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Hello! Today I want to talk about an issue that affects us all: environmental
pollution. It's a crucial issue in these times. How about we talk about what
environmental pollution really is? It is the alteration of the environment by
the introduction of substances or elements that make it less suitable for life.
Did you know that it can occur in different contexts and with different
degrees of impact? And boy, are these non-biodegradable pollutants a
serious problem. Its impact on the ecosystem is almost permanent. It's
terrifying. This is also classified by the place where it occurs: air, terrestrial,
water and even space pollution. The atmosphere has gases that disrupt
natural cycles, soils are affected by chemicals and waste, and waters are
poisoned with harmful substances. And that's not to mention light and noise
pollution. We are surrounded by pollution across the board.
How did we get to this point? Mostly because of our daily activities. Industry,
electricity generation, urban life, and even transportation contribute greatly
to this problem. The lack of green policies has also allowed this to worsen.
The consequences are not good at all. From the impoverishment of
biodiversity to extreme climate change. And the impact on human quality of
life is enormous. Diseases, genetic damage... the list is long.
But are there solutions? Of course! We can start with the three R's: Reuse,
Reduce, and Recycle. In addition, lobbying at the political level and taking
collective action is also key. The future is in our hands.

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