1. TẬP 1 - TẬP WORD FORM - T10 - 2023

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Keeping the fire of Passion i eae 1341 WORD FORM CiC2 eeee TU CAC DE THIHOC SINH GIO! eeee Tai ligu tgp C1C2 - Version T10.2023 | 2023 With ANSWER KEY ‘ rsd 4 #7 ss WP Instructed by: Otto Trung - Bai Hoc Ngoai Thucng (FTU) Teach from ~ not from g Online Zoom Class_ One price for all levels at Fler serenzer yt 1. Lop At (Thi Flyers & HSG l6p 4,5) “y 2. Lop A2 (Thi KET & HSG Iép 5,6) & = = MAIN COURSE SPECIAL COURSES Coe Ton ale ean Sete 3. Lop B1 Ve err cere) (Thi PET & HSG lép 6, 7 & DH Chuyén) 4. Lop B2 (trix) 7. Lop C1-HN (Thi FCE & HSG lop 7,8 & DH Chuyén) uke umn oN 5. Lop B2 Va cac tinh thanh co d6 KHO cao) (Thi HSG I6p 8,9 & cdc tinh thanh KHO vira) DESSERT 8.C1C2-HSG cap lll (Thi HSG Lép 10, 11, 12 & Chuyén) Otto Channel__C1C2_HSG THPT_Olympic 30/04. T10. 2023 TONG HOP BAI TAP WORD FORMATION TU CAC DE THI CHUYEN ANH & HQC SINH GIO! CAP TINH, THANH PHO THPT ‘Supply the correct form of the words in brackets. 1. Complaining consists of (SOCIAL) .. cn. mMoaning and groaning which leads to mistrust and unnecessary arguments within relationships. _..throughout her 2. The Queen has maintained political (NEUTRAL) reign. 3. Thanks to plentiful fish, none of the islanders suffer from (NUTRIENT) 4. |was ata difficult point of my life when | felt (ILLUSION) oo BY both work and home life. 5. _ | talked to various friends, most of whom soon got tired of my (WHIMSY)... _. fambling and indecisiveness. 6. tis estimated that between three to five million Britons suffer from such phobias, and the majority of these people do not (GO) oo cceaneee fOFM of treatment. 7. Men are less likely to suffer from such fears than women, but attempts by either men or women simply to (REGARD). uuu them can exacerbate the problem, 8. Behavioral therapy is decidedly a safe and lasting (ALTERNATE)... to drug treatment. 9. What contributes to her business success is that she always (WIT). opponent. 10. Many streets in Hanoi were flooded and (PASS). rained for 2 hours on end. after it had 11. Even the most (ART)... teachers in the future. ...€quipment cannot replace the role of the 12. Can you make up a(n) (FOUR). _.. for baseball tomorrow? 13. Proposals to protect the right of mentally (CAPACITY). people to be involved in important decisions about their life have been published by the government. 14, Membership talks were launched in 2005, but progress has been slow, as several EU states have serious (GIVE). about Turkish EU membership. 18. They're concerned about the (BUILD),........... of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. 3 | Otto Channel_ KG dinh ky Lop HSG A, A2, B1, B2-, B2, C1_HN, C1_HCM, C1C2 Otto Channel__C1C2_HSG THPT_Olympic 30/04. T10. 2023 16. @ 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 31. 32. | cannot imagine why there are such (HEART). world. Don't they feel any sympathy for the homeless? The dramatic decrease in the (PUT) people in this eee of this factory can be a direct result of underpayment. It is a (KNOW), fact that the vegetarian sausages were invented during World War |. Iwas (LOVE)... and fell in love with her immediately at first sight. His recent ups and downs made the criminal more (BITE)............... than ever. Known for power, speed, and (MANEUVER)... , the goshawk has short wings and a long tail, enabling them to dodge branches in pursuit of prey. This room was much smaller, though the ceiling was quite as high; it gave the .... Sense of being stuck at the bottom of a deep well. the things we need to buy — sugar, tea, and This book is (EMBRACE) ce varieties of plants around the world here. ..... You can find information about the Her bare feet arch elegantly, and the ankle bracelets she wears (ACCENT). a her graceful movements. ‘The remnants of an ancient penguin that stood as tall as a grown man have been found (CASE)... in rock on a beach in New Zealand. He was a modest and (ASSUME) ___ man who never gave the impression that he knew all the answers. Many in the working class tend to be (DEFER). authority figures and those in superior class positions. .... towards With the great achievement of U23 Vietnam team, many international newspapers wrote (COMIC) ... Praising our heroes. Having made that morally terrible mistake, the kidnapper is now (CONSCIENCE) Alternative medicine can be (LEAD). people. Few (PRACTICE), of homeopathy, acupuncture and the like regard therapies as complete substitutes for modern medicine. _» even off-putting for some 4 | Otto Channel_ KG dinh ky Lop HSG A1, A2, B1, B2-, B2, C1_HN, C1_HCM, C1C2 | TENN HO OLLO 7 7) 2NIINO IHL NAA Otto Channel__C1C2_HSG THPT_Olympic 30/04. T10. 2023 33. Juvenile delinquency refers to (SOCIETY) or illegal behavior by children or adolescents and is considered a a serious problem all over ‘the world. 34. This juvenile (CRIME)... is apparent in marginal sectors of urban areas where children are exposed to violence in their immediate social environment, either as observers or as victims. 35. Because delinquent basic education, if they have any, is poor they have been (MARGIN) _ from society and destitute of any dignity or self - esteem. 36. These preventive policies should be prioritized over any (COERCE)... measures. 37. Focus on the importance of family should become a priority because it is the primary institution of (SOCIAL)... _.. of youth. 38. Scientists have wondered whether the secrets of our thoughts, (PERCEIVE) and even consciousness itself might be hidden in the patterns of our brain waves. 