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RAS Mains Test Series - 2018

TIME : 3.00 Hours Maximum Marks : 200

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Exam. Date :

For more information visit at Fb Page : inception RAS

(i) = (ii)
(iii) = (iv)

(i) (ii) =
(iii) (iv)

(i) (ii)
(iii) (iv)


(i) (ii)
(iii) (iv)

(i) (ii)
(iii) (iv)

(i) (ii)
(iii) (iv)











(i) (ii)
(iii) (iv)










(i) Attachee
(ii) Duplicate

(i) Transit
(ii) Relieve













































































































Unit-1 (General English)

Answer all questions.
Identify the error/errors if any and rewrite the following sentences. (Q.-10)
Q. 1. How many flagship schemes has been launched by government lately ?


Q. 2. This country has a lot of talent.


Q. 3. Rajasthan has the plenty at minerals.


Q. 4. An employment advertisement should specify the number of vacancies.


Q. 5. Although being hard working he is thouroughly honest.


Q. 6. He drank milk in every morning.


Q. 7. The clown winked with spectators.


Q. 8. After the passing in parade recruits became soliders.


Q. 9. One should refrain of breaking laws.


Q. 10. The moment he signs the agreement, he will not be able to back off.


Choose the correct word/phrase (Q. 11-15)

Q. 11. The opposite of word sharp is dull/blunt.


Q. 12. The word ambiguous is similar in meaning to the word confusing / vague.


Q. 13. The antonym of the word friendly is hostility/ unfriendly


Q. 14. In this grave hour/At this grave hour, our country needs you.


Q. 15. To add fuel to the flame means that someone makes a matter worse or someone
pours fuel into fireplace.


Write one word substitutes for the following expressions (Ques. 16-18)
Q. 16. The art of beautiful hand writing.


Q. 17. One who fights for the sake of money.



Q. 18. Study of stamp collection.


Select the correct word/phrase (Ques. 19-20)

Q. 19. The international Aide of/ Aid of foodgrains was provided to drought affected


Q. 20. Soviet bloc/block was the group of countries under the influence of Russia.


A. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow
(Ques. 21-25)
A great japanese warrior named Nobunaga decided to attack the enemy although
he had only one tenth the number of men the opposition commanded. He knew
that he would win but his soldiers doubted. On the way he stopped at a Shinto
shrine and told his men. ‘After I visit the shrine I will toss a coin. If heads comes
we will win. If tails, we will lose. Destiny holds us in her hand. Nobunaga entered
the shrine & offered a silent prayer. He came forth & tossed a coin. Heads
appeared. His soldiers were so eager to fight that they won their battle easily. No
one can change the hand of destiny’ his attendant told him after the battle.
‘Indeed not’ said Nobunaga,showing a coin which had been doubled, with heads
facing either way.
Q. 21. What is the name of Japanese warrior ?



Q. 22. What was the reason that Nobunaga’s soldiers had doubt ?



Q. 23.Why were Nobunaga’s soldiers eager to fight ?




Q. 24. What trick Nobunaga used to assure his victory ?




Q. 25. Give the meaning of word shrine and use it in your own sentence.




B. Translate the following sentence into English (Ques. 26-30)

Q. 26.




Q. 27.




Q. 28.




Q. 29.




Q. 30.




Q. 31. Write a precis of the following passage and give a suitable title.
Every human consists of matter and spirit. Spirit is the same in all, it lends life
and enables you to perceive, act feel and think. Matter consists of body mind
and intellect. Used well it takes you to heights of perfection.
Abuse or inadequate use of these equipment leads to failure, sorrow and stunted
The body enables you to perceive see, hear, smell, taste & touch. With the body,
you act. The mind feels emotions like love, hatred anger & jealousy, and harbours
likes and dislikes, and the intellect thinks, reasons, discriminates and Judges.
All these are instruments of enjoyment. They fulfil you. If used properly they
take you to the zenith of human development.












Q. 32. Write a paragraph on any one of the following in approximately 200 words.
1. Work is worship
2. Social Media : A bane or boon
3. Heritage of Rajasthan



































Q. 33. Elaborate any one of the following themse in approximately 150 words.
1. Do good have good.
2. War is too important to be left to generals.
3. Child labour.



































Q. 34. Write a letter to district collector of your district complaining about drinking
water problem in your village.
As a member of Board of Secondary Education write a report on the
condition of school education in your state.



































Inception RAS
Free Test Series for RAS Mains

Full Test Paper-I

Full Test Paper-II

Full Test Paper-III

Full Test Paper-IV

Time : 3.00 to 6.00 PM

RAS Mains Test Series - 2018

TIME : 3.00 Hours Maximum Marks : 200

For more information visit at Fb Page : inception RAS

(i) (ii)
(iii) (iv)

(i) (ii)
(iii) (iv)

(i) (ii)
(iii) (iv)


(i) (ii)
(iii) (iv)

(i) (ii)
(iii) (iv)

(i) (ii)
(iii) (iv)










(i) (ii)
(iii) (iv)








(i) Attachee
(ii) Duplicate

(i) Transit
(ii) Relieve







× ×

Unit-1 (General English)

