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0 Stage II Proflclencu Level

(Solutions at Paper End)


Instructions Time : 3 hrs Max. Marks : 70

, This paper is divided into four section-A, 8, C and D. Answer all questions.
, section A consists of one question having sub-parts of one mark each. Section B consists of ten
questions of two marks each. Section C consists of seven questions of three marks each and
section D consists of three questions of five marks each.
, Internal choices have been provided in one questions each in Section 8, Section C and Section D.
• All working, including rough work, should be done on the same sheet as, and adjacent
to the rest of the answer.
, The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets (]
• Balanced equations must be given, wherever possible and diagrams where they are helpful.
When solving numerical problems, all essential working must be shown .
• In working out problems, use the following data:
1 1 3 1 1
Gas constant (R) = 1.987caldeg-1 mol- 1 = 8.314JK- mol- = 0.0821dm atm K- moC
1L atm = 1 ctm 3 atm = 101.3 J, 1 Faraday= 96500 Coulombs.
Avogadro's number (NA)= 6.023 x 10 .

(14 Marks)
■ Section A
(iii) The common name of pentanedioic acid
1. (A) Fill in the blanks by choosing the appropriate is ........ acid with ......... number of
word(s) from those given in the bracket. carboxylic acid.
(iv) The order of reaction with respe~t to A
[HCl, 3, ~' tetrahedral, anhydrous ZnClz, and Bis ......... and ......... respectively,
3 7
- -2
H2S0 4 , glutaric, ?__, octahedral, 2, Zn Cl 2, whose rate lciw is k[AP [BP •
3 (B) Select and write the correct alternative from
square planar, gluconic, I] the choices given below. (7 x l]
rd · 0f
(i) The geometry of[Fe(CN) 6 ]4- and (i) The element belonging to 3 senes
[Cu(CN) ] 2- are.,..... and ...... respectively. d-block element is
(ii) Lucas reagent is a mixture of cone. (a) La (b) Zn (c) Zr (d) Rh
........... and ......... .
54 ·on ( ,-..~ ) ~N -ethvlbenzen
· . ..~
(,-ti) AssertInamide is soluble m alka
.,.Jpho ch
:-w R Hydrogen atta td 5.
Reason ( ) ·de is strongly aeict· .
. 5ulphonailll
ID rtion and Reason ar
(a) Both As:e the correa explanat
Reason 1.5
:\.5, erti on. 6.
- ·- rtion and Reason are
(b t Both As_se nor the correct expl
Reason 15

. n lS true but Reason h

(c) Ass~o . false but Reason 1~
(d) Ass . en below carefull_
(C) Read ilie p assaae giv
;:, . ns that fo ow
the quesno
answer .als are always me
The standard poten:tions i.e. when !.hr 8
tandard con ' .
under s . 1 atrn concentranon
of a aas 15 . 2111
pressure -t ,
d the temperature is :,c
is 1 moldm ~ y standard condi?ons
:n:oweYer, ~racn used. The potential of
hardly achieved or tion can be written
elemode whose reac
: ::::e::~ form or reduction) as
::.. L.::.:;COC:: =- Mn-'- (aq) + ,ze- ---+ M(s)
.::. t:p.·~..? ~..:.?.
. measured aoainst
which 15 o standard by
elearnde, is 'IVIitten as
' ••
f 0
_ RT 1n [M]
nF 1
E (}i!"- /J.f) =E (M,,~. /_~f) [Mn..,_]

Ibis is known as the N ernst e quation .

(i) What is the effect of ~crease in
:: == =--<
::.~--- ,,=-::c:: .::::..:. Reaso::i 1are ::ue concentration of zinc ions on the _ele
- Jll.' - -=-"- •
- .: ::..,..,.,.._ ;, ---.,, ca~
~ - --\..CC.__'t...,_ .__ - - ' - exn.:.anat!o::i
potential of zinc electrode for which
c; =-::e -"l.556. ~~::_ E Z::J.-~;z.n
?· equals - 0 .76 V? .
~ Bc:2 _.:._s 5~c:: a1.:..:: Re.aso:::i a:e ::-..1e (ll) How can the reduction potennal of an
:~: ?~"L'= is :::w: ~e ~.:-.:::ec electrode increased?
=-.-.·=-=--=~- o=- ~Se:::o::::.
~'--.:--~-".-:- -_- • . -- ~ ._.: 1 (iii) \Vhat does the s~andard electrode po
- --i.SS::..'""2J= ~ ::-tae :::..r.: Rea.so_ IS .~e. of a metal being negative
... .,.ss;::20:: is=~-=~;_;_;: Reaso!l fs -eue. (Y: Zn-
\-- .,_ l b ==- 0.7632)indicate?