39. A(CLASS)., ... lawsuit was filed Wednesday on behalf of applicants who were denied admission to several universities affected by the = Q © 2 eon scandal. Be 40. Court documents allege the man at the (CENTER). of FOF 4 the scandal. Q¢ ee 41. Safety tests on old cars have been (STANDARD), AB = throughout Europe. S B 5 42. The Red Cross is sending emergency aid to the (FAMINE). country. I 43. When we catch up on the phone to discuss her latest short-lived conquest, the details of which are usually colourful, sometimes (TOE)... and always entertaining. 44. Not only are employees disenfranchised from most policy decisions, they lack even the power to rebel against (EGO)... ._ and tyrannical supervisors. 45. The cold winter has led to a larger-than-expected (DOWN) oil stocks. On 46. The residences (GULF)... .. by the deluge were built in a neighborhood known as El Cambray II near the bottom of a ravine. 5 | Otto Channel_KG dinh ky Lop HSG A1, A2, B1, B2-, B2, C1_HN, C1_HCM, C1C2 Otto Channel__C1C2_HSG THPT_Olympic 30/04. T10. 2023 47. Many architects pay lip service to the idea that good design can and should (NOBLE) the lives of average people not blessed with bountiful wealth. 48. Children from a(n) (PRIVILEGE). more likely to become involved in crime. background are statistically 49. Until now, there is hardly any measure to lessen the (ONUS).___ regulation and taxation on small businesses. 50. About $200 million in taxes weren't paid because of (REPORT) income. 51. Unfortunately, the game was cancelled because of a (WATER)... pitch. 52. People in coastal areas live mainly on the (CULTURE)... Which allows them to earn a great deal of money from the sea products, 53. She made a (TRIUMPH)... several years working in television 54. Antiseptics and (INFECT). kill the bacteria. 55. Thanks to the (FOREST) _....... Policy, more and more forests have been formed on locations that used to be treeless. 58. Both are (CLAIM), extravagant in character, highly lyrical and immediately establish the soloist as a romantic protagonist. return to the stage after are widely used in hospital to 57. We might have to employ someone temporarily as a (STOP) measure until we can hire someone permanently. 58. Upholders of the scientific faith shudder at the implications of having to mix it with such (REDEEM) subjective and impure elements. 59. (APPRAISE). should summarize the main facts about their performance based on the staff evaluation criteria of the company. 60. It encouraged experimenters to propose (BEAT), a OF novel approaches to problems. 61. I've tried to advise my daughter against hitch-hiking around Europe alone, but she won't listen to me. She's so (HEAD)... 62. One of the envelopes (MARK).. drawing folded in half. April 2, 1915 was found to contain a 6 | Otto Channel_KG dinh ky Lop HSG A1, A2, 81, B2-, B2, C1_HN, C1_HCM, C1C2 Otto Channel__C1C2_HSG THPT_Olympic 30/04. T10. 2023 63. Treatment may involve the practitioner placing their hands on the recipient in a variety of positions; however, some therapists take a (TOUCH)... approach, holding their hands a few centimetres away from the body. 64. He is forgetful and clumsy, mis-speaking often with (SPOON), and his spells tend to back-fire. 65. There is (CONTROVERSY)... evidence that Wallenberg did not die in 1947. 68. We were disappointed at the (POSSESS) exterior of the hotel. 67. We tend to think of the hamburger as a (ESSENTIAL). invention, the fastest of fast food, and a relatively recent innovation. American 68. We often forget we are inextricably linked to the nature, and by doing so, (ADVERTISEMENT)... _.. contribute to its slow destruction. 69. As he sat slumped on the sofa, his natural (BULLY). had evaporated. 70. | didn’t ask about the accident because | thought it would be seen as (AMBULANCE). 71. Hostels are used as a(STOP). permanent accommodation. until the families can find 72. The draft law gives companies (DISCRETION). block merger and acquisition deals with foreign investors. power to 73. Hopeful actors from small towns are often (DRIFT). in New York. 74, Her book is as (VIGOR)... 75. It is inhumane to sell (MEMBER) such as rhinoceros or elephants in the market place. .. 88 a Cool Ocean breeze. limbs of the animals 76. A(n) (ADD). to the contract stated that the buyer would be responsible for all transportation costs. 77. The problematic symptoms tend to disappear once the (ALIGN)... is corrected. 78. A baby may be born with a stork bite, or the (MARK) appear in the first months of life. may 79. You may not have liked her, but no one could (SAY)... determination. 80. The ship is an exact (REPLY). .. of the original Golden Hind. 7 | Otto Channel_ KG dinh ky Lép HSG 1, A2, B1, B2-, B2, C1_HN, C1_HCM, C1C2 LUYEN THI ONLINE (ZOOw NEL | OTTO CHAN: Otto Channel__C1C2_HSG THPT_Olympic 30/04. T10. 2023 81. 82. 83. 87. 88. 89. 97. The (PERVADE) adds to the youths’ inquietude reservation and donation system The splendid onomatopoea of ‘hoary roaring sea’ reminds us how well (SOUND) _.. and alliteration work throughout the poem. | must admit that it is time the organizers did away with the (ANNUAL) _ computer system and bought a new one. (GET). _... candidates who actively contribute to the development of the company stand a better chance of being recruited. Avid descriptions of sophisticated technologies gave the science-fiction novel “The War of the Worlds’ a sense of (SIMILAR). He is a totally (MORAL), The (VICTORY). nations carved up the defeated country into" several parts, each taking an equal share. person who deliberately defies all standards. 