Answer all questions.
Identify the error/errors if any and rewrite the following sentences. (Q.-10)
Q. 1. How many flagship schemes has been launched by government lately ?
Ans. have
Q. 2. This country has a lot of talent.
Ans. No error
Q. 3. Rajasthan has the plenty at minerals.
Ans. Plenty of
Q. 4. An employment advertisement should specify the number of vacancies.
Ans. No error
Q. 5. Although being hard working he is thouroughly honest.
Ans. Along with instead of although
Q. 6. He drank milk in every morning
Ans. drinks
Q. 7. The clown winked with spectators.
Ans. winked at
Q. 8. After the passing in parade recruits became soliders.
Ans. passing out
Q. 9. One should refrain of breaking laws.
Ans. refrain from
Q. 10. The moment he signs the agreement, he will not be able to back off.
Ans. back out
Choose the correct word/phrase (Q. 11-15)
Q. 11. The opposite of word sharp is dull/blunt.
Ans. blunt
Q. 12. The word ambiguous is similar in meaning to the word confusing / vague.
Ans. vague
Q. 13. The antonym of the word friendly is hostility/ unfriendly
Ans. hostility
Q. 14. In this grave hour/At this grave hour, our country needs you.
Ans. In this grave hour
Q. 15. To add fuel to the flame means that someone makes a matter worse or someone
pours fuel into fireplace.
Ans. that someone makes a matter worse.
Write one word substitutes for the following expressions (Ques. 16-18)
Q. 16. The art of beautiful hand writing.
Ans. Calligraphy
Q. 17. One who fights for the sake of money.
Ans. Mercenary
Q. 18. Study of stamp collection
Ans. Philately
Select the correct word/phrase (Ques. 19-20)
Q. 19. The international Aide of/ Aid of foodgrains was provided to drought affected
Ans. Aid of foodgrains.
Q. 20. Soviet bloc/block was the group of countries under the influence of Russia.
Ans. bloc
A. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow
(Ques. 21-25)
A great japanese warrior named Nobunaga decided to attack the enemy although
he had only one tenth the number of men the opposition commanded. He knew
that he would win but his soldiers doubted. On the way he stopped at a Shinto
shrine and told his men. ‘After I visit the shrine I will toss a coin. If heads comes
we will win. If tails, we will lose. Destiny holds us in her hand. Nobunaga entered
the shrine & offered a silent prayer. He came forth & tossed a coin. Heads
appeared. His soldiers were so eager to fight that they won their battle easily. No
one can change the hand of destiny’ his attendant told him after the battle.
‘Indeed not’ said Nobunaga,showing a coin which had been doubled, with heads
facing either way.
Q. 21. What is the name of Japanese warrior ?
Ans. The name of Japanese warrior was Nobunaga.

Q. 22. What was the reason that Nobunaga’s soldiers had doubt ?
Ans. Nobunaga’s soldiers were 1/10th of their opponent’s strength this is why they
had a a doubt about their victory.
Q. 23. Why were Nobunaga’s soldiers eager to fight ?
Ans. When Nobunaga shows them that they had got heads while tossing the coin
which was a divine indication of their victory therefore his soldiers were eager
to fight.
Q. 24. What trick Nobunaga used to assure his victory ?
Ans. He used the coin which had heads on both sides to convince his soldiers that if
heads come they would win.
Q. 25. Give the meaning of word shrine and use it in your own sentence.
Ans. Shrine - Temple/religious place. Sufi Shrine are found all over in India.
B. Translate the following sentence into English (Ques. 26-30)

Q. 26.
Ans. Breakfast is being served in dining hall.

Q. 27.
Ans. Snakebite is the major cause of untimely deaths in rural areas during rainy season.

Q. 28.
Ans. Cubs are playing.

Q. 29.
Ans. Is it a crime to be a patriot.

Q. 30.
Ans. Necessity is the mother of invention.
Q. 31. Write a precis of the following passage and give a suitable title.
Every human consists of matter and spirit. Spirit is the same in all, it lends life
and enables you to perceive, act feel and think. Matter consists of body mind
and intellect. Used well it takes you to heights of perfection.
Abuse or inadequate use of these equipment leads to failure, sorrow and stunted
The body enables you to perceive see, hear, smell, taste & touch. With the body,
you act. The mind feels emotions like love, hatred anger & jealousy, and harbours

likes and dislikes, and the intellect thinks, reasons, discriminates and Judges.
All these are instruments of enjoyment. They fulfil you. If used properly they
take you to the zenith of human development.
Ans. Title : Mind and Matter : Harmony
Everyone is made of physical and metaphysical elements. Sprit is metaphysical
element of our existence, it generates life which ultimately with body’s help,
helps us to understand the world. Sustainable and prudent use of body is desirable
and its opposite is very dangerous. Therefore, wise use of senses and a balance
between body and soul is necessary.
Q. 32. Write a paragraph on any one of the following in approximately 200 words.
1. Work is worship
2. Social Media : A bane or boon
3. Heritage of Rajasthan
Q. 33. Elaborate any one of the following themse in approximately 150 words.
1. Do good have good.
2. War is too important to be left to generals.
3. Child labour.
Q. 34. Write a letter to district collector of your district complaining about drinking
water problem in your village.
As a member of Board of Secondary Education write a report on the
condition of school education in your state.


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