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Pe;iOdi~ la~b!,·PE!.

riodic Properties l
v --
and\Variations of ~Properites

,ries and variatio ri.1 of propertie\ - l'lt v,·icul arid Chemical
, . ,die pr,1f " .
I c fl ( ' . l . 1,rorx:rt ie ., 3.nd I hur v: ,n;il llln,
111 gruur, ,111d ~ nod:-. .
) pc nuutl
11 Ji ·,;m,i ,, 11 .i rr,·n./.1 ,,f th( follol\'111~ pa 1udw ,,,nr,a 11n 1r1 J.
[ k /// I ' i n ,u111 w ul peri ods 1·/wuld be studied ;
• ,JIN nl( , • ' • 111<·rall ir· d wrt1(' /rr • non-metrill ic characte r
• , , ~,, ;
11 1 1 1 0 11
1'''1<''111,1/ • 1•/,·c 111111 u(fin11y • ,·lt'l'tro nel(ativll v
,Jicil \ 1H1 1hc h.i,1, ol ,1tomi c n11mbc r Im clcmrn
p l ) l\ 'lll . b
• (l ;i , 11 ,d\' , :t 111 t1 ,il' m
,wdir tnhf, , 111> 11111,·rinrl ./ (.111,Jenr .1 to h,· e>. pm crl to rh e comple
1P modern periodic table but
, .. ,1111 -.,1i, n , 1 11 1/1 h
,11J... £ J 011 !'le111t'11t.1 l1no11d pcr111d -1 Colciurn ):
, ,, ,.1,,if ,, ir1· ,m,/ ,,f/,, 1 1C l rH!'ci prnp<'rt11•~ robe n:ploi11
1 Pd n11 rli r /Jn.1 i1· of nuclea r cha rgl' and shells (not nrbita ls)
,.,._ iol r,J, nm, 10 1/ic ui/..a /1 mc1u /), al/...alin
11 e ,·orrlt m<'tals, /i alugens and i11 n 1 gases).
e \ -. tirJin ~ o 1hc· 1cc·on111i1 ·11 da1io11 nf f11 tf'rnati nna/ U11in11
11( Pure and Applied Chemistry (I UPA C). the groups
\ t>f · ,; :, ,.,iicml (ro,11 I r, ) 18 rc·11!,1n n~ rh P older are
noration nf >!,ru1tp.1 Ii\ .. .. .. VI/A, VIII , 18 ... .. .. VI/ Ha
nd 0. However.for rhe
•wm: 11 0; 11111 hut h 11otn rio11.1 wi/1 /w affeJH cd.
,,,rt ~'.'~m~"[IA _\ 1i~ 11i1B 1v13_ ~'!l viii} V1i0 r V~'.-- L18 ]118 IO A IVA VA- v1A VIIA O'
~~~U0~1J ~ L~I3 4 L~ 1 6 - 2_ L81l~)~ I ~ 2 13 14 I~ . 16 17 18

l .l INTRODUCTION Mendeleev to place 63 eleme nts known at that ti me

Elements are pure substances made up of one in vertical columns (groups ), and in horizontal rows
·, nc of moms. They are the basic units of all (periods ). He predicted the exi stence of those
;,·pes of matter. In order to sludy elements in an elements which were yet to be discovered. 8 111 thi.,
~rganised manne r, they need to be classified. method could not exrlain th e positio11s n( c·l rtu i11 1

You have studied in class IX the contributions elemc111, . the ro re eorth 111 etals wul rl,e i s(l/0111 •., .
These defects were removed when Henry Moseley
0 f Dobere iner, Newlands and Mend eleev to the
classification of elements. put forward the modem periodic table, which was
based on atomic number.
Dobereiner grouped the elements in group s of
,hree (triads ) wi th similar properties such that the ! Atomic number is equal lo the number of electrons \
atomic weight of the middle element was the in the energy shells of an atom.
arithmetic mean of the other two. 1

Physical and chemical properties of an element I

Erm ,_ . 40Ca, 88 S 137 B . d 350 oo B 127 t depend on the number of electron s and their I
npu: · XI 38 r, 56 a an 17 ' 35 r, 53 \
arrangement. \
~ewlands observed that when elements are
.L'T anged in increasi ng order of their atomjc weights, Hence atomic number is the fundamental property of \
an element. I
.' 'I
,.'h ', 1 111, nt )( ~i11llP'~ ,1·0111 wn de 111c/lf --- --- -
___ __J

't 1' 1
, r,i., ·1 ,t LI L1 1 .... 111 111 it" phy .., ic:)I , nd Mo sele y state d that ··t•11: ph~..,ical a nrl
rl ,, l ~J. r~r il -.,
chem ical prop rrties of clement~ an.> the pr riod k
\1endeleev gave the fir~t periodic table of funct ion, of lheir atom ic numh er" .
·l:menh based on hi s law which states that "th,·
Later on Niels Bohr gave the extended form
I ', '< 1r ' I ' , I , 1
1, 1 i' 11 I '1 \ , , f of the table known as the long fo rm of the modern
·r·1"1 . This arrangement enabled periodic table (give n ahead ).
T.\ l\l ,E 1.1 : Tl IE I ,ON<: F< llt ~l
n ,..
Rep resenta ti ve Ek nic nt, @ g.
s - bl oc k
Tr.u» it ion kt aIsGROUPS ~ 00 C:

7 ,i . block
;-C: e;-
rI -- ·- -- .. . -, ~
Perioct,.s - 3 Repre~entative Element~
-l ) ,'loble ga~e~ ;1 Co)
\\\ 6 7 :::, :::,
..,__ 8 9 10 a. l)Q
-- 1 , ---- --11 · block
I 11 [Jl r:,
-- - - - --7 1p · blot7k
H \t Acti ve metals 13 14 15 16 17 :::
18 -· 3 (ii
Hydrogen Ato mi c numhcr - - State "O
(A lka li meta ls & Alkaline canh metal
,) ~
ll\. , Symbo l Heavy metals an ao
"O -")
11~ (ii (ii
1 3 0 4 0 O So lid \ Metalloid s ,,
·2 L, ::i -
Name lllA (ii
- · ::;
Be - ,, ......
No n-metals ~- (ii
Litluum 0 Liquid
Berylliwn 5 0, C ::
, (JJ
Q Ga.', Non -metal s (Halogen~) \.B --
' 11 D 12 0 (ii - ·
3 Non-metals (lnen gas) )loron ~:: :
Na Mg ::; (JO
Sodium Magnesium nm t•·~ 13 D (ii "'
-...,- r-_,-,
,·~ vrn 'VU~ Al I ·.• Si [Jl
- "'O
• ·l 9 D 1 20 0 I 21 D
,,.. llB Aluminium - 'JI
4 I 22 D 23 0 240 :.;. · ~
K Ca Sc 2S 0 260
1i V
270' 2sD 290 oD r. ;;
Cr Mn Fe 31 D C: -
Calciwn I Sc:!Ild,um I Titarnum Co Ni Cu - ,-L
Vanadium Chromium
Manganese Zn
Iro n Cobalt Nickel Ga Ge As ~ r.
37 D 38 D
Zinc Gallium
I l
'GamUUl/tn Melli r
c.. :.:
39 D 40 0 41 0 420 C: ()
5 11 . Rb Sr y 43 0 440 ' 450 46 0 47 D 48 49 ' . .,, £.
RubidiWTI Stronlium
Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh
o· D so □ 51 D 52 D 153 " 0
Y1tnum Zirco nium Niobium M1Jlyhdc-num
Pd Ag Cd In rn c::
Tcchn<lium Ruthenium Rhodium Palladium Sn Sb I Te :;., 3
Silver Cadmium Indium
,r Sb
i·"• Anrtm l l ,
Tm ony lodu,o . • .
i Anrtmony Tellurium -
56 o I 57 -71 73 0 74 0 75 0
I 720 760 770 780 o :'
Ba Limh amde Hf Ta w
790 so □ 81 0 s2 D 83 D 84
Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg
D 1 Q, ss
Hafnium Tan1alum Tung, 1en Rhenium
TI Pb .Po f At ·.
Osmium lrid,um Pta1inum Gold Mercury I Bi
Thallium Lead Bismlllh l\)loni um J~ I~ .
~ ~- . .
104 1105 1106 108 !09 110 111 113 co::!.
107 11 2 114
Ac11 nide Rf Db r g_
Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh Fl 115Mc en CJ)
Serie, Rulhcr- I' 16Lv Ts lllS0g
I Dubnium Seabo,giwr Bohnum Hassium Meit.ntrium Darm,rnd- Roen!• Copa-
ford,u tium g<Oillll mc,um
Nihonium Acm,;i um Mo"-" ' ium :
I" '
T ~ ag -
/-block ::! .
..:. Lanthanidt 5 7 58 0 59 0 60 0 61 D 65 D 66 D 67 D 68 0 69 ::,
lll ~ . La
O/ Ce Pr Nd Pm
z < Sen es Tb Dy Ho Er Tm 10Yb□.171Lu 0
Lantha Cerium Prts<ody- Neodymium Promclh1um ~
~1~~ I:J.~,u~ I :9o?.n~ Terbium DysprO)ium Holmium .Erbium Thulium Yll<!S... l.JoetlUI
~ f-< 1
~z. .:. 89 0 90 0 910 92 0 93 94 95 96
l-' Actinide A 98
Th Pa Np Pu Am Cm I 99 I JOO 101 / JOO
~~ Sene
. s Actin\
C um Thoriu m Protac tini um
Uraniu m Neptun ium Pluloni wn Americium Omurn
I" I lk~:.lum CaJlfaS;,.m £1~.n,u m
r!:. ~d
i'°'J ~ ~
crS -C: ... '6
n SA llf. Nl rE ATURE S Of l'Hf MODE QN 'Vi,1" : rh, · clcnw111, or p, roup~ 1. 2_ 11 14
1 1\ 1<, "''" 17 hi" c· I. :' ' · J · " · ( 1 ·1n,I
prmootC l ABLE" (SEE PAGE 2) , 7 cl cctron, , 11·
il w ,r \., dc ncc , lwll (rn11 ern1r,, 1 , hcll i re,pccti \ ·I
l h,·, .11 ,· ~nllw n ,,._ ,~ll' main l(roup elem~nt; ~~
n'tl•'l'Wnloth-e fh~ment~ q r normal , lemtnh.
l h,· n11 1rn111 ic;,t ~hell (If all the clement" ( 11 the..,c
1~ H 111p, , Ill' it1 l'1)111p lcte.