00! NNEL zt They have a duty to set the record straight, otherwise they are conniving at (FALSE)... Cancer is perceived as a heterogeneous group of diseases that is characterized by (ERR). pattems of gene expression. She did not reply, but sat with crimson cheeks and (CAST), eyes. ‘Sometimes I'm really shocked by the (CONTEMP)... shop assistants. The police (EXAMINE). accident had occurred. of the accusing man about how the The thing you have done makes a player in your team feel that he or she is being (LINE)... ..... Give everyone a chance to play. ‘The chairman of this company is merely a (HEAD). Executive is the one who is truly in control. The total (TON), _. of the bombs flopped in the Vietnam War increases every year as more bombs are unearthed. , the Chief He looked at the policeman with (DEFY). a fight. as if he were asking for ‘She received a (PLENTY)... surely take the whole day to open them. of presents on her birthday - it would 8 | Otto Channel_ KG dinh ky Lop HSG 1, A2, B1, B2-, B2, C1_HN, C1_HCM, C1C2 LUYEN THI ONLINE ( OTTO CH. (Al Otto Channel__C1C2_HSG THPT_Olympic 30/04. T10. 2023 98. The sides are bluish green above, violet in the middle, red beneath, (VARIANT) with oval spots of brilliant silver. 99. When going on business trip, Henry enjoys staying in luxurious hotels that offer (POINT) eee Stlites. 100. He was born into a (BLOOD), family; therefore, he had an ‘opportunity to attend the most prestigious private school in the country. 10° In spite of the (PRIVATE)... _. they had suffered, the wrecked sailors didn’t seem to have been seriously affected by their ordeal. 102. The terms of the argument must be quite explicit, so that there is no possibility of (APPREHENSION). them. 103. Marble is simply limestone that has been (CRYSTAL)... pressure. 104. If he knows the job is (GAIN), ... by heat or NNEI he will do it immediately. 105. She is too (RETIRE). _.to be in the crowd and talk to nobody. 106. According to a recent investigation, (ROB)... 8 on the increase in our country. 107. We give three research (FELLOW) 108. He is such a/an (KNOW). times but he can’t make out one aspect of it. . so 8 Year. We have taught him this four OTTO CH. LUYEN THI ONLINE (ZOO: 109. Dog and cats are called (HOME). 110. This meeting may (FIGURE) between two countries. ..@M improvement in relations 1 The (INVEST) .. ..... of the new president will take place this evening. 112. The insulating material should be (PERMEATE) . _ to water vapour. 113. The actors struggled (MAN) dialogue ever written. with some of the worst lines of 114. It would have been (HONOUR) of her not to keep her promise. 145. | think | must have known (CONSCIOUS)... that something was going on between them. 116. The government is reported to be concerned about the (SURGE) the South. 117. Both parties are unhappy about the (ADROIT) . whole affair. handling of the 9 | Otto Channel_KG dinh ky Lop HSG At, A2, B1, B2-, B2, C1_HN, C1_HCM, C1C2 Otto Channel__C1C2_HSG THPT_Olympic 30/04. T10. 2023. 148. There is no (SAY) 119. What | need is a book that will (MYSTERY) car engine for me. the technical brilliance of his performance. _.. the workings of a 120. Her dress was tightly belted, (ACCENT)... the slimness of her waist. 121. When we arrived at the hotel, we were amazed at the (COMPARE), hospitality of the staff. 122. He is the bad manager in the factory and everyone is in attempt to (FAME) him. 123. The (BREAK), of an epidemic will be unavoidable unless measures are taken to prevent the rural population from drinking the contaminated water. 124. Please keep the email short. (BRIEF) easier. makes everyone's lives 12! a With the help of the computer, checking information has become less (LABOR) 126. (FOREST), 127. She looked in on the baby (PERIOD). right. has caused many so-called man-made disasters. _.. to check that it was all 128. They were totally (MYSTERY)... _... by the git’s disappearance. 129. | did not know who it was. With a mask on, she was completely (RECOGNIZE) 130. The advantage of living in the countryside is that the air is (POLLUTE)..___. 131. We should arrive two days early in order to (CLIMATE)... 132. The man has displayed considerable (EXPERT)... 133. In (ACCORD). was disqualified in doing the job. with the rules of the competition, the team 134, These changes are likely to (POOR), families even further. _.. Single-parent 135. I've never met such a strong man. His energy seems (EXHAUST) 136. Most people agree that Christmas has become too (COMMERCE). 137. Mary has no practical experience in treating sick animals. She only has (BOOK) knowledge of the subject. 10 | Otto Channel_KG dinh ky Lop HSG 1, A2, B1, B2-, B2, C1_HN, C1_HCM, C162 Otto Channel__C1C2_HSG THPT_Olympic 30/04. T10. 2023 138. Will the Eurosport channel provide any (COVER). approaching Tour de France? 139. The witness claimed she was capable of discovering the man's evil intentions from the (MURDER). look in his eyes. 140. If you are (SATISFY). with your essay, | suggest that you should rewrite it. 141. For one who has spent his life in town, a trip into the mountain could prove an (FORGET), sna. Xperience. 142. He had been (EXPECT) a hurry to keep his (APPOINT)... 143. Recently health foods have increased in (POPULAR), delayed at the office and was now in with the dentist. ticket! 144. | can't believe you got another (SPEED)... 145. Wilkinson went on to become a great athlete, his disability (STAND). 146. | found her last book of poetry very (MOVE). 147. It's pure (HEAR)... allegations at all 3 — there's no evidence to support these 148. In formal writing, it is unusual to make use of the (EXCLAIM).__ mark to express surprise. 149. The Chairman expressed doubts about the (SUIT). san OF ‘showing the film on children’s television 150. You are (EXPRESS)... forbidden to use a calculator in this examination. 15 You may find it hard to answer all the questions in the (LOT). time. 152. Doris Carter, who is 107 today, puts her (LONG) _ having a loving family and seven cups of tea a day. 153. Please keep e-mails short. (BRIEF) easier. _... Makes everyone's lives 154. The boy was very violent and his parents found him (MANAGE). 