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Midas Civil


Seismic Analysis Overview


What is Seismic Analysis?

The seismic analysis is a part of the structural analysis and the calculation of the response of a structure to earthquakes. It is
part of the structural design process, seismic engineering or structural evaluation or retrofit in seismic zones. Lateral loads
applied by the earthquake
❑ Vibration loads
❑ Additional forces due to P-Delta effect
❑ Non-linear behavior of steel and concrete

Linear Non-Linear

Static Equivalent Force Method Pushover Analysis

Dynamic Response Spectrum Analysis Time History Analysis

Types of Seismic Analysis

Equivalent Force Method

Equivalent Force Method

Equivalent Force Method

The seismic load is represented by static load applied in the direction lateral to the structure. Equivalent Force Method is
linear analysis in nature – no material non-linearity is considered.


• Relatively simple to understand and apply

• No need rigorous calculation and is relatively fast

Cons Plan Transverse Loading

• Doesn’t take into consideration the dynamic response of the

• The nonlinearity of the material is ignored
• Doesn’t give a detailed response of earthquakes

midas Civil offers Element Beam Loads, and Nodal Loads to

Elevation Longitudinal Loading
apply the static load for equivalent force method.
Response Spectrum Analysis

Response Spectrum Analysis

Response Spectrum Analysis is the dynamic analysis of a structure subjected to earthquake excitation using the
response spectrum. Response Spectrum is a plot of the peak or steady-state response (displacement, velocity or
acceleration) of a series of oscillators of varying natural frequency, that are forced into motion by the same base
vibration or shock.


Eigen Value Analysis Mode Shapes
Spectrum Analysis
Modal Directional Factor

Effective Modal Mass & Ratio

Procedure for Response Spectrum Analysis

Response Spectrum Analysis

Types of Mass

• Lumped
Consistent Mass Lumped Mass
• Consistent

*In addition to lumped & consistent mass, midas Civil can also consider off-diagonal mass in case the section offsets are defined.

Types of Analysis

• Subspace Iteration
This method is effectively used when performing eigenvalue analysis for a finite element system of a large scale (large
matrix system)

• Lanczos
Tri-diagonal Matrix is used to perform eigenvalue analysis.This method is effectively used when performing eigenvalue
analysis for lower modes. If the model is complex this analysis is fast.

Eigen Value Analysis

Eigen Value Analysis Results

• Natural Modes (or mode shapes)

• Natural Periods
• Modal Participation Factors
• Effective Modal Mass

Analysis Tips

❑ Eigenvalue analyses must precede dynamic analyses such as Modal Time History analysis or Response
spectrum analysis.
❑ The response spectrum analysis uses the natural periods from the eigenvalue analysis.

Response Spectrum Analysis

Multiple spectrums input

Reflecting modal damping ratios

Response Spectrum Analysis
Excitation Angle
When the seismic excitation direction is parallel to the X-Y
plane (Direction='X-Y'), the sign of the seismic loading
angle [Degree] is referenced to the Z-axis using the right-
hand rule. The angle is zero at the GCS X-axis.
• X-Y: Apply the response spectrum loads in
the horizontal directions (directions parallel
to GCS X-Y plane) of the structure. Modal Combination Type
• Z: Apply the response spectrum loads in the Set the method of combining modes in the response
vertical direction (GCS Z-direction) of the spectrum analysis.
structure. • SRSS: Square Root of Sum of the Squares
• CQC: Complete Quadratic Combination
• ABS: Absolute Sum
• Linear: Linear Sum

Apply Damping Method

Select the damping property of the structure
• Direct Modal
• Mass & Stiffness Proportional
• Strain Energy Proportional

Spectrum Functions
Select pre-defined design spectrum functions, which will
be used to define several response spectrum load cases.
A same spectrum from a code may result in several
spectrum functions depending on the damping ratio.
Therefore, this becomes useful when the user wishes to
define several spectrum functions based on different
damping values in a structure. 10
Pushover Analysis

Pushover Analysis

Introduction Define Pushover Global Control

Pushover analysis is a static procedure that uses a

simplified nonlinear technique to estimate seismic Define Load Cases
structural deformations. Structures redesign
themselves during earthquakes. As individual
Define Hinge Properties
components of a structure yield or fail, the dynamic
forces on the bridge are shifted to other components.
A pushover analysis simulates this phenomenon by
Assign Hinge Properties
applying loads until the weak link in the structure is
found and then revising the model to incorporate the Results
changes in the structure caused by the weak link. A
second iteration indicates how the loads are
Procedure for Pushover Analysis
redistributed. The structure is “pushed” again until the
second weak link is discovered. This process continues
until a yield pattern for the whole structure
under seismic loading is identified.

