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e-ISSN: 2582-5208

International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science

( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:05/Issue:06/June-2023 Impact Factor- 7.868


M. Mounika*1, G. Mukesh Chandra*2, Y. Murali Krishna*3, P. Mounika*4,
D. Murali Krishna*5, M. Naga Kesava Ryvath Datta*6, Prof. Chinni Krishna*7
*1,2,3,4,5,6Computer Science & Engineering (AI&ML), India.
*7Assistant Professor, Computer Science & Engineering (AI&ML), India.
Taskify: Get Things Done with Ease is a digital to-do list app that offers a simple and efficient solution to
increase productivity, prioritize tasks effectively, and improve time management and workflow. By dedicating
just a few minutes each day, users can create and update their to-do lists, ensuring that important tasks are not
forgotten. With Taskify, users can easily organize their tasks, placing the most crucial ones at the top and the
least important ones at the bottom. This centralized approach helps individuals manage their tasks more
effectively, preventing valuable items from being overlooked. By leveraging the power of technology, Taskify
provides a user-friendly interface for individuals to streamline their goals and accomplish tasks with ease.
Keywords: Task Organization, To-Do List, Task Tracking, Remainder App.
Taskify: Get Things Done with Ease is a user-friendly digital to-do list app that simplifies task management and
boosts productivity. With Taskify, you can effortlessly create, update, and prioritize tasks, ensuring that nothing
important gets overlooked. The app offers an intelligent task sorting algorithm, customizable ordering,
reminders, and deadlines to keep you on track. Collaborate with others, share lists, and mark tasks as
completed for a satisfying sense of progress. Say goodbye to scattered notes and hello to streamlined
organization with Taskify: your trusted companion for efficient task management and enhanced productivity.
Download now and take control of your tasks with ease.
The existing body of literature on digital to-do lists highlights their potential for improving productivity, time
management, and workflow. Research studies have consistently emphasized the advantages of using digital
platforms over traditional pen and paper methods.
One key finding from the literature is that digital to-do lists offer a centralized and easily accessible approach to
task management. Unlike physical lists, digital platforms ensure that tasks are stored in one place, minimizing
the risk of forgetting important responsibilities. Apps like Taskify provide a reliable repository for all tasks,
reducing the likelihood of tasks being overlooked or misplaced.
Moreover, studies have shown that digital to-do lists contribute to effective task prioritization and time
management. By structuring tasks based on their importance and urgency, individuals can focus on high-
priority items, enhancing productivity. Taskify's intelligent task sorting algorithm further streamlines this
process by automatically organizing tasks. This feature saves time and provides individuals with a clear
roadmap for achieving their goals.
Additionally, research has highlighted the positive impact of digital to-do lists on workflow optimization. With a
comprehensive overview of all tasks, individuals can allocate their time and resources more efficiently. Taskify's
features, such as reminders and deadlines, help individuals stay on track and meet their targets. Collaborative
capabilities further enhance workflow efficiency, particularly in group projects or shared responsibilities.
While existing literature has shed light on the benefits of digital to-do lists, there remains a need for further
research. Specifically, more studies are required to evaluate the specific functionalities and features offered by
digital to-do list apps like Taskify. This research aims to address this gap by providing an empirical evaluation of
Taskify's impact on productivity, time management, and workflow optimization.
By reviewing the strengths and limitations of existing approaches and identifying gaps in the literature, this
study seeks to contribute to the knowledge base on digital to-do lists. Through an evaluation of Taskify, valuable @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:05/Issue:06/June-2023 Impact Factor- 7.868
insights will be gained into the app's effectiveness and its potential to address challenges in task management
and productivity enhancement.
The problem at hand revolves around the inefficiencies and challenges faced in traditional task management
methods, particularly handwritten to-do lists. While pen and paper have been the go-to tools for organizing
tasks, they often result in disorganization, forgotten responsibilities, and suboptimal time management. The
aim of this research paper is to address these problems by introducing Taskify: Get Things Done with Ease, a
digital to-do list app.
The project seeks to tackle the issue of scattered and misplaced tasks by providing a centralized and easily
accessible platform for task management. The research questions guiding the project include: How can digital
to-do list apps enhance productivity and time management? What features and functionalities are necessary to
optimize workflow? How can collaborative capabilities be incorporated to improve task coordination.
The hypotheses of this project are as follows: 1) By using Taskify, individuals will experience improved
productivity and task completion rates compared to traditional pen and paper methods; 2) Taskify's intelligent
task sorting algorithm will enhance time management and prioritization of tasks; 3) Collaborative features
within Taskify will facilitate seamless task coordination and increase overall workflow efficiency.
By addressing these research questions and hypotheses, this project aims to provide a solution to the challenges
posed by traditional task management methods. Taskify: Get Things Done with Ease offers a digital alternative
that streamlines task organization, optimizes time management, and facilitates efficient workflow coordination.
The project aims to demonstrate the effectiveness of Taskify in addressing these problems and present it as a
valuable tool for individuals seeking to enhance their productivity and task management capabilities.
a. App Development: The Taskify app will be developed using modern software development practices and
The app will be designed to be user-friendly, intuitive, and accessible on multiple platforms (e.g., mobile devices
and web browsers).
b. Machine Learning Model: The app will utilize machine learning techniques to enhance task prioritization
and provide personalized recommendations.
A model architecture, such as a recurrent neural network (RNN) or a transformer-based model, will be
employed to process task data and generate insights.
The specific algorithms and techniques used within the machine learning model will be determined based on
the nature of the task data and the desired outcomes.
c. Data Pre-processing: Task data collected from users will undergo pre-processing steps to ensure data
quality and compatibility with the machine learning model.
Pre-processing steps may include data cleaning, normalization, and encoding of categorical variables.
Textual data, such as task descriptions, may undergo text preprocessing techniques like tokenization,
stemming, or lemmatization.
d. Data Augmentation: To enhance the model's performance and robustness, data augmentation techniques
may be employed.
Data augmentation methods could include generating synthetic task data or introducing variations to existing
data points, such as shuffling task attributes or introducing random perturbations.
e. Model Training and Evaluation: The machine learning model will be trained using a combination of task
data collected from users and publicly available datasets, if applicable.
Training will involve optimizing model parameters through techniques like gradient descent and
The trained model will be evaluated using appropriate metrics, such as accuracy, precision, recall, or F1-score,
to assess its performance and effectiveness in task prioritization and recommendation. @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:05/Issue:06/June-2023 Impact Factor- 7.868
f. Iterative Development and User Feedback: The development process will involve iterative cycles of
refining the app based on user feedback and incorporating user preferences and suggestions.
User feedback, collected through surveys, interviews, or app analytics, will inform further enhancements to the
app's functionality and user experience.

