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1.What was the best thing that happened to you this past year?

The best thing that happened to me was the exchange in Germany, I really liked it

2.What is the most important thing you learned this year?

I learned that friends are always

3. What is your number one goal for the new year?

Study more

4. What is one new thing you want to try this year?

I want to try a new sport, for example paddle

5. What is one change you can make this year to take better care of yourself?
Resting more instead of being online

6. What's your favorite memory from the past year, and why does it stand out
to you?
I would say that my favorite memory from the last year was the fear, I really enjoyed
it a lot with my friends

7. If you could choose one thing to achieve or experience in the coming

year, what would it be and why?
It would be go to the beach with my friends, to swimming in the sea and relax with
8. What's a New Year's resolution you've made in the past that you
actually kept, and how did you manage to stick to it?
Being more hard worker

10. Reflecting on the past year, what's a challenge you faced that
made you stronger?
I would say that being more confident with myself

9. If you could travel to any place in the world to celebrate the New
Year, where would it be and why?
I would go to London, because I think it's a nice city and it would be cool

11. What do you and your friends/family do on New Year’s eve ?

With my family eat typical food and eat the 12 grapes and then with my friends going
12. If you could create a time capsule to represent the past year, what items
or memories would you include in it?
I would include the meetings with my friends, my trip to Barcelona with my family and
the trip to Germany
13. If you had the power to make one positive change in the world in the
coming year, what would it be and why?
It would be the end of the war between Ukraine and Russia

14. Which book, series movie or video game best describes the past year for
you, and why?
I would say the Walking Dead because I´ve seen it a lot of times past year

15. If you could have dinner with any person, living or from history, to
share your experiences and reflections on the year, who would it be and why?
I would have dinner with Cristiano Ronaldo, because he is my idol and I admire him
so much

16. Reflecting on the past year, what's a moment that made you laugh so
hard it's become a lasting memory?
When my friend Juanca fell up and it was so funny

17. If you could create a "highlight reel" of your life from the past
year, what moments would you include, and why?
I would include the birthday of a friend, the fair, the trip to Barcelona, the trip to
Germany and the birthday of my cousin

18. What was your favourite hobby this past year?

Playing football

19. What was your favourite fashion trend in the past year?
The jumpers of Nike

20. If you could choose a theme song for the past year of your life,
what would it be and why?
I would say Shars 2023 from Al Safir because I´ve listened to it a lot of times and I
love it

21. What was your favourite meme in the past year?

The meme of Pedroche in the New Year's Eve

22. Who inspired you this year?

My cousin Fernando

23. What were you most obsessed about this year?

I was obsessed with playing PS4
24. In a fictional New Year's Eve movie starring you and your friends,
what would be the plot, and what unexpected adventures would you encounter
as you ring in the new year?
The plot would be us playing football and the unexpected adventure would be when
we win the league

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