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8800, 8900 & CJ400

Linx 5900, 7900,

Remote Communications
Interface Reference Manual
Copyright notice
No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval
system, or translated into any human or computer language by any means or in any form,
without the express prior written permission of Linx Printing Technologies Ltd.
Neither whole nor part of the product described in this manual may be adapted or
reproduced in any material form without the express prior written permission of Linx Printing
Technologies Ltd.
Contravention of copyright may also reduce the ability of Linx Printing Technologies Ltd to
provide effective support for its equipment.
This Fifth edition published 2019
© Linx Printing Technologies Ltd 2013, 2018, 2019
LINX is a registered trademark of Linx Printing Technologies Ltd.

Manual content
The content of this manual is provided for information only. Nothing in the content of this
manual represents, or should be construed as, any contractual or other commitment on the
part of Linx Printing Technologies Ltd.
Linx products are subject to continual development and improvement, and updates to the
content of this manual will be made accordingly in subsequent editions.
Linx reserves the right to make changes without notice to both this publication and to the
products described herein.
All possible care has been taken in the preparation of this manual, and information of a
technical nature and particulars of the product and its use are given by Linx in good faith.
However, Linx makes no guarantees regarding the accuracy or completeness of this

Confidentiality statement
The information contained in this manual is confidential to Linx and its distributors, and to
Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) who are integrating Linx products into a larger
system, and who have signed a confidentiality agreement with Linx.

Safety recommendation
Before attempting to use either a Linx printer or its accessories, you should read the
information contained in the Safety section of the relevant printer manual. It is essential that
you follow safe operating procedures at all times, and that the equipment is maintained
according to the directions contained therein and as recommended by Linx or its authorized

Linx RCI Reference Manual (i) May 2019
About this manual
This manual describes the Linx Remote Communications Interface, a communications
protocol for use with Linx 4900, 7900, 8800 Series/8900 Series, and CJ400 printers.
This issue includes information for Version 5.0.0 System Software for the 8800 Series
This reference manual also includes information about hardware connections, printer setup,
mapping tables for printer compatibility, information about how to calculate print widths and
delays, and ASCII tables.
Linx will be pleased to receive any correspondence relating to this manual and the
information contained herein; please write to us at the address below.
For further information or help with Linx products, please contact:
Linx Printing Technologies Ltd
Linx House
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Compass Point Business Park
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PE27 5JL
Tel: + 44 (0) 1480 302100
Fax: + 44 (0) 1480 302116
E-mail: sales@linxglobal.com
or visit our website at www.linxglobal.com

May 2019 (ii) Linx RCI Reference Manual
Copyright notice................................................................................................... i
Manual content .................................................................................................... i
Confidentiality statement ..................................................................................... i
Safety recommendation....................................................................................... i
About this manual ............................................................................................... ii
Contents .............................................................................................................iii
List of figures ............................................................................................... ix
List of tables ...............................................................................................xiii
Using this manual ............................................................................................. xv
How this manual is organized........................................................................... xv
Intended readership.......................................................................................... xv
Document conventions .....................................................................................xvi

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION...................................................... 1—1

1.1 The Linx Remote Communications Interface ......................................... 1—1
1.2 Printer compatibility ................................................................................ 1—1
1.3 Version history........................................................................................ 1—2
1.3.1 Issue 1 ........................................................................................... 1—2
1.3.2 Issue 2 ........................................................................................... 1—2
1.3.3 Issue 3 ........................................................................................... 1—2
1.3.4 Issue 4 ........................................................................................... 1—2
1.3.5 Issue 5 ........................................................................................... 1—2
1.4 Connecting the printer ............................................................................ 1—2
1.4.1 RS-232 .......................................................................................... 1—2
1.4.2 Ethernet 5900 and 7900 ................................................................ 1—2
1.4.3 Ethernet CJ400 and 8800 Series/8900 Series .............................. 1—3
1.5 Data transfer format................................................................................ 1—3
1.5.1 Introduction.................................................................................... 1—3
1.5.2 Sending data ................................................................................. 1—3
1.5.3 Receiving data............................................................................... 1—4
1.5.4 Data transfer.................................................................................. 1—5
1.5.5 Data checksum calculation............................................................ 1—6
1.5.6 ASCII control characters................................................................ 1—8

CHAPTER 2: SENDING DATA TO THE PRINTER ....................... 2—1

2.1 Summary of printer command codes...................................................... 2—1
2.2 Descriptions of printer command codes ................................................. 2—4
2.2.1 EHT Value ..................................................................................... 2—4
2.2.2 Print Width ..................................................................................... 2—5
2.2.3 Print Delay ..................................................................................... 2—5
2.2.4 Total Print Count............................................................................ 2—6
2.2.5 Message Ratio............................................................................... 2—6
2.2.6 Time and Date ............................................................................... 2—7
2.2.7 Start and Stop Jet.......................................................................... 2—8
2.2.8 Start and Stop Print ....................................................................... 2—8
2.2.9 Trigger Print................................................................................... 2—9
2.2.10 Printer Status Request ................................................................ 2—9

Linx RCI Reference Manual (iii) May 2019
2.2.11 Data Set(s) .................................................................................2—10
2.2.12 Message Type Data Request.....................................................2—12
2.2.13 Message Data ............................................................................2—12
2.2.14 Field Data ...................................................................................2—13
2.2.15 Print Message ............................................................................2—14
2.2.16 Print Mode ..................................................................................2—15
2.2.17 Printhead Code ..........................................................................2—17
2.2.18 Photocell Mode ..........................................................................2—18
2.2.19 Shaft Encoder Mode ..................................................................2—18
2.2.20 Alarm Relay State ......................................................................2—19
2.2.21 Keyboard Lock State ..................................................................2—20
2.2.22 Request Jet State.......................................................................2—21
2.2.23 Request System Times ..............................................................2—21
2.2.24 Quick Start Jet............................................................................2—22
2.2.25 Request System Configuration ..................................................2—22
2.2.26 Set System Pressure .................................................................2—25
2.2.27 Request Software Options .........................................................2—25
2.2.28 Request Last Key Presses .........................................................2—26
2.2.29 Download Display String ............................................................2—26
2.2.30 Clear Error..................................................................................2—27
2.2.31 Upload Pixel RAM Data .............................................................2—27
2.2.32 Production Schedules ................................................................2—28
2.2.33 Power Save Option ....................................................................2—31
2.2.34 Power Down/Reset Shutdown ...................................................2—31
2.2.35 Request Display Data ................................................................2—32
2.2.36 Request Data Directory ..............................................................2—33
2.2.37 Inter-Print Delay .........................................................................2—35
2.2.38 Speed Setting.............................................................................2—36
2.2.39 Set Remote Error .......................................................................2—36
2.2.40 Extended Error Request.............................................................2—37
2.2.41 Request UNIC Code ..................................................................2—37
2.2.42 Message Print Count..................................................................2—37
2.2.43 Configuration Code ....................................................................2—38
2.2.44 Cost Per Code............................................................................2—38
2.2.45 Serial Number ............................................................................2—39
2.2.46 XCompatibility Mapping .............................................................2—39
2.2.47 Recent Consumables .................................................................2—42
2.2.48 Remote Field Data .....................................................................2—43
2.2.49 Event History ..............................................................................2—46
2.2.50 RCI Mode ...................................................................................2—46
2.2.51 Current Events ...........................................................................2—47
2.2.52 Set Production Line ....................................................................2—47
2.2.53 Sequential Number Snapshot ....................................................2—48


3.1 Introduction..............................................................................................3—1
3.2 Printer fault codes (P-STATUS) ..............................................................3—2
3.2.1 Summary of printer fault codes ......................................................3—2
3.2.2 Description of printer fault codes....................................................3—2
3.3 Command status codes (C-STATUS) .....................................................3—3
3.3.1 Summary of command status codes ..............................................3—4

May 2019 (iv) Linx RCI Reference Manual
3.3.2 Description of command status codes........................................... 3—6
3.4 Printer warnings.................................................................................... 3—13
3.4.1 Summary of printer warnings....................................................... 3—13
3.4.2 Description of printer warnings .................................................... 3—14
3.4.3 Summary of extended printer warnings....................................... 3—17
3.4.4 Description of extended printer warnings .................................... 3—17
3.5 Jet States.............................................................................................. 3—18
3.6 Print States ........................................................................................... 3—19
3.7 32-bit Error Mask .................................................................................. 3—19

CHAPTER 4: MESSAGE DATA FORMAT .................................... 4—1

4.1 Message header..................................................................................... 4—2
4.2 Field header............................................................................................ 4—4
4.2.1 Field header all printers ................................................................. 4—4
4.3 Character Orientation ............................................................................. 4—7
4.4 Field Rotation ......................................................................................... 4—7
4.5 Field Orientation ..................................................................................... 4—7
4.6 Negative Image ...................................................................................... 4—7
4.7 Field Types ............................................................................................. 4—8
4.7.1 Field Type 0—Text Field ............................................................... 4—8
4.7.2 Field Type 1—Logo Field .............................................................. 4—9
4.7.3 Field Type 2—Time Field ............................................................ 4—11
4.7.4 Field Type 3—Sequential Message Field.................................... 4—13
4.7.5 Field Type 4—Sequential Number field....................................... 4—24
4.7.6 Field Type 5—Date Field............................................................. 4—33
4.7.7 Field Type 6—Barcode Field ....................................................... 4—37
4.7.8 Field Type 7—Remote Field........................................................ 4—48
4.7.9 Field Type 8—Pixel Field............................................................. 4—49
4.7.10 Field Type 9—Data Matrix Field ................................................ 4—50
4.7.11 GS1-128 Data Matrix................................................................. 4—54

CHAPTER 5: PRINTER DATA FORMAT ...................................... 5—1

5.1 Character set data format....................................................................... 5—1
5.1.1 5900, 7900 and 8800 Series/8900 Series printers ........................ 5—1
5.2 Date format data format.......................................................................... 5—4
5.3 Logo data format .................................................................................... 5—5
5.4 Message Type data format..................................................................... 5—6

CHAPTER 6: MESSAGE PARAMETERS ..................................... 6—1

6.1 Print Height............................................................................................. 6—1
6.2 Print Width .............................................................................................. 6—1
6.3 Settings without a shaft encoder ............................................................ 6—1
6.3.1 5900 and 7900 settings ................................................................. 6—3
6.3.2 CJ400 settings............................................................................... 6—4
6.3.3 8800 Series/8900 Series settings.................................................. 6—5
6.4 Settings using a shaft encoder ............................................................... 6—6
6.4.1 5900 and 7900 settings ................................................................. 6—7
6.4.2 CJ400 settings............................................................................... 6—9
6.4.3 8800 Series/8900 Series settings................................................ 6—10
6.5 Print Delay ............................................................................................ 6—12
6.6 RCI Inter-Print Delay ............................................................................ 6—12

Linx RCI Reference Manual (v) May 2019
6.6.1 5900, 7900, CJ400, and 8800 Series/8900 Series printers .........6—12


7.1 Code Page Mapping................................................................................7—1
7.2 Message Type and Font Mappings .........................................................7—2
7.2.1 4800 and 4900 to 5900 Mappings..................................................7—3
7.2.2 5900 Mappings...............................................................................7—4
7.2.3 4800 to 8800 Series/8900 Series Mappings ................................7—10
7.2.4 4900 to 8800 Series/8900 Series Mappings ................................7—11
7.2.5 5900 to 8800 Series/8900 Series Mappings ................................7—12
7.2.6 6200 to 8800 Series/8900 Series Mappings ................................7—15
7.2.7 6800 and 7300 to 8800 Series/8900 Series Mappings ................7—16
7.2.8 8800 Series/8900 Series Mappings .............................................7—19
7.3 Date and Time Formats.........................................................................7—22
7.3.1 5900, 6800, 7300, 7900, CJ400 and 8800 Series/8900 Series Time
Formats ............................................................................................................7—25
7.4 Message Type Height Ranges ..............................................................7—26
7.4.1 5900, 7900 Print Height Ranges ..................................................7—26
7.4.2 Midi Plus.......................................................................................7—27
7.4.3 Ultima ...........................................................................................7—28
7.4.4 Ultima Plus ...................................................................................7—29
7.4.5 Mini...............................................................................................7—30
7.4.6 Micro ............................................................................................7—32
7.4.7 CJ400 and 8800 Series/8900 Series Print Height Ranges ..........7—33

APPENDIX A: HARDWARE CONNECTIONS...............................A—1

A.1 Voltage levels......................................................................................... A—1
A.2 Control signals ....................................................................................... A—1
A.2.1 Request To Send (RTS) ............................................................... A—1
A.2.2 Data Carrier Detect (DCD)............................................................ A—1
A.2.3 Data Terminal Ready (DTR) ......................................................... A—1
A.2.4 Clear To Send (CTS) .................................................................... A—1
A.2.5 Data Set Ready (DSR) ................................................................. A—2
A.3 Flow control............................................................................................ A—2
A.3.1 Hardware flow control ................................................................... A—2
A.3.2 Software flow control .................................................................... A—2
A.4 Cable connections ................................................................................. A—2
A.4.1 Full handshaking cable ................................................................. A—3
A.4.2 No handshaking cable (software flow control) .............................. A—3
A.4.3 Partial Handshaking cable (hardware flow control)....................... A—4
A.4.4 No handshaking cable (special type) ............................................ A—4
A.4.5 No handshaking loop-back adaptor .............................................. A—5
A.5 Hardware requirements ......................................................................... A—6
A.6 Software requirements........................................................................... A—6


B.1 Protocol.................................................................................................. B—1
B.1.1 RS-232 Protocol ........................................................................... B—2
B.1.2 Ethernet Protocol .......................................................................... B—2
B.1.3 RCI Setup ..................................................................................... B—3
B.2 RS-232 Setup ........................................................................................ B—9

May 2019 (vi) Linx RCI Reference Manual
B.2.1 Baud Rate ..................................................................................... B—9
B.2.2 Flow Control .................................................................................. B—9
B.3 Ethernet Setup ....................................................................................... B—9
B.3.1 IP Address Assignment................................................................. B—9
B.3.2 Renew IP Address ...................................................................... B—10
B.3.3 Host Name .................................................................................. B—10
B.3.4 IP Address................................................................................... B—10
B.3.5 Subnet Mask ............................................................................... B—10
B.3.6 Default Gateway.......................................................................... B—10
B.3.7 MAC Address .............................................................................. B—10
B.3.8 Re-connect.................................................................................. B—10


C.1 Accessing communications....................................................................C—1
C.2 Setting the connection ...........................................................................C—3
C.3 Edit Connection......................................................................................C—3
C.3.1 Hardware setup.............................................................................C—4
C.3.2 Print Mode.....................................................................................C—5
C.3.3 Print Control ..................................................................................C—6
C.3.4 Remote Fields...............................................................................C—7
C.3.5 Mappings ......................................................................................C—8
C.4 Network Settings....................................................................................C—9
C.4.1 DHCP............................................................................................C—9
C.4.2 Host Name ....................................................................................C—9
C.4.3 Static IP Address ........................................................................C—10
C.4.4 Subnet Mask ...............................................................................C—10
C.4.5 MAC Address..............................................................................C—10


D.1 Accessing communications....................................................................D—1
D.2 Setting the connection ...........................................................................D—4
D.3 Edit Connection (RCI over RS232) ........................................................D—4
D.3.1 Hardware Setup ............................................................................D—5
D.3.2 Print Mode.....................................................................................D—6
D.3.3 Print Control ..................................................................................D—7
D.3.4 Mappings ......................................................................................D—7
D.3.5 Checksum .....................................................................................D—8
D.4 Edit Connection (RCI over Ethernet) .....................................................D—8
Figure D-20. D.4 Network Settings.............................................................D—10
D.4.1 DHCP..........................................................................................D—10
D.4.2 Host Name ..................................................................................D—10
D.4.3 Static IP Address ........................................................................D—10
D.4.4 Subnet Mask ...............................................................................D—10
D.4.5 MAC Address..............................................................................D—10
D.4.6 Default Gateway .........................................................................D—10
D.4.7 Name Server IP Address ............................................................D—10
D.4.8 Domain Name .............................................................................D—11
D.4.8 D.5 Remote Fields ............................................................................D—11

APPENDIX E: EXAMPLES OF SENDING DATA.......................... E—1

E.1 Introduction ............................................................................................ E—1

Linx RCI Reference Manual (vii) May 2019
E.2 Example 1 .............................................................................................. E—1
E.2.1 Printer Status Request.................................................................. E—1
E.2.2 Download Message Data.............................................................. E—1
E.2.3 Load Print Message ...................................................................... E—4
E.2.4 Start Jet Command ....................................................................... E—4
E.2.5 Start Print Command .................................................................... E—4
E.2.6 Printer Status Request.................................................................. E—5
E.3 Example 2 .............................................................................................. E—5
E.3.1 Stop Print ...................................................................................... E—5
E.3.2 Delete Message Data ................................................................... E—6
E.3.3 Download Message Data.............................................................. E—6
E.3.4 Load Print Message ...................................................................... E—7
E.3.5 Start Print ...................................................................................... E—7
E.3.6 Printer Status Request.................................................................. E—7
E.4 Example 3 .............................................................................................. E—7
E.4.1 Stop Print ...................................................................................... E—7
E.4.2 Set Print Mode .............................................................................. E—8
E.4.3 Download Remote Field Data (first set) ........................................ E—8
E.4.4 Download Remote Field Data (second set) .................................. E—8
E.4.5 Download Remote Field Data (third set)....................................... E—9
E.4.6 Download Remote Field Data (fourth set) .................................... E—9
E.4.7 Printer Status Request................................................................ E—10
E.5 Example 4 ............................................................................................ E—10
E.5.1 Stop Print .................................................................................... E—10
E.5.2 Set Print Mode ............................................................................ E—11
E.5.3 Set Photocell Mode..................................................................... E—11
E.5.4 Download Message Data............................................................ E—11
E.5.5 Load print message .................................................................... E—11
E.5.6 Start print .................................................................................... E—11
E.5.7 Trigger Print (Using photocell manually)..................................... E—12
E.5.8 Delay Expires (Printer starts to print) .......................................... E—12
E.5.9 Print Completed .......................................................................... E—12


F.1 ASCII and non-ASCII characters ........................................................... F—1
F.1.1 Non-printable ASCII characters (control characters) ................... F—2
F.1.2 ASCII printable characters ........................................................... F—3
F.2 5900, 7900 and CJ400 code pages ....................................................... F—6
F.2.1 6200 European code page ........................................................... F—7
F.2.2 European code page .................................................................. F—11
F.2.3 Greek code page ....................................................................... F—15
F.2.4 Japanese code page .................................................................. F—19
F.2.5 Russian code page .................................................................... F—23
F.2.6 Polish code page ....................................................................... F—26

APPENDIX G: GLOSSARY ...........................................................G—1

INDEX .................................................................................... INDEX—1

May 2019 (viii) Linx RCI Reference Manual
List of figures
Figure Page

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION......................................................................... 1—1

CHAPTER 2: SENDING DATA TO THE PRINTER.......................................... 2—1

CHAPTER 3: RECEIVING DATA FROM THE PRINTER................................. 3—1

Figure 3-1. 32-bit Error Mask......................................................................................................3—19

CHAPTER 4: MESSAGE DATA FORMAT....................................................... 4—1

Figure 4-1. Message data format..................................................................................................4—1
Figure 4-2. Single line message ...................................................................................................4—2
Figure 4-3. Multiple line message.................................................................................................4—2

CHAPTER 5: PRINTER DATA FORMAT ......................................................... 5—1

Figure 5-1. Character set data format...........................................................................................5—1
Figure 5-2. Character set example (1 byte = 1 raster)..................................................................5—2
Figure 5-3. Character set example (4 bytes = 1 raster) ................................................................5—3
Figure 5-4. Date format data format .............................................................................................5—4
Figure 5-5. Logo data format ........................................................................................................5—5

CHAPTER 6: MESSAGE PARAMETERS ........................................................ 6—1

Figure 6-1. Width value set to 0....................................................................................................6—2
Figure 6-2. Width value set to 4....................................................................................................6—3
Figure 6-3. 5900 and 7900 line speed setup (Fixed Speed).........................................................6—3
Figure 6-4. 5900 and 7900 Print Settings page: Width set to 0 ....................................................6—4
Figure 6-5. CJ400 Line Settings screen .......................................................................................6—4
Figure 6-6. CJ400 Message Settings screen................................................................................6—5
Figure 6-7. 8800 Series/8900 Series Line Settings screen ..........................................................6—5
Figure 6-8. 8800 Series/8900 Series Message Settings screen...................................................6—5
Figure 6-9. 5900/7900 line speed setup (shaft encoder) ..............................................................6—7
Figure 6-10. Print Width setting (Download width set to 0)...........................................................6—8
Figure 6-11. Print parameters pitch setting (Width set to 3) .........................................................6—8
Figure 6-12. CJ400 Shaft Encoder settings..................................................................................6—9
Figure 6-13. Message Settings (Download width Set to 0)...........................................................6—9
Figure 6-14. Message Settings screen (Download width set to 3) .............................................6—10
Figure 6-15. 8800 Series/8900 Series Line Settings screen: Shaft Encoder..............................6—10
Figure 6-16. 8800 Series/8900 Series Message Settings screen (Download width set to 0) .....6—11
Figure 6-17. 8800 Series/8900 Series Message Settings screen (Download width set to 3) .....6—11
Figure 6-18. Inter-Print Distance.................................................................................................6—12

CHAPTER 7: PRINTER COMPATIBILITY MAPPING...................................... 7—1

Figure 7-1. 5900 and 7900 Code Page selection .........................................................................7—1
Figure 7-2. CJ400 Code Page selection.......................................................................................7—2
Figure 7-3. 8800 Series/8900 Series Code Page selection..........................................................7—2

APPENDIX A: HARDWARE CONNECTIONS..................................................A—1

Figure A-1. Full handshaking cable connections ......................................................................... A—3
Figure A-2. No Handshaking cable connections (software flow control) ..................................... A—3
Figure A-3. Partial handshaking cable connections (hardware flow control) ............................... A—4
Figure A-4. No handshaking cable connections (printer end)...................................................... A—4
Figure A-5. No handshaking cable connections (host end) ......................................................... A—5
Figure A-6. No handshaking loop-back connections ................................................................... A—5

Linx RCI Reference Manual (ix) May 2019
APPENDIX B: COMMUNICATIONS SETUP PART 1...................................... B—1
Figure B-1. Communications page............................................................................................... B—1
Figure B-2. Protocol page ............................................................................................................ B—1
Figure B-3. RS232 Protocol page ................................................................................................ B—2
Figure B-4. Ethernet Protocol page.............................................................................................. B—3
Figure B-5. RCI Setup page......................................................................................................... B—3
Figure B-6. Print Mode page ........................................................................................................ B—3
Figure B-7. Print Control page ..................................................................................................... B—5
Figure B-8. Mappings page.......................................................................................................... B—5
Figure B-9. Reported Machine Type—7900 ................................................................................ B—6
Figure B-10. Reported Machine Type Page—5900 ..................................................................... B—6
Figure B-11. Aux Photocell Mapped to page ............................................................................... B—7
Figure B-12. Code Page page ..................................................................................................... B—7
Figure B-13. Message Type Page—7900.................................................................................... B—8
Figure B-14. Message Type Page—5900.................................................................................... B—8
Figure B-15. RS232 Setup Page: RS232 Setup .......................................................................... B—9
Figure B-16. Ethernet Setup Page ............................................................................................... B—9

APPENDIX C: COMMUNICATIONS SETUP PART 2...................................... C—1

Figure C-1. Main Menu screen.....................................................................................................C—1
Figure C-2. Select User screen....................................................................................................C—1
Figure C-3. Enter PIN Code screen ............................................................................................. C—2
Figure C-4. Main Menu screen (extra options)............................................................................. C—2
Figure C-5. Printer Setup screen .................................................................................................C—2
Figure C-6. Communications screen............................................................................................ C—3
Figure C-7. Select Connection to Edit screen ..............................................................................C—3
Figure C-8. Edit Connection screen .............................................................................................C—4
Figure C-9. RS232 Hardware Configuration screen ....................................................................C—4
Figure C-10. Print Mode screen ................................................................................................... C—5
Figure C-11. Print Control screen ................................................................................................ C—6
Figure C-12. Remote Field List screen ........................................................................................C—7
Figure C-13. Enter Remote Field Name screen...........................................................................C—7
Figure C-14. Remote Field List screen populated........................................................................C—7
Figure C-15. Remote Field screen ...............................................................................................C—8
Figure C-16. Mappings screens ................................................................................................... C—8
Figure C-17. Network Settings screen ......................................................................................... C—9

APPENDIX D: COMMUNICATIONS SETUP PART 3...................................... D—1

Figure D-1. Home screen............................................................................................................. D—1
Figure D-2. Main Menu screen.....................................................................................................D—1
Figure D-3. Select User screen....................................................................................................D—1
Figure D-4. Enter PIN Code screen ............................................................................................. D—2
Figure D-5. Main Menu screen (extra options)............................................................................. D—2
Figure D-6. Printer Setup (1 of 2) screen ..................................................................................... D—2
Figure D-7. Printer Setup (2 of 2) screen ..................................................................................... D—3
Figure D-8. Communications screen............................................................................................ D—3
Figure D-9. RCI Setup screen—Ethernet set............................................................................... D—3
Figure D-10. Selecting the connection to edit (RCI over RS232).................................................D—4
Figure D-11. RCI Setup screen....................................................................................................D—4
Figure D-12. Edit Connection Screen (RCI over RS232)............................................................. D—5
Figure D-13. RS232 Hardware Configuration Screen.................................................................. D—5
Figure D-14. Print Mode Screen .................................................................................................. D—6
Figure D-15. Print Control screen ................................................................................................ D—7
Figure D-16. Mappings screen.....................................................................................................D—7
Figure D-17. RCI Setup Screen (RS232 Set) ..............................................................................D—8
Figure D-18. Select Connection to Edit (RCI over Ethernet)........................................................ D—9
Figure D-19. RCI Setup Screen (Over Ethernet) ......................................................................... D—9
Figure D-20. Edit Connection Screen (RCI over Ethernet) ..........................................................D—9
Figure D-21. Network Settings ...................................................................................................D—10

May 2019 (x) Linx RCI Reference Manual
Figure D-22. Printer Setup Page 2 ............................................................................................ D—11
Figure D-23. Remote Field List, One Field ................................................................................ D—11
Figure D-24. Enter Remote Field............................................................................................... D—11
Figure D-25. Remote Field List, Multiple Fields ......................................................................... D—12
Figure D-26. Remote Field ........................................................................................................ D—12
Figure D-27. Remote Field Order .............................................................................................. D—12

APPENDIX E: EXAMPLES OF SENDING DATA............................................. E—1

APPENDIX F: ASCII CHARACTERS AND CODE PAGES ............................. F—1

APPENDIX G: GLOSSARY ..............................................................................G—1

Linx RCI Reference Manual (xi) May 2019
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May 2019 (xii) Linx RCI Reference Manual
List of tables
Table Page

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION........................................................ 1–1

Table 1-1. ASCII control characters............................................................................................... 1–8

CHAPTER 2: SENDING DATA TO THE PRINTER.......................... 2–1

Table 2-1. Printer command codes................................................................................................ 2–1
Table 2-2. Download data sets .................................................................................................... 2–10
Table 2-3. Upload data sets......................................................................................................... 2–11
Table 2-4. Delete data sets.......................................................................................................... 2–11
Table 2-5. Request software options ........................................................................................... 2–25
Table 2-6. Mapping mask byte .................................................................................................... 2–40
Table 2-7. Code page byte .......................................................................................................... 2–40
Table 2-8. Message Type Byte.................................................................................................... 2–40
Table 2-9. Font Type Byte ........................................................................................................... 2–41
Table 2-10. Reported Machine Type Byte ................................................................................... 2–42
Table 2-11. RCI mode bit functions ............................................................................................. 2–47


Table 3-1. Summary of printer fault codes..................................................................................... 3–2
Table 3-2. Summary of command status codes ............................................................................ 3–4
Table 3-3. Summary of printer warnings...................................................................................... 3–13
Table 3-4. Summary of extended printer warnings...................................................................... 3–17

CHAPTER 4: MESSAGE DATA FORMAT ....................................... 4–1

Table 4-1. Data set data (5900/7900/8800 Series/8900 Series non-proportional fonts) ............... 4–5
Table 4-2. Format 1 Byte: Time Formats..................................................................................... 4–11
Table 4-3. Sequential Message field—Format 2 byte values ...................................................... 4–15
Table 4-4. Sequential Message (Shift Code) Field-Format 2-byte values for 8800 Series and 8900
Series........................................................................................................................................... 4–15
Table 4-5. Seq. Text Field: Aux P’cell Mapping: downloading messages
(8830, 8840, 8850 and 8900 Series) ........................................................................................... 4–16
Table 4-6. Seq. Text Field— Aux. P’cell trigger: Format 2, uploading messages (8830, 8840, 8850
and 8900 Series) ......................................................................................................................... 4–17
Table 4-7. Format 1: Sequential Number Format 1 byte ............................................................. 4–24
Table 4-8. Sequential Number field—Format 2 byte values ........................................................ 4–25
Table 4-9. Sequential Number Field: Aux. Photocell Mapping for 8800 Series/8900 Series....... 4–26
Table 4-10. Seq.Num. Field: Aux. P’cell trigger: Format 2, uploading messages
(8800 Series/8900 Series) ........................................................................................................... 4–27
Table 4-11. Date Field: Format 2 byte values.............................................................................. 4–33
Table 4-12. Date Format names and RCI mapping (8800 Series/8900 Series) .......................... 4–35
Table 4-13. ECC 200 Data Matrix encoding capabilities ............................................................. 4–51
Table 4-14. GS1-128 Data Matrix display format styles .............................................................. 4–57

CHAPTER 5: PRINTER DATA FORMAT ......................................... 5–1

CHAPTER 6: MESSAGE PARAMETERS........................................ 6–1

Table 6-1. Printhead frequency and drop production rate ............................................................. 6–2
Table 6-2. Standard Linx shaft encoder/wheel combinations ........................................................ 6–6


Table 7-1. 4800 and 4900 to 5900 Message Type Translations ................................................... 7–3
Table 7-2. 4800 and 4900 to 5900 5900 Font Name Translations ................................................ 7–4
Table 7-3. 900 Midi Printhead Message Type Mappings .............................................................. 7–4
Table 7-4. 5900 Midi Plus Printhead Message Type Mappings .................................................... 7–5

Linx RCI Reference Manual (xiii) May 2019
Table 7-5. 5900 Ultima Printhead Message Type Mappings ......................................................... 7–5
Table 7-6. 5900 Ultima Plus Printhead Message Type Mappings ................................................. 7–6
Table 7-7. 5900 Mini Printhead Message Type Mappings............................................................. 7–6
Table 7-8. 5900 Arab Numerals Font Type Mappings ................................................................... 7–7
Table 7-9. 5900 Farsi Numerals Font Type Mappings................................................................... 7–7
Table 7-10. 5900 High Speed Font Type Mappings ...................................................................... 7–7
Table 7-11. 5900 High Speed Font Type Mappings ...................................................................... 7–7
Table 7-12. 5900 High Speed (West) Font Type Mappings........................................................... 7–7
Table 7-13. 5900 High Speed Full Height Font Type Mappings .................................................... 7–8
Table 7-14. 5900 High Speed FH (West) Font Type Mappings ..................................................... 7–8
Table 7-15. 5900 Japanese Font Type Mappings.......................................................................... 7–8
Table 7-16. 5900 Korean Font Type Mappings.............................................................................. 7–8
Table 7-17. 5900 Narrow Full Height Font Type Mappings ........................................................... 7–9
Table 7-18. 5900 OCR-A Font Type Mappings.............................................................................. 7–9
Table 7-19. 5900 OCR-B Font Type Mappings.............................................................................. 7–9
Table 7-20. 5900 Standard Font Type Mappings........................................................................... 7–9
Table 7-21. 5900 Standard Full Height Font Type Mappings ........................................................ 7–9
Table 7-22. 4800 to 8800 Series/8900 Series Message Type Mappings .................................... 7–10
Table 7-23. 4800 to 8800 Series/8900 Series Font Mappings..................................................... 7–10
Table 7-24. 4900 to 8800 Series/8900 Series Midi/Midi Plus Printhead Message Type Mappings. 7–
Table 7-25. 4900 to 8800 Series/8900 Series Font Mapping....................................................... 7–12
Table 7-26. 5900 to 8800 Series/8900 Series Message Type Mappings .................................... 7–12
Table 7-27. 5900 to 8800 Series/8900 Series Font Type Mapping.............................................. 7–13
Table 7-28. 6200 to 8800 Series/8900 Series Midi Printhead Message Type Mappings ............ 7–15
Table 7-29. 6200 to 8800 Series/8900 Series Font Mappings..................................................... 7–15
Table 7-30. 6800/7300 to 8800 Series/8900 Series Message Type Mappings ........................... 7–16
Table 7-31. 6800/7300 to 8800 Series/8900 Series Font Type Mappings................................... 7–17
Table 7-32. 8800 Series/8900 Series Message Type Mappings ................................................. 7–19
Table 7-33. 8800 Series/8900 Series Font Mappings.................................................................. 7–20
Table 7-34. RCI Date Formats for Machine Types 5900/7300/7900 ........................................... 7–22
Table 7-35. RCI Date Formats for 8800 Series/8900 Series and CJ400 ..................................... 7–23
Table 7-36. RCI 5900/6800/7300/7900/CJ400/8800 Series/8900 Series Time Formats............. 7–25
Table 7-37. 5900/7900 Midi Print Height Ranges ........................................................................ 7–26
Table 7-38. 5900/7900 Midi Plus Print Height Ranges ................................................................ 7–27
Table 7-39. 5900/7900 Ultima Print Height Ranges..................................................................... 7–28
Table 7-40. 5900/7900 Ultima Plus Print Height Ranges............................................................. 7–29
Table 7-41. 5900/7900 Mini Print Height Ranges ........................................................................ 7–30
Table 7-42. 5900/7900 Ultima Plus Print Height Ranges............................................................. 7–32
Table 7-43. CJ400 and 8800 Series/8900 Series Midi Print Height Ranges ............................... 7–33

APPENDIX A: HARDWARE CONNECTIONS ...................................................A–1

APPENDIX B: COMMUNICATIONS SETUP PART 1........................................B–1
APPENDIX C: COMMUNICATIONS SETUP PART 2........................................C–1
APPENDIX D: COMMUNICATIONS SETUP PART 3........................................D–1
APPENDIX E: EXAMPLES OF SENDING DATA .............................................. E–1
APPENDIX F: ASCII CHARACTERS AND CODE PAGES ............................... F–1
Table F-1. Non-printable ASCII characters (control characters) ....................................................F–2
Table F-2. Printable ASCII characters ...........................................................................................F–3
Table F-3. 6200 European code page ...........................................................................................F–7
Table F-4. European code page ..................................................................................................F–11
Table F-5. E.6 Greek code page.................................................................................................. F–15
Table F-6. Japanese code page ..................................................................................................F–19
Table F-7. Russian code page .....................................................................................................F–23
Table F-8. Polish code page ........................................................................................................F–26

APPENDIX G: GLOSSARY ............................................................................... G–1

May 2019 (xiv) Linx RCI Reference Manual
Using this manual
How this manual is organized
The manual is structured as follows:
Chapter 1: ‘Introduction’ introduces the Linx Remote Communications Interface, lists the
interface specification version history, and describes the communication protocol and data
transfer formats.
Chapter 7: ‘Printer Compatibility Mapping’ describes the printer command codes
initiated from the remote host.
Chapter 3: ‘Receiving Data from the Printer’ describes the replies returned by the printer
including Command Status Codes, Printer Status Codes, Fault Codes, Printer Error Codes,
Jet States, and Reply Data.
Chapter 4: ‘Message Data Format’ describes the format of the message header data and
the formats of the field types.
Chapter 5: ‘Printer Data Format’ describes the format of the various types of printer
resources returned by the printer.
Chapter 6: ‘Message Parameters’ describes how to calculate the Print Height, Print Width,
Print Delay, and Inter-Print Delay parameters.
Chapter 7: ‘Printer Compatibility Mapping’ describes the mapping of message data
between the 5900, 7900, 8800 Series/8900 Series, and CJ400 printers.
Appendix A: ‘Hardware Connections’ gives details of cable connections, voltage levels,
and control signals.
Appendix B: ‘Communications Setup Part 1’ describes how to configure the remote
communications settings on the 5900 and 7900 printers.
Appendix C: ‘Communications Setup Part 2’ describes how to configure the remote
communications settings on the CJ400 printer.
Appendix D: ‘Communications Setup Part 3’ describes how to configure the remote
communications settings on the 8800 Series/8900 Series printer.
Appendix E: ‘Examples of Sending Data’ provides examples of message data sent to the
printer, and the expected replies.
Appendix F: ‘ASCII Characters and Code Pages’ provides reference information for
ASCII and non-ASCII key codes and characters. It also provides code page tables for
various languages for use with the printers.

Intended readership
This manual is intended for use by anyone who needs to use the Linx Remote
Communications Interface to send and receive data from a remote host to a Linx printer.
The reader should be familiar with hexadecimal notation.

Linx RCI Reference Manual (xv) May 2019
Document conventions
Certain typographical conventions are used throughout this reference manual to indicate
cross-references to other sections or manuals.
Text emphasis Use of emphasis
‘blue and single quotes’ For internal cross-references (cross references made
to another chapter or section within this manual). For
... refer to Chapter 4: ‘Message Data Format’ for more
Italics For data definitions such as bytes, bits and fields. For
Repeat count 2 bytes...
For data transmission examples. For example:
1C;Field header
For external cross-references (cross-references made
to another publication). For example:
... refer to the Linx 7900 Quick Start Guide...
Courier For programming code. For example:

May 2019 (xvi) Linx RCI Reference Manual
1.1 The Linx Remote Communications Interface
The Linx Remote Communications Interface (referred to in this manual as the ‘remote
interface’ or RCI) is a method of controlling printer functions from a remote host via the
serial port or the Ethernet port, rather than using the local keyboard and display. The printer
acts as a ‘slave’ that receives commands from the remote host and sends back status
information and data as requested.
The remote interface allows most of the printer functions to be controlled from a remote
The remote interface uses a point-to-point, serial data transfer protocol. (See ‘Data transfer’
on page 1—5 for more information about the protocol used.)
The serial hardware connection to Linx printers is a standard factory-fitted option, except for
the 8900 Series. For the 8900 Series it is either a factory fitted option or an optional extra. It
is based on the Electronics Industry Association (EIA) EIA-232 Standard RS-232-C.
For the 8800 Series it is not supported.
The Ethernet hardware connection on the 5900 is a hardware optional extra, a standard
factory fit on the 7900 and 8800 Series/8900 Series, and a factory-fitted option on the
For all models of Linx printers an RCI Utility can be supplied to test applications by
uploading and downloading commands.
The utility is available to Linx distributors from the Linx ExtraLinx Website. For customers,
please contact Technical Support at Linx or contact your local Linx distributor.

1.2 Printer compatibility

This version of the Linx Remote Communications Interface is compatible with the following
versions of printer software:
Printer Software version
4900 v1.0 and later
5900 v1.1 and later
7900 v5.0 and later
CJ400 v1.4.1 and later
8900 v4.1.0 and later
8910 v4.1.0 and later
8920 v4.1.0 and later
8940 v4.1.0 and later
8800 Series/8900 Series v5.0.0 and later
1. For information about the use of RCI on older Linx printers, please refer to the Linx
Remote Communications Interface Reference Manual Issue 8 (MP65038-8). This
covers the 4000 Series, 4800, 6000 Series, 6800DP, 6800SP, 6900 and IJ600
2. For information about the RCI on the 4900 printers, please refer to the Linx Remote
Communications Interface Reference Manual Issue 1, MP65969-1

Linx RCI Reference Manual 1—1 May 2019
1.3 Version history
1.3.1 Issue 1
 (a) Initial issue of MP65969-1 for 4900, 7900, and CJ400.

1.3.2 Issue 2
 (a) Reissued to support 5900.
 (b) Commands 13D and 14D, seconds parameter added.
 (c) Commands 101D and 102D, Set and Request Speed added.
 (d) Command 155D, Request Recent Consumables added.
 (e) Command 156D, Reset Recent Consumables added.
 (f) Command 157D, 158D and 159D, Request Remote Fields Data, Send Remote Data
by Name, and Send Remote Data by Stream.
See Chapter 2: ‘Sending Data to the Printer’ for details of the above changes.
 (g) Commands 161D and 162D, Set and Request RCI Mode added for CJ400 v1.6.0.
 (h) Command 163, Request Current Events added for CJ400 v1.6.0.
See Chapter 2: ‘Sending Data to the Printer’ for details of the above changes.

1.3.3 Issue 3
 (a) Reissued to support 8900.
 (b) Removed command references to 4900 apart from Chapter 7: Printer Compatibility

1.3.4 Issue 4
 Up-issue command for compatibility with the 8900 v4.1.0 and later. No new commands
are added in this release.

1.3.5 Issue 5
 Up-issue command for compatibility with the 8800 Series v5.0.0 and later. No new
commands are added in this release. Note that commands 164 and 251 are
documented. Command 151 and 152 have been updated.

1.4 Connecting the printer

For remote communications, Linx printers use a hardware connection based either on the
RS-232 standard or an Ethernet connection.

1.4.1 RS-232
The RS-232 standard is an Electronic Industries Association (EIA) approved standard for
connecting serial devices. It provides point-to-point communications. For information about
hardware and software requirements for Linx printers (not 8800 Series), see
Appendix A: ‘Hardware Connections’.

1.4.2 Ethernet 5900 and 7900

The Ethernet hardware connection on these printers is based on the IEEE 802.3u ENDEC
10BASE-T standard. The Ethernet port in use is 29043.

May 2019 1—2 Linx RCI Reference Manual
1.4.3 Ethernet CJ400 and 8800 Series/8900 Series
The Ethernet hardware connection on these printers are based on the IEEE 802.3u
100BASE-T/ 10BASE-T standard. The Ethernet port in use is 29043.

1.5 Data transfer format

This section describes the format of the data transferred between a remote host and a Linx
printer. It details the required layout of data sent from a remote host to the printer, and data
received by the host from the printer.

1.5.1 Introduction
Typically, communications are initiated by the remote host, in the form of a command.
Depending on the command issued, the command may or may not contain data. A reply is
returned by the printer and no other commands can be sent until the reply is received by the
host, irrespective of whether or not the host processes the reply. Replies confirm the receipt
of the command, and may or may not contain data.
There are exceptions to the host initiated communications and these are described in
Chapter 3: ‘Receiving Data from the Printer’.
ASCII control characters (00H to 1FH) are used for various control functions, and to delimit
the data. The characters described in this manual are the default values and cannot be

1.5.2 Sending data

Data sent to the printer must be in the following format:
Command ID
[< DATA >]
1. < DATA > indicates variable data, one or more bytes in length.
2. [ DATA ] indicates optional data.
ESC, STX, ETX: Control characters and message delimiters are described below in ‘Data
transfer’ on page 1—5.
Command ID: The command ID is a single byte that identifies the command.
DATA: The message data consists of one or more bytes, if required by the command.
See ‘Sending Data to the Printer’ on page 2—1 for a full list of command IDs and a
description of each command.
Checksum: The checksum is a single byte placed at the end of each data transmission. A
description of how the data checksum is generated can be found in ‘Data checksum
calculation’ on page 1—6.
Note that the checksum is optional—refer to the following appendices for more information:
5900 and 7900 printers: Appendix B: ‘Communications Setup Part 1’
CJ400 printer: Appendix C: ‘Communications Setup Part 2’
8800 Series/8900 Series printer: Appendix D: ‘Communications Setup Part 3’

Linx RCI Reference Manual 1—3 May 2019
1.5.3 Receiving data
Each time a command is sent to the printer, it sends a reply to the host. This reply is
described in detail below. It begins with information about the current fault status of the
printer, and whether or not the command was accepted (or rejected as invalid). It then
confirms the ID of the command that the printer received.
A reply has the following format:
Command ID
[< DATA >]
ACK or NAK: An ACK reply is returned if the integrity of the received command is correct
and the command was successfully actioned. A NAK reply indicates that either the
command received was invalid or the command could not be actioned.
P-STATUS: The printer status byte returned indicates the fault status of the printer:
0 Indicates no fault
>0 Specific fault code (see ‘Printer fault codes (P-STATUS)’ on page 3—2)
C-STATUS: The command status, in combination with the ACK or NAK byte, is used to
determine the success of a command.
If C-Status is zero, the command was valid. Normally, an ESC ACK sequence is returned for
a valid command. In some cases, ESC ACK is received but C-Status is not 0. In this case, it
contains information relating to the execution of the command. (for details of non-zero C-
Status byte values returned on successful completion of a command, see ‘66 Remote buffer
now full’ on page 3—10.)
If an ESC NAK sequence is received, it indicates that the command was not valid. In this
case C-Status is not zero. It contains a code indicating a specific fault/warning—for
example, ‘Invalid command’ or ‘Jet not running’. These codes are described in ‘Description
of command status codes’ on page 3—6.
COMMAND ID: The command ID that is returned corresponds to the command ID that was
sent in the original command.
DATA: The length and content of the reply data depend on the original command.
Additional printer status information can be obtained in the reply by sending a command
using the alternative message delimiter SOH (01H) instead of STX. For example:
Command ID
[< DATA >]

May 2019 1—4 Linx RCI Reference Manual
The reply data then contains extended status information:
[ < DATA > ]
The reply contains two additional sets of data. Both sets of data are four bytes long— the
least significant byte first, the most significant byte last:
ERROR MASK: The printer error mask is a 32-bit mask, in which each bit indicates a
particular printer error when set. See ‘32-bit Error Mask’ on page 3—19 and ‘Summary of
extended printer warnings’ on page 3—17 for details.
PRINT COUNT: The print count indicates the total current print count in the range 0 to
The command format can be sent at any time, and the reply returns extended status

1.5.4 Data transfer

As described above, commands and replies use various ASCII control characters (00H to
1FH ) as delimiters. To allow all byte values (00H to FFH) to be transferred as data, the
delimiting characters must always be preceded by an escape character (ESC or 1BH). If the
delimiting characters occur in the command data, they are regarded as normal characters.
The exception to this is the ESC character. If this occurs anywhere in the command data
and is not used to indicate a delimiter, then it must be preceded by another ESC character.
Extra ESC characters inserted in this way do not form part of the command data.
Similarly, the reply from the printer can also contain ESC characters within the data, (that is,
not forming part of the message delimiters), and again each of these is preceded by an
additional ESC character. The host must discard this additional ESC character when the
reply is received.
The remaining ESC character from each of these pairs forms part of the data, and is
included in the data checksum calculation. ESC characters used in delimiters are not

Example 1:
The Delete Message command (Command ID 27) is used to delete messages stored in the
printer. The command format in hexadecimal to delete ‘Message 1’ is:
1B ;Command ID – Delete Message Data
01 ;Number of messages – 1
4D 45 53 53 41 47 45 20 ;Message name – MESSAGE 1
31 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
This is transmitted as follows:
1B 02 1B 1B 4D 45 53 53 41 47 45 20 31 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1B 03

Linx RCI Reference Manual 1—5 May 2019
Example 2:
To request the print height setting in the printer, the Request EHT command is used as
shown below.
1B 02 02 1B 03
NOTE: The STX (02) character in the data is not preceded by an escape character.

Flow control
Flow control is achieved using either the CTS and DTR control lines for hardware control, or
by transmitting the XON and XOFF characters for software control. See Appendix B for the
5900 and 7900 printers, Appendix C for the CJ400 printer, or Appendix D for the 8800
Series/8900 Series printer for further details.
The above rules apply when using software flow control: both XON and XOFF are preceded
by an ESC character. If either XON or XOFF occur as part of the command data, no ESC
character is required.
When the printer receives data from the host and the number of data bytes in the printer
receive buffer reaches the buffer threshold, the printer either sets its DTR line inactive, or
issues an ESC XOFF sequence, depending on the form of flow control that is in use. When
enough data is read out of the receive buffer, the DTR line is set active again or an ESC
XON sequence is issued to restart reception. When the printer transmits data to the host, if
the CTS line is set to inactive, or an ESC XOFF sequence is received, the printer stops the
transmission. The printer resumes the data transmission when the CTS line returns to the
active state, or an ESC XON sequence is received.
The software flow control characters can be issued at any time, including during the
transmission or reception of other data. The printer removes the flow control characters
when they are received or inserts them into the transmitted data. It is assumed that the host
is able to deal with the software flow control characters in the same way.
The type of flow control used must be set up in the printer before communications can start.
See Appendix B for the 5900 and 7900 printers, Appendix C for the CJ400 printer, or
Appendix D for the 8800 Series/8900 Series printer for further details.
Once the printer has issued the ESC character, no other character is transmitted until after
the character associated with the ESC character is sent. This includes any software flow
control characters XON or XOFF. The printer expects the same procedure to be followed by
the host.

Example 1:
If ESC STX is to be sent, this is not interrupted by the escape sequence ESC XON.
The following sequence is invalid:
The following sequences are valid:

1.5.5 Data checksum calculation

The data checksum is the 2s-complement value of the modulo-256 sum of all the bytes in
the message, STX or SOH to ETX inclusive. It is a single-byte value.
The following example shows the data sent to the printer to populate a Remote field in a
message, with 10 characters of printable data using command 29. The data consists of the
ESC STX sequence, the Command ID and its associated parameters, the data for the
Remote field, and the ESC ETX sequence. (See Chapter 2: ‘Sending Data to the Printer’ for
information about the printer command.)

May 2019 1—6 Linx RCI Reference Manual
The example is shown in ASCII format and then converted to the corresponding
hexadecimal data values to illustrate the checksum calculation:
ESC STX GS LF NUL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ESC ETX
The checksum is calculated as follows:

Step 1

1 31H
2 32H
3 33H
4 34H
5 35H
6 36H
7 37H
8 38H
9 39H
0 30H
Total value 239H

Step 2
First, the Boolean AND operation (modulo-256) is applied to the total value and 0FFh to
give a single byte value:
239HAND 0FFh = 39H

Step 3
The 2s-complement of 39H is then calculated as follows:
100H – 39H = C7H
Therefore the checksum for the above message is C7H.
The 2s-complement checksum is added to the checksum up to the ETX of the received
message. The result is C7H + 39H = 100H.
It should be noted that there could be an instance where the result of the AND operation
could leave a single byte value of 00 (zero) and the result of the 2s compliment would
therefore be 100H, that is represented by two bytes. To prevent such an occurrence, it is
good practice to carry out the AND function again that would result in the checksum being
zero (00). Any other checksum values would not be affected by this second AND operation
and in these circumstances 00 will be a valid checksum that will be accepted by the printer.
Any inserted ESC characters are not included in the checksum calculation. If the result of
the checksum is 1BH that is, the ESC character, then this must be preceded by an ESC

Linx RCI Reference Manual 1—7 May 2019
There is an option to disable the checksum function on the printers. For more information,
see Appendix B for the 5900 and 7900 printers, Appendix C for the CJ400 printer, or
Appendix D for the 8800 Series/8900 Series printer for further details.
NOTE: For applications that use the Linx DDE Driver, the checksum must remain enabled
on all printers connected to a DDE Driver channel.

1.5.6 ASCII control characters

The following ASCII control characters are reserved for use as data delimiters, flow control,
and specific command/reply functions. Note that the null character (00h) is always used to
terminate text data.


Char Description Hex Dec
NUL ASCII text terminator 00 0
SOH Alternative data start delimiter 01 1
STX Data start delimiter 02 2
ETX Data end delimiter 03 3
EOT 04 4
ENQ 05 5
ACK Positive acknowledgement 06 6
BEL 07 7
BS Default print delay start character 08 8
HT 09 9
LF 0A 10
VT 0B 11
FF 0C 12
CR 0D 13
SO 0E 14
SI Default print start character 0F 15
DLE 10 16
DC1 Default XON character 11 17
DC2 12 18
DC3 Default XOFF character 13 19
DC4 14 20
NAK Negative acknowledgement 15 21
SYN 16 22
ETB 17 23
CAN 18 24
EM Default print end character 19 25
SUB 1A 26
ESC Escape character 1B 27
FS Default field header character 1C 28
GS 1D 29
RS 1E 30
US 1F 31

Table 1-1. ASCII control characters

May 2019 1—8 Linx RCI Reference Manual
1. These control characters are hardcoded in the DDE driver and must not be
changed on a printer connected to any channel of the DDE driver.
See Appendix F for more information about the ASCII character set.
2. On the 5900, 7900, CJ400, and 8800 Series/8900 Series printers, these characters
are hardcoded and cannot be changed except for the Print Delay Start, Print Start
and Print End characters, that can be chosen from a list of ASCII control characters.
It is recommended that the control characters are not used for Print Delay, Print
Start, or Print End characters.

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May 2019 1—10 Linx RCI Reference Manual
2.1 Summary of printer command codes
The table below provides a summary of printer command codes. For a detailed description
of each command, refer to ‘Descriptions of Printer Command Codes’ on page 2—4.

Description IDD IDH 5900 7900 CJ400 8800 Series/
8900 Series
Set EHT Value 1 01    
Request EHT Value 2 02    
Set Print Width 3 03    
Request Print Width 4 04    
Set Print Delay 5 05    
Request Print Delay 6 06    
Set Print Count 7 07    
Request Print Count 8 08    
Set Reverse Message Ratio 9 09    
Request Reverse Message Ratio 10 0A    
Set Invert Message Ratio 11 0B    
Request Invert Message Ratio 12 0C    
Set Time and Date 13 0D    
Request Time and Date 14 0E    
Start Jet 15 0F    
Stop Jet 16 10    
Start Print 17 11    
Stop Print 18 12    
Trigger Print 19 13    
Printer Status Request 20 14    
Download Data Set(s) 21 15    5
Upload Data Set(s) 22 16    5
Delete Data Set(s) 23 17    5
Message Type Data Request 24 18    
Download Message Data 25 19    
Upload Message Data 26 1A    
Delete Message Data 27 1B    
Download Remote Field Data 29 1D    
Load Print Message 30 1E    
Request Print Message 31 1F    
Set Print Mode 32 20    
Request Print Mode 33 21    

Table 2-1. Printer command codes

Linx RCI Reference Manual 2—1 May 2019
Description IDD IDH 5900 7900 CJ400 8800 Series/
8900 Series
Set Printhead Code 34 22   × ×
Request Printhead Code 35 23   × ×
Set Photocell Mode 37 25    
Request Photocell Mode 38 26    
Set Shaft Encoder Mode 39 27    
Request Shaft Encoder Mode 40 28    
Set Alarm Relay State 43 2B    
Request Alarm Relay State 44 2C    
Set Keyboard Lock State 45 2D   × 
Request Keyboard Lock State 46 2E   × 
Request Jet State 47 2F    
Request System Times 48 30    
Quick Start Jet 49 31    
Request System Configuration 51 33   
Set Pressure 57 39    
Request Pressure 58 3A    
Request Software Options 80 50   × 
Request Last Key Presses 81 51   × ×
Download Display String 82 52   × ×
Clear Error 84 54    
Upload Pixel RAM Data 86 56   × ×
Download Production Schedules 87 57 ×  × 
Upload Production Schedules 88 58 ×  × 
Delete Message Schedule 89 59 ×  × 
Load Print Schedule 90 5A ×  × 
Request Current Print Schedule 91 5B ×  × 
Set Power Save Option 93 5D   × 
Request Power Saving Options 94 5E   × 
Power Down/Reset Shutdown 95 5F   × 
Request Display Data 96 60   × ×
Request Data Directory 97 61    
Set Inter-Print Delay 98 62    
Request Inter-Print Delay 99 63    
Set Speed 101 65 × × × 
Request Speed 102 66    
Set Remote Error 121 79    
Extended Error Request 129 81    
Request UNIC Code 130 82    

Table 2-1. Printer command codes (continued)

May 2019 2—2 Linx RCI Reference Manual
Description IDD IDH 5900 7900 CJ400 8800 Series/
8900 Series
Set Message Print Count 140 8C    
Request Message Print Count 141 8D    
Set Configuration Code 143 8F    
Request Configuration Code 144 90    
Request Cost Per Code 145 91   × 
Set Printer Serial Number 151 97    
Request Printer Serial Number 152 98    
Set Compatibility Mappings 153 99    
Request Compatibility Mappings 154 9A    
Request Recent Consumables 155 9B   × 
Reset Recent Consumables 156 9C   × 
Request Remote Field Data 157 9D   × 
Send Remote Data by Name 158 9E   × 
Send Remote Data by Stream 159 9F   × 
Request Event History 160 A0   × 
Set RCI Mode 161 A1 × ×  
Request RCI Mode 162 A2 × ×  
Request Current Events 163 A3 × ×  
Set Production Line 164 A4 × × 3 
Request Sequential No. Snapshot 251 FB × ×  3 

Table 2-1. Printer command codes (continued)

1. CJ400:
v1.6.0 onwards. Supports extended time and date command to set and get
2. An ‘X’ in the list indicates that the command is not implemented.
3. CJ400:
v1.6.0 onwards.
4. CJ400 and 8900:
Logos only.
5. 8800 Series/8900 Series:
Release v4.1.0 (8900 Series) onwards and 8800 Series v5.0: all data types now

Linx RCI Reference Manual 2—3 May 2019
2.2 Descriptions of printer command codes
The data transfer convention requires that all values that are contained in two or more bytes
must be transferred in the following order:
Least significant byte (first byte),... ...Most significant byte (last byte)
The printer expects all data to follow the above convention.