c;roup IH : (l.crn f WUJJ) El e me nt, of

1'1 1, ':! 11 H1 r nr c r,ll lcd ,, ,, hie ga'ie \ " ' i11ert
'',, , , 1· "'lh'll h ,lll' kth 1 \\ 11 .h \ lk~lli
' '" '... t.;' I gn,t•,
nn·u h • ' " ,, , , ,li.•~· ,,111 ,, thn IP1 111 ,t11, n•':- 1lit'' l' r ll'm cnh h,1\c 1hc 1r nute rmo, t orhll
u 1111rlr lc Due lo c,,t ah k electro ni c contig urat1 on.
, .n~rp : \ l~:,linr <.' a11 h ml'tal, l hn h'i 111 l li l' ) h,mll ) 1-c ~icl v. 1t h other element ,;,.

11 _. i._, II.. , . , ~-,,m1 ,m:d 11, ~rl111 p l L' k inr iih .

Cn ,• .. , ' • ... . 5-. (' . .. · S. 9. 10 . 11 and 12 .i t c
The re arc St'ven horizontal rows in the modem
" ., ,, , .'·,' ( n 1n , itio n <-'ll'llH' IH s. \II th L·
I prn ndir l,1hl c. The> 8rc known ac., periods (,cc table
• , , ~· 'h'Ul h · ,ll \ ' t1h ' L1! , The, h.1, c
t l ' l 'tl heh)\\ ).
lit, • ",, ,; ' '1 I /1/ 1 1>/IJ/ >/ «·: c•.

l •S-""IJ' ' ·' : "'" •' 11 f,un-: , 13(' h' ll i, the fir,1 Eac h peri od hcg in, with an clemen t havi ng one
•. ·1, ,,' , '1 ;2r,,u:, ,.'k l't ro n in it\ ,·a len ce !- hell a nd e nd~ 1.Ni th
l , r.lUj} . .. · , ·.H1'1.'ll L:11ih. C\)t 11 plc1cl) filled outerm ost orh it (valence she ll J.

'-;map IS: \ 11n f 1·11 f.1 111tl ~. 1 The number of Jhell s pre sent in an atom
deten11i11es its period. For t'.tamp /e :
Cntup ll, : d \ , ~t·n t°J 111i l~. al , o "-nu ,,·11 a:-
ch:ih.'1l~t·n., . : · ic.111111~ nn.' fu nrn nf . Ele ments of per iod one hav e one i:;h el l.
Cn 1 • · : ;· ~l ' 'L' c: 1.'111enh fn 1111 ,.dh and so arc elements of peri od two ha ve two "hell s. and that of
, ,, . , H3logrns , me:rninf - , J lt fo rmers). peri od three have three she ll" and so on.

13 '4 '6 '8


;wd : H -.e

s 3 l.:; ·o L
,- Be, BS cci '~- 01 F'
\ e ,~
2 . 2 ..c ~.3 2 .. 25 23 2- 2.8
- -,- ---1- - -
.. ') ·a r,a .. •.~g ,, 4
,n , -:;---AI -
11 s II p 1, s : ,,. ~r ,s

2 ,8 .? I' ,'G Vfl VI G VID VIII It' Ill 2 B3 ~ B -l 2.8 5 2 8.6 : 8 ... 2 8 S
;' 6,1
- - - ·- ....
3r J~ l\ rlei
't 1J 0 3G K. Ca
2 8 Ii 1 ? B tl '.l - - -
- ----
- .- H
Xe _,
Ru ~
At,., Rn , 6
,:i ) ~(j C•,, La,
Ts 1.. 0 9 118
A. 1~ rr ,

~an1r..1n ctr I
~\ - ... '.:"-: '"') "'r "rt?r I
· ~ .:. "" ,-e c- 11i'l n•et,11s
: • " .: '::- 12 -:- · ,~s1'.:on ele"l' Pnts
- _., \Jt' r<\S

" ·
· ::!

·- ... ~3 i.:.e ~
',,~;~'-=.- L.~nthanides (R
~21 .--c .
31 e
A-:::irndes (Rad ioacr,ve eleme~; _
eanh eleme11 1sl ,nner l ri1n s1lion Elements _______ _______ __ __,

.. ----- - - - -::-:-==-1
-- ___ ..J
~\,\, ' , ...,.,,~
' ' ,~ t \ ,'l
\ 1-,-.u c•U\ l ,.,·H'\'-lltf
,, Ub , t'i,t \~u rtth l'''
Ill\ 11 ._ 1, " 1. \t N ll r
~ l'1\' HJ " '
l'h11 ,1
' ' l:-- .
.• '\ '

' '
':-, ,~.I ' · l·,\\mh

l ' \1
• I '

• I

(• ' ~ ,~.\:. I ~. -
l 1tlh

' ' \,,

, t 11 \ , .. ,, ,, ,, 1 •en 1 ►.I. 1. t .•
fn •m ltjt 10- riglt
' '- ·' \'\I~-, ' Uu .,~'- '' 1111: fl'\' IH kl l ll' right
rn ., gi \\.'ll 1
t n,~
. ">1:.'
lltl' 1,u nb ,· r l' l ~h d l ~
~- \ _;·•; ·,; t". l l\ tht' : nd
11.·m ,11 11, tht' , anic
l"-' n1.x\. th~ llll tnb,·r ,,r ~he·~·
. , '' . l\'l\ \ ,Hll ~ I \\ \ ), u· .. t't}U
,1 I ll' I ht' numht' r 1.1f 1
the ()(>
~inuLui ~ 111 !he' third pcn nd
tht' nu m~ r t-'f ,~:
t\-' m,nn~ thft'c' and s1.1 on.
(2) Va len cy
, .... ... , : , ~-- .~t. , , .,r .Htt':1
\t e. \ .Ut'fl\.')' dt', '\'it '~ t11~ 1.,,m
_. ~
. ':- "'. . . _ ~~. ~ ,r~ ."r'. . 1~ ~ ..... r\' b;n ng ~ar ac1 t\ ,1 tt
• .·" atom ot' an d t' me nt. lt i~ equ
. , :.::,- : :t: :"" ,· ·,·.-~·r,,n al to tht' numh.:r .
~l~ ·tn--ns an Jt\) lll 1.· an J, ,n.itt' or .1,·-:-ert or ,~ r

()•: ';t 1 \ 'd! ~ tl(H \11

· l l,: ,>';_, ,r rlit' t>!H er•,
-- -- --
~l\ t'll grt. >UJ> . lilt' ';Jr
((i q sire /I. i.t' .. , :ile~ i:'!

,';-:'-.'t' ,lll. rt'n uin ~ tht' ~am

e . Therefor
e. nll enC'I.
,, &rnup . .tl~t..' remain:- the :-am
e. ·
- i- =-'-'-~- ele -ct ro n~ ln ..1 gi, t' n period. the num
!.It t:~ • ~. un
in t b r ber nf el~ tr\.m , ..
• •u .. - J...
·H :':.·-:.·_·-. D ? , !.f.l t'
.·. t . \'Il"Ct ron ir
:he , ~tlt'lK't." (1JUl t'm1us t) she
• .
ll incre3sc::- frn:r '.t·
, .. ..! 2r. Sb t"t" cbf
filiral pro
per·ties co :i~ht. But the , ale ncy inc rl':.
d ec i..'Dt., de pe nd
isc>s onl ~ upt(' Grp_·
ro 'I..- ·
upon til€ nu mb er of clectrons l-t " here it bernme~ -t and
L'.le -~r '-"O Tff lDO S'I shell. thus ele th\?n it Jecrea~c'~ . ..
me nts of the i:1 Group 1- it bec om es I.
~t< ~ p :un e ~inrl~u propertie
. ' st-:L_S
a.i ,C~E -s, AND \ A .. ENC
.Vote 1 : Valene~ de pen
ds on the> num~, t !
c:':c(' tro m in the vlllermo st
she ll \ i.t \Jkr.,~
she ll'. H the nu mber d ek ctn
• :- ~ ...~ ... -: , - ...."'•\ .'.\t ' ~!\ --~ ~
: tl:i? . . :.:.:~ ?U~ 4L ,~•· :e~1h"'-st
--ins pre:-ent 1P t~(
~ ·:' -- ·· -- ·· :·j: - ~ . , he''.~ :ire · . 2. ~ c,r 4. the:1
·. .. _, orbi~ ,,:- the. r ,Jler.:_
i, L 2. ~ 1..); ..i rc ~~ (t ·,cl~ .
E :;.1 ( m: n'b cr of ~k....:1ron
, pre,enl H"'. tr.e
\."'l.tcrr: 1 c1 st ,hel~ ,'.Jc ~.
h 1y· - . tr.en t:'1eir \: k~ :)
,\ ot ,· : Lanthanu . , an c Ie m en I ha•s • eq11 a/ s th e nu mbe
k~ (rare c:1rt~~) G.roup 3 of th e whi ch thnt clement
r ,~f th e perj , ,
si xt h pe riod anu , c\crnent:--) 04
:u::1imdc~ (rad 1oad 1V belongs.
