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Secondary English Exam – Third Grade

Name: ____________________________________________________________

A. Match the questions words with their functions (5 pts)

1. What a. Dates

2. Where b. People’s age

3. Who c. Descriptions, things

4. How old d. Places

5. When e. People

B. Complete with the correct question word (10 pts)

What / When / Where / Who / How old

1. _______________ is Will Smith? – He’s an actor.

2. _______________ is Lima? – It’s in Perú.

3. _______________ is your name? – My name’s Frank.

4. _______________ are you? – I’m 16 years old.

5. _______________ is your art class? – It’s on Fridays.

6. _______________ is your birthday? – It’s on March 29 .
7. _______________ is your brother? – He’s in Paris.

8. ______________ is your English class? – It’s in the classroom 301.

9. _______________ is Alex’s last name? – It’s Smith.

10. _______________ is Peru´s independence? – It’s on July 28 .

C. Complete with the correct form of the verb be (5 pts)

1. What ________________________ your nickname?

2. Where ________________________ London?

3. How old ______________________ you?

4. When __________________________ your Math class?

5. Who ____________________________ your parents?

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