2.2.1 EHT Value

Command ID: 01D (01H)

Description: Set EHT Value

Command ID: 02D (02H)

Description: Request EHT Value

EHT value 1 byte 0 to 16
The range of values corresponds to the following EHT values:
0 –30%
1 –25%
2 –20%
3 –15%
4 –10%
5 –05%
6 Normal
7 +05%
8 +10%
9 +15%
10 +20%
11 +25%
12 +30%
13 +35%
14 +40%
15 +45%
16 +50%
The EHT range is from -30% to +50% and depends on the message type (see
Chapter 7: ‘Printer Compatibility Mapping’). This command uses values in increments of
+5%, but on the printer interfaces, the EHT (Vertical Pitch) value is set in increments of
+1%. In these cases, the Request EHT Value command returns an EHT value that is
rounded up to the nearest 5% increment. For example, for any value in the range 1% to 5%,
the value 5% is returned.
If a value less than or greater than the supported value, then the lowest or highest available
value is set.
The values of -25% and -30% are left in the parameter list for backward compatibility. Using
these values will result in the action as described in the previous paragraph.
For the CJ400, 8900 and 8800 Series/8900 Series the parameters are limited to -20% to

May 2019 2—4 Linx RCI Reference Manual
2.2.2 Print Width
Command ID: 03D (03H)

Description: Set Print Width

Command ID: 04D (04H)

Description: Request Print Width

Print width 2 bytes (4 bytes. See notes) 0 to 65535 (0 to 100000)
This command set applies to the message currently selected for printing. The effect of the
print width differs, depending on whether a shaft encoder is used. See ‘Print Width’ on
page 6—1.
If no message is selected for printing when the Set Print Width command is issued, an
acknowledgement is returned with the Command Status byte set to zero, but the value sent
in the command is not set.
The print width value is applied to the message currently selected as the print message and
is not a global value within the printer.
1. CJ400 v1.6.0 and 8900 v4.1.0, 8800 Series v5.0.0 and above:
 If the Metric Distance is set in command 161D (Set RCI Mode) OR the Metric
Widths and Delays are set to Yes in RCI Edit Connection, the print width is
reported and set in absolute, metric terms. The print width value is in mm
multiplied by 1000. For the case when the RCI Mode command is used, the
value is held in 4 bytes rather than 2 bytes.
 If metric mode is NOT set then only 2 bytes are used. If the printer has a setting
larger than the maximum value that can be held in 2 bytes, command 0x04 will
return NAK with command status “Maximum Value”.
2. It is recommended that metric values are used for the 8800 Series/8900 Series as
the maximum speed of the message type is used in the internal calculation.

2.2.3 Print Delay

Command ID: 05D (05H)

Description: Set Print Delay

Command ID: 06D (06H)

Description: Request Print Delay

Print delay 2 bytes (4 bytes. See notes) 0 to 65535 (0 to 100000)
This command set applies to the message currently selected for printing. The effect of the
print delay differs, according to whether a shaft encoder is used in the application or not
(see Chapter 6: ‘Message Parameters’), and for the 8900 it depends on the “Metric Width
and Delays” setting for the connection.
If no message is selected for printing when this command is issued, an acknowledgement is
returned with the Command Status byte set to zero, but the value sent in the command is
not set.
The print delay value is applied to the message currently selected as the print message and
is not a global value within the printer.

Linx RCI Reference Manual 2—5 May 2019
1. CJ400 v1.6.0 and 8900 v4.1.0, 8800 Series v5.0.0 and above:
 If the Metric Distance is set in command 161D (Set RCI Mode) OR the Metric
Widths and Delays are set to Yes in RCI Edit Connection, the print width is
reported and set in absolute, metric terms. The print width value is in mm
multiplied by 10. For the case when the RCI Mode command is used, the value
is held in 4 bytes rather than 2 bytes.
 If metric mode is NOT set then only 2 bytes are used. If the printer has a setting
larger than the maximum value that can be held in 2 bytes, command 0x04 will
return NAK with command status “Maximum Value”.
2. It is recommended that metric values are used for the 8800 Series/8900 Series as
the maximum speed of the message type is used in the internal calculation.

2.2.4 Total Print Count

Command ID: 07D (07H)

Description: Set Total Print Count

Command ID: 08D (08H)

Description: Request Total Print Count

Print count 4 bytes 0 to 999,999,999
The value set and returned is the total print count for the printer. For Message Print Count,
see commands 140D and 141D.

2.2.5 Message Ratio

Command ID: 09D (09H)

Description: Set Reverse Message Ratio

Command ID: 10D (0AH)

Description: Request Reverse Message Ratio

Command ID: 11D (0BH)

Description: Set Invert Message Ratio

Command ID: 12D (0CH)

Description: Request Invert Message Ratio

Initial off ratio 4 bytes 01 00 00 00
Initial on ratio 4 bytes 00 00 01 00
Current off count 2 bytes 00 00
Current on count 2 bytes 00 00
The reverse message ratio and the invert message ratio have identical parameters that
each occupy a total of 8 bytes. These bytes contain an initial off ratio (2 bytes), an initial on
ratio (2 bytes), a current off count (2 bytes), and a current on count (2 bytes).
The required format of the parameters is as follows:

May 2019 2—6 Linx RCI Reference Manual
For reverse or inverse off: 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
For reverse or inverse on: 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00
The count bytes are used for backward compatibility with older software versions, and are
no longer supported. However, the printer expects the count bytes in the Set command and
sends them in its reply to the Request command.
Setting the reverse to On selects the orientation 'Horizontal Flip'. Setting the inverse to On
selects the orientation 'Vertical Flip'.
1. 5900:
The 5900 printer will allow invert and reverse operations but these remain static.
When configured as a Dairy Coder these operations can then be set to ‘Fixed’ or
‘Variable’ as required, but only via the user interface.

2.2.6 Time and Date

Command ID: 13D (0DH)

Description: Set Time and Date

Command ID: 14D (0EH)

Description: Request Time and Date

Seconds 1 byte 0 to 59
Minute 1 byte 0 to 59
Hour 1 byte 0 to 23
Day of the week 1 byte 0 to 7 (see notes below)
Day of the month 1 byte 1 to 31
Month 1 byte 1 to 12
Year 1 byte 0 to 99
When the Set command is issued, the internal printer clock is set within the parameters
stated above. The day of the week is recalculated internally to make sure that it is correct.
The Seconds parameter is optional. If the parameter is not sent, the seconds are set to
zero. To also retrieve the Seconds value, send command 14 with an additional byte set to
0x01 (see note 2 below).
All of the parameters are required for this command to be successful.
The day of the week sets Sunday as day 7, so that setting Saturday as day 7 causes a
parameter rejected' error. Because the day of the week is calculated internally, this
parameter can be set to 0 for all days when setting the time and date.
1. 5900:
When the 5900 is mapped as a 5900, Sunday is set as day 7. When mapping the
4900, Sunday is set as day 1.

Linx RCI Reference Manual 2—7 May 2019
2.2.7 Start and Stop Jet
Command ID: 15D (0FH)

Description: Start Jet

Command ID: 16D (10H)

Description: Stop Jet

No data
A reply is returned immediately for both commands. This reply indicates that the jet startup
or shutdown sequence has begun.
If the jet is running and the Start Jet command is issued, the command is rejected with a
Command Status Code of 19D ‘Jet Not Idle’.
The Stop Jet command is rejected with a Command Status Code of 20D ‘Print Not Idle’, if
printing is still in progress.
After the Start Jet or Stop Jet command is sent, the jet state must be monitored by using the
'Jet State' byte that is returned from the Printer Status Request command (20). This checks
that the sequence was completed. For more information about jet states, see ‘Jet States’ on
page 3—18.
In addition, it is recommended that the state of the ink and solvent levels are checked before
the Start Jet command is issued by using the 'Print Error Mask' bytes returned from the
Printer Status Request (20). The check for these is only done after the Start Jet command is
acknowledged, and if either is low, the startup is aborted. For more information about the
Print Error Mask, see ‘32-bit Error Mask’ on page 3—19.
1. 5900 and 7900:
If the Start Jet command is sent during a shutdown sequence, the printer returns an
ACK, then restarts the jet after the shutdown is complete.
2. CJ400 and 8800 Series/8900 Series:
For these printers, the jet stop is actioned even if the printer is in the printing state.

2.2.8 Start and Stop Print

Command ID: 17D (11H)

Description: Start Print

Command ID: 18D (12H)

Description: Stop Print

No data
If the printer is printing and the Start Print command is issued, the command is
acknowledged but no action is taken. Sending a start print command when no message is
selected results in the command returning a NAK with a command Status Code of 47D 'Print
Command: No Message'.
The Start print command is acknowledged if a print fail condition exits, but printing is not
started. Check the P-STATUS byte of the reply for any failures. See ‘Printer fault codes (P-
STATUS)’ on page 3—2.

May 2019 2—8 Linx RCI Reference Manual
If the printer is printing using a shaft encoder, and the production line stops in the middle of
a print, the printer can fail to respond to the command. In these circumstances, issue the
stop command twice to force the printer to stop printing and abandon the current print job.
If the Start Print command is issued while the jet is idle, the jet is automatically started
before starting print.

2.2.9 Trigger Print

Command ID: 19D (13H)

Description: Trigger Print

No data
The jet must be running and print started before this command is issued. When issued, this
command initiates a print sequence if it has not already started.
A positive reply to this command does not guarantee that a print has occurred, only that the
print delay was started.
For this command to be actioned set the Primary Trigger to either 'Leading Edge' or 'Trailing
Edge'. See ‘Photocell Mode’ on page 2—18.
1. CJ400 and 8800 Series/8900 Series:
For these printers, the trigger must be set to manual.

2.2.10 Printer Status Request

Command ID: 20D (14H)

Description: Printer Status Request

Jet state 1 byte
Print state 1 byte
Print error mask 4 bytes
The command returns the current jet state, print state, and 32-bit error mask. A description
of each parameter can be found in ‘Summary of extended printer warnings’ on page 3—17,
‘Jet States’ on page 3—18 and ‘32-bit Error Mask’ on page 3—19.
Internal errors are translated to the closest-matching RCI error. In some cases, the error
code can only approximately indicate the error on the printer, where no other alternative is
For the 8900 v4.1.0 onwards, there is an RCI setting (Printer Setup, Communications, RCI,
Edit Connection, Compatibility, Simple Print States) that allows the user to specify that a
reduced set of printer states should be reported by this command. If this is set to ‘Yes’ then
the printer will report the states:

Idle (02)
Ready for a print ready command.

Waiting (04)
In the printing state, including actually printing or waiting for a trigger or waiting for print
delay to expire.

Linx RCI Reference Manual 2—9 May 2019
2.2.11 Data Set(s)
Command ID: 21D (15H)

Description: Download Data Set(s)

Command ID: 22D (16H)

Description: Upload Data Set(s)

Command ID: 23D (17H)

Description: Delete Data Set(s)

Data type 1 byte
Number of data sets 1 byte 0 to 255
Data set data Variable
These commands relate to the data sets that are present in the printer. There are four
different data sets and each is identified by its Data Type byte:
Barcodes ‘B’ (42H)
Character sets ‘C’ (43H)
Date formats ‘F’ (46H)
Logos ‘L’ (4CH)
When downloading data sets (Command 21), the transmitted data consists of the data type,
the number of data sets being downloaded, and the data sets themselves. The format of
each data set type is described in Chapter 5: ‘Printer Data Format’.
When uploading data sets (Command 22), the transmitted data consists of the data type
byte only. The returned data then consists of the data type, the number of data sets, and the
data sets themselves.
When deleting data sets (Command 23), the transmitted data consists of the data type, the
number of data sets to delete, and the data set name strings. Each data set name string
must be null terminated. Any strings that are shorter than 16 characters must be padded out
using null characters. The format of the data set name string is described in
Chapter 4: ‘Message Data Format’. If the number of data sets to delete is 0, all data sets of
that type are deleted.


Printer Type Barcodes Char Sets Date Formats Logos
5900 Download Not Download Not Download Not Download Not
Supported Supported Supported Supported
7900 NAK (Parameter NAK (Parameter ACK (OK) ACK (OK)
Rejected) Rejected)
CJ400 NAK (Parameter NAK (Parameter NAK (Parameter ACK (OK)
Rejected) Rejected) Rejected)
8800 Series / NAK (Parameter NAK (Parameter ACK (OK) ACK (OK)
8900 Series Rejected) Rejected)

Table 2-2. Download data sets

May 2019 2—10 Linx RCI Reference Manual
Printer Type Barcodes Char Sets Date Formats Logos
4900 NAK (Invalid ACK (OK) ACK (OK) ACK (OK)
5900 NAK (Parameter ACK (OK) ACK (OK) ACK (OK)
7900 NAK (Parameter ACK (OK) ACK (OK) ACK (OK)
CJ400 NAK (Parameter NAK (Parameter NAK (Parameter ACK (OK)
Rejected) Rejected) Rejected)
8800 Series / NAK (Parameter ACK (OK) ACK (OK) ACK (OK)
8900 Series Rejected)

Table 2-3. Upload data sets


Printer Type Barcodes Char Sets Date Formats Logos
4900 NAK (Invalid NAK (Invalid NAK (Invalid NAK (Invalid
Command) Command) Command) Command)

5900 NAK (Parameter NAK (Parameter NAK (Parameter NAK (Parameter

Rejected) Rejected) Rejected) Rejected)
7900 NAK (Parameter NAK (Parameter ACK (OK) ACK (OK)
Rejected) Rejected)
CJ400 NAK (Parameter NAK (Parameter NAK (Parameter ACK (OK)
Rejected) Rejected) Rejected)
8800 Series / NAK (Parameter NAK (Parameter ACK (OK) ACK (OK)
8900 Series Rejected) Rejected)

Table 2-4. Delete data sets

1. Barcodes:
The uploading, downloading, and deletion of barcode data is not supported in this
2. 5900:
If the RCI Mappings are set to 5900, Command 22 will return the character set
names as 5900 names. If the RCI Mappings are set to 4900, Command 22 returns
the character set names as 4900 names.
3. 8800 Series/8900 Series:
8900 Series v4.1.0 and 8800 Series v5.0.0, date formats can be uploaded and
downloaded. Fonts can also be uploaded. (Previously, only Logos could be

Linx RCI Reference Manual 2—11 May 2019
2.2.12 Message Type Data Request
Command ID: 24D (18H)

Description: Message Type Data Request

Number of Message Types 1 byte
Message Type header data Variable
The number of Message Types indicates how many Message Type header blocks follow in
the data returned by the command.
The header information for each Message Type that is stored in the printer is returned by
using this command. This information is required when generating messages to determine
the necessary message height.
1. The header blocks returned are the same size and their layout is described in
Chapter 5: ‘Printer Data Format’.
2. CJ400 and 8800 Series/8900 Series:
This command reports the raster groups supported by the printer. Message styles
are a UI feature which use the most suitable raster group to create the style

2.2.13 Message Data

Command ID: 25D (19H)

Description: Download Message Data

Command ID: 26D (1AH)

Description: Upload Message Data

Command ID: 27D (1BH)

Description: Delete Message Data

Number of messages 1 byte 0 to 32
Message data Variable
These commands are concerned with the printed messages found in the printer.
When downloading message data (Command 25), the transmitted data consists of the
number of messages followed by the message data. The layout of each message is
described in Chapter 4: ‘Message Data Format’.
The returned data consists of the number of messages followed by the message data,
comprising of sets of message headers followed by the field headers and data (see
Chapter 4: ‘Message Data Format’).
The number of messages returned can differ from the number requested. This depends on
the number of requested messages that exist in the printer. If the number of messages
specified is 0 in the transmitted data, all messages in the printer are returned.
When deleting messages (Command 27), the transmitted data consists of the number of
messages to be deleted followed by the message name strings. If 0 is specified as the
number of messages, all messages are deleted.

May 2019 2—12 Linx RCI Reference Manual
If the number of messages downloaded exceeds the printer’s memory capacity, the
command returns a NAK with a command Status Code of 28D 'Memory Full' and no
messages are stored.
When using the Delete Message command (Command 27D or 1BH), this command must be
preceded with the ESC (1B) character to differentiate between the data and the control
The printer now uses Message Types and Font names instead of Rasters and Character
Sets. The naming differences are described in Chapter 7: ‘Printer Compatibility Mapping’.
1. 5900 and 7900:
If a message is returned with only a Message Header and no field headers or data,
this implies that the message contains Remote Fields (not RCI Buffered Remote
Fields) which are not uploaded using this command. See commands 157D, 158D,
159D, and 160D.
2. 8800 Series/8900 Series:
If the message to be deleted is part of the currently printed Production Schedule
and is in the printing state, the commands returns NAK, with command status 20D
“Print not idle”.
If the message is not in the printing state, and the Production Schedule is
deselected, the message will be deleted.

2.2.14 Field Data

Command ID: 29D (1DH)

Description: Download Remote Field Data

Number of bytes 2 bytes 0 to 65535
Field data Variable
This command allows text only characters to be transferred, and assumes one or more
Remote fields were set up in the printed message to accept the data. The message data
consists of the number of bytes, followed by the text characters only; no null terminator is
required. The number of characters transmitted each time must correspond to the total
number of characters required for all the Remote fields in the current message.
If Command 29 is issued with a byte count of 0, the remote buffers in the printer, and any
loaded Remote fields in the current print message, are immediately cleared, regardless of
whether the remote data was printed. Using the command in this mode allows messages to
be immediately reloaded with new Remote field data without the need for a print.
These commands are used in conjunction with the Set Print Mode command (Command
32), that allows various signals to be set up to co-ordinate the transfer of the field data.
Refer to ‘Print Mode’ on page B—3 for more details.
The printers now use named Remote fields at the user interface, while this protocol
assumes that the data is simply spread over the available Remote fields in the order in
which they were created.
When creating a message on the 5900 or 7900 with a Buffered Remote Field, make sure
that the field name is "RCIRemoteFieldx" ("RemoteFieldx" for the CJ400 and 8800 Series/
8900 Series), where x is the number of the field in definition order.

Linx RCI Reference Manual 2—13 May 2019
When the message is created and downloaded remotely, there is no provision to name the
Remote field, so on receipt of the message data, the printer automatically names any
Remote field in the message as "RCIRemoteField1", RCIRemoteField2",
RCIRemoteFieldn", where each field is consecutively numbered in the order that the
Remote fields are defined in the message.
1. 5900 and 7900:
When Remote field data is sent using this command, the printer assumes that data
is to be sent to fields named in the same way. Starting with "RCIRemoteField1", the
printer allocates data to each field until all the data is used.
2. CJ400 and 8800 Series/8900 Series:
The data is loaded based on the remote fields order set in the Communication
Settings. When a message is downloaded with remote fields, remote fields must be
created in Communication Settings before using the message with remote fields
(see Appendix C and Appendix D).
3. CJ400 and 8800 Series/8900 Series:
If remote data is sent and there is no message selected for printing, the command
will return a NAK with the C-Status byte set to 59D (3BH) ‘No Print Message
Loaded’. If remote data is sent and the current print message does not contain any
remote fields, the command will return a NAK with the C-Status Byte set to 63D
(3FH) ‘No Remote Fields in Message’.

2.2.15 Print Message

Command ID: 30D (1EH)

Description: Load Print Message

Command ID: 31D (1FH)

Description: Request Print Message

Message name string 16 bytes 15 + null terminator
Print count 2 bytes 0 to 65535
When a message is downloaded to the printer, the Load Print Message command
(Command 30) can be sent to load the message ready for printing. The message required is
identified by its text name.
A print count value is also transmitted with the message name. This print count indicates the
number of times the message is to be printed. If the count is set to 0, the print continues
If printing is stopped then restarted, printing continues with the same message and the print
count continues from the previous value.
If this command is issued again while printing is stopped, the state of the original print
message (for example, “Sequential Number Counts”) is saved, and the new message and
print count is loaded. The print count for the original message is discarded.
If this command is issued while printing is in progress, the new print message name and
print count are stored until the current message print count has completed. The new
message is then loaded automatically and printing continues. Only one additional message
name can be sent during printing.

May 2019 2—14 Linx RCI Reference Manual
Once the print count is reached and no new message is specified, the printer stops printing,
and saves the current print message state. Optionally, it is possible for the printer to return
an ‘end print run’ character once the sequence has completed. This can be set up using the
Print Mode command.
This command does not start printing; it requires the Start Print command to be issued. If
the print count is reached and no new message is specified, printing is stopped
automatically. In this case the Stop Print command is not required. These commands are
not affected by, and do not have an effect on, the state of the jet.
The request print message command returns the currently-loaded print message with the
current print count. The print count value gives the number of prints remaining and not the
original start value. If the value is 0, this indicates continual printing.
1. CJ400 and 8800 Series/8900 Series:
The CJ400 and 8800 Series/8900 Series do not support numbered printing,
therefore the print count value will be ignored for Command 30 (‘Load Print
Message’) and Command 31 (‘Request Print Message’) will return 0 for the print
2. 7900 and 8800 Series/8900 Series:
When a Production Schedule is currently selected and command 31 (Request Print
Message) is sent, the Production Schedule name is returned although it is not a

2.2.16 Print Mode

Command ID: 32D (20H)

Description: Set Print Mode

Command ID: 33D (21H)

Description: Request Print Mode

Mode 1 byte
Print go / No data 1 byte
Print go / Pixel RAM 1 byte
Clear print buffer 1 byte
Remote buffer divisor 1 byte
Print trigger char state 1 byte
Print delay char state 1 byte
Print go char state 1 byte
Print end char state 1 byte
Print delay char 1 byte
Print go char 1 byte
Print end char 1 byte
These commands set or report the way the printer is configured to respond to remote data
that is sent using Commands 28 and 29.

 0—Continuous
With 'Continuous Mode' set, the printer will continuously print the data sent via
command 28 or 29. If new data is sent it will overwrite this data and print the new
data after one more trigger and print.

Linx RCI Reference Manual 2—15 May 2019
 1—Single
The printer will print the data once then disregard it. New data must be available in
the buffers or the 'Print Go/No Data' error will be initiated.

Print Go/No Data

 0—Warn/Ignore PG
 1—Ignore Print Go
 2—Fail Stop Print

Print Go/Pixel RAM

 0—Warn/Ignore PG
 1—Ignore Print Go
 2—Fail Stop Print
This failure state is no longer supported but the byte in the command is still required and
therefore must be set to zero. The 'Request Print Mode' command will also return a zero for
this byte.

Clear Print Buffer

Setting this parameter to 1 (On) will cause the printer to clear all of the remote data from
both the buffers and the printed message when the print is paused. This action occurs if the
print is paused on the user interface or by sending the 'Stop Print' command.

Remote Buffer Divisor

A buffer devisor value of 1 applies only in single mode; in continuous mode, the value set in
the divisor is ignored.
When the Set Print Mode command is used to set the Remote Buffer Divisor, all subsequent
remote fields created by using the RCI protocol, or by using the printer User Interface, use
this value.
For additional information about setting the print mode, see Appendix C or Appendix D.

Print Trigger Char State

See note 4.

Print Delay Char State

This parameter is used to define the point at which the delay starts after the print trigger.

Print Go Char State

This parameter is used to define the point at which the delay has expired and the printer has
initiated a physical print.

Print End Char State

This parameter is used to define the point at which the printer has finished a physical print.

Print Delay Char

This parameter is used to set the print delay character which will be sent through RCI as
part of asynchronous events. Default value is BS (0x08).

Print Go Char
This parameter is used to set the print go character which will be sent through RCI as part of
asynchronous events. Default value is SI (0x0F).

May 2019 2—16 Linx RCI Reference Manual
Print End Char
This parameter is used to set the print end character which will be sent through RCI as part
of asynchronous events. Default value is EM (0x19).
The Print Mode can be used to get and set the print control characters used for
asynchronous events. An extra byte at the end of Command 33 (Request Print Mode) will
get the extend reply for print mode. Users can send 3 extra bytes (Print Delay, Print Go, and
Print End) characters along with Command 32 (Set Print Mode) to set the asynchronous
events characters.
For the char states listed above, any of the ASCII control characters can be assigned to this
char state, see Appendix B, Appendix C, or Appendix D.
1. 5900, 7900, CJ400, and 8800 Series/8900 Series:
On Failure conditions for these printers are:
 0—Warn and Ignore
 2—Warn and Pause Print
2. 5900 and 7900:
The Print Go/Pixel RAM failure state is no longer supported but the byte in the
command is still required and therefore must be set to zero. The 'Request Print
Mode' command will also return a zero for this byte.
3. 5900, 7900, CJ400, and 8800 Series/8900 Series:
Because of architectural constraints, the Buffer Divisor Value is not applied to
previously defined fields in messages already in the printer. These must be edited
on the user interface and saved again.
4. 5900, 7900, CJ400, and 8800 Series/8900 Series:
The Print Trigger Char State byte is used for backward compatibility with older
software versions, and is no longer supported. However, the printer expects the
Print Trigger Char State byte in the Set command and sends it in its reply to the
Request command.

2.2.17 Printhead Code

Command ID: 34D (22H)
Description: Set Printhead Code
Command ID: 35D (23H)
Description: Request Printhead Code
Printhead code 15 bytes 14 + null terminator
The printhead code is sent or returned as an ASCII string.
CAUTION: This command is used for engineering/diagnostics and must only be used remotely
by Linx-trained technical personnel.
The printhead code consists of 10 bytes plus 5 null characters. It consists of three sets of
three digits, with a hyphen between each group. The groups correspond to:
Ref Pressure (in bits) - Ref Modulation (in volts) - 255
1. CJ400 and 8800 Series/8900 Series:
This command set is not implemented and returns a NAK with a C-Status Error
Code 17D, 'Invalid Command'.

Linx RCI Reference Manual 2—17 May 2019
2.2.18 Photocell Mode
Command ID: 37D (25H)
Description: Set Photocell Mode
Command ID: 38D (26H)
Description: Request Photocell Mode
Photocell mode 1 byte
1. 5900 and 7900:
0 Continuous
1 Leading Edge Primary
2 High Level Primary
3 Remote - Invalid Option
4 Trailing Edge Primary
5 Low Level Primary
2. CJ400 and 8800 Series/8900 Series:
0 Continuous
1 Leading Edge Primary
2 Active Primary (High Level)
3 Remote—Invalid Option
4 Trailing Edge Primary
5 Inactive Primary (Low Level)
12 Manual

2.2.19 Shaft Encoder Mode

Command ID: 39D (27H)

Description: Set Shaft Encoder Mode

Command ID: 40D (28H)

Description: Request Shaft Encoder Mode

Shaft encoder mode 1 byte 0 to 1
Shaft encoder states:
0 On
1 Off

May 2019 2—18 Linx RCI Reference Manual
2.2.20 Alarm Relay State
Command ID: 43D (2BH)

Description: Set Alarm Relay State

Command ID: 44D (2CH)

Description: Request Alarm Relay State

Basic format:
Alarm relay state 1 byte 0 to 3
Alarm relay state 1 byte 00 to FF
The command can only be set when the printer state is idle and the jet is stopped.
In the basic format, the Alarm relay state can have one of four values:
0 Off
1 Fail
2 Fail and Warn
2 Print Disabled
In Continuous mode, the data is returned as a byte value. This is indicated by the most
significant bit of the data byte being set:
Bit 0 Fail
Bit 1 Warn
Bit 2 Print Disabled
Bit 3 Ink and Solvent
Bit 4 4900 use only (see note 1. below)
Bit 5 Not used—clear
Bit 6 Modes:
0— Pulsed
Bit 7 0—Basic format
1—Advanced format
1. 5900:
In 4900 mapping mode, both the basic or advanced format can be used. To set the
basic mode use a value between 0 and 3. To use advanced mode at least bit 7 must
be set.
2. 5900, 7900, CJ400, and 8800 Series/8900 Series:
These printers only accepts input in the advanced format. Any use of the basic
format (input values < 128) causes the command to return a NAK and a C-Status
Error Code 23D'Parameters Rejected'.

Linx RCI Reference Manual 2—19 May 2019
2.2.21 Keyboard Lock State
Command ID: 45D (2DH)

Description: Set Keyboard Lock State

Command ID: 46D (2EH)

Description: Request Keyboard Lock State

Keyboard state 1 byte 0 to 2
This command allows the keyboard or the keyboard and display to be disabled. Disabling
the keyboard stops unauthorized use of the printer. Disabling the display and keyboard
allows the printer to run faster when downloading remote data for printing, because no
additional time is used for updating the display.
When disabled, all keys on the keyboard are ignored except the Stop key, that is always
When the display is disabled, the printer enters terminal mode—see ‘Command ID: 81D
(51H)’ on page 2—26 and ‘Command ID: 82D (52H)’ on page 2—26.
0 Keyboard and display enabled.
1 Keyboard disabled/display enabled.
2 Keyboard and display disabled.
The printer always powers up with the keyboard enabled.
1. 5900 and 7900:
This command can lock the keyboard but not the display with the parameter set to
1. However, if the parameter is set to 2, the command is still acknowledged but
again only the keyboard is locked. Locking the keyboard on these printers has no
effect on download performance.
2. CJ400:
This command is accepted and returns an ACK, but no action is taken.
3. 8800 Series/8900 Series:
This command may be used to lock the touch screen with parameter values 1 or 2.
Locking the keyboard on these printers has no effect on download performance.
With the touch screen disabled the user can still stop the jet and power down the
printer. Disabling the keyboard will return the user to the top level screen.
The command is rejected if the printer is running a jet sequence (thus always
allowing the sequence to be stopped).
The command is rejected if the UI is in an invalid state; the top-level (Print Monitor),
Main Menu and Screen Saver dialogs are valid. For other UI states the command is
rejected with a NAK command status Invalid UI State, command status 100D. If
successful, the Home Screen is displayed and shows a padlock.

May 2019 2—20 Linx RCI Reference Manual
2.2.22 Request Jet State
Command ID: 47D (2FH)

Description: Request Jet State

Set pressure 1 byte 0 to 255
Time of flight 2 bytes 0 to 65535
Ref. time of flight 2 bytes 0 to 65535
Time of flight status 1 byte 0 to 5
Modulation 1 byte 0 to 255
Ref. Modulation 1 byte 0 to 255
Phase 1 byte 0 to 15
Solvent add 1 byte 0 to 255
The various parameters that control the state of the jet are returned using this command.
The values for the time of flight status correspond to the following:
0 Valid
1 Under range and no reading
2 Over range and no reading
3 Under range and at least one reading
4 Over range and at least one reading
5 Wait
1. 5900, 7900, CJ400, and 8800 Series/8900 Series:
These printers do not support the time of flight status, and return a status of zero.

2.2.23 Request System Times

Command ID: 48D (30H)

Description: Request System Times

Run time 4 bytes 0 to 200000
Jet time 4 bytes 0 to 200000
Filter time 4 bytes 0 to Variable
Service time 4 bytes 0 to Variable
Returns the various run times for the printer.
NOTE: The current printers do not have a filter expiry time. For backward compatibility this
command returns identical values for Filter and Service times.

Linx RCI Reference Manual 2—21 May 2019
2.2.24 Quick Start Jet
Command ID: 49D (31H)

Description: Quick Start Jet

No data
Only allowed when the jet is idle.
CAUTION: This command is used for engineering/diagnostics and must only be used remotely
by Linx-trained technical personnel.

2.2.25 Request System Configuration

Command ID: 51D (33H)

Description: Request System Configuration

This command requests the current configuration of the printer.
Printer type 1 byte
Printer address 1 byte 0 to 30
% Free message RAM 1 byte 0 to 100
% Free data RAM 1 byte 0 to 100
Printhead type 1 byte
H/w links string 16 bytes + null
Software version 15 bytes + null
Number of strings 1 byte
ID characters Variable length
Configuration Strings Variable length

Printer Type
The types of printers reported are:
6 6000
7 7300 (see note 1. below)
8 6800/6900
9 4900
10 7900 (see note 3. below)
CJ400 (see note 2. below)
11 5900 (see note 3. below)
12 8800 Series/8900 Series

Printer Address
The Printer address was used with RS485 systems (these are no longer supported).

% Free Message RAM

Percentage free message RAM indicates how much memory is still available for message

% Free Data RAM

Percentage free data RAM indicates how much memory is available for data sets, for
example character sets and logos.

May 2019 2—22 Linx RCI Reference Manual
Printhead Type
The printhead types reported are:
0 Mk7 Micro
1 Mk3 Midi or Mk7 Midi
2 Macro
3 Mk4/Mk5 Midi
4 Mk4/Mk5 Midi 70 µm or Mk7 Midi plus
5 Mk7 Ultima
6 Mk7 Ultima plus
7 Mini Mk7
8 Ultima A
9 Midi A
11 Mk11 Midi and Mk11 Midi plus

H/W Links String

The hardware links string gives a list of all the enabled hardware links in the system. Each is
identified by a letter.

Software Version
Returns the software version currently installed on the printer.

Number of Strings
This returns the number of configuration strings.

ID Characters
The ID characters indicate the type of data blocks present in the printer:
C Character set
D Display data
F Date formats
L Logos
R Raster information

Configuration Strings
Each Configuration string contains the version number and creation date for that data block.
The ‘number of strings’ byte indicates the number of ID characters and configuration strings
that follow. Each string must be 16 characters long, that is 15 text characters + null. ID
character 1 corresponds to configuration string 1; ID character 2 corresponds to
configuration string 2, and so on.
1. 7900:
These printers always return 0 for the Number of strings parameter, and do not
return any ID characters or configuration strings.

Linx RCI Reference Manual 2—23 May 2019
Depending on user requirements and setup using the Protocol Setup on the user
interface, the printers return a printer type as follows:
 6200 = 6
 6800 (or 6900) = 8
 7300 = 7
 7900 = 10
This allows better configuration for particular customer requirements.
The hardware links string only supports links A–D as follows:
A Enable Debug Log
B Spectrum Printer
C Not used
D Clear memory on next startup
2. CJ400:
Depending on the Protocol Setup or command 153D settings, the printer returns a
printer type as follows:
 6200 = 6
 7300 = 7
 6800 = 8
Printhead type returned = 9 Midi A
Number of strings = 0
ID characters = 0
Configuration strings = 0
3. 5900:
Depending on the Protocol Setup or command 153D settings, the printer returns a
printer type as follows:
 4900 = 9
 5900 = 11
4. 8800 Series/8900 Series:
Depending on user requirements and Protocol Setup, or by using command 153D,
the printer returns a printer type as follows:
 4800 = 4
 6200 = 6
 7300 = 7
 6800 = 8
 4900 = 9
 5900 = 11
 8XXX = 12
Printhead type returned = 11 (Mk11 Midi)
Number of strings = 0
ID characters = 0
Configuration strings = 0

May 2019 2—24 Linx RCI Reference Manual
2.2.26 Set System Pressure
Command ID: 57D (39H)

Description: Set System Pressure

Command ID: 58D (3AH)

Description: Request System Pressure
Pressure value 1 byte 0 to 255
CAUTION: These commands are used for engineering/diagnostics and must only be used
remotely by Linx-trained technical personnel.

2.2.27 Request Software Options

Command ID: 80D (50H)

Description: Request Software Options

S/W options bit map 4 bytes

Option Bit 5900 7900 8800 Series/
8900 Series
RS-232 0   
RS485 1 N/A N/A N/A
Barcode 2 N/A N/A N/A
Extended Message Length 3 N/A N/A N/A
Reduced Message Directory 4 N/A N/A N/A
Expansion RAM 5 N/A N/A N/A
Time Offsets 6 N/A N/A N/A
Expansion ROM 7 N/A N/A N/A
Demo Mode 8 N/A N/A N/A
Message Cycle 9 N/A N/A N/A
DDE Level 1 10   
DDE Level 2 11   
Parallel I/O 12   2
Data Matrix 13   
Output Measure 14 N/A N/A 
Downtime Logging 15 N/A N/A 
Multi-stage Alarm 16 N/A N/A 2
Table 2-5. Request software options

DDE Level 1 option means that the printer communicates with the DDE driver. DDE Level 2
option means that the printer communicates with LogoJet through the DDE driver.
1. CJ400:
This command set is not implemented and returns a NAK with a C-Status Error
Code 17D, 'Invalid Command'.
2. 8800 Series:
P I/O, RS232 and Multi-Stage alarm options are not supported. Therefore DDE
Driver and LogoJet not supported.

Linx RCI Reference Manual 2—25 May 2019
2.2.28 Request Last Key Presses
Command ID: 81D (51H)

Description: Request Last Key Presses

Number of key presses 1 byte
Key characters Variable
This command returns the most-recent key-press inputs on the printer keyboard. The
number of keys is indicated by the first byte. If this is 0, no keys are returned.
The keys are returned in the following order: oldest key press......newest key press.
The majority of key presses correspond to their ASCII equivalents, although some options
(for example, non-English characters, function keys, and cursor keys) have values greater
than 127. These are described in Appendix F: ‘ASCII Characters and Code Pages’.
1. CJ400 and 8800 Series/8900 Series:
This command set is not implemented and returns a NAK with a C-Status Error
Code 17D, 'Invalid Command'.

2.2.29 Download Display String

Command ID: 82D (52H)

Description: Download Display String

Number of characters 1 byte
Character string Variable
This command allows ASCII characters to be downloaded to the printer for display on the
printer screen. The display can be treated as a terminal; characters are displayed at the
current cursor position. When the end of a line is reached, the next character is placed on
the first position of the next line. When the end of the screen is reached, the displayed lines
scroll up one line and the new characters are placed on the bottom line.
In addition, the following ASCII control characters can be used to manipulate the screen and
Backspace (08) Moves the cursor back one character.
Line feed (10) Moves the cursor down one line.
Form feed (12) Clears the screen and moves the cursor to the top left-hand corner.
Carriage return (13) Moves the cursor to the left of the screen.
The ASCII string does not have to be terminated by a null (0) character.
The number of characters transmitted at one time is limited to 40.
This command is only valid when the display is disabled using the keyboard lock command
(Command 45). If this command is issued with the display enabled, these printers return a
NAK and C-Status code 70D.
1. 5900 and 7900:
This command is acknowledged on these printers, but no action is taken.
2. CJ400 and 8800 Series/8900 Series:
This command set is not implemented and returns a NAK with a C-Status Error
Code 17D, 'Invalid Command'.

May 2019 2—26 Linx RCI Reference Manual
2.2.30 Clear Error
Command ID: 84D (54H)

Description: Clear Error

Error code 1 byte
This command allows an error to be cleared in the 32 Bit Error Mask of the printer. The data
consists of a number that corresponds to the error bit in the mask. A list of the printer errors
can be found in ‘Summary of printer warnings’ on page 3—13.

2.2.31 Upload Pixel RAM Data

Command ID: 86D (56H)

Description: Upload Pixel RAM Data

Message Offset 2 bytes
Byte Count 2 bytes
This command provides the ability to upload the current pixel RAM data so that a snapshot
of the current print image can be viewed.
The description of the command data includes a message offset, that refers to an offset (in
bytes) into the pixel RAM. The calling program must determine the correct raster position
and number of bytes to transfer. Consider the following example:
A 32-high raster contains 4 bytes per raster (32 / 8 = 4). To view the pixel data from the 50th
raster of the message to the 79th raster, the specified offset must be 50 x 4 = 200, and the
byte count must be (80 – 50) x 4 = 120.
The return data is the pixel data block requested. In the above example, this is 30 x 4 =
120 bytes.
Note that because the data in the pixel RAM can change during printing, some of the data
uploaded can seem to be corrupted. This is caused by the data in the pixel RAM changing
during the upload.
1. 5900 and 7900:
This command can potentially contain large amounts of data and could require a
large time out period.
2. 8800 Series/8900 Series:
Implemented from 8900 Series v4.1.0 and 8800 Series v5.0.

Linx RCI Reference Manual 2—27 May 2019
2.2.32 Production Schedules
Command ID: 87D (57H)

Description: Download Production Schedules

Command ID: 88D (58H)

Description: Upload Production Schedules

Number of Production Schedules 1 byte
Production Schedule Name 16 bytes 15 + null terminator
Schedule Information Header 1
Message Information 1
Message Information 2
Message Information 3
Message Information n

Schedule Information 2
Message Information 1
Message Information 2
Message Information 3
Message Information n

Schedule Information n
Message Information 1
Message Information 2
Message Information 3
Message Information n
When transferring Production Schedule data, the data format is as described above. The
first byte is the number of Production Schedules followed by one or more Production
Schedules. Each Production Schedule consists of a Schedule Information Header followed
by one or more Message Information Headers.

May 2019 2—28 Linx RCI Reference Manual
The format of the Schedule Information Header and the Message Information Header is
shown below:

Schedule Information Header

Production Schedule Name 16 bytes 15 + null terminator
Trigger 1 byte 0 = Print Go
1 = Aux Photocell
External Trigger Mode 1 byte 0 = Count
1 = Reset
2 = Disable
3 = Select
Schedule Mode 1 byte 0 = Continuous
1 = Once Only
Number of Messages 1 byte
Reserved 4 bytes 0

Message Information Header

Message Name 16 bytes 15 + null terminator
Repeat Count 2 bytes
Orientation 1 byte 0 = Forward + Normal
1 = Forward + Inverse
2 = Reverse + Normal
3 = Reverse + Invert
Reserved 5 bytes
When downloading Production Schedules (Command 87), the transmitted data consists of
the information as described above. The messages specified in the Production Schedule
must exist on the printer. (The message can be created by using the user interface or
downloaded using Command 25, Download Message Data, as described in ‘Message Data’
on page 2—12.)
When uploading Production Schedules (Command 88), the transmitted data consists of the
number of Production Schedules required, followed by the Production Schedule name
strings. Each Production Schedule name string must be null terminated. Any name strings
shorter than 16 characters must be padded out using null characters. Again the format of
the name string is described above. If the number of schedules specified is 0, all the
schedules are uploaded.
The returned data consists of the number of Production Schedules followed by the
Production Schedule data. The number of Production Schedules returned can be different
from the number requested. This depends on the number of requested Production
Schedules that exist in the printer. If the number of schedules specified in the transmitted
data is 0, all the Production Schedules in the printer are returned.

Command ID: 89D (59H)

Description: Delete Production Schedule

Number of Schedules 1 byte
Production Schedule 1 Name 16 bytes 15 + null terminator
Production Schedule 2 Name 16 bytes 15 + null terminator
Production Schedule n Name 16 bytes 15 + null terminator
When deleting schedules, the transmitted data consists of the number of schedules to be
deleted followed by the name strings. If the number of schedules specified is 0, all the
schedules are deleted.

Linx RCI Reference Manual 2—29 May 2019
Command ID: 90D (5AH)

Description: Load Production Schedule

Command ID: 91D (5BH)

Description: Request Current Production Schedule

Production Schedule Name 16 bytes 15 bytes + null
Print Count 2 bytes
For the load and request Production Schedule commands, the name of the Production
Schedule and a print count are provided as part of the returned command data. The print
count is the number of prints that are generated when the Production Schedule is loaded,
and as such is identical to the print count when a message is loaded. Hence, if the specified
print count is less than the number of prints required to complete the schedule, printing is
stopped before the schedule has finished.
If no Production Schedule is selected when the Request Current Production Schedule is
requested, NAK is returned with a C-Status code 89D ' No Message Schedules'.
1. 7900:
The messages referenced in the schedule must be stored on the printer. If they are
not, a blank schedule is created.
If a message name in the Production Schedule is the same as the Production
Schedule name, this can cause problems when deleting schedules. When a
schedule is deleted the messages are not deleted: they are only referenced within
the schedule. If a message that exists in the printer has the same name as a
schedule that is being downloaded, then error code 92 'Production Schedule:
Duplicate message schedule', is returned.
2. 4900, 5900, CJ400, and 8900:
This command set is not implemented and returns a NAK with a C-Status Error
Code 17D, 'Invalid Command'.
3. 8900 Series:
On the 8900 Series, External Trigger Mode 3 (Select) is not supported.
The 8900 Series does not support numbered printing, therefore the print count
value will be ignored for command 90D (Load Production Schedule), and command
91D (Request Production Schedule) will return 0 for the print count.
When using command 87D or 88D (Download or Upload Production Schedule) the
Repeat Count can be set up to the 2-byte limit.
4. 8800 Series:
Production Schedules are not supported on 8800, 8810 and 8820 printers.

May 2019 2—30 Linx RCI Reference Manual
2.2.33 Power Save Option
Command ID: 93D (5DH)

Description: Set Power Save Option

Command ID: 94D (5EH)

Description: Request Power Saving Options

Auto Power Down 1 byte 0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
Printer Idle 1 byte 0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
Power Down Delay 2 bytes 5 to 65535 seconds1
Idle Time 2 bytes 1 to 300 minutes2
Power Down Function 1 byte 0 = Unavailable
1 = Available
These commands allow the auto power down options to be set or requested. When
enabled, Auto Power Down shuts down the printer after a jet shutdown. The printer also
shuts down if the jet is idle (the jet, user interface, and remote interface must all be inactive)
when the Printer Idle option is enabled. Both have a time delay associated with them, that
can be set up using this command.
If the Power Down function is not available in the printer (indicated by the Power Down
Function byte being 0), the values are not accepted.
All data is set to 0 when requesting the options on a printer where the Power Down function
is not available.
If the Power Down Function byte is set to 0 on a printer that has the function available, the
hardware test is repeated when the printer is next switched on.
The Power Down Delay cannot be changed from 10 seconds, but the printer expects the
two bytes, so these can be set to null.
2 1440 minutes for the 8800 Series/8900 Series.
1. CJ400:
This command set is not implemented and returns a NAK with a C-Status Error
Code 17D, 'Invalid Command'.
2. 5900 and 7900:
The Power Down option on these printers is always available, therefore setting this
byte to unavailable has no effect.

2.2.34 Power Down/Reset Shutdown

Command ID: 95D (5FH)

Description: Power Down/Reset Shutdown

Power Down Sequence 1 byte 0 = Reset
1 = Activate
If Activate is sent with this command as data, the printer initiates the Auto Power Down
Delay sequence. If Reset is sent, the Auto Power Down Delay sequence is cancelled, if it
was initiated.

Linx RCI Reference Manual 2—31 May 2019
1. 5900 and 7900:
If this command is issued it always initiates a power down, regardless of the input
2. CJ400:
This command is not implemented and returns a NAK with a C-Status Error Code
17D, 'Invalid Command'.
3. 8800 Series/8900 Series:
The command is accepted regardless of the input parameter.
The power down will not proceed if the printer is in the FAULT state (NAK is
If the jet is running the command will shut down the jet and then power down.
If a jet sequence is running, the power down will begin after the sequence finishes.

2.2.35 Request Display Data

Command ID: 96D (60H)

Description: Request Display Data

Display Width 2 bytes
Display Height 2 bytes
Display Data Byte array
The command returns an image of the current display data.
The Width and Height are in pixels, so the number of bytes that follow can be calculated as
(Width / 8) x Height
Before using the width value for any calculations, make sure that the most significant bit of
the integer is cleared. This bit is used to indicate bit order.
The display data is in the format of horizontal lines of pixels, that is, the first (Width/8) bytes
are the top line of pixels on the display, and so on.
Pixel data is stored in the order bit 7 to bit 0, reading from left to right. If bit 15 (the most
significant bit) of the Display Width is set, this indicates that the pixels are stored in the
reverse direction (bit 0 to bit 7).
1. CJ400 and 8800 Series/8900 Series:
This command is not implemented and returns a NAK with a C-Status Error Code
17D, 'Invalid Command'.
2. 5900 and 7900:
This command requires a long time out period due to the amount of data returned.

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2.2.36 Request Data Directory
Command ID: 97D (61H)

Description: Request Data Directory

Data Type 1 byte
The command returns the header information for all occurrences found in the printer of the
data type requested.
The data type byte can be any following valid Data Item Types:
‘C’ (43H) Character Sets.
‘E’ (45H Character Sets + Character Index Table
‘F’ (46H) Date Formats
‘L’ (4CH) Logos
‘M’ (4DH) Messages
‘P’ (50H) Production Schedules
The command is not valid during printing.
If there are any of the requested data items in the printer, the command returns one or more
headers from the specified data items. The length of each header depends on the data item
If no data items exist in the printer, the returned Data Set count is 0.
If an invalid Data Item Type is requested, a count of 0 is returned. There is no error code
associated with invalid Data Item Types.
The data type headers have the following formats:

5900, 7900 and 8800 Series/8900 Series Character Set Header—48 bytes
Size of Character Set 2 bytes
Version of Character Set 1 byte
Number of the character set in
the block 1 byte
Character Height 1 byte
Bytes per Raster 1 byte
Widest Character Width 1 byte
Default Inter-Character Gap 1 byte
Reserved 8 bytes
Character Set Source File Name 15 bytes + null
Character Set Name 15 bytes + null

5900, 7900 and 8800 Series/8900 Series Character Set Header (Extended)—816 bytes
As above, plus:
Pixel Data Offset 2 bytes
Character Width 1 byte
Extended character set information in these printers consists of the header previously
described, followed by a 256-entry table consisting of 3 bytes for each character. The first 2
bytes are the offset from the start of the table to the pixel information for each character and
one byte that specifies the width of each character.

Linx RCI Reference Manual 2—33 May 2019
Date Format Header—37 bytes
Size of Data Format 2 bytes
Day or Month Offset 1 byte
Number of Chars. in Format 1 byte
Reserved 1 byte
Date Element Information 8 bytes 4 x 2 bytes
Separator Information 6 bytes 3 x 2 bytes
Name Offset 2 bytes
Date Format Name 15 bytes + null

Logo Header 5900, 7900, CJ400, and 8800 Series/8900 Series Logo Header—28 bytes
Size of Logo 2 bytes
Size of Header 1 byte
Bytes per Raster 1 byte
Number of Bytes in Pixel Data 2 bytes
Reserved 1 byte
Logo Height 1 byte
Reserved 4 bytes
Logo Name 15 bytes + null

4900, 5900, 7900, CJ400, and 8800 Series/8900 Series Message Header—41 bytes
Size of Message 2 bytes
Size of Pixel Image in Rasters 2 bytes
EHT Setting 1 byte
Print Width 2 bytes
Print Delay 2 bytes
Message Name 15 bytes + null
Raster Name 15 bytes + null

Production Schedule Header—24 bytes

Schedule Name 15 bytes + null
Trigger Mode 1 bytes
External Trigger Mode 1 byte
Schedule Mode 1 bytes
Number of Messages 1 bytes
Reserved 4 bytes
1. Barcodes:
As barcodes cannot be uploaded or downloaded on the 7900 printers, they have
been disabled from this command.
2. CJ400:
CJ400 only support the uploading of logos and messages. However, sending the
other data requests returns an ACK but no data is uploaded.
3. 5900:
As Production Schedules are not supported by these printers, the returned Data Set
count will be zero for Production Schedules.
4. 8800 Series v5.0/8900 Series v4.1 onwards
All data types are now supported.

May 2019 2—34 Linx RCI Reference Manual
2.2.37 Inter-Print Delay
Command ID: 98D (62H)

Description: Set Inter-Print Delay

Command ID: 99D (63H)

Description: Request Inter-Print Delay

Inter-Print Delay 2 bytes (4 bytes. See notes) 0 to 65535 (0 to 10000 000)
Message name string 15 bytes + null
These two commands set and request the Inter-Print Delay as for the standard set and
request Print Delay (Commands 5 and 6). In addition, a 16-byte message name can be
appended, so that the Inter-Print Delay is applied to the specified message only. This
information would normally be stored with the message but because of the requirement for
backward compatibility, separate commands are necessary.
When requesting the Inter-Print Delay, Command 99 can be issued with no data, in which
case the Inter-Print Delay for the current message is returned. Alternatively, a 16-byte
message name can follow the command. In both cases the returned data is the 2-byte Inter-
Print Delay.
Issuing Command 98 with only a 2-byte delay value as data sets the Inter-Print Delay for the
current message. Command 98 with a 2-byte delay value, and a 16-byte message name,
sets the Inter-Print Delay for the specified message. No data is returned for the set
For an explanation of how to calculate the Inter-Print Delay, see Chapter 6: ‘Message
These printers now define triggers as either Primary or Secondary (see ‘Photocell Mode’ on
page 2—18). The Inter-Print Delay is used only with the Primary or Secondary Triggers as
High Level Primary/Secondary:
 Delay used from the first trigger to the first print.
 Inter-Print Delay used between prints.
Low Level Primary/Secondary:
 Delay used from the first trigger to the first print.
 Inter-Print Delay used between prints.
 Delay used for the start of the first print.
 Inter-print delay used between prints.
1. CJ400 and 8800 Series/8900 Series:
The Message Names string is required for backwards compatibility, but is ignored
on the CJ400 and 8900 Series.
2. 5900 and 7900:
Inter-print distance is a global setting and is not associated with each message. If
the message name is specified with this command, the inter-print delay will be
recalculated based on that message, but will persist even if another print message
is selected.

Linx RCI Reference Manual 2—35 May 2019
3. CJ400 v1.6.0 and 8900 v4.1.0, 8800 Series v5.0.0 and above:
 If the Metric Distance is set in command 161D (Set RCI Mode) OR the Metric
Widths and Delays are set to Yes in RCI Edit Connection, the Inter-Print Delay
is reported and set in absolute, metric terms. The value is the delay given in
mm multiplied by 10. For the case when the RCI Mode command is used, the
value is held in the 4 bytes rather than 2 bytes.
 If metric mode is NOT set then only 2 bytes are used. If the printer has a setting
larger than the maximum value that can be held in 2 bytes, command 98D will
return NAK with command status 99D (Maximum Value).
4. It is recommended that metric values are used for the 8800 Series/8900 Series as
the maximum speed of the message type is used in the internal calculation.

2.2.38 Speed Setting

Command ID: 101D (65H)

Description: Set Speed

Command ID: 102D (66H)

Description: Request Speed

Speed Selection 1 byte 0 = Fixed Speed
1 = Shaft Encoder
Speed Value 4 bytes Fixed Speed = 1/10 mm
Shaft Encoder = Pulses per
1/10 mm
1. 4900:
This command is not implemented and returns a NAK with a C-Status Error Code
17D, 'Invalid Command'.
2. 8800 Series/8900 Series:
Print must be idle to action this command otherwise a NAK with error 20D (Print Not
Idle) is returned.

2.2.39 Set Remote Error

Command ID: 121D (79H)

Description: Set Remote Error 3.30

No data is associated with this command. This command triggers Remote Error 3.30 on the
printer and sets bit 20 in the 32 bit Error Mask.
1. 4900:
The error reported in the Event List on this printer is 3.32.
2. 5900, 7900, and 8800 Series/8900 Series:
The error reported in the Event Log on this printer is 3.30.

May 2019 2—36 Linx RCI Reference Manual
2.2.40 Extended Error Request
Command ID: 129D (81H)

Description: Extended Error Request

Standard Error Mask 4 bytes
Extended Error Mask 4 bytes
This command returns both the standard error mask and the extended error mask as two
4-byte masks. Refer to ‘Summary of extended printer warnings’ on page 3—17 for more
details of the error bits.
The data is sent LSB first.

2.2.41 Request UNIC Code

Command ID: 130D (82H)

Description: Request UNIC Code

UNIC Code 13 bytes 12+ null terminator
This command returns the UNIC (Unique Number Identification Chip) code, that is a 12-digit
hexadecimal code. It is returned as a 13-character ASCII text string with a null terminator.
The code has the following format:
30 30 30 30 30 43 43 32 44 38 35 31 00

2.2.42 Message Print Count

Command ID: 140D (8CH)

Description: Set Message Print Count

Command ID: 141D (8DH)

Description: Request Message Print Count

Message Print Count 4 bytes 0 to 999,999,999
Message Name 16 bytes 15 + null terminator
If these commands are sent with the message name containing all null characters then the
command will set or request the print count for the currently selected message.
1. 4900:
This command is not implemented and returns a NAK with a C-Status Error Code
17D, 'Invalid Command'.