155. People in the village no longer use water in that well because of its (PURE) 156. The talks were totally (PRODUCE), anything. _... We didn't reach agreement on 11 | Otto Channel_ KG dinh ky Lop HSG A1, A2, B1, B2-, B2, C1_HN, C1_HCM, C1C2 NNEL OTTO CH Chu | Otto Channel__C1C2_HSG THPT_Olympic 30/04. T10. 2023 157. This is (DOUBT)... beard. Michael. I'd recognize him even if he wore a 158. Due to my complete (IGNORE) a_i . of the tribal customs, | was wrongly considered an enemy rather than a friend. 159. Cigarettes, coffee, alcohol and other (ADD) __ have an adverse influence upon human health. are known to 16( Ss Shall | believe this (CONVINCE). Story of yours? Mark, stop acting like a child and tell me the whole truth, please. 16" - Let's replace Ann with a more resolute person. | can't stand her being so (HESITATE)... _ about her every decision. 162. The (BREAK)..................0f an epidemic will be unavoidable unless measures are taken to prevent the rural population from drinking the contaminated water. 163. At the end of the concert, the audience gave the young pianist a (STAND) ovation, 164, The university has (AUTHOR), language examinations, the use of dictionaries during 165. A dilemma is a situation where a difficult choice has to be made between two, sometimes unpleasant, (ALTERNATE). 166 8 . It is very difficult to find Mrs. Burton's shop, for it was (DISTINGUISH) _. from all others in the street. 167. When we arrived at the hotel, we were amazed at the (COMPARE), __ hospitality of the fans. 168. The teacher's criticism has (DIE), _.. Tom's interest in learning. 169. The staff's bad behavior has brought (GRACEFUL)... cenntO the whole company. 170. They knew that a vaccine for virus is (THEORY). 171. Safety tests on used car have been (STANDARD)... throughout Europe. 172. | have never met such a strong man. His energy seems (EXHAUST). 173. The (SPEAK)... the exam. of the Ministry of Education announced the date of 174. The scenery along the coast is (BREATHE)... 12 | Otto Channel_KG dinh ky Lop HSG_A1, A2, B1, B2-, B2, C1_HN, C1_HCM, C1C2 Otto Channel__C1C2_HSG THPT_Olympic 30/04. T10. 2023 175. Itis very difficult to find Mr. Burton's shop, for it was (DISTINGUISH). from all others in the street. 176. The report is treated as strictly (CONFIDENCE) 177. The judge is expected to sentence Mr. Turner to a period of (PRISON)... _. later this week 178. | stood there in (BELIEVE). go on the quiz show. when | heard | had been selected to 179. They never dare to leave their only child (ATTEND). for even a moment. 180. Mark did not go into the army (VOLUNTEER), on He went because it is the law that all young men must serve in the army. 181. He (CAUTIOUS)... Me not to go out alone at night. 182. The (THRILL). ... Wa8 80 exciting and absorbing that she could not put the book down. 183. With the help of the computer, checking information has become less (LABOR) 184. The museum doesn't charge for (ADMIT)... ‘on Sundays. 185. At 6 o'clock the sky turned black and there was a torrential (POUR), 186. We always have a bed ready in the spare room in case visitors arrive (EXPECT) 187. It is becoming (INCREASE), 188. Some people claim to be able to (TELL) _. the fortune. difficult to find a job nowadays. 189. The organization was formed to (PRIORITY), the needs of older people. 190. If she gets ill again it could prove (FATE) 191. Flowers are often (FERTILE), _... by bees as they gather nectar. 192. Both poets drew their (INSPIRE! from the countyside 193. | am a (DEVOTE).. _.. of science fiction. 194. They frequently (MOBILE)... the traffic as they march through the streets. 195. Nobody has applied for the mission knowing how (HAZARD). nae may be. 13 | Otto Channel_ KG dinh ky Lop HSG 1, A2, B1, B2-, B2, C1_HN, C1_HCM, C1C2 Otto Channel__C1C2_HSG THPT_Olympic 30/04. T10. 2023 196. She is very (EFFACE), A wonderful things she's achieved in her life. 197. It is (CHARACTER), usually very calm. 198. Good (SEL! She never tells anyone about the ... Of him to lose his temper like that. He's is partly about getting on well with the customers. 199. He is the bad manager in the factory and everyone is in attempt to (FAMOUS) oe him. 200. After some (HESITATE)... 0N€ of the children began to speak. 201. The doctor One of the aims of the organization is to provide (HUMAN)... aid to the refugee. 202. This house has been so (TASTE). decorated that it is very - popular. B 203. There is a (FESTIVAL), mood everywhere on New Year's Day. 204. She looked in on the baby (PERIOD), 20 ‘to check that it was all right. a Please (KNOW)... our letter of the 14th. We have not had a reply. 206. Women who are slimming can never enjoy a meal without being afraid of (ORGANIZE)... their diet. 207. Thomas Johnson, an environmental (ACTIVE)... has been working for Green Peace for over 20 years. 208. We live in a (RACE)... Society. 209. The weather (VARY)... changes for the worse whenever we go on holiday. 210. An increase in crime is one of the (PRODUCE)... of unemployment. 211. He delivered the (CUSTOM) ues SPeech of thanks to the chairman. 212. They had a large (MAJOR) over the other party at the last election. 213. Is inflation (SYMPTOM). _.. of economic decline? 214. Finally, a (RECONCILE). sides. is brought about between the two 215. She was fully aware of her own (SHORT). 216. The family has the important function of (SOCIETY) 14 | Otto Channel_ KG dinh ky Lop HSG 1, A2, B1, B2-,B2, C1_HN, C1_HCM, C1C2 Otto Channel__C1C2_HSG THPT_Olympic 30/04. T10. 2023 217. Applicants must be under 25, hard-working and (ENERGY). 218. She gave him a (MURDER)... 