■ Section B
2. A. r~a.:::.5 e ~i :o:r~~5 a:zc:es .b orrier of (20 M ::-::--.Jn,5 i>'Jiil~- ·2"!
(i) ·what type of azeotropic mixture nill tb(y
l - formed?
(iH Whar type of de,iation is shm,n by th
4. Stare reasons for the follm,ing .
(i Di..azon.ium salrs of aromatic amines are
stable tha.a :hose of aliphatic amines.
(ti Beniene diazcnium s,i.}rs are more :1

C alkyl ~onium salts.

sa,,,pl• Question Paper 4 0 Slaga I Profldencu lftilll 55
l ch h In h I m1 , n
. ,l'n' (or th~ follo\\m~. (2]
r. r- ., ci mp< um.IX. t. nd
5. ~-·'' r, \ 1 t,ronurlc 11<1'- lught:r lmthn p1.1llll
111 ;J: 11
~~ct" 11c
.t,ul} l bromide.
011,tun· ,, opth,1lh m,h 11n·.
9. lhl' I lll 11(

1 r;itrnlate th cncr ol u
•hr b,1, 1, llf t.1ntlrnm11cl contt,ll 11nn, t·,plilm
6· l) .\ '
,, l,n, lll~ ( 2)
, ... , \,f hu11.hng m La .?o, ,md Lu ,20 l. 10. (i) Comtdcr the (ollo"'mg n (2]
, 1,l, l' tlw<.·omplc,(', oftuuh.rnl1id,; Cr.i ... Cu 2 •• Cu , F ,M
tc:-t for each to di~tingui,h
• ,, 11.· .. h,m1<.·,1l Identify the ion ,, h1ch ts
"" l \,
· '"·ru th,· folk'\\ in~ Pair of compound, [2] la) a ~trong reducing agent
.\, ,. : 1dL'i.,_, de and 1'e1r .ikkhyde (b) un-.table in aqueous soluuon
,,, 1.:lJc 1, de and accton~ (ii) \\'h} is europium {II) more stdble than
~ 'i\'l"
. \111ccd chemical equation to com·ert the cerium lll)?
..,. ' :"0·' \'l,!- [2] 11. {i) Give a reason lo expl;tiil wh) tramition
. 5.1.'k; laldehyde from phenol metal ions posses:. a great tendenC) to form
FrL'pan-1-ol from propene complexes? (2]
\\ tKn cthenc reacts with HBr, a compound (X) is (ii) The paramagnetic charact.:r in Jd-transition
f,,rn1ed. ,rhen compound (X) reacts with sodium series elements increases upto i\\n and then
cth0:,._ide compounds Y and Z are formed. Y on decreases. Why?

(21 Marks,
■ Section C
(ii) If a reaction has an equilibrium com~Jnt
12. 1n a reaction between A and B, the initial rate of K < l. then E 0 is positive or ne~.:ith e-: \ \ hat
reaction (r0 ) vvas measured for different initial is the yalue of K when E'° =0 V?
concentrations of A and Bas given below.
0.20 0.20 0.40 15. (i) What are nucleic acids:'
0.05 (ii) GiYe one example of .:m ct--1mu11.."' ..1d,t
8 mol L- 1 0.30
(iii) Write the structure l1f th1.' diperti.,k u:-in~
What is the order of the reaction ,-.rith respect to 16. Arr,mge the foll1.1winf. Cl'l11lh-'tm,k
A and B? [3] (C:!H.,)~NH. \C~H ...),~ CH..,~H ,
13. At .25:c, the vapour pressures of benzene (C 0 H 0 ) ,.. (i) ln the 1.knc,1~,n~ l,nk1 ,,1 lht'u b.1,t,
and toluene (C H 8 ) are 93.4 torr and 26.9 torr, ~\ rcng1 h in ,1qnl'\'\l'
respectively. A solution is made by mL-xing 35.0 g (ii) ln th1.• dl'(fL',l~in~ '-'lLk'I 1.)f tlll'il r.,,1~
of benzene and 65.0 g of toluene. [3] S\lL'l\!,'!th l\\ ~-\:' ph,l'L'

