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Read the sentences and write
should or shouldn't.

Today is very hot outside, you ______ drink some water to stay hydrated.
Lizzy has a headache so she ______ take some aspirin to feel better.
Our neighbors ______ play music that loud at this hour!
Your room is messy, you ______ tidy it immediately.
Louis ______ smock every day. It's bad for his teeth.
I think you ______ go to bed it's too late and you must go to school early.
It's a dangerous area, tourists ______ go there.
Children ______ drink sugary drinks. It's not very healthy.

Read and match

1. What should we arrive? o You should park your car in
2. Where should I park my the street.
car? o We should go to a place that
3. How much should I tip serves Thai food.
the waitress? o You should tip 15% of the
4. Where should we go to o You should wear a coat and
eat? scarf.
5. What should you wear o You should arrive before 5
when it's very cold? o'clock.

Make sentences using should or


People / watch / less TV

We / stop / testing
medicine on animals

Men and women / get / the

same pay for the same job

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