219. They were totally (MYSTERY) 220. (BABY). look. _.. by the girl's disappearance. .... {8 the time when one is stil a baby. 221. Mary has no practical experience in treating sick animals. She only has (BOOK) con knowledge of the subject. 222. Will the Eurosport channel provide any (COVER)... approaching Tour de France? 223. The vast (MAJOR). _..of the students were reluctant to join the summer camp as most of them had already found other job. 224, The residential districts (HABIT). subsidized by the government. the ...by the Pakistani families are 225. Write a paragraph about Tet Holiday (PERSON)... that is, as though you are not involved in the Holiday. 226. The incident on the western (FRONT) consequences upon our mutual relations. may have negative 227. Politeness is one thing. Real kindness is another. You must learn to (DIFFERENT). between the two. 228. His disappearance is very strange, in fact, quite (EXPLAIN)... 229. The witness claimed she was capable of discovering the man’s evil intentions from the (MURDER). _... (00k in his eyes. 230. The main. (DRAW), paid holidays. of working for this company is the lack of 23° ‘She wants to be an actress but her parents (APPROVAL)... her intention. of 232. This matter is very (CONFIDENCE). . the office. ..- Don't discuss it outside 233. Tim's gained so much weight because he can't stop (EAT). 234. The shells are so hard and they are virtually (DESTROY). 235. We should arrive two days early in order to (CLIMATE) 236. These changes are likely to (POOR). even further. _... Single-parent families 237. The man has displayed considerable (EXPERT). ... in doing the job. 15 | Otto Channel_ KG dinh ky Lop HSG A1, A2, B1, B2-, B2, C1_HN, C1_HCM, C1C2 Otto Channel__C1C2_HSG THPT_Olympic 30/04. T10. 2023 238. He was now in a more (ADVANTAGE). position. 239. Peter's (EYE)... _..got worse as he returned to wear glasses 240. The actress gazed (AFFECTION), 241. Do not wear that dress to the dinner. It is (APPROPRIATE), the occasion. _...at her husband from the stage. ° 242. This man is wanted in many countries for having committed any (LAW)... 3 4 acts. 6 243. The agenda for the meeting is stil not (FINAL). = g 244. (DENY), the final stage is crucial. Bp 245. The procedure is quite (STRAIGHT)... 246. The lawyer explained legal (TECHNIQUE). to his client. 247. Management decided the office was (MAN). and sacked three junior typists. 248. The factory's (PUT) has increased considerably in the past few years. 249. Water is (DISPENSE)... 251 25° to all plants and animals. Ss Being in (NEED). . All the (ABSENCE) seuss. ffOM the last lecture was not allowed to attend the interview for the coming project. _.. obstructs his progress. 252. Many kinds of timbers in the countryside of Vietnam are (CULTIVATE)... with fruit-trees. 253. Nearly-synonymous words usually have their own distinctive connotative meaning which sometimes may drive students to (APPLY)... practical use. in 254. All that he can hope to be now is an expert in a narrow field, not the all-knowing polymath of (YEAR)... 255. To feed the cows in his farm, he usually goes into the valley to take (SOIL) 256. The employees are going to go on strike because of their (BEG). wages. 257. Mike told everyone that he worked for a large company, but the company is (EXIST)... 258. It is not surprising to see people (WHELM). stream of information nowadays. 16 | Otto Channel_KG dinh ky Lop HSG A1, A2, B1, B2-, B2, C1_HN, C1_HCM, C12 by the unlimited Otto Channel__C1C2_HSG THPT_Olympic 30/04. T10. 2023 259. A renewable resource is one that may be replaced overtime by natural process or is (EXHAUST), 260. Tom spoke (BREATHE). 261. It was very (THINK). 262. Most people agree that Christmas has become too (COMMERCE)... .... because he was so excited. of you to sing so loud so late at night. 263. Young children should be well aware of their (BEHAVE)... manner. 264. Please put the books back to where you took them. Don't (PLACE). any of them. 265. I've never met such a strong man. His energy seems (EXHAUST). 266. Don't you know that your good result will make your parents (MEASURE) sonnel proud of you? 267. Those rose bushes need protection. Spray them with (INSECT)... 268. She (EXAMPLE amusing anecdote. each of the points she was making with an 269. Ex-soldiers can be disorientated by the transition to (CIVIL) life 270. You look rather (OCCUPY), 27 272. | didn't believe him. His story was very (CONVINCE), wus. Af you worried about something? . A list of (COME)... events will be posted on the notice board 273. Deidre is a (COMMENT). ...... ON football matches for the local radio. 274, Mary's exam result turned out to be (DISASTER).. 275. Janet had to (DRAW)... _. from the team because of injury. 276. The (SCARE)... Of tigers and African elephants is certainly no accident. 277. The Wildlife Fund is to help people think about saving animals from (EXTINCTIVE),_... 278. Tigers bones are used as a pain (RELIEVE) medicine. if traditional 279. Interestingly, more tigers live in (CAPTIVE)... countries than in the wilds of Asia. some 17 | Otto Channel_KG dinh ky Lop HSG_A1, A2, 81, B2-, B2, C1_HN, C1_HCM, C1C2 Otto Channel__C1C2_HSG THPT_Olympic 30/04. T10. 2023 280. Paul (HATE). ..for the occupants grew much stronger when he learnt about his parents’ death 281. Itis absolutely (EXPLAIN)... down the youth club. why the council decided to close 282. | just stood there and listened in (BELIEVE) __ the news. as Ben told me 283. The long-running civil war has (STABLE), the whole country. 284. After a successful career, he retired in 2004, but now he’s making a (COME) and he's released a new CD 285. Wilkinson went on to become a great athlete, his disability (STAND). 286. I'm not very keen on the (WORD)... of this dictionary definition. 