11, Calculate m<1le fraction of benzene and 17. hkntif, 1hr llllll\'1.'\\1\l\-. B .rnd 1. m 1\w
\1.,l\t1\\ tn~ h',ldl\'1\'
fiil At what applied pr\.'')SllfC in torr, will thb
n11,1->\-1l ~1
solution boil at 25 C?

\i) The conductivity uf o 20 M ')0!111ion 11! 1,l I.

at 298 K is 0.0248 S llll . < ,ill ul.itc 11,
molar conductivity. Pl
r 56
18. com
plete th e following reactions.
H -Br - - - ·Ag "-
CH 3 C 2 + O ~ J\
(i) H -Br ----Ag /
CH3C 2 D

(ii) CH 3- 0 - CH2Cl + CH3MgI~ ~

~ CH3 COCVAnhyd. AlCl3
1. (A )
(iii) l 8 )

■ Section D 0
(15 Mar~ (B)

1S• . . the value of Arn and A for l<(I

( .. ) What 1s. th e amount of charge reqUired
n to carry ou t the conversion .cof11 I mole
. of A:
. t0 Al according to the 10 ow:mg
: C:a-'~,..S:-- CO.:: :):\·~
. _ Al3+ +3e- ~ A l ('
.:: C.::"3 c:2.::COOH-5r.: - ~ ----,. Or .
~ · ._._ ,, ..::-._ ..,._a::~de ion has more number
-'"l---... - ~ ~ -
(i} At 2soc the ~pecific condu~tance of a
saturated solution of Agel 1s
c: :-::::~--.::a~ sm.r.:rures than carbo,\.ylate 1
52::., G....~·~c add is a srronger add than 3.4lx 10-{>.rr cm- 1 and that of water is
~?_~i.. g:"Yc :-m .reasons. 161 x 10-6 .rr1cm- 1 .
....~ ~e 22.)-£5 o: (Ft. explain why Co (ill) The molar conductance at infinite
:2=:s ~~glleric octahedral complex
dilution for Ag+ and c1- ions are
~± =e~ fe":.c. ligands whereas ir fonns 1
~s=:Ie:i.: OC-uiliedral complex w.ith 61.920- cm 2 moi- 1 and
[5] 76340- cm -i moi- 1 respectively.
f :r::i :1:e l:.:-v::dsation and .magnetic nature
13-• Calculate the solubility of AgCl in gram li
n~ -·-""
'"'- - ' - 4.=~-'-AL~_;_nr C"T)
-a""l"~J.,-,.-r\r _, 6
21. at the given temperature. (
fiJ :"SE 1::wx conduGiviry (Am) of KCl solution,
AgCl ~Ag+ + Cl -
~: ~~e;:: co:::cen~ation ar 298 K, is plotted
~ s.::G»n fu 6e figure given below. [ 3] (ii) Calculate A~ for acetic add,

