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SUBMITTED TO – Dr Praveen Babu P

SUBMITTED ON – 26 March 2024




Pratham Goyal (2223329)

Rana Pratap Simha (2223331)

Rohan Kalra (2223332)

Saaket Kumar (2223333)

Sanchit Maitra (2223334)

Shah Hussain (2223335)

Shubham Kumar (2223337)

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<div class="container">
<h1>Proposed ERP System for Jewellery Manufacturing Industry</h1>
<div class="section">
<h2>Major Outcomes</h2>
<div class="content">
<img class="img1" src="image1.jpg" alt="Image 1" />
The ERP system brings several key benefits:<br />

Increased Efficiency: Less waste due to accurate inventory management, faster

production with optimized planning, and more time for employees due to
automation.<br />
Stronger Financials: Improved cash flow, reduced costs through better
inventory control and planning, and easier compliance with regulations.<br />
Happier Customers: On-time deliveries, consistent high quality, and improved
communication lead to greater customer satisfaction.<br />
Better Transparency: Real-time data provides insights for better decisions,
resources are allocated efficiently, and clear tracking ensures
accountability.<br />
Empowered Workforce: Skilled artisans are utilized effectively, payroll is
fair and transparent, and collaboration is improved across the company.<br />
<div class="section">
<h2>Factors Considered</h2>
<div class="content">
Internal Factors<br />
Understanding the intricacies of jewelry manufacturing processes
is crucial for tailoring the system to industry needs.
The ERP system should accommodate the organization's structure, departments,
and user roles.
Seamless data flow across internal systems and databases is essential,
including compatibility with existing infrastructure.
Change management strategies are crucial to address employee concerns and
facilitate adoption of the new system.<br />
External Factors<br />
The system should ensure compliance with industry regulations for
quality, safety, and sustainability.
Flexibility is needed to adapt to changing market trends, customer
preferences, and growth initiatives.
Integration with suppliers through EDI or other protocols is essential for
efficient procurement.
Meeting customer expectations for product quality, customization, and on-time
delivery is a key focus.<br />
Design Factors<br />
Scalability to accommodate future growth in users, transactions,
and data storage is crucial.
The system should be flexible to allow customization based on specific
business needs.
Robust data security measures are essential to protect sensitive customer and
business information.
User-friendly interface with intuitive design and features like role-based
dashboards enhances user adoption and productivity.
<img class="img2" src="image2.jpg" alt="Image 2" width="500" />
<div class="section">
<h2>Integration of Business Functions</h2>
<div class="content2">
<th>Department and Stakeholder</th>
<th>Roles and Responsibilities</th>
<th>ERP functionalities</th>
<td>Inventory Management</td>
<td>Inventory Manager: Oversees inventory levels, manages
stock replenishment, and minimizes waste. Production Team: Tracks material
usage and reports discrepancies.</td>
<td>Barcode/RFID tracking for accurate inventory movement.
Demand forecasting for optimal stock levels. Inventory reconciliation, batch
tracking, and expiry management.</td>
<td>Production Planning & Control</td>
<td>Production Planner: Creates production schedules,
allocates resources, and optimizes workflow based on demand and capacity. Shop
Floor Supervisor: Monitors production progress, identifies bottlenecks, and
makes real-time adjustments using the system.</td>
<td>Production scheduling based on material availability
and order priorities. Resource allocation (machinery, labor) for efficient
production flow. Real-time production monitoring to ensure adherence to
schedules and quality.</td>
<td>Supply Chain Management</td>
<td>Procurement Manager: Manages supplier relationships,
negotiates pricing, and ensures on-time delivery. Purchasing Team: Generates
purchase orders based on inventory levels and forecasts.</td>
<td>Supplier integration for streamlined procurement.
Automated purchase order generation based on real-time needs. Supplier
performance metrics for continuous improvement.</td>
<td>Financial Management</td>
<td>Finance Manager: Oversees financial operations,
ensures accuracy, and generates financial reports. Accounting Staff: Processes
invoices, payments, and reconciles accounts.</td>
<td>Automated accounting processes (AP, AR, General
Ledger). Real-time financial insights for informed decision-making. Regulatory
compliance through accurate financial reporting.</td>
<td>Quality Management</td>
<td>Quality Control Inspector: Performs inspections at
designated checkpoints, identifies defects, and initiates corrective actions.
Production Manager: Ensures quality control processes are followed throughout
<td>Integrated quality control measures throughout the
workflow. Generation of inspection reports and corrective action records.
Maintenance of quality records for traceability and audits.</td>
<td>Karigar (Artisan) Management</td>
<td>HR Department: Registers karigars, manages their
information, and assigns tasks. Karigar: Tracks work progress on individual
pieces and bulk orders.</td>
<td>Karigar registration with specialization, location,
and contact details. Task assignment and work progress tracking for individual
artisans. Payroll functionality for calculating and disbursing wages based on
completed work.</td>
<div class="section">
<h2>Feedback from Malabar Gold and Diamonds</h2>
<div class="content">
Strengths of the System:<br />

