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Lesson Fractions Fish!

Subject Grade 2,3 Art

Title/Focus Emily Laidlaw, Rachel Nibogie


General Outcomes
● Art
● Math: Number (Grade 3)
○ How can place value support organization of numbers?

Specific Outcomes
● Math
○ Fraction notation, A/B, relates the numerator, a, a number of equal parts, to
the denominator, b, the total number of equal parts in the whole

At the end of the lesson students will be able to:
1. Students will be able to identify fractions by creating artwork based on different
sections of a whole.


● Paper with fractions circles on them
● Large blue construction paper
● Google eyes (small and medium sized ones)
● Glitter, glue, and other materials the students might want to add for decoration.


● Print out different colored papers with circles on them. The students will cut along
these lines to represent fractions.

Introduction Time
● We have been learning about fractions in math! 5 min
● Obviously shapes are really important in artworks, you see shapes
everywhere. So today we are going to use our knowledge of fractions to
make an underwater sea landscape.
● Here’s a video to show you what we will be making today!
● (skip to
1:50 in the video)

Body Time

Fractions art 30 min

Step 1: cut out the different fraction circles on the colored

Step 2: Arrange the parts of fractions to make a couple of

fish on the blue paper. Once you are happy with your fish,
glue it in place.

Step 3: Add googly eyes to your fish

Step 4: Label each fraction that you used in the fish. Write it
with a sharpie or a pen really small on a part of the fish.

Step 5: Add any other elements to the underwater scene you

would like. (seaweed, other fish, etc.)

Extra activity 20 min

If students complete their work early then they can complete
a math mystery activity, word search, coloring pages, etc.

Fractions color art

Conclusion Time

● Fractions are in all kinds of art projects! 1 min

Some students really struggle with fine motor skills. Having pre-cut fractions pieces so that
the students can just glue the pieces to the paper will significantly reduce the work time
for that student and allow them to focus on creating a sea landscape with fractions
rather than focusing on cutting out the pieces.
Some students really struggle with fractions and using more than 5 fractions. Writing
different types of fractions on the board to remind students of benchmark fractions
would help them identify fraction circles on the paper
Also, the fraction circles are already drawn into different patterns (½, ⅓, ¼, ⅕, ⅙, ⅛, 1/10,
and 1/12) so student do not have to draw and do the circles themselves. This will help
students to label the correct fractions and to use asymmetrical pieces for their artworks.

● Completion of fractions art by utilizing the preprinted fractions on the circles
● Artwork rubrics (see below) will be used to grade the students based on criteria we
have set for them.

Rubric for completed artworks

Excellent 3 Proficient 2 Basic 1 Not yet 0

5 fraction circles are 2 of the fraction Only 1 type of No artwork was

used to make sea circles were used to fraction was used for completed.
elements within make a few sea the artwork
artwork. creatures.

All of the fractions in The fractions were No fractions were

each animal or plant labeled according to labeled in this
is labeled according their size artwork.
to their size (⅓,½, ¼,
⅛, etc)

A variety of sea A few sea creatures Only 1 sea creature

animals and plants and plants were was created for this
were used in the completed for this artwork
artwork artwork

Students used a A few colors were Only 1-2 colors were

variety of colors in used for the different used for this artwork
their artworks from elements of this
different fraction artwork

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