Given that, A~ (HCI)==426 Scrn2 mo1-I

A~(NacI) ==126 Scm 2 mo1- 1

A~(CH3cooNa) ==91Scrn 2 rno1- 1
o u ions
(VII) ( I) i\\ C"rll!lll 1111
h I he c,111 t;l I uq, ii l
N rthylh 11rrn,
h}rllt!J:1.:11 i1lt11tl1
11ulpl11,11o111111lr I
t ' I •
.ii l\nhtll_S: 1tw ... "-'n 1.'ll •11, nt,, onh w"l•C1ongs
,.,h d11rin)( 1c.iuton
1 ' • (C) (I) AcnmlinK lo N1'111\t f'tjllutlon, lh
,, • ,, ..-, 1 b,· l'llf:<; to l' scnc, Rh d
1 ,d,· .. • an Lr pol1.:nl1JI ol rim 1h•i,cnel, 011 the
tx· ,' 1,:, 1<' - st '7C', c.,1 1ra.ns1tton nictah. or ,.inc ion, .
t, } h">f ..1 n1..'n-sp1."'ntaneous reaction. the :.Ez ,. = /.!aZn H J. JOJ Rf
' ":.,d.ud .:han~c in Gibbs free cnerg) .iG o and n /In - Ir lZn
, ln +
1 1 ,· ~tandard cell potential F~u will be positive Hence, electrode potrnti,il will mcrca ¥i I
.u1d negati\·e respecth ely. increase in conccntralion ot Zn 2• loi,
t :: 1 1t, \ Hinsberg reagent is used for distinguishin (ii) For the electrode reacnon,
t,ctween I ,., -,~ and 3° amme. · It forms an alkarg1 ff'i+ + ne- ~ M
soluble product "ith 1° amine, alkali insolubl
pwuuct w1'th"c - amme . and do not react with e E -Eo RT l
Mn+ IM - M"~ IM - - In - -
nF {M,....)
3" amine.
Hence. (CH 3 hN is correct choice. = E Mn+ , M + RT ln [ Mit+-1
(id (a) (Cr(H:P)~r} S04 gives a white ppt. of
:.Electrode poi.ential can be mcrea,ed e.1thc1
BaS0 4 when reacted with BaC12 solution as it
by increasing metal ion concentration. l M"•}
gi\•es sot ions in solution. .
or temperature T.
(\·) (b) Secondary alcohols can be prepared by
reacting Grignard reagent with aldehyde and
(ill) Ezn2+ /Zn = -0.7632 Vindicates that zinc
ester. The steps involved in the process are as electrode acts as anode when coupled to NHF.
follows Since, oxidation takes place at anode
H .therefore oxidation potential is po::.iti\ e but
. I reduction potential is negative.
Ciff;CHO+ .RMgX ~ C2H5-C-OMgX
Aldehyde I 2. (i) Increasing order of boiling point
R (CH3hN < C2H 5 NH 2 < C~H4)H
Alcohols have higher boiling point a, comp.m.·d h)
OH that of amines because OX) gen bcin~ nwre
H30+ /
--CiH~HOHR + Mg electronegative fonns stronger hydrogen l,\ond a,
(2° alcohol) "'-oR compared to that of nitrogen.
R In tertiary amine. there is no h\ drn~t'n hond
I formation takes place due leJ the ab,~11-c tlf
RCOOC.iH 5+ RMgX ~ H-C-OMgX H~atoms and hence, hus the h1n ~· ~1 bt,1 1ng \){)\Ilt.
Ester I (ii) Due to electron withdr,:ming l'ltl.'d 01 . 1t .1~'\'t\,
group, the lone pair of 1.•ktrnw,, ,1n '\ .,1,)m t,
OH attracted by acctyl group \~ ,, r t•,\ i\1 It, H p.m <lf
H 3 0+ /
-~RiCHOH+ Mg electrons on N •atom i, not ,·,du,1h'h ,\\ n\.1b',
(2°alcohol) '-.._X for donation to thl' bcn ' t'\\l.' 111t~ .uhl lu·1"~
activating clkll 1lf t h1..· ~ 11, ~rnnp ,, rt'd\\, dl
Hence, (b) is the correct option.
· · · t [R} and (Cl
(VI) (a) tv 2 of zero order rcacmn 1s 112 = 2k •• :\ II
Nll t l H,
therefore, t of zero order reaction dcpc11ds
on concentration of reactant.
Thus both Assertion and Reason are true and
Reas~n is the correct explanation of Assertion.
oSf09e l
58 d crcas Cs covalenL
. char cltli-r in, ,
6. the size c
(i) A~crcfore, LaP3
. more ioruc and L11/J ,
I is ,10 11
i d 11tm1f()rn .
•ctoni: ,int , 1n1pc, .
( i I Thf' Jlll\ IUfT~~:,•~~1111111 bl1ilir~\~:~,ll0 ,Tova lent.O f the compJcxes of lamhanoirh
j()Jl tn1t1l
3. pk O .. \1 1\l
t" . . , ,lw" ~ mi-;,_ . , ,~c in (Ji) srabilitY d benzaJdehyde Atc1a1
. ) Tht' m1 :-. tt1tl t,, 111 , c ,,t ll ll Tl, • 11 bl' IWt'l'll
t.aJdchyde an L w h ich reduce~ reh11n
(u R,,,,ulr ' l,111 l;,~1 ,,·, ,,1,llll ,ll'llll
ill'k, ulJt . i 7. Ac~as reducing
(i) acts agJccJ~•cd
•Ls ox i .,
to carboxyla tr ir,n a1
i1Hc11 i hl1'"'!11111 . ore
I.L'h'llf ,1111 ' ., nine~ ,ue 111 solution. I~f;o·cuprous oxide.
2+ + soI-r -►
, . ·s due to rhe
· 1·1 , l I(, l,f ,11111 11 ,111(·,,nl!Jlllll:, reduce Cu
·, l~•J ,u1111 .• f , liph,tllt , the
CH3- c-
4. 11 I n thl"l' l' , . charge on H + 2Cu
,1.1rt,• I '• ft he pc1sit1,·c h resonating II
, l,' ~ho\\·n t,dow by t e
t-cn-l'll<' nu~ •1· · e 0
~tn1,1Urt:'~. e e •••

