Compromisos Foraneos CDMX - Inglés

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Foreigners Mexico City

Teacher’s Obligations
The following are your obligations as a teacher when you sign on with Learnlight; we ask that you go over each item carefully and sign
this here document, if and only if you agree with and completely understand how you must comply with each of the following obligations:

1. Availability and total readiness to adapt to a hybrid class system.

2. Teaching exclusively for Learnlight:

➢ You cannot teach English on your own, or for any other private institution.

3. Duration of Digital Training:

➢ First 2 weeks are self-taught.

➢ 3rd week: Monday to Friday from: 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

4. Requirements for completing the training:

➢ The teacher must complete the 9 units in a timely manner.

➢ Attend every day of the third week, be punctual and comply with the activities to be performed.

5. I understand that working in Learnlight is a digital environment and it’s my responsibility to have the necessary equipment. As well
as to guarantee the following conditions:
➢ To have the ideal space to give the classes.
➢ To guarantee a noise free environment in my class schedule (no external noises, shouting, pet noises, music, etc.), in order not
to generate any kind of interruptions.
➢ To guarantee adequate lighting of the space where the digital class will take place.
➢ To have a green cloth, or a plain white background for the projection of the institutional background.

7. I understand that my job will not only consist of teaching but also of complying with administrative standards, such as class reports,
weekly reports, evaluations, etc.

8. Learnlight will carry out and be responsible for all the paperwork of the process to obtain my Temporary Residency Card and Work

9. As a Teacher, I will pay the National Institute of Immigration to obtain my work permit (Average cost of $5,328MXN), and cover the
cost of the flight and corresponding expenses to travel outside of Mexico, for the interview in a Mexican Consulate.

10. The candidate agrees to pay the entire cost of the permit and Learnlight will reimburse him/her biweekly for $730MXN until the total
of the amount is covered

11. It will be necessary for the work permit to remain in the custody of Learnlight for at least 3 months, due to audits that the National
Institute of Immigration performs.
12. Dress code:
➢ Men: Dress shirt No jeans, no sportswear, no sneakers, clean shaven with short hair.
➢ Women: No jeans, no sportswear, no sneakers, and no exotic colors of dyed hair.
➢ Both: piercings & tattoos must be not visible. Business Professional attire.

13. Schedule availability:

I hereby agree to keep the following schedule available for at least 1 year:

_________Part Time Mornings and Evenings (7:00 to 11:00Hrs. and 16:00 to 21:00Hrs) Monday to Friday
_________Full Time (7:00 to 11:00Hrs, 13:00 to 21:00Hrs) Monday to Friday

I have read this document and I agree to comply with all the regulations stated:
Name: _____________________________________________________________________
Date: _______________ Signature: _____________________________________________
Foreigners Mexico City

Learnlight Obligations
The following are Learnlight obligations towards each and every one of the teachers hired in Other Areas of Mexico City:

1. Weekly Class Hours and Biweekly Income (1st month)

1st Biweekly Period 2nd Biweekly Period

Schedule Availability
Weekly Hours / Biweekly Salary Weekly Hours / Biweekly Salary

Mornings and Afternoons $2,250 $2,250

Full Time $3,600 $3,600

1. Learnlight will be responsible for all the paperwork of the process to obtain the Temporary Residency Card and
Work Permit. The teacher will pay the National Institute of Immigration to obtain his/her work permit (Average cost
of $5,328MXN), and cover the cost of the flight and corresponding expenses to travel outside of Mexico, for the
interview in a Mexican Consulate.

2. Learnlight will provide the foreign Teacher benefits above those established by law, once I obtain my work permit:
➢ Monthly bonus (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum)
➢ Paid vacations (starting at 15 days for the first year of work instead of six days).
➢ Vacation pay, equivalent to 25% of your assigned paid vacation days per year.
➢ Christmas bonus, equivalent to 22 business days.
➢ Social Security (IMSS).
➢ Assistance for obtaining a housing loan (Infonavit).
➢ Retirement fund for employees (Fonacot).
➢ Profit sharing (Paid in May).
➢ Debit card with Bancomer (BBVA)
With BBVA:
➢ Life insurance for accidental death.
➢ Eligibility for obtaining car loans and salary loans.
➢ Eligibility for obtaining credit cards.

I have read this document and I agree to comply with all the regulations stated:
Name: _____________________________________________________________________
Date: _______________ Signature: _____________________________________________

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