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Basics of Smart Systems

exercise 2

dr inż. Paweł Szulczyński
tel. 61-665-20-43;
Exercise 2.1
Prove that sigmoidal neuron at large synaptic
weights approaching a neuron with a
activation step function and at small synaptic
weights approaching linear neuron.
Exercise 2.2
Consider a multi-layer feedforward network where
all activation function are linear. Prove that this
network is equivalent to a single-layer network
Exercise 2.3
Define the activation function for one perceptron
to realize gate: AND, OR, NOT
Exercise 2.4
Use Rosenblatt’s algorithm to learn perceptron.
w(1)=[-0.5, 1, -1, 0]T, x(1)=[1, 1, -2, 0]T,
X(2)=[1, 0, 1.5, -0.5]T, x(3)=[1, -1, 1, 0.5]T,
Asume learning coefficient n=0.1 and correct
outputs are d(1)=-1, d(2)=-1, d(3)=1.
Use bipolar perceptron and activation function
Exercise 2.5
Use Rosenblatt’s learning algorithm to resolve
exercise 2.3.

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