-I- -j
t/~•~N:- (a
----. EB •• N= • c H3 0 +c
Carboxylate ion 10. <

d is not OXl.d I.sed by Fehling solut

Benzaldehy e tone Acetaldehyde &i'ft
(ii) AcetaJdehyde an:e:c:eated with Tollen's
silver mirror test w

N= N·.
+ .J, .~. e
reagent. ) + + 20H-
O + 2(Ag(NH3 2 1
CH3CH Tollen 's reagent
Acetaldehyde .,J,, + 4NH + H20
CH3COOH + 2Ag. 3
Silver :rmrror
For getting maxim~m marks e . t hi s test because it does
Acetone does not give
following value point must b h ave a- hydrovu
" I ketone group.
included in these type of answer.
m!JPoint 8. (i) OH ONa

While writing the explanation of
question draw its resonance form
also. 0 +CHCl3
Phenol Chloroform
(ii) Benzene diazonium salts are more stable
b duering
the dispersal of positive charge over enzene
caused by resonance. On the other hand,
aliphatic diazonium salts do not have a fused
double bond to get stability by resonance.
Dil. HCI
- NaCl
S. (i ) For isomeric alkyl halides, the boili1:g pointshin benzaldehyde
decrease with branching because With branc g, ( Salicylaldeh yde )
the surface area of the alkyl halide decreases and (ii) 3CH3 -CH=CH2 + (H-BH2)i ~
hence, the magnitude of van der Waals' forces of Propene Diborane
arrracrion decreases.
Therefore, n-butyl bromide (CH CH CH CH Br) 3CH3 -CH2 -CH 20H + B(OH 12.
3 2 2 2
has higher boiling point than tert-butyl bromide. Propan-1-ol
CH3 Or When e thene reacts With h y drogen bromide ii
I forms bromoethane (X) w hich on reacts with
sodium ethoxide forms ethoxyethane (Y) and _
tH3 sodium bromide (Z).

Iii/ l<a<,mic mi""'" C<>nfain, two enanriomers, i.e. d . Ethoxye/hane (Y) on hydrolysis With dil. H,SO,
and/. forms in equa/ P<oponiuns and possesses forms anare
involved alcohol, i.e. e thyl a lcohol. The reaction
zero ?Pt1c~/ rotalion as the rota!ion of Plane
polansed ughc due to one ,isomer Will be
ca, = ca, + aar--.., ca 3 - ca,-Br
ranee/led by !he rorafion due fo !he o/her isom
(X )
Thus. !he lllixfure Wi/1 be optically inacfive. er. C2H5 0 Na Dil. H SO
~ C2Rs()CiJ-I 5+ NaBr 2 .
(Y) (Z) tA
,-"C"'(l7 + 273) K = 300K, if k1 = k, tht:n at T.z - 37 c
J,,g 2 3205 , , 2
9. fi ::: - I , 73) K = 3 IO K,
k 2 = 2k
1)4 ,
"'1 17 + .- g 10 Arrhenius equation, X I ,
.\ceordJJl fJ J< JIJ
, k2 -~(Ti -Ti)
Iog-- 1 li11,, urdei ol ti r , ,
ki 2. 303R T1T;:, I '5 :uH_l U. re J){'(I A

