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Teacher Name(s) Rachel Nibogie 2/3

Grade Level(s)

Unit(s) / Topic(s) /
Subject Area(s) Art Alma Thomas
Strand (s)
Start/Stop Times + Position of Lesson
68 Minutes Lesson #1
Lesson Duration within Sequence:

Foundational Elements (Grade 2)

- Visual arts literacy is developed through knowledge and application of
foundational elements and principles.
- What is the role of line and shape in artworks?
- Recognizing beauty, goodness, and truth in visual arts can be developed by
understanding the complexity and richness of great artworks, the artists who
create them, and the historical and cultural contexts from which they originate.
Foundations elements
- Shapes can be combined to create new shapes or more complex shapes
Specific - Observe and discuss how variation with lines, shapes, or colours can appear in
Outcomes artworks.
- Experiences in visual arts can include learning about artwords from the past
and the people who created them.

Learning Objective

Students will create a piece of artwork that demonstrates smaller shapes that make up a large picture.

Students will create an art piece in the likes of an appreciated artist.

Supplies Needed
- Projector and screen
- Paint (All the colours of the rainbow)
- 8x11 white sheets of paper
- Flat brushed paint brushes
- Video
- Artwork Example
- Make sure supplies is already set out when you get there
- Pencil crayons and Alma Thomas colouring pages

Introduction Time
Attention Introduction
Grabber Prep at recess 10:25-10:40am
Before we head to the art room. 10 minutes
- “Today for our art lesson we are going to do an art piece like this one”
- Show example
- “This is a piece of art that is from next door. (if you can get a few
examples show students multiple ways that this art can be done like in a
circle, mountains, Heart, etc… If not, here is a powerpoint with some
- Show students one example and then…
- “In this art piece there is a combination of big shapes and smaller
shapes that make up the big shape.”
- “When we make our project we are going to create lines and shapes by
using strokes and lines made by the paint brush.”
- “Also by using different colours we can add another creative element to
our art pieces. Colour can be used to distinguish from one shape to
another. Each line or shape should be the same colour.”
- While you talk about the areas of art (line, colour, shape) refer
to the example that best showcases what you’re talking about.
- “To show you what it will look like to do this project I have a video” (in
the slides)
Play video
- “Iin the video she drew a heart but you can do any shape you want, try
to keep it simple.”
- “Many of Alma Thomas are based around simple shapes like a circle.”
- “If it helps to draw the shape before you paint then use a pencil rather
than a marker, so you can erase it.”
Instructions for Painting
- “When you paint your picture fill up the whole space of the sheet of
paper. Also the smaller your shapes are the longer it will take to make
your painting but the more it will look like the example. This should be a
good chunk of the class time.”
- “Try to keep your strokes evenly sized and the only spaces that should
be on your paper are the small lines between each stroke.”
Activities Time
Learning Take students to the art room
Activity #1 “When we get to the art room there will be pieces of paper set out at the tables
already. Pick a place to sit and you should have everything you need on the
tables. You should have a piece of paper, a paint brush,some water, paint, and a
paper plate. and please bring a pencil with you ”
40 minutes
“Please line up”
Once students are all settled into their sections.
- There is an example on the board for you
- Once you are done please find a teacher and we will help you put the art
on the drying racks.
Extra If students are done they can do an Alma Thomas Colouring page
Closure/Cliffhanger Time
of Learning: - Alright everyone, it's time to clean up, I have some instructions for that.” 10 minutes
- Everyone can first put their project over on this table.” (the far one)
- Can I have 5 volunteers to clean paint brushes? (pick) thank you, you
can collect the paint brushes and clean them out in the sink.”
- Everyone else please help clean the area, plates can go in the garbage,
paint goes in the cupboard over here (show them).

Component Seven: Teacher Reflection

What worked Having everything set up beforehand and preparation was extremely important for this lesson.
well? Why? Everything went smoothly but only because I went in early to set up and gave lots of time for
cleaning up. (cleaned up as students finished)
Sometimes the noise level was high and my TA had to step in. She also had to step in because
students got confused at times. The instructions should have been explained clearer. Also
What didn’t?
Why not?
students finished really fast and I would have liked them to have more even brush strokes. I
should have shown them, or pointed attention to, how they did it in the video to create more
precise artwork.
What would
you do
While I was walking around I noticed that my TA had helped a student who was struggling to
next time to complete the artwork. I noticed that she had drawn dots on the paper to help position where
further he should paint. I thought that was a great idea and something to have in my back pocket if I
promote was to teach this lesson again.
learning for all
The Spongebob chant is cute but can be really noisy and silly.

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