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Level 3 Award In Supporting Teaching &

Learning (RQF)

Assessment Task Unit 2

Learner Name:

the learning college group limited Kern House, Brooms Road, Stone, Staffs ST15 0TL
Unit 2 - Assessment Plan

Learner name

The following planned activities need to be completed to ensure that all the Assessment
Criteria is met to achieve competency of unit 2.


The learner must complete -

Unit assessment Criteria Assessment


Written Assessment tasks 1.1, 1.2, 1.3,


3.1, 3.2, 3.3 O

4.1, 4.2

5.1, 5.2
Level 3 Award in Supporting Teaching & Learning Worksheet
Unit 2

Unit 2 – Support Health and Safety in a Learning Environment

Outcomes 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 - By the end of these outcomes, you will be able to
understand how to plan and provide environments that support children and
young people’s health and safety
1.1 Identify legislation in relation to health and safety in a learning environment

it is really important that each school has a risk assessment as they

Health and Safety need to make sure that the staff reads it and understand it. Also
at Work Act 1974 they need to make sure that each school has a personal protective
equipment in case any thing happens during school time. For
example if a child got hurt while playing, it’s teacher’s duty to look
after the child and give first aid. It is very important that the
teacher notes down when and how the child got hurt.

When any employment starts working at a school, they should first

Management of read the risk assessment and understand how to carry it out. It is
Health and Safety really important that all staff should have a training of health and
at Work safety. So they know how to keep children safe and their health.
Regulations 1999
It is important that all teachers need to know about the basic
Workplace requirements for health and safety. Also all staff should keep
Regulations 1992 children safe and to make sure that any children do not get hurt.

It Is really important that employs have a duty to make a note of

RIDDOR – any serious injuries that happened to a child during school time.
Reporting of Also the employer should write in full details about the child. So
Injuries, Diseases the head teacher and the parent is aware of the incident that
and Dangerous happened.
Regulations 2013

Teachers should make arrangements of pupils to support them in

Management and any kind of way. It’s important that some teachers should be
Storage of trained for first aid. In case if a child gets hurt, they know which
Medicines – teacher to go to. Also any medication or safety equipment should
Children and be locked up and away from children. So they don’t touch it.
Families Act 2014
Section 100
1.2 Describe the factors to consider when planning healthy and safe indoor and
outdoor environment (Minimum of 4 factors needs to be described)
1 When adults are on their pregnancy they should take complete rest. It
is important that during pregnancy adults should avoid activities, as it
may put them in harm. Also they should be careful in what they plan
pregnancy to eat or taste anything. Adults needs to be careful when they are
around animals because it may give a potential hazard when an adult
is pregnant.

2 People with disabilities are special education needs extra support in

Special their physical needs. Also they will need help in learning and trying to
education be socialise with other children in school. it is important that children
needs and with disabilities need to learn how to communicate with other people’s
disabilities and try to talk to them.
Sensory Is where people can’t see properly or they have weak vision because
impairment / some people might use their devises too much

4 Is where people have bad hearing or some people can be kind of

Hearing deaf.
impairment / Is where some people doesn’t think what they are doing or they are
dyspraxia not thinking properly.
1.3 Explain how health and safety is monitored and maintained in the learning
Staff needs to ensure that each classroom has a fire exit door which can be easy to
open. Also it’s important that all staff are aware about the evacuation drill. This also
includes the arrangement that the head teachers had done for adults and children.
However it’s important to keep children safe and protected at all times.
Outcomes 2.1 - By the end of these outcomes you will understand how to
recognise and manage risks to health, safety, and security in a learning
environment or during off-site visits
2.1 Give examples of potential risks and hazards in a learning environment
Produce a list of the many risks as possible, take into consideration security, fire, food
safety, personal safety, and off-site activity

Physical hazard
 Sharp objects
 Body stressing
 Physical violence or abuse

Security hazard
 Open doors
 Safe locks
 Alarms / smokers
 Cameras

Fire hazard
 Fire alarm
 Smoke alarm
 Fire exit
 Fire extinguisher

Food safety
 Keep clean
 Separate raw and cooked meat
 Keep food safe
 Use safe water