we gel 2k _ F,, x (310- 300) K
( i) l'anial vapour JJI,
Jogk - 2.303, 8.314 JK mo1 - 1 (300 x 310) K .Partial vapour pzc
E,i 10 1
Ii>~~= 2.303x8.314 '<300x3 10(Jmol-) l. 1 I
Given, mai.r. ofC,)f, 3:, ~
f ., =53603.9J mol- 1 =53.6kJmo1- 1 CJ-f f:H 3 = (,5 g
Therefore, number of moles of
10 (a) cr + is a strong reducing
4 3
agent as it itself
C,,J.1,, = ., Ma i ,Jf C,jf,,_
iO, undergoes from d to d configuration easily. ,.., la
••o r man of c,.,.fi,
Therefore, behaves as reducing agent.
(b) cu+ ion is unstable in aqueous solution Molar mass of CJf 6 = i2 ,,. 5 - , ,,. t;,
because the enthalphy of hydration cu+ ion is = 72 - t,: - ~; ~, -
very small. Thus, it disproportionate into cu 2+ Therefore, the numi:>er ,;,"" ..,..,-:,Jtt:.' c,y ~ is
and Cu. 35
(ii) Electronic configuration ofEu 2+ is [Xe]4J 7 5do and 78
0 ce 2+ is [Xe]4 /15d . Since, Eu 2+ has half-filled
Number ofmole-s ofC<if5(E: 3
4/-configuration, therefore it is more stable.
11, (i) Due to small size and high effective nuclear charge
of transition metal atoms or their cations, they have Molar mass ofCJi~H 3
a high positive charge density on them. This high = 12 ,,. 6 - ~,,. 5 - 12 - • ~ 3
positive charged density makes the atoms or cation
to attract the lone pair of electrons from the ligand,
= 92gm01--
in their vacant d-orbital and thus can form L ➔ M Therefore, the number of mole5 :fC-F5CE3 :s
coordinate bonds. 65
(ii) Paramagnetic character increases with the increase nc~,CH3 = 92 = o.-'J -
in the number of unpaired electrons. The larger is Now, the mole fractions oiC~,, ~ C~_;-'3.: ;.;i:
the number of unpaired electron in central atom or
ion greater is the paramagnetic character. Since,
from Sc to Mn number of unpaired electron
increases and then from Fe to Zn decreases hence,
paramagnetic character also increases from Sc to
Mn and then decreases from Fe to Zn.
12. Rate law states that rate =k [At [ B]Y
(Rate)1 =k[0.20Y[0.30]Y=5.07x 10-5 ... (i)
(Rate)i=k[o.20y [OlO]Y=S.07 x 10-.s ... (ii)
(Rateh=k[OAOY [o.os]Y =l.43 x 10- ... (iii)
On dividing Eq. (i) by Eq. (ii), we get
P¼Hc,CH, = r"Cc,HsCF ..C.., --=
(Rate)1 = k[0.20t [0.30]Y = 5.07 xl0-5 = l = ~o.9 vQ.6 ::=:ti.;6
(Rateh k[0.20t [OlO]Y 5.07 xl0-
Total vapour pressure of tbc
(3]Y =(3] 0
Pitu..'. =r-,u - r,r ..:"-'
y=O =3 b.24 - lti4<:> =5:..- '7
Now, on dividing Eq. (iii) by Eq. (ii), we get
4 14. ( i) Molar conducm1t\
(Rateh k (0.40)x (0.05) 0 1.43 x 10- ..-: xlOOO 0.024S 1d _ . ~ , a::: -::,n,.

