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PART 1: Listen to a conversation between Mai and Mike, and choose the correct answers
A, B, or C.
1. What is the conversation mainly about?
A. What motivates independent learners.
B. Independent learners’ sense of responsibility.
C. What makes a successful independent learner.
2. What makes independent learners study hard?
A. Their motivation for learning.
B. Their learning goals.
C. The responsibility for their own learning.
3. What do independent learners do if the task they are working on is too difficult?
A. They give up and move on to something harder.
B. They make every effort to finish it.
C. They ask questions about it.
4. Which of the following descriptions of independent leamers is NOT mentioned?
A. They're self-motivated and responsible.
B. They‘re confident and highly organised.
C. They’re curious about the world and they don't give up.

PART 2: Listen and complete the conversation with no more than two words and/or two

Independent learners have four main characteristics. The first one is self-motivated which
means they enjoy learning (5)__________ and never wait anyone to force them anything to do.
The second one is responsible which means they take (6)__________for their own learning.
For examples, they set their own (7)___________ and make detailed (8)___________ to
achieve them. The third one is to never give up. That means when they start working on a
(9)________, they try very hard to complete it. The last one is curious which means when they
want to know more about the world. They're not afraid of asking (10)__________.

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