Linx RCI Reference Manual 2—37 May 2019
2.2.43 Configuration Code
Command ID: 143D (8FH)

Description: Set Configuration Code

Command ID: 144D (90H)

Description: Request Configuration Code

Configuration Code 25 bytes 24 + null terminator
NOTE: Sending an invalid configuration code will result in the error code 23 'Parameter

2.2.44 Cost Per Code

Command ID: 145D (91H)

Description: Request Cost Per Code

Total Message Count 4 bytes
Recent Message Count 4 bytes
Total Drop Count 4 bytes
Total Ink Bottles 4 bytes
Total Solvent Bottles 4 bytes
The Total Message Count is the number of messages that have been printed since the
printer was commissioned.
The Recent Message Count is the number of messages that have been printed since the
'Reset to zero' option was last used.
Total Drop Count, Total Ink Bottles, and Total Solvent Bottles are the counts since the
printer was commissioned.
1. 4900:
This command is not implemented and returns a NAK with a C-Status Error Code
17D, 'Invalid Command'.
2. CJ400:
This command is not implemented and returns a NAK with a C-Status Error Code
17D, 'Invalid Command'.
3. 8800 Series/8900 Series:
If the Total Drop count is greater or equal to the quantity that can be fitted in 4 bytes,
the number FFFFFFFF is written on the allotted 4 bytes and then an extra 8 bytes
are added at the end of the data stream to include the total drop count quantity.

May 2019 2—38 Linx RCI Reference Manual
2.2.45 Serial Number
Command ID: 151D (97H)

Description: Set Serial Number

Command ID: 152D (98H)

Description: Request Serial Number

Serial Number 9 bytes
These commands set and request the printer serial number.

1. 4900:
This command is not implemented and returns a NAK with a C-Status Error Code
17D, 'Invalid Command'.
2. The Set Serial Number command (151D) will accept only a valid UK Linx format
serial number. A serial number greater than 8 bytes cannot be set.
3. For printers with serial numbers greater than 8 bytes, the Request Serial Number
command (152D) string will be truncated to the initial 8 bytes. Note that this is
guaranteed to be a unique serial number for the printer.

2.2.46 XCompatibility Mapping

Command ID: 153D (99H)

Description: Set Compatibility Mapping

Command ID: 154D (9AH)

Description: Request Compatibility Mapping

Mapping Mask 1 byte
Code Page 1 byte
Message Type 1 byte
Font Type 1 byte
This command allows the selection of the code page, Raster or Font mappings with a single
command. The command, that consists of 5 bytes (including the command byte), takes the
format listed in the following tables.

Linx RCI Reference Manual 2—39 May 2019
Mapping mask byte
This byte is used in the ‘Set Compatibility Mapping’ command only. It uses the 3 least
significant bits to allow the selection of which mappings (Code page, Message Type, or
Font) requires setting. Any combination of the 3 bits can be used. A bit set to 1 enables the
mapping feature.

Hex Value Selection

01 Code page Only
02 Message Type Only
03 Code page + Message Type
04 Font Type Only
05 Code page + Font
06 Message Type + Font
07 Code page + Message Type + Font

Table 2-6. Mapping mask byte

Code page byte

Hex Value Selection

00 European (6200)
01 European
02 Japanese
03 Greek
04 Russian
05 Polish

Table 2-7. Code page byte

Message type byte

Hex Value Selection

01 6200
02 6800
03 6900
04 7300
05 7900
06 CJ400
07 5900
08 4800
09 4900

Table 2-8. Message Type Byte

May 2019 2—40 Linx RCI Reference Manual
Font type byte

Hex Value Selection

01 6200
02 6800
03 6900
04 7300
05 7900
06 CJ400
07 5900
08 4800
09 4900

Table 2-9. Font Type Byte

In the set command all bytes are required, regardless of whether that byte is set.

Example 1:
The following example will set a European (6200) code page with the 7300/7900 Style
Message Type and the 7300/7900 Style Font:
99 ; Command ID
07 ; Mapping Byte (Byte set to 0000111)
00 ; Code page Byte (European (6200))
04 ; Message Type Byte (7300/7900 Style Mapping)
04 ; Font Type Byte (7300/7900 Style Mapping)

Example 2:
If the choice had been to select the code page and font mappings only, then the command
structure would be:
99 ; Command ID
05 ; Mapping Byte (Byte set to 0000101)
00 ; Code page Byte (European (6200))
04 ; This byte is now ignored as the Message Type Byte is not set.
04 ; Font Type Byte (7300/7900 Style Mapping)
1. CJ400 and 8800 Series/8900 Series:
Setting the Message Style Mapping will automatically set the corresponding Font
Style Mapping, e.g. setting the Message Style to '6200’ will also set the Font Style to
2. 5900, 7900 CJ400 and 8800 Series/8900 Series:
The returned data consists of three bytes: Code Page, Message Type and Font
3. 5900:
The Message and Font Type bytes can be set to either 4900 (07) or 5900 (08).

Linx RCI Reference Manual 2—41 May 2019
Reported Machine Type Byte

Hex Value Selection

01 6200
02 6800
04 7300
07 4900
08 5900
09 4800

Table 2-10. Reported Machine Type Byte

2.2.47 Recent Consumables

Command ID: 155D (9BH)

Description: Request Recent Consumables

Command ID: 156D (9CH)

Description: Reset Recent Consumables

Total Number of Printed Messages 4 bytes
Total Number of Drops 4 bytes
Recent Number of Printed Messages 4 bytes
Recent Number of Drops 4 bytes
Total Number of Ink Bottles 4 bytes
Total Number of Solv. Bottles 4 bytes
Recent Number of Ink Bottles 4 bytes
Recent Number of Solv. Bottles 4 bytes
Total Jet Run Time 4 bytes
Recent Jet Run Time 4 bytes
Current Life Expectancy of Ink Bottle 4 bytes
Current Life Expectancy of Solvent Bottle 4 bytes
Estimated Time Remaining for Current Ink Bottle 4 bytes
Estimated Time Remaining for Current Solvent Bottle 4 bytes
These commands request and reset the recent consumables in the printer. They do not
reset the total values.
All Times are in seconds.
Recent Number of Drops, Ink Bottles and Solv. Bottles are the totals since the user reset on
the Consumables History.
Recent Jet Run Time is the Jet Run Time since the last power cycle.
Current Life Expectancy is calculated by dividing the total capacity of the bottle by the fluid

May 2019 2—42 Linx RCI Reference Manual
Estimated Time Remaining is calculated by dividing the fluid left in the bottle by the fluid
If the Total Number of Drops is greater than or equal to the quantity that can be fitted in 4
bytes, the number FFFFFFFF is written on the allotted 4 bytes and then an extra 8 bytes are
added at the end of the data stream to include the total drop count quantity.
If the Recent Number of Drops is greater than or equal to the quantity that can be fitted in 4
bytes, the number FFFFFFFF is written on the allotted 4 bytes and then an extra 8 bytes are
added at the end of the data stream to include the recent drop count quantity
1. 4900:
This command is not implemented and returns a NAK with a C-Status Error Code
17D, 'Invalid Command'.
2. CJ400 and 8800 Series/8900 Series:
The command Reset Recent Consumables (156D) is not implemented and returns
a NAK with a C-Status Error Code 17D, 'Invalid Command'.

2.2.48 Remote Field Data

Command ID: 157D (9DH)

Description: Request Remote Field Data

Command ID: 158D (9EH)

Description: Send Remote Field Data by Name

Command ID: 159D (9FH)

Description: Send Remote Field Data by Stream

The data returned from Command 157 is formatted as follows:
Number of Remote Fields 1 byte
Descriptor Start Marker 1 byte
Remote Field Name 32 bytes 31 + null terminator
Maximum Number of Characters 1 bytes
Auto Load Flag 1 byte
Reserved 2 bytes
These commands deal with the data in the Remote Fields (not Buffered Remote Fields).
The request command will return the data for all of the remote fields in the printer. If no
remote fields are present in the printer, an ACK with a single null byte is returned.
The fields are returned in the cache order as stored in the printer. The cache order is
important if using the Send Remote Field Data by Stream command (159D).
When the Send Remote Field Data by Name command (158D) is used to send data, the
data consists of the number of fields to update, the name of the field (maximum 31 bytes +
null) and the data itself (null terminated). If the field name does not exist, or the data is
greater than or less than the maximum number of characters for the field(s), the command
returns a NAK with a C-Status Error Code 23D, 'Parameter Rejected'.

Linx RCI Reference Manual 2—43 May 2019
This command sends data to one or more fields by sending a stream of data. The data
stream is then distributed to the fields based on the cache order and the maximum number
of characters for each field.
If commands 158D is sent with null data (00) then all of the remote fields will be cleared. If
command 159D is sent with null characters corresponding to the number of characters in
the Remote Fields, then all of the data will be cleared.
For the 7900, from the Print Monitor page, press Print Settings, and then scroll down to
highlight the Remote Fields Editor option, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Print Settings page

Press Select to display the Remote Fields Editor page.

Figure 2. Remote Fields Editor page

Remote fields appear in the list in the order that the data will be populated. To change the
order, highlight the item to be moved. Hold down the Ctrl key, and then use the up or down
arrow keys to move the item in the list.
The change in order is saved when you press OK. The cache order is saved over a power
For the 8800 Series/8900 Series, Command 159 (Send Remote Field Data by Stream) is
similar to Command 29 (download buffered remote-field data): downloaded data is stored in
the remote-field queue buffer, from where it gets distributed to the remote-fields of the
current message. The difference is that while Command 29 lodges the data into the queue
behind previous data, Command 159 sends it straight to the front of the queue: it is
distributed immediately to the fields, overwriting any previous data.
Command data is interpreted as an unstructured string of code-paged ASCII characters.

May 2019 2—44 Linx RCI Reference Manual
These are distributed to remote-fields in order, as dictated by the Remote Field List screen
and according to the number of characters each remote-field has been configured to
receive by the user, in the message editor. Thus, if the current message contains 2 fields -
RemoteField1 and RemoteField2 - configured to receive 2 and 3 characters respectively,
and "ABCDE" is sent, RemoteField1 will display "AB" and RemoteField2 will display "CDE".
If insufficient characters are sent to fill all the remote fields, the command distributes spaces
in place of the missing characters.
If too many characters are sent, the excess characters are ignored.
If an empty stream is sent, the remote-fields are cleared.
If no current message is selected, the command returns:
If the current message contains no remote-fields, the command returns:
Like Command 159, Command 158 (set remote data by name) distributes data directly to
the remote-fields of the current message, but command-158 allows fields to be selectively
affected: target remote-fields are identified by name. (Remote-field names are configured in
the message-editor, by selection from a list defined in the Remote Field List screen.)
These commands (158, 159) operate always in continuous mode and the remote fields do
not clear after the next print.
The first byte of command-data specifies the number of fields to be affected by the
command: n, for example.
Setting n to zero instructs the command to clear all the fields.
Otherwise (n > 0) the remaining command-data is interpreted as a sequence of n code-
paged, ASCII, (null-terminated) string-pairs. In each pair, the first string identifies the name
of the remote-field to receive the characters of the second string.
If the command is malformed: does not appear to contain sufficient string-pairs, the
command returns:
No remote-fields are affected.
If the second string of the pair is shorter than the remote-field length (configured in the
message-editor) it is, effectively, space-padded during distribution. If the second string is
empty, the remote-field is, effectively, cleared.
If any field-name does not identify a remote-field in the message, the command has no
effect; PARAMETER_REJECTED is returned.
If no current message is selected, the command returns:
If the current message contains no remote-fields, the command returns:
The autoload flag in Command 157 shows whether the data in the fields are preserved after
a power cycle (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled).

Linx RCI Reference Manual 2—45 May 2019
The autoload setting is specified in the Printer Setup > Communications > Edit Connection
> Autoload Remote Fields
NOTE: If the user enables autoloading in Printer-Setup > Communications > RCI-Setup >
Edit Connection > Autoload > Remote-Fields, the user must also disable the option
to clear buffers in Printer Setup > Communications > RCI-Setup > Edit Connection
> Print-Mode > Clear-Buffers.
1. 4900:
This command is not implemented and returns a NAK with a C-Status Error Code
17D, 'Invalid Command'.
2. CJ400:
This command is not implemented and returns a NAK with a C-Status Error Code
17D, 'Invalid Command'.

2.2.49 Event History

Command ID: 160D (A0H)

Description: Request Event History

Event 4 bytes
Space 1 byte
Date Stamp 10 bytes
Space 1 byte
Time Stamp 8 bytes
The Event data is returned in blocks of 24 bytes. Each block represents one event. The
format of the data is a text field, for example:
"4.02 2013-03-28 20:23:31" Each event string is NOT null terminated.

2.2.50 RCI Mode

Command ID: 161D (A1H)

Description: Set RCI Mode

Command ID: 162D (A2H)

Description: Request RCI Mode

Mode 4 bytes
This command allows the modification of the behaviour of certain commands. A mode value
of zero means default or normal RCI command behaviour. Once set, the mode value is
remembered over a power cycle.

May 2019 2—46 Linx RCI Reference Manual
Each of the 32 bits has a specific meaning, as described in the following table.

Bit Function Command Details

Print width uses units of microns—4 bytes
3 and 4
in the range of 0 to 10 000 000
Print delay is in units of 1/10ths mm—4
0 Metric distance 5 and 6
bytes in the range of 0 to 100 000
Inter-print distance in units of 1/10ths mm—
98 and 99
4 bytes in the range of 0 to 100 000
Inter-print Inter-print distance value is interpreted as
1 distance is 98 and 99 the distance from the start of one message
start to start to the start of the next

Table 2-11. RCI mode bit functions

1. 5900 and 7900:
This command is not implemented and returns a NAK with a C-Status Error Code
17D, 'Invalid Command'.

2.2.51 Current Events

Command ID: 163D (A3H)

Description: Request Current Events

Event 4 bytes
Space 1 byte
Date Stamp 10 bytes
Space 1 byte
Time Stamp 8 bytes
The Event data is returned in blocks of 24 bytes. Each block represents one event. The
format of the data is a text field, for example:
"4.02 2013-03-28 20:23:31" Each event string is NOT null terminated.
1. 5900:
This command is not implemented and returns a NAK with a C-Status Error Code
17D, 'Invalid Command'.

2.2.52 Set Production Line

Command ID: 164D (A4H)

Description: Set Production Line

Line name string 16 bytes 15 + null terminator
Used for remotely selecting the production line on the printer. This command does not work
(NAK is returned) when the printer is in the Printing state. The printer checks whether the
requested line name exists on the printer and returns NAK if it does not exist.
When selecting the requested line, the new line is loaded.

Linx RCI Reference Manual 2—47 May 2019
If the printer is on the Line Settings or Advanced Line Settings, all the values are updated to
the values of the new line. If any values of the old line were edited (changed), these will
NOT be saved.
1. This command is only implemented on 8800 Series/8900 Series.

2.2.53 Sequential Number Snapshot

Command ID: 251D (FBH)

Description: Request Sequential Number Snapshot

<Seq No 1 Current Value>
<Seq No 2 Current Value>
<Seq No n Current Value>
This command returns a snapshot of the current value of all Sequential Numbers - normal
and embedded in barcodes - in the current print message. The command has no data. The
reply format consists of a list of sequential numbers strings. Each string can be a different
length, depending on the size of the sequential number, and is NULL terminated.
Strings are returned in order of field creation. Editing a message can change the order of
the numbers returned.

 Message containing 2 sequential numbers - a 3-digit number and 1-digit number.
 The numbers are 685 and 1.
 Reply is:
1B 06 00 00 FB 36 38 35 00 31 00 1B 03 28
1. 8800 Series and 8900 Series only.

May 2019 2—48 Linx RCI Reference Manual
3.1 Introduction
Each command sent to the printer will receive a reply. The format of the reply is:
Command ID
[< DATA >]
As part of the reply to a command, the printer always returns status information. Part of this
information is a 1-byte command status code (C-Status) related to the command that was
Additional information can be obtained from the printer fault code (P-STATUS), that is also
returned with every reply. This indicates whether any serious problem occurred that
prevents the printer from printing.
By regularly using the Printer Status Request command (14H), the current printer status can
be monitored.
If the command to request printer status, command 20D (14H) is sent or commands are sent
using the extended start command, the 32-bit Warning Mask will be returned, that indicates
if any printer warnings exist.

Linx RCI Reference Manual 3—1 May 2019
3.2 Printer fault codes (P-STATUS)
Print Failures occur when the software detects an electrical or mechanical failure that
prevents printing. When a Print Failure occurs, printing is stopped and the jet is shut down.
Printing cannot restart until the fault is cleared.

3.2.1 Summary of printer fault codes

If the fault code returned is 0, no printer fault has occurred; otherwise the code indicates the

Code Description 5900 7900 CJ400 8800 Series/
8900 Series
01 Print Head    
02 EHT Trip    
03 Phase Failure    
04 Time of Flight    
05 300V Power Supply    ×
06 Hardware Safety Trip    
07 Ink Tank Empty    
08 Internal Spillage    
10 Solvent Tank Empty    
11 Jet Misaligned    
12 Pressure Limit    
13 Viscosity    
255 Other Fault × ×  

Table 3-1. Summary of printer fault codes

3.2.2 Description of printer fault codes

01 Printhead Temperature
An excessively high temperature has been detected at the printhead indicating a
high ambient temperature or a possible fire condition. The trip temperature is
approximately 600 C.

02 EHT Trip
The EHT trip sense software has detected that an EHT trip has occurred, that is, the
EHT output has been switched off.

03 Phase Failure
The printer failed to obtain a valid phase position. This failure is normally associated
with invalid data from the hardware and can be caused if the printhead becomes
very dirty with ink, particularly around the deflector plates.

04 Time of Flight
This failure occurs if, after the jet has been started, there are no valid Time of Flight
(TOF) readings for a period of 40 minutes.

May 2019 3—2 Linx RCI Reference Manual
05 300V Power Supply
The 300 V sense signal has detected that the 300 V output from the EHT PSU is
not present.

06 Hardware Safety Trip

The hardware safety trip has activated and has locked out certain hardware
functions. This may be initially reported as Print Fault Codes "01 Printhead Over
Temperature" or "021 EHT Trip".

07 Ink Tank Empty

This failure occurs when the ink level sensor has been indicating low ("3.03 Ink
Low" warning, see ‘Command status codes (C-STATUS)’ on page 3—3) for a
predetermined time of six hours for Ultima plus and Midi plus printheads, and eight
hours for Ultima, Midi, Mini, and Micro printheads.

08 Internal Spillage
The base of the ink system enclosure is sealed in order to contain any ink or solvent
spillage, preventing external leakage. In the event of a pressurized ink leak from an
ink system pipe, manifold assembly or pump head, a spillage sensor stops the
pump within five seconds of detection (that is, there is no jet shutdown sequence).

10 Solvent Tank Empty

This failure occurs when the solvent level sensor has been indicating low ("3.04
Solvent Low" warning, see ‘Command status codes (C-STATUS)’ on page 3—3) for
a predetermined time of 12 hours for all printheads.

11 Jet Misaligned
Under normal operating conditions, the gutter sense circuit detects the presence of
ink flow in the gutter. If ink flow is not detected in the gutter for any reason (for
example, a misaligned jet), the software shuts down the jet. Absence of ink in the
gutter is detected within approximately 10 seconds.

12 Pressure Limit
The software is unable to increase the pressure sufficiently to achieve a TOF
measurement equal to the Reference TOF. This can occur during the jet start

13 Viscosity
The software is unable to establish Reference TOF at or below the Solvent Add
Pressure. The printer has added solvent eight times (for MEK inks) or 12 times (for
Mixed Base inks) without being able to bring the pressure below the Solvent Add

255 Other Fault

Another printer specific fault has occurred. This covers all other faults that are not in
the standard list of faults.

3.3 Command status codes (C-STATUS)

In general, if the reply to a command is positive (ACK), the command was actioned
successfully and the C-STATUS byte is 0. However, an ACK is sometimes returned with a
C-STATUS byte that is non-zero. For example, if the last command filled the remote buffer,
a ‘Remote Buffer Now Full’ warning (42H or 66D) is returned.
If the reply is negative (NAK), the command has failed and the C-STATUS byte indicates the
nature of the failure. For example, if the last command sent remote data and the remote
buffer was already full, a ‘Remote Buffer Still Full’ warning (43H or 67D) is returned.

Linx RCI Reference Manual 3—3 May 2019
3.3.1 Summary of command status codes
The following table provides a summary of command status codes.


Dec Hex Description
01 01 Parity error
02 02 Framing error
03 03 Data overrun
04 04 Serial break
05 05 Receive buffer overflow
06 06 Command start
07 07 Command end
08 08 Invalid checksum
17 11 Invalid command
18 12 Jet not running
19 13 Jet not idle
20 14 Print not idle
21 15 Message edit in progress
22 16 Number of bytes in command
23 17 Parameter rejected
24 18 Minimum string length
25 19 Maximum string length
26 1A Minimum value
27 1B Maximum value
28 1C Memory full
29 1D No character sets
30 1E No barcodes
31 1F No logos
32 20 No date formats
33 21 PROM-based data set specified
34 22 Unknown data set
35 23 No messages
36 24 Unknown message
37 25 Field too large
38 26 Additional message overwrite
39 27 Non-alphanumeric character
40 28 Positive value
41 29 Trigger print: Photocell mode
42 2A Trigger print: Print idle
43 2B Trigger print: Already printing
44 2C Trigger print: Cover off
45 2D Print command: Jet not running

Table 3-2. Summary of command status codes

May 2019 3—4 Linx RCI Reference Manual
Dec Hex Description
46 2E Print command: No message
47 2F Jet command: Ink low
48 30 Jet command: Solvent low
49 31 Jet command: Print fail
50 32 Jet command: Print in progress
51 33 Jet command: Phase
52 34 Jet command: Time of flight
53 35 Cal. printhead: Try later
54 36 Cal. printhead: Failed
55 37 Message too large
56 38 Pixel RAM overflow
57 39 Invalid message format
58 3A Invalid field type
59 3B No print message loaded
60 3C Invalid print mode
61 3D Invalid failure condition
62 3E Invalid buffer divisor
63 3F No remote fields in message
64 40 Number of remote characters
65 41 Remote data too large
66 42 Remote buffer now full
67 43 Remote buffer still full
68 44 Field data exceeds message end
69 45 Invalid remote field type
70 46 Invalid while display enabled
79 4F Too many messages specified
81 51 Printer busy
82 52 Unknown raster
83 53 Invalid field length
84 54 Duplicate name
85 55 Invalid barcode linkage
86 56 Data set in ROM
87 57 Data set in use
88 58 Invalid field height
89 59 Production Schedule: No message schedules
90 5A Production Schedule: Too many message schedules
91 5B Production Schedule: Unknown message schedule
92 5C Production Schedule: Duplicate message schedule
93 5D Not used

Table 3-2. Summary of command status codes (continued)

Linx RCI Reference Manual 3—5 May 2019
Dec Hex Description
94 5E Not used
95 5F Production Schedule or Auxiliary Photocell Mapping: Incorrect Trigger
96 60 Not Valid RCI data (CJ400 and 8800 Series/8900 Series only)
97 61 Invalid jet state (CJ400 and 8800 Series/8900 Series only)
98 62 Execution of Command Failed (CJ400 and 8800 Series/8900 Series only)
99 63 Printer is in IDLE State (CJ400 and 8800 Series/8900 Series only)
100 64 Printer is in Invalid UI state (8800 Series/8900 Series only)
101 65 Incompatible Format (8800 Series/8900 Series only)
102 66 Unknown line (8800 Series/8900 Series only)

Table 3-2. Summary of command status codes (continued)

3.3.2 Description of command status codes

01 Parity error
If parity is enabled on the serial link, this error occurs when a character is received
whose parity bit is opposite to the current state.
Can be caused by noise on the transmission cable, check screening and

02 Framing error
An incomplete character was received—the character contains no stop bit.
Can be caused by noise on the transmission cable. Check screening and

03 Data overrun
Data is being received at a rate that is faster than the CPU can process. At least
three characters were received that were not processed.

04 Serial break
A null character was received with a framing error. The number of zeros received
((Number of bits per character) + 1)

05 Receive buffer overflow

The remote receive buffer has overflowed. This error is different to 02 in that a data
overrun occurs in the serial receiver hardware.

06 Command start
Two or more start command sequences were received without an end sequence
between them.

07 Command end
Two or more end command sequences were received without a start sequence
between them.

May 2019 3—6 Linx RCI Reference Manual
08 Invalid checksum
The received checksum for a command was different from the one calculated. The
checksum can be disabled if not required.

17 Invalid command
An invalid command code was received. All remaining data in the command is
Check that the command is implemented.

18 Jet not running

Command is not valid while jet is idle.

19 Jet not idle

Command is not valid while jet is running.

20 Print not idle

Command is not valid while printing is in progress.

21 Message edit in progress

Command is invalid while a print message is being edited on the printer keyboard.

22 Number of bytes in command

An incorrect number of bytes was received in a command.
Check the structure of the command in ‘Sending Data to the Printer’ on page 2—1
or ‘Message Data Format’ on page 4—1 as appropriate.

23 Parameter rejected
A command data parameter is invalid.
Check the structure of the command in ‘Sending Data to the Printer’ on page 2—1.

24 Minimum string length

String data found in a command contains too few characters.

25 Maximum string length

String data found in a command contains too many characters.

26 Minimum value
Numeric data found in a command is less than the minimum allowed value.

27 Maximum value
Numeric data found in a command exceeds the maximum allowed value.

28 Memory full
The memory used to store printed messages is now full. This indicates that another
complete message cannot be stored in the printer memory.

29 No character sets
No character sets exist in the printer.

30 No barcodes
No barcodes exist in the printer.

Linx RCI Reference Manual 3—7 May 2019
31 No logos
No logos exist in the printer.

32 No date formats
No date formats exist in the printer.

33 PROM-based data set specified

An attempt was made to delete a PROM-based data set.

34 Unknown data set

Reference was made to an unknown data set. Data sets are identified by their text
names. The received text name can be incorrect.

35 No messages
No messages exist in the printer memory.

36 Unknown message
An unknown message name was specified.

37 Field too large

The height of a field is greater than the height of the message that contains that

38 Additional message overwrite

Associated with command 30D, during the printing of one message with a print
count specified, one additional message can be specified to take over printing from
the original when the print count is reached. This warning occurs if another
additional message is specified before the second message has started printing.

39 Non-alphanumeric characters
A non-alphanumeric character was specified in a string.

40 Positive value
A positive number was required.

41 Trigger print: Photocell mode

A trigger print command was issued and the current photocell mode is set to either
Enable or Off. In these modes, a trigger print is invalid.

42 Trigger print: Print idle

A trigger print command was issued and printing is idle.

43 Trigger print: Already printing

A trigger print command was issued and printing is already in progress.

44 Trigger print: Cover off

A trigger print command was issued, but printing cannot occur because the
printhead cover is off; printing does not occur.

45 Print command: Jet not running

A start print command was issued and the jet is not running.

May 2019 3—8 Linx RCI Reference Manual
46 Print command: No message
A start print command was issued and no message is selected for printing, or no
messages exist in memory.

47 Jet command: Ink low

A start jet command was issued and the ink is low. The jet is not started.

48 Jet command: Solvent low

A start jet command was issued and the solvent is low. The jet is not started.

49 Jet command: Print fail

A start jet command was issued and a fault has occurred in the printer. The jet is not

50 Jet command: Print in progress

A stop jet command was issued and printing is still in progress. The jet is not

51 Jet command: Phase

A start jet command was issued and the jet has failed to start—the printer is unable
to measure the phase.

52 Jet command: Time of flight

A start jet command was issued and the jet has failed to start—the printer is unable
to measure the time of flight.

53 Cal. printhead: Try later

A calibrate printhead command was issued but cannot be performed at this time—
the solvent or pressure level must be adjusted.

54 Cal. printhead: Failed

A calibrate printhead command was issued and the calibration failed.

55 Message too large

A downloaded print message exceeds the available message storage.

56 Pixel RAM overflow

The length (in rasters) of a downloaded print message exceeds the length of the
pixel RAM. The message is not stored.

57 Invalid message format

The format of a downloaded print message is incorrect. The message is not stored.

58 Invalid field type

An unknown or invalid field type was found in the downloaded print message. The
message is not stored.

59 No print message loaded

A request print message command was issued, and no print message is loaded.

60 Invalid print mode

A print mode command was issued, and the print mode parameter is not valid. It is
not Single or Continuous mode.

Linx RCI Reference Manual 3—9 May 2019
61 Invalid failure condition
A print mode command was issued, and the failure condition specified is not valid.
The failure conditions indicate what action to take if a Print Go/Remote Data conflict
or Print Go/Pixel RAM load conflict occurs.

62 Invalid buffer divisor

A print mode command was issued, and the remote buffer divisor specified is not
valid. The number specified is used to divide the remote buffer into one or more
equal blocks. Remote data can then be downloaded and stored in each of the
blocks. If the number of blocks is increased, more remote data can be downloaded,
but the blocks are smaller.
For the 4900, the remote divisor must be 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, or 128. If the buffer
divisor is set to 128 bytes and the current size of the remote buffer is 1024 bytes,
each of the 128 blocks contains 8 bytes.
This code is also returned if the divisor is 1 and the print mode is Continuous. The
divisor must be at least 2 in Continuous print mode.
For the 5900, 7900, CJ400 and 8800 Series/8900 Series, the maximum number of
buffers is 32 and a divisor is not used.

63 No remote fields in message

A remote field data command was issued and the current message does not
contain any remote fields. The remote data is discarded.

64 Number of remote characters

A remote field data command was issued, and the number of print characters
downloaded does not correspond to the total number of remote characters required
in the current message. The remote data is discarded.

65 Remote data too large

A remote data command or a field data command was issued, and the size of the
data exceeds the size of the remote buffer block. The size of the block is
determined in the print mode command, where the remote buffer divisor can be
specified. The remote data is discarded.

66 Remote buffer now full

A remote data command or a field data command was issued, and has caused the
remote buffer to become full. This code is a warning and occurs with a positive reply

67 Remote buffer still full

A remote data command or a field data command was issued, but the remote buffer
is already full. The remote data is discarded. Unlike code 66, this occurs with a
negative reply (NAK).

68 Field data exceeds message end

A field data command was issued (28) or a message was downloaded that contains
one or more fields. In either case, a field exceeds the end of the current print
message in the pixel RAM.

69 Invalid remote field type

A field data command was issued, and an invalid or unknown field type was
specified. The field data is discarded.

May 2019 3—10 Linx RCI Reference Manual
70 Invalid while display enabled
A display string command was issued, and the display is not disabled (the display is
not in terminal mode). The display state can be changed by using the keyboard lock
state command.

79 Too many messages specified

An attempt was made to specify too many messages, either for uploading,
downloading or deleting. If this error code occurs, the command was not actioned.

81 Printer busy
A command was issued that cannot be actioned at the present time. This can occur
when a jet startup or shutdown is in progress—wait for the printer to complete the
jet function, and then reissue the command.

82 Unknown raster
A raster name that is specified in the downloaded message is not recognised by the

83 Invalid field length

A downloaded message contains a field whose specified length in rasters is 0, or
the raster length does not correspond to the calculated length for the data set used.

84 Duplicate name
A message or data set was downloaded that has the same name as an existing
message or data set in the printer.

85 Invalid barcode linkage

A message was downloaded that contains a barcode field whose linkage byte does
not refer to a valid associate field.

86 Data set in ROM

An attempt was made to delete a data set that is stored in the Read Only Memory

87 Data set in use

An attempt was made to delete a data set that is referenced by a message.

88 Invalid field height

A downloaded message contains a field whose specified height in drops does not
correspond to the calculated height for the field. For example, a text field that uses
a 16 high character set must have a drop height of 16. If this is not true, this error
code is returned.

89 Production Schedule: No message schedules

This error is returned for either command 88 ‘Upload Production Schedule’ or
command 89 ‘Delete Production Schedule’ when no Production Schedules exist in
the printer memory.

90 Production Schedule: Too many message schedules

Too many message schedules were downloaded. The number of schedules
downloaded exceeds the maximum number allowed. The maximum number of
Production Schedules is 255.

Linx RCI Reference Manual 3—11 May 2019
91 Production Schedule: Unknown message schedule
This error is returned for either command 88 'Upload Production Schedule' or
command 89 'Delete Production Schedule' when the production schedule name is
not recognised.

92 Production Schedule: Duplicate message schedule

This error is returned for command 87 'Download Production Schedule' when the
Production Schedule specified already exists in the printer.

93 Overlapping fields
Not used.

94 Not Calibrated
Not used.

95 Production Schedule: Incorrect Trigger Mapping

This error is returned on the 7900 only, and indicates that the trigger set in the
production schedule does not match the trigger set in the RCI mapping.

96 Not valid RCI Data

This error is returned on the CJ400 and 8800 Series/8900 Series only when the RCI
command is not valid (that is, not in proper format).

97 Invalid Jet State

This error is returned on the CJ400 and 8800 Series/8900 Series only, when the
RCI command is invalid for the current printer jet state.

98 Execution of Command Failed

This error is returned on the CJ400 and 8800 Series/8900 Series only, when the
RCI command failed to execute a command.

99 Printer is in IDLE State

This error is returned on the CJ400 and 8800 Series/8900 Series only, when the
RCI command cannot be executed because the printer is in the ‘Idle’ state.

100 Printer is in Invalid UI State

This error is returned on the 8800 Series/8900 Series only, when the RCI command
cannot be executed because the printer is showing a particular UI window dialog.

101 Incompatible Format

This error is returned on the 8800 Series/8900 Series when the message uploaded
is incompatible with previous versions of the printer.

102 Unknown Line

An unknown production line name was specified.

May 2019 3—12 Linx RCI Reference Manual
3.4 Printer warnings
These conditions indicate a problem that can require an action by the user. The warnings
are returned as a 32-bit mask (see ‘32-bit Error Mask’ on page 3—19 for more information
about the format of the warnings returned). When a bit in the mask is set, it corresponds to
one of the warnings in the table below.
1. More than one warning can be reported at one time.
2. Warnings can be cleared by using Command 84.

3.4.1 Summary of printer warnings

Bit Description Printer System 5900 7900 CJ400 8800
Event Series/
00 No Time of Flight 3.20 (8800 Series/    
8900 Series: 2.03)
01 Shutdown Incomplete 3.01 (8800 Series/    
8900 Series: 3.00)
02 Over Speed (Print Trigger) 3.05    
03 Ink Low 3.03 (8800 Series/    
8900 Series: Ink
Cartridge Empty
04 Solvent Low 3.04 (8800 Series/    
8900 Series:
Solvent Cartridge
Empty 3.78)
05 Over Speed (No Remote 3.29    
06 Printer Requires Scheduled 3.35 (8800 Series/    
Maintenance 8900 Series:
Service Module
Replacement 3.40)
07 Printhead Cover Off 3.12    
08 Over Speed (Synchronous 3.06    
09 Over Speed (Line Speed) 3.08    
10 Over Speed (Compensation) 3.09    
11 Safety Override Active 3.15    
12 Low Pressure 3.18    
13 Under Speed (Line Speed) 3.10    
14 Over Speed (Asynchronous 3.07    
15 Not Used

Table 3-3. Summary of printer warnings

Linx RCI Reference Manual 3—13 May 2019
Bit Description Printer System 5900 7900 CJ400 8800
Event Series/
16 User Data Corrupt 3.29 (8800 Series/    
8900 Series: RAM
Low Warning 3.43)
17 Memory Corrupt 3.02 (8800 Series/    
8900 Series:
Software Failure
18 No Message in Memory No system event × × × ×
19 Not Used

20 Remote Error No system event    

02 (8800 Series/
8900 Series:
Remote Error 3.30)
21 Not Used

22 Corrupt Program Data (8800 Series/8900    

Series: Software
Failure 4.28)
23 Not Used

24 Not Used

25 Not Used

26 Not Used

27 Print Go After Schedule End N/A ×  × ×

28 Not Used

29 Not Used

30 Not Used
31 Extended Errors Present N/A    

Table 3-3. Summary of printer warnings (continued)

3.4.2 Description of printer warnings

00 No Time of Flight
This warning can occur when the jet has been running for at least 5 minutes. It
indicates that the printer has been unable to obtain a valid TOF in the time allowed.

01 Shutdown Incomplete
The printer was powered down before the shutdown sequence was completed.
This warning is reported at power-up. It indicates that the printer was previously
switched off while the jet was still running, or before the printer had completed the
shutdown sequence. Printer start problems may be experienced if the shutdown
sequence was incomplete; these could be a blocked nozzle, a dirty start or a
misaligned jet.
The warning is reported on every subsequent printer power-up until a jet shutdown
sequence is fully completed.

May 2019 3—14 Linx RCI Reference Manual
02 Over Speed (Print Trigger)
Print triggers are occurring more quickly than the printer can print. This indicates
that the printer has received a second or false print trigger, and the delay has
expired, when it is currently printing a message.

03 Ink Low
If the ink level sensor indicates that the volume of ink in the tank is low, this warning
is reported. The warning is cleared automatically when a sufficient quantity of ink is
added to the tank.
If this event is detected before the jet is started, the jet cannot be started until the
event has been cleared (that is, the ink tank is refilled). If the event is detected while
the jet is running, the jet continues to run for 8 hours (Mini and Ultima printheads) or
6 hours (Ultima plus printhead) until the ink level is critically low, at which point the
printer fails (see ‘Description of printer fault codes’ on page 3—2, "07 Ink Tank

04 Solvent Low
If the solvent level sensor indicates that the volume of solvent in the tank is low, this
warning is reported. The warning is cleared automatically when a sufficient quantity
of solvent is added to the tank.
If this event is detected before the jet is started, the jet cannot be started until the
event has been cleared (that is, the solvent tank is refilled). If the event is detected
while the jet is running, the jet will continue to run for 12 hours (all printheads) until
the solvent level is critically low, at which point the printer fails (see ‘Description of
printer fault codes’ on page 3—2, "10 Solvent Tank Empty").

05 Over Speed (No Remote Data)

This warning occurs in Single print mode. The printer has tried to print a message
that contains one or more remote fields, and no data has been received over the
RCI to fill these remote fields.

06 Printer Requires Scheduled Maintenance

The time remaining to the next scheduled maintenance is monitored. If it is zero or
a negative value, this warning is reported and the jet can be started as normal. The
time remaining decrements only when the jet is running.

07 Printhead Cover Off

This warning is reported if the printhead cover tube is removed. The EHT supply to
the deflector plates is automatically switched off and printing is suspended when
the cover tube is removed. Printing is resumed a few seconds after the cover tube is
refitted. The red strobe LED is also switched on when the cover tube is removed.

08 Over Speed (Synchronous Data)

A 'print go' occurred before the message data could be generated and printing may
or may not take place. When this warning is reported, one message may be
missed, but the printer continues to print.
This warning indicates that the printer may have missed printing at least one
message because it was unable to generate the variable data of the message (for
example, sequential numbers) before the next 'print go'. That is, the printer was still
generating the pixel data for the next message.

09 Over Speed (Line Speed)

The production line is travelling too fast for the printer to generate the raster,
typically because the shaft encoder is generating more pulses than the calculated
gear ratio expects.

Linx RCI Reference Manual 3—15 May 2019
10 Over Speed (Compensation)
This warning message is similar to ‘3.08 Over Speed (Line Speed)’. The production
line is travelling too fast, or the print delay is too short to perform line speed

11 Safety Override Link Fitted

This warning is reported if link LK19 (7900), LK4 (4900), or a link between pins 5
and 6 on PL210 (CJ400), is fitted on the IPM PCB.
When this link is fitted, the printhead Over Temperature sense and the EHT Trip
sense signals will not disable the 300 V, ink system pump, feed valves, and EHT.
These links can be fitted, but with caution, to aid fault diagnosis.

12 Low Pressure
Each time the jet is started a pressure and filter check is carried out. The pressure
is set to a pre-determined value and the pressure is checked to see if this pressure
is actually reached. If the difference between the pressure setting (Set Pressure)
and the pressure reading (Actual Pressure) is greater than a predetermined value
this warning is reported.

13 Under Speed (Line Speed)

The pitch value is too large, which results in the shaft encoder counter exceeding its
maximum value.

14 Over Speed (Asynchronous Data)

A 'print go' occurred before the message data could be generated in response to an
asynchronous event. The unmodified message may be printed without the
asynchronous data.
While printing is taking place an asynchronous command may be received, that
attempts to change the printed message, for example, invert or reverse the
message. The software may assume that the data has not arrived and ignore the
command, depending on the software setting, in which case the printer continues to
print the unchanged previous message.

15 Power Off Override Active

This warning is reported if link LK20 (Power Off Override) is fitted on the IPM PCB.
When this link is fitted, the auto power down mains on/off switch cannot be switched
off by the software.

16 User Data Corrupt

Internal software error. On startup, checks are made for invalid data, and if found
this event is reported.

17 Memory Corrupt
When the printer is switched on, each individual item stored in the back-up Non-
Volatile Random Access Memory (NVR) is checked. If one or more items are
corrupt, the default values for those items are loaded and this event is reported. The
system will still function but some values may have been reset to the defaults.

18 No Message in Memory
This warning is set when the messages store is empty.

20 Remote Error
This warning is generated when the printer receives the 'Set Remote Error'
command (121) through the RCI.

May 2019 3—16 Linx RCI Reference Manual
22 Corrupt Program Data
The program and/or data stored in the Flash memory is corrupt.

27 Print Go After Schedule End

A Production Schedule set to print once has completed its cycle and a trigger print
has occurred.

31 Extended Errors Present

Bit 31 of the 32-bit Error Mask has been set to indicate the extended warnings are
present. See ‘Summary of extended printer warnings’ on page 3—17.

3.4.3 Summary of extended printer warnings

If extended warnings are present, bit 31 is set. When bit 31 is set, command 129, 'Request
Extended Error' can be used to retrieve the errors (See Chapter 2: ‘Sending Data to the

Bit Description Printer System 5900 CJ400 8800 Series/
Event 8900 Series
00 Cover Override Active 3.13   
01 Power Override Active 3.14  × ×
02 Gutter Override Active 3.16   
03 Gate Array Test Mode Active 3.17   
04 Valid UNIC Chip Not Found 3.19   
05 Message Memory Full 3.31 × × ×
06 Message Name Exists 3.30 × × ×
07 Service Due Within 1 Month 3.35  × ×
08 Service Overdue by 3 Months 2.15  × ×

Table 3-4. Summary of extended printer warnings

3.4.4 Description of extended printer warnings

00 Cover Override Active
This warning is reported if link LK6 (4900), LK21 (7900), or a link between pins 3
and 4 on PL210 (CJ400) or pin C on the 8800 Series/8900 Series, is fitted on the
When this link is fitted, the EHT and charge voltage remain on while the printhead
cover tube is removed (that is, they are not automatically disabled), that allows
printing to continue for fault diagnosis purposes.

01 Power Override Active

This warning is reported if link LK13 (4900) or LK20 (7900) is fitted on the IPM PCB.
When this link is fitted, the auto power down mains on/off switch cannot be switched
off by the software.

Linx RCI Reference Manual 3—17 May 2019
02 Gutter Override Active
This warning is reported if link LK12 (4900), LK27 (7900), or a link between pins 1
and 2 on PL210 (CJ400) or pin G on the 8800 Series/8900 Series, is fitted on the
The purpose of the gutter sense is to detect the presence of ink flow in the gutter. If
ink flow is not detected in the gutter for any reason (for example, a misaligned jet),
the software shuts down the jet. Absence of ink in the gutter is detected within
approximately 10 seconds. With this link fitted, the software starts and maintains the
jet regardless of the gutter sense status.

03 Gate Array Test Mode Active

This warning is reported if link LK11 (4900), LK26 (7900), or a link between pins 7
and 8 on PL210 (CJ400) or pin T on the 8800 Series/8900 Series, is fitted on the
When this link is fitted, it places the gate array (IC58) in test mode, that generates a
staircase waveform with historic correction.

04 Valid UNIC Chip Not Found

The UNIC on the IPM PCB is missing, is not recognized, or is not functioning

05 Message Memory Full

For the 4900, this warning is set when the maximum permissible number of 50
messages has been created, or the memory is full before it reaches 50 messages.
To create another new message, an existing one must first be deleted from the
message store.
For the 7900 and CJ400, this warning is set when flash memory reaches 90% of
capacity. The warning can occur if there are many messages or logos stored in the
system. Some messages or logos can be deleted to clear this warning.

06 Message Name Exists

This warning is displayed if the name the operator has entered for a new message
is the same as the name of an existing message. The operator simply needs to
enter a different (unused) message name. No default names are shown to the

07 Service Due Within 1 Month

This warning is displayed if the printer is due to be serviced within one month.

08 Service Overdue by 3 Months

This warning is displayed if the scheduled service is overdue by three or more

3.5 Jet States

00 Jet Running
The system has started and is ready.

01 Jet Startup
The system is carrying out its startup procedure.

02 Jet Shutdown
The system is carrying out its shutdown procedure. This can take up to 4 minutes.

May 2019 3—18 Linx RCI Reference Manual
03 Jet Stopped
The jet is now stopped and it is safe to power off the printer.

04 Fault
A jet fault has occurred. The printer will now shut down.

3.6 Print States

The printer can be in any one of the following print states:

00 Printing
Printing a pattern (generating the rasters).

01 Undefined

02 Idle
Ready for a print start command.

03 Generating Pixels
Generating pixel pattern for next print.

04 Waiting
Waiting for the next print trigger, or waiting for the print delay to expire.

05 Last
Printing the last pattern following a Print Stop command.

06 Printing/Generating Pixels
Printing a pattern and generating the pixel pattern for the next print.

3.7 32-bit Error Mask

The 32-bit error mask is returned when either the alternative message header character is
used (SOH) or the Printer Status Request command (14H) is issued (see
Chapter 2: ‘Sending Data to the Printer’).
The returned data is in the form of 4 bytes, are shown below in bit format:

00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

MSB (bit31) LSB (bit 0)

Figure 3-1. 32-bit Error Mask

The mask count is from 0 to 31, allowing a total of 32 errors. The errors are listed in the
section ‘Summary of extended printer warnings’ on page 3—17.

Linx RCI Reference Manual 3—19 May 2019
If the Printer Status Request command is sent to a printer that has a ‘Solvent Low’ warning,
and the printhead cover tube is removed, it returns the following (assume that the jet is

1B 06 ;ESC ACK sequence

00 ;P-Status No printer errors
00 ;C-Status No command errors
14 ;Command ID sent
00 ;Jet state Jet running
02 ;Print state Print idle
90 00 00 00 ;32-bit Error Mask
1B 00 ;ESC ETX sequence
51 ;Checksum
Here the error mask is shown in bold. Note that the bytes appear here in reverse order—
that is, low byte first.
In hexadecimal format this is:
00 00 00 90
When converted to binary, the format is:
00000000 00000000 00000000 10010000
The conversion shows that counting from zero on the right-hand side, bit 4 and bit 7 are set.
If this is compared to the list of printer errors, it can be seen that a ‘Solvent Low’ warning
and ‘Printhead Cover Off’ warning are returned.
If extended errors are detected and, command 129, ‘Request Extended Errors’ is used to
retrieve the errors (See Chapter 2: ‘Sending Data to the Printer’), then both the standard
error mask and the extended error mask are returned, that is, two sets of four bytes.

May 2019 3—20 Linx RCI Reference Manual
Message data consists of a message header followed by one or more fields (refer
to the illustration below). The message header contains information relevant to the
whole message. Each field contains position information and data particular to that


Message Header

FL Field 1

Field 2

Field n

ML = Message length (in bytes)

FL = Field length (in bytes)

Figure 4-1. Message data format

Linx RCI Reference Manual 4—1 May 2019
4.1 Message header
Message length in bytes 2 bytes 0 to 65535
Message length in rasters 2 bytes 0 to 65535
EHT setting * 1 byte 0 to 16
Inter raster width 2 bytes 0 to 65535
Print delay 2 bytes 0 to 65535
Message name string 16 bytes 15 + null
Message Type string 16 bytes 15 + null
* Printer dependent.
Total message header length is 41 bytes.
Message length in bytes: Refers to the total length of the message in bytes, that
is, the total message header bytes plus the sum of all the field lengths in bytes.
Message length in rasters: Refers to the total length of the message in rasters.
For a one line message, this is the sum of all the field lengths in rasters as shown

Single Line Message
Field 1 Field 2 Field 3

Field Length 1 in Rasters Field Length 2 in Rasters Field Length 3 in Rasters

Message Length in Rasters

Figure 4-2. Single line message

For multi-line messages, the value is the sum of the field lengths in rasters on the
longest line, as shown below.

Multiple Line Message

Field 1
Field 2
Field 3

Field Length 1 in Rasters

Field Length 2 in Rasters
Field Length 3 in Rasters

Message Length in Rasters

Figure 4-3. Multiple line message

EHT setting
This is a parameter that can be used to increase or decrease the printed message
height. The EHT range depends on the message type. For the EHT ranges on the
5900, 7900, CJ400 and 8800 Series/8900 Series, see ‘Message Type Height
Ranges’ in Chapter 7: ‘Printer Compatibility Mapping’.
Although this parameter can be set during the downloading of the message, it can
be adjusted after downloading by using command 01, 'Set EHT Value'. See
‘Command ID: 01D (01H)’ on page 2—4.

May 2019 4—2 Linx RCI Reference Manual
Inter-raster width
This parameter can be used to increase or decrease the width of the message. For
89XX, the “Compatibility – Metric Width and Delays” setting allows the user to
specify the inter-raster width in mm x 1000 if set to “Yes”. If set to “No”, and for other
printer types, two methods of calculation are used, as follows:
 When a shaft encoder is used, this value sets the pitch of the raster by using the
calculated shaft encoder pitch.
 When a shaft encoder is not used, the value sets a timing delay between the printed
 The delay value is calculated by inserting non-printed drops between each pair of
printed rasters.
For more information about this parameter, see ‘Print Width’ on page 6—1.
Although this parameter can be set during the downloading of the message, it can
be adjusted after downloading by using command 03, ‘Set Print Width’. See
‘Command ID: 03D (03H)’ on page 2—5.
Note that for the 89XX, using metric width, a message setting that cannot fit in the 2
bytes available will result in a NAK (status “Maximum Value”) being returned in the
upload response.

Print Delay
This parameter can be used to accurately position the printed message on a
product. For 89XX, the “Compatibility – Metric Width and Delays” setting allows the
user to specify the print delay in mm x 10 if set to “Yes”. If set to “No”, and for other
printer types, the value of the delay is a multiple of the inter-raster width. For more
information about this parameter, see ‘Print Delay’ on page 6—12.
Although this parameter can be set during the downloading of the message, it can
be adjusted after downloading by using command 05, ‘Set Print Delay’. See
‘Command ID: 05D (05H)’ on page 2—5.
Note that for the 89XX, using metric delay, a message setting that cannot fit in the 2
bytes available will result in a NAK (status “Maximum Value”) being returned in the
upload response.

Message Name
Message names are not case sensitive—the name ‘MESSAGE1.PAT’ is the same
as ‘message1.pat’ and ‘MeSsAgE1.pAt’. The message names do not have to be
exactly 15 characters plus null, but if they are shorter they must be padded out to 16
characters with nulls.

Message Type
The message types are a fixed resource in the printer. To obtain a list of message
types available in a printer, use command 24, ‘Message Type Data Request’. See
‘Command ID: 24D (18H)’ on page 2—12.

Linx RCI Reference Manual 4—3 May 2019
4.2 Field header
In the following section, it should be noted that when explaining the operation of
various bits in a byte, counting always starts from zero. For example, the right-
hand, least significant bit (LSB) is number zero.

4.2.1 Field header all printers

Field header character 1 byte
Field type 1 byte
Field length in bytes 2 bytes
Y position 1 byte
X position 2 bytes
Field length in rasters 2 bytes
Field height in drops 1 byte
Format 3 1 byte
Bold multiplier 1 byte
Text length 1 byte
Format 1 1 byte
Format 2 1 byte
Linkage 1 byte
Data set name 16 bytes 15 bytes + null
Total field header length for all printers is 32 bytes.

Field header character

The character used is the ASCII control character ‘FS’ (1CH).

Field type
Each field type and its ID byte are described later. The top three bits of the byte are
used to determine how the field relates to a barcode and if applicable to display or
not to display the barcode integrated text.
Bit 7:
0 Field appears in the message as normal.
1 Field is not rendered into the message. This is typically used for Text, Date,
or Sequential Number fields being used as source fields for barcodes.
Bit 6:
0 Field is not associated with another field via the linkage byte.
1 Field is associated with another field via the linkage byte. This is typically
used to associate a Text, Date, or Sequential Number field with a barcode
field. In these circumstances both fields have bit 6 set. See ‘Linkage’ on
page 4—6. Both bits are 0 for normal field types. When a barcode is
associated with the field and both are to be printed, bit 6 is set. If only the
barcode is to be printed and not the text, both bits 6 and 7 are set. These
bits must be 0 if the field is to be downloaded to a 4900 printer because this
printer does not support barcodes.
Bit 5:
Barcode types EAN-13, EAN-8, and UPCA have the capability to display integrated
text. This bit can be used to turn off the integrated text.
0 Integrated text switched off.
1 Default. Integrated text displayed.

May 2019 4—4 Linx RCI Reference Manual
Field length in bytes
This is the total length of the field in bytes, that is, the field header and all
associated data, including null terminators.

Y and X positions
These parameters refer to the start co-ordinates of the field in the message. These
co-ordinates are measured from the top left corner of the message. The Y position
indicates the vertical drop number, and 0 is at the top. The X position indicates the
horizontal raster number, starting from the left side of the message—that is, raster
0. When calculating the positions of fields, the length in rasters and the height in
drops of any fields previously inserted must be taken into account.

Field length in rasters

Refers to the length of the field in rasters. For the 4900 printer, the field length in
rasters can be calculated by multiplying the number of characters in the field by the
width of the character in rasters (including the inter-character space), minus one
inter-character space.
If a message is to be downloaded to the 5900, 7900 or 8800 Series/8900 Series
using fixed non-proportional fonts (for example West or 6200), then the character
widths are defined as shown in Figure 4-2.

Data Set Name Height Width Inter-character Total

High Speed FH 5 5 1 6
(West) 5
High Speed FH 6 5 1 6
(West) 6
High Speed FH 7 5 1 6
(West) 7
High Speed (6200) 9 7 1 8
High Speed 9 5 1 6
(West) 9
High Speed (6200) 15 10 2 12
High Speed 15 10 2 12
(West) 15
High Speed 23 16 2 18
(West) 23
High Speed 32 24 3 27
(West) 32

Table 4-1. Data set data (5900/7900/8800 Series/8900 Series non-proportional fonts)

For all fonts on the CJ400 and 8800 Series/8900 Series, and the proportional fonts
(not West or 6200) on the 5900, 7900 and 8800 Series/8900 Series, it is
recommended that the message is created on the printer and then uploaded using
Command 26, ‘Upload Message Data’ (see ‘Command ID: 26D (1AH)’ on page 2—
12). This will provide accurate data for field lengths and positioning.
Linx can provide a utility to carry out the uploading of the message data. For more
information, contact your local Linx Service Centre.

Linx RCI Reference Manual 4—5 May 2019
Field height in drops
This parameter indicates the number of vertical printed drops for the field, that
depends on the data set/logo used.

Format 3 Byte
The byte is used as follows:
 Bit 0 is used to remove the leading zeroes in a sequential number (not CJ400).
 Bit 1 is used to justify the sequential number (not CJ400 or 8800 Series/8900 Series).
 Bit 2 is used to set the field orientation (horizontal flip) (not CJ400 or 8800 Series/8900
 Bit 3 is used to set the field orientation (vertical flip) (not CJ400 or 8800 Series/8900
 Bit 4 is used to create a reverse range for a sequential number (not 5900, CJ400, 8800
Series/8900 Series).
 Bit 5 is used to set the field to negative image (not CJ400 or 8800 Series/8900 Series).
 Bits 6 and 7 are used to set the field rotation.

Bold multiplier
This is the value by which the width of each character is increased. The minimum
value is 1 (normal), and the maximum is 9. This must be taken into account when
calculating the field lengths and message lengths in rasters.

String length
Indicates the number of characters used in the printed text.

Format 1 and Format 2

With the exception of bit 6 and bit 7, that determine character orientation as
described below, Format 1 and Format 2 are used separately by each field type.
See ‘Field Types’ on page 4—8 for details of the use of these bytes.
Format 2 bit 3 sets centre justification for all field types.