5 I =----= - -l-4 -
(Rate)2 k (0.20,X (010) 0 5.07 x 10- ·m Molan~· O.~0mol cm- ·

2.s2os = r (1)° = r
ly r
a.stage II Proficiency Level i8c,eC
60 Or

. . ,n Lhat compound C having lht•

00591 . IL 1s give 111q1
(ii) Eo= ___:..__ Jot,? K · la C .i.1 7N is formed by heating um 111
forrnu <' 6' , , f 1(1111 (ii)
II and KOH. This 1s a Ho mann b,, ,,,
wit h Br2 . · 1111ij,,
If K < I (s,1y 0.01 ), then degradation reac:uon. ,,

(1() 'lQ I -.2X 0.059
E" = lo)'! no 1- 11 " e compound B is amide and ch J 11 ,1.,
Thcre1or ,
. lf Eo-
F~ is thus lll')l,lll\'C. -
ov,, then K=l The only amine having Lhe molecular fo11111,1dr
. hich are found is aniline.
15. N11rkic ,u:irls tl ~t' b1?~101ccu 1e~ w
(i) of
in the nuclei ol all hvmg cells m the fon~ Therefore B musl be benzamide (CJisCONJi
11 • Ph
nudeoproteins or chromosomes. The mam d is fonned by heating compoun d A WI·th aqur!Jii• str
f11nc1ion of nucleic acids involves the storage an ammonia. Therefore, compound A must be btn, les
expression of genomic information. They are of
acid. cai
two types : DNA and RNA. str
(ii) Alanine, H2N-CH-COOH COOH CONH2

6 6
I • Th
BrifKOH elt
CH 3
(iii) When two unit of alanine combine, a dipeptide is
Hofmann-Bromamldc ( wl
formed with the loss of a water molecule. Bcnzolc acid Benzamfdc
degradation reacllon
(A) (B) "' i;J
II CH3 CH 2\

l :..o:
/0 s~
I I CH3 CH 2
CH3 CH 3
'Diethyl ether }'~
(A) a~
~H2N- CH-i-C-NH...i....CH-COOH+H
I . ................... I 20
! II L............ .
+ 2Ag
20. (i) !

16. (i) The order of basicity of ethylamines in aqueous

medium is decided by the inductive effect,
CH 3
(ii) CH3-0-CH2Cl + CH3Mgl Dry ether
r , I soJvation effect and steric hindrance is as follows

secondary > tertiary > primary CH3 -0CH 2 CH3 + Mg (Cl)l

So, the correct decreasing order of basicity is Ethyl methyl Chloromagn
ether iodide
.. (C2H5)2NH > (C2H5'3N > C2H~H2.. (iii)
(n) Bas.icity of ~ e s in gaseous phase is only

decided by mductive effect and follows the order.

(C2H5)3N > (C2H5)iNH > C2H~H
(i) C .J:l5N02 Fe/HCJ NaN02+ HCJ
CJi5NH2 ---'"--....:..:.+
Aniline 273 K

CJi5N ==Ncr Hio!H·+

Anhy. AlCJ3

+ ,_i~
Benzene diazonium t:,.
Ctfi!)H P-methoxy (Minor)
chloride Phenol acetophenone
NO (B) (C) (Major)
2 N02 19. {i) (a)

(il) @ "'° '-,@i ~

+ Cl, 1

<=}=o + NH,-NH-LNH, _I[_,

nitrobenzene 1
(b) CH3MgBr + CO 2 _Dry ether (iij
~ ' ~~ON~cr H + ➔ CH 3 COOH

~ C l 273-278 K
~ Cl (c) CH3CH2COOH + Bf2----➔
(B) m-chlorobenzene
diazonium chloride CH 3 -CH-COOff
, sample Question Paper 4
OStaga II Proftc~ I.AMII
' .;ii,·C' " " ' 61