Personal safety
 Phone number
 Email address
 Stay alert
 Don’t give contact numbers
Outcomes 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 - By the end of these outcomes you will understand how
to support children and young people to assess and manage risk for themselves
3.1 Explain why it is important to take a balanced approach to risk management
Risk management means how we can take care of risk and reduce the chances of risk. it
is important that we look after risk in proper way so that all the chances of risk taking
place are looked at. This is called a balanced approach with a balanced approach all the
types of risk are looked at. This includes taking all steps to make sure that the chances
of risk are reduced. Of a balanced approach is not used then there will not be reduced
and there are chances that a risk will take place.
3.2 Explain the dilemma between the rights and choices of children and young
people, and health and safety requirements

When children makes their own decision it may cause them in a problem. Also children
needs to go on right path, so they don’t make any wrong decision. It’s always important
that children are always protected and safe at all time.
3.3 Give examples of ways to support children and young people to assess and
manage risk in a learning environment

Adults needs to make sure when children are using the knives, they need to be careful
with it. Also it’s important to support child as they learn to assess risk and safety.

Crossing the road

When children are crossing the road they need to be safe and use their eye
coordination when crossing the road. It is really important that they look right and left,
so they don’t get into an accident.

School trip
Teacher’s needs to make sure that children are surrounded in a safe environment.
When children are going somewhere, teachers needs to keep children safe and
Outcomes 4.1, 4.2 - By the end of these outcomes you will understand
appropriate responses to accidents, incidents, emergencies, and illness in the
learning environment and during off-site visits
4.1 Explain the policies and procedures of the learning environment in response to
accidents, incidents, emergencies, and illness

It is important that teachers writes down what accident happened.
However it’s important that the teacher informs their parents about
what happened to their child.

Accident and incidents are kind of the same thing but with the
Incidents incidents that happens in school. When children are playing they may
fall down and hurt their leg. Which teachers needs to give first aid
and write down what exactly happened to them.

When there is a fire alarm going off, all children and teachers needs
Emergencies to leave the building and go to the assembly point. Also it’s
important that teachers make sure all children are at the assembly

If children are really ill and has a temperature the staff will need to
Illness pick up their child if it’s possible. Also it’s important that the parents
tell the staff about if a child has a mental condition or not.
4.2 Explain the correct procedures for recording and reporting accidents, incidents,
injuries, signs of illness and other emergencies
It’s really important that when teachers are doing children’s first aid.
They should also write a note down. Teachers should write down where
Accidents the accident happened, the date and time it happened and where did
the child get hurt.

If there has been an incident during school times. Then the staff needs
to know who was involved in the incident. It is really important that the
Incidents teacher should know about the incident, so they can investigate it. They
also should make a record about it and write in full details of what
exactly happened.

If a child got injured during school, one of the staff needs to check if the
Injuries child is ok. However if the child is badly injured with a broken arm or
leg, then the staff should call their parents in imminently and should
take the child to the hospital as soon as possible.

Signs of
If a child is ill due to flu, rashes and bad coughs the teacher needs to
check the child’s temperature. However if the child has a temperature
then the child should go home and take complete rest. It is important if
the child has chicken pox they shouldn’t be coming to school because
other children may catch it.

Outcomes 5.1, 5.2 - By the end of these outcomes you will understand own role
in assisting in the administration of medication
5.1 Outline the organisational policies and procedures for the management of the
administration of medication

Governors or head teachers will provide support for teachers to help them in
supporting children who needs help. Its teachers responsibility that children understand
the work that they are given. However it’s really important that teachers fill in the
medical form for the child if they had an incident during playtime or in lesson. Also
staffs needs to keep children safe and protected at all times. So they don’t get any
harm or abuse.

5.2 Describe your own responsibilities and accountabilities in relation to the

administration of medication

Teachers needs to see if their first aid qualification may be administer medications when
within the present. However TAS has a duty to ensure young children and young
people have correct medications.
Harvard Referencing Grid

Bibliography - Referencing for a Book, Video, Newspaper and Articles or website

Author Year of Title of book or Place of Publisher Date

Name Publication website publication or Accessed
Example: 2001 Teaching London Hodder 12th March
KAMAD Assistant’s Education 2017
Handbook Level 3

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