G ro up 3 of th
e se ve nth pc no . d h:w e s~·t 1nilar For exlllnp/rJ' in ha
lo ge ns (G ro up 17 ).
. . · " (jr ou p
p1npcn,e~ because
-, th ey ht•lo ni;'. Hi th e sn 111 ~ . ~~t No. of F.
.i. Th ey
are ~h ow11 at th r I10 II ,111 of I1ll'. pe iio d1r with !!hells
lectr onic \ Period lo llilr
( co nfiiuration
tub\c hc rnu!-c \hey
arc 1:ir~c 111 · u111hc r ·,111 d ·if slH)Wn 11ton,ic , th e elellltrttlth
1n th i.:- 111a,n hn dy . n d. · .. · ~ ...·hnpc
ol th e l:.t l' lc' " ,ill ,~w1, 11.. . ~m~" K LMNOP belon~
Th e third pcrt•ou...1 1, nc nt , N:1. Mg. Al , Si ,
I · (9 )
--- - - - ----
2 '2. 7
P. S ,ltld Cl. :-- .
C Cl
\rn 1m :1 n ~l' 1

he prnpc•I tl ~ . . ' or th e ir
Cl ( 17 )
Sec0 nd
~ 2. 8. 7
rc , pl' l't l\ • ·a l ch .>m cn t.., .
l' £n , 11 p:-- an
u ,llL., L·:1, ll cd 1'• pu.., T hird
Br (.1,5) 4 2. 8. 18. 7
~ - \ Foun.1,
A p,·1 11>d i.f rid (
Sr t' ll]' I .\ ,it tt' .
mc d '" ti
. ,r n11 m/ ,rr O
( ·Ir
,. /ic•/1' cm d n
' ·
n» ln l'li I)\ ( Ill . 111an/lcr i' i c·t 1·0 11 s 111·(' 1·e 11t
I ! 53)
At (85)
2. H. I ~- l X. 7
2. 8. 18 .3 2. 18 ,7
I h fth
111 1h<' ,, 1, 11
J .,, < \<1,1,rlt . • ·
1 1\1 ~Ii<'//. . l,
s,x \11 1111 \rn , ,·1l() lll ll 11\ ltn X:I 11
c-lc~IT,,nu: ..-,,n f1gur: · "~, S I I ,a~
:rn <l its
I I . thrL' e orbits
I ( h) ..~cross
a peri od , i.e., from
On moving from le
left to right.

ll1L'll ,, '.· ·, outermost

, ~h1.l\, ) ,m d h J •\e or bit , \ fl to ri~ht in a give
, lrnc t.:: '- •·tr nn in li e th e nu m be r of sh n !)erii~
l .rd d I Si ell s re main s th e
hL n1. t· 1l ,~ pla ~·el-
1 in t ,_, pe n od a.n group . milarly. exampl e, in the 2n : , ame . F
l ... , n: m .
ato mi c num l)C f ,.,0
l\ . 8 . ~ i ~ placed
- ·

electro111c co nt·1guration 2
, J remains two, i. e. , eq
d period , the num
ber of she~1
in fourth period a ual to the number
- -- ·- n d ~ =--- - -
- Similarly in the th of th e pe fiOd'1
ird period the num
1.3 PE RlODICITY remains three and ber of she ll;
so on.
T\~~ pt'l~~ ies th
-;_t re~ppear at regu (2) V ale nc y
l~ ~nterv~ls,
< r 1 '1 \\ ·h · ·h the re
lL ·s t,oradual va na tw

. t't .•, c (1.e. n
:-' or de c' reas. e) at regular interv Valency denote s th
e combining capa
als, are
·J pn io dfr pmpe
nies' and the phen
, \\ n as the pe riodici
ty of elem en ts .
omenon I atom of an elemen
electro ns an atom
t . It is equal to the
can donate or acce
city of the
pt or ,hl:.I't
---cu se of periodi
city O n mnvin g do w
7 i,, , ul l't of ec n a give n group
rio d ic i r_,, i~ the of elec tm n s in th . the number
,,·,, i.' or t / , uo n rc c11 rrc11ce of e oute rm ost shell
i, co nfi.l.!. uratinn i.e elec tro n, remains , i.e .. \·a\en ct
11 01 1
1/ , r of
. /,(ll ·i11g the sw11c the sa me. Therefor
1 / , l ,.,, \
1 11 111 tl1e 011tc m ws a group, also remai e. valency. m
t. t orhi ns the same.
In a pa rti cula
r group, el ec tr on In a given period,
ou te rm os t or hi s in th e the number of elec
t re main
the same i. e. elec tr trom 1r
c o nf i~ ur at io n is onic the valence (outer
\ im ila r. Since chem most) shell in crea
?f ical properties to right. But the va ses from left
e Je rn en ts de pe nd lency increases on
upon the number 14, where it beco ly up to G1w
m th eir ou te rm os of electrons mes 4, and th en it
t sh el l, th us el em in Group 17 it beco de creases . i.e..
sa m e ~rou p ha ve en ts of th e
si m ila r propertie m es \ .
1.4 Sl-fELLS (OQ ~ -- 1 : Valency de
-- ---- --
O rb it s : E le ctron- -- -
NCY I e,le~~ron s in the
p~ 1d s on ~he- num
oute rm os t shell (
ber of
i.e . \.a len ce
s revolve around th - ~ shell) . If the num be
ce rt ai n de fi ni te e nucleu s ir, r of electrons presen
ci rcu lar pa ths calle outem1ost shell are t 1n 1he
shelJs. d orbits or l. 2. 3 or 4, then t h ; , I c,·
. is I , 2. 3 or 4 re e. r \a en ,
- -- - - -
If th e nu m be r of
"') N u m b e r of sh el ec trons present
ells ou termost shell are in ihe
, /) ,w 11 5. 6 or 7. then th ei
T he nu m be r of
fl gr up .
·. '., f r< m top to ho
llo m .
is 8 - 5 = 3, 8 -- 6
= 2 and 8 - 7 = I resprecvativknC)
Note 2 : Valency is el: -
shells in crease s su the co m bi•ni•ng ca, p ac itv sn it
' )O t' h, · o ne ccessive ly. , ·
, such that the nu is alvvays positiv e.
mbe r of shells that
-- ---,
i\' \ VI \ \ 'II \ h ·rn Nomo two olemehts in each cue :

\~W~~ 11 il I 1, i/ I~ (I) Alkali metals (11) All<ahno earth "'4rtala

(111) Haloqoni (Iv) lnon ga..
I l •l n n('nl ~ ,,f 11 I) 0 r lomen\11 ot group 1 and ctement2 of group 17 both
1hr 1 nd ~rl,...l h AV0 vnlenr.y 1. F1plJin
X 10
7 Corrocl tho e1at1men11
I ''"'"i' "'' t-. l K I Ii ) Clo manl s in the Game period have ttie
' I lt~·t n •lth ' \ ' 4 aame
, «'nfip1r11tlN• va lency
(i1) V0loncy depends upon IJio number o1 ,;he113
1n an
,,, ,,r ,twl l\ atom .
(11i) Copper and zinc are represetit.a tive elements
j o.-,11111~ ,,I (1v) Transilion ~loments are placed at extreme right
the periodic ta ble
I 8 What do you understand by ?
111 ilw \'t'ri(•dt l t;ibk (i) Period icity (ii) Typical elemen ts
• ,-kmcnl, :m: :m an~rd in order 01' incrca . . ing (Iii) Orbits
,ll l ,inh· numb rr (pn,h m numb er) . 9 Name two eleme nts that you would expect to st ow
• ,he, t rt;( il cnl umn, uf 1.'. lrmen h ~ ilh similar chemical reaclions simil ar to calcium . What 15 th e
basis of your choice ?
rn,1,c,1 ic, ,11"t' called groups.
1 10 Name the (i) metals (ii) metalloids and (iii) roo-rreta'.s
• t;ic ht)li7t)llt al rows are called periods .
\ in the first twenty elements.
• Rl''- diTl.'lK C in properties due to same numb er \
l'1 dr1.:tro11, are seen after a difference of
:. ~- ~- l X. I~ :md 32 in ~.llomic numb er~.
I 11. Fluorine , chlorine and Bromine are put in one groc..p
on the basis of their similar properties.
(i) What are those similar properties ?
• Pn)pcnic, 1..l elements depend upon electrons (ii) What is the common name of this group rx tamity
.11 t'1e , aknc c ,he ll loute rmost orbit ) so 12. What is the main characteristic of the last
etement ·:r
. 1... 1.. hange in prn penies is seen each period of the Pe riodic Table ? What is t.1,e
1tk"lJ '-C 111 Jt()mic number. general name of such elemen ts ?

• Kc ,;..:1i ,c meta l:-- ;,i re in gro up I and 2. I 13. According to atomic structure, what determines wt.ct
element will be the first and which wm be the last in a
-~ n, nion element-; (metals) are in middl e and
period ?
n .,-:netal-; in the upper right comer of the
14. How does the number of :
; 1er.1..lJ 1l' t~1hle.
(i) valence electrons and
• L:1:~, i lll, ri frn m me tal lic to non-metalli
c (i i) valency vary on moving from left tc, ngtit
in the,tcler is ~een across a period. third period of the periodic tabte ?
15 . Name the type of elements, whteh have thei·
(i) outermost shell complete
lntext Questions ) (ii) outermost shell incomplete
(iii) two outermost sliell incomp lete
S·a!e mvderr period ic law .
(iv) one electron sN>n of octet
,, r~_.rre the scie:ntist who stated the 1aw
(v) two electro11s i'l the outermost O<bit
r 11' He,, rra'ly group s and period
s does modern 16. An element has 2 electrors ,n ,ts N she
per,Od ic table have?