287. Any actor who becomes known for one role is in danger of becoming (TYPE) 288. It's pure (HEAR)... ‘there's no evidence to support these allegations at all 289. You are (EXPRESS). forbidden to use a calculator in this examination. 290. The (RENT). nnne Of that car is $50 a week. 291. | counted on your (DISCREET). 292. The clerk (SCRUTINY) 293. Grandfather gave a (THANK). _ and you let me down. ss the banknote with a magnifying glass. _...Sigh when he got home. 294. We felt (APPREHENSION). . .. about the exam 295. The (INQUIRE)... She had to make kept her busy all day. 296. Mother always has me prepare the (STUFF)... turkey. for the Christmas 297. The soil of this field has good (DRAIN), 298. Uncle John is the kind of person who can (MAGNET)... ccna, ONES, 299. She was famous for her great (BROAD)... 300. Last Sunday there was a service in (REMEMBER). killed in the war. 301. An old man was lying on the (PAVE)... and people just passed by. 18 | Otto Channel_KG dinh ky Lop HSG 1, A2, B1, B2-, B2, C1_HN, C1_HCM, C102 LUYEN THI ONLINE (ZOO: AL NNE OTTO CHAD Otto Channel__C1C2_HSG THPT_Olympic 30/04. T10. 2023 302. When the police stopped him, he was driving at a (SUICIDE), speed 303. After these defeats die team can't be in (CONTEND) __ title. the 304. This cocktail is a (MIX)... _... Of three different drinks 305. His unexpected recovery seemed (MIRACLE). 306. You can never guess what she wants; she is so (CHANGE). 307. On seeing the snake, she gave an (VOLUNTARY)... en IY. 30 In Dublin one can admire (STATE)... old buildings in Georgian style. 309. She showed great (PATIENT)... When she worked here as a nurse. 310. Some fashion models appeared like (SKELETON} few years ago. configures a 31 312. The principal threatened him with (EXPEL), . She has shrunk from society and prefers to live in (OBSCURE). 313. In the end this proved to be a (PROFIT). experience. 314. She has had this scar on her forehead since (BABY)... 315. Your well-known (MEAN). _.... i$ disgusting. 316. | can't understand his attitude; it is absolutely (EXPLAIN)... 317. This gymnast was a gold (MEDAL). at (he Olympic Games. 318. The citizens’ (REBEL) took them by surprise. 319. I'll give you the money back next Friday which is the (PAY). date. 320. You are an (IDEAL) happen. The (OPPRESS). 322. We all admired the (DECORATE) ...t0 believe that such things might really 32) ... heat was almost unbearable last summer. _. arrangement of flowers. 323. Aren't you (SHAME)... 324. They seemed (ORDAIN).. __ of what you have done? to meet on that very day. 325. The members of the Order were swom to (SECRET)... 326. As usual, she regards my project with (SKEPTIC), 19 | Otto Channel_ KG dinh ky Lop HSG 1, A2, B1, B2-, B2, C1_HN, C1_HCM, C102 Otto Channel__C1C2_HSG THPT_Olympic 30/04. T10. 2023 327. The 18th century brought about the (ENLIGHTEN) eee, OF the human mind. 328. Alex is a (RESOURCE)... promoted. ...young employee who should be 329. My daughter is (ALLERGY)... 330. | felt (POWER). . We tried to find her telephone number in the telephone (DIRECT). 332. They were fined for (TRESPASS)... 333. He looked so (TRIUMPH)... 334. The courtiers burst into laughter when they heard the (JEST), in this field. 336. Because of the excessive speed the tyres lost their (ADHERE). to dust and hay. under the circumstances 8 .... ON private property. ..... that | realized he had won. 2 335. We are interested in strict (SPECIAL)... 337. She asked her lawyer to start the divorce (PROCEED). 338. His unique goal was the (REDEEM). of his family, 339. The (OPPRESS) heat was almost unbearable last summer. 340. Your well-known (MEAN). _... 8 disgusting. 341. The little boy (BATH)... his feet in the stream. 342, An (OBSERVE)............... child remembered the scar on the face of the stranger. 343. We need someone with a real sense of (COMMIT)... _.. to the job. 344, The hero is a sensible but (RESOLUTION). _.. young man, 345. | can't understand your atypical (PASSIVE)... 346. Their behaviour was (ADMIRE). wasn't it? 347. She looked like the very (EMBODY). of his dreams. 348. This time he had an (PREDICT)... Feaction. 349. Many of the (WAR)... nn. fought valiantly. 350. The (REMAIN), of the estate was on lease. 351. Roosevelt was elected four times to the (PRESIDE), con Of the USA. 352. Scientists are still (MYSTERY),.....as to how the crystal skulls were made 20 | Otto Channel_KG dinh ky Lop HSG 1, A2, B1, B2-, B2, C1_HN, C1_HCM, C1C2 Otto Channel__C1C2_HSG THPT_Olympic 30/04. T10. 2023 353. | understand the (OPERATE). 354. We admired the (FLORA)... decorations. _...has given me a wrong number. 355. All had their (HABIT)... _.. Places at the tables in the teacher's room. 356. All our proposals met with their (PERSIST). refusal. 357. She gave a detailed (APPRAISE). of the situation 358. These new claims were a shock throughout (CHRISTEN). 359. | was amazed at the (FOOL) of some of the drivers in such weather. 360. His luck suffered an unexpected sharp (REVERSE)... 361. Didn't you know that his (OBSTINATE)._ was proverbial? 362. The invaders committed a lot of (ATROCIOUS).. 363. There was a (FIX). ... in her insistence that | didn’t like. 364. She is rather fat because she is so (ACTIVE)... 365. This liquid is colourless and (ODOUR). 366. His words are not (REPEAT). _.... in front of ladies 367. The tune that the (TRUMPET). played was very beautiful. 368. This child has not taken any (NOURISH), _... today. 369. The storm had (DESTROY), ... @ffects producing a lot of damage. 370. We may notice a (REVIVE), 1960s. of the interest in the music of the 371. The noise above was scarcely (TOLERATE).. conn and he — left home. 372. You must be (TELEPATHY). 