This byte controls the link between a barcode and its associated field. A given
barcode field can have one or more text-based fields associated with it, and the
linkage byte is an index into the list of message fields giving the position of the
associated field. For example, if a message is made up of five fields, where field 0 is
a barcode field and field 3 is its associated text field, then the linkage byte in the
barcode field is 3 and the linkage byte in the text-based field is 0. This byte is only
relevant if bit 6 of the Field type byte is set. This byte is not relevant on 4900
printers, although it must exist. For more information, see ‘Field Type 6—Barcode
Field’ on page 4—37.

Data set name

This refers to the text name of the font, logo, or barcode used. To obtain a list of
data sets available in a printer, use command 97, ‘Request Data Directory’. See
‘Command ID: 97D (61H)’ on page 2—33.

May 2019 4—6 Linx RCI Reference Manual
4.3 Character Orientation
The orientation of characters in text-based fields can be controlled by using bits 6
and 7 of the Format 2 byte. Characters within a text field can be printed in one of
four orientations (rotating clockwise), depending on the state of bits 6 and 7:

00XXXXXX 00H 0º
01XXXXXX 40H 90º
10XXXXXX 80H 180º
11XXXXXX C0H 270º
Although the characters can be rotated, the field itself still runs from left to right.
When determining field height and length for 90º and 270º rotated characters, the
height becomes the width of the widest character in the character set, and the
length of each character is the normal (0º rotation) height for the character set. The
inter-character gap remains the same regardless of orientation.
The default format 0º is backward compatible for older message versions.

4.4 Field Rotation

The orientation of fields within a message can now be controlled by using bits 6 and
7 of the Format 3 byte. The field can be printed in the following orientations
depending on the state of bits 6 and 7:

00XXXXXX 00H 0º
01XXXXXX 40H 90º
10XXXXXX 80H 180º
11XXXXXX C0H 270º
The default format 0º is backward compatible for all printers.
Care must be taken when rotating fields to 90º and 270º that the length of the field
does not exceed the message height. No check for this is carried out by the RCI. All
field types can be rotated using this method.

4.5 Field Orientation

The field rotation can now be controlled by using bits 2 and 3 of the Format 3 byte.
The field can be printed in the following orientations depending on the state of bits 2
and 3:

XXXX00XX 00H Horizontal Off/Vertical Off

XXXX01XX 04H Horizontal On/Vertical Off
XXXX10XX 08H Horizontal Off/Vertical On
XXXX11XX 0CH Horizontal On/Vertical On

4.6 Negative Image

It is possible to switch on the Negative Image option, This is achieved using bit 5 of
the Format 3 byte, as shown:

XX0XXXXX 00H Negative Image Off

XX1XXXXX 20H Negative Image On
1. CJ400 and 8800 Series/8900 Series:
Negative Image is not available on these printers.

Linx RCI Reference Manual 4—7 May 2019
4.7 Field Types
Following the field header (described above), for each field there is data specific to
that field.
The ID bytes for the field types are as follows:
Text field 0
Logo field 1
Time field 2
Sequential Message field 3
Sequential Number field 4
Date field 5
Barcode field 6
Remote field 7
Pixel field 8
GS1-128 Data Matrix 9
1. 5900 and CJ400:
These printers do not support barcodes or GS1-128 Data Matrix fields.
2. 8800 Series/8900 Series:
Field type 6 also includes QR codes.
3. 8800 Series/8900 Series:
GS1-128 Data Matrix or Liner barcodes are not supported on these printers.

4.7.1 Field Type 0—Text Field

The required print text follows the field header, and must be terminated by a null
character. The maximum number of characters allowed is 255. The string length
parameter in the header contains the number of characters.

Field Type
Bit 7 in the Field Type byte determines whether a field is rendered into the

0XXXXXXX Field is rendered into the message

1XXXXXXX Field is not rendered into the message
This is typically used when the field is being used as a source field for barcodes.
Bit 6 determines whether a field is associated with another field via the Linkage
X0XXXXXX Field is not associated with a barcode
via the Linkage byte
X1XXXXXX Field is associated with a barcode via
the Linkage byte

Format 1
The Format 1 byte is not used in this field type and must be set to null.

May 2019 4—8 Linx RCI Reference Manual
Format 2
Bits 6 and 7 of the Format 2 byte define the orientation of the character. See
‘Character Orientation’ on page 4—7 for details.

Format 3
Bits 2 and 3 control the Field Orientation. See ‘Field Orientation’ on page 4—7 for
details. Bit 5 is used to switch on the Negative Image option. See ‘Negative Image’
on page 4—7 for details.

The example data below downloads a message that contains a single Text field.

19 ;Command ID - Download message

01 ;Number of messages - 1
54 00 ;Length in bytes - 84
76 00 ;Length in rasters - 118
06 ;EHT setting - 6
37 00 ;Width - 55
0A 00 ;Print Delay - 10
4D 65 73 73 61 67 65 30 ;Message name - Message 01
31 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
32 35 20 51 55 41 4C 49 ;Message Type- 25 QUALITY
54 59 00 00 00 00 00 00

1C ;Field header
00 ;Field Type - Text field (Rendered)
2B 00 ;Field length - 43
00 ;Y position - 0
00 00 ;X position - 0
76 00 ;Field length in rasters - 118
0F ;Field height in drops -15
00 ;Format 3 - 00
01 ;Bold multiplier - 1
0A ;String length (excluding null) - 10
00 ;Format 1 - 00
00 ;Format 2 - 00
00 ;Linkage - 0
31 35 20 46 48 20 43 41 ;Data set name - 15 FH CAPS
50 53 00 00 00 00 00 00
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ;Data - 1234567890 (note null
39 30 00

4.7.2 Field Type 1—Logo Field

There is no data associated with the Logo field. The required logo is indicated by
the dataset name in the header and the logo must exist in the printer. The text
length is not used by this field type and must be set to null.
NOTE: The logo is stored only in the printer memory.

Field Type
There are no options to set with this field type.

Linx RCI Reference Manual 4—9 May 2019
Format 1
The Format 1 byte is not used in this field type and must be set to null.

Format 2
The Logo field is a not text-based field and does not support Character Orientation,
therefore this byte must be set to null.

Format 3
Bits 2 and 3 control the field orientation. See ‘Field Rotation’ on page 4—7 for
details. Bit 5 is used to switch on the Negative Image option. See ‘Negative Image’
on page 4—7 for details.
1. 5900:
Logos are transferred using the USB facility. All logos must be limited to a maximum
of 25 drops in height, otherwise the logo will not be recognised.
2. 7900 v4.2 onward later and 8800 Series/8900 Series:
Logo transfer is now available via USB.

The example data below downloads a message that contains a single logo. This
example requires a logo called ‘Logo1’ to be available in the printer. This logo must
be 16x16 pixels in size.

19 ;Command ID - Download message

01 ;Number of messages - 1
49 00 ;Message length in bytes - 73
0F 00 ;Message length in rasters - 16
06 ;EHT setting - 6
37 00 ;Width - 55
0A00 ;Print Delay - 10
4D 65 73 73 61 67 65 30 ;Message name - Message 02
32 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
32 35 20 51 55 41 4C 49 ;Message Type - 25 QUALITY
54 59 00 00 00 00 00 00
1C ;Field header
01 ;Field Type - Logo field (Rendered)
20 00 ;Field length in bytes - 32
00 ;Y position - 0
00 00 ;X position - 0
0F 00 ;Field length in rasters - 16
0F ;Field height in drops - 16
00 ;Format 3 - 0
01 ;Bold multiplier - 1
00 ;String length (excluding null) - 0
00 ;Format 1 - 0
00 ;Format 2 - 0
00 ;Linkage - 0
4C 6F 67 6F 20 31 00 00 ;Data set name - Logo1
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

May 2019 4—10 Linx RCI Reference Manual
4.7.3 Field Type 2—Time Field
There are two types of Time field format: Standard and Extended.
The Standard field format has no data associated with it.
The Extended field format has the same header as the Standard format but has two
data bytes associated with it. These bytes contain an offset in minutes, that is
applied to the time field. The offset can be up to ± 23 hours 59 minutes (± 1439

Field Type
Bit 7 in the Field Type byte determines whether a field is rendered into a message.

0XXXXXX Field is rendered into the message

1XXXXXX Field is not rendered into the message
This is typically used when the field is being used as a source field for barcodes.
Bit 6 determines whether a field is associated with another field via the Linkage

X0XXXXX Field is not associated with a barcode

via the Linkage byte
X1XXXXX Field is associated with a barcode field
via the linkage byte

Format 1
The Format 1 byte in the field header determines the time format:

Format 1 Byte 5900/7900 Time CJ400 Time 8800Series/ Example

Value Format Name Format Name 8900 Series
Time Format
0 HH:MM HH:MM HH:mm 13:45
1 HH:MMam/pm Hh;mm tt hh:mm tt 01:45pm
2 HHMM HH mm HHmm 1345 (see note 1
3 HHMMam/pm HH MMam/pm HHmmtt 0145pm (see
note 1 below)
4 HH HH HH 13
5 HH (12hr) hh hh (12hr) 01
6 MM (Minute) mm mm 45
7 N/A tt tt am or pm (see
note 2 below)
8 SS (Seconds) ss ss 50 (see note3
9 HH:MM:SS HH:mm:ss HH:mm:ss 13:45:59

Table 4-2. Format 1 Byte: Time Formats

The text length byte indicates the length of the printed string. This is determined by
the time format selected.

Format 2
Bit 0 of the Format 2 byte determines the format that is being used:
0 Standard format

Linx RCI Reference Manual 4—11 May 2019
1 Extended format
When uploading a Time field from the printer, the format is determined as follows:
 If the Time Offset in the printer is zero, the standard format is transmitted and bit 0 of
Format 2 is 0.
 If the Time Offset in the printer is not zero, the extended format is transmitted and bit 0
of Format 2 is 1.

Format 3
Bits 2 and 3 control the field orientation. See ‘Field Rotation’ on page 4—7 for
details. Bit 5 is used to switch on the Negative Image option. See ‘Negative Image’
on page 4—7 for details.
1. CJ400, 8800 Series/8900 Series:
The CJ400 and 8800 Series/8900 Series use a space in the formats defined by
Format 1 byte, Values 2 and 3.
2. CJ400, 8800 Series/8900 Series:
The CJ400 and 8800 Series/8900 Series do not support this format in the user
interface, but it can be built using the individual elements.
3. 5900 and 7900:
This time format is not supported by these printers.

The example data below downloads a message that contains two Time fields. One
field is in the standard format, and one is in the extended format with an offset of 1
hour and 10 minutes (defined in minutes).

May 2019 4—12 Linx RCI Reference Manual
19 ;Command ID - Download message
01 ;Number of messages - 1
6B 00 ;Message length in bytes - 107
1D00 ;Message length in rasters - 29
06 ;EHT setting - 6
37 00 ;Width - 55
0A 00 ;Print Delay - 10
4D 65 73 73 61 67 65 30 ;Message name - Message 03
33 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
32 35 20 51 55 41 4C 49 ;Message Type - 25 QUALITY
54 59 00 00 00 00 00 00
1C ;Field header
02 ;Field type - Time field (Rendered)
20 00 ;Field Length - 32
00 ;Y Position - 0
00 00 ;X Position - 0
1D 00 ;Length in Rasters - 29
07 ;Height in drops - 7
00 ;Format 3 - 0
01 ;Bold multiplier - 1
00 ;String length (excluding null) - 0
00 ;Format 1 - HH:MM
00 ;Format 2 - Standard format
00 ;Linkage - 0
37 20 46 48 20 43 41 50 ;Data set name - 7 FH CAPS
53 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

1C ;Field header
02 ;Field type - Time field (Rendered)
22 00 ;Field Length - 34
09 ;Y Position - 9
00 00 ;X Position - 0
1D 00 ;Length in Rasters - 29
07 ;Height in drops - 7
00 ;Format 3 - 0
01 ;Bold multiplier - 1
00 ;String length (excl. null) - 0
00 ;Format 1 - HH:MM
01 ;Format 2 - Extended format
01 ;Linkage - 0
37 20 46 48 20 43 41 50 ;Data set name - 7 FH CAPS
53 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

46 00 ;Time offset - 70 minutes

4.7.4 Field Type 3—Sequential Message Field

Sequential Message fields are available from the user interface on the 5900 and
7900 printers. On the 7900 the Sequential Message field can be triggered by Time,
Date, Print Go, the Auxiliary Photocell, or the keyboard (Alt + T). Refer to the
printer's user manual for a full description of the operation of these trigger types.
On the CJ400 an RCI Sequential Message Field is handled as a Shift Code and is
supported over RCI but only if it is Time Triggered or Keyboard where Time

Linx RCI Reference Manual 4—13 May 2019
Triggered is interpreted as a daily shift code and Keyboard Triggered is interpreted
as a weekly shift code. Other triggers are not supported on the CJ400.
For the 8800 Series and 8900 Series an RCI Sequential Message Field is handled
as a Shift Code if it is Time Triggered (Daily Shift Code) or Keyboard Triggered
(Weekly Shift Code), and as a Sequential Text field if it is PrintGo or Aux Triggered.
Note that only certain printers in the 8800 Series and 8900 Series support
Sequential Text Fields: for those printers that do not support Sequential Text Fields,
the RCI message download command will succeed but the message will not be
selectable for printing.
The data format is slightly different for each trigger type but the field header data is
common to all types.
The Text Length byte must contain the length of the printed string (shorter strings
must be padded with nulls to maintain a constant length).

Field Type
Bit 7 in the Field Type byte determine whether a field is rendered into the message.

0XXXXXXX Field is rendered into the message

1XXXXXXX Field is not rendered into message
This is typically used when the field is being used as the source field for Barcodes.
Bit 6 determines whether a field is associated with another field via the Linkage

X0XXXXXX Field is not associated with a barcode

via the Linkage byte
X1XXXXXX Field is associated with a barcode field
via the Linkage byte

Format 1
The Format 1 byte must contain the total number of strings.

Format 2
The lower 6 bits of the Format 2 byte determine the trigger and mode for the field.
The lower 4 bits determine the trigger:

XXXX0000 00H Time

XXXX0001 01H Date
XXXX0010 02H Print Go
XXXX0011 03H Aux. Photocell
XXXX0100 04H Keyboard Trigger
CJ400 and 8800 Series/8800 Series:
00H means a daily shift cycle of the Shift Code.
01H is not supported and return NAK with PARAMETER_REJECTED.
04H means a weekly shift cycle of the Shift Code.
For the weekly cycle, the weekday is represented by the 3 most significant bits of
the hour byte, as follows:
001XXXXX – Monday
010XXXXX – Tuesday
011XXXXX – Wednesday
100XXXXX – Thursday
101XXXXX – Friday
110XXXXX – Saturday
000XXXXX – Sunday

May 2019 4—14 Linx RCI Reference Manual
Bits 4 and 5 determine the mode for the Aux. Photocell trigger:
XX00XXXX 00H Count
XX01XXXX 10H Reset
XX10XXXX 20H Disable
To obtain a byte value for the functions, add the two byte values. For example Aux
Photocell Reset is 10H + 03H = 13H. The following tables summarize the Format 2
value for any given combination:

Count Reset Disable

Time Trigger 00H N/A N/A

Date Trigger 01H N/A N/A

Print Go Trigger 02H N/A N/A

Aux. Photocell Trigger 03H 13H 23H

Keyboard Trigger 04H 14H N/A

Table 4-3. Sequential Message field—Format 2 byte values

Count Reset Disable

Daily Shift Cycle 00H N/A N/A

Print Go Trigger 02H N/A N/A

Aux. Photocell Trigger 03H 13H 23H

Weekly Shift Cycle 04H N/A N/A

Table 4-4. Sequential Message (Shift Code) Field-Format 2-byte values for 8800 Series
and 8900 Series

Depending on the settings for the Auxiliary photocell in “Printer Setup >
Communications > RCI >Edit Connection > Mappings > Aux Photocell mapped to”

Linx RCI Reference Manual 4—15 May 2019
and the value of the Format 2 byte, the sequential text is created with the following
Actions property on download, where applicable:

RCI Mapping Format 2 Increment Reset Gating

Leading Edge 02H Every Print None None
03H Leading Edge None None
13H Every Print Leading Edge None

Trailing Edge 02H Every Print None None

03H Trailing Edge None None
13H Every Print Trailing Edge None

Active Secondary 02H Every Print None None



23H Every Print None Active Secondary

Inactive Secondary 02H Every Print None None



23H Every Print None Inactive Secondary

Manual 03H NAK


Every Print None None

13H Every Print Manual None

23 H Every Print None Manual

None 02H


23H None None Every Print

03H None None None

Table 4-5. Seq. Text Field: Aux P’cell Mapping: downloading messages
(8830, 8840, 8850 and 8900 Series)

May 2019 4—16 Linx RCI Reference Manual
Increment Reset Gating Format 2
Every Print
None None None 02H

Leading Edge
Trailing Edge None None 03H
Every Print Leading Edge Secondary,
Trailing Edge Secondary,
Manual None 13H

Every Print None Active Secondary, Inactive

Manual 23H

Table 4-6. Seq. Text Field— Aux. P’cell trigger: Format 2, uploading messages (8830, 8840,
8850 and 8900 Series)

Format 3
Bits 2 and 3 control the Field Orientation. See ‘Field Rotation’ on page 4—7 for
details. Bit 5 is used to switch on the Negative Image option. See ‘Negative Image’
on page 4—7 for details.

Time trigger
The Time-triggered field data consists of one or more null terminated text strings,
that are all of equal length. Each string is preceded by a 2-byte block indicating the
hour and minute of the message change. The strings are listed in reverse
chronological order—that is, latest first:

< header >

< hour n > < minute n>
< text n >
.... .... ....
< hour 1 > < minute 1 >
< text 1 >
The hour and the minute occupy one byte each.

Linx RCI Reference Manual 4—17 May 2019
The example data below downloads a message that contains a Time-triggered
Sequential Message field.

19 ;Command ID - Download Message

01 ;Number of messages - 1
58 00 ;Length in Bytes - 88
16 00 ;Length in Rasters - 22
06 ;EHT setting - 6
37 00 ;Width - 55
0A 00 ;Print delay - 10
4D 65 73 73 61 67 65 20 ;Message name - Message 04
30 34 00 00 00 00 00 00
32 35 20 51 55 41 4C 49 ;Message Type - 25 QUALITY
54 59 00 00 00 00 00 00

1C ;Field header
03 ;Field type - Seq. Message field
2F 00 ;Field Length - 47
00 ;Y Position - 0
00 00 ;X Position - 0
16 00 ;Length in Rasters - 22
0F;Height in drops - 15
00 ;Format 3 - 00
01 ;Bold multiplier - 1
02 ;String length (excluding null) - 2
03 ;Format 1 - Number of strings: 3
00 ;Format 2 - Time Trigger
00 ;Linkage - 0
31 35 20 46 48 20 43 41 ;Data set name - 15 FH CAPS
50 53 00 00 00 00 00 00

;Data in reverse order

16 00 ;Time 22:00
53 43 00 ;Message name - 'SC'

0E 00 ;Time 14:00
53 42 00 ;Message name - 'SB'

06 00 ;Time 06:00
53 41 00 ;Message name - 'SA'

May 2019 4—18 Linx RCI Reference Manual
Date trigger
The Date-triggered field data consists of one or more null-terminated text strings,
that are all of equal length. Each string must be preceded by a 2-byte block
indicating the day and month of the message change. The strings must be listed in
reverse chronological order—that is, latest first:

< header >

< day n > < month n>
< text n >
.... .... ....
< day 2> < month 2>
< text 2 >
< day 1 > < month 1 >
< text 1 >
The day and the month occupy one byte each.
1. 5900:
Date-triggered Sequential Message fields are not available on this printer.

The example data below downloads a message that contains a Date-triggered
Sequential Message field.

19 ;Command ID - Download Message

01 ;Number of messages - 1
64 00 ;Length in Bytes - 100
46 00 ;Length in Rasters - 70
06 ;EHT setting - 6
37 00 ;Width - 55
0A 00 ;Print delay 10
4D 65 73 73 61 67 65 20 ;Message name - Message 05
30 35 00 00 00 00 00 00
32 35 20 51 55 41 4C 49 ;Message Type - 25 QUALITY
54 59 00 00 00 00 00 00

1C ;Field header
03 ;Field type = Seq. Message field
3B 00 ;Field Length - 59
00 ;Y Position - 0
00 00 ;X Position - 0
46 00 ;Length in Rasters - 70
0F;Height in drops - 15
00 ;Format 3 - 00
01 ;Bold multiplier - 1
06 ;String length (excl. null) -6
03 ;Format 1 - Number of strings: 3
01 ;Format 2 - Date Trigger
00 ;Linkage -0
31 35 20 46 48 20 43 41 ;Data set name - 15 FH CAPS
50 53 00 00 00 00 00 00

Linx RCI Reference Manual 4—19 May 2019
;Data in reverse order
01 03 ;Date - Day/Month: 01/03
54 65 78 74 20 33 00 ;Message name - 'Text 3'

01 02 ;Date - Day/Month: 01/02

54 65 78 74 20 32 00 ;Message name - 'Text 2'

01 01 ;Date - Day/Month 01/01

54 65 78 74 20 31 00 ;Message name - 'Text 1'

Print Go trigger
The Print Go-triggered field data consists of the following:

Current Message 1 byte

Number of Repeats 2 bytes
Repeat Count 2 bytes
Reserved 1 byte
Current Message indicates the current string in the sequence (1 to n).
Number of Repeats is the number of times each string is to be used.
Repeat Count is the number of times the current string was used.
The Reserved byte must be set to null.
This data is followed by one or more null terminated text strings, all of equal length.
The strings must be listed in increasing order.

< header >

< current message >
< number of repeats >
< repeat count >
< reserved >
< text 1 >
<text 2>
< text n >
1. 5900:
Print Go-triggered Sequential Message fields are not available on this printer.
2. 8830, 8840, 8850 and 8900 Series:
Each string can have a different Number of Repeats in the message. In this
situation, the message upload will fail with a NAK and error code 65D “Incompatible
Format”. For backwards compatibility with the 7900, only messages where all the
strings have the same Number of Repeats are uploaded successfully.

May 2019 4—20 Linx RCI Reference Manual
The example data below downloads a message that contains a Print Go-triggered
Sequential Message field with three messages.

19 ;Command ID - Download Message

01 ;Number of messages - 1
64 00 ;Length in Bytes - 100
46 00 ;Length in Rasters - 70
06 ;EHT setting - 6
37 00 ;Width - 55
0A 00 ;Print delay - 10
4D 65 73 73 61 67 65 20 ;Message name - Message 06
30 36 00 00 00 00 00 00
32 35 20 51 55 41 4C 49 ;Message Type - 25 QUALITY

54 59 00 00 00 00 00 00
1C ;Field header
03 ;Field type - Seq. Message field
3B 00 ;Field Length -59
00 ;Y Position -0
00 00 ;X Position -0
46 00 ;Length in Rasters -70
0F;Height in drops -15
00 ;Format 3 - 00
01 ;Bold multiplier - 1
06 ;String length (excl. null) - 6
03 ;Format 1 - Number of strings
02 ;Format 2 - Print Go Trigger
00 ;Linkage - 0
31 35 20 46 48 20 43 41 ;Data set name - 15 FH CAPS
50 53 00 00 00 00 00 00

01 ;Current message - Message 1

01 00 ;Number of repeats - 1
00 00 ;Repeat count - 0
00 ;Reserved

54 65 78 74 20 31 00 ;Message name 1 - 'Text 1'

54 65 78 74 20 32 00 ;Message name 2 - 'Text 2'
54 65 78 74 20 33 00 ;Message name 3 - 'Text 3'

Auxiliary Photocell Trigger

The Auxiliary Photocell-triggered field data consists of the following:

Current Message 1 byte

Number of Repeats 2 bytes
Repeat Count 2 bytes
Reserved 1 byte
Current Message indicates the current string in the sequence (1 to n).
Number of Repeats is the number of times each string is to be used.

Linx RCI Reference Manual 4—21 May 2019
Repeat Count is the number of times the current string was used.
The Reserved byte must be set to null.
This data is followed by one or more null terminated text strings, all of equal length.
The strings are listed in increasing order.

< header >

< current message >
< number of repeats >
< repeat count >
< reserved >
< text 1 >
< text n >
1. 5900:
Auxiliary photocell-triggered Sequential Message fields are not available on this

The example data below downloads a message that contains an Auxiliary
Photocell-triggered Sequential Message field.

19 ;Command ID - Download Message

01 ;Number of messages - 1
64 00 ;Length in Bytes - 100
46 00 ;Length in Rasters - 70
06 ;EHT setting - 6
37 00 ;Width - 55
0A 00 ;Print delay- 10
4D 65 73 73 61 67 65 20 ;Message name - Message 07
30 37 00 00 00 00 00 00
32 35 20 51 55 41 4C 49 ;Message Type - 25 QUALITY
54 59 00 00 00 00 00 00
1C ;Field header
03 ;Field type - Seq. Message field
3B 00 ;Field Length - 59
00 ;Y Position - 0
00 00 ;X Position - 0
46 00 ;Length in Rasters - 70
0F ;Height in drops - 15
00 ;Format 3 = 00
01 ;Bold multiplier - 1
06 ;String length (excl. null) - 6
03 ;Format 1 - Number of strings: 3
13 ;Format 2 - Aux Photocell Reset
00 ;Linkage - 0
31 35 20 46 48 20 43 41 ;Data set name - 15 FH CAPS
50 53 00 00 00 00 00 00

May 2019 4—22 Linx RCI Reference Manual
01 ;Current message - 1
01 00 ;Number of repeats - 1
00 00 ;Repeat count - 0
00 ;Reserved

54 65 78 74 20 31 00 ;Message name 1 - 'Text 1'

54 65 78 74 20 32 00 ;Message name 2 - 'Text 2'
54 65 78 74 20 33 00 ;Message name 3 - 'Text 3'

Keyboard trigger
The trigger is activated by pressing and holding the ALT key, and then pressing the
T key.
1. 5900, CJ400, 8800 Series and 8900 Series:
Keyboard-triggered Sequential Message fields are not available on these printers.

The example data below downloads a message that contains a Sequential
Message field that is reset by the keyboard trigger (7900).

19 ;Command ID - Download Message

01 ;Number of messages - 1
64 00 ;Length in Bytes - 100
46 00 ;Length in Rasters - 70
06 ;EHT setting - 6
37 00 ;Width - 55
0A 00 ;Print delay - 10
4D 65 73 73 61 67 65 20 ;Message name - Message 08
30 38 00 00 00 00 00 00
32 35 20 51 55 41 4C 49 ;Message Type - 25 QUALITY
54 59 00 00 00 00 00 00

19;Command ID - Download Message

01 ;Number of messages - 1
64 00 ;Length in Bytes - 100
46 00 ;Length in Rasters - 70
06 ;EHT setting - 6
37 00 ;Width - 55
0A 00 ;Print delay - 10
4D 65 73 73 61 67 65 20 ;Message name - Message 08
30 38 00 00 00 00 00 00
32 35 20 51 55 41 4C 49 ;Message Type - 25 QUALITY
54 59 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 ;Format 3 - 00
01 ;Bold multiplier 1
06 ;String length (excl. null) - 6
03 ;Format 1 - Number of strings: 3
14 ;Format 2 = Keyboard Trigger Reset
00 ;Linkage - 0

Linx RCI Reference Manual 4—23 May 2019
31 35 20 46 48 20 43 41 ;Data set name - 15 FH CAPS
50 53 00 00 00 00 00 00
01 ;Current message - 1
01 00 ;Number of repeats - 1
00 00 ;Repeat count - 0
00 ;Reserved
54 65 78 74 20 31 00 ;Message name 1 - 'Text 1'
54 65 78 74 20 32 00 ;Message name 2 - 'Text 2'
54 65 78 74 20 33 00 ;Message name 3 - 'Text 3'

4.7.5 Field Type 4—Sequential Number field

The Sequential Number field allows up to 15 digits, character or numeric, to be
either incremented or decremented between a minimum and maximum value. The
interval or time between numbers can also be specified.
NOTE: For the CJ400 printer, only Print Go-triggered Sequential Number fields is available.
On the 5900 and 7900 printers, a Sequential Number can be triggered by Time,
Print Go, or the Auxiliary Photocell. Refer to the printer documentation for a full
description of the operation of these trigger types.
The data format is slightly different for each trigger type but the header data is
common to all types.
The Text Length byte must contain the length of the printed string.

Field Type
Bit 7 in the Field Type byte determines whether a field is rendered into the

0XXXXXXX Field is rendered into the message

1XXXXXXX Field is not rendered into message
This is typically used when the fields is being used as source field for barcodes.
Bit 6 determines whether a field is associated with another field via the Linkage

X0XXXXXX Field is not associated with a barcode

via the Linkage byte
X1XXXXXX Field is associated with a barcode field
via the Linkage byte

Format 1
The Format 1 byte is used to indicate the interval between successive numbers.
The value has a range of –127 to +127 (the value 0 is invalid). The range of allowed
values is shown in the table below.

Positive Interval Invalid Value Negative Interval

Start End Start End
1D 127D 128D -127D -1D

01H 7FH 80H 81H FFH

Table 4-7. Format 1: Sequential Number Format 1 byte

For example, for the sequential number:

May 2019 4—24 Linx RCI Reference Manual
Start number 0000
End number 0030
Interval 7
the following sequence of numbers is printed:
0000, 0007, 0014, 0021, 0028, 0000, 0007,...
If the difference between the start and end numbers is not an exact multiple of the
interval, the last number in the sequence is the last exact multiple before the end
number (as shown in the above example, where the end number is 0030, but the
last number in the sequence is 0028).
Using the above example, with a repeat count of 3 the following sequence of
numbers is printed:

0000, 0000, 0000, 0007, 0007, 0007, 0014, 0014, 0014,...

Format 2
The lower 6 bits of the Format 2 byte determines the trigger and mode for the field.
The lower 4 bits determine the trigger:

XXXX0000 00H Print Go

XXXX0001 01H Aux. Photocell
XXXX0010 02H Time
XXXX0011 03H Keyboard Trigger
For the Aux. Photocell trigger only, bits 4 and 5 determine the mode:

XX00XXXX 00H Count

XX01XXXX 10H Reset
XX10XXXX 20H Disable
To obtain a byte value for the functions add the two byte values. for example, Aux
Photocell Reset is 10H + 03H = 13H. The following table summarizes the Format 2
value for any given combination:

Count Reset Disable

Print Go Trigger 00h N/A N/A
Time Trigger 02h N/A N/A
Aux. Photocell Trigger 01h 11h 21h
Keyboard Trigger 03h 13h N/A

Table 4-8. Sequential Number field—Format 2 byte values

1. CJ400 and 8800 Series/8900 Series
The keyboard trigger is not available on the CJ400 and 8800 Series/8900 Series

Linx RCI Reference Manual 4—25 May 2019
Depending on the settings for the Auxiliary photocell in “PrinterSetup ->
Communications ->RCI->Edit Connection->Mappings->Aux Photocell mapped to”
and the value of the Format 2 byte, the sequential number is created with the
following Actions property where applicable:

RCI Mapping Format 2 Increment Reset Gating

Leading Edge 00H Every Print None None
01H Leading Edge None None
11H Every Print Leading Edge None

Trailing Edge 00H Every Print None None

01H Trailing Edge None None
11H Every Print Trailing Edge None

Active 00H Every Print None None



21H Every Print None Active Secondary

Inactive 00H Every Print None None



21H Every Print None Inactive Secondary

Manual 01H NAK

00H Every Print None None

11H Every Print Manual None

21 H Every Print None Manual

None 00H


21H None None Every Print

01H None None None

Table 4-9. Sequential Number Field: Aux. Photocell Mapping for 8800 Series/8900 Series

May 2019 4—26 Linx RCI Reference Manual
Increment Reset Gating Format 2
Every Print
None None None 00H

Leading Edge
Trailing Edge None None 01H
Every Print Leading Edge Secondary,
Trailing Edge Secondary,
Manual None 11H

Every Print None Active Secondary, Inactive

Manual 21H

Table 4-10. Seq.Num. Field: Aux. P’cell trigger: Format 2, uploading messages
(8800 Series/8900 Series)

Format 3
Bits zero and one control the leading zeroes and the number justification. Bit zero
controls the justification and bit one the presence of leading zeroes.

XXXXXX00 00H Leading zeroes on

XXXXXX01 01H Leading zeroes off and left
XXXXXX11 03H Leading zeroes off and right
1. CJ400 and 8800 Series/8900 Series:
The negative image option is not available on these printers.
The Format 3 byte bit 4 can be used in traversing applications to reverse the
sequential number by creating a reverse range. This function is only available for
the 7900:

XXX0XXXX 00H Extended range off

XXX1XXXX 10H Extended range on
This option can be used in traversing applications to reverse the sequential
message sequence. For example, for the sequence:
Txt 1, Txt 2, Txt 3, Txt 4
Setting bit 4 will print:
Txt 1, Txt 2, Txt 3, Txt 4Txt 4, Txt 3, Txt 2, Txt 1Txt 1, Txt 2, Txt 3, Txt 4 ....
1. 5900 and CJ400:
The extended range option is not available on these printers.
2. 8800 Series/8900 Series
Extended ranges are available on the User Interface only.

Linx RCI Reference Manual 4—27 May 2019
Print Go trigger
The Print Go-triggered field data consists of the following:

Number of Repeats 2 bytes

Repeat Count 2 bytes
End Number String Variable
Start Number String Variable
Current Number String Variable

Number of Repeats
This defines the number of times each number is to be printed.

Repeat Count
This is the number of times the current number was printed.

End, Start, and Current Number strings

These are of variable length, but must all be the same length and terminated by a
null character.
The minimum value for the Number of Repeats is 1. This indicates that each
number is to be printed once. The maximum value is 65535.
The maximum value for the Repeat Count is (Number of Repeats – 1). For
example, if Number of Repeats is set to 10, the maximum value of Repeat Count is
The Start and End numbers indicate the start and end values for the sequence. The
first number to be printed is the start number, and the last number to be printed is
the end number. If the sequence is incrementing, the start number must be less
than the end number. If the sequence is decrementing, the end number must be
less than the start number. When the end number is reached, the sequence
continues with the start number again.
Both the current number string and the repeat count values indicate the current
position in the sequence.
If both characters and numbers are used within the number, the digit type must be
at the same position within each of the three strings, for example:

End Number: ‘1AB34’

Start Number: ‘0AA00’
Current Number: ‘0AD12’

May 2019 4—28 Linx RCI Reference Manual
The example data below downloads a message that contains a Print Go-triggered
Sequential Number field with a positive increase.

19 ;Command ID - Download message

01 ;Number of messages - 1
5F 00 ;Length in Bytes - 95
3A 00 ;Length in Rasters - 58
06 ;EHT setting - 6
37 00 ;Width - 55
0A 00 ;Print delay - 10
4D 65 73 73 61 67 65 20 ;Message name - Message 09
30 39 00 00 00 00 00 00
32 35 20 51 55 41 4C 49 ;Message Type - 25 QUALITY
54 59 00 00 00 00 00 00

1C ;Field header
04 ;Field type - Seq. Number field
36 00 ;Field Length - 54
00 ;Y Position - 0
00 00 ;X Position - 0
3A 00 ;Length in Rasters - 58
0F ;Height in drops - 15
00 ;Format 3 - 00
01 ;Bold multiplier - 1
05 ;String length (excl. null) - 5
01 ;Format 1- Positive increment: +1
00 ;Format 2 - Print Go Trigger
00 ;Linkage - 0
31 35 20 46 48 20 43 41 ;Data set name - 15 FH CAPS
50 53 00 00 00 00 00 00

01 00 ;No. of repeats - 1
00 00 ;Repeat count - 0

;End,Start and Current Number

39 39 39 39 39 00 ;End number - 99999
30 30 30 30 31 00 ;Start number - 00001
30 30 30 30 31 00 ;Current number - 00001

Auxiliary Photocell trigger

The Auxiliary Photocell-triggered field data consists of the following:

Number of Repeats 2 bytes

Repeat count 2 bytes
End Number String Variable
Start Number String Variable
Current Number String Variable

Number of Repeats
This is the number of times each number is to be printed.

Linx RCI Reference Manual 4—29 May 2019
Repeat Count
This is the number of times the current number was printed.

End, Start, and Current Number strings

These are of variable length, but must all be the same length and terminated by a
null character.
1. CJ400:
Auxiliary Photocell-triggered Sequential Number fields are not available on these

The example data below downloads a message that contains a Sequential Number
field with an Auxiliary Photocell reset counting backwards from 99998 to 00002, and
with an interval of two.

19 ;Command ID - Download Message

01 ;Number of messages - 1
5F 00 ;Length in Bytes - 95
3A 00 ;Length in Rasters - 58
06 ;EHT setting - 6
37 00 ;Width - 5
0A 00 ;Print delay 10
4D 65 73 73 61 67 65 20 ;Message name - Message 10
31 30 00 00 00 00 00 00
32 35 20 51 55 41 4C 49 ;Message Type - 25 QUALITY
54 59 00 00 00 00 00 00
1C ;Field header
04 ;Field type - Seq. Number field
36 00 ;Field Length - 54
00 ;Y Position - 0
00 00 ;X Position - 0
3A 00 ;Length in Rasters - 58
0F ;Height in drops - 15
00 ;Format 3 - 00
01 ;Bold multiplier - 1
05 ;String length (excl. null) - 5
FE ;Format 1 - Negative increment: -2
11 ;Format 2 - Aux Photocell Reset
00 ;Linkage - 0
31 35 20 46 48 20 43 41 ;Data set name - 15 FH CAPS
50 53 00 00 00 00 00 00
01 00 ;No. of repeats - 1
00 00 ;Repeat count - 0
;End,Start and Current Number
30 30 30 30 32 00 ;End number - 00002
39 39 39 39 38 00 ;Start number - 99998
39 39 39 39 38 00 ;Current number - 99998

May 2019 4—30 Linx RCI Reference Manual
Time Interval trigger
The Time-triggered field data consists of the following:

Start Time 2 bytes

Time Interval 2 bytes
End Number String Variable
Start Number String Variable
Current Number String Variable
Start Time is the time (the number of minutes after 00:00) at which the first number
in the sequence is printed. For example, 127 = 2:07 a.m.
Time Interval is the time between increments (in minutes).
The End, Start, and Current Number strings are of variable length, but must all be
the same length and terminated by a null character.
1. CJ400 and 8800 Series/8900 Series:
Time interval triggers are not available on these printers.

The example data below downloads a message that contains a Time Interval-
triggered Sequential Number field.

19 ;Command ID - Download Message

01 ;Number of messages - 1
5F 00 ;Length in Bytes - 95
3A 00 ;Length in Rasters - 58
06 ;EHT setting - 6
36 00 ;Width - 54
0A 00 ;Print delay - 10
4D 65 73 73 61 67 65 20 ;Message name - Message 11
31 31 00 00 00 00 00 00
32 35 20 51 55 41 4C 49 ;Raster name - 25 QUALITY_
54 59 00 00 00 00 00 00
1C ;Field header
04 ;Field type - Seq. Number field
36 00 ;Field Length - 54
00 ;Y Position - 0
00 00 ;X Position - 0
3A 00 ;Length in Rasters - 58
0F ;Height in drops - 15
00 ;Format 3 - 00
01 ;Bold multiplier - 1
05 ;String length (excl. null) - 5
01 ;Format 1 - Positive increment: +1
02 ;Format 2 - Time Interval Trigger
00 ;Linkage - 0
31 35 20 46 48 20 43 41 ;Data set name - 15 FH CAPS_
50 53 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 ;Start time: 00:00:00
05 00 ;Time Interval: 00:05:00

Linx RCI Reference Manual 4—31 May 2019
;End,Start and Current Number
39 39 39 39 39 00 ;End number - 99999
30 30 30 30 31 00 ;Start number - 00001
30 30 30 30 31 00 ;Current number - 00001

Keyboard trigger
The trigger is activated by pressing and holding the ALT key, and then pressing the
T key.
1. CJ400, 8800 and 8900 Series:
The keyboard trigger is not available on these printers.
This example data below downloads a message to a printer that contains a
Sequential Number field with a keyboard reset counting backwards from 99998 to
00002, and with an interval of two.

19 ;Command ID - Download Message

01 ;Number of messages - 1
5F 00 ;Length in Bytes - 95
3A 00 ;Length in Rasters - 58
06 ;EHT setting - 6
36 00 ;Width - 54
0A 00 ;Print delay - 10
4D 65 73 73 61 67 65 20 ;Message name - Message 12
31 32 00 00 00 00 00 00
32 35 20 51 55 41 4C 49 ;Message Type - 25 QUALITY
54 59 00 00 00 00 00 00
1C ;Field header
04 ;Field type - Seq. Number field
36 00 ;Field Length - 54
00 ;Y Position - 0
00 00 ;X Position - 0
3A 00 ;Length in Rasters - 58
0F;Height in drops - 15
00 ;Format 3 - 00
01 ;Bold multiplier - 1
05 ;String length (excl. null) - 5
FE ;Format 1 Negative increment: -2
13 ;Format 2 - Aux Photocell Reset
00 ;Linkage - 0
31 35 20 46 48 20 43 41 ;Data set name - 15 FH CAPS
50 53 00 00 00 00 00 00
01 00 ;No. of repeats - 1
00 00 ;Repeat count - 0

;End,Start and Current Number

30 30 30 30 32 00 ;End number - 00002
39 39 39 39 38 00 ;Start number - 99998
39 39 39 39 38 00 ;Current number - 99998

May 2019 4—32 Linx RCI Reference Manual
4.7.6 Field Type 5—Date Field
There are two types of Date field format: Standard and Extended.

Field Type
Bit 7 in the Field Type byte determines whether a field is rendered into the

0XXXXXXX Field is rendered into the message

1XXXXXXX Field is not rendered into the message
This is typically used when the fields is being used as source field for barcodes.
Bit 6 determines whether a field is associated with another field via the Linkage

XXXXXXX0 Field is not associated with a barcode

via the Linkage byte

XXXXX110 Field is associated with a barcode via

the Linkage byte

Format 1
The Format 1 byte is not used in this field type and must be set to null.

Format 2
Bit 0 of the Format 2 byte determines the format that is being used:

XXXXXXX0 00H Standard Format

XXXXXXX1 01H Extended Format
1. CJ400:
The Extended date format is not available on this printers.
The Standard and Extended field formats both contain the following information:

Date Format Name 16 bytes (including null)

Date Offset 2 bytes
The Date Format Name refers to the date format required for printing. This format
can be in the ROM of the printer, or can be downloaded from the remote host
The Date Offset can be positive or negative and is measured in either days or
months. Each format (for example, dd/mm/yy) has a default offset type (days or
months). Bit 2 of Format 2 determines whether this default type is used:

XXXXX0XX 00H Use default Days offset type

XXXXX1XX 04H Use the Months offset type
To obtain a byte value for the functions add the two byte values, for example Use
Months offset + Extended Format is 04H + 01H = 05H. The following table
summarizes the Format 2 values for any given combination:

Standard Extended
Format Format
Use Default Offset Type 00h 01h
Use Other Offset Type 04h 05h

Table 4-11. Date Field: Format 2 byte values

Linx RCI Reference Manual 4—33 May 2019
In addition to this data, the extended field format has three more data bytes
associated with it. These bytes contain an offset in minutes, that is applied to the
date field. The offset can be up to ± 23 hours 59 minutes (± 1439 mins). This
functionality is useful to advance (or retard) the time the date rolls over.

Reserved 1 byte Set to null

TOffsetLS 1 byte Offset—least significant byte
TOffsetMS 1 byte Offset—most significant byte
When a Date field is uploaded from the printer, the format is determined as follows:
 If the Time Offset in the printer is zero, the standard format is transmitted and bit 0 of
Format 2 is 0.
 If the Time Offset in the printer is not zero, the extended format is transmitted and bit 0
of Format is 1.
The Text Length parameter in the header indicates the number of characters
printed in the format.

Format 3
Bits 2 and 3 control the Field Orientation. See ‘Field Rotation’ on page 4—7 for
details. Bit 5 is used to switch on the Negative Image option. See ‘Negative Image’
on page 4—7 for details.

The example data below downloads a message that contains three Date fields. The
first uses the standard format with a 5 day offset, the second uses the extended
format with an offset of 2 days and 10 minutes, and the third uses the Months offset,
set to 3 months.

19 ;Command ID - Download Message

01 ;Number of messages - 1
C2 00 ;Length in Bytes - 194
2F 00 ;Length in Rasters - 47
06 ;EHT setting - 6
36 00 ;Width - 54
0A 00 ;Print delay 10
4D 65 73 73 61 67 65 20 ;Message name - Message 13
31 33 00 00 00 00 00 00
32 35 20 51 55 41 4C 49 ;Message Type - 25 QUALITY
54 59 00 00 00 00 00 00
05 00 ;Date offset - 5 days

1C ;Field header
05 ;Field type - Date field (Rendered)
35 00 ;Field Length - 53
09 ;Y Position - 9
00 00 ;X Position - 0
2F 00 ;Length in Rasters - 47
07 ;Height in drops - 7
00 ;Format 3 - 00
01 ;Bold multiplier - 1
00 ;String length (excl. null) - 0
00 ;Format 1 - 00
01 ;Format 2 - Extended Date Format
00 ;Linkage - 1

May 2019 4—34 Linx RCI Reference Manual
37 20 46 48 20 43 41 50 ;Data set name - 7 FH CAPS
53 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
64 64 2E 6D 6D 2E 79 79 ;Date format name - dd.mm.yy
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

02 00 ;Date offset - 2 days

00 ;Reserved
0A 00 ;Time offset - 10 minutes

1C ;Field header
05 ;Field type - Date field (Rendered)
32 00 ;Field Length - 50
12 ;Y Position - 18
00 00 ;X Position - 0
2F 00 ;Length in Rasters - 47
07 ;Height in drops - 7
00 ;Format 3 - 00
01 ;Bold multiplier -1
00 ;String length (excl. null) - 0
00 ;Format 1 - 00
04 ;Format 2 - Months Offset Format
00 ;Linkage - 0
37 20 46 48 20 43 41 50 ;Data set name - 7 FH CAPS
53 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
64 64 2E 6D 6D 2E 79 79 ;Date format name - dd.mm.yy
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

03 00 ;Date offset - 3 months

1. 8800 Series/8900 Series:
The Date Format name size is 15 characters plus null.
When the name string, including simple quotation marks, exceeds this limit, a
conversion needs to be made in order to completely accommodate the data. The
following table shows the corresponding mapping between the Date Format name
and its allowed representation in the RCI data.

8800 Series/8900 Series (XML RCI Date Format Mapping

Style) Date Format
'dd' 'cl:MMM' 'yy’ dd cl:MMM yy
'dd' 'cl:MMM' 'yyyy’ dd cl:MMM yyyy
'cl:MMM' 'dd' 'yy cl:MMM dd yyyy
'cl:MMM' 'dd' 'yyyy’ cl:MMM dd yyyy
'yy' 'cl:MMM' 'dd’ yy cl:MMM dd

Table 4-12. Date Format names and RCI mapping (8800 Series/8900 Series)

The following supported Date format names do not require conversion:'


Linx RCI Reference Manual 4—35 May 2019
‘dd' 'cl:MMM'
'dd' 'MM' 'yy'
'MM' 'dd' 'yy'
'cl:MMM' 'yy'
'yy' 'MM' 'dd'

May 2019 4—36 Linx RCI Reference Manual
4.7.7 Field Type 6—Barcode Field
A barcode is made up of two fields: the barcode field itself, that is described here,
and a text-based associated field. The barcode field describes the barcode type,
size and position, and the text-based field describes the position of the text
associated with it. Both can be positioned independently of each other.
The two fields are linked by the Linkage byte in the field header. The byte in the
barcode field is a ‘pointer’ to the first text-based field, and the byte in the text-based
field is a ‘pointer’ to the barcode field, until the last text based field which then has a
'pointer' back to the barcode field.
Example 1 - One barcode field and one text-based field
Barcode Field = Field 0Linkage byte = 1
Text-based Field = Field 1Linkage Byte = 0
Example 2 - One barcode field and five text-based fields
Barcode Field = Field 0Linkage byte = 1 (Points to field 1)
Text-based Field = Field 1Linkage Byte = 2 (Points to field 2)
Text-based Field = Field 2Linkage Byte = 3 (Points to field 3)
Text-based Field = Field 3Linkage Byte = 4 (Points to field 4)
Text-based Field = Field 4Linkage Byte = 5 (Points to field 5)
Text-based Field = Field 5Linkage Byte = 0 (Points to field 0)
These ‘pointers’ are index values that indicate a position within the list of message
fields in the printer memory. If the order of the fields stored in the memory is
changed, the linkage bytes must be changed accordingly. The first field is field 0.
Attached Text is human-readable data that is displayed as part of the barcode. The
barcode height (set in the 2 bytes of Field Height in Drops) includes the Attached
Text. The printer automatically selects the best font for the text (based on the
overall size of the barcode). The Attached Text setting is independent of the display
of the source text-based field (or fields) for the barcode. The display of the source
field is controlled by bit 7 of the Field Type byte in the source field header. A source
field that has this bit set is not displayed.
Currently supported barcode types are:
Code 25
Code 39
Code 128
Data Matrix (ECC200)
Code 27
GS1-128 Linear (7900 only)
GS1-128 Data Matrix (7900 only)
QR code (8800 Series/8900 Series only)

Linx RCI Reference Manual 4—37 May 2019
Field Type
Bit 7 in the Field Type byte that determine whether a field is associated with a

0XXXXXXX Field is rendered into the message

1XXXXXXX Field is not rendered into the message
If only the barcode is printed, the text-based field must still exist because this
contains the actual barcode data string that is used to generate the barcode.
Bit 6 determines whether a field is associated with another field via the Linkage

X0XXXXXX Field is not associated with another field

via the Linkage byte
X1XXXXXX Field is associated with another field via
the Linkage byte
Bit 5 is used to turn the Integrated text option on or off.

XX0XXXXX Integrated text switched off

XX1XXXXX Default—Integrated text switched on

Format 1
Bits 0 of the Format 1 byte is used to hold the selected aspect ratio. This number is
an index into the list of aspect ratios described in the barcode data set. Aspect
ratios are currently supported for the ITF and Code 39 barcodes. The Format 1 byte
values are:

XXXXXX00 00H Aspect ratio 1:2

XXXXXX01 01H Aspect ratio 1:3
XXXXXX10 02H Aspect ratio 2:5
XXXXXX11 03H Aspect ratio 3:8

Format 2
Bit 0 of the Format 2 byte is used to determine whether the printer generates the
checksum or not:

XXXXXXX0 00H Checksum Off

XXXXXXX1 01H Checksum On
The checksum is mandatory on Code 128, EAN-8, EAN-13, and UPCA barcodes.
Setting this option to Off has no effect.

Format 3
Bits 2 and 3 control the Field Orientation. See ‘Field Rotation’ on page 4—7 for
details. Bit 5 is used to switch on the Negative Image option. See ‘Negative Image’
on page 4—7 for details.
1. 5900, CJ400:
This field type is not available on these printers.

May 2019 4—38 Linx RCI Reference Manual
Example 1
The example data below downloads a message that contains an EAN-13 barcode
field and its associated text field. Because bits 6 and 7 in the text field type byte are
set (C0H), the text field is associated with another field (in this case the barcode
field) and the Text field is not rendered into the message. However, as bit 5 of the
field type is set, the Integrated text is set to on:

19 ;Command ID - Download Message

01 ;Number of messages - 1
01 ;Message count - 1
76 00 ;Length in Bytes - 118
71 00 ;Length in Rasters - 113
06 ;EHT setting - 6
83 00 ;Width - 131
0A 00 ;Print delay 10
4D 65 73 73 61 67 65 20 ;Message name - Message 14
31 34 00 00 00 00 00 00
33 34 20 51 55 41 4C 49 ;Message Type - 34 QUALITY
54 59 00 00 00 00 00 00

1C ;Field header
66 ;Field type - Barcode field
20 00 ;Field Length - 32
00 ;Y Position - 0
00 00 ;X Position - 0
71 00 ;Length in Rasters - 113
19 ;Height in drops - 25
00 ;Format 3 - 00
01 ;Bold multiplier - 1
00 ;String length (excl. null) - 0
00 ;Format 1 - 00
01 ;Format 2 - Checksum on (mandatory)
01 ;Linkage 1 - Points to Text field
45 41 4E 2D 31 33 20 20 ;Data set name - EAN-13
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 00

1C ;Field header
C0 ;Field type - Text field (Not rendered)
2D 00 ;Field Length - 45
00 ;Y Position - 0
00 00 ;X Position - 0
48 00 ;Length in Rasters - 72
09 ;Height in drops - 9
00 ;Format 3 - 00
01 ;Bold multiplier - 1
0C ;String length (excl. null) - 12
00 ;Format 1 - 00
00 ;Format 2 - 00
00 ;Linkage 0
39 20 53 54 44 20 46 55 ;Data set name - 9 STD FULL
4C 4C 00 00 00 00 00 00
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ;123456789098
39 30 39 38 00

Linx RCI Reference Manual 4—39 May 2019
Example 2
The example data below downloads a message that contains a Code 128 barcode
field, an associated text field and an associated sequential number field. Because
bit 6 in both of the field type bytes is set (40H and 44H respectively), the text field
and sequential number are associated with another field, in this case the barcode
field. Also, because bit 7 is not set for both fields, the text and sequential number
fields are rendered into the message. Notice the Linkage Bytes in this example, the
Barcode Field Linkage Byte is pointing to the Text Field and the Text Field Linkage
Byte is pointing to the Sequential Number. Finally, the Sequential Number Linkage
Byte points back to the Barcode Field:

19 ;Command ID - Download Message

01 ;Number of messages - 1
AA 00 ;Length in Bytes - 170
20 01 ;Length in Rasters - 288
06 ;EHT setting - 6
83 00 ;Width - 131
0A 00 ;Print delay - 10
4D 65 73 73 61 67 65 20 ;Message name - Message 15
31 35 00 00 00 00 00 00
33 34 20 51 55 41 4C 49 ;Message Type - 34 QUALITY
54 59 00 00 00 00 00 00

1C ;Field header
66 ;Field type - Barcode field (Rendered)
20 00 ;Field Length - 32
00 ;Y Position - 0
00 00 ;X Position - 0
20 01 ;Length in Rasters - 288
19 ;Height in drops - 25
00 ;Format 3 - 00
01 ;Bold multiplier - 1
00 ;String length (excl. null) - 0
00 ;Format 1 - 00
01 ;Format 2 - Checksum on (mandatory)
01 ;Linkage - Points to the Text field
43 6F 64 65 20 31 32 38 ;Data set name - Code 128
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 00

May 2019 4—40 Linx RCI Reference Manual
1C ;Field header
40 ;Field type - Text field (Rendered)
2B 00 ;Field Length - 43
1B ;Y Position - 27
14 00 ;X Position - 20
3B 00 ;Length in Rasters - 59
07 ;Height in drops - 7
00 ;Format 3 - 00
01 ;Bold multiplier - 1
0A ;String length (excl. null) - 10
00 ;Format 1 - 00
00 ;Format 2 - 00
02 ;Linkage - Point to the Seq. Number field
37 20 46 48 20 43 41 50 ;Data set name - 7 FH CAPS
53 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ;Data - 12345678390
39 30 00
1C ;Field header
44 ;Field type - Seq. Number field
36 00 ;Field Length - 54
1B ;Y Position - 27
50 00 ;X Position - 80
1D 00 ;Length in Rasters - 29
07 ;Height in drops - 7
00 ;Format 3 - 00
01 ;Bold multiplier - 1
05 ;String length (excl. null) - 5
01 ;Format 1- Positive increment: +1
00 ;Format 2 - Print Go Trigger
00 ;Linkage - Points back to the Barcode
37 20 46 48 20 43 41 50 ;Data set name - 7 FH CAPS
53 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

01 00 ;No. of repeats - 1
00 00 ;Repeat count - 0

;End, Start and Current Number

39 39 39 39 39 00 ;End number - 99999
30 30 30 30 31 00 ;Start number - 00001
30 30 30 30 31 00 ;Current number 00001
Note how the Linkage bytes are now incremental. That is, the first field (barcode
field, field 0) Linkage byte points to the text field (field 1), the text field Linkage byte
points to the sequential number field (field 2), and, finally, the sequential number
field Linkage byte points back to the barcode field.