CN- being strong field ligand, paired up the

d-electrom of the metal. Thus,
3d 4s 4p
I1L I1l I jxxjxxj §1 Ex\-<xjxx\

. ''llltt1t- dl sp 3- hybrid bation

.. { .ti 2 3
-~ Hybridisation is d sp . Since, there is no unpaired
electron, so it is diamagnetic.
·ide ion has non-equivalent resonance
, I "°It p(ll'I\OX . h .
Ills •c
• ·turcs in which the negative c arge 1s at the 21. (i) A plot of Am(y·axis) and ✓ C(x-axis) is shown in
stfUL . b h
· .. , electronegauve car on atom, w ereas m .
k·~~t r . b th h . figure . It can be seen that it is nearly a straight line.
fll()i( . ot· carboxylate 10n o t e resonatmg
CJ~t' . From the intercepts (✓ C = ~- we find that
strUctures are eqmvalent .
A':n =150.0 S cm 2 mol- 1 and
I , negative charge is delocalised over two
,1 tronegative oxygen atoms m car boxylate ion, . A-m - A.m1
• Tlt: . 149-148.6
A=+ slope= ~2 r;:;-
ewhereas ·ct · h · h
in phenox1 e 10n, t e negative c arge less vC2 -..;C1 0.010-0.015
ffectively delocalises over one oxygen atom and
=--=- BOS cm 2 mo1-1/( mo1-1) '/2
~ess electronegative carbon atoms.
s the carboxylate ion is more resonance (ii) The number of electrons involved in the reaction is
st\msed than phenoxide ion. Thus, the release of three. Therefore, the amount of electricity required
0 a
roton from carboxyli c ac1'd 1s
. much easier. t h an
for one mole of Al 3+ ions= 3F or 3 x 96500 C
from phenol. Hence, carboxylic acid is a stronger
acid than phenol.
Or (i) Given, A«> + = 61.920.- 1cm 2 mol- 1;
20· (i) With weak field ligands, A 0 ~ P, (pairing ene~gy) Ag
so, the electronic configuration of Co (III) will be Aa,
·,:;1 -
=76.34n- 1cm-2mo1- 1
t 4 e2, i.e. it has 4 unpaired electrons and is
29 9 Since, AgCl is a sparingly soluble salt, its saturated
paramagnetic. solution may be regarded as an infinitely dilute
1 1 tg solution. This,
x~y• dz2 /{'1lt _ A«> + A«> _
m - Ag+ ..Cl
~ 1~ 1 1 1 1 I---+ --------------·L\,
rae~ um gait==
61.92+ 76.34 =l38.260.- 1cm2 mol- 1
d-orbital 1~ 1 1 t2g Moreover, K531t = Ksotution - Kwater
3 d,,, dyz dzx ==3.41 xl0-6 -1.61 xl0-6

With strong field ligands Ao> P (pairing energy), =l.80xl0- 6 n.- 1cm- 1
so pairing occurs thus, the electronic The molar conductivity is related to specific
configuration will be t19e~. It has no unpaired conductivity as
electrons and is diamagnetic. Asalt - Ksalt xlOOO ⇒ M == Ksatt x~OOO
nm - M ~t

1.8 xl0-6 xlOOO ==1.3 xl0-5 mol 1-1

1~ 1 1 1 5 L-1
Degenerate Solubility of AgCl ==1.3 xlO- mol
d-orbital 1~ 1~ 1~ t2g == (1.3 xl0-5) x143.5
dif d.yz dzx [Molar mass of AgCl =143.5 g/mol]
-3 -I
(ii) Oxidation number of Fe in the complex == 1.86 xlO gL
(Mn(CN) 6 ] 3- is x+ 6(-1)=- 3,x==+J. ~
5 2 (ii) A':n(cH 3COOH) ==¾+ 0
+ CH 3COO-
. of Mn 15
Electronic configuration · [Ar]3d 4s . o o -Ao .
0 == ¾++ act-
0 Ao + Ao +K + - ¾a• Cl
CH3COO- . "Na
3/ 452 _ 4~P__,.-,
Mn atom IR11 1111 I ] 00 [ I I J Ao
=!'l..m (HCI) + nm
) -A~(NaCI)
2 -1 -39lSCTil mol
2 -1
0 0
== (426+91-126)Scm mol -

Mn J + ion

11 11 11 11
IJ□ I IJ [ 4p

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