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Cognitive - More on intellectual activity.

Affective - Deeply influenced by emotion or more on feelings.


1. Socrates - I know that I don't know.

Method of Inquiry
2 Existence
· Visible - Go through ug changes
· Invisible - Remains Constant

2. Plato - Balance between body and mind.

Method of Collection and Division
Theory of Form
3 Parts of Soul
· Appetetitive (Sensual) - Seeks pleasure or anything na makatagbaw sa kaugalingon.
· Rational - More on reasoning. Loves to seek the truth.
· Spirited (Feeling) - More on emotion and human passion. Seeks hope and victory.

3. St Augustene - All knowledge leads to God.

Self is a immaterial but rational.

4. Rene Descartes - I think, therefore I am.

Father of Modern Western Philosophy
Methodological Skepticism
Doubting knowledge is essential to enable us to know the which beliefs are true.
Self does not adapt changes, it remains constant.

5. John Locke - All knowledge is derived from experience.

Self consist of memory
He/She that does not remeber what he/she did cannot be held accountable of what
she/he did. It must be conscious because punishing someone that doesn't remember
what he/she did is like punishing him/her for the things that he/she never actually

6. David Hume - All knowledge is derived from human senses.

Opposite of Rene Descartes because Rene believes in Rationalism (reasoning) but
David is Empericism, Emperecism is more on experience with evidence.
2 Perpetual Flux
· Impression
· Ideas

7. Immanuel Kant
Self is Transcendental
Self is related to a spiritual realm or non-physical realm.
Self is not inside the body, it is outside of the body.
2 Kinds of Consciousness
· Consciousness of Oneself "Inner Sense"
· Consciousness of Oneself "Performing Acts of Appreciation"

8. Sigmund Freud
Psychoanalysis - is a treatment for individual that have mental illness through
3 Level of Consciousness
· Conscious - Aware of its present state.
· Subconscious - Memory that is stored.
· Unconscious - Seeks personal pleassure or personal motives.
8. Gilbert Ryle - I act, therefore I am.
Opposite of Rene also.
Because what you do or act is what you really are.
Concept of self is defined through action.

9. Paul Churchland
Study of Neurophilosophy or the Philosophy of mind.
Churchland is more on to see is to believe. Because according to him it must be
materialistic view.

10. Maurice Marleau Ponty

More on Lived and Experience
Body and the Mind are intertwined it must not or can't be separated.

Sociology - Socially formed norms. Like what is the values and beliefs of a
particular group of people. Or values and beliefs that exist within that person.

Characteristics of Modernity
· Industrialism - Extensive use of material property or machinery.
· Capitalism - Something kwarta/kita/capital/tubo.
· Instituition of Surveilance - Massive Increase of Power
· Dynamism - Vigorous Activity and Progress

George Simmel - People creates Social Network by joining Social Group.

· Social Group - Consist of two or more people with same characteristics and
· Social Network - Connections that link your social group.
· Organic Group - Occuring in your Family or deeply influence by your family,
culture and traditions in your community.
· Rational Group - Occur in Modern Socities. It implys greater freedom.

George Mead - Theory of Self

Self is greatly developed through:
· Language - Through communication
· Role Play - Develops understanding of people feelings.
· Game - Develop understanding and internalize people perspective.

I and Me SELF
· I - Spontaneous and Unsocialized. (Individualism)
· Me - Socializes to Other people and learned by interacting through them.

Anthropology - Study of human behavior and society past and present. Focusd on
understanding human condition.

Katherine Ewing - "Self" is a physical organism possessing psychological funtions

and social attributes.

Joseph LeDoux - There are 2 Types of Self

· Explicit - Aspects of yourself that you are consciously aware. (known)
· Implicit - Not Immediately available in the consciousness. (unknown)

2 Types of how Self is Constructed

· Independent Construct - More on Individualistic Culture.
· Interdependent - More on group or connections to individual between other people.

Self Embedded Culture

· Relationship - Culture influences you how you enter and handle a relationship.
· Personality - Culture influences you how you value traits.
· Achievements - Culture influences you how you define success and how you value
other people achievements
· Expressing Emotions - Culture influences you what will affects you emotionally.

Psychology - Is the study of how people behave, think and feel.

Cognitive - Intellectual Activity

Jean Piaget - Theory of Cognitive Development

3 Components
· Scheme - Building Blocks of Child Knowledge
· Adaptation - Child adapting a certain situation to meet the situational demands.
· Cognitive Development - Increasing sophistication of child thoughts.

Dr. Susan Harper - Self Concept

· Early Childhood
· Middle to Later Childhood
· Adolescence
· Emerging Adults - Having a Vision of Possible Self

William James
I and Me SELF

· I Self - Pure Ego

Four Characteristics of Self
1. Initiator of Behaviour
2. Sense of Being Unique
3. Sense of Continuity
4. Sense of Awareness of Being Aware

· Me Self
Three Dynamics
1. Material
2. Social
3. Spiritual

Carl Ransom Rogers

Humanistic Psychology
Ideal and Real Self

· Ideal Self - Is the person what you want to be.

Four Characteristics of Ideal Self
1. Notion that influenced by your Parents
2. What you admire on others
3. Traits that are acceptable by society
4. What you really want to be

· Real Self - The Real You

Roy Baumeister
· Multiple Selves
· Unified Selves

Gordon Allport - "Personality Theory"

All person have different traits and that "traits" shapes who you are.

Eric Berne - Transactional Analysis

Every person has three parts called "EGO STATE"
Ego States as:
1. As A Parent - Voice of Authority
Either a Nurturing parent or a Critical/Controlling Parent.

2. Adult - Rational Person Ego like kabalo naka unsa imo buhaton

3. Child Ego
· Natural Child - Who loves to play but sensitive and vulnerable.
· Little Professor - Child that is curious and wants everything.
· Adaptive Child - Who reacts to the world or trying to fit in or rebellious phase.

George Henriquez - Domains of The Self

1. Experential Self
2. Private Self
3. Public Self or Persona - What character you display on the public.

Danny Woods
· True and False Self

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