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Your Coaching Guide

Build a

Karishma Kapur Sampat
Turiya Kapur
About Us

It’s rare for a fashion brand to have a business and financial strategist, but no matter the
business, the goal is to grow; hence I'll be your little brand catalyst.
I’ve decided to use everything I learnt during Masters in Investment Analysis & CFA Level 2, to
grow and scale business to be profitable. I specialize in streamlining business processes,
accelerating SM & Web, designing business development & sales campaigns that lead to customer
loyalty & business growth.
I'll be your exceptional magic hand :) because I believe that every individual must make their story
a blockbuster worth watching.
As a business coach & growth strategist, I thoroughly enjoy helping others overcome their business
challenges and dreaming big.
P.S- I'm an avid believer of unicorns, my forever goal is to make my mentee's visions come alive
-Turiya Kapur


From having a degree in Fashion to being a doting mother to helping multiple

passionstars achieve their Fashion Brand Goals, I believe that there is a uniqueness
in every individual which makes them stand out & my goal is to extract that
uniqueness for your brand as well to ensure that it stands out from the crowd. Your
brand is different & special, just as you are. So whether it's bringing together
timeless classics in a collection to creating the most in trend styles, I'm here for you
It takes a lot to create the best but that's only because you deserve nothing but
beyond the best
Never compromise. You deserve the BEST
— Arpana S Alhuwalia


From being a Msc Econometrics, to setting up a multi-million dollar fashion

manufacturing export factory & design house, I work passionately to deliver the
vision & requirement of every brand I work with.
I lead creative design conceptualization and ideation processes.
I’m enthusiastic about collaborating with like-minded designers and entrepreneurs,
representing slow fashion and coaching new and upcoming designers on their
manufacturing journey.
Besides being a Fashion Brand Consultant & running The O.D.D Factory for 12 years
successfully, I’m a proud mother and loving wife 24x7.
P.S - It takes a lot of hard work, creativity, passion, but don’t get stressed. I’m here
to guide you. Let’s do this!!
We were all born to suceed. Success just looks different at each stage. —
Karishma Kapur Sampat
The beautiful thing @theoddfactory
about fashion is ...
there is no right or
wrong. It's just
beauty done
Whatever inspired you
to take the leap & START YOUR
OWN FASHION BRAND, the idea of
taking control and becoming your
own boss, looks sexy on you.
We are proud of you & here to support
& empower you on your journey.
Navigating suppliers
Managing your supply chain
Finding the best packaging
Developing your brand persona
Creating an awesome marketing strategy
and most importantly
Boosting Sales!

We've done it all. Learnt from it all.

And now, we're here to make all of it

easy for you

Because fashion should be fun.

Our goal is to help you

uncover and resolve all your
pain points and create a
bespoke roadmap to success
that works for you.
Write your current pain points.
What's stopping you from launching or growing your business.

10 magical steps to
set you up for success

1. Define what Success feels like for you

You can’t figure out a path if you don’t know where it is you want to
get to. So let's define success first and then establish your Roadmap.

Get clear about your WHY.

Why you really want to start a fashion brand?

Is money a key driver or your passion?
Do you have too many ideas to share with the world?
Do you see a gap in the market and have something valuable to offer?
Why should people buy your products or service?

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What could success look like ?

short term (0-90 days),

mid term (6 -13 months)

@theoddfactory long term (3-5 years)

PS: There's no right or wrong idea here.
Just write what comes to mind first.
If you get stuck, our bespoke
consultation is your solution
2. Build a Brand Story

Great. We have a sense of the destination. Now let's create the

roadmap. Every great business has an even better brand story.

GET clear about your style.

What does your brand stand for and what does not not stand for?
How does your brand create value for others? joy? ease?
What is unique about your brand - colours, shapes, style, textures, tones?
What words best describe your brand? Sustainability? Fun? Value for Money?
Eccentric? Minimalist? Pick 5 words.

Brand Key Words

Mood Board

Brand Story

We are...

PS: There's no right or wrong idea here.
Just write what comes to mind first. If
you get stuck, let's have a chat.
3. Shortlist your Initial Product Portfolio

How will your brand express itself? What products will you offer to tell
your story? What services will create value for people?

Lets GET clear about your offering

What products will you create initially in the short term?

What do you need to test out first?
Who are you competing with?
How will your products stand out?
What is your product range?

My Product Range

My customers are
@theoddfactory Where do they shop?
PS: Don't get too ambitious.
What are their values? What's
Starting small and testing your product line with a few
customers is a smart. move If you feel confused at this important to them?
stage, we're resolving that during our bespoke
4. Stash your cash

Set aside a safe base capital for sampling not only your products but
also trying out a few different suppliers, packaging options and
marketing strategies, and other contingencies.

Write out your budget

How much do you need to spend on manufacturing?

How many suppliers can you try out?
How much do you need for packaging?
How many suppliers can you test packaging options with?
Who can help with marketing? Getting this right the first time will safe you heaps.
Who's best suited to manufacture for you.

Remember large manufacturing units don't care for small orders and you
may end up blocking funds by increasing volume initially.
Find partners who are happy to collaborate with you on small batch orders.


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PS: Maths is not everyone's strength. We get it. When in doubt get your budget reviewed
so you don't make costly mistakes. Talk to us if you need budget templates or a review.
We'd love to get into the detail if you like. Lets talk & resolve this for you through our
boss Woman's Package
5. Get to know your vendors & suppliers

We are only as good as the team or people that enable us. So think of
this relationship building time as a long-term investment. Being able to
manage vendors is the type of skill you’ll need to master as you grow
your own fashion business. So start practising from Day 1.

