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HCMC is a very bustling area, so can you guess, ofcourse traffic congestion is

the major problem.

1. Low awareness of traffic law compliance by vehicle drivers. The street in
the rush hour are quite chaotic, and jam-packed with all kinds of vehicles
and people squeeze into every small gap, furthermore they running a red
light and driving on the pavement, honks loudly, they "go where they
want", not following any regulations.
And that not only causing congestion, easily causing accidents, but also making
urban traffic in Vietnam ugly.
2. Transport infrastructure is weak. The road system is degraded
everywhere. Bridges and sewers are narrow, degraded, and the
construction process is slow and stagnant
And This directly affects traffic participants, making the already difficult traffic
situation even more difficult.
3. The last one also the most important cause that i think. That is:
Penalties for traffic law violations are still too "lenient". Not only that, the
handling forces are lax and not strict such as accepting bribes from violators.
This is a reality and also partly makes people underestimate and feel contempt
for traffic laws. They become more dependent on money (meaning bribes) or
personal relationships with officials and do not want to obey traffic laws
4. And now, we have some sollutions:
First, Things the government should do.
+ First of all, it is necessary to renovate, expand and build new
infrastructure, quickly expand and improve traffic intersections. At the
same time, build overpasses at key intersections, open gateway routes
into and out of the city, upgrade and open more roads.
+ Promote the work of sanctioning administrative violations, applying
technology to sanction violations of traffic order and safety
+ Besides, it is also necessary to educate about traffic safety to raise
awareness of traffic participants
Seccond, Things people should do.
+ Be self-aware and participate in traffic seriously and consciously
+ Actively travel by state-supported public transportation such as
+ Participate in courses or activities to raise awareness about traffic

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