Fig.1. Architecture
The following output is taskify login screen.

Fig.2. Login Window

After login it goes to new page that is main page: @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:05/Issue:06/June-2023 Impact Factor- 7.868

Fig.3. Main Window

In conclusion, Taskify is a powerful and user-friendly to-do list application that enables individuals and teams to
efficiently manage tasks and boost productivity. With features like task creation, due date setting, priority
management, and integration with other tools, Taskify provides a streamlined and organized approach to task
management. Its mobile support and secure environment ensure accessibility and data protection. Taskify's
impact on productivity and task management has been evident, and future research could explore incorporating
artificial intelligence for intelligent recommendations and automation. Overall, Taskify is a valuable tool that
significantly improves task management and productivity for individuals and teams alike.
a. Intelligent Task Recommendations: Integrating machine learning algorithms can enable Taskify to analyze
user behavior and preferences to provide personalized task recommendations. By understanding individual
work patterns and priorities, the application can suggest relevant tasks and optimize task allocation.
b. Automation and Workflow Integration: Taskify can be enhanced to automate repetitive tasks and
streamline workflow processes. Integration with popular project management and communication platforms
can facilitate seamless collaboration, task delegation, and real-time updates, improving team productivity and
c. Smart Reminders and Notifications: Enhancing Taskify with intelligent reminders and notifications can
help users stay on top of their tasks. Customizable reminders based on task deadlines, priority levels, and
individual preferences can ensure timely task completion and prevent important tasks from being overlooked.
d. Data Analytics and Insights: Incorporating data analytics capabilities into Taskify can provide valuable
insights into task completion rates, productivity trends, and time allocation. Visualizations and analytics
dashboards can help users identify patterns, optimize their work habits, and make informed decisions for
enhanced productivity.
e. Gamification Elements: Introducing gamification elements, such as badges, rewards, and progress tracking,
can motivate users to complete tasks and maintain consistent productivity. By adding a sense of achievement
and competition, Taskify can create a more engaging and enjoyable task management experience.
f. Voice and Natural Language Processing: Integration of voice recognition and natural language processing
technologies can allow users to interact with Taskify through voice commands, making task creation and
updates more convenient. This feature can be particularly beneficial for hands-free usage or users with
accessibility needs. @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:05/Issue:06/June-2023 Impact Factor- 7.868
g. Cross-Platform Synchronization: Enabling seamless synchronization across multiple devices and platforms
ensures that users can access and manage their tasks from anywhere, improving flexibility and productivity.
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