373. This young man proved to be a skilled (TELEGRAPH). _.0 know what | am thinking 374. Your performance is undoubtedly (MERIT). 375. Itis very difficult to (HARD), crying. 376. He is highly thought of for his (INVENT)... . 377. No doubt everybody thinks that what they did was (DETEST) vu your heart when you hear a baby mind. 378. Our boots were wet because it was (SWAMP) 379, His (INSTANT). ... feaction was to cover his face. 380. She's rather (HESITATE). 24 | Otto Channel_KG dinh ky Lop HSG 1, A2, B1, B2-, B2, C1_HN, C1_HCM, C1C2 about accepting his proposal Otto Channel__C1C2_HSG THPT_Olympic 30/04. T10. 2023 381. That was a(MOMENTUM) person. 382. The wild horses were driven into an (ENCLOSE) decision to make for such a young 383. Given the circumstances, the (CONTINUE). of her studies is vital to her. 384. (APPEAR)... Of a former queen have been reported at Hampton Court. 385. This has been an unusually (COMPLIMENT). _.... Femark for you 386. Few people are born with (ENDOW), like theirs. 387. This is not a word in common (USE). 388. All of us hope for the (ABSOLVE). 389. Reality confirmed the predictions of that (VISION), _.... Of our sins. 390. | fear that the future of our bank is (PROBLEM), 391. between the two champions was emulating for 392. The tunes she played on the piano sounded quite (VIBRATE)... 393. It was he who had such a (FARCE) _ idea. 394. It was sheer (COINCIDE), ... that they were born on the same day. 395. They tested the (TRANSPARENT), _... of water in the village wells. 396. That was a highly (SPECTACLE). sssneee POMformance. 397. All these goods are easily (TRANSPORT) 398. Harold was accused of (PERJURE Normandy. by William, Duke of 399. Too many people stil die of (STARVE). 400. The (ACCOMPLISH), ... of that task look him several months. 401. The prices of these items are (NEGOTIATE)... 402. We agreed that the problem was rather (TICKLE). 403. In my opinion, the police action was an (INTRUDE) private life 404. He has had (RECUR)...... on his _. fits of rage lately. 405. Sorry to contradict you, but his work lacks (PROFOUND) 22 | Otto Channel_KG dinh ky Lop HSG A1, A2, B1, B2-, B2, C1_HN, C1_HCM, C1C2 Otto Channel__C1C2_HSG THPT_Olympic 30/04. T10. 2023 406. My daughter is going to study (DENTIST)... 407. The painting had that (ELUDE)....... quality that only great artists possess. 408. While digging in the garden, they found an (EARTH)... jug. 409. Lots of people go abroad in (PURSUE} __. of work. 410. This is what we shall charge, including (POST). and packing 4 . | find the problems we are facing (MOUNT)... 412. She never joined us because of her (TYRANT), father. 413. He is a totally (MORAL)... person who deliberately defies all standards. 414. Few countries can challenge Japan's (SUPREME). sessseeceesesceseeee WV electronics. 415. The civilized world has an (ABHOR). coceeeeee Of terrorism, 416. | remember her old father was (PARALYSIS). 417. All the data have been stored (SEQUENCE). computer. 418. His behaviour was (GRACE)... this all through the evening. 419. As a result of (SHRINK) this shirt is now too small to wear. 420. His work sank into (OBLIVIOUS) after his death. 421. The little boy finds (MULTIPLY). _.. Quite difficult. 422. In my opinion, the police action was an (INTRUDE). on his private lite. 423. Itis (PERIL)... _... to swim across the river on such windy weather. 424. They exchanged (PLEASANT). before approaching the. problem. 425, Their (DOG)... refusal to admit defeat became almost pitiful 426. The Earth has a (CYCLE)... _. Movement round the sun. 427. Her fingerprints on the gun were (CONCLUSION). 428. The (RESEMBLE). _.. between (he two girls is striking 429. Yesterday a substantial (SEIZE), 430. Is this money (SUFFICE). 43 proof of her guilt. 2 _.. of drugs was made. for your expenses? She received only (PITY). ue !0OKS from the audience. 23 | Otto Channel_KG dinh ky Lep HSG 1, A2, B1, B2-, B2, C1_HN, C1_HCM, C1C2 Otto Channel__C1C2_HSG THPT_Olympic 30/04. 110. 2023 432. Her (TIME)... death at twenty-seven grieved everybody who had known her. 433. (REMIT)... May be made by credit card or by cheque. 434. | can't understand your atypical (PASSIVE). 435. Religion has been a (COHERE). ... force in any society throughout history. 436. He lived a life of utter (WRETCH)..___.. with no support whatsoever. 437. A large sum of money has come to her by a recent (INHERIT). 438. The crowd were (EXULT)..____..... at die end of the game. 439. A (GUARD). us. _.. angel is believed to be a good spirit that protects each of 440. We were lucky to have an judge who gave a fair verdict. (PARTIAL), 44 This factory was (NATION). 442. | am (MOMENT). promise. 443. This girl is very (AFFECT)... 444. Itwas (PROVIDENCE)... .. Many years ago. at a loss but I'll come to my senses, that's a _.. towards her parents. ...that they were there at the right moment. 445. The (SUBMERGE). _.. of Japan was an apocalyptic movie. 446. The (RAPID). nnsunen Of his Movernents took us aback. 447. My uncle left the army and became a (CIVIL), again. 448. He suffered a (CONSEQUENCE). loss of hearing after the blast. 449. The Last (EMPIRE)... is an exceptional movie. 450. She gave all her (SAVE)... to her brother. 451. The (TIDY). _... Of his room was impressive. 452. Years ago. the (EXPLOIT). ‘common. of children in factories was very 453. We should (INTENSE)... our efforts to find out the truth. 454, Believe it or not, your plan simply isn’t (WORK). 455. The price of cars is still (PROHIBIT)... ..for many people nowadays. 456. A (WIDOW), is a man whose wife is dead 24 | Otto Channel_ KG dinh ky Lop HSG A1, A2, B1, B2-, B2, C1_HN, C1_HCM, C1C2 Otto Channel__C1C2_HSG THPT_Olympic 30/04. T10. 2023 457. In this profession men (NUMBER)... women by two to one. 458. Time and space are (LIMIT)... 