(1\ What rs 11s atomic numt>er ,,
\'· 11at
are horizontal rows and .e rt1cc11 <' \ Jm'1S 111 a (111 State its pos1hon 1n penodic table
1~e11od ,c table kn own as ?
(1i1\ ls 1t a metal or a non-metal ..,
3 Pe riod •city is obs erv ed due to simila r ,1v1 State l"'le name ass,gr eo to th,s grou~
1n 1m ber o1 vale'1ce elec 11 ons . a1 o n1 ,c num ber (v' What ,s 1ne valency ol ths e:ement ?
elertr on!C CL nl1guratior)
17 Answe· tt ,e folio.,,11g f' respe<:~ of elemer.t ~~S.
l-1,''-' dof>S the electronic conf;gu1 atio1 in ,1tcr1s crange 1;\ G\e 11s elec:·c;'lc configuration.
,11 1,1 J pPriod tron1 left to right ':> ,'I, 1 o \', h1cr ~ rou~ and does it belong ?
,, \ ·n a group horn top to botto'Tl ') \•11) s its v31ency ?
\fl Nan
~ \J• ft I tlllf-4 O! • •~ ,tMll lf '?
, , 1 r, " ,- ~ 9 • 11 ('1 ao o#lt nO
CI I () W II l(wtttuta lllfftl f'IW ~l
~ '
~-/ ~
~,, •ro~,,
,a} uln lltA II mel at ll'l po1 1t,11 ! OM
t1'1lttid ...
h1lo O•" In nM1u9
1t'II '«-.
Nlt'IO t••
~1th 3 th< fir Atonti( rndi11 q <an al~q 1><!
11c11n<d •
ltl 1, ('l n<'rifflt'All l>ll'U 'lll m por11
"1 ' M'fd n\fit il in ll1'C I lllH le ;Ir d 11illll
{'O ,cwi I' ll..(' ootwccn lhc iH ~~
111 n 111ol(·c11lr '>lll.,u1ci 1
tdJ1M f'lt'M nl 0, f)t'ffn d ' w,tt, v•f•~

o) tht ••r,w mt 11"1 1)fllnM 3 wh/rh ~

!'lot !m1'n nwtdft ,JI J( I f I J
1t, iM • l,w,,c.,nt d l('\"'m n 111 '"• ' ch,,QO 0111 ~ Be


1100 Mg
T'hP. ~ih'lM 'I

,, 1:.1lnf ,Q1 1r11Mn

l'" I • ?hp p,oup niin11,, I of 1

( ll an r!t m°" I i 1si ~ A, MOM -< iv.)
\'\ 1\11 • tho l'Mi 'd numl>or t'>f
,, ;( I ~
1 " IN tE+l, NUCL£AA 013T ANCF•
f4 ,. "''"' volt'l"li'l\' n 1N'i!run, arci
thc>rt ,n on a1om
I 'nit : A11p,1mm IA 10
I ~,,\lit .. rtri \ cllt'" f.) of ,. I Ill
P1rnmc:tn· I p 111 I() I m
, i • o n~ "' a non-metal '
, Ml1 Atomic size dcpcnu'i upon :
ttu, eto-1t1r rr.Jmbor 19. is 8 ◄ and ? will1 ooch
lh(t l ~ l ' \ ~
(i) num ber of shcll1' and (i i) nuc
lear charg e
• nt•U l 01 \1llnr l r.\ o:,o
A f.ohc ncn-mete of porrod 3 dl ,\Tttmhtr of she/Ii·
I rem g. G
A11 increase in. the number of she/Ir inc
~ 4 ~ _,\0 11t -.◄'th VltOACy re
2 the size of an utom because the di \lun
ce b ~
(\ An ~ IOS ~ 2 (2017) I the outennn st shell and the nucleus .incr e~r
5 OD C PiOPERTIES (ii) Nuclear charge
1lt. r·upr.nrc, t)f drment, which are 1
It is tht posiJive charge present in the nuc
directl y
mrii."'l~:,1~ rclz, tcd lt ) lhrn clt,,.-c tronic umf q
igurations of an atom. which is equal to the num
d -..h, i~ . rc~ul:J.r ~rndanon as ~ e ber d
mov e across a protons in lhe nucleus, i.e., the atoffiJc
od fmm le11 h > nrh r or do" n the number.
gro up
',~l ~Jl{Olll. arr 1.n.llcd Pu, t h •row ,..,,l., . fro m An increase in nuclear cliarg1:.· decreum
Important penod1L prupenie~ are : size of the atom bec ause the electrom
are thi:1
attracted towards the nucleus with a grea
1' tiJltJnir set (r:tonm. r.id1w, l. rhereby b1i ngin g the outem1ost shel
ter force.
l closer to ~
·1 metalbr charartt·r, nucl eus.
• 1 rwn -mrtallu- rha rar
r nd In ato mic size (atomic rod u
' l ,onisation pOlnttial (10111--ation
enern) , '
( l I 1)1 rn II ,l ~Io Ip :
1 rlrctron affillily.

1 el, r.r,mrgari, ity.

,. {
f \ I 4
•t (, I

.,, , , •, , , , , , ,, l'h is Is due Io the

· Atomic size (at om c radius) SUlT l''~ ' w ,1dd 11 Hlrl of ~he l
Is (which ovrrwcighs the
1m-reasL~ d nud eur charge) as Llllt' mo\
'es from one
pc110J tt) rile 11e.>. 1 i11 a µr,mp For t'>.i1
mple :

lo ~ .iap -.e m C:e ~~;
1- c;e si-Ze oi. L::-cr
F < C < & < , ~
6-;. gs : :..1 . ~J. • .:... #

ch, A ~ a ptriod :
~lMSOP I· ,~ xi i.t:t' - ~ ·.: :--- .::- • :: ~ ·; · ; ·, -

t 1 . n I • 11:::1 :3 bc::z:-v ~ C .r{ez- ~ $ - ~.e

L"x ~TJlC wt:::ber ~~ frtic.: ~_._ ~-- __.._,. _, ""-..,.
A,... ,._ ... , - ~ '4-J.-

- ------ x.--:le ~ - ~ ·7 -¢:..g -.:x ~_c.g_ ~ -

0 ( Kl'!tt to t:.-r r..."'X~ T~ef.rxe r: ~ ~ -;err .r_
---- -- - ----- , ha~ ~ fou:::c ~~ ti:i:_~ 1..a i.:25, c.:e :.:...~
----- -
a:omrc ~ll.e wt= C f.;::n-ue fF r~ tzr -- ~-:.~
, I
t.imf period ~ 2:..'1CI LS t:::e
[n li'JC b_: £~ C.

stze and di~orme cm;;: ;~ ',:;;e .. -.-~~ ~

Solil : As rm m qAKN 4 ihe su: d ~ an:?! ;i

inert g-~ ac ~ 6ac ~ ,x die same
pecoc. -:r.:s is oo::z=_,e ~ ~ ::x.~ \fieC cf ~
ga..~ IS T~ x •'I= -:-x ;-:a-r.:;:,,-· '-=---'.:r:

rw;w i'"?rC"-'i.WY:, ~ - ~•'-"----------- T--= -:;;:::._ '4- ....,:

~~ - ~ ---
--:-::> - .-::,...-~
~ ............ .... ......_ ~

,.a .. ....c... n--n

c ...,...·o,,- ~
4' ~-----=- .;...__ ~ - ....A
,.h= \ C...-~"-
er~ -. •; -
see:i.Hence. the size oc t::1: e:r::: c:: 2:: ~ ~ ~
bigger. bm rn b.iggcr ~ ~ ~ ~ ci
theS2.:ne ~ ~

Trends in atomic siu acro5.'S a period.

Ekead'! lir:!::.s: Ber:- 11:::1.

u.rlcS.. - .!. 5

A.ton::k Radim •_:; : pm :1 .:. prr; ~s pc

rocr~ .
r· r-
. l
K '... Kl Kl


.\'ote : 1. Cation is aiwa~ s smaJJer the pa rent fro::1

1..-~ hi.::. .- :s :c,rmoo

Reason :
Cation is fanned b~ the lo,, of e!ecuer: " . her.-:e prolOn , 1 1re r ~re :~i.'.L"" e eetr.lfi :-- .:: c ::z::x St e· "'-- --- ~ -:. --=c

strondv. attracted b\. the nu.:leus aw are pu!1ed .r.v. ard Hen..:e ·he
:1!Ze ~ - . : ~:;.

~ a - e- ~ ~ a·
(2. 8. I\ ~- 8
Thus sodium ion is sma:ler than sod.iuo atom .