Linx RCI Reference Manual 4—41 May 2019
Example 3 (7900 Only)
This example data below downloads a message that contains a GS1-128 Data
Matrix. The fields encoded in the matrix are not rendered in the message, however,
human readable fields are displayed but formatted in accordance with GS1.
Terms used in this example:
GTINGlobal Trade Identification NumberSeven digit number assigned by GS1
AIApplication Identifier Prefix for the data
FNCFunction Character Denotes GS1 barcode
GSGlobal Separator Used to separate variable length fields
The fields are:
Field 0 Barcode Field GTINDATA MATRIX Rendered
Field 1 Text Field FNC1 denoting a GS-128 Not rendered
Field 2 Text Field Application Identifier for Serial Number Not rendered
Field 3 Text Field Group Separator for variable length field Not rendered
Field 4 Text Field Full GTIN including AI Not rendered
Field 5 Text Field Full Batch No. including AI Not rendered
Field 7 Text Field Full GTIN with AI in brackets Rendered
Field 8 Text Field Serial Number with AI in brackets Rendered
Field 9 Text Field Expiry Date with AI in brackets Rendered
Field 10 Text Field Batch No. with AI in brackets Rendered

May 2019 4—42 Linx RCI Reference Manual
01 ;Message count 1
1B 02 ;Length in Bytes 539
88 00 ;Length in Rasters 136
06 ;EHT setting 6
F6 00 ;Width 246
00 00 ;Print delay 0
4D 65 73 73 61 67 65 31 ;Message name - Message1
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
32 34 20 46 4C 45 58 49 ;Raster name - ;24 FLEXIBLE
42 4C 45 00 00 00 00 00

1C ;Field header
46 ;Field type = Bar Code Field
20 00 ;Field Length 32
00 ;Y Position 0
00 00 ;X Position 0
18 00 ;Length in Rasters 24
18 ;Height in drops 24
00 ;Format 3 = 00000000
01 ;Bold multiplier 1
00 ;String length (excl. null) 0
00 ;Format 1 = 00000000
00 ;Format 2 = 00000000
01 ;Linkage 1
47 54 49 4E 44 41 54 41 ;Data set name - GTINDATA MATRIX
20 4D 41 54 52 49 58 00

1C ;Field header
C0 ;Field type = Text Field (Not rendered)
23 00 ;Field Length 35
00 ;Y Position 0
00 00 ;X Position 0
0C 00 ;Length in Rasters 12
09 ;Height in drops 9
00 ;Format 3 = 00000000
01 ;Bold multiplier 1
02 ;String length (excl. null) 2
00 ;Format 1 = 00000000
80 ;Format 2 = 10000000
02 ;Linkage 2
39 20 53 54 44 20 46 55 ;Data set name - 9 STD FULL
4C 4C 00 00 00 00 00 00
7E 31 00 ;~1 - FNC1 (Encoded)

1C ;Field header
C0 ;Field type = Text Field (Not rendered)
31 00 ;Field Length 49
00 ;Y Position 0
00 00 ;X Position 0
60 00 ;Length in Rasters 96
09 ;Height in drops 9

Linx RCI Reference Manual 4—43 May 2019
00 ;Format 3 = 00000000
01 ;Bold multiplier 1
10 ;String length (excl. null) 16
00 ;Format 1 = 00000000
80 ;Format 2 = 10000000
03 ;Linkage 3
39 20 53 54 44 20 46 55 ;Data set name - 9 STD FULL
4C 4C 00 00 00 00 00 00
30 31 30 31 32 33 34 35 ;0101234567565651 - Full GTIN
including AI (Encoded)
36 37 35 36 35 36 35 31

1C ;Field header
C0 ;Field type = Text Field (Not rendered)
23 00 ;Field Length 35
00 ;Y Position 0
00 00 ;X Position 0
0C 00 ;Length in Rasters 12
09 ;Height in drops 9
00 ;Format 3 = 00000000
01 ;Bold multiplier 1
02 ;String length (excl. null) 2
00 ;Format 1 = 00000000
80 ;Format 2 = 10000000
04 Linkage 4
39 20 53 54 44 20 46 55 ;Data set name - 9 STD FULL
4C 4C 00 00 00 00 00 00
32 31 00 ;21 - AI for Serial No. (Encoded)

1C ;Field header
C0 ;Field type = Text Field (Not rendered)
23 00 ;Field Length 35
00 ;Y Position 0
00 00 ;X Position 0
0C 00 ;Length in Rasters 12
09 ;Height in drops 9
00 ;Format 3 = 00000000
01 ;Bold multiplier 1
02 ;String length (excl. null) 2
00 ;Format 1 = 00000000
80 ;Format 2 = 10000000
05 ;Linkage 5
39 20 53 54 44 20 46 55 ;Data set name - 9 STD FULL
4C 4C 00 00 00 00 00 00
7E 31 00 ;~1 - FNC1 used as GS (Encoded)

1C ;Field header
C0 ;Field type = Text Field (Not rendered)
29 00 ;Field Length 41
00 ;Y Position 0
00 00 ;X Position 0

May 2019 4—44 Linx RCI Reference Manual
30 00 ;Length in Rasters 48
09 ;Height in drops 9
00 ;Format 3 = 00000000
01 ;Bold multiplier 1
08 ;String length (excl. null) 8
00 Format 1 = 00000000
80 ;Format 2 = 10000000
06 Linkage 6
39 20 53 54 44 20 46 55 ;Data set name - 9 STD FULL
4C 4C 00 00 00 00 00 00
31 37 31 37 30 34 31 38 ;17170418 - Expiry Date including AI
00 ;

1C ;Field header
C0 ;Field type = Text Field (Not rendered)
29 00 ;Field Length 41
00 ;Y Position 0
00 00 ;X Position 0
30 00 ;Length in Rasters 48
09 ;Height in drops 9
00 ;Format 3 = 00000000
01 ;Bold multiplier 1
08 ;String length (excl. null) 8
00 ;Format 1 = 00000000
80 ;Format 2 = 10000000
07 ;Linkage = 7
39 20 53 54 44 20 46 55 ;Data set name 9 STD FULL
4C 4C 00 00 00 00 00 00
31 30 41 42 43 31 32 33 ;10ABC123 - Batch No. including AI
00 ;

1C ;Field header
40 ;Field type = Text Field (Rendered)
33 00 ;Field Length 51
00 ;Y Position 0
1D 00 ;X Position 29
6B 00 ;Length in Rasters 107
05 ;Height in drops 5
00 ;Format 3 = 00000000
01 ;Bold multiplier 1
12 ;String length (excl. null) 18
00 ;Format 1 = 00000000
00 ;Format 2 = 00000000
08 ;Linkage 8
35 20 46 48 20 43 41 50 ;Data set name - 5 FH CAPS
53 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
28 30 31 29 30 31 32 33 ;(01)0123456756565 - GTIN with AI in
brackets (Human ;Readable)
34 35 36 37 35 36 35 36

Linx RCI Reference Manual 4—45 May 2019
35 31 00

1C ;Field header
40 ;Field type = Text Field (Rendered)
25 00 ;Field Length 37
06 ;Y Position 6
1D 00 ;X Position 29
17 00 ;Length in Rasters 23
05 ;Height in drops 5
00 ;Format 3 = 00000000
01 ;Bold multiplier 1
04 ;String length (excl. null) 4
00 ;Format 1 = 00000000
00 ;Format 2 = 00000000
09 ;Linkage 9
35 20 46 48 20 43
41 50 ;Data set name - 5 FH CAPS
53 00 00 00 00 00
00 00
28 32 31 29 00 ;(21) - Serial No. with AI in brackets
(Human Readable)

1C ;Field header
44 ;Field type = Sequential Number Field
36 00 ;Field Length 54
06 ;Y Position 6
34 00 ;X Position 52
1D 00 ;Length in Rasters 29
05 ;Height in drops 5
00 ;Format 3 = 00000000
01 ;Bold multiplier 1
05 ;String length (excl. null) 5
01 ;Format 1 = 00000001
00 ;Format 2 = 00000000
0A ;Linkage 10
35 20 46 48 20
43 41 50 ;Data set name - 5 FH CAPS
53 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
01 00 ;No. of repeats 1
00 00 ;Repeat count 0

;End,Start and Current Number

39 39 39 39 39 00 ;99999
30 30 30 30 30 00 ;00000
30 30 30 30 30 00 ;00000

1C ;Field header
40 ;Field type = Text Field (Rendered)
2D 00 ;Field Length 45
0C ;Y Position 12
1D 00 ;X Position 29

May 2019 4—46 Linx RCI Reference Manual
47 00 ;Length in Rasters 71
05 ;Height in drops 5
00 ;Format 3 = 00000000
01 ;Bold multiplier 1

0C ;String length (excl. null) 12

00 ;Format 1 = 00000000
00 ;Format 2 = 00000000
0B ;Linkage 11
35 20 46 48 20 43 41 50 ;Data set name - 5 FH CAPS
53 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
28 31 37 29 31 38 20 30 (17)18 04 17 - Expiry Date with AI in
brackets (Human Readable)
34 20 31 37 00

1C ;Field header
40 ;Field type = Text Field (Rendered)
2B 00 ;Field Length 43
12 ;Y Position 18
1D 00 ;X Position 29
3B 00 ;Length in Rasters 59
05 ;Height in drops 5
00 ;Format 3 = 00000000
01 ;Bold multiplier 1
0A ;String length (excl. null) 10
00 ;Format 1 = 00000000
00 ;Format 2 = 00000000
00 ;Linkage 0
35 20 46 48 20 43 41 50 ;Data set name
53 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ;5 FH CAPS
28 31 30 29 41 42 43 31 ;(10)ABC123 - Batch Number with AI in
brackets (Human ;Readable)
32 33 00
When the above example is downloaded and selected for printing the code will be
as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5. GS1-128 Data Matrix

Linx RCI Reference Manual 4—47 May 2019
4.7.8 Field Type 7—Remote Field
This field type allows the creation of a ‘template’ that specifies a text field in the
same way as described above. It is assumed that the characters used for this field
are downloaded during printing. The Remote field contains no data. The maximum
number of characters allowed for this field is 255.
For the 7900 this field is defined as a Buffered Remote field. This is to allow the
allocation of buffers for the data and to distinguish it from a standard Remote Field
that is populated by the QuickSwitch protocol or directly from the keyboard using
the Remote Field Monitor option.
It is also possible to encode the remote data as source fields for Barcodes and Data
Matrix field types.
On the CJ400, data is loaded based on the remote fields order set in the
Communication Settings. Also when a message is downloaded with remote fields,
remote fields needs to be created in Communication Settings before using the
message with remote fields.
The text length parameter in the header indicates the number of characters
expected for this field.

Field Type
Bit 7 in the Field Type byte determines whether a field is rendered into the

0XXXXXXX Field is rendered into the message

1XXXXXXX Field is not rendered into message
This is typically used when the field is being used as a source field for Barcodes.
Bit 6 determines whether a field is associated with another field via the Linkage

X0XXXXXX Field is not associated with a barcode

via the Linkage byte

X1XXXXXX Field is not associated with a barcode

via the Linkage byte

Format 1
The Format 1 byte is not used in this field type and must be set to null.

Format 2
Bits 6 and 7 of the Format 2 byte defines the orientation of the character.
See ‘Character Orientation’ on page 4—7 for details.

Format 3
Bits 2 and 3 control the Field Orientation. See ‘Field Rotation’ on page 4—7 for
details. Bit 5 is used to switch on the Negative Image option. See ‘Negative Image’
on page 4—7 for details.

May 2019 4—48 Linx RCI Reference Manual
Example 1
The example data below downloads a message that contains a single Remote field
that has a length of four characters.

19 ;Command ID - Download Message

01 ;Number of messages - 1
49 00 ;Length in Bytes - 73
B2 00 ;Length in Rasters - 178
06 ;EHT setting - 6
B8 00 ;Width - 184
0A 00 ;Print delay- 10
4D 65 73 73 61 67 65 20 ;Message name - ;Message 16_
31 36 00 00 00 00 00 00
32 35 20 51 55 41 4C 49 ;Message Type - ;25 QUALITY_
54 59 00 00 00 00 00 00

1C ;Field header
07 ;Field type - Remote field (Rendered)
20 00 ;Field Length - 32
00 ;Y Position - 0
00 00 ;X Position - 0
B2 00 ;Length in Rasters - 178
0F;Height in drops - 15
00 ;Format 3 - 00
01 ;Bold multiplier - 1
0A ;String length (excl. null) - 10
00 ;Format 1 - 00
00 ;Format 2 - 00
00 ;Linkage - 0
31 35 20 46 48 20 43 41 ;Data set name - 15 FH CAPS
50 53 00 00 00 00 00 00

4.7.9 Field Type 8—Pixel Field

This field allows a predefined pixel pattern to be inserted directly into the current
message. The pixel pattern immediately follows the field header.

Field Type
There are no options to set with this field type.

Format 1
The Format 1 byte is used to indicate the number of bytes per raster used by the
pixel pattern.

Format 2
The Format 2 byte is not used in this field type and must be set to null.

Format 3
This byte is not used and must be set to null.
The text length parameter is not used and must be set to null.

Linx RCI Reference Manual 4—49 May 2019
1. 5900, CJ400:
Pixel fields are not supported on the 5900 and CJ400.
2. 8800 Series/8900 Series:
Pixel fields are supported from 8900 Series v4.1.0 onwards and 8800 Series v5.0.

The example data below downloads a message that contains a single Pixel field,
16x16 pixels in size.

19 ;Command ID - Download Message

01 ;Number of messages - 1
69 00 ;Length in Bytes - 105
10 00 ;Length in Rasters - 16
06 ;EHT setting - 6
00 00 ;Width - 0
0A 00 ;Print delay - 10
4D 65 73 73 61 67 65 20 ;Message name - Message 16
31 36 00 00 00 00 00 00
32 35 20 51 55 41 4C 49 ;Message Type - 25 QUALITY
54 59 00 00 00 00 00 00

1C ;Field header
08 ;Field type = Pixel field (Rendered)
40 00 ;Field Length - 64
00 ;Y Position - 0
00 00 ;X Position - 00
10 00 ;Length in Rasters - 16
10 ;Height in drops - 16
00 ;Format 3 = 00
01 ;Bold multiplier - 1
00 ;String length (excl. null) - 00
02 ;Format 1 - 2 bytes per raster
00 ;Format 2 - 00
00 ;Linkage - 0
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ;Data set name - Not required
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
55 55 AA AA 55 55 AA AA ;Pixel data
55 55 AA AA 55 55 AA AA
CC CC CC CC 33 33 33 33
CC CC CC CC 33 33 33 33

4.7.10 Field Type 9—Data Matrix Field

Data Matrix is a matrix (2D or two-dimensional) barcode that may be printed as a
square or rectangular symbol made up of individual dots or squares. This
representation is an ordered grid of dark and light dots bordered by a finder pattern.
The finder pattern is partly used to specify the orientation and structure of the
symbol. The data is encoded using a series of dark or light dots based upon a pre-
determined size. The minimum size of these dots is known as the X-dimension.
Data Matrix codes on the 7900 printers are implemented as an encoded field and
use the same format as the barcode field.

May 2019 4—50 Linx RCI Reference Manual
Data Matrix codes are associated with a number of text items (fields), the standard
fields that are used to build a printed message. Data Matrix codes can have any
number of associated fields up to 255; the final encoded text is the resultant text
from all associated fields. Field types that can be associated with Data Matrix codes
are: text, time, date, sequential number, sequential message, and remote fields.
For more information about Data Matrix usage, refer to the 2-D Dot Codes User
Guide (part number MP65210; order as FA65210).
When remote fields are encoded into a Data Matrix, the data is checked when it is
received to determine whether the data type is alpha-numeric or numeric. Alpha-
numeric is used unless all characters are numeric. Make sure that the correct data
type is downloaded. If it is not correct, an empty matrix will be displayed.

Code Sizes Available

The following ECC 200 sizes are supported:
 Square codes—10x10, 12x12, 14x14, 16x16, 18x18, 20x20, 22x22, 24x24, 26x26,
 Rectangular codes—8x18, 8x32, 12x26, 12x36, 16x36, 16x48.
The ECC 200 Data Matrix encoding capabilities are shown below.


Symbol size Numeric Alphanumeric 8-Bit Byte
Capacity Capacity Capacity
Rows Columns
10 10 6 3 1
12 12 10 6 3
14 14 16 10 6
16 16 25 16 10
18 18 36 25 16
20 20 44 31 20
22 22 60 43 28
24 24 72 52 34
26 26 88 64 42
32 32 124 91 60
Rectangular Symbols
8 18 10 6 3
8 32 20 13 8
12 26 32 22 14
12 36 44 31 20
16 36 64 46 30
16 48 98 72 47

Table 4-13. ECC 200 Data Matrix encoding capabilities

Field Type
Bit 7 in the Field Type byte determines whether a field is rendered into the

0XXXXXXX Field is rendered into the message

1XXXXXXX Field is not rendered into message

Linx RCI Reference Manual 4—51 May 2019
If only the barcode is printed, the text-based field must still exist because this
contains the actual barcode data string that is used to generate the barcode.
Bit 6 determines whether a field is associated with another field via the Linkage

X0XXXXXX Field is not associated with a barcode

via the Linkage byte
X1XXXXXX Field is associated with a barcode via
the Linkage byte

Format 2
The Format 2 byte is not used with this field type and must be set to null

Format 3
Bits 2 and 3 control the Field Orientation. See ‘Field Rotation’ on page 4—7 for
details. Bit 5 is used to switch on the Negative Image option. See ‘Negative Image’
on page 4—7 for details.
1. 5900 and CJ400:
Data Matrix fields are not available on these printers.

The example data below downloads a message that contains a Data Matrix code
that is associated with a text field and a five-digit sequential number. The text field
and the sequential number are not rendered (printed). In this example, if the fields
are not rendered the field height byte can be set to zero but the Dataset Name must
be specified.
The Data Matrix in this example has the following parameters:

Data Format Default

Error Correction ECC 200

Drop Gap None

Size 24x24

19 ;Command ID - Download
Message Data

01 ;Number of messages - 1

AA 00 ;Length in Bytes - 170

18 00 ;Length in Rasters - 24

06 ;EHT setting - 6

37 00 ;Width - 55

A0 00 ;Print delay - 10

4D 65 73 73 61 67 65 20 ;Message name - ;Message


31 37 00 00 00 00 00 00

May 2019 4—52 Linx RCI Reference Manual
32 34 20 51 55 41 4C 49 ;Message Type - 24

54 59 00 00 00 00 00 00

1C ;Field header

66 ;Field type - Barcode Field


20 00 ;Field Length - 32

00 ;Y Position - 0

00 00 ;X Position - 0

18 00 ;Length in Rasters - 24

18 ;Height in drops - 24

00 ;Format 3 - 0

01 ;Bold multiplier - 1

00 ;String length (excl. null) - 0

00 ;Format 1 - 0

00 ;Format 2 - 0

01 ;Linkage - Points to the Text


44 61 74 61 20 4D 61 74 ;Data set name - Data Matrix

72 69 78 20 20 20 20 00

1C ;Field header

C0 ;Field type - Text field (not


2B 00 ;Field Length - 43

00 ;Y Position - 0

00 00 ;X Position - 0

3C 00 ;Length in Rasters - 60

09 ;Height in drops - 9

00 ;Format 3 - 0

01 ;Bold multiplier - 1

0A ;String length (excl. null) - 10

00 ;Format 1 - 0

00 ;Format 2 - 0

02 ;Linkage 2

39 20 53 54 44 20 46 55 ;Data set name - 9 STD FULL

4C 4C 00 00 00 00 00 00

Linx RCI Reference Manual 4—53 May 2019
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ;1234567890

39 30 00

1C ;Field header

C4 ;Field type - Seq. Number field (Not


36 00 ;Field Length - 54

00 ;Y Position - 0

00 00 ;X Position - 0

1E 00 ;Length in Rasters - 30

09 ;Height in drops - 9

00 ;Format 3 - 0

01 ;Bold multiplier - 1

05 ;String length (excl. null) - 5

01 ;Format 1- Positive increment: +1

00 ;Format 2 - Print Go Trigger

00 ;Linkage 0 - Points back to the

barcode field

39 20 53 54 44 20 46 55 ;Data set name - 9 STD FULL

4C 4C 00 00 00 00 00 00

01 00 ;No. of repeats -1

00 00 ;Repeat count - 0

;End, Start and Current Number

39 39 39 39 39 00 ;End number - 99999

30 30 30 30 31 00 ;Start number - 00001

30 30 30 30 31 00 ;Current number - 000010

4.7.11 GS1-128 Data Matrix

NOTE: GS1-128 Data Matrix codes are only available via RCI on the 7900 with a suitable
configuration code.
Although it is possible to encode any type of data in the general Data Matrix ECC
200 (see ‘Field Type 9—Data Matrix Field’ on page 4—50), when using GS1 Data
Matrix the data must be structured according to the rules of the GS1 System.
Element strings begin with an Application Identifier that is then followed by the data
that the AI denotes. This data is as follows:
 A standard format for encoding data and bar coding specifications.
 A symbol architecture that allows multiple data elements (item identification, expiration
date, batch number, etc.) within a single barcode.

May 2019 4—54 Linx RCI Reference Manual
GS1 Application Identifiers (AIs) are a 2 digit number that define the meaning and
the format of the data that follows. Each AI and its associated data can be encoded
into a GS1 Data Matrix symbol. This is achieved by putting parentheses around
Application Identifiers in the Human Readable Interpretation. The parentheses are
not part of the data and are not encoded in the barcode.
The following AIs are available for the 7900 printer:
 01 GTIN—Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) is an identifier for trade items developed
by GS1 (comprising among others members of the former EAN International and
Uniform Code Council). This consists of three elements making a total of 13 digits plus a
❐ Packaging Level— This one digit element defines the type of packaging. For
example a single unit will have a packaging level of zero. A tray of eight elements
will have a packaging level of 1, and so on. This is mandatory for the GS1-128 Data
❐ Company Prefix—The GS1 Company Prefix is a seven-digit number that provides
a way for GS1 Member Companies to uniquely and globally identify things like trade
items, logistic units, locations, parties, and assets. This is mandatory for the GS1-
128 Data Matrix.
❐ Product ID—This is a five-digit unique id for the product. This is mandatory for the
GS1-128 Data Matrix.
 10 Batch or Lot Number—Batch number of the product. The Batch Number can be up
to 20 digits in length and is mandatory for the GS1-128 Data Matrix.
 17 Maximum Durability—This is effectively the 'Use By' date. The human-readable
format of this date can be chosen from any of the date formats supported on the printer
but the encoded date will be of the format YYMMDD. If the day element is not required
the DD element must be sent as zero (for example, 00 can be entered). This is
mandatory for the GS1-128 Data Matrix
 21 Serial Number—This number will be unique for each item printed. The GS1
standard allows up to 20 digits, but the 7900 has an upper limit of 15 digits for a
sequential number. This is optional for the GS1-128 Data Matrix.
The GS1 Data Matrix uses a special start combination to differentiate the GS1 Data
Matrix symbol from other Data Matrix ECC 200 symbols. This is achieved by using
the Function 1 Symbol Character (FNC1) in the first position of the encoded data. It
enables scanners to process the information according to the GS1 System Rules.
The FNC1 character (ASCII 232) is encoded in two separate ways within GS1 Data
 Start character.
 Field Separator (to separate variable length article identifiers).

Linx RCI Reference Manual 4—55 May 2019

19 ;Command ID - Download message

01 ;Number of Messages
B9 00 ;Message length in Bytes
88 00 ;Message length in rasters
06 ;EHT setting
D1 00 ;Inter Raster Width
00 00 ;Print delay
4D 65 73 73 61 67 65 20 ;Message name
31 38 00 00 00 00 00 00 ;Message 18
32 34 20 51 55 41 4C 49 ;Raster name - 24 QUALITY
54 59 00 00 00 00 00 00

1C ;Field header
66 ;Field type = Barcode Field
20 00 ;Field Length 32
00 ;Y Position 0
00 00 ;X Position 0
18 00 ;Length in Rasters 24
18 ;Height in drops 24
00 ;Format 3 = 00000000
01 ;Bold multiplier 1
00 ;String length (excl. null) 0
00 ;Format 1 = 0
00 ;Format 2 = 0
01 ;Linkage 1
47 54 49 4E 44 41 54 41 ;Data set name - GTINDATA MATRIX
20 4D 41 54 52 49 58 00

00 ;Package Level - 0
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 00 ;Company Id- 1234567
39 38 37 36 35 00 ;Product Id - 98765
41 42 43 31 32 33 00 00 ;Batch Number - ABC123
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
00 ;Day of Month
09 ;Month of Year
0D ;Year of Century
0E ;Date Format Style
00 00 00 00 ;Spare
07 ;Seq. Number Length
13 ;Seq. Number trigger
02 ;Seq. Number Interval
01 00 ;Repeats
00 00 ;Current repeat count
39 39 39 39 39 00 00 00 ;End Number
00 00 00 00 00 00 00
30 30 30 30 31 00 00 00 ;Start Number
00 00 00 00 00 00 00
30 30 30 30 31 00 00 00 ;Current Number
00 00 00 00 00 00 00
The displayed format styles, based on the date 7 December 2011 (where dd = day,
mm = month, and yy = year of century) are shown in the following table.

RCI Value (bits 0-4) RCI Value (Hex) Style Example

0 0x00 mm yy 12 11
1 0x01 mm.yy 12.11
2 0x02 mm/yy 12/11
3 0x03 yy mm 11 12
4 0x04 yy.mm 11.12
5 0x05 yy/mm 11/12
6 0x06 mm yyyy 12 2011
7 0x07 mm.yyyy 12.2011
8 0x08 mm/yyyy 12/2011
9 0x09 yyyy mm 2011 12
10 0x0A yyyy.mm 2011.12
11 0x0B yyyy/mm 2011/12
12 0x0C dd mm yy 07 12 11
13 0x0D dd.mm.yy 07.12.11
14 0x0E dd/mm/yy 07/12/11
15 0x0F yy mm dd 11 12 07
16 0x10 yy.mm.dd 11.12.07
17 0x11 yy/mm/dd 11/12/07
18 0x12 dd mm yyyy 07 12 2011
19 0x13 dd.mm.yyyy 07.12.2011
20 0x14 dd/mm/yyyy 07/12/2011
21 0x15 yyyy mm dd 2011 12 07
22 0x16 yyyy.mm.dd 2011.12.07
23 0x17 yyyy/mm/dd 2011/12/07

Table 4-14. GS1-128 Data Matrix display format styles

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May 2019 4—58 Linx RCI Reference Manual
This section describes the format of the different types of resources available in the printer.
These can be uploaded using either Command 97 ‘Request Data Directory’, for Character,
Set, Date Format, and Logo Data or Command 24, ‘Message Type Data Request’ for
Message Type Data (see Chapter 2: ‘Sending Data to the Printer’).
1. CJ400:
The CJ400 only supports the uploading of logos and messages. However, sending
other data requests returns an ACK, but no data is uploaded.
2. The Barcode option has been removed as the 7900, and 8800 Series/8900 Series
printers do not support the downloading of barcodes.

5.1 Character set data format

5.1.1 5900, 7900 and 8800 Series/8900 Series printers
Each character set consists of a header block, a pointer block, and pixel data, as shown

Header Block

Pixel Data Pointer Block

Character width
in rasters (1 byte)

Pixel Data Offset (2 bytes)

Pixel Data

Figure 5-1. Character set data format

Linx RCI Reference Manual 5—1 May 2019
All character sets are limited to 64 KB in size, because all offsets used are limited to 16 bits.
There are two components to each character set:
 A fixed format area (relative to the starting address of the set), that contains
identification information and pointers to character pixel data.
 A variable format area that contains the pixel data.
NOTE: All addresses within the character set, and all pointers and offsets, contain an offset
that is relative to the base of the character set.
The pixel area is of variable size. Each characters is built as follows:
For character heights in the range 5 to 8 pixels, each byte represents a raster (see Figure 5-
2). The least significant bit (LSB) of the first byte refers to the top left corner of the character,
and the most significant bit (MSB) refers to the bottom left corner. The MSB of the last byte
refers to the bottom right corner.

Bit 0

Byte n

Bit 7 AS127

Figure 5-2. Character set example (1 byte = 1 raster)

For characters heights in the range 9 to 16 pixels, two bytes represent a single raster. The
first byte in the first raster represents the top of the left-hand side of the character (again, the
LSB represents the top left-hand corner). The second byte represents the bottom of the left-
hand raster, and the MSB of this byte is the bottom left corner. The next two bytes then
make up the next raster in the same way, and so on.

May 2019 5—2 Linx RCI Reference Manual
For characters heights in the range 17 to 24 pixels, three bytes represent a single raster. For
25 to 32 pixels, 4 bytes are required, and so on. An example is shown below.

Bit 0

Byte n

Bit 7
Bit 0

Byte n+1

Bit 7
Bit 0

Byte n+2

Bit 7
Bit 0

Byte n+3

Bit 7

Figure 5-3. Character set example (4 bytes = 1 raster)

The header block (see Figure 5-1 on page 5—1) is made up of the following:
Character set length 2 bytes
Version of character set 1 byte
Number of character set in block 1 byte
Height in pixels 1 byte
Bytes per raster 1 byte
Widest Character Width 1 byte
Inter-character gap 1 byte
Reserved 8 bytes
Source file name 16 bytes 15 bytes + null
Character set name 16 bytes 15 bytes + null
The version identifies the current version of this character set.
Each character set header is immediately followed by 256-character pointer blocks. Each
block consists of the following:
Pixel data offset 2 bytes
Character width in rasters 1 byte
If the pixel data for a particular character does not exist, the following apply:
 If the character specified is a letter of the alphabet, the pointer points to its equivalent
upper case or lower-case value. If neither upper case nor lower case characters exist, it
points to the ‘⌂’ character (7Fh).

 If any other characters do not exist, their pointers point to the ‘⌂’ character. This means
that the ‘⌂’ character must exist in all character sets. The remaining area of the
character set contains the character pixel patterns.

Linx RCI Reference Manual 5—3 May 2019
5.2 Date format data format
A date format allows up to four fields and three separators to be defined.

Date Format Header

Date Format Name String

Field Block Description

Separator Block Descriptors

Date String Lists

Figure 5-4. Date format data format

Each field can be one of the following:
Day of the week 0 7 strings
Day of the month 1 31 strings
Day of the year 2 No strings
Week of the year 3 53 strings
Month of the year 4 12 strings
Year of the decade 5 10 strings
Year of the century 6 No strings
Century 7 2 strings
Hijri Century 8 2 strings
Minute of Hour 9 60 strings
Minute of Day 10 No strings
Hour of Day 11 24 strings
Hour of Week 12 No strings
Second of Minute 13 No strings
No strings can be defined for ‘Day of the year’, ‘Year of the century’, ‘Minute of Day’, ‘Hour
of Week’, or ‘Second of Minute’. These strings default to numbers. For each of the
remaining types, there are the appropriate number of strings as described above.
All pointers described in the data block are offsets taken from the start of each date format.
The date format header block contains the following:
Date format length 2 bytes
Days or months ahead 1 byte 0 days, or 1 months
Format character length 1 byte
Reserved 1 byte
Offsets to field blocks 8 bytes (4 x 2 bytes)
Offsets to separator blocks 6 bytes (3 x 2 bytes)
Offset to format name 2 bytes

May 2019 5—4 Linx RCI Reference Manual
If there are fewer field blocks or separator blocks than the maximum, the remaining offsets
are set to 0.
The ‘Days or months ahead’ byte determines how the offset to the current date is
Each field block consists of the following:
Field type 1 byte 0 to 13
Max. string length 1 byte
String pointers offset 2 bytes
The field types are described above.
The maximum string length indicates the longest string for that field type.
The string pointers offset indicates the position where a list of offsets to all the strings for
that field type are found.
For example, for days of the week:
Field type (0)
Max string length (9)
Offset ----------> Offset 0 -------->‘Sunday’
Offset 1 -------->‘Monday’
Offset 2 -------->‘Tuesday’
Offset 3 -------->‘Wednesday’
Offset 4 -------->‘Thursday’
Offset 5 -------->‘Friday’
Offset 6 -------->‘Saturday’
1. When the 5900 is mapped to a 4900, Sunday is offset 0 and Saturday is offset 6.
Each separator block consists of the following:
Separator length 1 byte
Offset to string 2 bytes

5.3 Logo data format

Each logo consists of the following:

Logo Header

Pixel Data

Figure 5-5. Logo data format

Linx RCI Reference Manual 5—5 May 2019
All pointers within the logo are relative to the start of the logo data header.
Logos must not overlap an 8 kbyte boundary.
The header block is found at the start of every logo. The offset to the pixel data is relative to
the start of this block. The header consists of the following:
Logo length 2 bytes
Pixel data offset 1 byte
Bytes per raster 1 byte
Number of bytes in logo 2 bytes
Reserved 1 byte (set to 0)
Printed drops in raster 1 byte
Reserved 4 bytes (set to 0)
Logo name 16 bytes 15 bytes + null

5.4 Message Type data format

The raster header, now referred to as the Message Type, is required when creating
messages to determine what Message Types are available.
The raster header consists of the following:
Number of printed drops 1 byte
Raster type 1 byte
Raster ID name 16 bytes 15 bytes + null
Raster name 16 bytes 15 bytes + null
Total number of drops 1 byte
The raster type byte indicates the following:
‘G’ General purpose
‘H’ High speed
‘B’ Barcode
‘D’ IJ600 printer raster type
‘S’ Stitched
For a given raster (for example, 16 QUALITY), the Number of printed drops refers to the
number of drops that are printed by the printer, in this case 16. The Total number of drops
refers to the total number of drops in the raster, that includes printed drops and guard drops.
When creating a message, only the Number of printed drops is required to determine the
message size. The Number of printed drops is always less than or equal to Total number of

May 2019 5—6 Linx RCI Reference Manual
This section explains how the various parameters that control print height, width, and delay
are calculated.

6.1 Print Height

The overall printed height of the message can be adjusted by setting the EHT Setting
parameter in the message header (see page ‘Message header’ on page 4—2), or by
sending the ‘Set EHT Value’ command (see ‘EHT Value’ on page 2—4). The height is
controlled by adjusting the voltage that is applied to the EHT plates in the printhead.
The Print Height adjustment allows the message height to be increased or decreased from
its nominal value. The height adjustment is applied to each individual message.

6.2 Print Width

The overall printed width of the message can be adjusted by setting the inter-raster width
parameter in the message header (see page ‘Message header’ on page 4—2), or by
sending the ‘Set Print Width’ command (see ‘Print Width’ on page 2—5). The width is
controlled by adjusting the pitch of the printed rasters.
There is a direct relationship between the production line speed and the drop pitch of the
printed rasters. This is given by the following formula:

Actual Line Speed x Raster Drop

Actual Drop Pitch = Pitch

Maximum Speed

where the Maximum Speed and Drop Pitch are the published values for each Message
Type (see the supplied Print Performance Tables). The actual pitch is the value that can be
achieved by using these parameters.
The method of calculating the print width setting to achieve the Actual Print Pitch depends
on whether the application uses a shaft encoder.

6.3 Settings without a shaft encoder

Without a shaft encoder, the print width is an internal time delay between rasters. The time
delay is set by inserting a number of non-printed drops between each pair of printed rasters.
By default, there is always one non-printed drop between each pair, so if the print width is 0,
one complete raster is printed and one drop is sent into the gutter. This condition sets the
pitch of the raster to the default value at the maximum Message Type (Raster) speed, if the
production line speed does not vary.

Linx RCI Reference Manual 6—1 May 2019
The figure below shows the default drops (shown in grey) placed between the rasters; this is
for illustration purposes only and represents the time delay, ‘t’. Physically, the drop is
produced after the printed raster.


Printed rasters

Figure 6-1. Width value set to 0

To calculate the time delay, the rate at which a drop is produced (Drop Production Rate) is
required. The Drop Production Rate is obtained from the inverse of the printhead frequency.
This is different for each printhead type. The table below lists the values.

Printhead Type Frequency (kHz) Drop Production Rate (µs)

Midi 80 12.5
Midi Plus 64 15.6
Ultima 80 12.5
Ultima Plus 64 15.6
Mini 96 10.4
Micro 127 7.9

Table 6-1. Printhead frequency and drop production rate

The difference in raster pitch per unit change is calculated as follows:

Pitch Difference = Line Speed x Drop Production Rate
For example, using a Midi printhead with the 25 Linear Quality Message Type, a production
line speed of 0.28 m/s, and an Actual Drop Pitch of 0.353 mm:

Production Line Speed = 0.28 mm/ms (0.28 m/s)

Actual Drop Pitch * = 0.353 mm

Drop Production Rate = 0.0125 ms (12.5 µs)

Pitch Difference = 0.28 x 0.0125

= 0.0035 mm

* The Drop Pitch was calculated using the Actual Print Pitch calculation on page 6—7.
For each unit increase in the width value set, the raster pitch increases by 0.0035 mm.

May 2019 6—2 Linx RCI Reference Manual
For a width setting of 4, the actual print pitch becomes:

Actual Print Pitch = Actual Drop Pitch + (4 x 0.0035)

= 0.353 + 0.014

= 0.367 mm

Figure 6-2 shows how an increase in width of 4 affects the time delay. The default drop is
shown grey shaded; the inserted width drops are shown unshaded.

t x4

Printed rasters

Figure 6-2. Width value set to 4

When the unit increase is calculated, the width value can be adjusted to give the required
pitch, based on the production line speed.

6.3.1 5900 and 7900 settings

For the 5900 and 7900 printers, the Line Speed parameters must be set correctly. To set
the Line Speed parameters from the Print Monitor page, select Line Setup > Speed

Figure 6-3. 5900 and 7900 line speed setup (Fixed Speed)
As shown in Figure 6-3, the device is set to ‘Fixed Speed’ at the default value of 0.100 m/s.
This value must be changed to the production line speed for the Message Type that is used.
Continuing with the example above, using the 25 Linear Quality message type, the speed is
set to 0.28 m/s.

Linx RCI Reference Manual 6—3 May 2019
If a message that uses the RCI Raster Name ‘25 QUALITY’ is now downloaded to the
printer, with the inter-raster width value set to zero, and the message is selected for printing,
the default pitch of 0.353 mm is set. This can be confirmed by looking at the Print Width
setting in the Print Settings page:

Figure 6-4. 5900 and 7900 Print Settings page: Width set to 0

6.3.2 CJ400 settings

To set the Line Settings on the CJ400, from the Home screen touch the Line Settings icon.
The Line Settings screen is displayed as shown in Figure 6-5.

Figure 6-5. CJ400 Line Settings screen

The default fixed speed setting is 0.100 m/s. Again, this value must be changed to the
production line speed for the Message Type that is used. Continuing with the example
above, using the 1 x 16 Western Flexible message type, the speed is set to 0.74 m/s.

May 2019 6—4 Linx RCI Reference Manual
If a message that uses the RCI Raster Name '16 QUALITY' is now downloaded to the
printer, with the inter-raster width value set to zero, and the message is selected for printing,
a default pitch of 0.365 mm is set. This can be confirmed by looking at the Print Width
button on the Message Settings screen.

Figure 6-6. CJ400 Message Settings screen

6.3.3 8800 Series/8900 Series settings

To set the Line Settings on the 8800 Series/8900 Series, from the Home screen touch the
Line Settings icon. The Line Settings screen is displayed as shown in Figure 6-7.

Figure 6-7. 8800 Series/8900 Series Line Settings screen

The default fixed speed setting is 0.100 m/s. Again, this value must be changed to the
production line speed for the Message Type that is used. Continuing with the example
above, using the 1 x 16 Western Flexible message type, the speed is set to 0.365 m/s as
shown in Figure 6-8.

Figure 6-8. 8800 Series/8900 Series Message Settings screen

Linx RCI Reference Manual 6—5 May 2019
6.4 Settings using a shaft encoder
A shaft encoder compensates for variations in the line speed, up to the maximum speed of
the message type. This is possible because the printer is set up to receive a certain number
of pulses per millimetre, and produces rasters at this setting, regardless of the speed of the
production line.
To calculate the width value when using a shaft encoder, information is required about the
shaft encoder and the circumference of the wheel that is in contact with the production line.
Linx currently supplies three types of shaft encoder, as follows:
 2500 p.p.r
 5000 p.p.r.
 10,000 p.p.r.
(p.p.r. = pulses per revolution.)
The standard wheel sizes (circumferences) available are: 200 mm, 333 mm and 500 mm.
By using a combination of shaft encoders and wheel sizes, it is possible to set encoder pitch
and the pulses per mm by using:

Wheel Size
Encoder Pitch =
Encoder Pulses


Pulses Per mm Encoder Pulses

= Wheel Size

These parameters allow the raster pitch to be set to various values. The following table
shows the available combinations of Linx standard shaft encoders and wheel sizes.

Shaft Encoder p.p.r. Wheel Size Encoder Pitch Pulses

(mm) (mm) per mm
2500 200 0.08 12.5
2500 333 0.13 7.5
2500 500 0.20 5.0
5000 200 0.04 25.0
5000 333 0.67 15.0
5000 500 0.10 10.0
10000 200 0.02 50.0
10000 333 0.33 30.0
10000 500 0.50 20.0

Table 6-2. Standard Linx shaft encoder/wheel combinations

By dividing the required raster pitch by the encoder pitch, it is possible to obtain the pitch
that can be achieved using various shaft encoder/wheel combinations and the width value
to send to the printer to set the value.

May 2019 6—6 Linx RCI Reference Manual
For example, using a Midi printhead and a 25 Linear Quality message type:
Ideal pitch = 0.353 mm.
Shaft encoder = 2500 p.p.r.
Wheel circumference = 200 mm
Encoder pitch = 0.08 mm

Ideal Pitch
Pitch Factor =
Encoder Pitch
= 4.41

Actual Pitch
Because the width value must be an integer value, the width value is rounded down to 4.
The actual pitch is then:

Pitch Factor x Encoder

Actual Pitch =

= 4 x 0.08 mm

= 0.320 mm

The default encoder pitch in the example above is 0.08 mm. If a width value of zero is sent
to the printer, the encoder pitch is set to the default. The width calculation must then be
modified to account for this, so:

Width Value = Pitch Factor - 1

= 3

6.4.1 5900 and 7900 settings

For the 5900 and 7900 printers, the Speed > Speed Selection setting must be set to ‘Shaft
encoder’ (see Figure 6-9). The pulses-per-millimetre value (Pulses/mm or Encoder
Speed) is then entered. This value must match the pulses-per-millimetre value calculated
from the wheel size shaft encoder combination as shown. The example shown assumes a
200 mm wheel and a 2500 p.p.r. shaft encoder.

Figure 6-9. 5900/7900 line speed setup (shaft encoder)

Linx RCI Reference Manual 6—7 May 2019
If a message using the RCI Raster Name ’16 QUALITY’ is downloaded to the printer, with
the inter-raster width value set to zero, and the message is selected for printing, the Print
Width is set to 0.08 mm. This can be confirmed by looking at the Print Width setting on the
Print Settings page, as shown below.

Figure 6-10. Print Width setting (Download width set to 0)

If the message is deleted, and the same message is sent again with an inter-raster width of
3, as calculated above, then the pitch is set to 0.320 mm as shown below.

Figure 6-11. Print parameters pitch setting (Width set to 3)

May 2019 6—8 Linx RCI Reference Manual
6.4.2 CJ400 settings
For the CJ400 printer, the Line Settings must be set to 'Shaft Encoder' (see Figure 6-12).
The pulses- per-millimetre value (Pulses/mm) is then entered. This value must match the
pulses-per-millimetre value calculated from the wheel size and shaft encoder combination
as shown. The example shown assumes a 200 mm wheel and a 2500 p.p.r. shaft encoder.

Figure 6-12. CJ400 Shaft Encoder settings

If a message using the RCI Raster Name '16 QUALITY’ is downloaded to the printer, with
the inter-raster width value set to zero, and the message is selected for printing, the Print
Width is set to 0.800 mm. This can be confirmed by looking at the Print Width value on the
Message Settings screen, as shown in Figure 6-13.

Figure 6-13. Message Settings (Download width Set to 0)

Linx RCI Reference Manual 6—9 May 2019
If the message is deleted, and the same message is sent again with an inter-raster width of
3, as calculated above, then the pitch is set to 0.320 mm as shown.

Figure 6-14. Message Settings screen (Download width set to 3)

6.4.3 8800 Series/8900 Series settings

For the 8800 Series/8900 Series printer, the Line Settings must be set to 'Shaft Encoder'
(see Figure 6-15). The pulses- per-millimetre value (Pulses/mm) is then entered. This value
must match the pulses-per-millimetre value calculated from the wheel size and shaft
encoder combination as shown. The example shown assumes a 200 mm wheel and a 2500
p.p.r. shaft encoder.

Figure 6-15. 8800 Series/8900 Series Line Settings screen: Shaft Encoder

May 2019 6—10 Linx RCI Reference Manual
If a message using the RCI Raster Name '16 Quality' is downloaded to the printer, with the
inter-raster width value set to zero, and the message is selected for printing, the Print
Width is set to 0.0800 mm. This can be confirmed by looking at the Print Width value in the
Message Settings screen, as shown in Figure 6-16.

Figure 6-16. 8800 Series/8900 Series Message Settings screen (Download width set to 0)
If the message is deleted, and the same message is sent again with an inter-raster width of
3, as calculated above, then the pitch is set to 0.320 mm as shown in Figure 6-17.

Figure 6-17. 8800 Series/8900 Series Message Settings screen (Download width set to 3)

Linx RCI Reference Manual 6—11 May 2019
6.5 Print Delay
The print delay can be adjusted by setting the ‘Print Delay’ parameter in the message
header (see ‘Message header’ on page 4—2), or by sending the ‘Set Print Delay’ command
(see ‘Print Delay’ on page 2—5). The delay is the distance between the photocell trigger
signal and the start of the printed message.
Regardless of whether a shaft encoder is used or not, the required delay can be calculated
by using the required distance from the photocell trigger to the first printed message divided
by the Actual Pitch (calculated in ‘Settings using a shaft encoder’ on page 6—6). That is:

Required Distance from Photocell to Print

Delay = Message

Actual Drop Pitch

NOTE: For both the Message Header parameter and the Set Print Delay command, the
required value is specified as an integer.
For example, if the required distance from the photocell trigger to the printed message is
50 mm and the Actual Drop Pitch value is 0.320 mm as calculated in ‘Settings using a shaft
encoder’ on page 6—6, then:

Delay =

= 156.25

As an integer value, this is 156.

6.6 RCI Inter-Print Delay

The Inter-Print Delay is the delay between consecutive printed messages, and is set
differently depending on which printer is being used.

6.6.1 5900, 7900, CJ400, and 8800 Series/8900 Series printers

The RCI Inter Print Delay of command 98 and 99 is not directly available in the UI for these
printers. The parameter used in the UI is called the Inter-Print Distance, which is a line
setting. It is the distance from the start of one message to the start of the next, as shown in
Figure 6-18 .


Inter-Print Distance

BBE 9/06 BBE 9/06

Figure 6-18. Inter-Print Distance

The Inter-Print Distance is only applied with the Primary or Secondary Triggers set to True
or a Level (either High or Low) or Continuous printing.

May 2019 6—12 Linx RCI Reference Manual
The Inter-Print Distance value is entered directly, in millimetres or inches, in the user
interface, but the RCI method requires the following integer value:

Required Inter-Print Distance – Message

RCI Inter-Print Delay = Length

Actual Drop Pitch

where the Inter-Print Distance, the Message Length and the Actual Drop Pitch are in
millimetres. The RCI Inter-Print Delay is therefore in units of “Print Width”, the gap between
Care must be taken when setting the Inter-Print Distance. If the message length is
increased, (by editing or adding extra fields), the message length can exceed the Inter-Print
Distance. This causes problems when printing because it can cause trigger errors.
This calculation gives a floating point number which should be rounded to an integer value
which can be set by the RCI, using command 98, ‘Set Inter-Print Delay’. There is no
provision to set the Inter-Print Delay in the Message Header.
For the 8800 Series/8900 Series, there is a Compatibility setting “Metric Width and Delays”
which means that the RCI Inter-Print Delay may be specified in tenths of a millimetre (2
For the CJ400 and 8800 Series/8900 Series, the values can be sent as tenths of a
millimetre in 4 bytes—see ‘Command ID: 161D (A1H)’ on page 2—46 and ‘Command ID:
162D (A2H)’ on page 2—46 (Set and Request RCI Mode).
There is an additional mode that allows the RCI Inter-Print Delay to be measured from the
start of one message to the start of the next—the RCI parameter represents the UI’s Inter-
Print Distance in either rasters or millimetres.

Linx RCI Reference Manual 6—13 May 2019
This page left blank intentionally

May 2019 6—14 Linx RCI Reference Manual
To enable the Linx printers to be backward compatible with existing applications using the
RCI Protocol and to receive data in the Upper ASCII range (128 – 255) which contains
different language characters., three types of mappings are provided.
There are three types of mappings:
 Code Page Mappings
 Message Type Mappings
 Font Type Mappings

7.1 Code Page Mapping

The printer use Code Pages to enable the various character sets as listed below. Code
Pages can either be selected fromx the UI or via the RCI, see ‘XCompatibility Mapping’ in
Chapter 2: ‘Sending Data to the Printer’.
A complete list of each Code Page currently available are shown in Appendix F, ASCII
Characters and Code Pages.
The following Code Pages are provided:
 European (6200)
 European
 Japanese
 Greek
 Russian
 Polish

5900 and 7900

To select the Code Page using the User Interface, from the Print Monitor page, select
Menu, Setup, Communications, Protocol. Ensure the RS232 Protocol is set to RCI then
select RCI Setup, Mappings then Code Page. The Code Page options page will be
displayed as shown in Figure 7-1.

Figure 7-1. 5900 and 7900 Code Page selection

Linx RCI Reference Manual 7—1 May 2019
To select the Code Page on the CJ400 using the User Interface, from the Main Menu, touch
Printer Setup, Communications, Edit Communications. Select either RCI over RS232 or
RCI over Ethernet, Mapping then Code Page. The Code Page options will be shown.

Figure 7-2. CJ400 Code Page selection

The Polish Code Page can be accessed by using the scroll bar on the right hand
side of the screen.

8800 Series/8900 Series

To select the Code Page on the 8800 Series/8900 Series using the User Interface, from the
Main Menu, touch Printer Setup > Communication. Select either RCI over RS232 or RCI
over Ethernet, Edit Connection > Mappings > Code Page. The Code Page options are

Figure 7-3. 8800 Series/8900 Series Code Page selection

7.2 Message Type and Font Mappings

This section describes how the RCI accesses the various resources that are available on
the Linx printers when set to the various mapping types.
To successfully download messages remotely from applications originally written for older
printers, the 5900, 7300, 7900, and 8800 Series/8900 Series printers are able to use
Mappings Tables which convert the old Type Rasters and Character Sets into the new type
Message Types and Fonts.
The tables show the RCI message type names for the various printer types and the
corresponding message style(s). When a message is downloaded to the printer using an
RCI Message Type the message will be created on the printer with the corresponding
Message Style.

May 2019 7—2 Linx RCI Reference Manual
The printers can use message names that have lengths up to 31 characters, but the RCI
protocol only supports lengths up to 15 characters plus a null terminator. If a message that
is uploaded has a name length that is greater than 15 characters, the name is truncated to
15 characters plus the null. If the truncation process creates a message name that already
exists on the printer, the message will be rejected with error 84D (54H) ‘Duplicate Name’. To
prevent this a limit of 15 characters is recommended for the name of any messages that are
created and uploaded using the RCI protocol.
The following resources are translated:
 Message Types
 Font Names (Character Sets)
 Date Formats
 Time Formats
The 8800 Series/8900 Series (8900 v1.3 and above, 8910, 8920 and 8940 v1.0 and above)
now support Message Type and Font Types (Reported Printer Types) for:
 4800
 4900
 5900
 6200
 6800
 7300
NOTE: Mappings on the 8800 Series/8900 Series are no longer case-sensitive.

7.2.1 4800 and 4900 to 5900 Mappings

To enable the 5900 to replace the 4800 or 4900 in customer applications, the 5900 has the
following mappings.

Message Types

4800 RCI Message Type 4900 RCI Message 5900 Message Configuration
Name Type Name Type Name
N/A 5 QUALITY 5 Linear Quality SS and HS
5 HI SPEED 5 WIDE 5 Linear Wide SHS only
N/A 7 FLEXIBLE 7 Linear Flexible SS and HS
7 GEN STD 7 QUALITY 7 Linear Quality SS and HS
7 HI SPEED 7 WIDE 7 Linear Wide HP only
16 GEN STD 16 QUALITY 16 Linear Quality SS and HS
16 N HI SPEED 16 SPEED 16 Linear Speed HS
16 S HI SPEED 16 WIDE 16 Linear Wide SHS
N/A 16 FLEXIBLE 16 Linear Flexible SS and HS

Table 7-1. 4800 and 4900 to 5900 Message Type Translations

Linx RCI Reference Manual 7—3 May 2019
Fonts Types

4800 RCI Font Type Name 4900 RCI Font Type Name 5900 Font Type Name
5 HIGH CAPS 5 FH (CAPS) High Speed FH 5
7 HIGH FULL 7 FH (CAPS) High Speed FH 7
16 HIGH CAPS 16 FH (CAPS) Standard FH 16
16 HIGH FULL 16 NON-FH Standard 16

Table 7-2. 4800 and 4900 to 5900 5900 Font Name Translations

7.2.2 5900 Mappings

These are available when the 5900 printer is used over RCI as a 5900.

Midi Printhead Message Type Mappings

Message Type Mappings have been set to ‘5900’ either by the User Interface or via the RCI.
See ‘XCompatibility Mapping’ in Chapter 2: ‘Sending Data to the Printer’.