459. The Christians worship the (DIVINE). of God. 460. This bank loan is (REPAY). .... iN five years as far as | know. 461. Unfortunately, when he died he left his widow (PENN 462. The plumber noticed an (OBSTRUCT). in the water pipe. 463. The diamonds of her bracelet (SPARK), ...in the candlelight. 464. Grandma still cooks dishes full of (FRAGRANT)... and flavour. 465. Six young people were charged by the police with causing a (DISTURB) 466. We want to sell our car and we already have a (PROSPECT) buyer. 467. He lay (CONSCIOUS)... on the floor for minutes on end. 468. His rudeness was beyond our (ENDURE)... 469. Itwas (PERCEIVE)... of you to notice that on the spot. 470. The bereft woman was crying (PATHOS) oo. . What most of us remember from history books are the (CLIMAX). 471 events. 472. The (NOMAD). .... tribes used to move from one place to another. 473. They have always admired your (PERSEVERE). 474. The principal threatened him with (EXPEL) 475. In order to live all (BODY). 476. She gazed in (RAPT)... a ...... heeds must be satisfied. ..... at the masterpiece in front of her. 477. Nowadays we witness a (WASTE)... _.. of natural resources. 478. \s dinner ready? 'm (RAVENING)..__...... after so much work! 479. The professor's (INAUGURATE)............. lecture. was very much appreciated. 480. He is a totally (MORAL) 48 48; 483. If we allow this man to go unpunished, it will set a (PRECEDE), °25 | Otto Channel_KG dinh ky Lop HSG At, A2, B1, B2-,B2, C1_HN, C1_HOM,C1G2__ person who deliberately defies all standards. . The room was scarcely furnished but its (CLEAN), made it pleasant. 8 . His twisted foot is a (DEFORM) ..... he has had since birth eS Otto Channel__C1C2_HSG THPT_Olympic 30/04. T10. 2023 484. If someone steals, he is (CHARGE), with theft. NEI 485. Let's take the first zebra (CROSS), w = % 486, The (WITHDRAW), uu Of troops took place gradually. Ja 487. The woman's voice was (MISTAKE) __. Margaret's. 2° 488. Some people behave as if they were (MORTAL) = g 489. She (SURE), me that my dress was beautiful g 5 : 490. That young man was noted for his (GALLANT)... 49 . My neighbour is an (ALARM), world 492. He earned his (LIVE)... by wood-cutting and hunting. 493. We managed to carry our luggage in a (TRAIL)... 494, The (CONVERT). pupils. 495. The band had the audience in (HYSTERIA). always forecasting the end of the from yards into metres is difficult for some 496. | know it's hard to resist such a (TEMPT), 497. He wrote a (TREAT), _..on the great German philosophers. 498, The students discussed Dickens’ use of (IMAGE)... novels, in his 499. The police acted in (COLLUDE). with the drug traffickers. 500. Do you have any (COMPLAIN). vena. tO make? 501. | can't recognize you; you're reacting like an (AUTOMATIC)... 502. Share prices were (BUOY)... _.. today in active trading. 503. Summing up: nine votes in favor, two against and four (ABSTAIN), 504. | won't be in time for the (REHEARSE). 505. Cathy is a woman of great insight and (PENETRATE). 8 . This book (SATIRE)... the political parties in 18th century England 507. | hate being around spiteful or (QUARREL). 508. Has she given a (SATISFY). people. _..... @xCuse for her behaviour? 509. In the end our fears proved (GROUND) 510. The (DESCEND). 511. He (LEAD), °26 | Otto Channel_KG dinh ky Lop HSG At, A2, Bt, B2-, B2, C1_HN, G1_HOM,C1C2__ and we calmed down. down that steep slope is quite exhausting. her into thinking he was rich. Otto Channel__C1C2_HSG THPT_Olympic 30/04. T10. 2023 512. Nuclear (DISARM) _.. is one of the main issues mankind is confronted with. 513. (CLAIM). ..... for state benefits are more and more numerous. 514. The general (ASSEMBLE). _.... Voted against it. 515. Let's put an end to this (NONSENSE). argument. 51 a Ihave to (FROST)... the chicken before cooking it 517. We were surprised at the (INTIMATE), of their talk. 518. Her kindness and reliability were (PROVERB) 519. She is not exactly (NUMERATE).... but she is not very good at counting. 520. He sticks (MAN)... to any task, no matter the obstacles. 521. The success of our lessons depends on the (APT) __ of our students, too. 522. I'm sure he did it in (DEFY), of my orders. 523. Is the subject of this sentence animate or (ANIMATE). 524. His (OSTENTATION), ...concern for the poor is disgusting - he's just a hypocrite. 525. Without the (PATRON)... _...of some firms, the event cannot take place. 526. He whispered with tears in his eyes: “Oh God (MIGHT)... _. Save me”. 527. She has only a (RUDIMENT), knowledge of the subject. 528. He was granted permanent (RESIDENT), conn in Canada, 529. They heat him (SENSE)... and left him there. 530. Seeing that the wind was blowing strongly, the sailor (TIGHT)... the ropes. 531. The professor's elaborate lecture was (COMPREHEND)... most of us. 532. Artificial heating (HASTE)... the growth of plants. 533. The old shepherd had a gaunt, (ANGLE)... _.. face, 534. He was highly respected for his long and successful (JOURNAL). career. 535. She stood (SCORN), when she heard the terrible accusation. 27 | Otto Channel_KG dinh ky Lop HSG A1, A2, B1, B2-, B2, C1_HN, C1_HCM, C1C2 Otto Channel__C1C2_HSG THPT_Olympic 30/04. T10. 2023 536. He's too mother- (RELIANCE) ... for his age. 537. His unique goal was the (REDEEM). _.. of his family, 538. Christians believe in the (RESURRECT), ene, OF SOSUS. 539. won't allow any (INTERFERE)... 540. A person with an (INFERIOR)... ... whatsoever in my business. complex is generally quite shy 541. The boy was surprised at the (DOCILE} __.. of his pony. 542. While digging in the garden, they found an (EARTH)... __jug. 543. I don't think this heavy piece of furniture is (MOVE).. 544, He lay (CONSCIOUS),

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