largest P using the flexure formula for bending stress

the maximum value of P that can be applied

safely is the smaller of the two values
solving for its shear force diagram
and bending moment diagram

the largest shear force is Vmax = 1.5P lb and

the largest bending moment Mmax = 5P lb-ft

solving of the moment of inertia of the cross-section

in order to solve for the maximum shear stress, we need to compute for
the first moment of inertia of the figure shown

solving for the largest P without exceeding the working shear stress

solving for the largest P using the flexure formula for bending stress

the maximum value of P that can be applied

safely is the smaller of the two values

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