5900 RCI Message Type Name 5900 Message Type Name Configuration
5 WIDE 5 Linear Wide SHS
7 FLEXIBLE 7 Linear Flexible SS, HS and SHS
7 QUALITY 7 Linear Quality SS, HS and SHS
7 WIDE 7 Linear Wide HS and SHS
8 FLEXIBLE 8 Linear Flexible SS, HP and SHS
8 QUALITY 8 Linear Quality SS, HS and SHS
8 WIDE 8 Linear Wide HS and SHS
9 FLEXIBLE 9 Linear Flexible SS, HS and SHS
9 QUALITY 9 Linear Quality SS, HS and SHS
16 FLEXIBLE 16 Linear Flexible SS, HS and SHS
16 QUALITY 16 Linear Quality SS, HS and SHS
16 SPEED 16 Linear Speed HS and SHS
18 FLEXIBLE 18 Linear Flexible SS, HS and SHS
18 QUALITY 18 Linear Quality SS, HS and SHS
18 SPEED 18 Linear Speed SHS
21 FLEXIBLE 21 Linear Flexible SS, HS and SHS
21 QUALITY 21 Linear Quality SS, HS and SHS
25 QUALITY 25 Linear Quality SS, HS and SHS
25 SPEED 25 Linear Speed SHS
2 x 7 STITCH 2 x 7 Stitch Speed DC

Table 7-3. 900 Midi Printhead Message Type Mappings

May 2019 7—4 Linx RCI Reference Manual
Midi Plus Printhead Message Type Mappings

5900 RCI Message Type 5900 Message Type Configuration

Name Name
7 QUALITY 7 Linear Quality SS
9 QUALITY 9 Linear Quality SS
16 QUALITY 16 Linear Quality SS
25 QUALITY 25 Linear Quality SS

Table 7-4. 5900 Midi Plus Printhead Message Type Mappings

Ultima Printhead Message Type Mappings

5900 RCI Message Type 5900 Message Type Configuration
Name Name
5 WIDE 5 Linear Wide SHS and DC
7 FLEXIBLE 7 Linear Flexible SS, HS, SHS and DC
7 QUALITY 7 Linear Quality SS, HS, SHS and DC
7 SPEED 7 Linear Speed HS, SHS and DC
7 WIDE 7 Linear Wide HS, SHS and DC
8 FLEXIBLE 8 Linear Flexible SS, HS, SHS and DC
8 QUALITY 8 Linear Quality SS, HS, SHS and DC
8 SPEED 8 Linear Speed HS, SHS and DC
8 WIDE 8 Linear Wide HS, SHS and DC
9 FLEXIBLE 9 Linear Flexible SS, HS, SHS and DC
9 QUALITY 9 Linear Quality SS, HS, SHS and DC
16 FLEXIBLE 16 Linear Flexible SS, HS, SHS and DC
16 QUALITY 16 Linear Quality SS, HS, SHS and DC
16 SPEED 16 Linear Speed HS, SHS and DC
16 WIDE 16 Linear Wide SHS and DC
18 FLEXIBLE 18 Linear Flexible SS, HS and SHS
18 QUALITY 18 Linear Quality SS, HS and SHS
18 SPEED 18 Linear Speed SHS
21 FLEXIBLE 21 Linear Flexible SS, HS and SHS
21 QUALITY 21 Linear Quality SS, HS and SHS
21 SPEED 21 Linear Speed HS an SHS
25 QUALITY 25 Linear Quality SS, HS and SHS
25 SPEED 25 Linear Speed SHS
2x7 QUALITY 2 x 7 Stitched Quality DC
2x7 SPEED 2 x 7 Stitched Speed DC

Table 7-5. 5900 Ultima Printhead Message Type Mappings

Linx RCI Reference Manual 7—5 May 2019
Ultima Plus Printhead Message Type Mappings

5900 RCI Message Type Name 5900 Message Type Name Configuration
5 WIDE 5 Linear Wide SHS and DC
7 QUALITY 7 Linear Quality SS, HS, SHS and DC
7 SPEED 7 Linear Speed SS, HS, SHS and DC
7 WIDE 7 Linear Wide SS, HS, SHS and DC
9 QUALITY 9 Linear Quality SS, HS, SHS and DC
16 QUALITY 16 Linear Quality SS, HS, SHS and DC
16 SPEED 16 Linear Speed HS, SHS and DC
16 WIDE 16 Linear Wide SHS and DC
21 QUALITY 21 Linear Quality SS, HS and SHS
21 SPEED 21 Linear Speed HS and SHS
25 QUALITY 25 Linear Quality SS, HS and SHS
2x7 QUALITY 2 x 7 Stitched Quality DC
2x7 SPEED 2 x 7 Stitched Speed DC

Table 7-6. 5900 Ultima Plus Printhead Message Type Mappings

Mini Printhead Message Type Mappings

5900 RCI Message Type Name 5900 Message Type Name Configuration
4T 1x5 W 6.83 4T 1 x 5 Wide 6.83m/s DC
4T 1x7 Q 1.95 4T 1 x 7 Quality 1.95m/s DC
4T 1x7 S 2.27 4T 1 x 7 Speed 2.27m/s DC
4T 1x7 S 3.03 4T 1 x 7 Speed 3.03m/s DC
4T 1x7 S 3.41 4T 1 x 7 Speed 3.41m/s DC
4T 1x7 W 5.12 4T 1 x 7 Wide 5.12m/s DC
4T 1x8 Q 1.70 4T 1 x 8 Quality 1.7m/s DC
4T 1x8 S 2.10 4T 1 x 8 Speed 2.10m/s DC
4T 1x9 Q 1.51 4T 1 x 9 Quality 1.51m/s DC
4T 1x9 S 1.95 4T 1 x 9 Speed 1.95m/s DC
4T 1x12 Q 1.13 4T 1 x12 Quality 1.13m/s DC
4T 1x12 S 1.50 4T 1 x 12 Speed 1.50m/s DC
4T 1x16 Q 0.85 4T 1 x 16 Quality 0.85m/s DC
4T 2x7 Q 0.78 4T 2x 7 Quality 0.78m/s DC
4T 2x7 S 0.97 4T 2 x 7 Speed 0.97m/s DC
4T 2x7 S 1.30 4T 2 x 7 Speed 1.30m/s DC
8T 1x7 S 1.95 8T 1 x 7 Speed 1.95m/s DC
8T 1x7 W 5.12 8T 1 x 7 Wide 5.12m/s DC
8T 1x5 W 6.83 8T 1 x 5 Wide 6.83m/s DC
8T 1x7 Q 1.30 8T 1 x 7 Quality 1.30m/s DC
8T 1x7 W 6.83 8T 1 x 7 Wide 6.83m/s DC

Table 7-7. 5900 Mini Printhead Message Type Mappings

May 2019 7—6 Linx RCI Reference Manual
5900 RCI Message Type Name 5900 Message Type Name Configuration
8T 1x8 Q 1.13 8T 1 x 8 Quality 1.13m/s DC
8T 1x8 S 1.70 8T 1 x 8 Speed 1.70m/s DC
8T 1x9 S 1.51 8T 1 x 9 Speed 1.51m/s DC
8T 2x7 Q 1.24 8T 2 x 7 Quality 1.24m/s DC

Table 7-7. 5900 Mini Printhead Message Type Mappings (continued)

5900 Font Types

These are available when the Font Type Mappings has been set to ‘5900’ either by the User
Interface or via the RCI. See ‘XCompatibility Mapping’ in Chapter 2: ‘Sending Data to the

Arab Numerals

5900 RCI Font Type Name 5900 Font Type Name

5 HI ARAB NUM Arab Numerals 5
7 HI ARAB NUM Arab Numerals 7
16 HI ARAB NUM Arab Numerals 16

Table 7-8. 5900 Arab Numerals Font Type Mappings

Farsi Numerals

5900 RCI Font Type Name 5900 Font Type Name

7 HI FARSI NUM Farsi Numerals 7
16 HI FARSI NUM Farsi Numerals 16

Table 7-9. 5900 Farsi Numerals Font Type Mappings

High Speed

5900 RCI Font Type Name 5900 Font Type Name

9 HS CAPS High Speed 9
15 HS CAPS High Speed 15

Table 7-10. 5900 High Speed Font Type Mappings

High Speed (6200)

5900 RCI Font Type Name 5900 Font Type Name

9 HIGH 6200 High Speed (6200) 9
15 HIGH 6200 High Speed (6200) 15

Table 7-11. 5900 High Speed Font Type Mappings

High Speed (West)

5900 RCI Font Type Name 5900 Font Type Name

9 HIGH WEST High Speed (West) 9
15 HIGH WEST High Speed (West) 15

Table 7-12. 5900 High Speed (West) Font Type Mappings

Linx RCI Reference Manual 7—7 May 2019
High Speed FH

5900 RCI Font Type Name 5900 Font Type Name

5 FH CAPS High Speed FH 5
6 FH CAPS High Speed FH 6
7 FH CAPS High Speed FH 7
8 FH CAPS High Speed FH 8
9 FH CAPS High Speed FH 9
12 FH CAPS High Speed FH 12
15 FH CAPS High Speed FH 15
23 FH CAPS High Speed FH 23

Table 7-13. 5900 High Speed Full Height Font Type Mappings

High Speed FH (West)

5900 RCI Font Type Name 5900 Font Type Name
5 HIGH FH WEST High Speed FH (West) 5
6 HIGH FH WEST High Speed FH (West) 6
7 HIGH FH WEST High Speed FH (West) 7
8 HIGH FH WEST High Speed FH (West) 8
9 HIGH FH WEST High Speed FH (West) 9
15 HIGH FH WEST High Speed FH (West) 15
23 HIGH FH WEST High Speed FH (West) 23

Table 7-14. 5900 High Speed FH (West) Font Type Mappings

Japanese FH Japan

5900 RCI Font Type Name 5900 Font Type Name

5 HIGH FH JAP High Speed FH Japan 5
6 HIGH FH JAP High Speed FH Japan 6
7 HIGH FH JAP High Speed FH Japan 7
8 HIGH FH JAP High Speed FH Japan 8
9 HIGH FH JAP High Speed FH Japan 9
18 HIGH FH JAP High Speed FH Japan 18
21 HIGH FH JAP High Speed FH Japan 21

Table 7-15. 5900 Japanese Font Type Mappings


5900 RCI Font Type Name 5900 Font Type Name

9 HIGH JAP High Speed Japanese 9

Table 7-16. 5900 Korean Font Type Mappings

May 2019 7—8 Linx RCI Reference Manual
Narrow FH

5900 RCI Font Type Name 5900 Font Type Name

5 NARROW FH Narrow FH 5
6 NARROW FH Narrow FH 6
7 NARROW FH Narrow FH 7

Table 7-17. 5900 Narrow Full Height Font Type Mappings


5900 RCI Font Type Name 5900 Font Type Name

OCR-A 16 OCR-A 16

Table 7-18. 5900 OCR-A Font Type Mappings

5900 RCI Font Type Name 5900 Font Type Name
OCR-B 16 OCR-B 16

Table 7-19. 5900 OCR-B Font Type Mappings


5900 RCI Font Type Name 5900 Font Type Name

9 STD Standard 9
12 STD Standard 12
16 STD Standard 16
18 STD Standard 18
21 STD Standard 21
25 STD Standard 25

Table 7-20. 5900 Standard Font Type Mappings

Standard FH

5900 RCI Font Type Name 5900 Font Type Name

7 STD FULL Standard FH 7
8 STD FULL Standard FH 8
9 STD FULL Standard FH 9
12 STD FULL Standard FH 12
16 STD FULL Standard FH 16
18 STD FULL Standard FH 18
21 STD FULL Standard FH 21
25 STD FULL Standard FH 25

Table 7-21. 5900 Standard Full Height Font Type Mappings

Linx RCI Reference Manual 7—9 May 2019
7.2.3 4800 to 8800 Series/8900 Series Mappings
The following mappings are available from v3.x and onwards. These are available when the
Reported Machine Type has been set to ‘4800’ for the 8800 Series/8900 Series either by
the User Interface or via the RCI. See ‘XCompatibility Mapping’ in Chapter 2: ‘Sending Data
to the Printer’.

4800 Message Type Mappings

4800 RCI Name 8800 Series/8900 Series 8800 Series/8900 Series Message Type
RCI Name
5 Hi Speed 1x5 Wide Linear 1 x 5 Western Fixed Wide 1
7 Gen Std 1x7 Std Linear 1 x 7 Western Flexible
7 Hi Speed 1x7 Wide Linear 1 x 7 Western Fixed Wide 1
16 Gen Std 1x16 Std Linear 1 x 16 Western Flexible
16 N Hi Speed 1x16 Std Linear 1 x 16 Western Flexible
16 S Hi Speed 1x16 Wide Linear 1 x 16 Western Flexible Wide 1

Table 7-22. 4800 to 8800 Series/8900 Series Message Type Mappings

1. 8910, 8920, 8940 only.

4800 Font Types

4800 RCI Font Type Name 8800 Series/8900 Series RCI 8800 Series/8900 Series
Font Name Font Type
5 HIGH CAPS 5 HIGH CAPS High Speed FH (West) 5
7 HIGH FULL 7 HIGH FULL High Speed FH (West) 7
16 HIGH FULL 16 HIGH FULL Universal 16
16 HIGH CAPS 16 HIGH CAPS Universal 16

Table 7-23. 4800 to 8800 Series/8900 Series Font Mappings

May 2019 7—10 Linx RCI Reference Manual
7.2.4 4900 to 8800 Series/8900 Series Mappings
These are available when the Reported Machine Type is set to ‘4900’ for the 8800 Series/
8900 Series either by the User Interface or via the RCI. See ‘XCompatibility Mapping’ in
Chapter 2: ‘Sending Data to the Printer’.

4900 Message Type Mapping

4900 RCI Mapping Name 8800 Series/8900 Series RCI 8800 Series/8900 Series
Name Message Type
5 QUALITY 1x5 Std Linear 1x5 Western Fixed
5 FLEXIBLE 1x5 Std Linear 1 x 5 Western Fixed
5 WIDE 1x5 Wide Linear 1 x 5 Western Fixed Wide 1
5 SPEED 1x5 Std Linear 1 x 5 Western Fixed
7 QUALITY 1x7 Std Linear 1 x 7 Western Fixed
7 FLEXIBLE 1x7 Std Linear 1 x 7 Western Fixed
7 WIDE 1x7 Wide Linear 1 x 7 Western Fixed Wide 1
7 SPEED 1x7 Std Linear 1 x 7 Western Fixed
8 QUALITY 1x7 Std Linear 1 x 7 Western Fixed
8 FLEXIBLE 1x7 Std Linear 1 x 7 Western Fixed
8 WIDE 1x7 Wide Linear 1 x 7 Western Fixed
8 SPEED 1x7 Std Linear 1 x 7 Western Fixed
9 QUALITY 1x9 Std Linear 1 x 9 Chinese Flexible 3
9 FLEXIBLE 1x9 Std Linear 1 x 9 Chinese Flexible 3
16 QUALITY 1x16 Std Linear 1 x 16 Western Flexible
16 FLEXIBLE 1x16 Std Linear 1 x 16 Western Flexible
16 WIDE 1x16 Wide Linear 1 x 16 Western Flexible Wide 1
16 SPEED 1x16 Std Linear 1 x 16 Western Flexible
18 QUALITY 1x18 Std Linear 1 x 18 Western Flexible
18 SPEED 1x18 Std Linear 1 x 18 Western Flexible
21 QUALITY 1x21 Std Linear 1 x 21 Western Flexible
21 SPEED 1x21 Std Linear 1 x 21 Western Flexible
25 QUALITY 1x25 Std Linear 1 x 25 Western Flexible
25 SPEED 1x25 Std Speed 1 x 25 Western Flexible
2x5 QUALITY 2x5 Western Fixed Wide 2 x 5 Western Fixed Wide 2
2x7 QUALITY 2x7 Std Stitched 2 x 7 Western Fixed
2x7 WIDE 2x7 Wide Stitched 2 x 7 Western Fixed Wide 2
2x7 SPEED 2x7 Std Stitched 2 x 7 Western Fixed
2x8 QUALITY 2x7 Std Stitched 2 x 7 Western Fixed
2x8 SPEED 2x7 Std Stitched 2 x 7 Western Fixed
3x7 QUALITY 3x7 Std Stitched 3 x 7 Western Fixed
3x7 SPEED 3x7 Std Stitched 3 x 7 Western Fixed

Table 7-24. 4900 to 8800 Series/8900 Series Midi/Midi Plus Printhead Message Type

Linx RCI Reference Manual 7—11 May 2019
1. 8910, 8920 and 8940 only.
2. 8920 and 8940 only.
3. Chinese message styles are designed for use with Chinese characters, but can
also be used with other fonts.

4900 Font Mapping

4900 RCI Font Type Name 8800 Series/8900 Series RCI 8800 Series/8900 Font Type
Font Name
5 FH (CAPS) High Speed FH (West)_5 High Speed FH 5
7 FH (CAPS) Universal_7 High Speed FH 7
16 FH (CAPS) Universal_16 Universal 16
16 NON-FH Universal_16 Universal 16
7 ARAB NUM Arab Numerals_7 Arab Numerals 7
16 ARAB NUM Arab Numerals_16 Arab Numerals 16
OCR-A 16 OCR-A_16 OCR-A 16
OCR-B 16 OCR-B_16 OCR-B16

Table 7-25. 4900 to 8800 Series/8900 Series Font Mapping

7.2.5 5900 to 8800 Series/8900 Series Mappings

These are available when the Reported Machine Type has been set to ‘5900’ for the 8800
Series/8900 Series either by the User Interface or via the RCI. See ‘XCompatibility
Mapping’ in Chapter 2: ‘Sending Data to the Printer’.

5900 Message Type Mapping

5900 RCI Mapping Name 8800 Series/8900 Series 8800 Series/8900 Message Type
RCI Name
5 WIDE 1x5 Wide Linear 1 x 5 Western Fixed Wide 1
7 QUALITY 1x7 Std Linear 1 x 7 Western Fixed
7 FLEXIBLE 1x7 Std Linear 1 x 7 Western Fixed
7 WIDE 1x7 Wide Linear 1 x 7 Western Fixed Wide 1
7 SPEED 1x7 Std Linear 1 x 7 Western Fixed
8 QUALITY 1x7 Std Linear 1 x 7 Western Fixed
8 FLEXIBLE 1x7 Std Linear 1 x 7 Western Fixed
8 WIDE 1x7 Wide Linear 1 x 7 Western Fixed
8 SPEED 1x7 Std Linear 1 x 7 Western Fixed
9 QUALITY 1x9 Std Linear 1 x 9 Chinese Flexible 3
9 FLEXIBLE 1x9 Std Linear 1 x 9 Chinese Flexible 3
16 QUALITY 1x16 Std Linear 1 x 16 Western Flexible
16 FLEXIBLE 1x16 Std Linear 1 x 16 Western Flexible
16 WIDE 1x16 Wide Linear 1 x 16 Western Flexible Wide 1

Table 7-26. 5900 to 8800 Series/8900 Series Message Type Mappings

May 2019 7—12 Linx RCI Reference Manual
5900 RCI Mapping Name 8800 Series/8900 Series 8800 Series/8900 Message Type
RCI Name
16 SPEED 1x16 Std Linear 1 x 16 Western Flexible
18 QUALITY 1x18 Std Linear 1 x 18 Western Flexible
18 SPEED 1x18 Std Linear 1 x 18 Western Flexible
21 QUALITY 1x21 Std Linear 1 x 21 Western Flexible
21 FLEXIBLE 1x21 Std Linear 1 x 21 Western Flexible
21 SPEED 1x21 Std Linear 1 x 21 Western Flexible
25 QUALITY 1x25 Std Linear 1 x 25 Western Flexible
25 SPEED 1x25 Std Speed 1 x 25 Western Flexible
2x7 QUALITY 2x7 Std Stitched 2 x 7 Western Fixed
2x7 SPEED 2x7 Std Stitched 2 x 7 Western Fixed

Table 7-26. 5900 to 8800 Series/8900 Series Message Type Mappings (continued)

1. 8910, 8920, 8940, 8820, 8830, 8840 and 8850 only.
2. 8920 and 8940 only.
3. Chinese message styles are designed for use with Chinese characters, but can also be
used with other fonts.

5900 Font Type Mapping

5900 RCI Font Type Name 8800 Series/8900 Series RCI 8800 Series/8900 Series
Font Name Font Type
5 HIGH FH JAP 5 HIGH FH JAP High Speed FH Japan 5
5 HIGH FH WEST 5 HIGH FH WEST High Speed FH (West) 5
5 FH CAPS 5 FH CAPS High Speed FH 5
5 HI ARAB NUM 5 HI ARAB NUM Arab Numerals 5
6 HIGH FH JAP 6 HIGH FH JAP High Speed FH Japan 6
6 HIGH FH WEST 6 HIGH FH WEST High Speed FH (West) 6
6 FH CAPS 6 FH CAPS High Speed FH 6


7 HI FARSI NUM 7 HI FARSI NUM Farsi Numerals 7

7 HI ARAB NUM 7 HI ARAB NUM Arab Numerals 7

7 STD FULL 7 STD FULL Universal 7

7 HIGH FH JAP 7 HIGH FH JAP High Speed FH Japan 7

7 HIGH FH WEST 7 HIGH FH WEST High Speed FH (West) 7

7 FH CAPS 7 FH CAPS High Speed FH 7


8 STD FULL 8 STD FULL Universal 7

8 HIGH FH JAP 8 HIGH FH JAP High Speed FH Japan 8

8 HIGH FH WEST 8 HIGH FH WEST High Speed FH (West) 8

Table 7-27. 5900 to 8800 Series/8900 Series Font Type Mapping

Linx RCI Reference Manual 7—13 May 2019
5900 RCI Font Type Name 8800 Series/8900 Series RCI 8800 Series/8900 Series
Font Name Font Type
8 FH CAPS 8 FH CAPS High Speed FH 8

9 HIGH 6200 9 HIGH 6200 High Speed (6200) 9

9 STD FULL 9 STD FULL Universal 9

9 STD 9 STD Standard 9

9 HIGH FH JAP 9 HIGH FH JAP High Speed FH Japan 9

9 HIGH JAP 9 HIGH JAP High Speed Japanese 9

9 HIGH FH WEST 9 HIGH FH WEST High Speed FH (West) 9

9 HIGH WEST 9 HIGH WEST High Speed (West) 9

9 HS CAPS 9 HS CAPS High Speed 9

9 FH CAPS 9 FH CAPS High Speed FH 9

12 STD FULL 12 STD FULL Universal 12

12 FH CAPS 12 FH CAPS High Speed FH 12

12 STD 12 STD Standard 12

15 HIGH 6200 15 HIGH 6200 High Speed (6200) 15

15 HIGH FH WEST 15 HIGH FH WEST High Speed FH (West) 15

15 HIGH WEST 15 HIGH WEST High Speed (West) 15

15 HS CAPS 15 HS CAPS High Speed 15

15 FH CAPS 15 FH CAPS High Speed FH 15

16 HI ARAB NUM 16 HI ARAB NUM Arab Numerals 16

16 HI FARSI NUM 16 HI FARSI NUM Farsi Numerals 16

16 STD FULL 16 STD FULL Universal 16

16 STD 16 STD Standard 16

18 STD FULL 18 STD FULL Universal 21

18 STD 18 STD Standard 18

18 HIGH FH JAP 18 HIGH FH JAP High Speed FH Japan 18

21 STD FULL 21 STD FULL Universal 21

21 STD 21 STD Standard 21

21 HIGH FH JAP 21 HIGH FH JAP High Speed FH Japan 21

23 HIGH FH WEST 23 HIGH FH WEST High Speed FH (West) 23

23 FH CAPS 23 FH CAPS High Speed FH 23

25 STD 25 STD Standard 25

25 STD FULL 25 STD FULL Universal 25



OCR-A 16 OCR-A 16 OCR-A 16

OCR-B 16 OCR-B 16 OCR-B 16

Table 7-27. 5900 to 8800 Series/8900 Series Font Type Mapping (continued)

May 2019 7—14 Linx RCI Reference Manual
7.2.6 6200 to 8800 Series/8900 Series Mappings
These are available when the Reported Machine Type has been set to ‘6200’ for the 8800
Series/8900 Series either by the User Interface or via the RCI. See ‘XCompatibility
Mapping’ in Chapter 2: ‘Sending Data to the Printer’.

6200 Message Type Mappings

6200 RCI Mapping Name 8800 Series/8900 Series RCI 8800 Series/8900 Series
Name Message Type
5 GEN STD 1x5 Std Linear 1 x 5 Western Fixed
5 HI SPEED 1x5 Std Linear 1 x 5 Western Fixed
7 GEN STD 1x7 Std Linear 1 x 7 Western Fixed
7 HI QUALITY 1x7 Std Linear 1 x 7 Western Fixed
9 GEN STD 1x9 Std Linear 1 x 9 Chinese Flexible 3
13 HI SPEED 1x12 Std Linear 1 x 12 Chinese Flexible 3
14 2 LN STITCH 2x7 Std Stitch 2 x 7 Western Fixed
16 GEN STD 1x16 Std Linear 1 x 16 Western Flexible

16 N HI SPEED 1x16 Std Linear 1 x 16 Western Flexible

16 S HI SPEED 1x16 Std Linear 1 x 16 Western Flexible

21 GEN STD 1x21 Std Linear 1 x 21 Western Flexible

21 3 LN STITCH 3x7 Std Stitched 3 x 7 Western Fixed

24 GEN STD 1x25 Std Linear 1 x 25 Western Flexible

32 GEN STD 1x34 Std Linear 1 x 34 Western Flexible 1

34 BARCODE 1x34 Std Linear 1 x 34 Western Flexible 1

Table 7-28. 6200 to 8800 Series/8900 Series Midi Printhead Message Type Mappings

1. 8910, 8920, 8940, 8840 and 8850 only.
2. 8920 and 8940 only.
3. Chinese message styles are designed for use with Chinese characters, but can also be
used with other fonts.

6200 Font Type Mapping

5900 RCI Font Type Name 8800 Series/8900 Series RCI 8800 Series/8900 Series Font
Font Name Type
5 HIGH CAPS 5 HIGH CAPS High Speed FH (West) 5
6 HIGH FULL 6 HIGH FULL High Speed FH (West) 6
7 HIGH FULL 7 HIGH FULL High Speed FH (West) 7
7 HI ARAB NUM 7 HI ARAB NUM Arab Numerals 7
7 HI FARSI NUM 7 HI FARSI NUM Farsi Numerals 7
9 HIGH FULL 9 HIGH FULL High Speed (6200) 9
9 HIGH CAPS 9 HIGH CAPS High Speed FH (West) 9
15 HIGH FULL 15 HIGH FULL High Speed (6200) 15

Table 7-29. 6200 to 8800 Series/8900 Series Font Mappings

Linx RCI Reference Manual 7—15 May 2019
5900 RCI Font Type Name 8800 Series/8900 Series RCI 8800 Series/8900 Series Font
Font Name Type
15 HIGH CAPS 15 HIGH CAPS High Speed FH (West) 15

16 HI ARAB NUM 16 HI ARAB NUM Arab Numerals 16

23 HIGH CAPS 23 HIGH CAPS High Speed FH (West) 23

32 HIGH CAPS 32 HIGH CAPS High Speed FH (West) 32

Table 7-29. 6200 to 8800 Series/8900 Series Font Mappings (continued)

7.2.7 6800 and 7300 to 8800 Series/8900 Series Mappings

These are available when the Reported Machine Type has been set to ‘6800’ or ‘7300’ for
the 8800 Series/8900 Series either by the User Interface or via the RCI. See ‘XCompatibility
Mapping’ in Chapter 2: ‘Sending Data to the Printer’.

6800 and 7300 Message Type Mapping

6800/7300 RCI Mapping 8800 Series/8900 Series 8800 Series/8900 Series

Name RCI Name Message Type
5 QUALITY 5 QUALITY 1 x 5 Western Fixed
5 FLEXIBLE 5 FLEXIBLE 1 x 5 Western Fixed
5 WIDE 5 WIDE 1 x 5 Western Fixed Wide 1
7 QUALITY 7 QUALITY 1 x 7 Western Fixed
7 FLEXIBLE 7 FLEXIBLE 1 x 7 Western Fixed
7 WIDE 7 WIDE 1 x 7 Western Fixed Wide 1
8 QUALITY 8 QUALITY 1 x 7 Western Fixed
8 FLEXIBLE 8 FLEXIBLE 1 x 7 Western Fixed
8 WIDE 8 WIDE 1 x 7 Western Fixed Wide 1
8 SPEED 8 SPEED 1 x 7 Western Fixed
9 QUALITY 9 QUALITY 1 x 9 Chinese Flexible 3
9 FLEXIBLE 9 FLEXIBLE 1 x 9 Chinese Flexible 3
16 QUALITY 16 QUALITY 1 x 16 Western Fixed
16 FLEXIBLE 16 FLEXIBLE 1 x 16 Western Fixed
16 WIDE 16 WIDE 1 x 16 Western Fixed Wide 1
16 SPEED 16 SPEED 1 x 16 Western Fixed
18 QUALITY 18 QUALITY 1 x 18 Western Flexible
18 FLEXIBLE 18 FLEXIBLE 1 x 18 Western Flexible
18 SPEED 18 SPEED 1 x 18 Western Flexible
21 QUALITY 21 QUALITY 1 x 21 Western Flexible
21 FLEXIBLE 21 FLEXIBLE 1 x 21 Western Flexible
21 SPEED 21 SPEED 1 x 21 Western Flexible
25 QUALITY 25 QUALITY 1 x 25 Western Flexible
25 SPEED 25 SPEED 1 x 25 Western Flexible
34 QUALITY 34 QUALITY 1 x 34 Western Flexible
2x5 QUALITY 2x5 QUALITY 2 x 7 Western Fixed

Table 7-30. 6800/7300 to 8800 Series/8900 Series Message Type Mappings

May 2019 7—16 Linx RCI Reference Manual
6800/7300 RCI Mapping 8800 Series/8900 Series 8800 Series/8900 Series
Name RCI Name Message Type
2x7 QUALITY 2x7 QUALITY 2 x 7 Western Fixed
2x7 SPEED 2x7 SPEED 2 x 7 Western Fixed
2x7 WIDE 2x7 WIDE 2 x 7 Western Fixed Wide 2
3x7 QUALITY 3x7 QUALITY 3 x 7 Western Fixed
3x7 WIDE 3x7 WIDE 3 x 7 Western Fixed
3x7 SPEED 3x7 SPEED 3 x 7 Western Fixed
2x8 QUALITY 2x8 QUALITY 2 x 7 Western Fixed
2x8 SPEED 2x8 SPEED 2 x 7 Western Fixed
3x8 SPEED 3x8 SPEED 3 x 7 Western Fixed
3x7 QUALITY 3x7 QUALITY 3 x 7 Western Fixed
4x7 QUALITY 4x7 QUALITY 4 x 7 Western Fixed

Table 7-30. 6800/7300 to 8800 Series/8900 Series Message Type Mappings (continued)

1. 8910, 8920, 8940, 8820, 8830 and 8840 only.
2. 8820, 8830, 8840, 8850, 8920 and 8940 only.
3. Chinese message styles are designed for use with Chinese characters, but can
also be used with other fonts.

6800 and 7300 Font Type Mapping

6800/7300 RCI Font 8800 Series/8900 Series 8800 Series/8900 Series

Type Name RCI Font Name Font Type
5 HIGH FH JAP 5 HIGH FH JAP High Speed FH Japan 5
5 HIGH FH WEST 5 HIGH FH WEST High Speed FH (West) 5
5 FH CAPS 5 FH CAPS High Speed FH 5
5 HI ARAB NUM 5 HI ARAB NUM Arab Numerals 5
6 HIGH FH JAP 6 HIGH FH JAP High Speed FH Japan 6
6 HIGH FH WEST 6 HIGH FH WEST High Speed FH (West) 6
6 FH CAPS 6 FH CAPS High Speed FH 6


7 HI FARSI NUM 7 HI FARSI NUM Farsi Numerals 7

7 HI ARAB NUM 7 HI ARAB NUM Arab Numerals 7

7 STD FULL 7 STD FULL Universal 7

7 HIGH FH JAP 7 HIGH FH JAP High Speed FH Japan 7

7 HIGH FH WEST 7 HIGH FH WEST High Speed FH (West) 7

7 FH CAPS 7 FH CAPS High Speed FH_7


8 STD FULL 8 STD FULL Universal 7

8 HIGH FH JAP 8 HIGH FH JAP High Speed FH Japan 8

Table 7-31. 6800/7300 to 8800 Series/8900 Series Font Type Mappings

Linx RCI Reference Manual 7—17 May 2019
6800/7300 RCI Font 8800 Series/8900 Series 8800 Series/8900 Series
Type Name RCI Font Name Font Type
8 HIGH FH WEST 8 HIGH FH WEST High Speed FH (West) 8

8 FH CAPS 8 FH CAPS High Speed FH 8

9 HIGH 6200 9 HIGH 6200 High Speed (6200) 9

9 STD FULL 9 STD FULL Universal 9

9 STD 9 STD Standard 9

9 HIGH FH JAP 9 HIGH FH JAP High Speed FH Japan 9

9 HIGH JAP 9 HIGH JAP High Speed Japanese 9

9 HIGH FH WEST 9 HIGH FH WEST High Speed FH (West) 9

9 HIGH WEST 9 HIGH WEST High Speed (West) 9

9 HS CAPS 9 HS CAPS High Speed_9

9 FH CAPS 9 FH CAPS High Speed F 9

12 STD FULL 12 STD FULL Universal 12

12 FH CAPS 12 FH CAPS High Speed FH 12

12 STD 12 STD Standard 12

15 HIGH 6200 15 HIGH 6200 High Speed (6200) 15

15 HIGH FH WEST 15 HIGH FH WEST High Speed FH (West) 15

15 HIGH WEST 15 HIGH WEST High Speed (West) 15

15 HS CAPS 15 HS CAPS High Speed 15

15 FH CAPS 15 FH CAPS High Speed FH 15

16 HI ARAB NUM 16 HI ARAB NUM Arab Numerals 16

16 HI FARSI NUM 16 HI FARSI NUM Farsi Numerals 16

16 STD FULL 16 STD FULL Universal 16

16 STD 16 STD Standard 16

18 STD FULL 18 STD FULL Universal 21

18 STD 18 STD Standard 18

18 HIGH FH JAP 18 HIGH FH JAP High Speed FH Japan 18

21 STD FULL 21 STD FULL Universal 21

21 STD 21 STD Standard 21

21 HIGH FH JAP 21 HIGH FH JAP High Speed FH Japan 21

23 HIGH FH WEST 23 HIGH FH WEST High Speed FH (West) 23

23 FH CAPS 23 FH CAPS High Speed FH 23

25 STD 25 STD Standard 25

25 STD FULL 25 STD FULL Universal 25

32 HIGH FH WEST 32 HIGH FH WEST High Speed FH (West) 32

32 FH CAPS 32 FH CAPS High Speed FH 32

34 STD 34 STD Standard 34

Table 7-31. 6800/7300 to 8800 Series/8900 Series Font Type Mappings (continued)

May 2019 7—18 Linx RCI Reference Manual
6800/7300 RCI Font 8800 Series/8900 Series 8800 Series/8900 Series
Type Name RCI Font Name Font Type
34 STD FULL 34 STD FULL Universal 34



OCR-A 16 OCR-A 16 OCR-A 16

OCR-B 16 OCR-B 16 OCR-B 16

Table 7-31. 6800/7300 to 8800 Series/8900 Series Font Type Mappings (continued)

7.2.8 8800 Series/8900 Series Mappings

These are available when the Reported Machine Type has been set to ‘8XXX’ for the 8800
Series/8900 Series either by the User Interface or via the RCI. See ‘XCompatibility
Mapping’ in Chapter 2: ‘Sending Data to the Printer’.

8800 Series/8900 Series Message Type Mapping

8800 Series/8900 Series RCI Name 8800 Series/8900 Series Message Type
5 STD LIN 1 x 5 Western Fixed
5 WIDE LIN 1 x 5 Western Fixed Wide
7 STD LIN 1 x 7 Western Fixed
7 WIDE LIN 1 x 7 Western Fixed Wide 1
7 LT LIN 1x 7 Western Fixed Long Throw 1
9 STD LIN 1 x 9 Chinese Flexible 3
11 STD LIN 1x11 Chinese Flexible1
12 STD LIN 1 x 12 Chinese Flexible 3
16 STD LIN 1 x 16 Western Flexible
16 WIDE LIN 1 x 16 Western Flexible Wide 1
16 LT LIN 1x16 Western Flexible Long Throw 1
18 STD LIN 1 x 18 Western Flexible
21 STD LIN 1 x 21 Western Flexible
25 STD LIN 1 x 25 Western Flexible
25 LNG LIN 1 x 25 Western Flexible Tall 1
34 STD LIN 1 x 34 Western Flexible
1x13 WIDE LIN 1 x 13 Western Flexible Wide 2
1x23 WIDE LIN 1 x 25 Western Flexible Wide 2
2x12 LNG LIN 1 x 25 Western Flexible Tall
2x7 STD STCH 2 x 7 Western Fixed
2x9 STD STCH 2 x 9 Chinese Fixed 3

2x5 WIDE STCH 2 x 5 Western Fixed Wide 1

2x7 WIDE STCH 2 x 7 Western Fixed Wide 1

Table 7-32. 8800 Series/8900 Series Message Type Mappings

Linx RCI Reference Manual 7—19 May 2019
8800 Series/8900 Series RCI Name 8800 Series/8900 Series Message Type
3x5 WIDE STCH 3 x 5 Western Fixed Wide 2
2x12 STD STCH 2x12 Chinese Fixed
3x7 STD STCH 3x7 Western Fixed
4x7 STD STCH 4x7 Western Fixed 2

Table 7-32. 8800 Series/8900 Series Message Type Mappings (continued)

1. 8910, 8920 and 8940 only.
2. 8920 and 8940 only.
3. Chinese message styles are designed for use with Chinese characters, but can also be
used with other fonts.

8800 Series/8900 Series Font Type Mapping

8800 Series/8900 Series RCI Font Name 8800 Series/8900 Series Font Type
5 FH UNI Universal 5
7 FH UNI Universal 7
9 FH UNI Universal 9
11 STD TRAD CN Standard Traditional Chinese 11
12 FH UNI Universal 12
12 HS CAPS Universal 12
15 STD TRAD CN Standard Traditional Chinese 15
16 FH UNI Universal 16
21 FH UNI Universal 21

25 FH UNI Universal 25

34 FH UNI Universal 34

5 NARROW FH Narrow 5

6 NARROW FH Narrow 6

7 NARROW FH Narrow 7



OCR-A 11 OCR-A 11

OCR-A 16 OCR-A 16


OCR-B 16 OCR-B 16

5 HI ARAB NUM Arab Numerals 5

7 HI ARAB NUM Arab Numerals 7

16 HI ARAB NUM Arab Numerals 16

7 HI FARSI NUM Farsi Numerals 7

7 FW FARSI NUM Farsi Numerals FW 7

7 FW ARAB NUM Arab Numerals FW 7

Table 7-33. 8800 Series/8900 Series Font Mappings

May 2019 7—20 Linx RCI Reference Manual
8800 Series/8900 Series RCI Font Name 8800 Series/8900 Series Font Type
16 HI FARSI NUM Farsi Numerals 16

5 HIGH FH WEST High Speed FH (West) 5

6 HIGH FH WEST High Speed FH (West) 6

7 HIGH FH WEST High Speed FH (West) 7

8 HIGH FH WEST High Speed FH (West) 8

9 HIGH FH WEST High Speed FH (West) 9

15 HIGH FH WEST High Speed FH (West) 15

23 HIGH FH WEST High Speed FH (West) 23

32 HIGH FH WEST High Speed FH (West) 32

5 FH CAPS High Speed FH 5

6 FH CAPS High Speed FH 6

7 FH CAPS High Speed FH 7

8 FH CAPS High Speed FH 8

9 FH CAPS High Speed FH 9

12 FH CAPS High Speed FH 12

15 FH CAPS High Speed FH 15

23 FH CAPS High Speed FH 23

32 FH CAPS High Speed FH 32

9 HIGH 6200 High Speed (6200) 9

15 HIGH 6200 High Speed (6200) 15

9 HS CAPS High Speed 9

15 HS CAPS High Speed 15

5 HIGH FH JAP High Speed FH Japan 5

6 HIGH FH JAP High Speed FH Japan 6

7 HIGH FH JAP High Speed FH Japan 7

7 HIGH SP JAP High Speed FH Japan SP 7

8 HIGH FH JAP High Speed FH Japan 8

9 HIGH FH JAP High Speed FH Japan 9

18 HIGH FH JAP High Speed FH Japan 18

21 HIGH FH JAP High Speed FH Japan 21

9 HIGH JAP High Speed Japan 9

9 STD Standard 9

12 STD Standard 12

16 STD Standard 16

18 STD Standard 18

21 STD Standard 21

25 STD Standard 25

Table 7-33. 8800 Series/8900 Series Font Mappings (continued)

Linx RCI Reference Manual 7—21 May 2019
8800 Series/8900 Series RCI Font Name 8800 Series/8900 Series Font Type
34 STD Standard 34

7 HIGH FH FAR Farsi FH 7

9 HIGH FH FAR Farsi FH 9

16 HIGH FH FAR Farsi FH 16

21 HIGH FH FAR Farsi FH 21

34 HIGH FH FAR Farsi FH 34

9 HIGH WEST High Speed (West) 9

15 HIGH WEST High Speed (West) 15

9 HINDI Hindi 9

12 HINDI Hindi 12

16 HINDI Hindi 16

21 HINDI Hindi 21

25 HINDI Hindi 25

34 HINDI Hindi 34

Table 7-33. 8800 Series/8900 Series Font Mappings (continued)

7.3 Date and Time Formats

Care must be taken when creating messages on the 4900, 7300, 7900, CJ400 and 8800
Series/8900 Series that contain date formats with offsets. A number of Date Offset units (for
example ‘Weeks’) are available on the printer, but the only offset units that are supported by
the RCI protocol are ‘Days’. See ‘Field Type 5—Date Field’ or ‘Field Type 2—Time Field’ in
‘Field Types’ in Chapter 4: ‘Message Data Format’ for details.
The following formats are uploaded if the selected machine type is not the 8800 Series/8900
Series or CJ400.

RCI Date Format Name 5900/7300/7900 Date Format Name Comments

d d (Day of Week Digit) Monday = 1
dd dd (Day of Month)
dd mmm yy dd mmm yy
dd mmm yyyy dd mmm yyyy
dd.mm.yy dd.mm.yy
dd/mm/yy dd/mm/yy
jjj(USA) jjj (USA) 29th Feb = 060
jjj jjj (Julian Date) 29th Feb = 366
mm mm (Month of Year)
mm/dd/yy mm/dd/yy
mmm mmm (Month)
mmm dd yy mmm dd yy
mmm dd yyyy mmm dd yyyy
ww ww (Week of Year)
Y y (Year of Decade without leading zero)

Table 7-34. RCI Date Formats for Machine Types 5900/7300/7900

May 2019 7—22 Linx RCI Reference Manual
RCI Date Format Name 5900/7300/7900 Date Format Name Comments
yy yy Year of Century with leading digit)
yy.mm.dd yy.mm.dd
yyyy yyyy
ddMMyy -
MMddyy -
yjjj yjjj 5900 only
yjjj (USA) yjjj (USA) 5900 only

Table 7-34. RCI Date Formats for Machine Types 5900/7300/7900 (continued)

Care must be taken when creating messages that contain date formats with offsets. A
number of Date Offset units (for example ‘Weeks’) are available on the printer, but the only
offset units that are supported by the RCI protocol are days or months. See ‘Field Type 5—
Date Field’ in Chapter 4: ‘Message Data Format’for details.
The following formats are uploaded irrespective of machine type, if present in the printer:
For the 8800 Series/8900 Series, the subset of XML Time and Date descriptions presented
by the UI, which are RCI compatible, are translated to RCI date formats and uploaded from
the printer on request.

RCI Compatibility Name 8800 Series/8900 Series/CJ400 Date Examples

Format Name
‘d’ Day of Month no leading zeros 9
Dd Day of month with leading Zeros 09
d1-7 Day of thewWeek number 3
‘dd’ ‘cl:MMM’ dd MMM 20 JUN
dd cl :MMM yy dd MMM yy 20 JUN 18
dd cl:MMM yyyy dd MMM yyyy 20 JUN 2018
‘dd’‘MM’‘yy’ ddMMyy 200618
‘dd’ ‘MM’ ‘yy’ dd MM yy 20 06 18
‘dd’/’MM’/’yy’ dd/MM/yy 20/06/18
'dd'-'MM'-'yy' dd-MM-yy 20-06-18
'dd'/'MM'/'yyyy' dd/MM/yyyy 20/06/2018
'dd'.'MM'.'yyyy' dd.MM.yyyy 20.06.12018
Jjj Julian date format 29th Feb = 060
‘cl:jj’ Julian date format 29th Feb = 366
‘M’ Month Number without leading zeros 6
‘MM’ Month Number with leading zeros 06
‘li:MMCAN’ Two letter Canadian month code JN
‘li:ML’ Month as letter (A-L) December = L
‘li:MM’ Month as letter excluding L (A-M) December = M
‘MM’’dd’’yy Mmddyy 062018
‘MM’/’dd’/’yy’ MM/dd/yy 06/20/18

Table 7-35. RCI Date Formats for 8800 Series/8900 Series and CJ400

Linx RCI Reference Manual 7—23 May 2019
RCI Compatibility Name 8800 Series/8900 Series/CJ400 Date Examples
Format Name
‘MM’-‘dd’-‘yy’ MM-dd-yy 06-20-18
‘MM’.’dd’.’yy’ MM.dd.yy 06.20.18
cl:MMM dd yy MMM dd yy JUN 20 18
cl:MMM dd yyyy MMM dd yyyy JUN 20 2018
‘cl:MMM’ ‘yy’ MMM yy JUN 18
‘cl:w’ Week of the year without leading zeros 9
‘cl:ww’ Week of the year with leading zeros 09
Y Year of the decade without leading zeros 9
‘yy’ Year of the century with leading zeros 09
yjjj Year of the decade with Julian date format Feb 29th = 060
‘cl:Y’’cl:JJ Year of the decade with Julian date format Feb 29th = 366
yyjjj Year of the century with Julian date format Feb 29th = 060
yyJJJ Year of the century with Julian date format Feb 29th = 366
‘yy’’MM’’dd’ yyMMdd 180620
‘yy’ ‘MM’ ‘dd’ yy MM dd 18 06 20
‘yy’/’MM’/’dd’ yy/MM/dd 18/06/20
‘’yy’-‘MM’-‘dd’ yy-MM-dd 18-06-20
‘yy’.’MM’.’dd’ yy.MM.dd 18.06.20
y.M.d y.M.d Each element without leading zeros 9.6.9
‘yyyy’ yyyy 2018
‘cl:Y’ Year of the decade without leading zeros 8

Table 7-35. RCI Date Formats for 8800 Series/8900 Series and CJ400 (continued)

When the printer is in 89xx/CJ400 emulation modes the following substitutions are made to
the XML based date formats as they appear in date-fields in message. This is so the RCI
names fit within the 15 bytes plus null format and to ensure the RCI names don't clash.
1. For the date formats listed in Table 7-35 care must be taken to send the format as RCI
Compatibility Name column.
2. The date format yy MMM dd does not fit in the 15 bytes plus null scheme and therefore it
is available for use from the UI but cannot be uploaded and downloaded via RCI as the
format will be truncated to yy MMM.

May 2019 7—24 Linx RCI Reference Manual
7.3.1 5900, 6800, 7300, 7900, CJ400 and 8800 Series/8900 Series
Time Formats
Time formats are not sent as Data Sets but are selected by setting the Format 1 byte in the
Field Header, see ‘Field Types’ in Chapter 4: ‘Message Data Format’ for details.
The following table shows the various Time Formats that are available.

Format 1 5900/7900 Time CJ400/8900 Time Example

Byte Value Format Name Format Name
0 HH:MM HH:MM 13:45
1 HH:MMam/pm Hh:mm tt 01:45pm
2 HHMM HHmm 13:45
3 HHMMam/pm HHMM tt 0145pm
4 HH HH 13
5 HH (12hr) hh 01
6 MM (Minute) mm 45
7 N/A tt Am or pm
8 SS (Seconds) ss 50
9 HH:MM:SS HH:mm:ss 13:45:59

Table 7-36. RCI 5900/6800/7300/7900/CJ400/8800 Series/8900 Series Time Formats

1. Some formats are not supported over RCI CJ400 and 8800 Series/8900 Series use
a space in the formats defined by Format 1 Byte, values 2 and 3.
2. As with date formats, the RCI only supports one unit of Time Format offset:
‘Minutes’. The offset can be up to ± 23 hours 59 minutes (± 1439 minutes), see
‘Field Types’ in Chapter 4: ‘Message Data Format’ for details.

Linx RCI Reference Manual 7—25 May 2019
7.4 Message Type Height Ranges
For the 5900, 7900, CJ400 and 8800 Series/8900 Series there are Message Types with an
EHT range less than 30%. If a value is sent which is greater than or less than the print
height range then the value will default to its maximum or minimum range. This is
dependent on the message type and can be in the range +50% to -20%.

7.4.1 5900, 7900 Print Height Ranges

Refer to the following tables.


Message Type Name Height Range

5 Linear Flexible 1 +50% to -20%

5 Linear Quality 1 +5% to -5%

5 Linear Wide 0% to -5%

7 Linear Flexible +50% to -20%
7 Linear Quality +5% to -5%
7 Linear Wide 0% to -5%
8 Linear Flexible +50% to -20%
8 Linear Quality +5% to -5%
8 Linear Wide 0% to -5%
9 Linear Flexible +50% to -20%
9 Linear Quality +5% to -5%
16 Linear Flexible +50% to -20%
16 Linear Quality +10% to -5%
16 Linear Speed 0% to -5%
18 Linear Flexible +25% to 0%
18 Linear Quality +5% to -5%
18 Linear Speed 0% to -5%
21 Linear Flexible +25% to 0%
21 Linear Quality +10% to -5%
25 Linear Quality +10% to -5%
25 Linear Speed 0% to -5%

34 Linear Quality 1 +10% to -10%

2 x 7 Stitched Speed +10% to +5%

3 x 7 Stitched Wide 1 0% to +5%

3 x 7 Stitched Speed 1 0% to -5%

3 x 7 Stitched Quality 1 +10% to -5%

2 x 8 Stitched Speed 1 0% to 5%

3 x 8 Stitched Speed 1 0% to 5%

4 x 7 Stitched Quality 1 +10% to -5%

Table 7-37. 5900/7900 Midi Print Height Ranges

NOTE: Not supported on the 5900.

May 2019 7—26 Linx RCI Reference Manual
7.4.2 Midi Plus
Message Type Name Height Range

5 Linear Quality 1 +5% to -5%

5 Linear Wide 0% to -5%

5 Linear Speed 1 0% to -5%

7 Linear Quality +5% to -5%

7 Linear Wide 0% to -5%
7 Linear Speed 0% to -5%
9 Linear Quality +5% to -5%

9 Linear Wide 1 0% to -5%

16 Linear Quality +10% to -5%

16 Linear Wide 0% to -5%
16 Linear Speed 0% to -5%

16 Linear Hi Speed 1 0% to -5%

21 Linear Speed 0% to -5%

25 Linear Quality +10% to -5%
25 Linear Speed 0% to -5%

34 Linear Quality 1 +10% to -10%

2 x 5 Stitched Quality 1 0% to -5%

2 x 5 Stitched Speed 1 0% to -5%

2 x 7 Stitched Quality +10% to -5%

2 x 7 Stitched Wide 1 0% to -5%

2 x 7 Stitched Speed 0% to -5%

2 x 8 Stitched Quality 0% to -5%
2 x 8 Stitched Speed 0% to -5%

3 x 7 Stitched Quality 1 0% to -5%

3 x 7 Stitched Speed 1 0% to -%5

Table 7-38. 5900/7900 Midi Plus Print Height Ranges

NOTE: Not supported on the 5900.

Linx RCI Reference Manual 7—27 May 2019
7.4.3 Ultima
Message Type Name Height Range
5 Linear Flexible +50% to -20%
5 Linear Quality +5% to -5%
5 Linear Speed 0% t0 -5%
5 Linear Wide 0% to -5%
7 Linear Flexible +50% to -20%
7 Linear Quality +10% to -5%
7 Linear Wide 0% to -5%
7 Linear Speed 0% to -5%
8 Linear Flexible +50% to -20%
8 Linear Quality +5% to -5%
8 Linear Wide 0% to -5%
8 Linear Speed 0%
9 Linear Flexible +50% to -20%
9 Linear Quality +10% to -5%
12 Linear Wide 0% to -5%
16 Linear Flexible +10% to 0%
16 Linear Quality +10% to -5%
16 Linear Speed 0% to -5%
16 Linear Hi Speed 0% to -5%
18 Linear Quality +5% to -5%
18 Linear Speed 0% to -5%
21 Linear Quality +10% to -5%
21 Linear Speed 0% to -5%
25 Linear Quality +10% to -5%
25 Linear Speed 0% to -5%
2 x 5 Stitched Quality 0% to -5%
2 x 7 Stitched Wide 0% to -5%
2 x 7 Stitched Speed 0% to -5%
2 x 8 Stitched Speed 0% to-5%
3 x 7 Stitched Speed 0%

Table 7-39. 5900/7900 Ultima Print Height Ranges

May 2019 7—28 Linx RCI Reference Manual
7.4.4 Ultima Plus
Message Type Name Height Range
5 Linear Quality +10% to -5%
5 Linear Wide 0% to -5%
5 Linear Speed 0% to -5%
7 Linear Quality +10% to -5%
7 Linear Wide 0% to -5%
7 Linear Speed 0% to -5%
9 Linear Quality +10% to -5%
9 Linear Wide 0% to -5%
16 Linear Quality +10% to -5%
16 Linear Wide 0% to -5%
16 Linear Speed 0% to -5%
16 Linear Hi Speed 0% to -5%
21 Linear Quality +5% to -5%
21 Linear Speed 0% to -5%
25 Linear Quality +5% to -5%
2 x 5 Stitched Quality 0% to -5%
2 x 5 Stitched Speed 0% to -5%
2 x 7 Stitched Quality +10% to -5%
2 x 7 Stitched Wide 0% to -5%
2 x 7 Stitched Speed 0% to -5%
3 x 7 Stitched Quality 0% to -5%
3 x 7 Stitched Speed 0% to -5%

Table 7-40. 5900/7900 Ultima Plus Print Height Ranges

Linx RCI Reference Manual 7—29 May 2019
7.4.5 Mini
Message Type Name Height Range
4T 1 x 5 Quality 2.27m/s +15% to -10%
4T 1 x 5 Speed 2.73m/s +15% to -10%
4T 1 x 5 Speed 4.55m/s +15% to -10%
4T 1 x 5 Wide 6.83m/s +15% to -10%
4T 1 x 6 Quality 2.27m/s +15% to -10%
4T 1 x 6 Speed 3.41m/s +15% to -10%
4T 1 x 7 Quality 1.95m/s +15% to -10%
4T 1 x 7 Speed 2.27m/s +15% to -10%
4T 1 x 7 Speed 3.03m/s +15% to -10%
4T 1 x 7 Speed 3.41m/s +15% to -10%
4T 1 x 7 Wide 5.12m/s +15% to -10%
4T 1 x 8 Quality 1.70m/s +15% to -10%
4T 1 x 8 Speed 2.10m/s +15% to -10%
4T 1 x 9 Quality 1.51m/s +15% to -10%
4T 1 x 9 Speed 1.95m/s +15% to -10%
4T 1 x12 Quality 1.13m/s +15% to -10%
4T 1 x12 Speed 1.30m/s +15% to -10%
4T 1 x12 Speed 1.50m/s +15% to -25%
4T 1 x16 Quality 0.85m/s +15% to -10%
4T 2 x 5 Quality 1.43m/s +15% to -10%
4T 2 x 5 Speed 1.95m/s +15% to -10%
4T 2 x 5 Speed 2.27m/s +15% to -10%
4T 2 x 5 Wide 2.56m/s +10% to -10%
4T 2 x 5 Wide 2.93m/s +10% to -10%
4T 2 x 6 Quality 1.18m/s +15% to -10%
4T 2 x 6 Speed 1.60m/s +15% to -10%
4T 2 x 7 Quality 0.78m/s +15% to -10%
4T 2 x 7 Speed 0.97m/s +15% to -10%
4T 2 x 7 Speed 1.30m/s +15% to -10%
8T 1 x 5 Quality 1.82m/s +15% to -25%
8T 1 x 5 Speed 2.73m/s +25% to -10%
8T 1 x 5 Wide 6.83m/s +15% to -10%
8T 1 x 6 Speed 2.27m/s +25% to -10%
8T 1 x 7 Quality 1.30m/s +15% to -25%
8T 1 x 7 Speed 1.95m/s +15% to -10%
8T 1 x 7 Wide 5.12m/s +15% to -10%
8T 1 x 8 Quality 1.13m/s +15% to -25%
8T 1 x 8 Speed 1.70m/s +15% to -25%
8T 1 x 9 Quality 1.01m/s +15% to -25%

Table 7-41. 5900/7900 Mini Print Height Ranges

May 2019 7—30 Linx RCI Reference Manual
Message Type Name Height Range
8T 1 x 9 Speed 1.51m/s +15% to -10%
8T 1 x12 Quality 1.13m/s +15% to -10%
8T 1 x16 Quality 0.85m/s +15% to -10%
8T 2 x 5 Quality 1.82m/s +15% to -10%
8T 2 x 6 Quality 1.51m/s +15% to -10%
8T 2 x 6 Wide 2.15m/s +10% to -10%
8T 2 x 7 Quality 1.24m/s +15% to -10%
12T 2 x 7 Wide 1.95m/s +7% to -10%
12T 2 x 7 Wide 2.27m/s +7% to -25%

Table 7-41. 5900/7900 Mini Print Height Ranges (continued)

Linx RCI Reference Manual 7—31 May 2019
7.4.6 Micro
Message Type Name Height Range
1x5 Quality 1.82 +15% to -15%
1x7 Quality 1.30 +15% to -15%
1x8 Quality 1.13 +15% to -15%
1x9 Quality 1.01 +15% to -15%
1x12 Quality 0.59 +15% to -25%
1x16 Quality 0.50 +15% to -30%
1x24 Quality 0.29 +15% to -25%
1x32 Quality 0.19 +15% to -25%
1x8 Wide 6.07 +15% to -30%
1x7 Wide 5.47 +15% to -15%
1x9 Wide 5.47 +15% to -15%
1x5 Wide 4.10 +15% to -15%
1x8 Wide 3.41 +15% to -15%
1x9 Wide 3.03 +15% to -15%
1x7 Wide 2.93 +15% to -15%
2x5 Wide 2.73 +15% to -15%
1x8 Wide 2.56 +15% to -15%
1x9 Wide 2.27 +15% to -15%
2x5 Wide 2.05 +15% to -15%
2x7 Wide 1.95 +15% to -15%
2x7 Wide 1.46 +15% to -15%
2x5 Wide 1.36 +15% to -15%
2X7 Speed 0.97 +15% to -30%
2x7 Wide 0.97 +15% to -15%
2X5 Quality 0.91 +15% to -15%
1X12 Speed 0.68 +15% to -15%
2X7 Speed 0.65 +15% to -15%
1x5 Quality 1.82 +15% to -15%
1x7 Quality 1.30 +15% to -15%
1x8 Quality 1.13 +15% to -15%
1x9 Quality 1.01 +15% to -15%
1x12 Quality 0.59 +15% to -25%
1x16 Quality 0.50 +15% to -30%
1x24 Quality 0.29 +15% to -25%
1x32 Quality 0.19 +15% to -25%
1x8 Wide 6.07 +15% to -30%
1x7 Wide 5.47 +15% to -15%
1x9 Wide 5.47 +15% to -15%
1x5 Wide 4.10 +15% to -15%

Table 7-42. 5900/7900 Ultima Plus Print Height Ranges

May 2019 7—32 Linx RCI Reference Manual
Message Type Name Height Range
1x8 Wide 3.41 +15% to -15%
1x9 Wide 3.03 +15% to -15%
1x7 Wide 2.93 +15% to -15%
2x5 Wide 2.73 +15% to -15%
1x8 Wide 2.56 +15% to -15%
1x9 Wide 2.27 +15% to -15%
2x5 Wide 2.05 +15% to -15%
2x7 Wide 1.95 +15% to -15%
2x7 Wide 1.46 +15% to -15%

Table 7-42. 5900/7900 Ultima Plus Print Height Ranges (continued)

7.4.7 CJ400 and 8800 Series/8900 Series Print Height Ranges

Refer to the following table.