2. Af.lioa .. lal"Cff' {ba a (he par ftlt a1om..
~ : Ani on ii f ~ b
j the -p=n of do'"t.'U d ~
Thu1. . t!K num ber of dec •ro ct
,, ..·.re ~ , : b a 3 4

p,uc oafa J. The elfe ct.i ,e pt)' -itn e

cl:i.ar2< c.:J dJC :x ~
1'- ie..5. I,() lest. ,nv.a:srl pt.:J s c
- ~ l-!~ :.X
~ '7L, e-.,,pa_!)d ,

Th u', t• ~u e: UL'!O c.:Worme ~

ch1onn e l QlJ
3. Siu of ~ c iom u·
dx'. 1-(Xl ~ h.HD.1! lbc:
~m ,: c. m ~ber o f ~ --
~ " ::po. :i 1.h:e m,c~
cha rge (no ot pro:iam
· ~ lbt.- 111.. !clea r ch ~.e
( rude :i.r ;:,uU mz. Jkr :.-. L...e ,?~
l. xam ph
J~{CC :.1::-'lfa.K l <Kl \{ r~· 0~ ., a. f
J'\ o o: e ccuooi. !< 10 10 • rJ
"10 ,~ prntooi. 12 II 9 ~
\ / 1.. lli
- " -
0 (j~ J-9~
- -- -
I 2(, : 42
-- - -- Trend"> in me taf fic ch ara cfe r
1.5 .2 Me ta!!ic c h ara cte r Do wn o gro up
/ 11, "-, ,,,, ,, 1. , , ha . , a /l'nd~n,_, 10 lo :c.e r')n 111{)-. :n;; daw n a gro up . the ;:;y_:--~
·Ju II 1" r , t , : 1, 1 t: k f'•, r: 0 1 lhe o utcrmc)'\.{ .:)iz e im:.'l·~ ,c-- ~md ili!: ~ x ~
1,rhi1 1,,u./ ', 171 ,, /"' , ., c~ g< ; .::ht, t r_
f l (J/ fJ/'1-' { o n~ tdP N:'d rne wh . 1ocTea<;C°"), The effe ct ct.
~n tD !.T ~ ~ 1"' \
~j l£ i ~ greo.ter ~ cmTI.i--r,,r,::d
lO the JlJ CJ "~
nuc lea r cha rge . The ref ore., tendenc;• t ~
to :()•~
ele ctro n inc rea se, .anrl c lem ent s
·vt~ - 2c .. ,r ,,2 ~
, Vi e car: :0\e ?.: ,
ele ctr on'- eas ily . Th u •, metal lic :
-- 0 .. ~. 2, {
f2 . XJ nat u re .,I
inc re& et. tu. one trUJ ~e, dnw n
\!nl r• : H_ d1 ge ,~ an e!em enr (n<. a f(roup.
m me tal) whi<.h doc'.)
n<, ! tun e .:1 n.eurro n , ,t t:a~ .f:..Jcmcn~ at. the bot tom of c2 g;~
,ml 1 nnc electrc>n and one ;:i ; ,-=~ cr.
metall ic. Th.e ato mic ~i7.e is larg
p rnro n On ,,~,nr
thi e lect ron it fo ~ itb ca1ion
wh ich are loo sel y held , so ioru, are readily
e. hence ..:!"rf';•-:t.:
ha , onl y one pmt<m , t.hcr e fort: il', forrned.. Tir
c.:ati on can a l"'° be thec,.c el.em.cnt~ arc mo re rea ctiv e.
allt d a pro ton .
H - c --, H • Fxa mp k : In gro up 1, lith ium
i:, ifJ.e 'Z..
mc tal li'- eJemcnt.
Tne me lall ic ch< qf cJe mc nh
depend .., <Jn: .\ ote : tra ru. iurr i
(i) a tom ic size and c ~a:d.< a!.* . H: -
(iiJ nuc lea r charge . t. p~<)r ar;
· rlJL ')Lt ho v.r
·r, ,, , ~
I 2

, nt
<J klJ( 1/' I

.\ iJ
r, k (Jl/1' 2

f ,R.O IJP I 1 ( j /( ()/J /' 11 ( J/ ({)f ' P / ':I <., /U) (_,'f' / (j <,RO UP 17 GP(Jr.:P'
Al \1 ~I
k num Jwr ~ ( !
II 'i
f ,1
n. Hll
K, L , \ 1
7, H. l
\,f K L \,f V. I ., \1 Y.
I. : ,1
! ,.

~ 2 2, .-:. I
?. iS ·1
Y. I. ',1 r. L •.1
>-: C, (
l' .1\1 ,. l.1J % 2 ~

l\frt ..11 Mct<.11 ,,.,, ,.,;iJl ,,1 11 • " Jfl I I •;t_;;I

-- -- ---

-- -- - --- - - - - -
I I , J nw,i I •
t Ir I I• 11, 1 I,/I
IH I .Ir lril/ 1,I 11

I ll IJiH 11H1111 1
q,1 t1H d
f•j I Mt-HI

1111111111 1 I• 11 11 Al ... '" If ,,,.,. f tt ft l1t , ,,,t ,

'" tl ui
1 0, I " ' ► 11111 , ,,,, 11 111 11,w ,o 11, · ,, 1,, 111,,f
-~,,. t> r,1f• 1, 1 I ;,,
"'',_, 1\\1 \,111 \1 ll
11 It j1 1illl I 11 I I' I,," I /ff/ /I
.• 11, , /I ,.
II ~

I fl
II I rtfr
H,1. ,,1 ,r1,, 1 ,1,
,1,1r r1t ,r,
\ I \\1
I \, ill l11t \,i\ .. I ltf l 11 11/ 1111 11 •illil ,

~l• t,d •
~I, 1,dl ,t1tl
11 11 ,, 11,11 " I 11 1 , I II, /, ,, /• I I II I I I I f f

" ,1, d\ 11 , \ 11 11 ' ' "' '

11 ' 1' 11
' ' "
I I '
/ 1 /1 ,,, / /I I I I /,I

, , ,, 1 q\l 11.\I \ ' 11111 +II h I "' ' I t ti I '

' ,, ,,,11l1hl , \t ,./ ,,1 111 'I 1l11 ,, ,, t\/ 1111 /11/ /l1 I ,,1 , •111111111 1r , 11,, 4111 ,, ,,ud
,,, lll'1 , , •

1 /, 1111Ill
' M11 M,, Al ',I 11 ,,. t; I I
1 I
,..Jc" n,c h Ill
I 1 ,/ I I
Ii I I
t / ,1 ,, ",, '"' "'
1 11 , ,, 11 / Il l r/11 /I ,, 11/ 1 1/ /1 ' I

I If 1,,, f I /
I I" I I
N i111 11 11•1.,h 11 ·, 11 ,dl 1, I 1,, 111 1' 1,,
l li 11 Vt \ ,, ( Ii / I

I l,1 111,ltlfi 1,/ 1,~1111 ~ 111 ,, f, 1 '1! ~~ ft{j,if 1-:t:1

i hci, 11 111 1.• 111,,, ·1111il 11t •; 1lwy 11111 p1 ll11 \ , 1,1 I , 11 1 111,11

ll '' l" 'l 11 \ 1•1, . Ill ,11d, •1 I\ l 1111 111 11 I, , 1, I I ,1 \qt 11111pl 1 1, 1111 1, /i1ui tfi II fll!f /1,t/ 'f t lf l r t ,1 ( ,If
, .,h'llll' -.IIC' ll~ (1\llll ' lllh )l, l 1111lll t, ) 11 11d 1111111 ,Ill 111 111,11
I /If I ,111t1/tlt1 J;,, ' ti , 1 ~ if
I ill 1' \d//l/ l/1 ·, I 1111111111· (( ·,, " "" 11 ~, Yl!' ' II ,, ,, )1 111 11
.11ul ,> e ln 111 111/ rd 11·r1 1w11, vr ly 111 ln 1111 n111 q 11 ~ 1l1m, 1,1 1, t 11 ,1 1t1, 1d v ,, 11 1

( I t , I I '1 11 / , •,1 yt' I '/ I •II . ' /1 I, ( ,

\: , k , I l , , ,11,1 1 I ,i. I , ~ll'"f : IU

.., .I.
I I I , I ,.
,,. . I t •
() t .1,
I .', I t)
I'" I filll/1 II
N,rn 1nr 1:1ll1l' c li. 11 :1L"1 1· 1 :d r111 d1· 1w 11d ii 1,11 ,,
,,l :i tolll 1l 11 i,,· :ind <i1) 111 11 k :JJ , 11: 11 111·
(I ) Atomi<.· ,vht Smullcr thr at(,i,11 1• i., 11-1·, 11rc:,1,;1
1 :
he rr '0 re.,,,, .. I I
1'l tlw nuck;s r pu ll :ind th<: lc 1Jdni t y 111 i,~~11 11 'f b,, ,,~~t •, 11t ; fi1 dJ "Ji .. , U~/ • ✓! ,;/1' : r;r;;
c lt <.: trnn .., 'I hc1 r ln 11· 1 Il l e c: lc1111; 111 I', nJ'H t ,,~11d1~r.1... ; 1,, 11 1-1 1 1r 'I;,:,: r,,1:F• · 1 'JI .. •, , ur;.ret"- t;~r
norHneu.llk hy n:a111n :. 1 ,11 t,:r1n 1 / ~J 1 ,g~JJ 1 r,,,~;.;1t~· ~.~ ttr, 1.,;,.(..1 •,, ,.,~ ,I

(ii) Nudear charl(c : ( ;n;,at,cr tile r1 ul l< ; ;,r d,;,ry,;t~. 1: b Aff111 (, 1. 1y;14 ,'ef."1-:: ,~ 'tit, ,e~.twrty ·• (;,;: '-~~ ,,!

g1ea1cr ,, the;y In ,;air, clco r,,n( ~, J. hu,u H1Cf11 .',

; 1H ,ti ~ n/ :,l,t. ~•,-. • f~f .~~-"... ; •, , 7._fi ~.
more non-rnc'-"llk ,., lhc clL:ment (:lu,1 ru,.1 , S-,J t.(fit;,· ... t;~ ·r,~,... , of ·1.< , ftd:.; ..
, n riC"r1·iTI ,c.111 c cnoroc.J~r
Down a group Acr011a P"f1od .
l'h<: alnnm. • 11..L ,w,ri:,1·,c-, rl ut.: t,, 1Lc ~,ld11,1m
rn n1t,, · : fr·'f;' fd 1 r, ·t(; · ~ 1/"',,; /. ·;e,
if nn.v . ltclh ()V~r ' lU.( ',',J ;1; period , f h,,ugh tht
d1,~;-f, -- ~, ;';.w.... ,~ cl!°.tile7-, f~ ,,..r.:. . -~"I¾ .,.- •
1111< le,1r Lh~1r~,· 11H. r ca ,(•, d 1Jc t<i all 1w. r 1;11 ,4; m
11•1m:c rnm1hcr the dk{.1 , ,f im !nu 1 -~ ,,Y,v ~1,w 1.