Things you should know about your suppliers and vendors

What quantities do they normally work with?

What are their busiest periods?
What are their payment terms?
Who else do they work with?
Where all do they source materials from?
What do they not stock?
How digitally savvy are they?
How might they help you source unique fabrics or trims?

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Join our Slow
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Inside i s t ricky.
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We ma W e s e e h ow y &
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check-i n s ig hts on tify
PS: - Get insights & inside information on all these s h a r e i & id e n
and y o u s ource
t o h el p tu re r s &
details during your bespoke consultation suppli e r s
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mat e ri a s of the
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Hit reset often.

When you're starting out you are your best asset. So you need to stay
motivated and feel refreshed at the end of each week to start again. We're
often to busy running to hit pause. So this is your time to stop, breathe,
and reflect.

What did you learn this week?

What was an awesome highlight?
What isn't working that needs to change?
Where do you need support?
Who in your network can help?
What is exhausting you??

PS: - Do you require a business + creative mentor who you work with you hands on to achieve
your dreams? If that's a yes, let us know & we'll be there for you through our Boss Woman's
Mentoring Program
Do things at your own pace.
Life is not a race.


How much is too much

Inventory modelling is an art and a science.

What % of your total investment can you hold as inventory?

What is your order to sales turnaround time?
What is your storage capacity opportunity cost?
Where is your production facility?
How aggressive is your sales strategy?
What is the cost benefit of holding a >30% inventory stock?

PS: Unplanned Inventory blocks cash flow and profit. It also sits as
a diminishing asset in your books. You need a plan to manage
this. If all of this seems like jargon to you, let's have a chat.
We can help you get an inventory roadmap set up really quick.
Our team of experts will help you establish this during your
bespoke consultation

Make sustainable choices.

Your time is your money.


Learn to forecast what buyers might and will want

Whatever your brand story might be you need to be aware of what's

happening around you. International Fashion Trends take 3-6months to
filter through to the Indian Market. Keep an eye out for what people are
talking about, what's grabbing their attention.

How might these trends impact my customer segments?

How can I take advantage of these new trends? Is it a new product or story
or marketing campaign?
What else do you need to know about this trend?

PS: Through the Fashion Kickstarter Package, we not only give

you a mood board of futuristic trends & prints & colors but also
help you create a unique collection that'll make your brand stand
out from the crowd
Our team of experts will help you establish this during your
bespoke consultation

Create the future

If you're not on the path, you're just wasting time.



Sampling is easy. But Prototyping is where it's at. Prototyping involves not
just designing your product but doing a mock-up, photoshooting,
packaging, marketing, and a price and quality test with customer feedback.

What budget can you set aside for this?

How much time do you have to prototype?
Who can help you test your product?
Who could be your test customer?
What feedback. do you want?

Collaborate with us
We're always looking to feature awesome brands..
10. MAKE it easy for CUSTOMERS to buy
Create a Solid Sales Plan

At the end of the day business is about profit. An amazing Sales Channel
and Plan is a critical stepping stone. It takes time and this is where you
shouldn't try to do it all alone. Bring in the experts where you need to.

What are your sales channel options - brick and mortar; e-shop; third-
party aggregators; pop-up markets; other distribution channels?
What traffic can you expect on this channel (s)?
How much will it cost you to sell on this channel(s)?
Who can help you monitor and optimise your sales performance?
What sales targets are reasonable for each channel?
Can your prototypes help you get purchase orders before you invest
massive capital in manufacturing?
Who can you collaborate with to design targeted sales campaigns?

As a member you'll get access to

Our Pop-up Store - THE VIBE - where you can test your product
prototypes for 1-2 weeks.

Feature your brand & entrepreneurial journey on TrueStory - a

digital community of awesome entrepreneurs'

Monthly 30 min check-in calls & mentoring

Our every evolving catalogue of design templates

Take charge of your success.

Learn from our experience.

FAST-track your way to success.

Kickstart your
in the making
fashion dream
Access to Ready to sew patterns
Silhouette Selection for a Cohesive CAD files of your 2D patterns
Collection Drop Inventory plan + Size charts & grading of your
Color Tone Planning selected patterns
Print File Concepts Discounted Access to stock fabrics & trims
Mood Board with Futuristic Trends Design assistance for your first collection drop
containing 2D mock ups of your chosen Design assistance for your zero waste upcycle
print drop
How to develop a tech pack like a Pro Review of your production plan
How to arrive at costing & profitability
Fashion Know How & Inside Tricks of the
Trait - Selecting the right materials
economically, learning the materials, best
selling styles keeping profitability & zero
returns in mind

Boss lady
Slow Fashion
launch plan
Insiders Club
We'll build your Brand story Access to our stock fabric & trims
We'll help you establish your Access to our pop-up store to sell your
photoshoot mood board products
We'll coach you on your Access to our digital channels for your
Marketing & Sales Plan product sales
We'll coach you on your Monthly check-in calls to mentor your
business development & business and fashion brand
revenue growth strategies Awesome discounts on our coaching
You'll get two one-hour packages, templates and more
Digital & Web Promotions +
Content Consultations &

join us.
access to the best teams who
will implement these goals
for you

We'd love to get to know you

The best way to
be successful is


Design Toolkit

Fashion Brand Starter Kit

that's what we did


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