Message Type Name Height Range

1 x 5 Western Fixed +20% to -20%
1 x 7 Western Fixed +20% to -20%
1 x 16 Western Flexible +20% to -20%
1 x 16 Western Flexible +20% to -20%
1 x 18 Western Flexible +20% to -20%
1 x 21 Western Flexible +20% to -20%
1 x 25 Western Flexible +20% to -20%
1 x 34 Western Flexible +10% to -26%
1 x 12 + 1 x 7 Western Fixed +20% to -20%
1 x 16 + 1 x 7 Western Fixed +20% to -20%
2 x 7 Western Fixed +18% to -20%
3 x 7 Western Fixed +18% to -20%
25 Western Fixed Tall 0%
25 Western Flexible Tall 0%
4 x 7 Western Fixed +7% to -19%
1 x 5 Western Fixed Wide +20% to -20%
1 x 7 Western Fixed Wide +20 to -20%
1 x 13 Western Flexible Wide +20% to 0%
1 x 16 Western Flexible Wide +20% to -20%
1 x 23 Western Flexible Wide +11% to -20%
2 x 5 Western Fixed Wide +20% to -20%
2 x 7 Western Fixed Wide +11% to -20%
3 x 5 Western Fixed Wide +20% to -20%

Table 7-43. CJ400 and 8800 Series/8900 Series Midi Print Height Ranges

Linx RCI Reference Manual 7—33 May 2019
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May 2019 7—34 Linx RCI Reference Manual
This appendix gives detailed information about RS-232 cable configurations that are used to
connect a Linx 5900, 7900 and 8900 Series printers to a host device, and the hardware and
software requirements for the Linx printer. It also describes how the control signals and
voltage levels are used by Linx printers in remote communications.

A.1 Voltage levels

The voltage levels that are used by all models of Linx printers are as follows:
Voltage Logic Level
–3 V to –24 V Logic 1
+3 V to +24 V Logic 0
–3 V to +3 V Undefined
All voltage levels within the specified ranges for Logic 1 and Logic 0 are recognised. No
other voltage levels can be used.

A.2 Control signals

In a Linx communications configuration, the control signals described below are used in a
context that differs from the RS-232 standard. In the following explanations, note that both
the host and the printer can send and receive control signals and data. The terms ‘sender’
and ‘receiver’ used here indicate the source and destination, respectively, of the control
signal that is described, and apply equally to either the host or the printer.

A.2.1 Request To Send (RTS)

The RTS output signal is asserted by the sender to indicate that it is switched on. The signal
is detected by the DCD input of the receiver (see below).
Both the host and the printer must set their RTS output to the ‘On’ state when switched on,
and hold it in this state until they are switched off. The printer normally sets its RTS output to
the ‘On’ state after completing its power up initialization, and holds it in this state until
switched off. If a printer fault occurs, the signal is set to the ‘Off’ state until it is reset.

A.2.2 Data Carrier Detect (DCD)

The DCD input signal tells the receiver that the sender is switched on. The signal is
provided by the sender’s RTS output signal.

A.2.3 Data Terminal Ready (DTR)

The DTR output signal is asserted by the sender to indicate that it is ready to receive data.
The signal is detected by the CTS input of the receiver (see below).
The printer holds this signal in the ‘On’ state unless the receive buffer reaches its threshold.
If the receive buffer reaches the threshold, the printer sets the signal to the ‘Off’ state and
the host then stops sending data. When the printer resets the signal to the ‘On’ state, the
host resumes the sending of data.

A.2.4 Clear To Send (CTS)

The CTS input signal tells the receiver that the sender is ready to accept data. The signal is
provided by the sender’s DTR output signal.

Linx RCI Reference Manual A—1 May 2019
In normal operation the CTS input is in the ‘On’ state. The host must receive the incoming
CTS before it can transmit to the printer. Similarly, the printer must receive a CTS signal
before it can transmit to the host.

A.2.5 Data Set Ready (DSR)

This signal is shown connected in wiring diagrams for external cables, but it is not used in
Linx printers and is not physically connected inside the printers.

A.3 Flow control

Linx printers use two types of flow control: hardware and software.

A.3.1 Hardware flow control

Hardware flow control uses the control signals described above to control the flow of data
between the printer and the host. The mode of operation is:
 DCD must be permanently high.
 RTS is held high by the printer unless a fault occurs.
 The printer asserts its DTR output signal to control the host transmissions.
 The printer monitors its CTS line to control its transmissions.

A.3.2 Software flow control

When software flow control is used, certain control signals are still required by the printer
(and the host) so that data transfer can occur. These signals must be set permanently to the
‘On’ state.
The signals required are DCD, CTS, and DTR (see ‘Cable connections’ on page A—2 for
more information about how these are used).
When the software flow control method is used, the data flow is controlled by the printer
issuing the ESC XON and ESC XOFF characters. For the initial data transfer, the ESC XON
characters are not required, but if the printer’s receive buffer reaches its threshold, the
printer issues the ESC XOFF characters. The host suspends sending data and does not
resume until it receives the ESC XON characters.
The mode of operation is:
 DCD must be permanently high.
 RTS is held high by the printer unless a fault occurs.
 CTS must be held permanently high.
 DTR is held high.
 ESC XON and ESC XOFF characters are used to control the data flow.

A.4 Cable connections

The cable connection arrangement that is used on Linx printers is based on the RS-232
standard. To connect to a host device, the correct cable for the particular printer model is
required. See ‘Hardware requirements’ on page A—6 for more information.
The method used to connect a Linx printer to a host device depends on the capabilities of
the host device.
In the following sections, the illustrations show the 9-pin D-type. The connections to the
printer are mandatory for correct operation, but some of the connections at the host are not
required—refer to the equipment supplier’s documentation.

May 2019 A—2 Linx RCI Reference Manual
A.4.1 Full handshaking cable
This type of cable is used for Hardware Flow Control.
The standard cable supplied by Linx has full handshaking capabilities and is used for
connections that use hardware flow control. Figure A-1 shows the cable connections:
Host Printer
9 -pin D-type 9-pin D-type
3 3
2 2
7 7
1 1
6 6





Figure A-1. Full handshaking cable connections

A.4.2 No handshaking cable (software flow control)

Software flow control uses the special characters ESC XON and ESC XOFF to control the
data flow between the Linx printer and the host. Because these characters are used, some
of the control lines between the devices are not required, so there is no handshaking, but for
successful data transfer, each device needs to detect certain signals. To provide these
signals, the control lines are ‘looped back’ into the printer and the host as shown.
Host Printer
9 -pin D-type 9-pin D-type
3 3
2 2
7 7
1 1
6 6

4 DTR - N/C N/C - DTR





Figure A-2. No Handshaking cable connections (software flow control)

Linx RCI Reference Manual A—3 May 2019
A.4.3 Partial Handshaking cable (hardware flow control)
This cable configuration can be used with devices that can supply only a limited number of
signals for hardware flow control. In this configuration, DTR and CTS control the data flow,
but each device supplies its own device detection signals. The following illustration shows
the cable connections.
Host Printer
9 -pin D-type 9-pin D-type
3 3
2 2
7 7
1 1
6 6





Figure A-3. Partial handshaking cable connections (hardware flow control)

A.4.4 No handshaking cable (special type)

This type of cable is often required in applications where the host has limited interface
capabilities (for example, weigh scales and low-cost PLCs).

No handshaking printer end

In the cable configuration shown below, the printer supplies all the signals required for
interfacing. The host supplies only the data that is to be printed. The TXD (transmit) line
from the printer can also be removed if the host cannot process any data that is returned by
the printer.
Host Printer
9 -pin D-type 9-pin D-type
3 3
2 2
7 7
1 1
6 6

4 DTR - N/C N/C - DTR






Figure A-4. No handshaking cable connections (printer end)

May 2019 A—4 Linx RCI Reference Manual
No handshaking host end
In the cable configuration shown below, the host supplies all the signals required for
interfacing. The host also supplies only the data that is to be printed. The TXD (transmit) line
from the host can also be removed if the host cannot process any data that is returned by
the printer.
Host Printer
9 -pin D-type 9-pin D-type
3 3
2 2
7 7
1 1
6 6

4 DTR - N/C N/C - DTR






Figure A-5. No handshaking cable connections (host end)

A.4.5 No handshaking loop-back adaptor

This adaptor is used in applications where the connection is provided for Full Handshaking
and the printer is being replaced by a 7900, 8900 Series, or a CJ400.
Linx standard
PC RS232 cable
9 -pin D-type 9-pin D-type
3 3
2 2
7 7
1 1
6 6

4 DTR - N/C N/C - DTR





Figure A-6. No handshaking loop-back connections

Linx RCI Reference Manual A—5 May 2019
A.5 Hardware requirements
The choice of cable configuration depends on the application and the printer. The following
is recommended.
Dependant on whether the handshaking option is enabled (see Appendix B, Appendix C,
and Appendix D) different cable combinations will be required.

Printer handshaking on and host requires handshaking

For this type of application both the host and the printer require handshaking. The required
cable configuration is that shown in Figure A-1 on page A—3. This cable is available from
Linx by ordering the following part number:
FA63033 RS-232 PC Cable IP67 2M Full Handshake

Printer handshaking on and host does not require handshaking

In this case only the printer requires handshaking, so the required cable configuration is
either that shown in Figure A-2 on page A—3 or that shown in Figure A-4 on page A—4.
The No Handshaking cable is available from Linx by ordering the following part number:
FA63063 RS-232 PC Cable IP67 2M No Handshake
The No Handshaking cable (Printer End) is not a standard Linx cable. The customer must
provide this cable.

Printer handshaking off and host requires handshaking

For this type of application, only the host requires handshaking. The required cable
configuration is that shown in either Figure A-2 on page A—3 or that shown in Figure A-5 on
page A—5. The No Handshaking Cable is available from Linx by ordering the following part
FA63063 RS-232 PC Cable IP67 2M No Handshake
The No Handshaking cable (host end) is not a standard Linx cable. The customer must
provide this cable.

Printer handshaking on and host does not require handshaking

In this case neither the printer or the host require handshaking, therefore the cable to use
does not matter as long as it has pins 2 to 3 and 3 to 2 crossed and pin 5 to 5 to make the
ground (reference) connection). Either the Handshaking or the No Handshaking cables
meet these requirements as the remainder of the signal connections are disabled on the
printer or the host.

A.6 Software requirements

The RS-232 software option is included as standard on the 7900 and CJ400 printers. The
RS232 serial port on the 8900 is a factory- fitted option or an add-on accessory. The 8900
Series also requires a configuration code.

May 2019 A—6 Linx RCI Reference Manual
This appendix describes how to set up the Linx 5900 and 7900 printer for remote
communications via RCI. The communications settings for these printers are set in the
Communications page (Print Monitor > Menu > Setup > Communications).

B.1 Protocol
The Communications page allows the selection of the available protocols, and setup of the
RS-232 and Ethernet parameters.

Figure B-1. Communications page

The Protocol option allows the selection of the available protocols. Select Protocol to
display the Protocol page.

Figure B-2. Protocol page

Linx RCI Reference Manual B—1 May 2019
B.1.1 RS-232 Protocol
This page displays the protocols that can be selected.

Figure B-3. RS232 Protocol page

RPC (Remote Procedure Calls)

This protocol is the default protocol that is used with the Linx Sync and Message Saver
1. 5900:
This option is no longer available.

RCI (Remote Communications Interface)

This is the required selection for use with the protocol described in this manual.

The QuickSwitch® Protocol is a simple ASCII-based protocol for either message selection
or downloading data into remote fields.
1. 5900:
This is a configurable option.

B.1.2 Ethernet Protocol

The Ethernet Protocol option is only available when the RS232 Protocol is set to RPC.

May 2019 B—2 Linx RCI Reference Manual
Only the RCI Protocol is currently available via an Ethernet connection.

Figure B-4. Ethernet Protocol page

1. 5900:
On the 5900 RPC is not available, so the ‘RCI Over Ethernet’ option is always

B.1.3 RCI Setup

The RCI Setup page is shown below and allows various RCI parameters to be configured.

Figure B-5. RCI Setup page

The RCI Setup page contains the following options:

Print Mode

Figure B-6. Print Mode page

Linx RCI Reference Manual B—3 May 2019
The Print Mode page contains the following parameters:

Set this to Single or Continuous.

In Continuous print mode, printing always occurs regardless of whether or not any remote
data is received. If one set of remote data is received, this data is printed continuously until
more remote data is received.

In Single print mode, printing occurs once for each set of remote data received. If no more
data is received, the response to any additional print triggers depends on the configuration
of the failure condition.
For normal printing where no remote data is expected, the Mode option must always be set
to Continuous mode. Single print mode must be used only for messages that expect remote

Number of Buffers
This parameter is used to specify the number of buffers that are assigned to each remote
field in the message. The number of buffers in the 7900 is limited to 32 by internal
architectural constraints

Clear Buffers
The Clear on Stop Print option is used to clear all remote field buffers in the current
message when printing stops, that can help with synchronization.
NOTE: If messages are to be downloaded remotely, the number of buffers must be
configured using the RCI protocol before any messages are downloaded. When the
number of buffers is changed, each existing message on the printer that contains
buffered remote fields must be opened and saved again, using the Message Editor.
This automatically updates the buffered remote field value to the one set in the
Print Mode page in the RCI setup pages. Failure to make sure that all fields in a
message are of the same buffer length causes loss of synchronization between
fields when the smallest buffer fills.
If an attempt is made to change the number of buffers, a warning dialog box is
displayed, to tell the user that such changes are not incorporated unless the
messages are re-edited and resaved.

On Failure
The On Failure option is set to Warn and Ignore, or Warn and Pause Print, to provide the
correct failure condition in cases where (in Single print mode), no remote data is received
ready for the next print. If Warn and Ignore is selected, the error “3.29 Overspeed (No
remote data)” is displayed, and the Print Go is ignored, that is, no print occurs.
If Warn and Pause Print is selected, the error “3.29 Overspeed (No remote data)” is
displayed, and the printer is put into Pause mode, that is, Print Idle.

May 2019 B—4 Linx RCI Reference Manual
Print Control
The print control characters can be enabled or disabled, and allows the user to specify the
values to be used for these characters.

Figure B-7. Print Control page

By default, the Print Delay Trigger, Print Go, and Print End responses are set to Disabled,
as shown above, but these can be enabled as required, in any combination. Select each
option to see a list of the available return values, and select the required return value from
the list.

The Mappings function is designed to improve the compatibility with previous Linx printers.
To enable this, a number of options can be set by the user.

Figure B-8. Mappings page

Linx RCI Reference Manual B—5 May 2019
Reported Machine Type 7900
The Reported Machine Type option specifies the printer type that is returned in the RCI
Request System Configuration command (Command 51). This can be set to emulate the
6200 (the printer returns the value 6), the 6800 (the printer returns the value 8), or the 7900
(the printer returns the value 10).

Figure B-9. Reported Machine Type—7900

Reported Machine Type 5900

The Reported Machine Type option specifies the printer type that is returned in the RCI
Request System Configuration command (Command 51). This can be set to either 5900
(the printer returns the value 11), or 4900 (the printer returns the value 9).

Figure B-10. Reported Machine Type Page—5900

Print Go Mapped To
The default mapping for the Print Go is ‘Print Go’, and the selection is disabled. This allows
any type of print trigger to be selected via the user interface.

May 2019 B—6 Linx RCI Reference Manual
Aux Photocell Mapped To
Any of the Auxiliary Photocell (Secondary) triggers used by the RCI can be mapped. The
default options is:
 Aux Photocell mapped to: Leading Edge Secondary

Figure B-11. Aux Photocell Mapped to page

Code Page
The printers use the Unicode character set; the RCI uses ASCII. The Code Page option
specifies how the ASCII-to-Unicode translation is performed. There are currently six code
page options:
 European (6200)
 European
 Japanese
 Greek
 Russian
 Polish
For 6200 compatibility, select the European (6200) option, because this contains characters
specific to the 6200 that are not in the standard European code page.

Figure B-12. Code Page page

Linx RCI Reference Manual B—7 May 2019
Message Type Mapping 73007900
This option allows better integration into applications written for previous Linx CIJ printers.
See Chapter 7: ‘Printer Compatibility Mapping’. The options are:
 7900 – Uses resources directly mapped in the printer.
 7300 - As 7900.
 6900 - As 7900 and 7300.
 6800 – This uses mappings from the original 6800 RCI mappings.
 6200 – Maps to 6200 resources.

Figure B-13. Message Type Page—7900

Message Type Mapping 5900

This option allows better integration into applications written for previous Linx CIJ printers.
See Chapter 7: ‘Printer Compatibility Mapping’. The options are:
 5900 – Uses resources directly mapped in the printer.
 4900 – Maps to 4900 resources.
 4800 – Maps to 4800 resources.

Figure B-14. Message Type Page—5900

Font Mapping
As with the Message Type Mapping.
Use Checksum
By default, checksums are enabled; to disable them, set the Use Checksum option to No. If
the checksum is disabled, the printer does not look for checksums on the end of received
data. It is recommended that the disabled setting is not used continuously. This is because
without the checksum there is no check on the basic integrity of the transferred data, and
corrupted data can cause problems in both the printer and the remote host.
The 5900 and 7900 do not allow changes to the settings for the start, stop, and parity bits;
these are automatically set to 8 data bits, 1 start bit, 1 stop bit, and no parity.

May 2019 B—8 Linx RCI Reference Manual
B.2 RS-232 Setup
The RS232 Setup page sets the physical communications parameters for all protocols.

Figure B-15. RS232 Setup Page: RS232 Setup

B.2.1 Baud Rate

This setting determines the speed of the transferred data. This can be set to 4800, 9600,
19200, 38400, 57600, or 115200.

B.2.2 Flow Control

The settings for the flow control are either None (the default), Software or Hardware.
When set to None, there is no control of the flow of data. When set to Software, the flow of
data is controlled by the special characters XON and XOFF that are identified in the data
stream by the escape character that precedes them.
When set to Hardware the system uses hardware lines (CTS and DTR).

B.3 Ethernet Setup

This page allows the configuration of the parameters required for Ethernet communications.

Figure B-16. Ethernet Setup Page

B.3.1 IP Address Assignment

There is currently one option for the IP Address Assignment:

Using this option allows a static IP Address to be assigned to the printer. This IP Address is
allocated by the network administrator.

Linx RCI Reference Manual B—9 May 2019
B.3.2 Renew IP Address
This option is currently not available.

B.3.3 Host Name

This is an optional name that can be assigned to the printer.

B.3.4 IP Address
This option is only available when the IP Address assignment is set to manual. If the printer
is operating on a network, the network administrator assigns the IP address.

B.3.5 Subnet Mask

The Subnet Mask is a mask that determines the subnet that an IP address belongs to. An IP
address has two components—the network address, and the host address. This depends
on the type of IP address that is assigned. Consult the network administrator for more

B.3.6 Default Gateway

A Default Gateway is a node on the network that acts as an access point to another
network. Consult the network administrator for more information.

B.3.7 MAC Address

A MAC Address (Media Access Control address) is a unique identifier assigned to most
forms of networking equipment. This is automatically detected by the printer software.

B.3.8 Re-connect
This option forces the printer to release the Ethernet connection and reset the connection
node ID. This option can be used if an application connected via Ethernet has been
disconnected unexpectedly (for example, the software program has shut down without
disconnecting the Windows Socket (WinSock).

May 2019 B—10 Linx RCI Reference Manual
This appendix describes how to set up the Linx CJ400 printer for remote communications
using the Remote Communications Interface (RCI).

C.1 Accessing communications

The communications settings for the CJ400 are set by using the Communications screen.
Access to different sets of options is by a user level and a related security PIN. To get full
access to all of the options, from the Home screen touch the Main Menu button to display
the Main Menu screen as shown.

Figure C-1. Main Menu screen

Touch the User Login option to display the Select User screen. The Supervisor level can
then be selected from Select User screen.

Figure C-2. Select User screen

Linx RCI Reference Manual C—1 May 2019
The related PIN for the Service level is entered on the Enter PIN Code screen. Enter the
Supervisor PIN code (05367614) and select Save.

Figure C-3. Enter PIN Code screen

The printer will now go back to the Main Menu screen with extra options available, as
shown in Figure C-4.

Figure C-4. Main Menu screen (extra options)

Touch the Printer Setup option to display the Printer Setup screen.

Figure C-5. Printer Setup screen

May 2019 C—2 Linx RCI Reference Manual
From the Printer Setup screen, touch the Communications option. The Communications
screen will be displayed that gives the option of selecting the connection and editing the
settings of the connections.

Figure C-6. Communications screen

C.2 Setting the connection

The CJ400 printer can communicate using either RS-232 or Ethernet. To select the
connection type touch the Connection option. The Select Connection screen will be

Figure C-7. Select Connection to Edit screen

C.3 Edit Connection

This option allows the RS-232 Hardware Configuration and various RCI parameters to be
From the Communications screen (Figure C-6), touch the Edit Connection option. The
Edit Connection screen is displayed as shown in Figure C-8.

Linx RCI Reference Manual C—3 May 2019
C.3.1 Hardware setup
The items that are available on the Edit Connection screen depend on the option that was
selected in the Select Connection to Edit page (see Figure C-7). Figure C-8 shows both
versions of this screen (RCI over RS232 and RCI over Ethernet). The Hardware Setup
option is not available for the RCI over Ethernet option.

Figure C-8. Edit Connection screen

Touch the Hardware Setup option to display the RS232 Hardware Configuration screen
as shown.

Figure C-9. RS232 Hardware Configuration screen

The RS232 Hardware Configuration screen sets the physical communications parameters
for the protocol.

Baud Rate
This setting determines the speed of the transferred data. This can be set to 9600, 19200,
38400, 57600, or 115200.

Data Bits
All Linx printers use 8 databits, therefore this option is disabled.

This option determines the type of parity bit to be used. It can be set to None, Odd, or Even.
The default is None.

Stop Bits
This option determines the number of stop bits used. It can be set to 1, 1.5, or 2. The default
value is 1.

May 2019 C—4 Linx RCI Reference Manual
Flow Control
The settings for the flow control are either None (the default) or Xon/Xoff.
When set to None, there is no control of the flow of data. When set to Xon/Xoff the flow of
data is controlled by the special characters XON and XOFF that are identified in the data
stream by the escape character that precedes them.

C.3.2 Print Mode

Touch the Print Mode option to display the Print Mode screen as shown in Figure C-10.

Figure C-10. Print Mode screen

The Print Mode screen contains the following parameters:

Print Mode
Set this to Single or Continuous

In Continuous print mode, printing always occurs regardless of whether or not any remote
data is received. If one set of remote data is received, this data is printed continuously until
more remote data is received.

In Single print mode, printing occurs once for each set of remote data received. If no more
data is received, the response to any additional print triggers depends on the configuration
of the failure condition.
For normal printing where no remote data is expected, the Mode option must always be set
to Continuous mode. Single print mode must be used only for messages that expect remote

Number of Buffers
This parameter is used to specify the number of buffers that are assigned to each remote
field in the message. The number of buffers in the CJ400 is limited to 32.

Linx RCI Reference Manual C—5 May 2019
Clear Buffers
The Clear on Stop Print option is used to clear all remote field buffers in the current
message when printing stops, that can help with synchronization.
NOTE: If messages are to be downloaded remotely, the number of buffers must be
configured using the Number of Buffers option before any messages are
downloaded. When the number of buffers is changed, each existing message on
the printer that contains buffered remote fields must be opened and saved again,
using the Message Editor. This automatically updates the buffered remote field
value to the one set in Print Mode. Failure to make sure that all fields in a message
are of the same buffer length causes loss of synchronization between fields when
the smallest buffer fills.

On Failure
The On Failure option is set to ‘Warn and Ignore’, or ‘Warn and Pause Print’, to provide the
correct failure condition in cases where (in Single print mode), no remote data is received
ready for the next print. If ‘Warn and Ignore’ is selected, the error “3.29 Overspeed (No
remote data)” is displayed, and the Print Go is ignored, that is, no print occurs.
If ‘Warn and Pause Print’ is selected, the error “3.29 Overspeed (No remote data)” is
displayed, and the printer is put into Pause mode, that is, Print Idle.

C.3.3 Print Control

The CJ400 printer allows print control characters to be enabled or disabled, and allows the
user to specify the values to be used for these characters.

Figure C-11. Print Control screen

By default, the Print Delay Trigger, Print Go, and Print End responses are set to Disabled,
as shown, but these can be enabled as required, in any combination. Select each option to
see a list of the available return values, and select the required return value from the list.
It is recommended that control characters are not used for these options. For a list of control
characters see Chapter 1: ‘Introduction’ for a list of control characters.

May 2019 C—6 Linx RCI Reference Manual
C.3.4 Remote Fields
Before a Remote Field can be used in a message it has to be referenced in the Remote
Field List. From the Edit Connection touch the Remote Fields option. The Remote Field
List is displayed.

Figure C-12. Remote Field List screen

To add a remote field to the list, touch the Add option, the Enter Remote Field Name
screen is displayed as shown.

Figure C-13. Enter Remote Field Name screen

The default name for the remote field is RemoteFieldn, where n is the number of the
remote field. Each subsequent field created will increase in number (for example,
RemoteField1, RemoteField2… RemoteFieldn, as shown).

Figure C-14. Remote Field List screen populated

Linx RCI Reference Manual C—7 May 2019
The name of the remote field can be changed to suit the customer application (for example,
BatchNo, ProductID, and so on). Also, the order of the field in the list can also be changed.
The order of the field dictates the order in which the transmitted data is received.

Figure C-15. Remote Field screen

C.3.5 Mappings
The Mappings function is designed to improve the compatibility with previous Linx printers.
To enable this, a number of options can be set by the user.

Figure C-16. Mappings screens

Reported Machine Type

The Reported Machine Type option specifies the printer type that is returned in the RCI
Request System Configuration command (Command 51). This can be set to emulate the
6200 (the printer returns the value 6), the 6800 (the printer returns the value 8), or the 7900
(the printer returns the value 10).
This setting is also used to set the Message Type and Font mappings (see
Chapter 7: ‘Printer Compatibility Mapping’). The options are:
 7300 - Maps to 7300 resources and returns the value 6 with command 51.
 6800 – This uses mappings from the original 6800 RCI mappings and returns the value
7 command 51.
 6200 – Maps to 6200 resources and returns the value 6 command 51.

May 2019 C—8 Linx RCI Reference Manual
Code Page
The CJ400 uses the Unicode character set; the RCI uses ASCII. The Code Page option
specifies how the ASCII-to-Unicode translation is performed. There are currently six code
page options:
 European
 European
 Japanese
 Greek
 Russian
 Polish
For 6200 compatibility, select the European (6200) option, because this contains characters
specific to the 6200 that are not in the standard European code page.

By default, checksums are enabled; to disable them, set the Use Checksum option to No. If
the checksum is disabled, the printer does not look for checksums on the end of received
data. It is recommended that the disabled setting is not used continuously. This is because
without the checksum there is no check on the basic integrity of the transferred data, and
corrupted data can cause problems in both the printer and the remote host.

C.4 Network Settings

From the Printer Setup screen (see Figure C-5 on page C—2) touch the option Network
Settings this will displays the Network Settings screen. This allows the configuration of the
Ethernet parameter.


Figure C-17. Network Settings screen

C.4.1 DHCP
The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a standardized network protocol used
on Internet Protocol (IP) networks for dynamically distributing network configuration
parameters, such as IP addresses for interfaces and services. When enabled, the DHCP is
used to configure the CJ400 for communicating on the network by acquiring an IP Address
from the DHCP server.

C.4.2 Host Name

This is the ‘Human Readable’ name of the printer and corresponds to its network address.

Linx RCI Reference Manual C—9 May 2019
C.4.3 Static IP Address
This option is only available when the DHCP option is disabled. Using this option allows a
static IP Address to be assigned to the printer. This IP Address is allocated by the network

C.4.4 Subnet Mask

The Subnet Mask is a mask that determines the subnet that an IP address belongs to. An IP
address has two components—the network address, and the host address. This depends
on the type of IP address that is assigned. Consult the network administrator for more

C.4.5 MAC Address

A MAC Address (Media Access Control address) is a unique identifier assigned to most
forms of networking equipment. This is automatically detected by the printer software.

May 2019 C—10 Linx RCI Reference Manual
This appendix describes how to set up the Linx 8800 Series and 8900 Series printers for
remote communications using the Remote Communications Interface (RCI).

D.1 Accessing communications

The top level screen on the 8800 Series/8900 Series is the Home screen, as shown in
Figure D-2.

Figure D-1. Home screen

On the Home screen touch the Menu button to display the Main Menu screen as shown.

Figure D-2. Main Menu screen

Touch the User Login option to display the Select User screen. The Supervisor level can
then be selected from Select User screen.

Figure D-3. Select User screen

Linx RCI Reference Manual D—1 May 2019
The related PIN for the Supervisor level is entered on the Enter PIN Code screen. Enter the
Supervisor PIN code (587121) and touch Save.

Figure D-4. Enter PIN Code screen

The printer displays the Main Menu screen with extra options available, as shown in
Figure D-5.

Figure D-5. Main Menu screen (extra options)

Touch Printer Setup to display the Printer Setup (1 of 2) screen.

Figure D-6. Printer Setup (1 of 2) screen

May 2019 D—2 Linx RCI Reference Manual
From the Printer Setup (1 of 2) screen, touch the More button. The Printer Setup (2 of 2)
screen is displayed which gives the option of selecting the Communications options.

Figure D-7. Printer Setup (2 of 2) screen

From the Printer Setup screen, touch the Communications option. The Communications
screen is displayed with the option of selecting the connection and editing the settings of the

Figure D-8. Communications screen

The Communications screen contains two protocols, RCI and SCP. Touch the RCI option
to display the RCI Setup screen.

Figure D-9. RCI Setup screen—Ethernet set

Linx RCI Reference Manual D—3 May 2019
D.2 Setting the connection
The 8800 Series printers can communicate over Ethernet only. The 8900 Series printers
can communicate using the RCI protocol, using either RS-232 or Ethernet.
This default setting allows only the RCI over Ethernet option to be selected. To enable the
RCI over RS232 option on the 8900 Series, an RS-232 Option plate (part number
FA11206) is required, together with a configuration code.(H-8-0-306-0).
To select the RSI over RS232 connection type, touch the Connection option to display the
Connection screen, as shown in Figure D-10.

Figure D-10. Selecting the connection to edit (RCI over RS232)

Touch RCI over RS232 option. The RCI Setup screen is displayed again, now showing the
RCI over RS232 setting, as shown in Figure D-11.

Figure D-11. RCI Setup screen

D.3 Edit Connection (RCI over RS232)

This option allows the RS232 Hardware Configuration and various RCI parameters to be
From the RCI Setup screen, touch the Edit Connection option. The Edit Connection
screen will be displayed as shown in Figure D-12.

May 2019 D—4 Linx RCI Reference Manual
D.3.1 Hardware Setup
Figure D-12 shows the parameters that can be edited for the RS232 connection. A similar
screen will be displayed for a connection over Ethernet; however, the Hardware Setup
option will not be available.

Figure D-12. Edit Connection Screen (RCI over RS232)

Touch the Hardware Setup option to display the RS232 Hardware Configuration screen
as shown.

Figure D-13. RS232 Hardware Configuration Screen

Baud Rate
This setting determines the speed of the transferred data. This can be set to 9600, 19200,
38400, 57600, or 115200.

Data Bits
All Linx printers use 8 data bits, therefore this option is disabled.

This option determines the type of parity bit to be used. It can be set to None, Odd, or Even.
The default is None.

Stop Bits
This option determines the number of stop bits used. It can be set to 1, 1.5, or 2. The default
value is 1.

Flow Control
Use the scroll bar to access this option.
The settings for the flow control are either None (the default) or Xon/Xoff.

Linx RCI Reference Manual D—5 May 2019
When set to None, there is no control of the flow of data. When set to Xon/Xoff the flow of
data is controlled by the special characters XON and XOFF which are identified in the data
stream by the escape character that precedes them.

D.3.2 Print Mode

Return to the Edit Connection screen and touch the Print Mode option to display the Print
Mode screen as shown in Figure D-14.

Figure D-14. Print Mode Screen

The Print Mode page contains the following parameters:

Print Mode
Set this to Single or Continuous

In Continuous print mode, printing always occurs regardless of whether or not any remote
data is received. If one set of remote data is received, this data is printed continuously until
more remote data is received.

In Single print mode, printing occurs once for each set of remote data received. If no more
data is received, the response to any additional print triggers depends on the configuration
of the failure condition.
For normal printing where no remote data is expected, the Mode option must always be set
to Continuous mode. Single print mode must be used only for messages that expect remote

Number of Buffers
This parameter is used to specify the number of buffers that are assigned to each remote
field in the message. The number of buffers in the CJ400 is limited to 32.

Clear Buffers
The Clear on Stop Print option is used to clear all remote field buffers in the current
message when printing stops, which can help with synchronization.
NOTE: If messages are to be downloaded remotely, the number of buffers must be
configured using the Number of Buffers option before any messages are
downloaded. When the number of buffers is changed, each existing message on
the printer that contains buffered remote fields must be opened and saved again,
using the Message Editor. This automatically updates the buffered remote field
value to the one set in Print Mode. Failure to make sure that all fields in a message
are of the same buffer length causes loss of synchronization between fields when
the smallest buffer fills.

May 2019 D—6 Linx RCI Reference Manual
On Failure
The On Failure option is set to Warn and Ignore, or Warn and Pause Print, to provide the
correct failure condition in cases where (in Single print mode), no remote data is received
ready for the next print. If Warn and Ignore is selected, the error “3.29 Overspeed (No
remote data)” is displayed, and the Print Go is ignored, that is, no print occurs.
If Warn and Pause Print is selected, the error “3.29 Overspeed (No remote data)” is
displayed, and the printer is put into Pause mode, that is, Print Idle.

D.3.3 Print Control

The 8800 Series and 8900 Series printers allow print control characters to be enabled or
disabled, and allow the user to specify the values to be used for these characters.

Figure D-15. Print Control screen

By default, the Print Delay Trigger, Print Go, and Print End responses are set to
Disabled, as shown, but these can be enabled as required, in any combination. Select each
option to see a list of the available return values, and select the required return value from
the list.
It is recommended that control characters are not used for these options. For a list of control
characters see Chapter 1: ‘Introduction’ for a list of control characters.

D.3.4 Mappings
The Mappings function is designed to improve the compatibility with previous Linx printers.
To enable this, a number of options can be set by the user.

Figure D-16. Mappings screen

Reported Machine Type

The Reported Machine Type option specifies the printer type that is returned in the RCI
Request System Configuration command (Command 51).

Linx RCI Reference Manual D—7 May 2019
This setting is also used to set the Message Type and Font Mappings (see
Chapter 7: ‘Printer Compatibility Mapping’). The options are:
 8xxx - Maps to 8800 Series/8900 Series and returns value 12 with command 51.
 7300 - Maps to 7300 resources and returns the value 7 with command 51.
 6800 – This uses mappings from the original 6800 RCI mappings and returns the value
8 with command 51.
 6200 – Maps to 6200 resources and returns the value 6 with command 51.
 5900 – Maps to 5900 resources and returns the value 11 with command 51.

Code Page
The 8880 Series and 8900 Series uses the Unicode character set; the RCI uses ASCII. The
Codepage option specifies how the ASCII-to-Unicode translation is performed. There are
currently six codepage options:
 European (6200)
 European
 Japanese
 Greek
 Russian
 Polish
For 6200 compatibility, select the European (6200) option, because this contains characters
specific to the 6200 that are not in the standard European code page.

D.3.5 Checksum
Use the scroll bar to access this option.
By default, checksums are enabled; to disable them, set the Use Checksum option to No. If
the checksum is disabled, the printer does not look for checksums on the end of received
data. It is recommended that the disabled setting is not used continuously.
This is because without the checksum there is no check on the basic integrity of the
transferred data, and corrupted data can cause problems in both the printer and the remote

D.4 Edit Connection (RCI over Ethernet)

To select the connection type, touch the RCI option from the Communications screen,
(Figure D-8 on page D—3). The RCI Setup screen will be redisplayed.

Figure D-17. RCI Setup Screen (RS232 Set)

May 2019 D—8 Linx RCI Reference Manual
From the RCI Setup screen, touch the Connection option. The Connection screen is
displayed again, as shown in Figure D-18.

Figure D-18. Select Connection to Edit (RCI over Ethernet)

Select the RCI over Ethernet option then Exit. The RCI Setup screen is displayed again,
now showing that the connection is now over Ethernet.

Figure D-19. RCI Setup Screen (Over Ethernet)

Touch the Edit Connection option. The Edit Connection screen is now displayed.

Figure D-20. Edit Connection Screen (RCI over Ethernet)

Apart from the Hardware Setup, the configuration for RCI over Ethernet is the same as for
the sections from ‘Print Mode’ on page D—6 to ‘Checksum’ on page D—8 .

Linx RCI Reference Manual D—9 May 2019
D.4 Network Settings
From page 1of the Printer Setup screen (see Figure D-6 on page D—2) touch the option
Network Settings this will display the Network Settings screen. This allows the
configuration of the Ethernet parameter.

Figure D-21. Network Settings

D.4.1 DHCP
The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a standardized network protocol
used on Internet Protocol (IP) networks for dynamically distributing network configuration
parameters, such as IP addresses for interfaces and services. The DHCP when enabled, is
used to configure the 8800 Series/8900 Series for communicating on the network by
acquiring an IP Address from the DHCP Server.

D.4.2 Host Name

This is the ‘Human Readable’ name of the printer and corresponds to its network address.

D.4.3 Static IP Address

This option is only available when the DHCP option is disabled. Using this option allows a
static IP Address to be assigned to the printer. This IP Address is allocated by the network

D.4.4 Subnet Mask

The Subnet Mask is a mask that determines the subnet that an IP address belongs to. An
IP address has two components—the network address, and the host address. This depends
on the type of IP address that is assigned. Consult the network administrator for more

D.4.5 MAC Address

Use the scroll bar to access this option.
A MAC Address (Media Access Control) is a unique identifier assigned to most forms of
networking equipment. This is automatically detected by the printer software.

D.4.6 Default Gateway

The Default Gateway is the IP address of a node in the network that forwards the data
packets to other nodes in the network.

D.4.7 Name Server IP Address

The Name Server IP Address is the address of the Domain Name Server (DNS). The
Name Server translates the Host Name to its corresponding IP Address.

May 2019 D—10 Linx RCI Reference Manual
D.4.8 Domain Name
The Domain Names is the name of the networks that the printer is connected to. A domain
name represents an Internet Protocol (IP) resource. Individual Internet host computers use
domain names as host identifiers, or host names.

D.5 Remote Fields

Before a Remote Field can be used in a message it has to be referenced in the Remote
Field List. To setup the Remote Fields, select More to display page 2 of the Printer Setup.

Figure D-22. Printer Setup Page 2

Touch the Remote Fields option. The Remote Field List will be displayed.

Figure D-23. Remote Field List, One Field

The Remote Field List contains a default entry RemoteField1. To add more remote fields
to the list, touch the Add option, the Enter Remote Field Name screen is displayed as

Figure D-24. Enter Remote Field

Linx RCI Reference Manual D—11 May 2019
The default name for the remote field is RemoteFieldn, where n is the number of the
remote field. Each subsequent field created will increase in number, e.g. RemoteField1,
RemoteField2… RemoteFieldn, as shown.

Figure D-25. Remote Field List, Multiple Fields

The name of the remote field can be changed to suit the customer application, e.g.
BatchNo, ProductID, etc. Also, the order of the field in the list can also be changed. The
order of the field dictates the order in which the transmitted data is received.
To change the Remote Field Name or the Field Order, touch the required field.

Figure D-26. Remote Field

Touch Field Order to display the Remote Field Order page.

Figure D-27. Remote Field Order

Highlight a field and use the up and down arrow keys to move the field up and down in the

May 2019 D—12 Linx RCI Reference Manual
E.1 Introduction
This section provides examples of commands and command sequences sent to the printer.
The commands are shown in hexadecimal format.
The purpose of these examples is to show a typical sequence of events that occur when a
message is downloaded to a printer, or selected for printing, or when the printing sequence
is started.
These examples are based on a 7900 printer with v5.1 software. The sequences can in
general be used on a CJ400 and 8800 Series/8900 Series printers with the Mappings set to
7900. For further details about the commands, refer to Chapter 4: ‘Message Data Format,
and Chapter 7: ‘Printer Compatibility Mappings’).
NOTE: Bar codes are not available on 5900 and CJ400 printers.
The initial status/conditions of the printer used for these examples are as follows:
 Jet off
 Print idle
 No current warnings
 No messages in the message store

E.2 Example 1
Create a message that contains a text field, a logo field, a bar code field and a date field.
The first command requests the status of the printer.

E.2.1 Printer Status Request

1B 02 ;ESC STX sequence
14 ;Command ID - Printer Status Request
1B 03 ;ESC ETX sequence
E7 ;Checksum

Printer Reply:
1B 06 ;ESC ACK sequence
00 ;P-Status - No printer errors
00 ;C-Status - No command errors
14 ;Command ID sent
03 ;Jet State - Jet stopped
02 ;Print State - Idle
00 00 00 00 ;32-bit Error Mask - No errors
1B 03 ;ESC ETX sequence
DE ;Checksum

E.2.2 Download Message Data

This command downloads a message to the printer, The message contains a text field, a
logo field, a bar code field, and a date field.
For more information about the format of the message data, see Chapter 4: ‘Message Data

Linx RCI Reference Manual E—1 May 2019
1B 02 ;ESC STX sequence
19 ;Command ID - Download Message
01 ;Number of Messages - 1
F2 00 ;Length in bytes - 242
A9 00 ;Length in Rasters - 169
06 ;EHT setting - 6
03 00 ;Width - 3
00 00 ;Print delay - 0
4D 65 73 73 61 67 65 20 ;Message name - Message E12
45 31 32 00 00 00 00 00
31 36 20 51 55 41 4C 49 ;Raster name - 16 QUALITY

54 59 00 00 00 00 00 00
1C ;Field header
00 ;Field type - Text field
2A 00 ;Field Length - 42
00 ;Y Position - 0
63 00 ;X Position - 99
35 00 ;Length in Rasters - 53
07 ;Height in drops - 7
00 ;Format 3 - 00
01 ;Bold multiplier - 1
09 ;String length (excl. null) - 9
00 ;Format 1 - 0
00 ;Format 2 - 0
00 ;Linkage - 0
37 20 46 48 20 43 41 50 ;Data set name - 7 FH CAPS
53 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
54 45 53 54 20 54 45 58 ;Data - TEST TEXT
54 00

1C ;Field header
05 ;Field type - Date field
32 00 ;Field Length - 50
09 ;Y Position - 9
64 00 ;X Position - 100
2F 00 ;Length in Rasters - 47
0 7;Height in drops - 7
00 ;Format 3 - 0
01 ;Bold multiplier - 1
00 ;String length (excl. null) - 0
00 ;Format 1 - 0
00 ;Format 2 - 0
00 ;Linkage - 0
37 20 46 48 20 43 41 50 ;Data set name - 7 FH CAPS
53 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
64 64 2E 6D 6D 2E 79 79 ;Date format name - dd.mm.yy
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 ;Date offset - 0

1C ;Field header

May 2019 E—2 Linx RCI Reference Manual
01 ;Field type - Logo field
20 00 ;Field Length in bytes - 32
00 ;Y Position - 0
9A 00 ;X Position - 154
0F 00 ;Length in Rasters - 15
0F ;Height in drops - 15
00 ;Format 3 - 00
01 ;Bold multiplier - 1
00 ;String length (excl. null) - 0
00 ;Format 1 - 0
00 ;Format 2 - 0
00 ;Linkage - 0
4C 6F 67 6F 20 31 00 00 ;Data set name – Logo 1
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

1C ;Field header
46 ;Field type - Barcode field
20 00 ;Field Length - 32
00 ;Y Position - 0
00 00 ;X Position - 0
5F 00 ;Length in Rasters - 95
0F ;Height in drops - 15
00 ;Format 3 - 0
01 ;Bold multiplier - 1
00 ;String length (excl. null) - 0
00 ;Format 1 - 0
01 ;Format 2 - Checksum on
03 ;Linkage – Points to next field
45 41 4E 2D 31 33 20 20 ;Data set name - EAN-13
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 00

1C ;Field header
C0 ;Field type - Text field (not rendered)
2D 00 ;Field Length - 45
00 ;Y Position - 0
00 00 ;X Position - 0
48 00 ;Length in Rasters - 72
0 9;Height in drops - 9
00 ;Format 3 - 00
01 ;Bold multiplier - 1
0C ;String length (excl. null) - 12
00 ;Format 1 - 0
00 ;Format 2 - 0
02 ;Linkage – Points to Barcode field
39 20 53 54 44 20 46 55 ;Data set name - 9 STD FULL
4C 4C 00 00 00 00 00 00
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ;123456789098
39 30 39 38 00

Linx RCI Reference Manual E—3 May 2019
Printer Reply
1B 06 ;ESC ACK sequence
00 ;P-Status - No printer errors
00 ;C-Status - No command errors
19 ;Command ID sent
1B 03 ;ESC ETX sequence
DE ;Checksum

E.2.3 Load Print Message

1B 02 ;ESC STX sequence
1E ;Command ID - Load print message
4D 65 73 73 61 67 65 20 ;Message name - Message E12
45 31 32 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 ;Print count - 0 - Print indefinitely
1B 03 ;ESC ETX sequence
42 ;Checksum

Printer Reply
1B 06 ;ESC ACK sequence
00 ;P-Status - No printer errors
00 ;C-Status - No command errors
1E ;Command ID sent
1B 03 ;ESC ETX sequence
D9 ;Checksum

E.2.4 Start Jet Command

1B 02 ;ESC STX sequence
0F ;Command ID
1B 03 ;ESC ETX sequence
EC ;Checksum

Printer Reply
1B 06 ;ESC ACK sequence
00 ;P-Status - No printer errors
00 ;C-Status - No command errors
0F ;Command ID sent
1B 03 ;ESC ETX sequence
E8 ;Checksum

E.2.5 Start Print Command

1B 02 ;ESC STX sequence
11 ;Command ID
1B 03 ;ESC ETX sequence
EA ;Checksum

May 2019 E—4 Linx RCI Reference Manual
Printer Reply
1B 06 ;ESC ACK sequence
00 ;P-Status - No printer errors
00 ;C-Status - No command errors
11 ;Command ID sent
1B 03 ;ESC ETX sequence
E6 ;Checksum

E.2.6 Printer Status Request

1B 02 ;ESC STX sequence
14 ;Command ID - Printer Status Request
1B 03 ;ESC ETX sequence
E7 ;Checksum

Printer Reply
1B 06 ;ESC ACK sequence
00 ;P-Status - No printer errors
00 ;C-Status - No command errors
14 ;Command ID sent
00 ;Jet state - Jet running
04 ;Print state - Waiting for print trigger
00 00 00 00 ;32-bit Error Mask - No errors
1B 03 ;ESC ETX sequence
DF ;Checksum
The returned data from the status request confirms that the printer is now ready to print the
message when a photocell trigger is received.

E.3 Example 2
Stop printing, delete the current print message, download a new message with a remote
field of five characters, and load the message for printing

E.3.1 Stop Print

1B 02 ;ESC STX sequence
12 ;Command ID - Stop Print
1B 03 ;ESC ETX sequence
E9 ;Checksum

Printer Reply
1B 06 ;ESC ACK sequence
00 ;P-Status - No printer errors
00 ;C-Status - No command errors
12 ;Repeat of Command ID
1B 03 ;ESC ETX sequence
E5 ;Checksum

Linx RCI Reference Manual E—5 May 2019
E.3.2 Delete Message Data
1B 02 ;ESC STX sequence
1B 1B ;Command ID - Delete Message
01 ;Number of messages
4C 49 4E 58 20 54 45 53 ;Message name - LINX TEST
54 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
1B 03 ;ESC ETX sequence
44 ;Checksum
The delete message command 1B is the ESC character, so it must be preceded by an ESC
character, as shown. Also, the calculated checksum does not include the inserted ESC
character. (See ‘Data Checksum Calculation’ on page 1–15).

Printer Reply
1B 06 ;ESC ACK
00 ;P-Status - No printer errors
00 ;C-Status - No command errors
1B 1B ;Command ID sent
1B 03 ;ESC ETX sequence
DC ;Checksum
The reply from the printer contains a double ESC sequence. It is important to remove the
preceding ESC character during the processing of the reply to prevent the byte sequence
from being out of synchronization.

E.3.3 Download Message Data

1B 02 ;ESC STX Sequence
19 ;Command ID - Download Message
01 ;Number of messages - 1
49 00 ;Message length in bytes - 73
58 00 ;Message length in rasters - 88
06 ;EHT setting - Normal
00 00 ;Inter-raster width - 0
0A 00 ;Print delay - 10
4D 65 73 73 61 67 65 20 ;Message name - ;Message E23
45 32 33 00 00 00 00 00
31 36 20 51 55 41 4C 49 ;Raster name - ;16 QUALITY
54 59 00 00 00 00 00 00

May 2019 E—6 Linx RCI Reference Manual
1C ;Field header
07 ;Field type - Remote Field
20 00 ;Field length in bytes - 32
00 ;Y position - 0
00 00 ;X position - 0
58 00 ;Field length in rasters - 88
0F ;Field height in drops - 15
00 ;Format 3 - 0
01 ;Bold multiplier - 1
05 ;String length (excluding null) - 5
00 ;Format 1 - 0
00 ;Format 2 - 0
00 ;Linkage - 0
31 35 20 46 48 20 43 41 ;Data set name - 15 FH CAPS
50 53 00 00 00 00 00 00
1B 03 ;ESC ETX sequence
D6 ;Checksum

Printer Reply:
1B 06 ;ESC ACK sequence
00 ;P-Status - No printer errors
00 ;C-Status - No command errors
19 ;Command ID sent
1B 03 ;ESC ETX sequence
DE ;Checksum

E.3.4 Load Print Message

As Example 1 ;Specify message name and count

E.3.5 Start Print

As Example 1

E.3.6 Printer Status Request

As Example 1
The printer is now ready to print, but no data was sent to fill the remote field. The next
example shows the command sequence that is used to send data to the remote field.

E.4 Example 3
Set the print mode to Single, set the buffer divisor to 2, and print using remote data with the
message that was loaded in Example 2.

E.4.1 Stop Print

As Example 2.

Linx RCI Reference Manual E—7 May 2019
E.4.2 Set Print Mode
1B 02 ;ESC STX sequence
20 ;Command ID - Set Print Mode
01 ;Mode - Single
00 ;Print go/No data - Warn/Ignore print go
00 ;Print go/Pixel RAM - Warn/Ignore print
01 ;Clear print buffer - Yes
02 ;Remote buffer divisor - 2
00 ;Print trigger char state - Off
00 ;Print delay char state - Off
00 ;Print go char state - Off
00 ;Print end char state - Off
1B 03 ;ESC ETX sequence
D7 ;Checksum

Printer Reply
1B 06 ;ESC ACK sequence
00 ;P-Status - No printer errors
00 ;C-Status - No command errors
20 ;Command ID sent
1B 03 ;ESC ETX sequence
D7 ;Checksum

E.4.3 Download Remote Field Data (first set)

1B 02 ;ESC STX sequence
1D ;Command ID - Download Rem field
05 00 ;Number of characters
31 32 33 34 35 ;Data - 12345
1B 03 ;ESC ETX sequence
DA ;Checksum

Printer Reply
1B 06 ;ESC ACK sequence
00 ;P-Status - No printer errors
00 ;C-Status - No command errors
1D ;Repeat of command ID
1B 03 ;ESC ETX sequence
DA ;Checksum

E.4.4 Download Remote Field Data (second set)

1B 02 ;ESC STX sequence
1D ;Command ID - Download Rem.field
05 00 ;Number of characters
36 37 38 39 30 ;Data - 67890
1B 03 ;ESC ETX sequence
CB ;Checksum

May 2019 E—8 Linx RCI Reference Manual
Printer Reply
1B 06 ;ESC ACK sequence
00 ;P-Status - no printer errors
42 ;C-Status - a command error was
1D ;Repeat of command ID
1B 03 ;ESC ETX sequence
98 ;Checksum
At this point, no photocell trigger has occurred and both of the remote buffers are full. A
warning (42h) is returned in the last reply. The section ‘Command Status Code Descriptions’
on page 3–4 shows that the warning is ‘Remote Buffer Now Full’. Because two buffers were
set initially, two sets of remote data have now filled the buffers.
NOTE: The command was accepted, so the second set of remote data sent is placed in the
The first photocell trigger occurs and the printer prints one message.

E.4.5 Download Remote Field Data (third set)

1B 02 ;ESC STX sequence
1D ;Command ID - Download Rem field
05 00 ;Number of characters
31 32 33 34 35 ;Data - 12345
1B 03 ;ESC ETX sequence
DA ;Checksum

Printer Reply
1B 06 ;ESC ACK sequence
00 ;P-Status - no printer errors
42 ;C-Status - a command error was
1D ;Repeat of command ID
1B 03 ;ESC ETX sequence
98 ;Checksum
The printer reply is the same as the previous download.

E.4.6 Download Remote Field Data (fourth set)

1B 02 ;ESC STX sequence
1D ;Command ID - Download Rem field
05 00 ;Number of characters
36 37 38 39 30 ;Data - 67890
1B 03 ;ESC ETX sequence
CB ;Checksum

Linx RCI Reference Manual E—9 May 2019
Printer Reply
1B 15 ;ESC NAK sequence
00 ;P-Status - no printer errors
43 ;C-Status - a command error was
1D ;Repeat of command ID
1B 03 ;ESC ETX sequence
88 ;Checksum
The printer returned a negative acknowledgement (NAK). This means that the last data
transmission was rejected. The C-Status byte has a value of 43h. The section ‘Command
Status Code Descriptions’ on page 3–4 shows that the warning is ‘Remote Buffer Still Full’.
The data sent in the last transmission was rejected because the buffers were still full.
If three further prints are triggered without downloading any data for the remote fields, a
warning is displayed on the printer status line. This tells the user that a ‘Print Go’ has
occurred but no data was available to print (Error 3.05, Print Go/Remote Data). This
warning can be accessed remotely by looking at the 32-bit Error Mask returned from the
Printer Status Request, as follows:

E.4.7 Printer Status Request

1B 02 ;ESC STX sequence
14 ;Command ID - Printer Status Request
1B 03 ;ESC ETX sequence
E7 ;Checksum

Printer Reply
1B 06 ;ESC ACK sequence
00 ;P-Status - No printer errors
00 ;C-Status - No command errors
14 ;Command ID sent
00 ;Jet state - Jet running
04 ;Print state - Waiting for print trigger
20 00 00 00 ;32-bit Error Mask - Error data present
1B 03 ;ESC ETX sequence
BF ;Checksum
Referring to ‘32-bit Error Mask’ on page 3–13, bit 5 in the mask was set, indicating that Error
3.05 ‘Print Go/No Data’ occurred.

E.5 Example 4
Print using the print control characters and message like the one that is used in Example 1.
For information about the print control characters, see:
 ‘Print Control’ in Appendix B (5900 and 7900)
 ‘Print Control’ in Appendix C (CJ400).
 ‘Print Control’ in Appendix D (8800 Series/8900 Series).