•1 ,, , rt;1tn ·the ref ore
can ttl ,o loc.t clc c 111.H1\ (' 3\1
1 } hot onl ) in c<>mp J,J("O'llt(II of
to pro ur I ~ [md nOI ,u nil ans.on
rn compan '-<>n tn ~n,up 1 3 rd ~ ' :1 'A r 1\1 ~
A·, the lcndc nc } 1n lo-..c ch tn}
n, dC(.tr l:t<.e.'. rc., cll \l ll)' g.
ul'-o dcc r-ca\C, and thu , "' li1.
\t.P. t ..CI t) \ 0 N i(J 1~,,
on ,, the lea'-' rt'.aclf -.r .t.1-
<.' lcmcnt.111 1he th ird peri od l)c nSit,• , of Clc me nt
A ... \H rno , r f mm 'I 3Cf<O"~~' <'I peo
pho~phnru.., Lo chlon nc. the oradua ll y to ma ximum and c
tc•nd c-rx:) tn pam rk~ tron..,
,nc rt, L'-C..'> , hc:rlC'C: f'('3 Cli
he no t,ccd
the n " ligh l dee 't.--t,
\ II)' npJ lll 1n< r\.,l'-"
'.( {! , r~.~"
ni, rd vrnrw! ·
J,tet,,f'OI ·..:2 Mr .\ I \,
Nl'J Mf.' Al \1 p s Cl p
~0, 1
rt.i I ~•1\
le n,t 4 -
1i:1 1Ut' lf'
\ 1n \l I)ensf1y ,J« I0 I 7 ~ - , .
h Ht 11\ (' fl'~I ( II I (' n Q(l l\l• I '
de. lQ\ U Cl, :\:Ji ;<•
mc 1:il ' ~ -tll f ta I Do~n a grour den ~it ~
of ele ment<
gradual I} I;-.

The tcndc nl ~ of lmtng

elec tro n, inc rca\e<; Ekmfflt l.-1 Na K Rb
dov.n the t:roup . )in ct (
chcm,ca l reacti \ ity in,cnd, Uf>'>n the 1endenq rnctah Jkm tty wee 0 .,~.... q 9- ?Ii : 5~
to lo)c electron \. thu
rc.J.cl1\1t, increa--e, on going <i
down the gro up .
lntext Questtons;
1. What do yoo underS1and
by cr.omc srze ? ~ ,._
Tnc chem,cal reactivity of no 2. Grv e the trends in atom;-c s·2
t nn go in[ down the gro up
n-metal s dec reases e oo ~ ..

tr tenden q to gai n electm

as it depend s upon the (i) down the group ,
(ii) across the period
ns. which decrease s down left to ri¢1 ~
the group . 3. Arrange the eleme nts of
second 2.i-.: t.'-r--, _
increasing order of their
I f
gases) .
ato,n:c size
eXQ-..~- ~-~
~ ·~
rope es 4. Why is the siz e ct (i) neo
n greater than ~ - ;
The me ltin g and bo il is greater tha n magnesiu
ing po int s of metals m? ~
decrease on goi og do wn the 5. (i) Which is greater
in size ?
group , e.g .,
(a) an atom or a cation
Meta ls m.p. b.p. (b) an atom or an ani
L, 180·5· C (c) Fe2+ ex Fe3-
T\a 94.y-c (ii) Wh tch has higher EA
883 '-C . Fluorine c, 1\ec·
K 63 5':,C (iii) W'hich has maximum
774 ,,C meta§ : ctaraaar ~.a ..
6. Arrange :
The melti ng and boilin (i) Be. Li , C, B, N,
g points of non -metals 0 , F (in irc rea s:r J - ~
ncrease on goi ng down the character)_
gro up. -
Non- (ii) Si, Na , Al, Mg , Cl. P,
S (in docreasllQ ~
mp h Ph ys1.- I
ca charac1er).
Metals · · ·P· state 7· State the trend in chemic
Fl uori ne -- 2!9 ·6'-C al reactivft, ·
-18 7'-'C ga~ V,
fJ (1} across the third per
~hlorine iod left to right,
- lOJ'·C - 34•6GC

(ii) down the group _

gw. u
3ro mjne -7 -2'-C 1-,
+58·8'' ( liquid u a. in group IA (l ) b. i.1 group VIIA (1 :1
1dine +11 3 6°C -'- l83'·C 8. A 'Tletal M forms an oxi
\Ol id oe having the fonru'~ ~1:~
It belongs to thu d period-
Write the atcimc
~~ross ~ period , left to rig and valency of the metal.
nt an d boll ing point usually ht, melting
increa 9• An element X belongs to 3ro
se upto group periOd and 1-r-1 g;o.f· ¢
fV A ) an d then decre ase. (tl no . of valence ele
ctrons in rt.
11i) nam e of the element.

, ()
(iu) name the tamlly to which It belongs
(Iv ) wnle rhe formula of tho oompo und form od
when X
1A. Expleln why aro the followi ng statements not
(i) All groups cot1ta1n metals and non metalo
have the
reacts with Y ~1 (Ii) Atom s of elomentb in t11e same group
r somo numbor of cloctron(s) .
Toe given table shows elements with same numl)o
ns ,n I1s valence sholl (1 11 ) Non-metallic character decreases across a period
01 electro
wi th 1ncrorwe In otomlc number.
8 C
Elements A (111) Rooct1111ty Increa ses with atomic number in a group
63 0 180 0 97 0 es woll as ,n n porlod
State 19 (1) State the numbe r of elemen ts In Period 1, Period
(il Whelh er those eleme nts belong to same group
or 2, and Porlod 3 of the porlodic table Name them.
penod . (ii) What is th e co mmon featu re of the electro
of the elements at the end of Period
( II} Arran ge them in order of increa sin g metal lic config uration
2 and Period 3 7
charac ter.
(I ii) If an element is in Group 17, i1 ,s likely to be _
11 Whicti one of the follow mg has the larges t atomic ter, while with one
[metallic/non-metallic! in charac
radius ?
electron in its outermost energy level (shell), then
(1) Sodium (ii) Potas sium
it is likely to be _ __ [metall ic/non-me1allrcl .
,tl Magne sium (iv) Alumin ium _
1 (iv) In Period 3. the most metallic element is _ _
12. Which one has the largest size ? (sodium/magnesium/alumi nium).
(ii) I (iii) 1- (ii) Cl correct
l l 81
20 . Complete the following sentences choos ing the
, Mg , word or words from those given in brackets at
13 The metals of group 2 from top to bottom are Be
Ca, Sr and Ba end of each senten ce :
\i, Which one of these eleme nts will form ions
most (i) The prope rties of the eleme nts are a period
function of their _ ___ (atomic numbe r, mass
readily and why ~
(11 ) S ta te the c o mmon fe ature in their
electr onic number, relative atomic mass) .
config uration . (ii) Moving across a _ __ of the Periodic Table
nts show increa sing _ _ charac ter (group ,
nic eleme
14 Wnte tne numb er of proton s , neutro ns and electro non-m etallic).
period , metallic,
config uratio n of 9K. ~1 P. Also state their positio
n in
(iii) The elements at the bottom of a group would
the penod ic table. ter than
expected to show ___ metamc charac
15 Name the eleme nt which has : the element at the top (less, more) .
\i) two shells , b oth of which are compl etely filled (iv) The simila rities in the prope rties of a group
electro ns ? eleme nts are becau se th ey have th e same

1i1) the electr

onic config uratio n 2 , 8 , 3 ? _ _ _ (electronic configuration , number of outer
::, in its electrons, atomic numbers).
/iii) a tota l of three sh e lls with five electr on
valenc e shell ? 21. Give reasons for the following :
in its of a
(iv) a total of four shells with two electr ons (i) The size of a ci- ion is greater than the size
valence shell ? Cl atom .
as in
(v } twice as m any electr ons in its secon d shell (ii) Argon atom is bigger than chlorine atom .
its first shell ? (Iii) Ionisation potential of the element increases across
n eleme nt Barium has atomi c numb er 56 . Look th
a period .
16. A ic Table and a nswer c (iv) Inert gases do not form ion. (2018)
its positi on in t he Period
follow ing quest ions .
.., . ,orn sa O pc en 10 or on1sot1on
(i) Is it a metal or a non -meta l ?
I . ? n rov ( . ~ \ n on c:.rd1ori ,:)l"lthalov
(ii) Is it more or less reacti ve than ca c, um .