Pushover Analysis

Use Initial Load Accumulate the

reaction/displacement due to the initial
load to the pushover analysis result.

Control Option - Specify the Target

Displacement to be applied to pushover
• Global Control Target displacement is
specified with respect to the node where
the maximum translational displacement
• Master Node Control Target displacement
is specified relative to the master node.
Load Pattern
• Load Pattern Select the load pattern out
of Mode Shape, Modal and uniform
• Mode Select the mode

Pushover Analysis

Interaction Type
• Select None for Beam
• Select P-M-M in Status
Deformation for Column

• Always Select Fx for
columns (PMM

Time History Analysis

Time History Analysis


It is an important technique for structural seismic

analysis especially when the evaluated structural • M, C, and K are the mass, damping, and stiffness
response is nonlinear. To perform such an analysis, a matrices
representative earthquake time history is required for • R(t) is the external load vector
a structure being evaluated. Time history analysis is a • u(t), ú(t),and ű(t) are the displacement, velocity, and
step-by step analysis of the dynamic response of a acceleration vectors of the finite element assemblage
structure to a specified loading that may vary with
time. Time history analysis is used to determine the
Define Properties of Non-Linear Links
seismic response of a structure under dynamic
loading of representative earthquake
Procedure for Input Non-Linear Links
Types of Time History Analysis:
• Boundary Nonlinear Time History Analysis - Time History
Define Time History Load Case
Boundary nonlinear time history analysis is used to Analysis
analyze structures with nonlinear support
Time Forcing Function
conditions such as base isolators, viscous dampers
in a seismic event.
• Inelastic Time History Analysis - Inelastic time history Ground Acceleration
analysis is dynamic analysis, which considers
material nonlinearity of a structure Perform Non-Linear Time History Analysis

Time History Analysis

Devices for Boundary Non-linear Analysis

❑ Viscoelastic Damper
❑ Gap
❑ Hook
❑ Hysteresis System
❑ Lead Rubber Bearing Isolator
❑ Friction Pendulum System Isolator
❑ Triple Friction Pendulum System isolator

Seismic Control Devices

❑ Viscous Damper / Oil Damper

❑ Viscoelastic Damper
❑ Steel Damper
❑ Hysteretic Isolator (MSS) Isolator (MSS)

Time History Analysis

Time History Type

• Transient - Time history analysis is
carried out based on loading a time
load function only once. This is a
common type for time history analysis
of earthquake loads.
• Periodic - Time history analysis based
on repeatedly loading a time load
Order in Sequential Loading
function, which has a period identical
Select a time history analysis
to End Time. This type is applicable for
condition previously defined,
machine vibration loads.
which precedes the time history
analysis condition currently
being defined. The Analysis Type
and Analysis Method for the
current time history analysis
condition must be consistent
with those for the preceding Damping Method the damping method
load condition can be one of :
• Modal
• Element Mass & Stiffness Proportional
• Strain Energy Proportional

Time History Analysis

Ground Acceleration Dynamic Nodal Loads

Rotational angle
about GCS Z-axis
signifying the direction
of the horizontal
component of the
ground acceleration.
Sign convention is (+) The user can do the time history
in the counter- analysis with Moving loads using this
clockwise direction feature. The user needs to define
and (-) in the the moving loads as Dynamic Nodal
clockwise direction, Loads.
with reference to the
X-axis. There is no feature like dynamic
element loads 19
Time History Analysis

Time Varying Static Loads Multiple Support Excitation

This function is used to In a structure with multiple

reflect the effect of the self- supports, different time
weight in the time history history forcing functions in
analysis due to seismic terms of ground
loads acceleration can be
applied to different
supports at varying times.

1. Define the self-weight using a Time Forcing Function
2. Assign the Time History Load Case for the self-weight.
3. Define a Time History Load Case for the seismic load,
selecting the previously defined self-weight time history
load case as "Subsequent to Load Case" under "Order in
Sequential Loading".
4. Perform analysis.
Thank You


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