E.5.1 Stop Print

As Example 2.

May 2019 E—10 Linx RCI Reference Manual
E.5.2 Set Print Mode
1B 02 ;ESC STX sequence
20 ;Command ID - Set Print Mode
00 ;Mode - Continuous
00 ;Print go/No data - Warn/Ignore print go
00 ;Print go/Pixel RAM - Warn/Ignore print
01 ;Clear print buffer - Yes
02 ;Remote buffer divisor - 2
01 ;Print trigger char state - On
01 ;Print delay char state - On
01 ;Print go char state - On
01 ;Print end char state - On
1B 03 ;ESC ETX sequence
D4 ;Checksum

Printer Reply
1B 06 ;ESC ACK sequence
00 ;P-Status - No printer errors
00 ;C-Status - No command errors
20 ;Command ID sent
1B 03 ;ESC ETX sequence
D7 ;Checksum
The print mode was also set to Continuous, using the above command. This is necessary
for a message that does not contain remote data.

E.5.3 Set Photocell Mode

1B 02 ;ESC STX sequence
25 ;Command ID - Set Photocell Mode
01 ;Photocell mode - Triggered
1B 03 ;ESC ETX sequence
D3 ;Checksum

Printer Reply
1B 06 ;ESC ACK sequence
00 ;P-Status - No printer errors
00 ;C-Status - No command errors
25 ;Command ID sent
1B 03 ;ESC ETX sequence
D2 ;Checksum

E.5.4 Download Message Data

As Example 1.

E.5.5 Load print message

As Example 1.

E.5.6 Start print

As Example 1.

Linx RCI Reference Manual E—11 May 2019
E.5.7 Trigger Print (Using photocell manually)
1B 08 ;Print delay character received

E.5.8 Delay Expires (Printer starts to print)

1B 0F ;Print go character received

E.5.9 Print Completed

1B 19 ;Print end character received

May 2019 E—12 Linx RCI Reference Manual
F.1 ASCII and non-ASCII characters
The tables in this section show the ASCII and non-ASCII characters.

Linx RCI Reference Manual F—1 May 2019
F.1.1 Non-printable ASCII characters (control characters)
ASCII Hex Character description Character
0 00 Null character Null
1 01 Start of heading SOH
2 02 Start of text STX
3 03 End of text ETX
4 04 End of transmission EOT
5 05 Enquiry ENQ
6 06 Acknowledge ACK
7 07 Bell BEL
8 08 Backspace BS
9 09 Horizontal tab HT
10 0A Line feed LF
11 0B Vertical tab VT
12 0C Form Feed FF
13 0D Carriage return CR
14 0E Shift out SO
15 0F Shift in SI
16 10 Data link escape DLE
17 11 Device control 1 DC1
18 12 Device control 2 DC2
19 13 Device control 3 DC3
20 14 Device control 4 DC4
21 15 Negative acknowledge NAK
22 16 Synchronous idle SYN
23 17 End of transmission block ETB
24 18 Cancel CAN
25 19 End of medium EM
26 1A Substitute SUB
27 1B Escape ESC
28 1C File separator FS
29 1D Group separator GS
30 1E Record separator RS
31 1F Unit separator US

Table F-1. Non-printable ASCII characters (control characters)

May 2019 F—2 Linx RCI Reference Manual
F.1.2 ASCII printable characters
ASCII Hex Unicode Character description Character
32 20 0020 Space
33 21 0021 Exclamation mark !
34 22 0022 Quotation mark “
35 23 0023 Number sign, Hash tag #
36 24 0024 Dollar sign $
37 25 0025 Percent sign %
38 26 0026 Ampersand &
30 27 0027 Apostrophe ‘
40 28 0028 Left parenthesis (
41 29 0029 Right parenthesis )
42 2A 002A Asterix *
43 2B 002B Plus sign +
44 2C 002C Comma ,
45 2D 002D Hyphen – minus sign -
46 2E 002E Full stop .
47 2F 002F Slash (Solidus) /
48 30 0030 Digit zero 0
59 31 0031 Digit one 1
50 32 0032 Digit two 2
51 33 0033 Digit three 3
52 34 0034 Digit four 4
53 35 0035 Digit five 5
54 36 0036 Digit six 6
55 37 0037 Digit seven 7
56 38 0038 Digit eight 8
57 39 0039 Digit nine 9
58 3A 003A Colon :
59 3B 003B Semicolon ;
60 3C 003C Less-than sign <
61 3D 003D Equal sign =
62 3E 003E Greater-than sign >
63 3F 003F Question mark ?
64 40 0040 At sign @
65 41 0041 Latin upper-case A A
66 42 0042 Latin upper-case B B
67 43 0043 Latin upper-case C C
68 44 0044 Latin upper-case D D
69 45 0045 Latin upper-case E E

Table F-2. Printable ASCII characters

Linx RCI Reference Manual F—3 May 2019
ASCII Hex Unicode Character description Character
70 46 0046 Latin upper-case F F
71 47 0047 Latin upper-case G G
72 48 0048 Latin upper-case H H
73 49 0049 Latin upper-case I I
74 4A 004A Latin upper-case J J
75 4B 004B Latin upper-case K K
76 4C 004C Latin upper-case L L
77 4D 004D Latin upper-case M M
78 4E 004E Latin upper-case N N
79 4F 004F Latin upper-case O O
80 50 0050 Latin upper-case P P
81 51 0051 Latin upper-case Q Q
82 52 0052 Latin upper-case R R
83 53 0053 Latin upper-case S S
84 54 0054 Latin upper-case T T
85 55 0055 Latin upper-case U U
86 56 0056 Latin upper-case V V
87 57 0057 Latin upper-case W W
88 58 0058 Latin upper-case X X
89 59 0059 Latin upper-case Y Y
90 5A 005A Latin upper-case Z Z
91 5B 005B Left square bracket [
92 5C 005C Backslash \
93 5D 005D Right square bracket ]
94 5E 005E Circumflex accent ^
95 5F 005F Underscore _
96 60 0060 Grave accent `
97 61 0061 Latin lower-case a a
98 62 0062 Latin lower-case b b
99 63 0063 Latin lower-case c c
100 64 0064 Latin lower-case d d
101 65 0065 Latin lower-case e e
102 66 0066 Latin lower-case f f
103 67 0067 Latin lower-case g g
104 68 0068 Latin lower-case h h
105 69 0069 Latin lower-case i i
106 6A 006A Latin lower-case j j
107 6B 006B Latin lower-case k k
108 6C 006C Latin lower-case l l

Table F-2. Printable ASCII characters (continued)

May 2019 F—4 Linx RCI Reference Manual
ASCII Hex Unicode Character description Character
109 6D 006D Latin lower-case m m
110 6E 006E Latin lower-case n n
111 6F 006F Latin lower-case o o
112 70 0070 Latin lower-case p p
113 71 0071 Latin lower-case q q
114 72 0072 Latin lower-case r r
115 73 0073 Latin lower-case s s
116 74 0074 Latin lower-case t t
117 75 0075 Latin lower-case u u
118 76 0076 Latin lower-case v v
119 77 0077 Latin lower-case w w
120 78 0078 Latin lower-case x x
121 79 0079 Latin lower-case y y
122 7A 007A Latin lower-case z z
123 7B 007B Left brace {
124 7C 007C Vertical bar |
125 7D 007D Right brace }
126 7E 007E Tilde ~
127 7F 20AC Euro sign €

Table F-2. Printable ASCII characters (continued)

Linx RCI Reference Manual F—5 May 2019
F.2 5900, 7900 and CJ400 code pages
The 5900, 7900 and CJ400 printers use the Unicode character set system for all their
internal and external names. However, the RCI protocol uses a simple ASCII set,
supplemented with code pages. This means that a translation is required for all data set
names (for example, date formats, message names and raster names), and also when
transferring datasets such as character sets.
This translation requires the printers to ‘know’ which language code page is to be used for
translation. Due to the fact that the IPM board does not know the current language used in
the user interface, the user must specify the language code page to be used for character
translation when setting up the RCI protocol on these printers.
For example, the user may wish to use a Japanese code page when translating from the
incoming RCI data to the Unicode required for the printer. The printer provides the facility to
specify the code page to use in the RCI setup user interface.
The following code pages are currently supported:
 European
 European
 Greek
 Japanese
 Russian
 Polish
In order to be fully compatible with the 6200 printer, the European (6200) code page must
be used. This includes some non-standard characters that are available in the 6200, but not
in the standard European code page.

May 2019 F—6 Linx RCI Reference Manual
F.2.1 6200 European code page
ASCII Hex Unicode Character description Character
127 7F 20AC Euro sign €
128 80 00C7 Latin upper-case C with cedilla Ç
129 81 00FC Latin lower-case U with diaeresis ü
130 82 00E9 Latin lower-case E with acute é
131 83 00E2 Latin lower-case a with circumflex â
132 84 00E4 Latin lower-case A with diaeresis ä
133 85 00E0 Latin lower-case A with grave à
134 86 00E5 Latin lower-case A with ring above å
135 87 00E7 Latin lower-case C with cedilla ç
136 88 00EA Latin lower-case E with circumflex ê
137 89 00EB Latin lower-case E with diaeresis ë
138 8A 00E8 Latin lower-case E with grave è
139 8B 00EF Latin lower-case I with diaeresis ï
140 8C 00EE Latin lower-case I with circumflex î
141 8D 00EC Latin lower-case I with grave ì
142 8E 00C4 Latin upper-case A with diaeresis Ä
143 8F 00C5 Latin upper-case A with ring above Å
144 90 00C9 Latin upper-case E with acute É
145 91 00E6 Latin lower-case AE æ
146 92 00C6 Latin upper-case AE Æ
147 93 00F4 Latin lower-case O with circumflex ô
148 94 00F6 Latin lower-case O with diaeresis ö
149 95 00F2 Latin lower-case O with grave ò
150 96 00FB Latin lower-case U with circumflex û
151 97 00F9 Latin lower-case U with grave ù
152 98 00FF Latin lower-case Y with diaeresis ÿ
153 99 00D6 Latin upper-case O with diaeresis Ö
154 9A 00DC Latin upper-case U with diaeresis Ü
155 9B 00C3 Latin upper-case A with tilde Ã
156 9C 00A3 Pound sign £
157 9D 00D5 Latin upper-case O with tilde Õ
158 9E 00DF Latin lower-case sharp S ß
159 9F 00A7 Section sign §
160 A0 00E1 Latin lower-case A with acute á
161 A1 00ED Latin lower-case I with acute í
162 A2 00F3 Latin lower-case O with acute ó
163 A3 00FA Latin lower-case U with acute ú
164 A4 00F1 Latin lower-case N with tilde ñ

Table F-3. 6200 European code page

Linx RCI Reference Manual F—7 May 2019
ASCII Hex Unicode Character description Character
165 A5 00D1 Latin upper-case N with tilde Ñ
166 A6 00D8 Latin upper-case O with stroke Ø
167 A7 00E3 Latin lower-case A with tilde ã
168 A8 00BF Inverted question mark ¿
169 A9 00F5 Latin lower-case O with tilde õ
170 AA 00F8 Latin lower-case O with stroke ø
171 AB 00A4 Currency sign ¤
172 AC 00B5 Greek lower-case mu μ
173 AD 00A1 Inverted exclamation mark ¡
174 AE 00BA Masculine ordinal indicator º
175 AF 00FF Latin lower-case Y with diaeresis ÿ
176 B0 00A2 Cent sign ¢
177 B1 00B1 Plus minus sign ±
178 B2 00B2 Superscript 2 ²
179 B3 00B3 Superscript 3 ³
180 B4 00B4 Acute accent ´
181 B5 0150 Latin upper-case O with double acute Ő
182 B6 00C2 Latin upper-case A with circumflex Â
183 B7 00C0 Latin upper-case A with grave À
184 B8 00D9 Latin upper-case U with grave Ù
185 B9 0148 Latin lower-case n with caron ň
186 BA 00B0 Superscript 0 (Degree sign) °
187 BB 00BE Vulgar fraction three quarters ¾
188 BC 00BC Vulgar fraction one quarter ¼
189 BD 00BD Vulgar fraction one half ½
190 BE 0102 Latin upper-case A with breve Ă
191 BF 0147 Latin upper-case N with caron Ň
192 C0 00AA Female ordinal indicator ª
193 C1 00C1 Latin upper-case A with acute Á
194 C2 2030 Per mille sign ‰
195 C3 013E Latin lower-case L with caron ľ
196 C4 00A9 Copyright sign ©
197 C5 0164 Latin upper-case T with caron Ť
198 C6 0165 Latin lower-case T with caron ť
199 C7 2020 Dagger †
200 C8 2021 Double dagger ‡
201 C9 0152 Latin upper-case ligature OE Œ
202 CA 2122 Trade mark sign ™
203 CB 0153 Latin small ligature OE œ

Table F-3. 6200 European code page (continued)

May 2019 F—8 Linx RCI Reference Manual
ASCII Hex Unicode Character description Character
204 CC 0178 Latin upper-case Y with diaeresis Ÿ
205 CD 00CD Latin upper-case I with acute Í
206 CE 00A6 Broken bar ¦
207 CF 00AE Registration mark ®
208 D0 0110 Latin upper-case D with stroke Đ
209 D1 013D Latin upper-case L with caron Ľ
210 D2 00B9 Superscript one ¹
211 D3 00D3 Latin upper-case O with acute Ó
212 D4 00D4 Latin upper-case O with circumflex Ô
213 D5 00C8 Latin upper-case E with grave È
214 D6 00CA Latin upper-case E with circumflex Ê
215 D7 00CB Latin upper-case E with diaeresis Ë
216 D8 00CC Latin upper-case I with grave Ì
217 D9 017E Latin lower-case z with caron ž
218 DA 00DA Latin upper-case U with acute Ú
219 DB 0170 Latin upper-case U with double acute Ű
220 DC 00CE Latin upper-case I with circumflex Î
221 DD 00DD Latin upper-case Y with acute Ý
222 DE 00CF Latin upper-case I with diaeresis Ï
223 DF 0158 Latin upper-case R with caron Ř
224 E0 0159 Latin lower-case R with caron ř
225 E1 015B Latin lower-case S with acute ś
226 E2 015E Latin upper-case S with cedilla Ş
227 E3 015F Latin lower-case S with cedilla ş
228 E4 0160 Latin upper-case S with caron Š
229 E5 0161 Latin lower-case S with caron š
230 E6 0179 Latin upper-case Z with acute Ź
231 E7 017B Latin upper-case Z with dot above Ż
232 E8 017D Latin upper-case Z with caron Ž
233 E9 0142 Latin lower-case L with stroke ł
234 EA 011E Latin upper-case G with breve Ğ
235 EB 011F Latin lower-case G with breve ğ
236 EC 016E Latin upper-case U with ring above Ů
237 ED 016F Latin lower-case U with ring above ů
238 EE 0106 Latin upper-case C with acute Ć
239 EF 0107 Latin lower-case C with acute ć
240 F0 010C Latin upper-case C with caron Č
241 F1 010D Latin lower-case C with caron č
242 F2 0115 Latin lower-case E with breve ĕ

Table F-3. 6200 European code page (continued)

Linx RCI Reference Manual F—9 May 2019
ASCII Hex Unicode Character description Character
243 F3 0119 Latin lower-case E with ogonek ę
244 F4 0131 Latin lower-case dotless I ı
245 F5 0151 Latin lower-case O with double acute ő
246 F6 0111 Latin lower-case D with stroke đ
247 F7 00D2 Latin upper-case O with grave Ò
248 F8 0103 Latin lower-case A with breve ă
249 F9 0105 Latin lower-case A with ogenek ą
250 FA 0130 Latin upper-case I with dot above İ
251 FB 0171 Latin lower-case U with double acute ű
252 FC 010F Latin lower-case D with caron ď
253 FD 00FD Latin lower-case Y with acute ý
254 FE 00DB Latin upper-case U with circumflex Û
255 FF 00F8 Latin lower-case O with stroke ø

Table F-3. 6200 European code page (continued)

May 2019 F—10 Linx RCI Reference Manual
F.2.2 European code page
ASCII Hex Unicode Character description Character
128 80 20AC Euro sign €
129 81 0000 Undefined none
130 82 201A Single low-9 quotation mark ‚
131 83 0192 Latin lower-case F with hook ƒ
132 84 201E Double low-9 quotation mark „
133 85 2026 Horizontal ellipsis …
134 86 2020 Dagger †
135 87 2021 Double dagger ‡
136 88 02C6 Modifier letter circumflex accent ˆ
137 89 2030 Per mille sign ‰
138 8A 0160 Latin upper-case S with caron Š
139 8B 2039 Single left pointing angle quotation mark ‹
140 8C 0152 Latin upper-case ligature OE Œ
141 8D 0000 Undefined none
142 8E 017D Latin upper-case Z with caron Ž
143 8F 0000 Undefined none
144 90 0000 Undefined none
145 91 2018 Left single quotation mark ‘
146 92 2019 Right single quotation mark ’
147 93 201C Left double quotation mark “
148 94 201D Right double quotation mark ”
149 95 2022 Bullet •
150 96 2013 En dash –
151 97 2014 Em dash —
152 98 02DC small tilde ˜
153 99 2122 Trade mark sign ™
154 9A 0161 Latin lower-case S with caron š
155 9B 203A Single right pointing angle quotation mark ›
156 9C 0153 Latin lower-case ligature OE œ
157 9D 0000 Undefined none
158 9E 017E Latin lower-case Z with caron ž
159 9F 0178 Latin upper-case Y with diaeresis Ÿ
160 A0 00A0 Non-breaking space
161 A1 00A1 Inverted exclamation mark ¡
162 A2 00A2 Cent sign ¢
163 A3 00A3 Pound sign £
164 A4 00A4 Currency sign ¤
165 A5 00A5 Yen sign ¥

Table F-4. European code page

Linx RCI Reference Manual F—11 May 2019
ASCII Hex Unicode Character description Character
166 A6 00A6 Broken bar ¦
167 A7 00A7 Section sign §
168 A8 00A8 Diaeresis ¨
169 A9 00A9 Copyright sign ©
170 AA 00AA Feminine ordinal indicator ª
171 AB 00AB Left pointing double angle quotation mark «
172 AC 00AC Not sign ¬
173 AD 00AD Soft hyphen -
174 AE 00AE Registration mark ®
175 AF 00AF Macron ¯
176 B0 00B0 Degree sign °
177 B1 00B1 Plus minus sign ±
178 B2 00B2 Superscript two ²
179 B3 00B3 Superscript three ³
180 B4 00B4 Acute accent ´
181 B5 00B5 Micro sign µ
182 B6 00B6 Pilcrow sign ¶
183 B7 00B7 Middle dot ·
184 B8 00B8 Cedilla ¸
185 B9 00B9 Superscript one ¹
186 BA 00BA Masculine ordinal indicator º
187 BB 00BB Right pointing double angle quotation mark »
188 BC 00BC Vulgar fraction one quarter ¼
189 BD 00BD Vulgar fraction one half ½
190 BE 00BE Vulgar Fraction three quarters ¾
191 BF 00BF Inverted question mark ¿
192 C0 00C0 Latin upper-case A with grave À
193 C1 00C1 Latin upper-case A with acute Á
194 C2 00C2 Latin upper-case A with circumflex Â
195 C3 00C3 Latin upper-case A with tilde Ã
196 C4 00C4 Latin upper-case A with diaeresis Ä
197 C5 00C5 Latin upper-case A with ring above Å
198 C6 00C6 Latin upper-case AE Æ
199 C7 00C7 Latin upper-case C with cedilla Ç
200 C8 00C8 Latin upper-case E with grave È
201 C9 00C9 Latin upper-case E with acute É
202 CA 00CA Latin upper-case E with circumflex Ê
203 CB 00CB Latin upper-case E with diaeresis Ë
204 CC 00CC Latin upper-case I with grave Ì

Table F-4. European code page (continued)

May 2019 F—12 Linx RCI Reference Manual
ASCII Hex Unicode Character description Character
205 CD 00CD Latin upper-case I with acute Í
206 CE 00CE Latin upper-case I with circumflex Î
207 CF 00CF Latin upper-case I with diaeresis Ï
208 D0 00D0 Latin upper-case ETH Ð
209 D1 00D1 Latin upper-case N with tilde Ñ
210 D2 00D2 Latin upper-case O with grave Ò
211 D3 00D3 Latin upper-case O with acute Ó
212 D4 00D4 Latin upper-case O with circumflex Ô
213 D5 00D5 Latin upper-case O with tilde Õ
214 D6 00D6 Latin upper-case O with diaeresis Ö
215 D7 00D7 Multiplication sign ×
216 D8 00D8 Latin upper-case O with stroke Ø
217 D9 00D9 Latin upper-case U with grave Ù
218 DA 00DA Latin upper-case U with acute Ú
219 DB 00DB Latin upper-case U with circumflex Û
220 DC 00DC Latin upper-case U with diaeresis Ü
221 DD 00DD Latin upper-case Y with acute Ý
222 DE 00DE Latin upper-case THORN Þ
223 DF 00DF Latin lower-case sharp S ß
224 E0 00E0 Latin lower-case A with grave à
225 E1 00E1 Latin lower-case A with acute á
226 E2 00E2 Latin lower-case A with circumflex â
227 E3 00E3 Latin lower-case A with tilde ã
228 E4 00E4 Latin lower-case A with diaeresis ä
229 E5 00E5 Latin lower-case A with ring above å
230 E6 00E6 Latin lower-case AE æ
231 E7 00E7 Latin lower-case C with cedilla ç
232 E8 00E8 Latin lower-case E with grave è
233 E9 00E9 Latin lower-case E with acute é
234 EA 00EA Latin lower-case E with circumflex ê
235 EB 00EB Latin lower-case E with diaeresis ë
236 EC 00EC Latin lower-case I with grave ì
237 ED 00ED Latin lower-case I with acute í
238 EE 00EE Latin lower-case I with circumflex î
239 EF 00EF Latin lower-case I with diaeresis ï
240 F0 00F0 Latin lower-case ETH ð
241 F1 00F1 Latin lower-case N with tilde ñ
242 F2 00F2 Latin lower-case O with grave ò
243 F3 00F3 Latin lower-case O with acute ó

Table F-4. European code page (continued)

Linx RCI Reference Manual F—13 May 2019
ASCII Hex Unicode Character description Character
244 F4 00F4 Latin lower-case O with circumflex ô
245 F5 00F5 Latin lower-case O with tilde õ
246 F6 00F6 Latin lower-case O with diaeresis ö
247 F7 00F7 Division sign ÷
248 F8 00F8 Latin lower-case O with stroke ø
249 F9 00F9 Latin lower-case U with grave ù
250 FA 00FA Latin lower-case U with acute ú
251 FB 00FB Latin lower-case U with circumflex û
252 FC 00FC Latin lower-case U with diaeresis ü
253 FD 00FD Latin lower-case Y with acute ý
254 FE 00FE Latin lower-case THORN þ
255 FF 00FF Latin lower-case Y with diaeresis ÿ

Table F-4. European code page (continued)

May 2019 F—14 Linx RCI Reference Manual
F.2.3 Greek code page
ASCII Hex Unicode Character description Character
128 80 20AC Euro sign €
129 81 0386 Greek upper-case A with acute accent Ά
130 82 0388 Greek upper-case Epsilon with acute accent Έ
131 83 0389 Greek upper-case Eta with acute accent Ή
132 84 038C Greek upper-case Omicron with acute accent Ό
133 85 038E Greek upper-case Upsilon with acute accent Ύ
134 86 038F Greek upper-case Omega with acute accent Ώ
135 87 0391 Greek upper-case Alpha Α
136 88 0392 Greek upper-case Beta Β
137 89 0393 Greek upper-case Gamma Γ
138 8A 0394 Greek upper-case Delta ∆
139 8B 0395 Greek upper-case Epsilon Ε
140 8C 0396 Greek upper-case Zeta Ζ
141 8D 0397 Greek upper-case Eta Η
142 8E 0398 Greek upper-case Theta Θ
143 8F 0399 Greek upper-case Iota Ι
144 90 039A Greek upper-case Kappa Κ
145 91 039B Greek upper-case Lambda Λ
146 92 039C Greek upper-case Mu Μ
147 93 039D Greek upper-case Nu Ν
148 94 039E Greek upper-case Xi Ξ
149 95 039F Greek upper-case Omicron Ο
150 96 03A0 Greek upper-case Pi Π
151 97 03A1 Greek upper-case Rho Ρ
152 98 03A3 Greek upper-case Sigma Σ
153 99 03A4 Greek upper-case Tau Τ
154 9A 03A5 Greek upper-case Upsilon Υ
155 9B 03A6 Greek upper-case Phi Φ
156 9C 03A7 Greek upper-case Chi Χ
157 9D 03A8 Greek upper-case Psi Ψ
158 9E 03A9 Greek upper-case Omega Ω
159 9F 03AC Greek lower-case Alpha with acute accent ά
160 A0 03AD Greek lower-case Epsilon with acute accent έ
161 A1 03AE Greek lower-case Eta with acute accent ή
162 A2 03AF Greek lower-case Iota with acute accent ί
163 A3 03B1 Greek lower-case Alpha α
164 A4 03B2 Greek lower-case Beta β
165 A5 03B3 Greek lower-case Gamma γ

Table F-5. E.6 Greek code page

Linx RCI Reference Manual F—15 May 2019
ASCII Hex Unicode Character description Character
166 A6 03B4 Greek lower-case Delta δ
167 A7 03B5 Greek lower-case Epsilon ε
168 A8 03B6 Greek lower-case Zeta ζ
169 A9 03B7 Greek lower-case Eta η
170 AA 03B8 Greek lower-case Theta θ
171 AB 03B9 Greek lower-case Iota ι
172 AC 03BA Greek lower-case Kappa κ
173 AD 03BB Greek lower-case Lambda λ
174 AE 03BC Greek lower-case Mu μ
175 AF 03BD Greek lower-case Nu ν
176 B0 03BE Greek lower-case Xi ξ
177 B1 03BF Greek lower-case Omicron ο
178 B2 03C0 Greek lower-case Pi π
179 B3 03C1 Greek lower-case Rho ρ
180 B4 03C2 Greek lower-case Final Sigma ς
181 B5 03C3 Greek lower-case Sigma σ
182 B6 03C4 Greek lower-case Tau τ
183 B7 03C5 Greek lower-case Upsilon υ
184 B8 03C6 Greek lower-case Phi φ
185 B9 03C7 Greek lower-case Chi χ
186 BA 03C8 Greek lower-case Psi ψ
187 BB 03C9 Greek lower-case Omega ω
188 BC 03CA Greek lower-case Iota with diaeresis ϊ
189 BD 03CC Greek lower-case Omicron acute accent ό
190 BE 03CD Greek lower-case Upsilon acute accent ύ
191 BF 03CE Greek lower-case Omega acute accent ώ
192 C0 0000 Undefined None
193 C1 0000 Undefined None
194 C2 0000 Undefined None
195 C3 0000 Undefined None
196 C4 0000 Undefined None
197 C5 0000 Undefined None
198 C6 0000 Undefined None
199 C7 0000 Undefined None
200 C8 0000 Undefined None
201 C9 0000 Undefined None
202 CA 0000 Undefined None
203 CB 0000 Undefined None
204 CC 0000 Undefined None

Table F-5. E.6 Greek code page (continued)

May 2019 F—16 Linx RCI Reference Manual
ASCII Hex Unicode Character description Character
205 CD 0000 Undefined None
206 CE 0000 Undefined None
207 CF 0000 Undefined None
208 D0 0000 Undefined None
209 D1 0000 Undefined None
210 D2 0000 Undefined None
211 D3 0000 Undefined None
212 D4 0000 Undefined None
213 D5 0000 Undefined None
214 D6 0000 Undefined None
215 D7 0000 Undefined None
216 D8 0000 Undefined None
217 D9 0000 Undefined None
218 DA 0000 Undefined None
219 DB 0000 Undefined None
220 DC 0000 Undefined None
221 DD 0000 Undefined None
222 DE 0000 Undefined None
223 DF 0000 Undefined None
224 E0 0000 Undefined None
225 E1 0000 Undefined None
226 E2 0000 Undefined None
227 E3 0000 Undefined None
228 E4 0000 Undefined None
229 E5 0000 Undefined None
230 E6 0000 Undefined None
231 E7 0000 Undefined None
232 E8 0000 Undefined None
233 E9 0000 Undefined None
234 EA 0000 Undefined None
235 EB 0000 Undefined None
236 EC 0000 Undefined None
237 ED 0000 Undefined None
238 EE 0000 Undefined None
239 EF 0000 Undefined None
240 F0 0000 Undefined None
241 F1 0000 Undefined None
242 F2 0000 Undefined None
243 F3 0000 Undefined None

Table F-5. E.6 Greek code page (continued)

Linx RCI Reference Manual F—17 May 2019
ASCII Hex Unicode Character description Character
244 F4 0000 Undefined None
245 F5 0000 Undefined None
246 F6 0000 Undefined None
247 F7 0000 Undefined None
248 F8 0000 Undefined None
249 F9 0000 Undefined None
250 FA 0000 Undefined None
251 FB 0000 Undefined None
252 FC 0000 Undefined None
253 FD 0000 Undefined None
254 FE 0000 Undefined None
255 FF 0000 Undefined None

Table F-5. E.6 Greek code page (continued)

May 2019 F—18 Linx RCI Reference Manual
F.2.4 Japanese code page
ASCII Hex Unicode Character description Character
92 5C FFE5 Full width Yen sign

123 7B 6D88 CJK unified ideograph

124 7C 007C Vertical line
125 7D 8CBB CJK unified ideograph

126 7E 007E Tilde ~
152 98 500B CJK unified ideograph

153 99 5186 CJK unified ideograph

154 9A 6642 CJK unified ideograph

155 9B 5206 CJK unified ideograph

156 9C 54C1 CJK unified ideograph

157 9D 540D CJK unified ideograph

158 9E 5165 CJK unified ideograph

159 9F 8FC4 CJK unified ideograph
160 A0 0020 Space

161 A1 00A1 Undefined None

162 A2 6301 CJK unified ideograph

163 A3 8CEA CJK unified ideograph

164 A4 00A4 Undefined None
165 A5 30FB Katakana middle dot ・
166 A6 30F2 Katakana letter WO

167 A7 30A1 Katakana letter small A

168 A8 30A3 Katakana letter small I

169 A9 30A5 Katakana letter small U

170 AA 30A7 Katakana letter small E

171 AB 30A9 Katakana letter small O

172 AC 30E3 Katakana letter small YA

173 AD 30E5 Katakana letter small YU

174 AE 30E7 Katakana letter small YO

175 AF 30C3 Katakana letter small TU

Table F-6. Japanese code page

Linx RCI Reference Manual F—19 May 2019
ASCII Hex Unicode Character description Character
176 B0 30FC Katakana – Hiragana prolonged sound mark ー
177 B1 30A2 Katakana letter A

178 B2 30A4 Katakana letter I

179 B3 30A6 Katakana letter U

180 B4 30A8 Katakana letter E

181 B5 30AA Katakana letter O

182 B6 30AB Katakana letter A

183 B7 30AD Katakana letter KI

184 B8 30AF Katakana letter KU

185 B9 30B1 Katakana letter KE

186 BA 30B3 Katakana letter KO

187 BB 30B5 Katakana letter SA

188 BC 30B7 Katakana letter SI

189 BD 30B9 Katakana letter SU

190 BE 30BB Katakana letter SE

191 BF 30BD Katakana letter SO

192 C0 30BF Katakana letter TA

193 C1 30C1 Katakana letter TI

194 C2 30C4 Katakana letter TU

195 C3 30C6 Katakana letter TE

196 C4 30C8 Katakana letter TO

197 C5 30CA Katakana letter NA

198 C6 30CB Katakana letter NI

199 C7 30CC Katakana letter NU

200 C8 30CD Katakana letter NE

201 C9 30CE Katakana letter NO

202 CA 30CF Katakana letter HA

203 CB 30D2 Katakana letter HI

204 CC 30D5 Katakana letter HU

Table F-6. Japanese code page (continued)

May 2019 F—20 Linx RCI Reference Manual
ASCII Hex Unicode Character description Character
205 CD 30D8 Katakana letter HE

206 CE 30DB Katakana letter HO

207 CF 30DE Katakana letter MA

208 D0 30DF Katakana letter MI

209 D1 30E0 Katakana letter MU

210 D2 30E1 Katakana letter small WA

211 D3 30E2 Katakana letter MO

212 D4 30E4 Katakana letter YA

213 D5 30E6 Katakana letter YU

214 D6 30E8 Katakana letter YO

215 D7 30E9 Katakana letter RA

216 D8 30EA Katakana letter RI

217 D9 30EB Katakana letter RU

218 DA 30EC Katakana letter RE

219 DB 30ED Katakana letter RO

220 DC 30EF Katakana letter WA

221 DD 30F3 Katakana letter N

222 DE FF9E Half width Katakana voiced sound mark

223 DF FF9F Half width Katakana semi-voiced sound mark º

224 E0 65EC CJK unified ideograph

225 E1 682A CJK unified ideograph

226 E2 5305 CJK unified ideograph

227 E3 88C5 CJK unified ideograph
228 E4 88FD CJK unified ideograph

229 E5 9020 CJK unified ideograph

230 E6 8CDE CJK unified ideograph

231 E7 5473 CJK unified ideograph

232 E8 4FDD CJK unified ideograph

233 E9 7528 CJK unified ideograph

Table F-6. Japanese code page (continued)

Linx RCI Reference Manual F—21 May 2019
ASCII Hex Unicode Character description Character
234 EA 6709 CJK unified ideograph

235 EB 52B9 CJK unified ideograph 効
236 EC 4FDD CJK unified ideograph

237 ED 8A3C CJK unified ideograph
238 EE 671F CJK unified ideograph

239 EF 9650 CJK unified ideograph

240 F0 9593 CJK unified ideograph

241 F1 4EE5 CJK unified ideograph

242 F2 5185 CJK unified ideograph 内
243 F3 756A CJK unified ideograph

244 F4 53F7 CJK unified ideograph

245 F5 51FA CJK unified ideograph

246 F6 8377 CJK unified ideograph

247 F7 5EAB CJK unified ideograph

248 F8 5B58 CJK unified ideograph

249 F9 4E0A CJK unified ideograph

250 FA 4E2D CJK unified ideograph

251 FB 4E0B CJK unified ideograph

252 FC 5E74 CJK unified ideograph

253 FD 6708 CJK unified ideograph

254 FE 65E5 CJK unified ideograph

255 FF 0000 Undefined None

Table F-6. Japanese code page (continued)

May 2019 F—22 Linx RCI Reference Manual
F.2.5 Russian code page
ASCII Hex Unicode Character description Character
128 80 0410 Cyrillic upper-case A А
129 81 0411 Cyrillic upper-case BE Б
130 82 0412 Cyrillic upper-case VE В
131 83 0413 Cyrillic upper-case GHE Г
132 84 0414 Cyrillic upper-case DE Д
133 85 0415 Cyrillic upper-case IE Е
134 86 0416 Cyrillic upper-case ZHE Ж
135 87 0417 Cyrillic upper-case ZE З
136 88 0418 Cyrillic upper-case I И
137 89 0419 Cyrillic upper-case short I Й
138 8A 041A Cyrillic upper-case KA К
139 8B 041B Cyrillic upper-case EL Л
140 8C 041C Cyrillic upper-case EM М
141 8D 041D Cyrillic upper-case EN Н
142 8E 041E Cyrillic upper-case O О
143 8F 041F Cyrillic upper-case PE П
144 90 0420 Cyrillic upper-case ER Р
145 91 0421 Cyrillic upper-case ES С
146 92 0422 Cyrillic upper-case TE Т
147 93 0423 Cyrillic upper-case U У
148 94 0424 Cyrillic upper-case EF Ф
149 95 0425 Cyrillic upper-case HA Х
150 96 0426 Cyrillic upper-case TSE Ц
151 97 0427 Cyrillic upper-case CHE Ч
152 98 0428 Cyrillic upper-case SHA Ш
153 99 0429 Cyrillic upper-case SHCHA Щ
154 9A 042A Cyrillic upper-case hard sign Ъ
155 9B 042B Cyrillic upper-case YERU Ы
156 9C 042C Cyrillic upper-case soft sign Ь
157 9D 042D Cyrillic upper-case E Э
158 9E 042E Cyrillic upper-case YU Ю
159 9F 042F Cyrillic upper-case YA Я
160 A0 0430 Cyrillic lower-case A а
161 A1 0431 Cyrillic lower-case BE б
162 A2 0432 Cyrillic lower-case VE в
163 A3 0433 Cyrillic lower-case GHE г
164 A4 0434 Cyrillic lower-case DE д
165 A5 0435 Cyrillic lower-case IE е

Table F-7. Russian code page

Linx RCI Reference Manual F—23 May 2019
ASCII Hex Unicode Character description Character
166 A6 0436 Cyrillic lower-case ZHE ж
167 A7 0437 Cyrillic lower-case ZE з
168 A8 0438 Cyrillic lower-case I и
169 A9 0439 Cyrillic lower-case short I й
170 AA 043A Cyrillic lower-case KA к
171 AB 043B Cyrillic lower-case EL л
172 AC 043C Cyrillic lower-case EM м
173 AD 043D Cyrillic lower-case EN н
174 AE 043E Cyrillic lower-case O о
175 AF 043F Cyrillic lower-case PE п
176 B0 0000 Undefined None
177 B1 0000 Undefined None
178 B2 0000 Undefined None
179 B3 0000 Undefined None
180 B4 0000 Undefined None
181 B5 0000 Undefined None
182 B6 0000 Undefined None
183 B7 0000 Undefined None
184 B8 0000 Undefined None
185 B9 0000 Undefined None
186 BA 0000 Undefined None
187 BB 0000 Undefined None
188 BC 0000 Undefined None
189 BD 0000 Undefined None
190 BE 0000 Undefined None
191 BF 0000 Undefined None
192 C0 0000 Undefined None
193 C1 0000 Undefined None
194 C2 0000 Undefined None
195 C3 0000 Undefined None
196 C4 0000 Undefined None
197 C5 0000 Undefined None
198 C6 0000 Undefined None
199 C7 0000 Undefined None
200 C8 0000 Undefined None
201 C9 0000 Undefined None
202 CA 0000 Undefined None
203 CB 0000 Undefined None
204 CC 0000 Undefined None

Table F-7. Russian code page (continued)

May 2019 F—24 Linx RCI Reference Manual
ASCII Hex Unicode Character description Character
205 CD 0000 Undefined None
206 CE 0000 Undefined None
207 CF 0000 Undefined None
208 D0 0000 Undefined None
209 D1 0000 Undefined None
210 D2 0000 Undefined None
211 D3 0000 Undefined None
212 D4 0000 Undefined None
213 D5 0000 Undefined None
214 D6 0000 Undefined None
215 D7 0000 Undefined None
216 D8 0000 Undefined None
217 D9 0000 Undefined None
218 DA 0000 Undefined None
219 DB 0000 Undefined None
220 DC 0000 Undefined None
221 DD 0000 Undefined None
222 DE 0000 Undefined None
223 DF 0000 Undefined None
224 E0 0440 Cyrillic lower-case ER р
225 E1 0441 Cyrillic lower-case ES с
226 E2 0442 Cyrillic lower-case TE т
227 E3 0443 Cyrillic lower-case U у
228 E4 0444 Cyrillic lower-case EF ф
229 E5 0445 Cyrillic lower-case HA х
230 E6 0446 Cyrillic lower-case TSE ц
231 E7 0447 Cyrillic lower-case CHE ч
232 E8 0448 Cyrillic lower-case SHA ш
233 E9 0449 Cyrillic lower-case SHCHA щ
234 EA 044A Cyrillic lower-case hard sign ъ
235 EB 044B Cyrillic lower-case YERU ы
236 EC 044C Cyrillic lower-case soft sign ь
237 ED 044D Cyrillic lower-case E э
238 EE 044E Cyrillic lower-case YU ю
239 EF 044F Cyrillic lower-case YA я
240 F0 0401 Cyrillic upper-case IO Ё
241 F1 0451 Cyrillic lower-case IO ё
242 F2 0404 Cyrillic upper-case Ukrainian IE Є
243 F3 0454 Cyrillic lower-case Ukrainian IE є

Table F-7. Russian code page (continued)

Linx RCI Reference Manual F—25 May 2019
ASCII Hex Unicode Character description Character
244 F4 0407 Cyrillic upper-case YI Ї
245 F5 0457 Cyrillic lower-case YI ї
246 F6 040E Cyrillic upper-case short U Ў
247 F7 045E Cyrillic lower-case short U ў
248 F8 0000 Undefined None
249 F9 0000 Undefined None
250 FA 0000 Undefined None
251 FB 0000 Undefined None
252 FC 0000 Undefined None
253 FD 00A4 Currency sign ¤
254 FE 0000 Undefined None
255 FF 00A0 Non-breaking space

Table F-7. Russian code page (continued)

F.2.6 Polish code page

ASCII Hex Unicode Character description Character
127 7F 20AC Euro sign €
128 80 00C7 Latin upper-case C with cedilla Ç
129 81 00FC Latin lower-case U with diaeresis ü
130 82 00E9 Latin lower-case E with acute é
131 83 00E2 Latin lower-case A with circumflex â
132 84 00E4 Latin lower-case A with diaeresis ä
133 85 00E0 Latin lower-case A with grave à
134 86 00E5 Latin lower-case A with ring above å
135 87 00E7 Latin lower-case C with cedilla ç
136 88 00EA Latin lower-case E with circumflex ê
137 89 00EB Latin lower-case E with diaeresis ë
138 8A 00E8 Latin lower-case E with grave è
139 8B 00EF Latin lower-case I with diaeresis ï
140 8C 00EE Latin lower-case I with circumflex î
141 8D 00EC Latin lower-case I with grave ì
142 8E 00C4 Latin upper-case A with diaeresis Ä
143 8F 00C5 Latin upper-case A with ring above Å
144 90 00C9 Latin upper-case E with acute É
145 91 00E6 Latin lower-case Æ æ
146 92 00C6 Latin upper-case Æ Æ
147 93 00F4 Latin lower-case O with circumflex ô
148 94 00F6 Latin lower-case O with diaeresis ö

Table F-8. Polish code page

May 2019 F—26 Linx RCI Reference Manual
ASCII Hex Unicode Character description Character
149 95 00F2 Latin lower-case O with grave ò
150 96 00FB Latin lower-case U with circumflex û
151 97 00F9 Latin lower-case U with grave ù
152 98 00FF Latin lower-case Y with diaeresis ÿ
153 99 00D6 Latin upper-case O with diaeresis Ö
154 9A 00DC Latin upper-case U with diaeresis Ü
155 9B 00C3 Latin upper-case A with tilde Ã
156 9C 00A3 Pound sign £
157 9D 00D5 Latin upper-case O with tilde Õ
158 9E 00DF Latin lower-case sharp S ß
159 9F 00A7 Section sign §
160 A0 00E1 Latin lower-case A with acute á
161 A1 00ED Latin lower-case I with acute í
162 A2 00F3 Latin lower-case O with acute ó
163 A3 00FA Latin lower-case U with acute ú
164 A4 00F1 Latin lower-case N with tilde ñ
165 A5 00D1 Latin upper-case N with tilde Ñ
166 A6 00D8 Latin upper-case O with stroke Ø
167 A7 00E3 Latin lower-case A with tilde ã
168 A8 00BF Inverted Question Mark ¿
169 A9 00F5 Latin lower-case O with tilde õ
170 AA 00F8 Latin lower-case O with stroke ø
171 AB 00A4 Currency sign ¤
172 AC 00B5 Micro sign µ
173 AD 00A1 Inverted Exclamation Mark ¡
174 AE 00BA Masculine ordinal indicator º
175 AF 00FF Latin lower-case Y with diaeresis ÿ
176 B0 00A2 Cent sign ¢
177 B1 00B1 Plus-minus sign ±
178 B2 00B2 Superscript two ²
179 B3 00B3 Superscript three ³
180 B4 00B4 Acute accent ´
181 B5 0150 Latin upper-case O with double acute Ő
182 B6 00C2 Latin upper-case A with circumflex Â
183 B7 00C0 Latin upper-case A with grave À
184 B8 00D9 Latin upper-case U with grave Ù
185 B9 0148 Latin lower-case N with caron ň
186 BA 00B0 Degree symbol °
187 BB 00BE Vulgar fraction three quarters ¾

Table F-8. Polish code page (continued)

Linx RCI Reference Manual F—27 May 2019
ASCII Hex Unicode Character description Character
188 BC 00BC Vulgar fraction one quarter ¼
189 BD 00BD Vulgar fraction one half ½
190 BE 0102 Latin upper-case A with breve Ă
191 BF 0147 Latin upper-case N with caron Ň
192 C0 00AA Feminine Ordinal Indicator ª
193 C1 015A Latin upper-case S with acute Ś
194 C2 2030 Per mille sign ‰
195 C3 0104 Latin upper-case A with ogonek Ą
196 C4 00A9 Copyright sign ©
197 C5 0164 Latin upper-case T with caron Ť
198 C6 0165 Latin lower-case T with caron ť
199 C7 2020 Dagger †
200 C8 0118 Latin upper-case E with ogonek Ę
201 C9 0141 Latin upper-case L with stroke Ł
202 CA 2122 Trade mark sign ™
203 CB 0143 Latin upper-case N with acute Ń
204 CC 0178 Latin upper-case Y with diaeresis Ÿ
205 CD 00CD Latin upper-case I with acute Í
206 CE 00A6 Broken bar ¦
207 CF 00AE Registered sign ®
208 D0 0110 Latin upper-case D with stroke Đ
209 D1 013D Latin upper-case L with caron Ľ
210 D2 00B9 Superscript one ¹
211 D3 00D3 Latin upper-case O with acute Ó
212 D4 0144 Latin lower-case N with acute ń
213 D5 00C8 Latin upper-case E with grave È
214 D6 00CA Latin upper-case E with circumflex Ê
215 D7 00CB Latin upper-case E with diaeresis Ë
216 D8 00CC Latin upper-case I with grave Ì
217 D9 017E Latin lower-case Z with caron ž
218 DA 00DA Latin upper-case U with acute Ú
219 DB 0170 Latin upper-case U with double acute Ű
220 DC 00CE Latin upper-case I with circumflex Î
221 DD 017A Latin lower-case Z with acute ź
222 DE 00CF Latin upper-case I with diaeresis Ï
223 DF 0158 Latin upper-case R with caron Ř
224 E0 0159 Latin lower-case R with caron ř
225 E1 015B Latin lower-case S with acute ś
226 E2 015E Latin upper-case S with cedilla Ş

Table F-8. Polish code page (continued)

May 2019 F—28 Linx RCI Reference Manual
ASCII Hex Unicode Character description Character
227 E3 015F Latin lower-case S with cedilla ş
228 E4 0160 Latin upper-case S with caron Š
229 E5 0161 Latin lower-case S with caron š
230 E6 0179 Latin upper-case Z with acute Ź
231 E7 017B Latin upper-case Z with dot above Ż
232 E8 017D Latin upper-case Z with caron Ž
233 E9 0142 Latin lower-case L with stroke ł
234 EA 011E Latin upper-case G with breve Ğ
235 EB 011F Latin lower-case G with breve ğ
236 EC 016E Latin upper-case U with ring above Ů
237 ED 016F Latin lower-case U with ring above ů
238 EE 0106 Latin upper-case C with acute Ć
239 EF 0107 Latin lower-case C with acute ć
240 F0 010C Latin upper-case C with caron Č
241 F1 010D Latin lower-case C with caron č
242 F2 0115 Latin lower-case E with breve ĕ
243 F3 0119 Latin lower-case E with ogonek ę
244 F4 0131 Latin lower-case dot less I ı
245 F5 0151 Latin lower-case O with double acute ő
246 F6 0111 Latin lower-case D with stroke đ
247 F7 00D2 Latin upper-case O with grave Ò
248 F8 0103 Latin lower-case A with breve ă
249 F9 0105 Latin lower-case A with ogonek ą
250 FA 0130 Latin upper-case I with dot above İ
251 FB 017C Latin lower-case Z with dot above ż
252 FC 010F Latin lower-case D with caron ď
253 FD 00FD Latin lower-case Y with acute ý
254 FE 00DB Latin upper-case U with circumflex Û
255 FF 00F8 Latin lower-case O with stroke ø

Table F-8. Polish code page (continued)

Linx RCI Reference Manual F—29 May 2019
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May 2019 F—30 Linx RCI Reference Manual
Buffer A part of a device’s storage memory that temporarily holds data
that is waiting to be transmitted, or received data that is waiting to
be processed.
Buffer threshold The number of bytes that can be stored in the printer’s receive
buffer before the printer disables data flow, using either hardware
or software flow control.
Data set A general term used to describe any of the following: character
sets, logos, barcodes, or date formats.
Download Transfer of data from the remote computer to the printer.
Field Part of a message describing a particular function—for example,
sequential number, time, date. A message is made up of one or
more fields.
GAL (Gate Array Logic.) A pre-programmed integrated circuit that
provides specific additional functionality.
Hexadecimal (Usually abbreviated to ‘hex’.) The base-16 numbering system,
sometimes used as a short way of representing binary numbers.
The digits 0 to 9 are used, together with the letters A to F, that
represent the numbers 10–15.
The suffix ‘h’ or ‘H’ is used to indicate a hexadecimal number, for
example: “FFh” or “FFH”.
MAC address (Media Access Control address.) A unique identifier assigned to
most forms of networking equipment.
Message The information describing all of the printed data.
Numeric Any byte from 0 to FFh that is used as a number (that is, not as part
of a string).
Upload Transfer of data from the printer to the host.
Raster A variable line of drops printed at 90 degrees to the direction of
production line travel to create characters that are made up of one
or more rasters.
Remote Data obtained from a remote source—that is, the host.
RS-232 Recommended Standard 232C. An Electronic Industries
Association (EIA) approved standard for connecting serial devices.
Printing A printer state. Enabled by issuing a ‘print start’ command and
disabled by issuing a ‘print stop’ command. This is not only the
period when the printer is generating rasters.
Protocol A set of formal rules describing how to transmit data, especially
across a network. Protocols define standards to be observed, such
as bit order, byte order, transmission, error detection, data
formatting (including message syntax), terminal-to-computer
dialogue, character sets, sequencing of messages, and so on.
String One or more text characters normally terminated by a null (0)

Linx RCI Reference Manual G—1 May 2019
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May 2019 G—2 Linx RCI Reference Manual
Index Ref. Modulation 2—25
Remote Field Data 2—13
Request Data Directory 2—33
Request Display Data 2—32
Request Pressure 2—25
Symbols Request Print Message 2—14
2s-complement value 1—6 Request System Configuration 2—22
32-bit error mask 3—19 Request UNIC Code 2—37
Reverse Message Ratio 2—6
A Set Pressure 2—25
ACK 1—4 Set Remote Error 2—36
ASCII 1—3, 1—7 Shaft Encoder Gearing 2—19
ASCII control character 1—8 Shaft Encoder Mode 2—18
Aux Photocell B—7 Software Options 2—25
Auxiliary Photocell 4—21, 4—29 Start and Stop Jet 2—8
Start and Stop Print 2—8
B System Times 2—21
Time and Date 2—7
Boolean 1—7 Trigger Print 2—9
Buffer B—4, C—5 UNIC Code 2—37
Byte order 2—4 Upload Data Set 2—10
Upload Message Data 2—12
C Upload Pixel RAM Data 2—27
Checksum 1—3, 1—7, B—8 Command ID 1—3, 1—4, 1—6
Code page B—7, C—9 Command Status Code
Command 1—3 Additional message overwrite 3—8
Alarm Relay State 2—19 Cal. printhead
Calibrate Printhead 2—18 Failed 3—9
Clear Error 2—27 Try later 3—9
Clear Nozzle 2—22 Command end 3—6
Data Set 2—10 Command start 3—6
Delete Data Set 2—10 Data overrun 3—6
Delete Message Data 2—12 Data set in ROM 3—11
Diagnostic Start Print 2—25 Data set in use 3—11
Display Data 2—32 Duplicate name 3—11
Display String 2—26 Field data exceeds message end 3—10
Download Data Set 2—10 Field too large 3—8
Download Display String 2—26 Framing error 3—6
Download Message Data 2—12 Invalid bar code linkage 3—11
EHT Value 2—4 Invalid buffer divisor 3—10
Extended Error Request 2—37 Invalid checksum 3—7
Field Data 2—13 Invalid command 3—7
Inter-Print Delay 2—35 Invalid failure condition 3—10
Invert Message Ratio 2—6 Invalid field height 3—11
Jet State 2—21 Invalid field length 3—11
Keyboard Lock State 2—20 Invalid field type 3—9
Last Key Presses 2—26 Invalid message format 3—9
Load Print Message 2—14 Invalid print mode 3—9
Message Data 2—12 Invalid remote field type 3—10
Message Pair Data 2—37 Invalid while display enabled 3—11
Message Ratio 2—6 Jet command
Phase Offset 2—25 Ink low 3—9
Photocell Mode 2—18 Phase 3—9
Pixel RAM Data 2—27 Print fail 3—9
Power Down/Reset Shutdown 2—31 Print in progress 3—9
Power Save Option 2—31 Solvent low 3—9
Pressure 2—25 Time of flight 3—9
Print Count 2—6 Jet not idle 3—7
Print Delay 2—5 Jet not running 3—7
Print Mode 2—15 Maximum string length 3—7
Print Width 2—5 Maximum value 3—7
Printer Status Request 2—9 Memory full 3—7
Printhead Code 2—17 Message edit in progress 3—7
Production Schedule 2—28, 2—30 Message too large 3—9
Quick Start Jet 2—22 Minimum string length 3—7
Raster Data Request 2—12 Minimum value 3—7

Linx RCI Reference Manual Index—1 May 2019
No bar codes 3—7 F
No character sets 3—7
Fault status 1—4
No date formats 3—8
Flow control 1—6
No logos 3—8
Format for data 1—3
No messages 3—8
No print message loaded 3—9
No remote fields in message 3—10 H
Non-alphanumeric character 3—8 Hardware connection 1—1, 1—2
Not Calibrated 3—12 Hexadecimal 1—7
Number of bytes in command 3—7
Number of remote characters 3—10 K
Overlapping fields 3—12 Keyboard 1—1
Parameter rejected 3—7
Parity error 3—6
Pixel RAM overflow 3—9
Positive value 3—8 Linkage byte 4—4
Print command Linx Sync B—2
Jet not running 3—8
No message 3—9 M
Print not idle 3—7 MAC Address B—10, C—10
Printer busy 3—11 Mappings B—5, C—8
Production Schedule Message Saver B—2
Duplicate message schedule 3—12 Message Type 4—3
Incorrect Trigger Mapping 3—12 Modulo-256 sum 1—6
No message schedules 3—11
Too many message schedules 3—11 N
Unknown message schedule 3—12
PROM-based data set specified 3—8 NAK 1—4
Null character 1—8
Receive buffer overflow 3—6
Remote buffer now full 3—10
Remote buffer still full 3—10 O
Remote data too large 3—10 Order of bytes 2—4
Serial break 3—6 Orientation
Too many messages specified 3—11 character 4—7
Trigger print
Already printing 3—8 P
Cover off 3—8
Print Count 2—1
Photocell mode 3—8
Print Delay 2—1
Print idle 3—8
Print Width 2—1
Unknown data set 3—8
Protocol 1—1
Unknown message 3—8 P-Status 1—4
Unknown raster 3—11
Compatibility 1—1, B—5, C—8
Configuration code B—2
Control character 1—3 QuickSwitch B—2
C-Status 1—4
C-STATUS byte 3—3 R
CTS 1—6 Remote field 1—6, 2—13, B—2, B—4, C—5, E—5
Remote host 1—1
D Reply 1—3
Data Input Protocol B—2 Reported Machine Type B—6, C—8
Data Matrix 4—50 RS232 1—2
DDE Driver 1—8, 1—9
Delimiter 1—3, 1—5, 1—8 S
DIP (Data Input Protocol) B—2 Serial port 1—1
Display 1—1 Shaft encoder 4—3
DTR 1—6 Software version 1—1
SOH 1—4
E Status byte
EHT 2—1 non-zero 3—3
Error mask 1—5, 2—37
ESC 1—3, 1—5 V
Ethernet 1—1 Valid command 1—4
ETX 1—4 Version of software 1—1
Extended error mask 2—37

May 2019 Index—2 Linx RCI Reference Manual
XOFF 1—6
XON 1—6

Linx RCI Reference Manual Index—3 May 2019
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May 2019 Index—4 Linx RCI Reference Manual

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