(i ii) What is its valenc y ? We know that the elec tron s in an atom are
(iv) What will be the formula of ,ts phosphate
? attrac ted by the positively charged nucleus. So, if we
(v) Is it larger or smalle r than caesiu m (Cs)
in size ?
want to remove an electron from an atom, some ene~g)
I Of the
Periodic Table , three eleme nts X, y
A d o.60 .A has to be supplied to overcome the strong attracttm
I group .. A
of the nucleus. And after the electron gets .rem~~ e,
17. n an
and Z have ionic rad11 1.33 ' 0.95
on arran ge th em in
from the atom, the atom then acquires one ~mt pos1t1 v
. .
re spect ively . G1 v1ng _a reas .' mber s in the
ic nu
the order of incre as ing atom
charge and becomes a positive ion (or cat10n).
gro up .
i 11
The enrrR , requi rrd addi tion of ex tra c;h
,, , u,mnvr an i /('( tron jr()m 0 eHs. Th~ .. •

' rnc.r .
e effec.t nf <l ~",-P
<; ize over come~ th
nii t mom 1111d ton,,,,, ,t ,ntn a
neut rnl 1m lat,.d Rfl\r
{'fH i1 1V l'IV dw , nu c1ea r ch· ar ge .r
. r of /N I ,onr ~otrn
• .
po re,1tia J (l .P I or '° . ·
,r, ,,
~rd ~ (H f (l ll\ n n ft
'•• .,·~r)'., ~,
"" at , nn t nrr,.. ( I· f' . ) OT rr- - --f.~

ionisation enrf10' (11--

M t ~, + 1 r ~ M• ,
<: , ~ c
M can he an~, eleme
nt f)t:nwnt ,.1
l Ill
I.F'... (KJ ~ - 1) ~2f'J 4/j,(,
I )
IJ ,·
loni-.ali,1n cncrg) de
pend ~ on Nou : • Helium will
ti) atom ic siz.c
( i1) nuc lear char have tr. e 1; -~..1.
ge en
er gy 2372 ·0 kJ m
( i) Atomic si:.e :
The greater th e ato mi ol lhr.i le·~,._ Iie.~
lesser th e force of altra c size , th e wi 11 ha ve the lo w ¼.e _~
ctio n. Si nce th e electro e, t ror. r\ a.4 .. _ l
ns 375·0 kJ mo l- 1 (I.
of the outem,o st ~hell E . of Fr -~ · ~ ~ilr
lie further away from correctl y a5 it i5 :-ad· ·.cit ,. _.
nucleus. thus make th e ';.~-~-c 1 eJ. '~.eT
their re moval easier
th e io nisation energy , i.e. , • Metal s us ua ll y
required is les s. · ha \, e lo~
1ii) N uc le ar
ch ar ge : Th e grea non-metal ~ have hi gh
t~r the nu cl ea r LE .
charge. greater is the
attraction for the elec .5 .5 E le c ron A
of the ou tennost sh trons
ell . Therefore, the el ff ni E
in the ou term os t sh ectrons ':;o"n i=nt'~ 'J p
ell are more firmly
because of which gr held We ha ve just studied
eater energy is require th~t to rcr.:.c. ,e a:. ...
re move the electron( d to from an atom , ener 0

s). gy is reqniretl. S.i=-:

a., extra electron is ad .:~r ·~t;::
de d tc., c:.::. ~·{\- . ·
Across a period released. ...........__ ~

The amount of en er
gy released ~
neutral ga se ou s is ol ~~ :___
at ed atoc . i.E~ --. :.:
(v.1th exce pti ons), - I
ch ar ge d ga se ous io 2 ~ . , ~ ·~
beca use the atomic n ( an ioc. b :" :b:
due to an increa size decreases - 1 ~~
se in the nuclear ch electron is called
El ec tro n A.ffirc
more energy is requ arge , and thus , ~ F 1_
ired to remove the el
ectron(s). X (g ) + e- ➔ X-
The ele ments (g - L.\..
of the 2nd X is an y ele m en1
Li Be B taken in i!5 ~a.s1::c u.s
period C '.'J "1 :- .:
0 F Ne U ni t : el ec cr on
i·o lr s pe r ~ i:o ---:
€~ ..: . m
Ionisation kJ mo H . Elec cron
aj in ir . i.s "~ rese-;:.~
en ergy in sign [- } e.g., .: :~ .:.t? !:i1
kJ mo1- 1 52() 899 80 I I 08 6 1402
13 I 4 16 8 I 20 80
C lt g) + e- ~ Ch g
- }..!. ~ [~ :::.-c:
Th e elements Therefore. el ec tro n
af fin i~ of ~hlo:i-=~
of the 3rd .s - _~ J K..' :::i:
~a Mg Al
period ~i p s Cl Ar
I.E . ( i)
in kJ mo1- 1
49 6 737
577 78 6 ato mic size an<l ( ii
I IJ 11 999 12 56 I '.) ~() I m.!cl e~ \.' P.1"."?:~ -
(i ) .4t
om ic si :e : Th e sm
c. !l u i~ t:· .;~, ... : ·:
D o· , n ,: :'fOup th e gr ea te r rhe ei
'e cr cr . c..::,;"ir.~ ;--. ::.:-
the e ff e c t iv e actr: ~~-'
There is an increase i ct i\ c ;·p ~~ c' ::ic~\}
in alomic number (nu nucle us and the \ .L ~.:; ·
char ge ) and atomic cl ea r en"-e e:ccm.'D5 i~ f=""
size down Lhe grou :.Z -~
p due to the smaller atom s, an d~
[ l Cf ' ' I
the .1..--e ~·-~'.
::-- •
(ii ) X uc le ar ch
arge : T;: l ('" l·...:rt·
r : ·:t" ... -.. · ~
cIw ~e . gn>mer i:s ,h '
r- - e t·:t·t·:..-cr. ~~-:::- ~-.., '
12 -
• .... . " .._l~ in nuckm charge increases the effective I ,k v 1ru 1\l' ~.11 i , i1 y ,.._ ,I tl 111w 11 ,io11/, \\ 1,,,,11r 11 ,

force lll1 the valence electrons. since it is only a tendency. It only indicates the net
result of the tendencies of different element s to
\'"i riotlon (Trena!") in e1ecfron affinity attract the bond•forming electron pair.
/ 1 , 1 11 1 /, I I, 11d1 II I
Electronegativity is measured on several scales.
, , • ,
l 1,i/,;, rlie atomic size
The most widely used scale of electronegativity was
. , , ,~c, mtd the m1l.'.kar charge increases, so the
\ l 'l 1"• ' ' devised by Linus Paulirag ( 1932) in which the
,· k-d 1'Hl nffi nit y increases. Thus electron affinity
highest value of electronegativity l for fluorine l j,_
l I'. .\ l i~ till' highl.'~t for grnup \ 7 clements
taken as 4-0 and the lowest one I for caesium J as
l h,tl l)i,,) and thl.· least for group I (alkali metals).
.., " \ 11111 1, \ 1h11, in ,,. mol

l\ II \ llL\ IVA VA VIA 1 VHA
~ I\ t:') l IJ) ( 14 ) ( 15) ( 16) (17) 1( 18) II 1 2 11 14 15 16 17

L. 1:k· 1:3 C N• 0 ~ - F
1~8 I
1Ne 1
0 1H
Be B C N 0 p
t,( l
'""'" S - 122 14 1 I 1-0 1-5 2-0 2-5 3-0 J5 4

lll '\ a ,1~· Al Si p s -~'.8 \ A, \

\ E
t -2
t -5
s Ct
_l O
:' .' - )0 -\ \9 - 74 - 200 - 349 I

- J A K Ca Ga Ge N Sc Br
s 0•8 1-0 1-6 1-8 20 :! J :8

Group I Rb Sr 1n Sn Sb Te
H - 73 N 0-8 1-0 1-7 1-8 Iq :. t
the atomic- size increases Li - 60 Cs Ba Tl Pb Bi Po
r,'~ t.h,m tht: nuclear charge. thereby
Na - 53 G 0-7 0-9 1-8 I9 Io :o
K - 48 .l.1 N (" R E A S N tl
~-.1.1 ~1r.f J net decrease in E.A .
Rb -47
E • -.n qC"••vih, vo 1· ,~r '"'0 1.,i f"irl nn
.\s an e'<.ception in group 17. fluorine has
(i) siz.e of atom and (ii) nud e.u· ( h:u·p .""
k l\\'-'f L -\. than chlorine and in group 16 oxygen has
\.1'\eJ FA sulphur. This is because the size of (i) Atomic sill': n,(, ,l! f'nl ft' f rl1r l f~t' pf 1l1r ,,11 ,,,1.

FlUlYUk' and OX) gen atom is very small. As a result. the lesser tlic r/ c,·rrp11r~ur1 1·H ,·. , 11wr 1ht
L~ cre stmng inter electronjc repulsions and thus rlcctrons lw i11,t.Z j~u t/1cr tn'\·u , .J,v ,,. tl1r '"" lt·u ,.
n'-n:m; electron does not fee l much attraction. c rpcric11 t"c 11 /o.w'r ~m '( t ,f ott,111 l•t'''
• F \ d1..1es nol show :i perl·ectl y re gular trend
\i i) Nudcor dun~c : n,r s,n ,tn llu- ,uu ln11
d1t11)<,<'. 1/i r l!1n1rr1 1/1r rln· tn •tU-1:uln·oL
J.. lfl; :1 penod or J group herause or number or
n .. q:-~\_1n,. ln g.eneral 11 becnmc~ les~ negative br c l\l M' 1nr 1c-.,'-c 111 I\Ut l n \ 1 1.: lhll f f r,n1,r . .
c k r l1Y111 1111 1,h 111 11, ,, 1th n ~1\'~1ll'1 h,,, f
~n ;om~ lrom top to bottom 111 ,1 grou p and more
.. m grnnf Imm lch to in a ~rirl(J.
Across o pt,lod
S 111 tT lhl" w,,lr,11 , h 11 fr
1 111~ ,rn"I''- llnr 11 , ~11
int' re ~&Pc: pf .:11 ;- 11_11 11 111 J mnl1·t ut,, In alt, ;11 1 11H , c:1-. 1' 111 ;\\11 11 111 1111111 1,r, .