Efficient production planning for meeting customer demands and

optimizing costs/lead times.
Real-time production monitoring to ensure adherence to schedules
and quality standards.
Streamlining procurement processes and ensuring supply chain
Automation of financial processes like invoice processing for
improved efficiency.
Alignment with company objectives in quality management, business
intelligence, artisan management, and customer relationship management.<br />
Areas for Improvement:<br />

Integrate predictive analytics for enhanced resource utilization

and last-minute order adaptation.
Utilize blockchain technology in the supply chain to strengthen
traceability, especially for ethically sourced materials.
Implement advanced financial analytics to gain deeper insights
into profitability and cash flow.
Focus on functionalities that support continuous improvement and
deliver superior customer experiences.
<img class="img2" src="Image 4.jpeg" alt="Image 4" width="500" />
<h3>ERP Model</h3>
<div class="features">
<div class="feat1">
<div class="symbols">
<i class="fa fa-address-card-o" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<span class="featname" onclick="myF1()">
Karigar (Artisan) Management
<br />
<p id="f1" class="para"></p>
<div class="symbols">
<i class="fa fa-check-square-o" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<span class="featname" onclick="myF2()"> Quality Management
<br />
<p id="f2" class="para"></p>
<div class="symbols">
<i class="fa fa-money" aria-hidden="true"> </i>
<span class="featname" onclick="myF3()">
Financial Management
<br />
<p id="f3" class="para"></p>
<div class="symbols">
<i class="fa fa-bar-chart" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<span class="featname" onclick="myF4()">
Business Intelligence and Reporting
<br />
<p id="f4" class="para"></p>
<img class="erp" src="erp.jpg" />
<div class="feat2">
<div class="symbols">
<i class="fa fa-link" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<span class="featname" onclick="myF5()">
Supply Chain Management
<br />
<p id="f5" class="para"></p>
<div class="symbols">
<i class="fa fa-cogs" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<span class="featname" onclick="myF6()"> Sales & Billing </span>
<br />
<p id="f6" class="para"></p>
<div class="symbols">
<i class="fa fa-handshake-o" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<span class="featname" onclick="myF7()">
Customer Relation Management (CRM)
<br />
<p id="f7" class="para"></p>
<div class="symbols">
<i class="fa fa-database" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<span class="featname" onclick="myF8()">
Inventory Management
<br />
<p id="f8" class="para"></p>
function myF1() {
document.getElementById("f1").innerHTML =
"Register karigars with details like specialization, location, and
contact information. Assign tasks and track work progress for individual
pieces or bulk orders. Manage wages and payments based on work completed.";
function myF2() {
document.getElementById("f2").innerHTML =
"Implementing quality control measures to ensure the production of
high-quality jewelry items that meet customer expectations and regulatory
function myF3() {
document.getElementById("f3").innerHTML =
"Record income and expenditure related to raw material purchases,
wages, and sales. Maintain ledgers for karigars, suppliers, and customers.
Generate basic financial reports (income statement, balance sheet).";
function myF4() {
document.getElementById("f4").innerHTML =
"Analyzing data collected from various modules to generate insights,
make informed decisions, and monitor key performance indicators.";
function myF5() {
document.getElementById("f5").innerHTML =
"Integrating suppliers into the system to streamline procurement
processes. Manage supplier relationships. Ensure timely delivery of raw
function myF6() {
document.getElementById("f6").innerHTML =
"Generate bills with itemized details (weight, stone details, making
charges). Track sales data for different product categories and periods.
Manage advance payments and credit facilities (if applicable). Point-of-sale
(POS) system integration for faster billing.";
function myF7() {
document.getElementById("f7").innerHTML =
"Managing customer orders. Tracking sales. Maintaining customer data
for marketing and relationship management purposes. Capture customer details
and purchase history. Manage communication (phone, SMS) for order
confirmations and marketing";
function myF8() {
document.getElementById("f8").innerHTML =
"Track raw materials (metals, stones) including weight, purity, and
cost. Manage finished jewellery with detailed descriptions (photos, weight,
stones). Real-time stock keeping with clear categorization (type, design,
etc.). Ability to handle loose gemstones and components.";

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