Exp 3.1 DT Saugat

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University Institute of Engineering

Department of Computer Science & Engineering


Student Name: Prashant Kumar Date of experiment: - 30/04/22

UID: 21BCS11102 Branch: Computer Science & Engineering
Section/Group: 505 (A) Subject Name: Disruptive Technologies
Semester: 2nd Subject Code: 21ECH-103

Aim of the practical Understanding robotics development platform

environment to model, program and simulate robots.

Tool Used: : Coppeliasim


Step1: First we type coppeliasim in any browser
University Institute of Engineering
Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Step2: After that click on download and download the coppeliaSim


Step3:Now installing the coppeliaSim Edu

University Institute of Engineering
Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Step4: Now open it.

University Institute of Engineering
Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Step5: After that upper side of thre screan there is a add button
,click on it and select primitive shape and select a sphere.
which dimension (0.2 )
University Institute of Engineering
Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Evaluation Grid (To be filled by Faculty):

Sr. Parameters Marks Maximu
No Obtained m Marks
1. Worksheet completion including 10
writing learning
objectives/Outcomes.(To be submitted
at the end of the day)
2. Post Lab Quiz Result. 5

3. Student Engagement in 5
ce and Controls/Pre-Lab Questions.
Signature of Faculty (with Date): Total 20

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