. -: ,t..Jrrd p~,~ ,,1 f' 1 " trun . . tnw .1rd " 11'-CII 1,
. ..: Cu ,t , fi£Cfr0 Tlfga tfr tf\'. I, ., ,· 1, 11·111 /r 111 1111' . 1· , , 11 1d 1,111 ,,,L rk , 11 11
nro :1ll\1 t, ll\l 1, 111.n \1 , 1111 llth 111 11 1 t11 lh11 •1111r

l l1rn- 1
1. ·A11 111 I ,,- ,,, •. r 1 • \h
Il l ;111,1 1
ll \ 11 \1 .. I l I11\ \ 11 I

I ' • T ~ ll ' ll \'. 1 , . 11111 k -u , h-~, l '1 111, 1r :l-.1 <.. h ,1 d11, h , th
1d,l 1 11 ·11 111, ,t,, -he ll iii, .,,,,111, , 1, 11 1< 1~ 1\.1· . I I•
' f~~,._~- Fr, lff .:R R ~ - .\~•
Rf; .i\.S I(_~

• i-x::rE, ..... ... ~

• . .::C :i.+, ,;;;c ~

• Xa.::Jce- ::l-, .-~

e --~ ~
• ;~ -i ,g ;: :-

- - - - - - - - -- -

- - --- - ~

!; J

..S - Do wn a Group
p. ff" :K IO D ll PROPERT'IF ~ RE-%50

I ~~
(c) 1 ho moat olectronogallve olemont from tho following
olomont le ·
(l) Magnoulum (II) Chlorine
(llt) Aluminium (Iv) Sulphur . (2019)
9 l-xploln 11,0 tollowlno :
(o) Gro11p 17 olomonts aro strong non-metals, while
group l olomonts are st.rong metals.
(IJ) Motolllc chorootor of olomonts decreases from left
to rioht in o porlod while 11 increases in moving down
l\'l lllol.l '
I I lk I\ l • ,~, 1d r 1• 1•k11w 11t o group.

Pt·t 11-">ll \ :i~ M }!~ \ I ~ S1 (c) Halogono have o high electron affinity .
(d) Tho roduclng power of an element increases down

lnte~ Questions 1 in tho group while decreases in a period.

(o) Size of atoms progressively becomes smaller when
, 1a, Oeln1t lf'I<' tl'm, ·1l)f11sahon polontial' (2010)
we move from sodium (Na) to chlorine (Cl) in the
l t' ' Repn•sc:--t 1t ,n tho toin'I of on equation. In which unit
third perlod of the Periodic Table .
l 15 nlf'tlSured'
10 . Name the periodic property which relates to the :
, 100:satton Potential values depends on (R) atomic size 1
(a) amount of energy required to remove an electron
lb nudear pull. Ex.plain .
from an isolated gasaous atom ,
~ State the trends 1n ionisation energy :
(b) ch aracter of element which loses one or more
,a across the penod , electrons when supplied with energy.
b dov.n •he group.
(c) tende ncy of an atom in a molecule to attract the
~ Nane the elements with highest and lowest ionisation shared pair of electrons.
erergies m hrst three periods .
11 . This question refers to the elements of the Peri<xflC Table
5 a I Arr2nge the elements of second and third period in with atomic numbers from 3 to 18. Some of the elements
1"lcreas1ng order of ionisation energy. are shown by letters, but the letters are not the usual
l b ) The element with highest ionisation potential is : symbols of the elements.

A Hydrogen B . Caesium 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
C. Radon D. Helium (2020) A B C D E F G H
6 la) Define the term 'electron affinity' . State its unit. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
(2010) J K M N p
L 0
(b) Arrange the elements of second period in increasing Which of these :
order of their electron affinity . Name the elements \
(a) are most electronegative element ?
which do not follow the trend in this period .
(b) is a halogen ?
7. Electron aft1rnty valu es generally .. .... . .. ..... . across the
(c) is an alkali metal ?
period left to right and ........ .. .. .... down the group top
(d) is an element with valency 4 ?
to bot1 om
(e) have least ionisation Energy ?
8. (a) Define the term 'Etectronegativity' . State it s unit.
(I) have least atomic size in period 3 ?
(b ) Among the elemen_
t s given below , the element with
least Electroneg at1vity is : 12. A group of elements in the Periodic Table are given belov.
(boron is the 1irst member of the group and Thallium ii
(i) Lithium (ii) Boron
the last) .
(iii) Carbon (iv) Fluorine

~ ""' -"' ~!"n~~ ~ h ~ ' lN
\ I '•" (" l,>d/.. d,
11 '\Jf1" , /t~ lrf ,•; c lt-m r ·. ti( ,,. , ,
<\---.S"'¥' ~ ' ,~ I 1 11 r,, ,,.,,,, /\,. t ,,.",, , 1' •
~ 14,,. \f' tt' !N I • l)t'' W
._C •
"',l Qlll~t,_'1.",,."- 11 ' l 1 ,.
~ ,)I S' •"'' ...~ 11 l11 1 II hen ·,· 1I ( II 1 ,,,
~ """''' l lfl (l l't' lf 111,,
, m11•l r. ,11.,m w r1u (' 1· ,

a \'\~ ~ '(V 'J >lol'~ I mh ~r.,· liA,· ., 1.. 0 1 • I'
t~ f\)(\..;.I !H (''l 'll, •
,-h Jl,t l('t l'I ' rh,·1r 111 ,1,, s ,,,m,1>,·1'. l l ~ , ~ ,,,

,·,•r v1h' c• .11, , l I .toI MA,.,.

(ril \\~ ' h ~~ •t tw it ·<· , . ' ~l'
" '1.' d4 .l l~ (\'\ J._
~~ t'"' • t' h.V•,O 111~ t' I• 1
,, uru .'
h, ,~ ! {'Jo;.....~ :'\)_
~q t ' "' ' ,,1, ,
r, tt"E' ~" '11'.-,n lt.' '-"-" / /tr ,u •11 1, ,1'1,id1
,.- '4'"t'mho. ,., ',J
A I\ 11'1\11\' lln l ir. •' (\ hm ·,• " " Ocld
J l'l.-.... ~ ,, t~ ~- , '~ ~1 " tr'lero ·" the '""
/,J.. 1• '
1 , . II, H. 10 1; 2.\ 11
re~ sl~ II 1 •> • N n. t•t c· 14,,J/1t,. ,
/( {' f III ' <lf (J n, '
(l' C)a;J.lU'"'"l ' 1111111/11' /'.I f ll ' 1It, \1(1

/f' 11111'l/,( ' r
, ~, -hl.,-1 •,:-:-..~"li. -,t,,r,
,, ~'' •)•'> •~" \\' r rot 11 ed ~1 lll" tll
,·1t ,·,, 1 I ,N
and I1 11 . ., -I I(

',,r .:-, u1~ 0- ~ Cl..'!-~ 'x"'-IS141 r,, n1· I\

00 \\1)01'\ °'''''n roar-ts I 1hl1· I J . \ t t hll
11 1 11 tr 11 11 -. 111
tzt ·m 1 111 of dt
1·h-nu·11t ... ,, , .. , , 11
,. ,.
\\ ·he ei f> n~ ~ If'! t'lE • 111,,,,
' 9""'4-' h.1 th( ' nght I II 11 , I 11I
:,_ ,~ - i;·c-.JP be '""l< of this I
Atmn.Lr No. (1,) .. I
' "l:" "l"l ('t J " ' or los s mc,to lllc ,n Sy mh ol I N11. o1 pn ito
- - ~ ~ ' d.i s: f) 'I 111 llfo ,, N
(Ir. ..._ _ o !~
)'OUr a~ -e r (or 1114'c tro n ,) I
• ' ot011, •
H) d 1v~ c 11 II "'llh-o11t
Hrl 111 111 I-I r 2
' ' . I
J .,
, . l. 1th111 Ill
Bery lliu m
Li J

Vi e profH' At om ic number is Be 4

r1Y of an elem en Uoro n !)
elRnu-lZlS lu we rh e So L. beca use rro two B 5
atom ic number. .m R Ca rb on C II
• ~t om i.: ,u m be r 6
t Z l = :\ um be r of Nitrogen N 12
protons. 7
Ox ygen 14
= \" um be r of electro 0 8
• lt d.: , ungm~he~ ns . Flu ori n e 16
an el em e nt fro m ot 9
~a u- -- e he r elements . Neon Ne
.10 l \'- O el em en t~ have the 10
same at om ic Sodi um Na
Magne sium 23
• h f i, ~-- tl:e el ec Mg 12
tro ni c co nfi gura tio n Al um ini u m 24
, ~ .. a.n e' emen t v. of an element, Al I3
ith atomic number Si l icon 27
e! ec u-o m c co nf ig 13 will have Si 14
ur ation 2. 8. 3. Phosphorus 28
• Jz :,e!p~ us in I5
fin di ng the po si ti on Su l ph ur
th e pe ri oo ic ta ble of an element in 16
. Ch lo rin e 32
Cl 17
Fn r Lt ampl c. th e Ar go n 35, 37
el em enl wi th atom Ar 18
v. ill h,H e el ec tr i c numbe r 17 Pota ssium 40
on ic conf
igu ration 2, 8, 7. Th K
de m en t ,.,.·ill be plac is L Ca lcium
~ _l
ed in the Yd pe ri od Ca 0
17 i.e .. VI TA . becau~ of Group - 40
e it ha \ : ( i ) th re e ener
an d ( ii 1 ':.e\ en eleuro gy shell s
nc., in its o ut ermos t Note : (i) Elements w
shell. ith nip (neutron/proton )r.
M ass n u m b er (A ar ou nd I are stable
, e.g ., light metals lik
) e sof
r· h potass ium , ca lcium
,, !, I , etc.
. l I 1 • \.
l l if (ii ) E le m ents w ith
• I nip ratio 1•5 and abO \e
111 I ) I' Il Il II .... rad ioac ti
ve, i.e.. th ey emit radi u;
I I atio ns. Theyare uns
r,. fa s-. nu m be r (A ) ele ments, <'-K·· he av
= !\' o. of proton~ ( r) y met als like urani um .
+ No. of ne utron ~

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